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The literature abounds with conflicting data on various morphometric aspects of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of sex, ethnic group, and edentulism on TMJ osseous morphology and to define possible factors which might influence variation in this structure. TMJs and related craniofacial structures were measured directly on 229 dry skulls and matching mandibles. Analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis were performed. Our results indicate that 1) the anteroposterior-related TMJ dimensions are independent of sex, ethnic group, and edentulism; 2) the transverse TMJ dimension is related to cranial breadth measures; and 3) the projected distance, along a midsagittal plane, between the TMJ and foramen magnum is independent of sex, ethnicity, and edentulism. It is our assertion that the TMJ must not be considered as a single morphological structure but rather viewed as a functional unit with component parts which are subordinate to completely different sets of influences. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intracapsular temporomandibular joint arthroplasty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ants use their mandibles to manipulate many different objects including food, brood and nestmates. Different tasks require the modification of mandibular force and speed. Besides normal mandible movements the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus features a particularly fast mandible reflex during which both mandibles close synchronously within 3 ms. The mandibular muscles that govern mandible performance are controlled by four opener and eight closer motor neurons. During slow mandible movements different motor units can be activated successively, and fine tuning is assisted by co-activation of the antagonistic muscles. Fast and powerful movements are generated by the additional activation of two particular motor units which also contribute to the mandible strike. The trap-jaw reflex is triggered by a fast trigger muscle which is derived from the mandible closer. Intracellular recording reveals that trigger motor neurons can generate regular as well as particularly large postsynaptic potentials, which might be passively propagated over the short distance to the trigger muscle. The trigger motor neurons are dye-coupled and receive input from both sides of the body without delay, which ensures the synchronous release of both mandibles.  相似文献   

Because snowboarders are known to injure their ankles more often than Alpine skiers, it has been postulated that stiffer snowboard boots would provide better protection to the ankle than current soft boots do. Snowboarders are also known to injure their front ankle more often than their back ankle, presumably because of the asymmetrical rotations of the ankles due to asymmetrical binding adjustement. To test these hypotheses, we measured the kinematics of the feet and legs of 5 snowboarders wearing soft boots and stiffer step-in boots during snowboarding maneuvers using an electromagnetic motion tracking system. The results were expressed in anatomically relevant rotations of the ankle joint complex, namely dorsi-/plantar flexion, eversion/inversion, and internal/external rotation. The measured ankle rotations show differences in the movement patterns of the front and back legs. Step-in boots were shown to allow less dorsiflexion, eversion, and external rotation than softer boots, possibly explaining why they are associated with a lower rate of fractures of the talus than soft boots.  相似文献   

The paper shows the place of magnetic resonance imaging among other radiation diagnostic techniques in detecting abnormal changes in the temporomandibular joint. The authors' own data were based on the results of 315 examinations. The paper describes the technical features of examination of the joint and shows it possible to visualize different anatomic structures on T1-, T2- and Pd-weighted images. It also indicates the diagnostic potentialities of magnetic resonance imaging in identifying abnormal changes in the joint in its diseases and lesions. This has allowed the authors to show what is indicated for magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint and that it is necessary to develop an algorithm of radiation diagnosis for patients with different clinical forms of joint diseases.  相似文献   

Tensile properties of the porcine temporomandibular joint disc   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite the significant morbidity associated with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), little is known about the pathophysiology of this complex joint. TMJ disc degeneration plays a central role in the progression of TMJ disorders, and therefore disc regeneration would be a crucial treatment modality. Unfortunately, scarce information about the structural and functional characteristics of the TMJ disc is available. The current study aims to provide a standard for the biomechanical behavior of the TMJ disc for future tissue engineering studies. The disc was loaded under uniaxial tension in two directions, mediolateral and anteroposterior, and in three locations per direction. In the mediolateral direction, the posterior band was 2.5 times stiffer, 2.4 times tougher (energy to maximum stress), and 2.2 times stronger than the anterior band, which was in turn 16 times stiffer and 5.7 times stronger than the intermediate zone. In the anteroposterior direction, the central and medial regions were 74% and 35% stiffer and 56% and 59% stronger than the lateral region, respectively, although similar to each other in strength and stiffness. There was no significant difference in toughness between regions in the anteroposterior direction. These results correlated qualitatively with collagen fiber orientation and fiber size obtained using polarized light microscopy.  相似文献   

