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This paper describes the first fossil porcupine remains from Iran. Four upper cheek teeth and two fragmentary lower incisors present sufficient characters for identification as Hystrix aryanensis, a species previously known from the late Miocene locality of Molayan (Afghanistan) estimated at ca. 7–8 Ma. The dental features of porcupines are discussed to show their systematic value and highlight evolutionary trends in late Miocene and Pliocene porcupines. This study also discusses the dispersal history of fossil porcupines in relation to paleobiogeographic provinces and environmental changes during late Miocene to late Pliocene time.  相似文献   

We here describe a small turtle assemblage originating from the early Tortonian (late Miocene) palaeoisland of Scontrone, central Italy, a locality previously known mostly for its endemic mammals and giant birds, which were otherwise shared only with the Gargano localities, another fossiliferous area belonging to the same palaeobioprovince. The fossil turtle remains from Scontrone are referred to the geoemydid Mauremys sp. and a so far unidentified large-sized testudinid. The biogeographic origins of the Scontrone insular chelonians are discussed. The Scontrone geoemydid adds to the known occurrences of Mauremys in the late Miocene of the Mediterranean. The Scontrone large tortoise represents the oldest known Mediterranean insular testudinid, predating significantly the well-known Quaternary endemic island tortoises of the area.  相似文献   

The skeleton: the new controller of male fertility?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith LB  Saunders PT 《Cell》2011,144(5):642-643
Sex steroids, including testosterone, regulate the development and function of the male skeleton. Oury et al. (2011) identify a surprising new connection between the skeleton and the testis, which has implications for male fertility. They show that testosterone production in the testis is directly influenced by the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin.  相似文献   

The present work is focused on the hipparionine remains from the late Miocene to early Pliocene deposits of the Haritalyangar areas, Himachal Pardesh, India. These remains are taxonomically ranked to five genera (Plesiohipparion, Proboscidipparion, Cormohipparion, Sivalhippus, and Eurygnathohippus) and seven species. The described taxa are predominantly known from China, Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Among these, Proboscidipparion is reported for the first time from the Siwaliks; the material assigned to Plesiohipparion sp. is a potential candidate for a new species. Hipparionines from this area have long been poorly known and are helpful to understand the palaeontological context of the Indian Siwalik mammalian fauna. The hipparionines suggest a wide variety of environmental conditions ranging from grasslands to forests.  相似文献   

Togay, a locality from Ol’khon Island, Baykal Lake, Russia, has yielded a fauna of snakes of Late Middle or early Late Miocene age. It is located in a broad area from which no Neogene snake has been reported; therefore, it represents an important landmark. The fauna includes a non-erycine boid, two or three colubrids, a viperid of the ‘oriental complex’ of Vipera, and perhaps another viperid. This assemblage is astonishingly reminiscent of the snake faunas from the late Early and early Middle Miocene from western and central Europe, it being understood that Miocene faunas are practically unknown in the geographically intermediary area. It may be entertained whether a homogenous snake fauna inhabited Eurasia (except the southern part of the continent) during the Miocene.  相似文献   

The liver stands in a unique position between the gastrointestinal tract and systemic venous system. Its constant exposure to food antigens, bacterial products and potential pathogens through the mesenteric circulation, requires the liver to maintain tolerogenic capabilities while preserving the means to mount effective immune responses. The liver has the unique ability amongst solid organs, to activate na?ve CD8+ T lymphocytes in an antigen-specific manner. However, this activation can be inefficient and lead to apoptosis. This phenomenon is believed to be involved in both, the development of oral tolerance and the induction of tolerance in liver allografts. The liver is the target of both autoimmune diseases and of chronic viral infections and its unique tolerogenic environment has frequently been suggested as a factor in the development of these diseases. A better grasp of the liver's unique immunological processes would lead to a better understanding of immune tolerance mechanisms and their role in the development of autoimmune diseases and chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

