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It is more than 50 years since the lysosome was discovered. Since then its hydrolytic machinery, including proteases and other hydrolases, has been fairly well identified and characterized. Among these are the cysteine cathepsins, members of the family of papain-like cysteine proteases. They have unique reactive-site properties and an uneven tissue-specific expression pattern. In living organisms their activity is a delicate balance of expression, targeting, zymogen activation, inhibition by protein inhibitors and degradation. The specificity of their substrate binding sites, small-molecule inhibitor repertoire and crystal structures are providing new tools for research and development. Their unique reactive-site properties have made it possible to confine the targets simply by the use of appropriate reactive groups. The epoxysuccinyls still dominate the field, but now nitriles seem to be the most appropriate "warhead". The view of cysteine cathepsins as lysosomal proteases is changing as there is now clear evidence of their localization in other cellular compartments. Besides being involved in protein turnover, they build an important part of the endosomal antigen presentation. Together with the growing number of non-endosomal roles of cysteine cathepsins is growing also the knowledge of their involvement in diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, among others. Finally, cysteine cathepsins are important regulators and signaling molecules of an unimaginable number of biological processes. The current challenge is to identify their endogenous substrates, in order to gain an insight into the mechanisms of substrate degradation and processing. In this review, some of the remarkable advances that have taken place in the past decade are presented. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteolysis 50 years after the discovery of lysosome.  相似文献   

Liu L  Dong H  Chen H  Zhang J  Ling H  Li Z  Shi PY  Li H 《生物学前沿》2010,5(4):286-303
Many flaviviruses are significant human pathogens. The plus-strand RNA genome of a flavivirus contains a 5′ terminal cap 1 structure (m7GpppAmG). The flavivirus encodes one methyltransferase (MTase), located at the N-terminal portion of the NS5 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). Here we review recent advances in our understanding of flaviviral capping machinery and the implications for drug development. The NS5 MTase catalyzes both guanine N7 and ribose 2′-OH methylations during viral cap formation. Representative flavivirus MTases, from dengue, yellow fever, and West Nile virus (WNV), sequentially generate GpppA → m7GpppA → m7GpppAm. Despite the existence of two distinct methylation activities, the crystal structures of flavivirus MTases showed a single binding site for S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM), the methyl donor. This finding indicates that the substrate GpppA-RNA must be repositioned to accept the N7 and 2′-O methyl groups from SAM during the sequential reactions. Further studies demonstrated that distinct RNA elements are required for the methylations of guanine N7 on the cap and of ribose 2′-OH on the first transcribed nucleotide. Mutant enzymes with different methylation defects can trans complement one another in vitro, demonstrating that separate molecules of the enzyme can independently catalyze the two cap methylations in vitro. In the context of the infectious virus, defects in both methylations, or a defect in the N7 methylation alone, are lethal to WNV. However, viruses defective solely in 2′-O methylation are attenuated and can protect mice from later wild-type WNV challenge. The results demonstrate that the N7 methylation activity is essential for the WNV life cycle and, thus, methyltransferase represents a novel and promising target for flavivirus therapy.  相似文献   

Plants possess several defense mechanisms against pathogenic attack. One of these defenses is the use of protease inhibitor proteins, which interfere in the development and growth of pathogens. Sugarcane productivity can be impacted by the plant's susceptibility to fungal diseases that result in production losses. A relevant line of investigation, therefore, is into the plant's natural defense mechanisms for the control of phytopathogens using cystatins-proteins that specifically inhibit cysteine proteases. In this paper, we discuss the expression, in Escherichia coli, of a sugarcane cystatin, its purification, antifungal activity, and circular dichroism to monitor correct folding. These studies revealed a secondary structure similar to that of the oryzacystatin I of rice. Moreover, the purified protein proved capable of inhibiting the growth of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei, suggesting that it can also be employed to inhibit the growth of pathogenic sugarcane fungi.  相似文献   

