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Xylem Sap from Actinidia chinensis: Gradients in Sap Composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In early spring, just prior to leaf break, there were substantialgradients in the concentration of many solutes in xylem sapcollected by vacuum extraction from shoots of different ages,from the branches, trunk and roots of mature Chinese gooseberryvines (Actinidia chinensis Planchon) For most nutrients therewas a progressive fall in concentration from youngest shootsdown to the roots and nitrate was the only nutrient to showa trend in the opposite direction These gradients in concentrationare probably sufficient to account for most of the changes observedin the composition of bleeding xylem sap during the first fewhours of bleeding after a branch is cut or wounded Actinidia chinensis, Chinese gooseberry, kiwifruit, xylem sap, nutrient gradients  相似文献   

Excised shoot apices, leaves and internodes from shoots of apple trees (Malus×domestica) give off gibberellins by diffusion on agar. A methanol extract of the agar was prepared, the extract separated on thin layer plates, and the gibberellin activity estimated by means of Rumex and lettuce hypocotyl bioassays. The largest amounts of gibberellin are found in diffusates from the shoot apex, the two upper leaves and the two upper internodes. Several promotive fractions are found on the chromatograms as well as growth inhibitors. Removal of young leaves retards elongation of the internodes. Probably gibberellins produced in young leaves exercise some control over this process. The growth regulators Alar and CCC also retard internode elongation. Diffusates from shoots treated with these substances were also examined. Preliminary results suggest that the amount of diffusible gibberellins from treated shoots is not reduced.  相似文献   

不同方法提取的荷叶挥发油化学成分分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采取超临界CO2萃取和水蒸气蒸馏提取荷叶挥发油,利用GC-MS对它们进行了定性、定量分析。结果表明这两种方法提取荷叶挥发油的化学成分及含量皆有很大差别。超临界CO2萃取的荷叶挥发油更具天然性,超临界CO2萃取法为提取荷叶挥发油的理想方法。  相似文献   

Soluble Nitrogenous Constituents of Lupin Nodules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lupin nodules collected in two successive years were analysedfor ammonia, urea, glutamine, asparagine, amino-nitrogen, peptide-nitrogen,total soluble nitrogen, and total nitrogen at fortnightly orweekly intervals from the time the plants reached full flower.The amounts of many of the constituents passed through a maximum,in the first experiment about a month after flowering, in thesecond at or a few days after flowering. On a sample taken a week after full flowering, assays were madeof 17 individual amino-acids in three fractions representingfree amino-acids, peptides, and soluble protein. Of the freeamino-acids, those present in the greatest amount were asparticand glutamic acids together with their amides, alanine, serine,histidine, and valine. The other two extracts showed a moreeven distribution of amino-nitrogen among the different amino-acids.  相似文献   

An Apparatus for the Measurement of Sap Flow in Unexcised Leafy Shoots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An apparatus is described for the measurement of water flowin shoots of woody plants by a steady-state heat-flow method.Two thermocouples are set up on either side of a heating elementinserted into the stem. The temperature difference between eachof these thermocouples and the surrounding air is measured.Theoretical considerations show that the logarithm of the ratioof this difference in the ‘downstream’ to that inthe ‘upstream’ position gives a measure of sap flow-rate.The apparatus provides a system that can be used in field orlaboratory conditions to follow water transport in the leafyshoot over periods of at least 24 h.  相似文献   

Vascular Development and Sap Flow in Apple Pedicels   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Xylem and phloem tissues of the pedicel of apple fruit increasein cross-sectional area throughout development. The increasein phloem is similar in the two cultivars examined (Cox's OrangePippin and Royal Gala) and reflects a steadily increasing phloemsap flow to the fruit. The increase in xylem tissue is due toa proliferation of non-conducting, structural, components sinceclose examination reveals no increase in the number of vesselelements from just after flowering onwards. The greater number,and the larger diameter, of the vessels in Cox's explains theinitially higher xylem conductance found in this cultivar. In vitro measurements of xylem exudation reveal a decline duringthe growing season in the xylem conductance of both cultivarsand an increasing proportion of fruit (particularly in Cox's)in which the xylem comes to be totally non-conducting. Thisobservation is in line with previously reported measurementsof xylem sap flow in vivo. The straightforward techniques used in this study offer a feasiblealternative to more arduous methods of assessing xylem and phloemsap flows and their balance during growth.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Apple, xylem, phloem, vascular development, sap flow, Malus domestica Borkh  相似文献   

