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Paralog gene trees, which reflect the increase of genomic complexity in the evolution, can be complicated and ambiguous. A simpler complementary approach is analysis of density distribution of paralog pairs. It can reveal general features of genome evolution, which may be hidden in the forest of gene trees. It is known that distribution of human paralog pairs along the axis of protein divergence between pair members forms two main peaks. Here I show that there are three main peaks in the mouse genome. Thus, the multimodality of paralog pair distribution seems to be a fundamental feature of mammalian genomes. Despite the great diversity of domains presented in small amounts or in multidomain architectures with a few predominant domains, both in human and mouse the first peak consists mostly of gene pairs with zinc finger domains or olfactory receptor domain. In the mouse the olfactory receptor predominates, which stipulates the three-peak distribution (since in the olfactory receptors the second peak is closer to the first peak than in other genes). The mammalian-wide zinc finger orthologs are biased towards the second peak. Thus, the marsupial orthologs are nearly absent in the first peak of human and mouse. The gene pairs in the first peak show a lower ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions, which suggests that their evolution is more constrained. The plausible explanation is that they are in subfunctionalization state (partition of initial function of ancestral gene), whereas the second peak contains gene pairs that are already in neofunctionalization state (acquiring of novel functions). These data suggest that the adaptive radiation of mammals was accompanied by a burst of duplication of zinc finger genes, which are located in the first (most recent) peak of paralog pairs.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus strains adopt different host specificities mainly depending on their hemagglutinin (HA) protein. Via HA, the virus binds sialic acid receptors of the host cell and, upon endocytic uptake, HA triggers fusion between the viral envelope bilayer and the endosomal membrane by a low pH-induced conformational change leading to the release of the viral genome into the host cell cytoplasm. Both functions are crucial for viral infection enabling the genesis of new progeny virus.  相似文献   

The Siglec family of receptors mediates cell-surface interactions through recognition of sialylated glycoconjugates. Previously reported structures of the N-terminal domain of the Siglec sialoadhesin (SnD1) in complex with various sialic acid analogs revealed the structural template for sialic acid binding. To characterize further the carbohydrate-binding properties, we have determined the crystal structures of SnD1 in the absence of ligand, and in complex with 2-benzyl-Neu5NPro and 2-benzyl-Neu5NAc. These structures reveal that SnD1 undergoes very few structural changes on ligand binding and detail how two novel classes of sialic acid analogs bind, one of which unexpectedly can induce Siglec dimerization. In conjunction with in silico analysis, this set of structures informs us about the design of putative ligands with enhanced binding affinities and specificities to different Siglecs, and provides data with which to test the effectiveness of different computational drug design protocols.  相似文献   

Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) has been used clinically to alleviate cancer- and chemotherapy-related anemia. However, recent clinical trials have reported that rhEPO also may adversely impact disease progression and survival. The expression of functional EPO receptors (EPOR) has been demonstrated in many human cancer cells where, at least in vitro, rhEPO can stimulate cell growth and survival and may induce resistance to selected therapies.  相似文献   

In mammals, two carotenoid cleaving oxygenases are known; beta-carotene 15,15′-monooxygenase (BCMO1) and beta-carotene 9′,10′-oxygenase (BCO2). BCMO1 is a key enzyme in vitamin A synthesis by symmetrically cleaving beta-carotene into 2 molecules of all-trans-retinal, while BCO2 is responsible for asymmetric cleavage of a broader range of carotenoids. Here, we show that the Atlantic salmon beta-carotene oxygenase (bco) gene family contains 5 members, three bco2 and two bcmo1 paralogs. Using public sequence databases, multiple bco genes were also found in several additional teleost species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that bco2a and bco2b originate from the teleost fish specific genome duplication (FSGD or 3R), while the third and more distant paralog, bco2 like, might stem from a prior duplication event in the teleost lineage. The two bcmo1 paralogs (bcmo1 and bcmo1 like) appear to be the result of an ancient duplication event that took place before the divergence of ray-finned (Actinopterygii) and lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii), with subsequent nonfunctionalization and loss of one Sarcopterygii paralog. Gene expression analysis of the bcmo1 and bco2 paralogs in Atlantic salmon reveals regulatory divergence with tissue specific expression profiles, suggesting that the beta-carotene oxygenase subtypes have evolved functional divergences. We suggest that teleost fish have evolved and maintained an extended repertoire of beta-carotene oxygenases compared to the investigated Sarcopterygii species, and hypothesize that the main driver behind this functional divergence is the exposure to a diverse set of carotenoids in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Manganese is an essential metal for life, yet chronic exposure to this metal can cause a neurodegenerative disease named manganism, with symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease. Mn accumulates in the striatum and damages this brain structure that controls motor function; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this neurodegenerative disease are poorly understood. In this short review, a summary of the current knowledge on the mechanisms involved in Mn neurotoxicity is given, with a special emphasis on the features that suggest specific protein-manganese interactions. The mechanisms of Mn uptake into the brain are discussed, displaying its similarities to Fe metabolism. Cellular trafficking of Mn is also reviewed, pointing out at its connection to Ca homeostasis, and its relevance for understanding Mn-induced neuronal death. The main purpose of this review is to provide a glimpse of an unexplored bioinorganic facet of a Mn-induced neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a small polypeptide and ubiquitination is the post-translational modification by ubiquitin protein, resulting in degradation of target proteins by the 26S proteasome complex. Here, we found that E3 ubiquitin ligase SINAT5, an Arabidopsis homologue of the Drosophila SINA RING-finger protein, interacts directly with LHY, a component of the circadian oscillator, and DET1, a negative regulator of light-regulated gene expression. We also found that SINAT5 has E3 ubiquitination activity for LHY but not for DET1. Interestingly, LHY ubiquitination by SINAT5 was inhibited by DET1. Late flowering of sinat5 mutants indicates that flowering time can be controlled by DET1 through regulation of LHY stability by SINAT5.  相似文献   

