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The idea of evolution as a principle for the origin of biodiversity fits all phenomena of life, including the carriers of nuclear inheritance, the chromosomes. Insights into the evolutionary mechanisms that contribute to the shape, size, composition, number and redundancy of chromosomes elucidate the high plasticity of nuclear genomes at the chromosomal level, and the potential for genome modification in the course of breeding processes. Aspects of chromosome fusion, as exemplified by karyotype evolution of relatives of Arabidopsis, have recently received special attention.  相似文献   

Comparative painting has provided a wealth of useful information and helped to reconstruct the pathways of karyotype evolution within major eutherian phylogenetic clades. New data have come from gene localizations, BAC mapping and high throughout sequencing projects that enrich and provide new details of genome evolution. Extensive research on perissodactyl genomes has revealed not only increased rates of chromosomal rearrangements, but also an exceptionally high number of centromere repositioning events in equids. Here were combined new physical mapping, comparative painting and genome sequencing data to refine the putative ancestral karyotype maps and to revise the previously proposed scenario of perissodactyl karyotype evolution.  相似文献   

We integrated chromosome painting information on 5 core-insectivora species available in the literature with new Zoo-FISH data for Iberian shrew (Sorex granarius) and Altai mole (Talpa altaica). Our analysis of these 7 species allowed us to determine the chromosomal features of Eulipotyphla genomes and to update the previously proposed ancestral karyotype for 2 main groups of the Sorex genus. The chromosome painting evidence with human painting probes (HSA) reveals the presence of the 2 unique associations HSA4/5 and 1/10p/12/22b, which support Eulipotyphla. There are a series of synapomorphies both for Erinaceidae (HSA3/1/5, 3/17, 11/15 and 10/20) and for Soricinae (HSA5/9, 6/7/16, 8/3/21 and 11/12/22). We found associations that link Talpidae/Erinaceidae (HSA7/8, 1/5 and 1/19p), Talpidae/Soricidae (HSA1/8/4) and Erinaceidae/Soricidae (HSA4/20 and 2/13). Genome conservation in Eulipotyphla was estimated on the basis of the number of evolutionary breaks in the ancestral mammalian chromosomes. In total, 7 chromosomes of the boreo-eutherian ancestor (BEA8 or 10, 9, 17, 18, 20-22) were retained in all eulipotyphlans studied; among them moles show the highest level of chromosome conservation. The integration of sequence data into the chromosome painting information allowed us to further examine the chromosomal syntenies within a phylogenetic perspective. Based on our analysis we offer the most parsimonious reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in Eulipotyphla. The cytogenetic reconstructions based on these data do not conflict with molecular phylogenies supporting basal position of Talpidae in the order.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):233-258

Twenty-eight moss species have been investigated cytologically. Mitotic karyograms have been presented for most of these species and these show a remarkable similarity in the n = 11 karyotype. Nine of the eleven chromosomes have terminal or sub-terminal centromeres. Lightly staining heterochromatic bands frequently occur along the axis of the chromosomes and very often these are the sites of chromosome bending; it has been suggested that these may be areas of neocentric activity. The karyotypes investigated show a reduction series of chromosome number which is paralleled by an increase in the number of long metacentrics; since the number of major chromosome arms is maintained in most of the species it has been suggested that Robertsonian fusion has been an important mechanism in the evolution of the Bracytheciaceae, and probably in all Diplolepidous mosses. Polyploidy has also played an important role in speciation. Finally it has been proposed that n = 11 is the primary basic number in the Diplolepideae.  相似文献   