The light environment during plant growth determines the structural and functional properties of higher plant chloroplasts, thus revealing a dynamically regulated developmental system. Pisum sativum plants growing under intermittent illumination showed chloroplasts with fully functional photosystem (PS) II and PSI reaction centers that lacked the peripheral chlorophyll (Chi) a/b and Chl a light-harvesting complexes (LHC), respectively. The results suggest a light flux differential threshold regulation in the biosynthesis of the photosystem core and peripheral antenna complexes. Sun-adapted species and plants growing under far-red-depleted illumination showed grana stacks composed of few (3–5) thylakoids connected with long intergrana (stroma) thylakoids. They had a PSII/PSI reaction center ratio in the range 1.3–1.9. Shade-adapted species and plants growing under far-red-enrichcd illumination showed large grana stacks composed of several thylakoids, often extending across the entire chloroplast body, and short intergrana stroma thylakoids. They had a higher PSII/PSI reaction center ratio, in the range of 2.2–4.0. Thus, the relative extent of grana and stroma thylakoid formation corresponds with the relative amounts of PSII and PSI in the chloroplast, respectively. The structural and functional adaptation of the photosynthetic membrane system in response to the quality of illumination involves mainly a control on the rate of PSII and PSI complex biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in structure among primate hemoglobins is associated with variation in function. This supports the hypothesis that most substitutions observed among homologous proteins in different species have been fixed by natural selection because they contribute to the fitness of the genotype. It does not support the concept that most substitutions result from the fixation of neutral alleles by genetic drift.  相似文献   

Clitocypin, a new type of cysteine proteinase inhibitor from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis, is a 34-kDa homodimer lacking disulphide bonds, reported to have unusual stability properties. Sequence similarity is limited solely to certain proteins from mushrooms. Infrared spectroscopy shows that clitocypin is a high beta-structure protein which was lost at high temperatures. The far UV circular dichroism spectrum is not that of classical beta-structure, but similar to those of a group of small beta-strand proteins, with a peak at 189nm and a trough at 202nm. An aromatic peak at 232nm and infrared bands at 1633 and 1515cm(-1) associated with the peptide backbone and the tyrosine microenvironment, respectively, were used to characterize the thermal unfolding. The reversible transition has a midpoint at 67 degrees C, with DeltaG=34kJ/mol and DeltaH=300kJ/mol, and is, unusually, independent of protein concentration. The kinetics of thermal unfolding and refolding are slow, with activation energies of 167 and 44kJ/mol, respectively. A model for folding and assembly is discussed.  相似文献   

For over 20 years, peptide materials in their hydrogel or soluble fibril form have been used for biomedical applications such as drug delivery, cell culture, vaccines, and tissue regeneration. To facilitate the translation of these materials, key areas of research still need to be addressed. Their structural characterization lags compared to amyloid proteins. Many of the structural features designed to guide materials formation are primarily being characterized by their observation in atomic resolution structures of amyloid assemblies. Herein, these motifs are examined in relation to peptide designs identifying common interactions that drive assembly and provide structural specificity. Current efforts to design complex structures, as reviewed here, highlight the need to extend the structural revolution of amyloid proteins to peptide assemblies to validate design principles. With respect to clinical applications, the fundamental interactions and responses of proteins, cells, and the immune system to peptide materials are still not well understood. Only a few trends are just now emerging for peptide materials interactions with biological systems. Understanding how peptide material properties influence these interactions will enable the translation of materials towards current and emerging applications.  相似文献   

Introduction: Arginine methylation is an important post-translational modification (PTM) in cells, which is catalyzed by a group of protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs). It plays significant roles in diverse cellular processes and various diseases. Misregulation and aberrant expression of PRMTs can provide potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for drug discovery.

Areas covered: Herein, we review the arginine methylation literature and summarize the methodologies for the characterization of this modification, as well as describe the recent insights into arginine methyltransferases and their biological functions in diseases.

Expert commentary: Benefits from the enzyme-based large-scale screening approach, the novel affinity enrichment strategies, arginine methylated protein family is the focus of attention. Although a number of arginine methyltransferases and related substrates are identified, the catalytic mechanism of different types of PRMTs remains unclear and few related demethylases are characterized. Novel functional studies continuously reveal the importance of this modification in the cell cycle and diseases. A deeper understanding of arginine methylated proteins, modification sites, and their mechanisms of regulation is needed to explore their role in life processes, especially their relationship with diseases, thus accelerating the generation of potent, selective, cell-penetrant drug candidates.  相似文献   

