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The state of knowledge of the alien marine Mollusca in Italy is reviewed and updated. Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792), Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 and Haminoea japonica Pilsbry, 1895are here considered as established on the basis of published and unpublished data, and recent records of the latter considerably expand its known Mediterranean range to the Tyrrhenian Sea. COI sequences obtained indicate that a comprehensive survey of additional European localities is needed to elucidate the dispersal pathways of Haminoea japonica.Recent records and interpretation of several molluscan taxa as alien are discussed both in light of new Mediterranean (published and unpublished) records and of four categories previously excluded from alien species lists. Within this framework, ten taxa are no longer considered as alien species, or their records from Italy are refuted. Furthermore, Trochocochlea castriotae Bellini, 1903 is considered a new synonym for Gibbula albida (Gmelin, 1791). Data provided here leave unchanged as 35 the number of alien molluscan taxa recorded from Italy as well as the percentage of the most plausible vectors of introduction, but raise to 22 the number of established species along the Italian shores during the 2005–2010 period, and backdate to 1792 the first introduction of an alien molluscan species (Littorina saxatilis) to the Italian shores.  相似文献   

The Pinus halepensis Mill. forest vegetation of the central-eastern European Mediterranean basin (France, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece) is described here. This study was carried out considering published and unpublished phytosociological data, with the organisation of a systematic classification (syntaxonomic scheme) of the order Pinetalia halepensis according to the principal floristic variations, at multiple spatial scales and according to the physiognomic–structural, floristic, ecological and biogeographical characteristics. Five alliances and 25 associations are recognised.  相似文献   

In this paper a critical annotated checklist of 256 endemic and near endemic species belonging to 152 genera and 50 families of flowering plants known from Hyrcanian relict forests is presented. Distribution maps of taxa, elevational range, number of known records, chorotypes, life forms, IUCN threat categories and habitat types are also provided. The chorotypes are categorized into eight main patterns: 1) the Omni-Hyrcanian pattern(OH), 2) West Hyrcanian pattern(WH), 3) Manjil-Rudbar pattern(MR...  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the spatial patterns of sampling effort and species richness of pteridophyte in a well-investigated region as Tuscany, Italy, by using data stored from a geodatabase storing information on the specimens preserved in the main herbaria of the region. A total of 6,905 records about pteridophyte specimens were extracted from the geodatabase, and 5,638 of such specimens were studied through the use of spatial statistical techniques. The data about the sampling effort and species richness were analysed in relation to topographical variables to assess any significant relationship. Specimen-based rarefaction techniques were used to compare areas with different number of detected species. The analysis of the sampling effort data showed a nonhomogeneous distribution of herbarium data, with some areas being intensively sampled and others being almost unsampled. Thus, the geographical distribution of specimens was extremely clustered. The comparison across geographical areas through specimen-based rarefaction curves showed great differences in species richness and sampling completeness. The analysis of the residuals of species–area relationships evidenced that the distance to water bodies was the only significant topographical variable in controlling species diversity.  相似文献   


In contrast to the traditional view that Scottish Bracken (Pteridium Scop., Hypolepidaceae sensu Page, 1976) is a single, uniform taxon, evidence is presented that two species, each represented by multiple subspecies, are present in Scotland. These belong to two different species complexes within Pteridium, the P. aquilinum complex and the P. latiusculum complex. The P. aquilinum complex is represented by P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, with at least three subspecies: subsp. aquilinum, subsp. atlanticum C.N. Page and subsp. fulvum C.N. Page. The P. latiusculum complex is represented by P. pinetorum C.N. Page & R.R. Mill with at least two subspecies, subsp. pinetorum and subsp. osmundaceum (Christ) C.N. Page. Only P. aquilinum subsp. aquilinum is an aggressive weed which is a widespread problem to man; the others are rare. The paper establishes the nomenclatural priorities, typification, taxonomy, morphology, known distribution and ecology of all bracken taxa so far known from Scotland. The typification of P. aquilinum is discussed. There is no conflict between the two lectotypifications of Try on (1941) and Sheffield et al. (1989); both relate to the common bracken of the mid- and southern-latitudes of Europe, for which the existing epithet aquilinum must therefore be retained. It is pointed out that some of the other European taxa of bracken might well also yet be found within the British Isles, as well as, perhaps, other (especially possible diploid) taxa as yet undescribed.  相似文献   