The joint forces and moments driving the motion of a human subject are classically computed by an inverse dynamic calculation. However, even if this process is theoretically simple, many sources of errors may lead to huge inaccuracies in the results. Moreover, a direct comparison with in vivo measured loads or with "gold standard" values from literature is only possible for very specific studies. Therefore, assessing the inaccuracy of inverse dynamic results is not a trivial problem and a simple method is still required. This paper presents a simple method to evaluate both: (1) the consistency of the results obtained by inverse dynamics; (2) the influence of possible modifications in the inverse dynamic hypotheses. This technique concerns recursive calculation performed on full kinematic chains, and consists in evaluating the loads obtained by two different recursive strategies. It has been applied to complex 3D whole body movements of balance recovery. A recursive Newton-Euler procedure was used to compute the net joint loads. Two models were used to represent the subject bodies, considering or not the upper body as a unique rigid segment. The inertial parameters of the body segments were estimated from two different sets of scaling equations [De Leva, P., 1996. Adjustments to Zatsiorsky-Suleyanov's segment inertia parameters. Journal of Biomechanics 29, 1223-1230; Dumas, R., Chèze, L., Verriest, J.-P., 2006b. Adjustments to McConville et al. and Young et al. Body Segment Inertial Parameters. Journal of Biomechanics, in press]. Using this comparison technique, it has been shown that, for the balance recovery motions investigated: (1) the use of the scaling equations proposed by Dumas et al., instead of those proposed by De Leva, improves the consistency of the results (average relative influence up to 30% for the transversal moment); (2) the arm motions dynamically influence the recovery motion in a non negligible way (average relative influence up to 15% and 30% for the longitudinal force and the transversal moment, respectively).  相似文献   

The kinematics of rat hindlimb movements were assessed and compared pre- and post-deafferentation during swimming, forelimb treadmill locomotion plus hindlimb swimming motion, and walking using all four limbs. All types of locomotion were characterized by an increase in the frequency of locomotor rhythm and reduced amplitude of motion at the hindlimb joints following deafferentation. The reduced change observed in the angle of the coxofemoral joint, indicative of a horizontal component in locomotor motion, was mainly brought about by less marked extension. This would confirm evidence indicating that increased load on the extremities, with its ensuing naturally-occurring afferent outflow, is accompanied by a reduced locomotor motion rate and a rise in the amplitude of the latter due to intensified extension of the limb. The increased forward carriage of the hind limb seen during the transition to four-legged locomotion persisted after deafferentation; this may be considered a sign of coordination amongst the limbs. Deafferentation led to a reduction in the MEG of muscle activity, which was found to be lowest in swimming and highest during walking. The role of the afferent inflow in shaping different types of locomotor motion is evaluated.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 520–525, July–August, 1987.  相似文献   

Sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joint in the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 8 STR/IN mice was investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Through the cutting of complete semithin sections in series it was possible to investigate the joints thoroughly. Additionally, one joint with its nerve supply was reconstructed three-dimensionally with a computerized three-dimensional programme. The reconstruction was based on one complete semithin section series. The joint's nerve supply originates from the nervus auriculotemporalis and additionally from motor branches of the n. mandibularis: n. massetericus, n. pterygoideus lateralis and the nn. temporales posteriores. The greatest number of nerve fibres and endings is located in the dorsolateral part of the joint capsule. They lie only in the stratum fibrosum and subsynovially. Neither the stratum synoviale nor the discus articularis contain any nerve fibres or endings, whereas the peri-articular loose connective tissue is richly innervated. The only type of nerve ending observed within the joint was the free nerve ending, which is assumed to serve not only as a nociceptor but also as a polymodal mechanoreceptor. Merely within the insertion of the musculus pterygoideus lateralis at the collum mandibulae single stretch receptors of the Ruffini type were observed. Ultrastructurally, they correspond to those described in the cat's knee joint. Neither lamellated nor nerve endings of the Golgi or Pacini type were observed in the joint or in the peri-articular connective tissue. The unexpected paucity of nerve fibres and endings in the TMJ itself of the mouse suggests that the afferent information from the joint is less important for position sense and movement than the afferent information from muscles, tendons and periodontal ligaments.  相似文献   

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