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Couples of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. were isolated for one week in small 1.25 l rearing boxes in the laboratory with sex gland components deposited on rubber caps. At the end of the trials females were dissected and spermatophores counted. Reduction of mating increased with the dose of a mixture of the attractant components Z9-14:Ac and Z11-14:Ac (9:1) but decreased with increasing density of 1 to 5, 10 and 20 couples per box. Each of the attractant components alone produced a mating inhibition equal to the mixture. The minor components Z9-12:Ac and 12:Ac had approximately the same effect as the main components, but 14:Ac and Z11-14:OH had no effect.Identical trials conducted on a strain of summerfruit moth newly introduced to our rearing showed that ten times less product was needed to achieve the same degree of mating inhibition as with the old strain. With adaptation to laboratory conditions the proportion of unmated females diminished and repeated matings occurred more frequently. In order to achieve meaningful results one must work with material from regularly renewed rearings, or better with the direct descendants of individuals from orchards. The results are discussed in relation to mating disruption of A. orana in orchards.
Etude en laboratoire de l'influence de six composantes phéromonales de la tordeuse de la pelure Adoxophyes orana sur les accouplements
Résumé Des essais ont été effectués en laboratoire en mettant des couples de papillons d'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. pendant une semaine dans des boîtes d'élevage de 1,25 l avec ou sans composantes phéromonales. A la fin de l'essai, les femelles sont disséquées pour la recherche des spermatophores. L'inhibition des accouplements s'accroît avec l'augmentation de la charge des deux composantes principales de l'attractif, le Z9-14:Ac et le Z11-14:Ac (9:1) et elle décroît lorsque la densité de popultion passe de 1 à 5, 10, 20 couples de papillons par boîte. Chacune de ces deux composantes principales isolée provoque une réduction d'accouplements aussi importante que le mélange lui-même. Les composantes mineures Z9-12:Ac et 12:Ac ont pratiquement la même efficacité que les composantes principales, mais le 14:Ac et le Z11-14:OH sont sans effet.Des essais identiques effectués avec une souche d'A. orana récemment introduite en élevage continu, montrent qu'il suffit d'environ dix fois moins d'attractif pour provoquer le même effet que sur l'ancienne souche. Parallèlement à l'adaptation aux conditions d'élevage, le nombre de femelles non accouplées dans les témoins diminue progressivement et la fréquence des accouplements multiples augmente. II est donc vivement recommandé de travailler avec des souches continuellement renouvelées en élevage, ou avec les descendants directs d'individus prélevés en vergers. Les résultats obtenus sont commentés en relation avec la lutte par la technique de confusion.

王香萍  张钟宁 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):295-298
对鳞翅目昆虫延迟交配对昆虫生殖力、卵孵化率、交配成功率、成虫寿命等进行了总结。雌虫延迟交配降低雌虫的生殖力、卵的孵化率及与雄虫成功交配率,但可以延长雌虫寿命。雄虫延迟交配降低雌虫的生殖力、卵的孵化率、产卵时间,雄虫的精子质量下降但寿命有所增加。已发现延迟交配在迷向法中控制害虫起着重要的作用,对进一步认识迷向法中不同作用机理以及延迟交配在迷向法防治害虫中的潜力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Adoxophyes orana granulovirus (AdorGV) was isolated from overwintering larvae in an orchard in Kent, in the UK. The developmental time of each A. orana instar was determined by measuring the size of the head capsule. The susceptibility of the larvae to the English isolate of AdorGV was evaluated in laboratory bioassays using inoculation by microdroplet feeding and applied dose assays. A series of bioassays were performed to determine LD(50) and ST(50) values for first, fourth and fifth instar larvae. The median lethal doses ranged from 30 occlusion bodies in first instar to 1.36 x 10(6) in fifth instar. The median survival time decreased the later the larvae were infected and ranged from 37 days in first instar to 24 days in fifth instar. Approximately half of the infected larvae released a discharge rich in occlusion bodies from their posterior end prior to death. Approximately 85% of larvae attempted pupation and died as larva-pupa intermediates.  相似文献   