NOX5 in human spermatozoa: expression, function, and regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physiological and pathological processes in spermatozoa involve the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but the identity of the ROS-producing enzyme system(s) remains a matter of speculation. We provide the first evidence that NOX5 NADPH oxidase is expressed and functions in human spermatozoa. Immunofluorescence microscopy detected NOX5 protein in both the flagella/neck region and the acrosome. Functionally, spermatozoa exposed to calcium ionophore, phorbol ester, or H(2)O(2) exhibited superoxide anion production, which was blocked by addition of superoxide dismutase, a Ca(2+) chelator, or inhibitors of either flavoprotein oxidases (diphenylene iododonium) or NOX enzymes (GKT136901). Consistent with our previous overexpression studies, we found that H(2)O(2)-induced superoxide production by primary sperm cells was mediated by the non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl. Moreover, the H(V)1 proton channel, which was recently implicated in spermatozoa motility, was required for optimal superoxide production by spermatozoa. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggested an interaction among NOX5, c-Abl, and H(V)1. H(2)O(2) treatment increased the proportion of motile sperm in a NOX5-dependent manner. Statistical analyses showed a pH-dependent correlation between superoxide production and enhanced sperm motility. Collectively, our findings show that NOX5 is a major source of ROS in human spermatozoa and indicate a role for NOX5-dependent ROS generation in human spermatozoa motility.  相似文献   

Ageing and vision: structure, stability and function of lens crystallins   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The -, β- and γ-crystallins are the major protein components of the vertebrate eye lens, -crystallin as a molecular chaperone as well as a structural protein, β- and γ-crystallins as structural proteins. For the lens to be able to retain life-long transparency in the absence of protein turnover, the crystallins must meet not only the requirement of solubility associated with high cellular concentration but that of longevity as well. For proteins, longevity is commonly assumed to be correlated with long-term retention of native structure, which in turn can be due to inherent thermodynamic stability, efficient capture and refolding of non-native protein by chaperones, or a combination of both. Understanding how the specific interactions that confer intrinsic stability of the protein fold are combined with the stabilizing effect of protein assembly, and how the non-specific interactions and associations of the assemblies enable the generation of highly concentrated solutions, is thus of importance to understand the loss of transparency of the lens with age. Post-translational modification can have a major effect on protein stability but an emerging theme of the few studies of the effect of post-translational modification of the crystallins is one of solubility and assembly. Here we review the structure, assembly, interactions, stability and post-translational modifications of the crystallins, not only in isolation but also as part of a multi-component system. The available data are discussed in the context of the establishment, the maintenance and finally, with age, the loss of transparency of the lens. Understanding the structural basis of protein stability and interactions in the healthy eye lens is the route to solve the enormous medical and economical problem of cataract.  相似文献   

The teeth of every primate, living and extinct, are covered by a hard, durable layer of enamel. This is not unique: Almost all mammals have enamel-covered teeth. In addition, all of the variations in enamel structure that occur in primates are also found in other groups of mammals. Nevertheless, the very complexity of enamel and the variation we see in it on the teeth of living and fossil primates raise questions about its evolutionary significance. Is the complex structure of primate enamel adaptive? What, if anything, does enamel structure tell us about primate phylogeny? To answer these questions, we need to look more closely at the characteristics of prismatic enamel in primates and at the distribution of those characteristics, both in relation to our knowledge of primate dental function and feeding ecology and from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

Classic studies of protein structure in the 1950s and 1960s demonstrated that green lacewing egg stalk silk possesses a rare native cross-beta sheet conformation. We have identified and sequenced the silk genes expressed by adult females of a green lacewing species. The two encoded silk proteins are 109 and 67 kDa in size and rich in serine, glycine and alanine. Over 70% of each protein sequence consists of highly repetitive regions with 16-residue periodicity. The repetitive sequences can be fitted to an elegant cross-beta sheet structural model with protein chains folded into regular 8-residue long beta strands. This model is supported by wide-angle X-ray scattering data and tensile testing from both our work and the original papers. We suggest that the silk proteins assemble into stacked beta sheet crystallites bound together by a network of cystine cross-links. This hierarchical structure gives the lacewing silk high lateral stiffness nearly threefold that of silkworm silk, enabling the egg stalks to effectively suspend eggs and protect them from predators.  相似文献   

The role of the eukaryotic flagellum in cell motility is well established but its importance in many other aspects of cell biology, from cell signalling to developmental regulation, is becoming increasingly apparent. In addition to this diversity of function the core structure of the flagellum, which has been inherited from the earliest ancestor of all eukaryotes, is embellished with a range of extra-axonemal structures in many organisms. One of the best studied of these structures is the paraflagellar rod of kinetoplastid protozoa in which the morphological characteristics have been well defined and some of the major protein constituents have been identified. Here we discuss recent advances in the identification of further molecular components of the paraflagellar rod, how these impact on our understanding of its function and regulation and the implications for therapeutic intervention in a number of devastating human pathologies.  相似文献   

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