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Book reviewed in this article:
The Electron Microscope. By M. E. H aine
Chemical Control of Insects. 2nd ed. By T. F. W est and J. E liot H ardy.
Principles of Animal Taxonomy. By G. G. S impson.
Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology. (The late W. R uhland ed.)
Mechanisms in Biological Competition. (Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. XV.) Edited by F. L. M ilthorpe.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1970,69(4):1189-1197
Books reviewed in this article:
The Biology of Mycorrhiza. By J. L. H arley .
Techniques for Plant Electron Microscopy by B. E. J uniper , A. J. G ilchrist and P. R. W illiams .
Dormancy and Survival. Ed. by H. W. W oolhouse .
Organization and Control in Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells. Ed. by H. P. C harles and B. C. J. G. K night .
The Induction of Flowering. Ed. by L. T. E vans .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. Ed. by C. R. M etcalfe
Population Dynamics. By M aurice S olomon .
Chemical and Botanical Guide to Lichen Products. BY C hicita F. C ulberson .
Drawings of British Plants; Part XXVI: Polygonaceae-Buxaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
The Native Cacti of California. By L yman B enson .
Lehrbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie . By H. M ohr .
Experimente zur Pfianzenphysiologie . By P eter S chopfer .
Biologie de la vigne . By F. B ugnon and R. B essis
La Phyllotaxie . By J.-E. L oiseau .
Leven en werk van Hugo de Vries . By P. H. W. A. M. de V eer .
Chemical Analysis of Leaves and other Organs of Theobroma cacao L. as a Means of Diagnosing Fertiliser Requirements . By T. E ernstman .
Cactus-Feeding Insects and Mites . By J ohn M ann .
Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica. Myxotnycetes from Dominica . By M arie L. F arr .
A Revision of the Genus Camissonia (Onagraceae) . By P eter H. R aven .
Protoplasmatologia . Band VIII/7/b. Aktiver Transport (Kurzstreckentransport bet Pflan-zen) . By U. L uttge .
Protoplasmatologia . Band VIII/8. Sekretion und Exkretion bei Pflanzen. By E. S ciinepf .
Protoplasmatologia . Band II/C/6. Die Hydration und Hydratur des Protoplasmas der Pflanzen und Hire öko-physiologische Bedeutung. By H. W alter und K. K reeb .  相似文献   

The Filterable Viruses (Virales). By F. O. H olmes
Flax Retting with Aeration. Pp. vi and 146. Water Pollution Research Technical Paper No. 10, published for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research by H.M. Stationery Office. 3s.
A Catalogue of Insecticides and Fungicides. Vol. I: Chemical Insecticides; Vol. II Chemical Fungicides and Plant Insecticides. By D donald E. H. F rear.
The Principles of Biological Assay. By C. W. E mmens  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1948,47(2):294-300
The Chemical Activities of Bacteria. By E. F. G ale , B.A., Ph.D.
Heredity and Variation in Micro-organisms. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology.
The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain. By H erbert W illiam R ickett .
The Living Plant. By I. V. N ewman .
Hormones and Horticulture. The use of special chemicals in the control of plant growth. By G eorge S. A very and E lizabeth B indloss J ohnson , with the collaboration of R uth M. A ddoms and B etty F. T homson .
Plant Physiology. By M eirion T homas .
The Genetics of Garden Plants. By M. B. C rane and W. J. C. L awrence , with a foreword by S ir D aniel H all .
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith , F.R.S.  相似文献   

Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard. By E. D wight S anderson , Ph.D.
Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. By Dr L. R eh .
Chemical Embryology. By Dr J oseph N eedham .
Common Pests. How to Control Some of the Pests that Affect Man's Health, Happiness and Welfare. By R ennie W. D oane .
A Text-Book of Experimental Cytology. By J. G ray , M.A., F.E.S.  相似文献   

The Scientific Principles of Plant Protection, with Special Reference to Chemical Control. By H. M artin .
Citrus Diseases and Their Control. By H oward S. F awcett .
Diseases and Pests of the Rubber Tree. By A rnold S harples
Humus: Origin, Chemical Composition, and Importance in Nature. By S. A. W aksman .
Illustrated Polyglottic Dictionary of Plant Names. By A. K. B edevian .
Erkennen, Nachweis und Kultur der holzverfärbenden und holzzersetzenden Pilze. Von W. B avendamm , reprinted from Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden
Biological Effects of Radiation. Edited by B. M. D uggar .
Pollen Grains: their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. By R. P. W odehouse .