1 Although management of the oriental beetle Anomala orientalis (Waterhouse) by mating disruption shows promise across a range of agricultural systems, relatively little is known about aspects of the reproductive biology of this species relevant to its management. We studied the effects of delayed mating on several aspects of the oviposition behaviour and biology of the oriental beetle using females mated in the laboratory at 4–13 days posteclosion. 2 Females exhibited a gradual decline in fecundity with increased age at mating that was largely a function of a decline in duration of the oviposition period, as well as lower female fertility: females mated at 11 days were less likely to lay any fertile eggs. However, egg fertility did not vary with female age at mating. 3 Because mating delay did not affect longevity, females mated at older ages experienced decreased oviposition periods; however, females laid more eggs per day with increased age at mating, which partially offset shorter oviposition periods. 4 A mating delay of ≥ 6 days relative to females mated within the first day of reaching sexual maturity resulted in an approximately 35–50% lower mean fecundity. 5 These results suggest that, for mating disruption to be a successful management tool for the oriental beetle, mating must be prevented rather than delayed. We compare the findings of the present study with the published research on delayed mating in moths and discuss the importance of these results in relation to management of the oriental beetle using female sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of delayed mating on the copulation duration, female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and the number days alive after mating of females of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, were studied. When male mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and number days alive after mating of DBM decreased, and there was a negative correlation between the age of the moth with those variables except copulation duration. When female mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, percent egg fertility and number days alive after mating of DBM also decreased, but the longevity increased, which also showed a negative relationship between the age of the moth with the variables except copulation duration and longevity. When both males and females delayed mating, the female fertility and fecundity decreased; egg fertility was affected marginally, and the longevity of females increased. The moth age was negatively correlated with those variables.  相似文献   

为明确交配时长、性比、密度及温度对贡嘎钩蝠蛾Thitarodes gonggaensis交配、产卵、孵化的影响,研究了不同交配时长、不同性比、不同成虫密度、不同交配温度对成虫交配、生殖力的影响.结果表明,成虫正常交配时长差异较大,交配时长为22~270 min,平均交配时长为90.85 min,均能够完成正常的产卵,平...  相似文献   

The effect of delayed female mating for the mushroom fungus gnat Lycoriella ingenua is investigated. We examine the effect of delaying female mating on the fertility and egg viability of female flies that have a mating delay of 0–5 days after emergence. Male fly age is held constant. Female age does not impact male acceptance and most flies copulate within seconds of pairing. We find that female flies experiencing mating delays of 0–4 days after emergence lay a similar number of eggs onto artificial substrates. Females that experience a mating delay of 5 days lay 54% fewer eggs than those that mate on day 0 (day of emergence). There is no effect of mating delay on the percentage of larvae that emerge. The results of the present study indicate that mating delays have little effect on the fertility or fecundity of the mushroom fungus pest L. ingenua.  相似文献   

为明确延迟交配对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella的影响,在室内条件下,分别对初羽化未交配的马铃薯块茎蛾雌虫、雄虫及雌雄虫同时延迟1~5 d配对饲养,研究不同延迟交配处理对该虫产卵量、卵的孵化率及雌雄成虫寿命的影响.结果表明,从产卵量来看,分别将雄虫或雌虫延迟1~3 d交配对产卵量无显著影响,而...  相似文献   