A total of 219 wild caught specimens representing 12 of the currently recognised 13 species and subspecies of Australian Rattus have been karyotyped. No two species possessed karyotypes in common, most species and several subspecies differing markedly in chromosome number. While the diploid number varied from 2n=32 to 2n=50, the fundamental number (FN) varied only from 60 to 62, suggesting that Robertsonian rearrangements have played a major role in karyotypic evolution in the group. — Karyotypically the Australian species of Rattus fall into two groups. — the R. lutreolus group and the R. sordidus group. Of the karyotypic forms encountered in the former group, that of R. lutreolus is probably most ancestral because it is identical to that of many Asian species of Rattus. Other karyotypic forms in the R. lutreolus group can be derived as follows: That of (1) R. tunneyi tunneyi and R. t. culmorum by a single fixed pericentric inversion; (2) R. fuscipes fuscipes, R. f. greyi, R. f. assimilis and R. f. coracius by two fixed fusions; (3) R. leucopus cooktownensis by three fixed fusions; and (4) R. leucopus leucopus by four fixed fusions. Of the R. sordidus group, R. s. villosissimus may possess the most ancestral karyotype with 2n=50 (FN=60), from which R. s. colletti (2n=42; FN=60) is derived by four fusions and R. s. sordidus (2n=32; FN=60) by nine fusions, four of which appear to be homologous with those R. s. colletti. — The karyotypic data are in accord with Taylor and Horner's (1973) suggestions that (1) R. t. tunneyi and R. t. culmorum belong to one species; (2) R. lut. lutreolus and R. lut. velutinus belong to one species; (3) R. leu. leucopus and R. leu. cooktownensis belong to one species and (4) R. f. fuscipes, R. f. greyi, R. f. assimilis and R. f. coracius belong to one species. However, the large karyotypic difference between R. s. sordidus and R. s. colletti and R. s. villosissimus may indicate that these groups belong to different biological species. — Supernumerary or B-chromosomes were found in R. f. assimilis and R. t. tunneyi. A single R. t. culmorum was heterozygous for a centric fusion.  相似文献   

Chromosome evolution in Australian rodents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The chromosome complements of 188 specimens of 29 species of Australian murid rodents belonging to the subfamilies Pseudomyinae and Hydromyinae and the Uromys/Melomys group have been compared. At least one specimen of 18 different species was successfully C-banded. — The autosomal complements of many (9) diverse Pseudomyinae, one species of Melomys and one Hydromyinae proved to be identical, comprising 48 elements in the diploid set, the two smallest autosomal pairs of which are metacentric. No other karyotype is common to more than one species. From this we conclude that these three groups have been derived from a common ancestor which also possessed such a karyotype. The genus Zyzomys is exceptional since it possesses only 44 elements and lacks the two smallest metacentrics. — Karyotypic evolution within this apparently single phyletic line has been remarkably conservative, only three rearrangements being required to derive the most divergent karyotype. Moreover most of the observed rearrangements involve pericentric inversions and only one example of a fusion was found. Considerable differences in heterochromatin content, as determined by C-banding, occur between species however. Two species proved exceptional in this respect, namely Notomys cervinus and Uromys caudimaculatus. N. cervinus possesses numerous heterochromatic short arms. In U. caudimaculatus, there is a striking difference between northern and southern populations; in the former heterochromatin is present principally in the telomeric areas of the conventional A-chromosomes whereas in the latter it is found as separate supernumerary chromosomes. — In contrast to the autosomes, the X and Y chromosomes show high inter- and intra-specific variability in both size and morphology. All of this variability can be explained in terms of variation in heterochromatin content. Moreover the amount of heterochromatin in the X and Y chromosomes is highly correlated both within and between species. The Y chromosome of Uromys caudimaculatus is, however, distinctive in that it lacks C-banding.  相似文献   

The genomic era offers excellent opportunities to improve our understanding of the genetic basis of mosquito adaptation, evolution, and competence to a pathogen. The availability of polytene chromosomes in anopheline mosquitoes makes them an excellent model system for studying genome organization, evolution, and function. Physical mapping facilitated the whole genome sequence assembly for the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae and comparative genome mapping has determined types, patterns, and rates of chromosomal rearrangements in mosquito evolution. Together with sequencing projects, high-resolution physical mapping can shed light on mechanisms of chromosomal rearrangements and phylogenetic relation-ships among species.  相似文献   

Seven species of the family Cercopithecidae have been studied using highresolution banding techniques. Comparative studies allowed us to identify the main chromosomal reorganizations in this group, as well as to establish the phylogenetic relationships between species. Some of the regions involved in evolutionary rearrangements correspond to human fragile sites and/or chromosomal rearrangements related to neoplasia.  相似文献   

Chromosome evolution in eukaryotes: a multi-kingdom perspective   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In eukaryotes, chromosomal rearrangements, such as inversions, translocations and duplications, are common and range from part of a gene to hundreds of genes. Lineage-specific patterns are also seen: translocations are rare in dipteran flies, and angiosperm genomes seem prone to polyploidization. In most eukaryotes, there is a strong association between rearrangement breakpoints and repeat sequences. Current data suggest that some repeats promoted rearrangements via non-allelic homologous recombination, for others the association might not be causal but reflects the instability of particular genomic regions. Rearrangement polymorphisms in eukaryotes are correlated with phenotypic differences, so are thought to confer varying fitness in different habitats. Some seem to be under positive selection because they either trap favorable allele combinations together or alter the expression of nearby genes. There is little evidence that chromosomal rearrangements cause speciation, but they probably intensify reproductive isolation between species that have formed by another route.  相似文献   

