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Living vertebrates are divided into those that possess a fully formed and fully mineralised skeleton (gnathostomes) versus those that possess only unmineralised cartilaginous rudiments (cyclostomes). As such, extinct phylogenetic intermediates of these living lineages afford unique insights into the evolutionary assembly of the vertebrate mineralised skeleton and its canonical tissue types. Extinct jawless and jawed fishes assigned to the gnathostome stem evidence the piecemeal assembly of skeletal systems, revealing that the dermal skeleton is the earliest manifestation of a homologous mineralised skeleton. Yet the nature of the primitive dermal skeleton, itself, is poorly understood. This is principally because previous histological studies of early vertebrates lacked a phylogenetic framework required to derive evolutionary hypotheses. Nowhere is this more apparent than within Heterostraci, a diverse clade of primitive jawless vertebrates. To this end, we surveyed the dermal skeletal histology of heterostracans, inferred the plesiomorphic heterostracan skeleton and, through histological comparison to other skeletonising vertebrate clades, deduced the ancestral nature of the vertebrate dermal skeleton. Heterostracans primitively possess a four‐layered skeleton, comprising a superficial layer of odontodes composed of dentine and enameloid; a compact layer of acellular parallel‐fibred bone containing a network of vascular canals that supply the pulp canals (L1); a trabecular layer consisting of intersecting radial walls composed of acellular parallel‐fibred bone, showing osteon‐like development (L2); and a basal layer of isopedin (L3). A three layered skeleton, equivalent to the superficial layer L2 and L3 and composed of enameloid, dentine and acellular bone, is possessed by the ancestor of heterostracans + jawed vertebrates. We conclude that an osteogenic component is plesiomorphic with respect to the vertebrate dermal skeleton. Consequently, we interpret the dermal skeleton of denticles in chondrichthyans and jawless thelodonts as independently and secondarily simplified. J. Morphol. 276:657–680, 2015. © 2015 The Authors Journal of Morphology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The correlation of the origin of teeth with jaws in vertebrate history has recently been challenged with an alternative to the canonical view of teeth deriving from separate skin denticles. This alternative proposes that organized denticle whorls on the pharyngeal (gill) arches in the fossil jawless fish Loganellia are precursors to tooth families developing from a dental lamina along the jaw, such as those occurring in sharks, acanthodians, and bony fishes. This not only indicates that homologs of tooth families were present, but also illustrates that they possessed the relevant developmental controls, prior to the evolution of jaws. However, in the Placodermi, a phylogenetically basal group of jawed fishes, the state of pharyngeal denticles is poorly known, tooth whorls are absent, and the presence of teeth homologous to those in extant jawed fishes (Chondrichthyes + Osteichthyes) is controversial. Thus, placoderms would seem to provide little evidence for the early evolution of dentitions, or of denticle whorls, or tooth families, at the base of the clade of jawed fishes. However, organized denticles do occur at the rear of the placoderm gill chamber, but are associated with the postbranchial lamina of the anterior trunkshield, assumed to be part of the dermal cover. Significantly, these denticles have a different organization and morphology relative to the external dermal trunkshield tubercles. We propose that they represent a denticulate part of the visceral skeleton, under the influence of pharyngeal patterning controls comparable to those for pharyngeal denticles in other jawed vertebrates and Loganellia.  相似文献   

The first Ordovician vertebrate from South Americais described from the Anzaldo Formation (Caradoc, Upper Ordovician) of Central Bolivia. It is referred to a new taxon, Sacabambaspis janvieri nov. gen. nov. sp., within the jawless vertebrate group Heterostraci, and displays some resemblance to both Astraspis and Arandaspis. It differs from all other known heterostracans by having very broad sensory-line grooves on the exoskeleton. Consideration of the palaeobiogeography of Ordovician vertebrates suggests that the early forms have been restricted to warm regions.  相似文献   