Control of leafrollers using Insect Growth Regulators with juvenile-hormone acitivity (IGR) is a major issue in research on Integrated Pest Management in apple orchards. The IGR is applied at the time of emergence of the last-larval instar of leafrollers, thus causing a disturbance of metamorphosis.Simulation models on the development of Pandemis heparana (Denn. et Schiff.) and Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) were developed, partly on the basis of experiments, partly on data from literature, to predict the time of emergence of the various stages, particularly of the last-larval instar and the pupa. The models use the state-variable approach, and include only temperature as a driving variable.Simulated curves of emergence of last-instar larvae, pupae and moths corresponded well with observations on field-collected larvae, reared to adult stage in an outdoor insectary. The curves of pheromone trap catches showed a delay relative to the calculated and observed curves for the eclosion of pupae.To investigate whether the time of IGR application could be related to a temperature sum, the relation between emergence curves of last-instar larvae and temperature sums was studied for several years. For this purpose simulated curves were used, because observations on emergence of last-instar covered only a few years.
Résumé Le contrôle des Tordeuses par les régulateurs de croissance d'Insectes (IGR), à activité d'hormone juvénile, est un progrès majeur dans la recherche pour la lutte intégrée contre les ennemis des vergers de pommiers.L'IGR appliqué lors de l'apparition du dernier stade larvaire des Tordeuses, perturbe ainsi la métamorphose ultérieure. Afin de prévoir le moment d'apparition des différents stades, et plus particulièrement du dernier stade larvaire, des modèles de simulation du développement de Pandemis heparana (Denn. et Schiff.) et Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) ont été élaborés à partir d'expériences et en se basant sur des résultats de la littérature.Le modèle est basé sur l'examen de la variable d'état, la température étant la variable discriminante suivie.Les courbes simulées d'apparition des larves de dernier stade, des nymphes et des papillons correspondent aux observations faites sur les larves récoltées dans la nature et élevées jusqu'au stade adulte dans un insectarium en plein air.Le taux de capture dans les pièges à phéromone présente un retard par rapport aux courbes calculées et observées pour l'éclosion des nymphes. Différentes causes peuvent être attribuées à cette différence, mais l'influence d'aucune d'elles n'a été étudiée.Afin de déterminer si le moment de l'application d'IGR peut être lié à une somme de températures, les courbes d'apparition des larves de dernier stade ont été étudiées en relation avec les sommes de températures portant sur plusieurs années. Les observations concernant l'apparition des larves de dernier stade ne couvrant que 2 années, des courbes simulées ont été utilisées à cet effet. L'emploid de la relation liant le moment de l'apparition à la somme des températures permet de n'avoir à calculer que les sommes de températures pour déterminer le moment opportun de l'application des IGR.

Male moths responding to their species-specific sex pheromone, may cease their upwind flight when pheromone components of sympatric species are added to the mixture. The interspecific interaction between the pheromone response of the tortricid moths Cydia pomonella and Adoxophyes orana was investigated in field-trapping and wind-tunnel studies. Addition of the A. orana pheromone [(Z9)-tetradecenylacetate and (Z11)-tetradecenylacetate] to a source containing the C. pomonella pheromone [(E8, E10)-dodecadienol] resulted in a significant inhibition of attraction by male C. pomonella. It is demonstrated that this behavioural antagonist for C. pomonella must be emitted from the same point source to induce this inhibitory effect. A spatial separation of the two interspecific pheromones (at 14 cm, 5 cm and 0.5 cm crosswind) restored the attraction of the conspecific pheromone for male C. pomonella. In contrast to C. pomonella, male A. orana were not inhibited by point sources releasing both the C. pomonella and A. orana pheromone. We suggest that the discrepancy in the interspecific pheromone interaction between these two tortricids can be explained if we consider the evolutionary ecology of interspecific pheromone communication in C. pomonella and A. orana. Accepted: 18 July 1999  相似文献   

应用性信息素迷向法防治茶毛虫的田间试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003年在贵州省黔南州都匀茶场进行了性信息素迷向法防治茶毛虫Euproctis pseudoconspersaStrand的田间试验。通过比较处理区和对照区内茶毛虫发蛾量、交配率和后代虫口密度,发现剂量为0.5mg的性信息素释放器按5 m的间隔施放的防治效果显著好于其它处理,它在越冬代和第1代试验中茶毛虫诱蛾量分别减少83.90%和70.25%,交配率分别下降78.18%和73.21%,虫口密度减少59.02%和45.71%。试验结果表明性信息素迷向法可以作为防治茶毛虫的一种手段。  相似文献   