Chromosome number knowledge of the Italian vascular flora is stored in the online database Chrobase.it, which includes 6723 records, referable to 3428 taxa, 2799 accepted species and subspecies (about 35% of the national flora), and 3410 different chromosome countings (cytotypes). Appropriate queries to Chrobase.it allowed us to calculate mean, modal and median chromosome numbers for the Italian vascular flora, for geographical subgroups (islands, south, centre, north) and for selected orders, families and genera. Chromosome number data were available for 41 out of 55 orders (74%) and 107 out of 428 families (67%), represented by 664 out of 1297 genera (51%). The most studied administrative regions are Sicily (844 taxa), Tuscany (592 taxa), and Sardinia (390 taxa), while the most studied families are Asteraceae (465 taxa), Fabaceae (266 taxa), Brassicaceae (158 taxa), and Poaceae (144 taxa). Chromosome numbers range from 2n = 6, occurring in several species of Hypochaeris (Asteraceae), to 2n = 240, occurring in Ophioglossum (Ophioglossaceae), Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) and Arenaria (Caryophyllaceae) (mode is 2n = 18, and median is 2n = 24). Chromosome number variability was analyzed by frequencies (linear plots) and ANOVA, resulting in significant differences among geographical groups (mean chromosome number increasing from islands-south to centre-north) and selected taxa. B-chromosomes occur in 5.3% of data (148 taxa) and their number is not significantly different among geographical areas, while they occur only in 14 orders, 17 families, and 56 genera. The number of B-chromosomes ranges from 1 to 13 (mode = 1, median = 2).  相似文献   

附生植物是山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分。因受林冠调查技术限制, 人们对林冠附生植物知之甚少。本文在前人有关西双版纳植物区系研究的基础上, 结合野外调查和标本资料, 对该地区附生植物的物种组成与分布进行了整理。结果表明, 西双版纳热带森林附生维管植物共有29科134属486种, 约占全部维管植物的11%。附生兰科是最丰富的类群(69属293种), 其中以石斛属(Dendrobium) (49种)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum) (48种)物种数最多。蕨类是仅次于兰科的附生类群(13科38属97种), 其中水龙骨科(51种)占附生蕨类总数的50%以上。基于生活史和养分来源的划分标准, 该地区48%的附生物种属于兼性附生, 其次是以兰科为主的专性附生(46%), 半附生仅占6%。从区系上看, 西双版纳附生植物属的分布具有明显的热带亚洲性质。附生植物主要分布于资源受限的林冠生境, 对环境变化极为敏感, 在人为干扰日益加剧的背景下, 这类植物正面临严重威胁。因此, 需要加强对西双版纳林冠亚系统的保护。  相似文献   

The specialised flora of serpentine outcrops in Tuscany (Italy) is analysed in terms of species richness and geographic variation, in order to identify main centres of diversity and provide a basis for conservation programmes. Five edaphic groups are distinguished, among which obligate endemics, serpentine-preferential taxa, facultative basiphilous and facultative calcifuge serpentinophytes. Relatively low diversity (87 taxa) and high taxonomic distinctiveness (28.7% of endemics plus preferentials) underscore the insular condition of the ophiolitic outcrops. Hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes are the dominat life-forms, in line with the mainly continental character revealed by the phytogeographical analysis. Presence/absence of the taxa in 10 serpentine island systems was assessed using literature and original field data. Number of species and surface of the areas are significantly correlated. Cluster analysis identifies five groups of areas, while ordination indicates the species which are more effective in determining the floristic differences among the areas. Cecina valley, Monte Ferrato, Murlo hills and upper Tiber valley are the main centres of endemism and taxonomic diversity. However, the positive relationship between floristic and geographic distances and the remarkable proportion of species with frequency < 50% highlights a considerable among-area variation. To ‘catch’ such variation, a network of distant protected sites appears more effective than to search for single areas with high diversity. At least one site in each of the five clusters should be included in a ‘Important Plant Area’ network which would ensure the conservation of such a peculiar component of the Italian vascular flora.  相似文献   