Debate over the origin and evolution of vertebrates has occupied biologists and palaeontologists alike for centuries. This debate has been refined by molecular phylogenetics, which has resolved the place of vertebrates among their invertebrate chordate relatives, and that of chordates among their deuterostome relatives. The origin of vertebrates is characterized by wide‐ranging genomic, embryologic and phenotypic evolutionary change. Analyses based on living lineages suggest dramatic shifts in the tempo of evolutionary change at the origin of vertebrates and gnathostomes, coincident with whole‐genome duplication events. However, the enriched perspective provided by the fossil record demonstrates that these apparent bursts of anatomical evolution and taxic richness are an artefact of the extinction of phylogenetic intermediates whose fossil remains evidence the gradual assembly of crown gnathostome characters in particular. A more refined understanding of the timing, tempo and mode of early vertebrate evolution rests with: (1) better genome assemblies for living cyclostomes; (2) a better understanding of the anatomical characteristics of key fossil groups, especially the anaspids, thelodonts, galeaspids and pituriaspids; (3) tests of the monophyly of traditional groups; and (4) the application of divergence time methods that integrate not just molecular data from living species, but also morphological data and extinct species. The resulting framework will provide for rigorous tests of rates of character evolution and diversification, and of hypotheses of long‐term trends in ecological evolution that themselves suffer for lack of quantitative functional tests. The fossil record has been silent on the nature of the transition from jawless vertebrates to the jawed vertebrates that have dominated communities since the middle Palaeozoic. Elucidation of this most formative of episodes likely rests with the overhaul of early vertebrate systematics that we propose, but perhaps more fundamentally with fossil grades that await discovery.  相似文献   

This review deals with the following seven aspects of vertebrate skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues.
  • 1 The evolutionary sequence in which the tissues appeared amongst the lower craniate taxa.
  • 2 The topographic association between skeletal (cartilage, bone) and dental (dentine, cement, enamel) tissues in the oldest vertebrates of each major taxon.
  • 3 The separate developmental origin of the exo- and endoskeletons.
  • 4 The neural-crest origin of cranial skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues in extant vertebrates.
  • 5 The neural-crest origin of trunk dermal skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues in extant vertebrates.
  • 6 The developmental processes that control differentiation of skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues in extant vertebrates.
  • 7 Maintenance of developmental interactions regulating skeletogenic/odontogenic differentiation across vertebrate taxa. We derive twelve postulates, eight relating to the earliest vertebrate skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues and four relating to the development of these tissues in extant vertebrates and extrapolate the developmental data back to the evolutionary origin of vertebrate skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues. The conclusions that we draw from this analysis are as follows.
  • 8 The dermal exoskeleton of thelodonts, heterostracans and osteostracans consisted of dentine, attachment tissue (cement or bone), and bone.
  • 9 Cartilage (unmineralized) can be inferred to have been present in heterostracans and osteostracans, and globular mineralized cartilage was present in Eriptychius, an early Middle Ordovician vertebrate unassigned to any established group, but assumed to be a stem agnathan.
  • 10 Enamel and possibly also enameloid was present in some early agnathans of uncertain affinities. The majority of dentine tubercles were bare.
  • 11 The contemporaneous appearance of cellular and acellular bone in heterostracans and osteostracans during the Ordovician provides no clue as to whether one is more primitive than the other.
  • 12 We interpret aspidin as being developmentally related to the odontogenic attachment tissues, either closer to dentine or a form of cement, rather than as derived from bone.
  • 13 Dentine is present in the stratigraphically oldest (Cambrian) assumed vertebrate fossils, at present some only included as Problematica, and is cladistically primitive, relative to bone.
  • 14 The first vertebrate exoskeletal skeletogenic ability was expressed as denticles of dentine.
  • 15 Dentine, the bone of attachment associated with dentine, the basal bone to which dermal denticles are fused and cartilage of the Ordovician agnathan dermal exoskeleton were all derived from the neural crest and not from mesoderm. Therefore the earliest vertebrate skeletogenic/odontogenic tissues were of neural-crest origin.
  • 16 Given the separate developmental and evolutionary origin of the cranial exo- and endoskeletons (both derivatives of the cranial neural crest) we conclude that bone (of attachment) was the primary skeletogenic tissue in the exoskeleton (cartilage being secondary), but that uncalcified cartilage was the primary skeletogenic tissue in the endoskeleton (bone – perichondral – being secondary).
  • 17 Using evidence from developmental biology we conclude that the trunk neural crest of Ordovician agnathans was odontogenic, forming both dentine and bone of attachment of the trunk dermal exoskeleton.
  • 18 Initiation of differentiation of skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues is controlled epigenetically by one or more epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in epigenetic cascades.
  • 19 Changes in timing of steps in these epigenetic cascades provides an evolutionary mechanism for altering the types of skeletogenic/odontogenic tissues and/or structures formed.
  • 20 The appearance of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and the origin of the skeletogenic/odontogenic neural crest at the outset of vertebrate evolution provided the developmental basis for the evolutionary origin of vertebrate skeletogenic and odontogenic tissues and for the appearance and evolution of the vertebrate skeleton.