【背景】苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的检疫性害虫,目前从新疆迅速向东部扩散。苹果蠹蛾性信息素胶条迷向剂对防控苹果蠹蛾高效、安全,但成本较高。【方法】2013年在宁夏中卫市常乐镇马路滩村果园使用3种不同剂型的迷向剂对苹果蠹蛾进行了防治试验,每个处理果园面积3.3 hm~2,分别使用性诱剂处理后,用诱捕器监测处理后的诱蛾量,在生长期调查果实为害率,比较防治效果。【结果】通过整个生长季诱捕器监测,悬挂点以900个·hm~(-2)双层处理,胶条迷向剂在开花前处理1次,整个生长季处理区中心部位没有监测到苹果蠹蛾成虫;透明塑管迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到3.3头雄蛾;膏体迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到12头雄蛾。在6月下旬和果实采收前进行果实为害率调查,胶条迷向剂区平均蛀果率分别为0和0.56%,透明塑管迷向剂区蛀果率分别为0.89%和1.38%,膏体迷向剂处理区蛀果率分别为0.79%和1.38%。常规农药防治区2个时期蛀果率分别为1.44%和3.13%。【结论与意义】综合考虑防治效果和使用成本,在虫口密度高、效益高的果园可以使用胶条迷向剂,膏体迷向剂和透明塑管迷向剂只有在虫口密度较低的情况下使用。  相似文献   

橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel是一种世界性的入侵害虫,严重为害多种经济果蔬。本文通过响应面分析方法,研究了延迟交配对橘小实蝇交配率、产卵量、孵化率和寿命的影响。结果表明,交配率随雌虫交配日龄的延迟先增后减,雌、雄成虫均为35日龄处理组中的交配率最高,为81.00%±2.00%;而雄虫交配日龄的延迟则对其卵孵化率有明显的负面作用,在56日龄雄虫与35日龄雌虫处理组中,其卵孵化率最低,仅为27.56%±4.55%。雌成虫产卵量和寿命受到雌、雄虫双方交配日龄的的影响,产卵量(y)与雄虫日龄(x1)和雌虫日龄(x2)的回归方程为y=514.36+3.08x1-11.05x2,雌成虫寿命(y)与雄虫日龄(x1)和雌虫日龄(x2)的回归方程为y=35.85+0.23x1+0.40x2。研究结果为田间使用性信息素迷向法防治橘小实蝇提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Abstract Field trials were conducted in China in 2008 and 2009 to evaluate the efficacy of mating disruption (MD) on diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, in cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata. Effectiveness was positively correlated with the MD dispenser density in the field. A density of 167 MD dispensers per ha produced an average population decrease of about 50% compared to the conventional‐practice field. Significant fewer males were captured in pheromone‐treated and conventional‐practice fields than in the blank control field, but the difference was not significant between the pheromone‐treated and conventional‐practice fields. In addition, fewer eggs and larvae were observed in pheromone‐treated fields. Our results suggest mating disruption coupled with minimal insecticidal supplements is a promising solution for resistance management and control of diamondback moth infestation.  相似文献   