Aim To determine if the temporal and spatial pattern of alien plant invasion and native plant expansion can be observed using 100 years of herbarium data from Oklahoma, USA, and to eliminate herbarium collection biases in such analyses. Location Oklahoma, USA. Methods Using herbarium records from the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database from 1903 to 2004, we reconstructed the spatial and temporal collection history of two alien invasive taxa (Lonicera japonica and Tamarix spp.) and three native expansive species (Ambrosia psilostachya, Amphiachyris dracunculoides and Juniperus virginiana). To compare the overall collecting trend, groups of native non‐expansive taxa were selected as counterparts. We recorded the year of the first collection in each township in Oklahoma for all taxa. The cumulative number of occupied townships was log‐transformed, plotted against time and modelled with linear regression. The slope of the linear regression represented collection trend over time for the non‐expansive counterpart group. However, for the invasive and expansive species, the regression slope represented the collection effort plus the invasion or expansion rate. We calculated the proportion of invasive and expansive species to non‐expansive species by dividing the cumulative number of townships for each invasive or expansive species by the cumulative number of townships occupied by the counterpart group (proportion curve). Results Maps of the collection records of invasive and expansive taxa illustrated no discernible spatial invasion or expansion pattern. The slopes of the linear regression for alien invasive taxa were significantly steeper than those of their associated native non‐expansive counterparts, indicating an increase in abundance. Juniperus virginiana, L. japonica and Tamarix spp. exhibited one or more periods during which they were collected at a disproportionately higher rate than their native non‐expansive counterparts. Main conclusions Patterns of species invasion and expansion in Oklahoma were detected using techniques developed for regions with longer collecting plant histories. The proportion curve analysis eliminated some biases inherent in herbarium data by reducing the effect of collecting effort. Both the regression model and proportion curve analyses illustrate the temporal invasion patterns of alien invasive species. The native species did not show a clear expansion pattern. The information found in recently established herbaria may not be sensitive enough to detect the increase in abundance of native species.  相似文献   

The Pilosella alpicola group comprises four morphologically distinct and geographically vicariant alpine taxa. We performed a thorough herbarium revision and literature survey to infer their distributional pattern(s). Pilosella alpicola s.s. occurs in the Alps in two disjunct areas: the Swiss Valais Alps and the Italian Dolomites. Historical records come also from the Austrian Alps (Gurktaler Alps and Hohe Tauern) and from one site from the Alpes Maritimes (Col de Larche), but the localities have not been recently confirmed. Pilosella rhodopea, a Balkan subendemic taxon, is quite widespread in Bulgaria (Stara planina Mts, Rila Mts and Pirin Mts), but is more rare in Albania, Greece and Macedonia. Interestingly, this species has also been recorded at two isolated sites in the Romanian southern Carpathians (the C?p??înii and Cozia Mts). This occurrence underlines the floristic affinities of this part of the Carpathians to the Balkan flora. Only two localities of P. serbica, based on voucher specimens, have been recorded so far; Kopaonik Mts in Serbia and the Prokletije Mts in Montenegro. The records from other ranges are related to P. rhodopea. Pilosella ullepitschii, the detailed distribution of which has already been published, is a Carpathian endemic with its core area of distribution in the western Carpathians (Slovakia and Poland). Three isolated localities are also known in the eastern Carpathians (Nemira Mts) and one locality in the southern Carpathians (Bucegi Mts). The possible causes of disjunctions between and within species ranges are briefly discussed. Based on the distributional data, population sizes and ecology, we evaluate the conservation status of the P. alpicola taxa and propose their inclusion in national Red Lists.  相似文献   