Evolutionary changes of the dentition in tetrapods can be associated with major events in the history of terrestrial vertebrates. Dental occlusion, the process by which teeth from the upper jaw come in contact with those in the lower jaw, appears first in the fossil record in amniotes and their close relatives near the Permo-Carboniferous boundary approximately 300 million years ago. This evolutionary innovation permitted a dramatic increase in the level of oral processing of food in these early tetrapods, and has been generally associated with herbivory. Whereas herbivory in extinct vertebrates is based on circumstantial evidence, dental occlusion provides direct evidence about feeding strategies because jaw movements can be reconstructed from the wear patterns of the teeth. Examination of the evolution of dental occlusion in Paleozoic tetrapods within a phylogenetic framework reveals that this innovation developed independently in several lineages of amniotes, and is represented by a wide range of dental and mandibular morphologies. Dental occlusion also developed within diadectomorphs, the sister taxon of amniotes. The independent, multiple acquisition of this feeding strategy represents an important signal in the evolution of complex terrestrial vertebrate communities, and the first steps in the profound changes in the pattern of trophic interactions in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Traditional hypotheses posit that teeth evolved from dermal scales, through the expansion of odontogenetically competent ectoderm into the mouth of jawless vertebrates. The discovery of tooth‐like scales inside thelodonts, an extinct group of jawless vertebrates, led to the alternative hypothesis that teeth evolved from endodermal derivatives and that there exists a fundamental developmental and phylogenetic distinction between oral/pharyngeal and external odontodes. We set out a test of this latter hypothesis, examining the development of scales of the thelodont Loganellia scotica using synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). We reveal that the internal scales are organized into fused patches and rows, a key distinction from the discrete dermal scales. The pattern of growth of oral scale patches is polarized, but not along a particular vector, whereas pharyngeal scale rows grew along a vector. Our test of the phylogenetic distribution of oral and pharyngeal scales and teeth in vertebrates indicates that odontodes are first expressed in an external position. Internal scales, where present, are always located near to external orifices; the sequential development of pharyngeal scales in Loganellia is peculiar among thelodonts and other stem gnathostomes. It represents a convergence on, rather than the establishment of, the developmental pattern underpinning tooth replacement in jawed vertebrates. The available evidence suggests that internal odontodes evolved through the expansion of odontogenic competence from external to internal epithelia.  相似文献   