Botany: a Textbook for Colleges. By J. B en H ill , L. O. O verholts and H. W. P opp .
J. Arthur Harris; Botanist and Biometrician. Edited by C. O. R osendahl , R. A. G ortner and G. O. B urr .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(4):1245-1255
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant Cells . By F. A. L. C lowes and B. E. J uniper .
The History of British Vegetation . By W inifred P ennington . Modern Biology: General Editor J. E. W ebb .
Flora Europaea , Vol. II. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae . Ed. by T. G. T utin , V. H. H eywood , N. A. B urges , D. M. M oore , D. H. V alentine , S. M. W alters and D. A. W ebb .
Desert Wild Flowers . By E dmund J aeger .
British Mosses and Liverworts . By E. V. W atson .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , Vol. III. Commelinales—Zingiberales . By P. B. T omlinson . General Editor C. R. M etcalfe .
Biological Science—The Web of Life . Supervising Editor, D. M organ .
Plant Chimeras . By W. N eilson -J ones .
The Potatoes of Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, a Biosystematic Study . By J. G. H awkes and J. P. H jerting .
Towards an Understanding of the Mechanism of Heredity . By H. L. K. W hitehouse .
Viruses in Plant Hosts; Form, Distribution and Pathologic Effects . By K atherine E sau .
An Introduction to Industrial Mycology . By G eorge S mith .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(1):229-239
Book reviewed in this article:
A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns . By the late J. C. W illis . Seventh edition, revised by H. K. A iry S haw .
The Principles of Pollination Ecology . By K. F aegri and L. van D er P ijl .
Studies in Biology, No. 5, Plant Taxonomy . By V. H. H eywood .
Deadly Harvest . By J ohn M. K ingsbury .
Plant Physiology . By H enrik G. L undegardh . Translated by F. M. I rvine , Translation edited by W. O. J ames .
The Biology of Lichens . By M ason E. H ale J r . In: Contemporary Biology Series, General editors E. J. W. B arrington and A. J. W illis .
Plant Biology Today . Second edition. Ed. by W. A. J ensen and L. G. K avaljian .
Organisation in Plants . Second edition. By B. M. B aron .
Fortschritte der Botanik , Band 28. Ed. by E. B ünning , H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmuller and P. S itte .
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants . Second edition. By C. L. P orter .
The Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Experiments in the Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker , G. E. A llen , E. G age and S. K. W ebster .
Grundriss der Phytopathologie iind des Pflanzenschutzes . By H ans -A lfred K irchner .
Bibliography of Seeds . Compiled and edited by L. V. B arton .
Pollen Grains of Western Himalaxan Plants . By P. K. K. N air .
Families of Flowering Plants in Ethiopia . By W. C. B urger .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Penicillia. By C harles T hom
Bacteriological Technique. By J.W. H. E yre .
Dictionary of Biological Equivalents , German-English. By E. A rt -S chwager
An Index to the Chemical Action of Micro-organisms on the Non-nitrogenous Organic Compounds. By E. I. F ulmer and C. H. W erkman
Recent Advances in Entomology. By A. D. I mms .
The Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria. By R. E. B uchanan and E. I. P ulmer .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1955,54(2):280-287
Review in this article:
Biographien von PJianzensippen. By R udolf S charfetter .
Drawings of British Plants. Part VII, Leguminosae. By S. R oss -C raig .
Abnormal and Pathological Plant Growth. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, No. 6.
An Introduction to Pollen-analysis. By G. E rdtman .
Plant Respiration. By W. O. J ames .
The Acanthaceae of Colombia , vol. 11. By E mery C. L eonard .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbtich der Protoplasmaforschung , Band vi, C. Endomitose und Endomitotische Polyploidisierung. By L othar G eitler . Edited by L. V. H eilbrunn and E. W eber .
Genetic Homeostasis. By I. M ichael L erner .
British Knapweeds: a Study in Synthetic Taxonomy. By E. M. M arsden -J ones and W. B. T urrill .
The Enzymology of the Cell Surface. By A. R othstein . Tension at the Cell Surface. By E. N. H arvey .
Chemistry and Physiology of Mitochondria and Microsomes. By O. L indberg and L. E rnster .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1984,98(3):551-557
Books reviewed in this article:
Light Reaction Path of Photosynthesis. Vol. 35. Ed. by F rancis F ong .
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics. Ed. by G. F. S pringer and H. G. W ittman .
Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants. By C. M. B ray .
Stomata. By C. M. W illmer .