Cytological observations on eleven species of Ophioglossum revealed low gametic ( n ) chromosome numbers of 30, 34 and 60 in populations of O.eliminatum , contrasting with an earlier report of n = 90 in the same species. The rest of the species is based on n =120.Cytologically studied species of Ophioglossum exhibit a range of chromosome numbers from n = 30 in O.eliminatum to n =720 in O.reticulatum. The weighted highest common factor (HGF) from all the reported chromosome numbers in twelve species was found to be 30. This number is proposed as the palaeobasic chromosome number for the genuS. Reported chromosome numbers which are not multiples of 30 were subjected to sequential analysis, yielding three distinct ultimate base numbers, 4, 5 and 6, which can produce n = 30 in seven different ways. The neobasic number, n= 120, appears to have arisen through various combinations and permutations of these, theoretically 2401 routes; only a relatively few of these routes exist today, suggesting that extreme selection has been exerted against the majority, and further suggesting that Ophioglossum represents an evolutionary dead end through repeated cycles of polyploidy and is possibly at the verge of extinction. The stoichiometric model of evolution, which derives the various chromosome numbers possessed by the twelve species from the basic and ultimate basic chromosome numbers, is used to explain chromosomal evolution in the genus.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements are relatively rare evolutionary events and can be used as markers to study karyotype evolution. This research aims to use such rearrangements to study chromosome evolution in Solanum. Chromosomal rearrangements between Solanum crops and several related wild species were investigated using tomato and potato bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) in a multicolour fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The BACs selected are evenly distributed over seven chromosomal arms containing inversions described in previous studies. The presence/absence of these inversions among the studied Solanum species were determined and the order of the BAC-FISH signals was used to construct phylogenetic trees.Compared with earlier studies, data from this study provide support for the current grouping of species into different sections within Solanum; however, there are a few notable exceptions, such as the tree positions of S. etuberosum (closer to the tomato group than to the potato group) and S. lycopersicoides (sister to S. pennellii). These apparent contradictions might be explained by interspecific hybridization events and/or incomplete lineage sorting. This cross-species BAC painting technique provides unique information on genome organization, evolution and phylogenetic relationships in a wide variety of species. Such information is very helpful for introgressive breeding.  相似文献   

We have reported nine distinct karyotypes for Aotus, of four pelagic phenotypes, and suggest that this single species has undergone extensive subspeciation. We reconstruct the mechanism of chromosomal evolution and propose a hypothesis about the events of subspeciation in Aotus. We speculate that isolated groups of ancestral individuals living in several confined areas have separately accumulated a fusion or inversion pair as a result of inbreeding. A subsequent reassociation of descendants from these individuals led to the formation of offspring with mixtures of fusion or inversion pairs in their complements. They, in turn, radiated into different ecological niches accompanied by adaptive genetic changes and eventually gave rise to the present forms of Aotus distinguishable by their karyotypes, but not easily recognizable by ordinary taxonomic criteria.  相似文献   

AKIYAMA, S., WAKABAYASHI, M. & OHBA, H., 1992. Chromosome evolution in Himalayan Impatiens (Balsaminaceae). Chromosome numbers and karyotypes have been investigated in species of Himalayan Impatiens . In addition to confirming previous chromosome counts, the presence of a tetraploid taxon ( I. exilis) is revealed. In central and east Nepal species with x = 9 are more common than those with other basic numbers and this number is shown to be one of the most frequent numbers in the genus. Most species with x = 9 have a bimodal karyotype. The species relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

The anomalies of genome were found as a result of cytogenetic study of three azoospermic men. In two cases, the circular Y chromosome was revealed. Different methods of chromosome staining demonstrated complete loss of heterochromatic portion of the long arm of the Y chromosome in one case, and the absence of the euchromatic region in another. A balanced translocation among the chromosomes 1 and 15 was observed in the third case. A question concerning disturbances of spermatogenesis having chromosomal etiology is discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations in human cancer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

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