基因倍增和脊椎动物起源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有机体基因复制导致基因复杂性增加及其和脊椎动物起源的关系已经成为进化生物学研究的热点。20世纪70年代由Ohno提出后经Holland等修正的原始脊索动物经两轮基因组复制产生脊椎动物的假设目前已被广泛接受。脊椎动物起源和进化过程中发生过两轮基因组复制的主要证据有三点:(1)据估计脊椎动物基因组内编码基因数目大约相当于果蝇、海鞘等无脊椎动物的4倍;原口动物如果蝇和后口动物如头索动物文昌鱼的基因组大都只有单拷贝的基因,而脊椎动物的基因组则通常有4个同属于一个家族的基因。(2)无脊椎动物如节肢动物、海胆和头索动物文昌鱼都只有一个Hox基因簇,而脊椎动物除鱼类外,有7个具有Hox基因簇,其余都具有4个Hox基因簇。(3)基因作图证明,不但在鱼类和哺乳动物染色体广大片段上基因顺序相似,而且有证据显示哺乳动物基因组不同染色体之间存在相似性。据认为第一次基因倍增发生在脊椎动物与头索动物分开之后,第二次基因倍增发生在有颌类脊椎动物和无颌类脊椎动物分开以后。但是,基因是逐个发生倍增,还是通过基因组内某些DNA片段抑或整个基因组的加倍而实现的,目前还颇有争议。  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular biology and microanatomy have supported homologies of body parts between vertebrates and extant invertebrate chordates, thus providing insights into the body plan of the proximate ancestor of the vertebrates. For example, this ancestor probably had a relatively complex brain and a precursor of definitive neural crest. Additional insights into early vertebrate evolution have come from recent discoveries of Lower Cambrian soft body fossils of Haikouichthys and Myllokunmingia (almost certainly vertebrates, possibly related to modern lampreys) and Yunnanozoon and Haikouella (evidently stem-group vertebrates). The earliest vertebrates had an unequivocally marine origin, probably evolved mineralised pharyngeal denticles before the dermal skeleton, and evidently utilised elastic recoil of the visceral arch skeleton for suction feeding. Moreover, the new data emphasise that the advent of definitive neural crest was supremely important for the evolutionary origin of the vertebrates.  相似文献   

Cranial sensory placodes are specialised areas of the head ectoderm of vertebrate embryos that contribute to the formation of the cranial sense organs and associated ganglia. Placodes are often considered a vertebrate innovation, and their evolution has been hypothesised as one key adaptation underlying the evolution of active predation by primitive vertebrates. Here, we review recent molecular evidence pertinent to understanding the evolutionary origin of placodes. The development of vertebrate placodes is regulated by numerous genes, including members of the Pax, Six, Eya, Fox, Phox, Neurogenin and Pou gene families. In the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis (a basal chordate and close relative of the vertebrates), orthologues of these genes are deployed in the development of the oral and atrial siphons, structures used for filter feeding by the sessile adult. Our interpretation of these findings is that vertebrate placodes and sea squirt siphon primordia have evolved from the same patches of specialised ectoderm present in the common ancestor of the chordates.  相似文献   

Lampreys and hagfish, which together are known as the cyclostomes or 'agnathans', are the only surviving lineages of jawless fish. They diverged early in vertebrate evolution, before the origin of the hinged jaws that are characteristic of gnathostome (jawed) vertebrates and before the evolution of paired appendages. However, they do share numerous characteristics with jawed vertebrates. Studies of cyclostome development can thus help us to understand when, and how, key aspects of the vertebrate body evolved. Here, we summarise the development of cyclostomes, highlighting the key species studied and experimental methods available. We then discuss how studies of cyclostomes have provided important insight into the evolution of fins, jaws, skeleton and neural crest.  相似文献   

Echolocation has evolved independently in several vertebrate groups, and hypotheses about the origin of echolocation in these groups often invoke abiotic mechanisms driving morphological evolution. In bats, for example, the ecological setting associated with the origin of echolocation has been linked to global warming during the Palaeocene–Eocene; similarly, the origin of toothed whales (odontocetes) has been broadly correlated with the establishment of the circum-Antarctic current. These scenarios, and the adaptational hypotheses for the evolution of echolocation with which they are associated, neglect a consideration of possible biotic mechanisms. Here we propose that the origin of echolocation in odontocetes was initially an adaptation for nocturnal epipelagic feeding – primarily on diel migrating cephalopods. We test this hypothesis using data on the temporal, geographical, and water column distributions of odontocetes and cephalopods, and other global events from their respective tertiary histories. From this analysis, we suggest that echolocation in early odontocetes aided nocturnal feeding on cephalopods and other prey items, and that this early system was exapted for deep diving and hunting at depths below the photic zone where abundant cephalopod resources were available 24 h a day. This scenario extends to the evolution of other cephalopod feeding (teuthophagous) marine vertebrates such as pinnipeds and Mesozoic marine reptiles.  相似文献   