Stomata. By E. S. M artin , M. E. D onkin and R. A. S tevens .
Seaweeds of the British Isles. Vol. I, Part 2A. By L inda I rvine .
Principles and Measurements in Environmental, Biology. By F. I. W oodward and J. E. S heehy .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Dictionary of Microbiology. By M. B. JACOBS, M. J. GERSTEIN and W. G. WALTER.
The Physiology of Reproduction in Fungi. By LILIAN E. HAWKER.
Biology and Control of Smut Fungi. By G. W. FISCHER and C. W. HOLTON.
A Manual of Soil Fungi. By J. C. GILMAN.
Plant Virus Serology. By R. E. F. MATTHEWS.
The Structure of Nucleic Acids and their Role in Protein Synthesis. Edited by E. M. CROOK.
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. X. Mitochondria and other Cytoplasmic Inclusions.
An Introduction to the Botany of Tropical Crops. By LESLIE S. COBLEY.
The Underground Organs of Herbage Grasses. By ARTHUR TROUGHTON.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1953,52(2):186-194
Studies of Pacific Island Plants. X. The Meliaceae of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. By A. C. S mith .
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Marantaceae. By E. M ilne -R edhead .
Flora of the County Wicklow. By J. P. B runker .
Textbook of Theoretical Botany. Volume I. By R. C. M c L ean and W. R. I vimey -C ook .
Gotlands Orkider. By S taffan R osvall and B engt P ettersson .
Downs and Dunes: Their Plant Life and its Environment. By Sir E dward S alisbury .
The Tropical Rain Forest. By P. W. Richards.
Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy. By G. E rdtman .
The Comparative Biochemistry of the Carotenoids. By T. W. G oodwin .
Die Wuchsstofflehre: Ergebnisse und Probleme der Wuchsstoffforschung. By H ans S öding .  相似文献   

Diseases of Fruits and Hops. By H. W ormald .
Nytteplanter. By K. G ram , H. J. J ensen and A. M entz .
Poisonous Plants of the United States. By W. C. M uenscher .
Introduction to the Botany of Field Crops. By Prof. J. M. H ector .
Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Products: a Textbook for Student, Investigator and Manager. By W. V. C ruess .
The Rape of the Earth: A World Survey of Soil Erosion. By G. V. J acks and R. O. W hyte .
Science in Africa: A Review of Scientific Research relating to Tropical and Southern Africa. By E. B. W orthington .
Health and Nutrition in India. By N. G angulee .
An Introduction to Modern Genetics. By C. H. W addington .
Earth's Green Mantle. By S. M angham .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1990,116(2):337-339
Books reviewed in this article:
Molecular Biology of Photosynthesis. Ed. By G ovindjee , H. J. B ohnert , W. B ottomley , D. A. B ryant , J. E. M ullet , W. L. O gren , H. P akrasi and C. R. S omerville .
Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants. Ed. by H. C lijsters , M. de P roft , R. M arcelle and M. V an P oucke .
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilisation by Fungi. By L. B oddy , R. M archant and D. J. R ead .
Fungi and Ecological Disturbance. Ed. by L. B oddy , R. W atling and A. J. E. L yon .
Phytoplankton , 2nd Edn. By A. D. B oney .
The Holocene: An Environmental History. By N eil R oberts .
Chambers Biology Dictionary. Ed. by P. M. B. W alker , C.B.E., F.R.S.E.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1971,70(1):229-230
Book Reviewed in this article:
Studies in the Vegetational History of the British Isles: Essays in Honour of Harry Godwin. Edited by D. W alker and R. G. W est
Introduction to British Lichens. BY U. K. D uncan assisted by P. W. J ames .
Nightshades-The Paradoxical Plants. By C harles B. H eiser , JR.
Hummingbirds and their Flowers. By K aren A. G rant and V erne G rant.
The Biogenesis of Starch Granules in Higher Plants. By N. P. B adenhuizen.
The Mathematics of Heredity. By G ustave M alécot . Translated by D. M. Y ermanos.
British Fungus Flora. Agarics and Boleti: Introduction. By D. M. H enderson , P. D. O rton and R. W atling .
La Forêt. By C. J acquiot.
Relevé Methodique de la Végétation et du Milieu. By M ichel G odron et al; Editor L. E mberger.
World Pollen Flora . Ed. by G. E rdtman.