1. Sedimentary remains of aquatic plants, both vegetative (turions, leaves, spines) and reproductive (fruits, seeds, pollen), may provide a record of temporal changes in the submerged vegetation of lakes. An independent assessment of the degree to which these remains reflect past floristic change is, however, rarely possible. 2. By exploiting an extensive series of historical plant records for a small shallow lake we compare plant macrofossil (three cores) and pollen (one core) profiles with the documented sequence of submerged vegetation change since c. 1750 AD. The data set is based on 146 site visits with 658 observations including 42 taxa classified as aquatic, spanning 250 years. 3. Approximately 40% of the historically recorded aquatic taxa were represented by macro‐remains. In general macrofossils underestimated past species diversity, with pondweeds (three of eight historically recorded Potamogeton species were found) particularly poorly represented. Nonetheless, several taxa not reported from historical surveys (e.g. Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Characeae) were present in the sediment record. 4. The pollen record revealed taxa which left no macro‐remains (e.g. Littorella uniflora), and the macrofossil record provided improved taxonomic resolution for some taxa (e.g. Potamogeton) and a more reliable record of persistence, appearance and loss of others (e.g. Myriophyllum spp. and Nymphaeaceae). 5. Detrended correspondence analysis indicated that changes in the community composition evidenced by the palaeolimnological and historical records were synchronous and of a similar magnitude. Both records pointed to a major change at around 1800, with the historical record suggesting a more abrupt change than the sedimentary data. There was good agreement on a subsequent change c. 1930. 6. The palaeolimnological data did not provide a complete inventory of historically recorded species. Nevertheless, these results suggest that combined macrofossil and pollen records provide a reliable indication of temporal change in the dominant components of the submerged and floating‐leaved aquatic vegetation of shallow lakes. As such palaeolimnology may provide a useful tool for establishing community dynamics and successions of plants over decadal to centennial timescales.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct historical naturalization trends of exotic vascular plants in Quebec and Massachusetts, two regions that experienced fluctuations in their herbarium specimen collection efforts. We hypothesized that the observed trends are linked to the collection effort and that they differ according to the motive for plant introduction. Methods A checklist of naturalized exotic plant taxa for Quebec, including oldest proof of naturalization and motive for introduction, was built from herbaria, journals, dissertations, theses, bulletins, websites and unpublished records. For Massachusetts, we used the checklist of Sorrie (2005; Rhodora, 107 , 284–329). The collection effort was estimated from a pool of species with specimens from the five largest Quebec herbaria and from the Harvard University Herbarium. Results Naturalization trends of exotic plants in Quebec are similar to those observed in Massachusetts. A large part of the plants naturalized in the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries, with very little naturalization during the last 30–90 years. In general, there is a significant statistical link between herbarium specimen collection effort and the discovery of new naturalized plant taxa. Very few utilitarian plants naturalized in either region during the 20th century. In Quebec, a high number of ornamental plants naturalized during the last 100 years. Main conclusions The link between herbarium specimen collection effort and the discovery of new naturalized plants is real, although not as straightforward as it seems. Our analysis suggests that at least part of the decline in the number of new naturalized exotic plants observed in Quebec and Massachusetts during the last 30–90 years is a direct consequence of the low interest for traditional floristic studies. However, the possibility of a real decline cannot be ruled out. We nevertheless provide here one of the first pieces of evidence of the potential consequences of the decline of local plant collection for environmental management and especially for early detection systems of new invaders.  相似文献   

根据文献资料和标本馆及化石记录,讨论了壳斗科栲属植物的现代分布和地史分布。现代栲属植物有110~134种,主要分布在东亚及东南亚,其中印度支那地区有82种栲属植物,是世界栲属植物分布最集中的地区,马来西亚地区是栲属特有种最丰富的事实是支持马来西亚地区与其它地区的区系交流十分有限的论据。中国栲属植物最丰富的地区是滇黔桂地区(29种)。栲属植物现代多样化中心在马来西亚和中南半岛。排除Chrysolepis后,栲属的分布类型应属热带亚洲分布。栲属在地质历史上有着比现在广泛的分布,最早、最可靠的栲属化石记录发现于北美始新世地层,欧洲和日本始新世也有栲属的化石记录,化石记录表明栲属起源的时间不晚于古新世,所有的壳斗科及栲属的化石都发现于北半球,现代分布也主要在北半球,壳斗科及栲属起源于北半球可以确认,由于化石证据与现代植物学的研究结果有较大差异以及关键地区化石证据的不足,具体的起源地尚不能肯定。  相似文献   