Classically the oral dentition with teeth regulated into a successional iterative order was thought to have evolved from the superficial skin denticles migrating into the mouth at the stage when jaws evolved. The canonical view is that the initiation of a pattern order for teeth at the mouth margin required development of a sub-epithelial, permanent dental lamina. This provided regulated tooth production in advance of functional need, as exemplified by the Chondrichthyes. It had been assumed that teeth in the Osteichthyes form in this way as in tetrapods. However, this has been shown not to be true for many osteichthyan fish where a dental lamina of this kind does not form, but teeth are regularly patterned and replaced. We question the evolutionary origin of pattern information for the dentition driven by new morphological data on spatial initiation of skin denticles in the catshark. We review recent gene expression data for spatio-temporal order of tooth initiation for Scyliorhinus canicula, selected teleosts in both oral and pharyngeal dentitions, and Neoceratodus forsteri. Although denticles in the chondrichthyan skin appear not to follow a strict pattern order in space and time, tooth replacement in a functional system occurs with precise timing and spatial order. We suggest that the patterning mechanism observed for the oral and pharyngeal dentition is unique to the vertebrate oro-pharynx and independent of the skin system. Therefore, co-option of a successional iterative pattern occurred in evolution not from the skin but from mechanisms existing in the oro-pharynx of now extinct agnathans.  相似文献   

The jawless vertebrates (lamprey and hagfish) are the closest extant outgroups to all jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) and can therefore provide critical insight into the evolution and basic biology of vertebrate genomes. As such, it is notable that the genomes of lamprey and hagfish possess a capacity for rearrangement that is beyond anything known from the gnathostomes. Like the jawed vertebrates, lamprey and hagfish undergo rearrangement of adaptive immune receptors. However, the receptors and the mechanisms for rearrangement that are utilized by jawless vertebrates clearly evolved independently of the gnathostome system. Unlike the jawed vertebrates, lamprey and hagfish also undergo extensive programmed rearrangements of the genome during embryonic development. By considering these fascinating genome biologies in the context of proposed (albeit contentious) phylogenetic relationships among lamprey, hagfish, and gnathostomes, we can begin to understand the evolutionary history of the vertebrate genome. Specifically, the deep shared ancestry and rapid divergence of lampreys, hagfish and gnathostomes is considered evidence that the two versions of programmed rearrangement present in lamprey and hagfish (embryonic and immune receptor) were present in an ancestral lineage that existed more than 400 million years ago and perhaps included the ancestor of the jawed vertebrates. Validating this premise will require better characterization of the genome sequence and mechanisms of rearrangement in lamprey and hagfish.  相似文献   