S. A. Hassan 《BioControl》1989,34(1):19-27
Simple laboratory methods to select candidateTrichogramma strains for use in biological control were tried. 17 strains were screened for their suitability against the codling mothCydia pomonella L. as well as the 2 summer fruit tortrix mothsAdoxophyes orana F.R. andPandemis heparana Schiff. In one set of experiments, the capacity ofTrichogramma to parasitize each of these target pests was examined, in another set, the preference ofTrichogramma to contact and parasitize the target pests compared to the standard mass rearing hostSitotroga cerealella was assessed in choice experiments. A strain ofTrichogramma dendrolimi from the People's Republic of China was found to have the highest fecundity with all the 4 hosts tested. In choice experiments, however, this strain was shown to have a near equal preference between the target tortrix pestsC. pomonella, A. orana and the replacement hostS. cerealella. 11 localTrichogramma strains collected from fruit orchards and vineyards in different locations in the Federal Republic of Germany were reared separately. Four of these local strains, one identified asT. embryophagum, showed clear preference to the tortrix pestsC. pomonella andA. orana compared toS. cerealella. The preference of one of these strains was particularly strong and amounted to a near total rejection ofS. cerealella eggs in the presence of any of the 2 tortrix pests. The remaining 12 strains had weaker parasitization capacity and/or less preference to the target pests. Four of the strains tested in these experiments, includingT. dendrolimi andT. embryophagum, were mass reared and released in apple orchards between 1984 and 1986. The results of these field experiments are planned to be published in this journal. Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The potential for pheromone-based mating disruption of eye-spotted bud moth (ESBM), Spilonota ocellana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in apple orchards in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia was examined in small-plot trials. In a preliminary experiment, treatment of the orchard atmosphere with a 99:1 blend of Z8-tetradecenyl acetate (Z8-14:OAc) and Z8-tetradecenyl alcohol (Z8-14:OH) completely inhibited captures of male ESBM in pheromone-baited traps, but treatment with Z8-14:OAc alone did not. Therefore, all subsequent trials used the two-component blend as a disruptant. Mean catches of male ESBM in traps baited with 0.1, 1, 10, or 20 mg of 99:1 Z8-14:OAc and Z8-14:OH were significantly reduced (81–97%) in pheromone-treated plots relative to similar traps placed in control plots. In both control and treated plots, there was a significant positive relationship between trap bait dose and trap catch. In pheromone-treated plots, this suggests that high doses of trap baits over-ride the camouflage effect of disruption or overcome the effect of sensory adaptation and habituation. The number of virgin-female baited traps capturing at least one male ESBM was reduced by 96%, and mating of virgin females on mating tables was reduced by 95% in plots treated with the two-component pheromone. The total amount of Z8-14:OAc released from pheromone disruption dispensers during the latter field trials was estimated to average 6.4 g ha-1 over 11 days or 26.4 mg ha-1 h-1. The low levels of Z8-14:OH released from disruption dispensers could not be estimated by GC analysis. Dispensers loaded with a 99:1 blend of Z8-14:OAc and Z8-14:OH were highly attractive to males in baited traps, indicating that they have the potential to induce false trail following.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫交配行为与其日龄和生殖系统发育密切相关。本研究旨在明确亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis交配行为与其日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢大小的关系,为性信息素群集诱杀和交配干扰防控亚洲玉米螟提供理论依据。【方法】通过室内交配实验测定了不同配对晚数、日龄、性比亚洲玉米螟的交配率和交配次数,通过雄蛾精巢解剖分析了交配次数与精巢体积的关系。【结果】亚洲玉米螟的交配率随配对晚数增加而增加,但第1-5晚的增加速度大于第6-7晚的;1-4日龄蛾的交配率随日龄增加而增加,5日龄蛾的交配率显著降低;1-3日龄蛾配对1晚的交配率与新羽化蛾配对2~4晚的均无显著差异。亚洲玉米螟可以交配1~3次,但是交配3次的比例极低。雌性数量从1增为2时,雄蛾的交配率显著增加;从2增为3时,雄蛾的交配率显著降低、死亡率显著增加,交配1次的雄蛾进行二次交配的比例也增加,并且雄蛾更愿意与处女雌蛾进行第2次交配;交配1次雄蛾的精巢体积总是显著大于同期未交配雄蛾的,交配1次稍降低了雄蛾精巢的衰退速度,交配2次则明显增加雄蛾精巢的衰退速度。【结论】本研究明确了亚洲玉米螟交配与日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢体积之间的关系,从理论上证...  相似文献   

豆野螟Maruca vitrata(Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文研究了豆野螟延迟交尾和多次交尾对其生殖的影响。延迟交尾实验结果表明:豆野螟雌雄同时延迟交尾,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,但是对卵的孵化率没有显著影响;雌虫延迟交尾,随着延迟时间的增加,雌虫的寿命、产卵量、卵的孵化率表现为下降的趋势,而雄虫的寿命延迟交尾第3天达到最大值;雄虫延迟交尾,随着延迟交尾时间的增加,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,卵的孵化率随着延迟逐渐下降。多次交尾实验结果表明,随着雄虫交尾次数的增加,成功交尾率逐渐降低,用于交尾的时间延长,雌虫和相应雄虫的寿命逐渐缩短,雌虫的产卵量下降,但对卵的孵化率影响不大;豆野螟雌虫一生只交尾一次,未见到雌虫2次交尾。  相似文献   

苹果黄蚜、苹小卷叶蛾发生规律和分布型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了苹果黄蚜和苹小卷叶蛾在山东省烟台地区的发生规律,它们一年分别发生13~14代和3代。苹果黄蚜的种群一年出现两次高峰.这与苹果树春、秋梢的2次生长规律相符合。测定了苹果黄蚜和苹小卷叶蛾幼虫在苹果树上的分布型,均属聚集分布,分析提出了适宜的取样调查方法.  相似文献   

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