Aim To identify floristic elements in the European flora by an analysis of the distributions of species and species groups mapped in Atlas Florae Europaeae. Location Europe, as defined by Flora Europaea. Methods We analysed the native distributions of 2762 species and 33 species’ aggregates from 79 families, which represent c. 20% of the European flora. The distributional data base, derived from Atlas Florae Europaeae, includes records from 4420 50 × 50‐km UTM grid squares. We classified species into floristic elements by a three‐stage clustering procedure, which consisted of: (1) constructing a dissimilarity hierarchy by complete linkage clustering, using a distance measure based on Jaccard’s coefficient; (2) cutting the hierarchical tree at the 0.95 level to create initial clusters, and forcing small clusters to link with larger ones until the sum of within‐group pairwise distances exceeded a threshold value; and (3) checking the allocation of all species to the redefined clusters and reassigning species if appropriate, using the cosine of the angle between the species and cluster centres to measure the similarity of species to clusters. Results The clustering procedure classified 2793 taxa into 18 floristic elements, which included between 66 and 289 taxa; two species had unique, non‐overlapping distributions and could not be classified. Main conclusions The analysis highlights the floristic diversity of the mountains of central and southern Europe, and of the Mediterranean region. The floristic elements of northern latitudes and the temperate lowlands tend to be composed of wide‐ranging species and include only a low proportion of European endemics. The montane elements, including those centred on montane areas in the Mediterranean region, are composed predominantly of perennial species and include high or very high proportions of European endemics. Classifications that recognize one ‘Alpine’ and one ‘Mediterranean’ biogeographical zone in Europe fail to reflect this floristic diversity.  相似文献   

L. Cecchi  F. Selvi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):630-677
A synopsis of the Italian taxa of tribe Boragineae (Boraginaceae, subfam. Boraginoideae) is given as a second contribution to the treatment of the family for the Flora Critica d'Italia project. The work is mainly based on the critical study of herbarium material and extensive literature survey. All relevant floristic reports were examined and types of all the accepted (51) and most (37/46) of the synonymized names of taxa, specific and infraspecific, reported from the National territory are indicated. In the light of karyological and morphological evidence, the new combination Pulmonaria vallarsae subsp. apennina is proposed. As a result, 12 genera and 37 species are recognized, of which 7 are allochtonous and 6, plus two subspecies, are endemic. A synthetic floristic treatment is provided, including analytical keys, hybrids, list of synonyms and short distribution notes. In addition, detailed distribution maps are provided, together with the lists of the selected specimens upon which they are based.  相似文献   

Fourty-nine lichen species are reported from the Lake Burano Nature Reserve (Tuscany, central Italy). Three taxa are new to Tuscany. In agreement with the climatic features of the study area, its lichen flora is characterized by a high incidence of Mediterranean and suboceanic species.  相似文献   

This study provides a checklist of the Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) present in Equatorial Guinea, comprising 55 genera and 157 taxa. Twenty-six species are known from Annobón, 91 from Bioko and 110 from Río Muni. The best represented genus is Millettia with 14 species. Bibliographic references for Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) from Equatorial Guinea have been gathered and checked. Seventeen species are included, because published data on their distribution range suggests they may occur in Equatorial Guinea; 15 species are introduced and likely already naturalized; and 48 taxa are recorded for the first time from the country. This represents an increase of over 30% in the floristic knowledge of Papilionoideae from Equatorial Guinea. Three species only known from their types may be considered as endemic to Equatorial Guinea: Amphimas tessmannii, Leptoderris oxytropis and Millettia mildbraedii.  相似文献   

Advances in DNA extraction and next‐generation sequencing have made a vast number of historical herbarium specimens available for genomic investigation. These specimens contain not only genomic information from the individual plants themselves, but also from associated microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms may have colonized the living plant (e.g., pathogens or host‐associated commensal taxa) or may result from postmortem colonization that may include decomposition processes or contamination during sample handling. Here we characterize the metagenomic profile from shotgun sequencing data from herbarium specimens of two widespread plant species (Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana) collected up to 180 years ago. We used blast searching in combination with megan and were able to infer the metagenomic community even from the oldest herbarium sample. Through comparison with contemporary plant collections, we identify three microbial species that are nearly exclusive to herbarium specimens, including the fungus Alternaria alternata, which can comprise up to 7% of the total sequencing reads. This species probably colonizes the herbarium specimens during preparation for mounting or during storage. By removing the probable contaminating taxa, we observe a temporal shift in the metagenomic composition of the invasive weed Am. artemisiifolia. Our findings demonstrate that it is generally possible to use herbarium specimens for metagenomic analyses, but that the results should be treated with caution, as some of the identified species may be herbarium contaminants rather than representing the natural metagenomic community of the host plant.  相似文献   

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