The use of array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) as a diagnostic tool in molecular genetics has facilitated the identification of many new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes (MMSs). Furthermore, this method has allowed for the identification of copy number variations (CNVs) whose pathogenic role has yet to be uncovered. Here, we report on our application of array CGH for the identification of pathogenic CNVs in 79 Russian children with intellectual disability (ID). Twenty-six pathogenic or likely pathogenic changes in copy number were detected in 22 patients (28%): 8 CNVs corresponded to known MMSs, and 17 were not associated with previously described syndromes. In this report, we describe our findings and comment on genes potentially associated with ID that are located within the CNV regions.  相似文献   

Antioxidants are compounds that can delay or inhibit lipid oxidation. The peroxidation of linoleic acid (LA) in the absence and presence of Cu(II) ion–ascorbate combinations was investigated in aerated and incubated emulsions at 37 °C and pH 7. LA peroxidation induced by copper(II)–ascorbic acid system followed first order kinetics with respect to hydroperoxides concentration. The extent of copper-initiated peroxide production in a LA system assayed by ferric thiocyanate method was used to determine possible antioxidant and prooxidant activities of the added flavonoids. The effects of three different flavonoids of similar structure, i.e. quercetin (QR), morin (MR) and catechin (CT), as potential antioxidant protectors were studied in the selected peroxidation system. The inhibitive order of flavonoids in the protection of LA peroxidation was: morin > catechin ≥ quercetin, i.e. agreeing with that of formal reduction potentials versus NHE at pH 7, i.e. 0.60, 0.57 and 0.33 V for MR, CT, and QR, respectively. Morin showed antioxidant effect at all concentrations whereas catechin and quercetin showed both antioxidant and prooxidant effects depending on their concentrations. The structural requirements for antioxidant activity in flavonoids interestingly coincide with those for Cu(II)-induced prooxidant activity, because as the reducing power of a flavonoid increases, Cu(II)–Cu(I) reduction is facilitated that may end up with the production of reactive species. The findings of this study were evaluated in the light of structure–activity relationships of flavonoids, and the results are believed to be useful to better understand the actual conditions where flavonoids may act as prooxidants in the preservation of heterogeneous food samples containing traces of transition metal ions.  相似文献   

As an activator of adenylate cyclase, the neuropeptide Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide (PACAP) impacts levels of cyclic AMP, a key second messenger available in brain cells. PACAP is involved in certain adult behaviors. To elucidate PACAP interactions, a compendium of microarrays representing mRNA expression in the adult mouse whole brain was pooled from the Phenogen database for analysis. A regulatory network was computed based on mutual information between gene pairs using gene expression data across the compendium. Clusters among genes directly linked to PACAP, and probable interactions between corresponding proteins were computed. Database “experts” affirmed some of the inferred relationships. The findings suggest ADCY7 is probably the adenylate cyclase isoform most relevant to PACAP's action. They also support intervening roles for kinases including GSK3B, PI 3-kinase, SGK3 and AMPK. Other high-confidence interactions are hypothesized for future testing. This new information has implications for certain behavioral and other disorders.  相似文献   

Among heme-based sensors, recent phylogenomic and sequence analyses have identified 34 globin coupled sensors (GCS), to which an aerotactic or gene-regulating function has been tentatively ascribed. Here, the structural and biochemical characterization of the globin domain of the GCS from Geobacter sulfurreducens (GsGCS162) is reported. A combination of X-ray crystallography (crystal structure at 1.5 Å resolution), UV-vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy reveals the ferric GsGCS162 as an example of bis-histidyl hexa-coordinated GCS. In contrast to the known hexa-coordinated globins, the distal heme-coordination in ferric GsGCS162 is provided by a His residue unexpectedly located at the E11 topological site. Furthermore, UV-vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy indicated that ferrous deoxygenated GsGCS162 is a penta-/hexa-coordinated mixture, and the heme hexa-to-penta-coordination transition does not represent a rate-limiting step for carbonylation kinetics. Lastly, electron paramagnetic resonance indicates that ferrous nitrosylated GsGCS162 is a penta-coordinated species, where the proximal HisF8-Fe bond is severed.  相似文献   

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