Sorbitol in Tracheal Sap of Apple as Related to Temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of dormant-season temperatures on levels of sorbitol was determined in an effort to provide further information on the possible role of sorbitol in dormancy of apple tress (Malus sylvestris Mill.). Two-year-old shoots were collected throughout the dormant season; sorbitol and sugars were determined in tracheal sap extracted under vacuum and in ground dried wood extracted in a soxhlet apparatus. Sorbitol and sugar trimethylsilyl derivatives were detected by gas chromatography. Levels of sorbitol in the sap generally increased during subfreezing temperatures and decreased during warm periods throughout the dormant season. Early peak increases in sap sorbitol appeared to coincide with the beginning of leaf senescence. Postharvest levels of reducing sugars, sorbitol, and particularly sucrose in the wood, increased as the temperature decreased during the dormant season, and the sugar levels decreased with warming temperatures in the spring. Our data indicate that sorbitol and sucrose are important reserves of storage carbohydrates in resting apple trees.  相似文献   

JONES  O. P. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(2):463-467
This paper records studies on the xylem sap from above and belowthe graft unions of apple trees with M·9, M·7and MM.104 rootstocks. The dry weight of solutes in sap fromabove the unions of the M·9 trees was between 30 and50 per cent lower than in sap from below, while the volume ofsap exuded was not reduced. The graft unions of the M·7and MM·104 trees had no significant effect on the xylemsap. These results are discussed in relation to the dwarfing effectsof rootstocks and interstocks.  相似文献   

Apparatus is described which applies the magnetohydrodynamictechnique of fluid flow measurement to the measurement of sapflux in plants. This technique permits instantaneous readingsto be taken. Measurements were made on a range of whole plantsand cut shoots in potometers to facilitate calibration and providean illustration of the linearity of the instrument.  相似文献   

短枝型芽变品种是中国苹果矮化密植栽培可以利用的重要种质资源,研究其形成的生理基础和相关基因,为进一步探索苹果短枝型芽变形成机理奠定基础。以枝条快速生长期的普通型品种‘烟富8号’和短枝型品种‘惠民短枝’叶片、茎与茎尖作为试验材料,测定枝条粗度和节间长度,采用HPLC法测定内源激素(IAA、GA3和ABA)和可溶性糖(葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖、山梨糖醇)含量,应用实时定量qRT-PCR技术比较分析激素相关基因在不同品种中的表达特性,为研究苹果枝条发育调控机理提供支撑。结果表明,‘烟富8号’的节间长度高出‘惠民短枝’1.2倍,而枝条粗度显著低于‘惠民短枝’;茎中的蔗糖和山梨糖醇含量分别显著高于‘惠民短枝’2.5倍和1.3倍,茎尖中的葡萄糖含量仅为‘惠民短枝’的0.3倍;茎和茎尖中的GA 3和IAA含量、TIR1和GA20ox基因的表达水平显著高于‘惠民短枝’,而ABA含量、SnRK2和PYL基因表达水平显著低于‘惠民短枝’;叶片中GA20ox基因的表达水平显著高于‘惠民短枝’。研究推测,较低浓度的GA3、IAA、蔗糖和山梨糖醇,及较高浓度的ABA和葡萄糖与短枝型苹果品种的形成密切相关。  相似文献   

叶片是植物与外界环境进行能量、水气交换的主要器官,对环境变化较敏感且可塑性较大.该研究以民勤不同年代梭梭同化枝为研究对象,采用石蜡切片法,分析不同年代梭梭同化枝解剖结构变异特点及其与土壤条件的关系,旨在探讨梭梭同化枝在干旱环境的生态适应机制.结果表明:(1)除角质层和导管孔径,不同年代梭梭同化枝解剖结构指标差异显著(P...  相似文献   

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