The vertebrate head is a complex assemblage of cranial specializations, including the central and peripheral nervous systems, viscero- and neurocranium, musculature and connective tissue. The primary differences that exist between vertebrates and other chordates relate to their craniofacial organization. Therefore, evolution of the head is considered fundamental to the origins of vertebrates (Gans and Northcutt, 1983). The transition from invertebrate to vertebrate chordates was a multistep process, involving the formation and patterning of many new cell types and tissues. The evolution of early vertebrates, such as jawless fish, was accompanied by the emergence of a specialized set of cells, called neural crest cells which have long held a fascination for developmental and evolutionary biologists due to their considerable influence on the complex development of the vertebrate head. Although it has been classically thought that protochordates lacked neural crest counterparts, the recent identification and characterization of amphioxus and ascidian genes homologous to those involved in vertebrate neural crest development challenges this idea. Instead it suggests thatthe neural crest may not be a novel vertebrate cell population, but could have in fact originated from the protochordate dorsal midline epidermis. Consequently, the evolution of the neural crest cells could be reconsidered in terms of the acquisition of new cell properties such as delamination-migration and also multipotency which were key innovations that contributed to craniofacial development. In this review we discuss recent findings concerning the inductive origins of neural crest cells, as well as new insights into the mechanisms patterning this cell population and the subsequent influence this has had on craniofacial evolution.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Evolution proceeds by the selection of characters that enhance survival rates so that the long-term outcome for a species is better adaptation to its environment. These new characters are "accidentally" acquired, mostly through mutations leading to modifications of developmental events. However, changes that lead to the ectopic expression of an organ are rare and, whereas their subsequent selection for a new role is even more rare, such a scenario has apparently occurred for denticles in some teleost fish. Small, conical denticles are present, mainly on the dermal bones of the head, in a few, unrelated lineages of living teleosts. Here, I show that the morphology and structure of the denticles in Atherion elymus , an atheriniform, is similar to those of teeth inside the oral cavity. These denticles are not derived evolutionarily from odontodes of early vertebrates, nor do they represent a re-expression as such (i.e., a long-lasting ability to make odontodes outside the oral cavity). Teeth and odontodes are homologous organs but the origin of the denticles is to be found in teeth, not in odontodes. The denticles are simply teeth that form outside the mouth, probably derived from a sub-population of odontogenically pre-specified neural crest cells. These "accidental" extra-oral teeth have arisen independently in these lineages and were selectively advantageous in a hydrodynamic context.  相似文献   

Electroreception is widespread in living vertebrates, and is often considered to be a primitive vertebrate character. However, the early evolution of electroreception remains unclear. A variety of structures in early vertebrate fossils have been put forward as potential electroreceptors, but these need to be reassessed in light of the now substantial literature on electroreceptors in living vertebrates. Here we review the evidence for all putative electroreceptors in early vertebrates, and provide new information from CT scans. In the jawless osteostracans, the pore canal system in the dermal skeleton and the lateral and dorsal fields do not resemble electroreceptors in living species. Nevertheless, the presence of a recurrent ramus of the anterior lateral line nerve in osteostracans suggests that electroreceptors were present, by comparison with lampreys. In placoderms, cutaneous sense organs on arthrodire cheek plates are possible electroreceptors. CT data shows that the orientation of these pits is anomalous for electroreceptors, and intimately associated with bone growth. A newly identified type of cheek pit, for which the term ‘Young's apparatus’ is introduced, is known from only two arthrodire specimens. It is closely associated with the underlying jaw joint, but its precise function is unknown. In osteichthyans, the ‘pore group’ clusters of early sarcopterygians may have housed electroreceptors. CT data from Devonian lungfish support this interpretation, showing internal morphology consistent with electroreceptors, and innervation via the rostral tubuli underlying the dermal bone of the snout. The early osteichthyan Ligulalepis has pit structures which may be electroreceptors, and were possibly innervated by lateral line nerves. Specialized electroreceptor systems, including elaborated ‘pore group’ pits in Devonian lungfish and rostral organs in the earliest coelacanths, show that electroreception may have had an important role in niche specialization in early vertebrates. Finally, fossil data does not support the hypothesis that vertebrate hard tissues initially evolved to shield electroreceptors.  相似文献   

Arandaspids are the earliest skeletonizing vertebrates known from articulated remains. Despite a wealth of data, their affinity remains questionable because they exhibit a random mixture of primitive and derived characteristics. We constrain the affinity of arandaspids by providing the first detailed characterization of their dermoskeleton which is revealed to be three-layered, composed of a basal laminated, cancellous middle and tubercular superficial layers. All three layers are composed of acellular bone but the superficial layer also includes dentine and enameloid, comprising the tubercles. As such, the composition of the arandaspid dermoskeleton is common to heterostracans and astraspids, supporting existing hypotheses of early vertebrate phylogeny. This emphasizes the peculiarity of existing interpretations of aranadaspid anatomy and there is need for a complete reappraisal of the existing anatomical data.  相似文献   

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