Marine Algae of Dominica. By W. R andolph T aylor and C. F. R hyne .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Field Studies in Ecology . By E. B racher
Practical Bacteriology . By A. C unningham
The Families of Flowering Plants. 2: Monocotyledons; arranged according to a New System based on their Probable Phylogeny . By J. H utchinson
(1) Elements of Botan?y. By R. M. Holman and W. W. Robbins
(2) A Textbook of General Botany f o r Colleges and Universities. By R. M. HOLMAN and W. W. ROBBINS.
Texas Grasses . By W. A S ilveus
Economic Plants . By E. E. S tanford
The Wistar Institute Style Brief
Cellular Respiration . by N orman U. M eldrum  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1963,62(1):105-122
Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of the British Flora . Edited by F. H. P erring and S. M. W althrs .
Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology . Vol. XIV: Growth and Growth Substances. Edited by W. R uhland .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XVII: Compositae (3). By S tella R oss -C raig .
Apical Meristems . By F. A. L. C lowes . Botanical Monographs, vol. 2. Edited by W. O. J ames .
Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms . Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Proceedings of the Summer School of Botany held June 2–15, 1960, at Darjeeling . Edited by P. M aheshwari , B. M. J ohri and I. K. V asil .
Exotic Forest Trees in the British Commonwealth . By R. J. S treets . Edited by Sir H arry C hampion .
A Flora of the Alaskan Arctic Slope . By I. L. W iggins and J. H. T homas
Grundzüge der Pflanzenanatomie . By B. H uber .
Taschenbuch der Botanik . By H. M iehe . Revised by W. M evius .
A Conspectus of Aphids as Vectors of Plant Viruses . By J. S. K ennedy , M. F. D ay and V. F. E astop .
Crop Adaptation and Distribution . By C arroll P. W ilsie .
Flora of Cultivated Plants of the U.S.S.R. Vol. XIII: Perennial Leguminous Plants: Medicago, Melilotus and Trigonella. Edited by E. N. S inskaya . Translated by N. L andau .
Der Federsee . Edited by W. Z immermann .
Carbohydrate Resources within the Perennial Plant . By C. A. P riestley .
Flora of the British Isles . By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Mineral Salts Absorption in Plants . By J. F. S utcliffe .
The Development of British Heathlands and their Soils . By G. W. D imbleby .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , vol. 13. Edited by L. M achlis and W. R. B riggs .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1952,51(2):266-279
Review in this article:
The Grass, Fern and Savannah Lands of Ceylon, their Nature and Ecological Significance. By C. H. H olmes .
Guide to the National Pinetum and Forest Plots at Bedgebury. By W. D allimore , R. F. W ood and others. Edited for H.M. Forestry Commission by J. M acdonald and H. J. E dlin .
Elementary Genetics. By W ilma G eorge .
The Stipitate Hydnums of the Eastern United States. By W illiam C hambers C oker and A lma H olland B eere .
Leaf Analysis. By H. L undegårdh , translated by R. L. M itchell .
Trace Elements in Plant Physiology (Lotsya, Vol. 3, I.U.B.S. Colloquia, Series B., No. 1).
Respiration et Métabolisme Azoté ( Etude de physiologie foliaire ) By A lexis M oyse .
Manual of Phycology. An Introduction to the Algae and their Biology. Edited by G ilbert M. S mith .
Recent Advances in the Study of Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
An Introduction to the Anatomy of Seed Plants. By E. L. S tover .
Drawings of British Plants. Part V. Caryophyllaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Zur Lebensgeschichte des Schilfs an den Ufern der Schweizer Seen. Beiträge zur geobotanischen Landesaufnahme der Schweiz. Heft 30. By H ans H ürlimann .
Vegetationskarte der Schweiz. In four sheets, I-IV. Scale 1: 200,000. By E mil S chmid .
Native Orchids of North America. By D. S. C orrell .
Advances in Genetics. Vol. IV. Edited by M. D emerec .
Flora of the British Isles. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Introduction to Mycology. By J. A. M acdonald .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1954,53(1):160-164
La vie des Fruits. By R. U lrich .
The genus 'Euglena'. By M ary G ojdics .
Textbook of Practical Botany. By R. C. M c L ean and W. R. I vimey -C ook .
A Text-Book of General Botany. 5th edition. By G ilbert M. S mith , E dward M. G ilbert , G eorge S. B ryan , R ichard I. E vans and J ohn E. S tauffer .
The Physiology of Seeds. By W. C rocker and L. V. B arton .
Medical Mycology. By G. C. A insworth .
The Vegetation of British Guiana: a Preliminary Review. By D. B. F anshawe .  相似文献   

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