The social organization of a population is the consequence of the decisions made by individuals to maximize their fitness, so differences in social systems may arise from differences in ecological conditions. Here, we show how a long-lived species that used to breed monogamously, and at low densities, can change its mating system in response to habitat saturation. We found that a significant proportion of unpaired birds become potential breeders by entering high-quality territories, or by forming polyandrous trios as a strategy to increase their individual performance. However, productivity of territories was reduced when those occupied by breeding pairs changed to trios, suggesting that the third individual was costly. The decision of some individuals to enter into breeding trios as subordinates also had clear negative consequences to population demography. This unusual mating behaviour is thus compromising the conservation effort directed to this endangered species; management to encourage floaters to settle in other suitable but unoccupied areas may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Two types of males are present in the Jalapa population of Xiphophorus helleri: Males with a black or dark brownish mid-lateral stripe ("black males") mature earlier and are smaller than males with a red or brownish mid-lateral stripe ("red males"). We tested the hypothesis that the colour patterns of red males may be regarded as ornaments, which evolved as the result of inter- and/or intrasexual selection. As predicted, in choice tests females exhibited a strong preference for red versus black males. Furthermore, in competition experiments red males became dominant over black males with no exception, both when body size was equal and even when red males were 3–5 mm smaller than black males. However, contrary to our prediction, sneak–chase behaviour in black males was not detected, and courtship displays occurred at similar rates in both morphs. Red males are always heterozygous, with one allele for red and another for black colouration. This genetic constraint potentially prevents the extinction of the black morph. Possibly, the colour patterns of red males are functioning as indicators of heterozygosity. According to the "heterozygosity theory of mate choice", the female's preference for red males may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Selection on life history traits such as the timing of maturation and the size at maturity strongly depends on the mating system. In spiders, the mating system hypothesized to Be determined by spermathecal morphology and the related sperm precedence pattern. In a natural population of the eresid spider Stegodyphus lineatus , predictions concerning the timing of maturation, male mating behaviour and success were tested. Eresid spiders are supposed to show protandry, prematuration mate guarding and strong male-male competition resulting in selection for large body size and early maturation. In contrast to these predictions, male and female maturation overlapped largely. Males did not guard premature females nor was there evidence for male-male competition. Among mating pairs, male did not relate to female size, nor to duration of cohabitation. Evidence for an advantage of first over second or large over small males is weak. In males, body size at maturity and the time of maturation were negatively correlated although a trade off between timing of maturation and the body size reached by then should result in a positive correlation. Possible causes are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the myosin subfragment-1–ADP complex, generated by the addition of Mg2+ and ADP to subfragment 1, is an intermediate within the myosin Mg2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) turnover cycle. The existence of this species as a steady-state intermediate at pH8 and 5°C is demonstrated by fluorescence measurements, but its concentration becomes too low to measure at 21°C. This arises because there is a marked temperature-dependence on the rate of the process controlling ADP dissociation from subfragment 1 (rate=1.4s−1 at 21°C, 0.07s−1 at 5°C). In the ATPase pathway this reaction is in series with a relatively temperature-insensitive process, namely an isomerization of the subfragment-1–product complex (rate=0.055s−1 at 21°C, 0.036s−1 at 5°C). By means of studies on the Pi inhibition of nucleotide-association rates, a myosin subfragment-1–Pi complex was characterized with a dissociation equilibrium constant of 1.5mm. Pi appears to bind more weakly to the myosin subfragment-1–ADP complex. The studies indicate that Pi dissociates from subfragment 1 at a rate greater than 40s−1, and substantiates the existence of a myosin-product isomerization before product release in the elementary processes of the Mg2+-dependent ATPase. In this ATPase mechanism Mg2+ associates as a complex with ATP and is released as a complex with ADP. In 0.1m-KCl at pH8 1.0mol of H+ is released/mol of subfragment 1 concomitant with the myosin-product isomerization or Pi dissociation, and 0.23 mol of H+ is released/mol of subfragment when ATP binds to the protein, but 0.23 mol of H+ is taken up again from the medium when ADP dissociates. Within experimental sensitivity no H+ is released into the medium in the step involving ATP cleavage.  相似文献   

For investigating the protective roles of antioxidative system in desiccation tolerance of Caragana species as they adapt to arid environments, we monitored a variety of ecophysiological parameters in the leaves of Caragana arborescens (mesophyte), C. microphylla (semiarid species), C. roborovskyi, C. stenophylla, C. acanthophylla, and C. tragacanthoides (xerophyte) grown under a drying-rehydration cycle. Relative leaf water content and chlorophyll content were decreased by 17.4?C39.2?%, and by 14?C40?%, respectively, after exposure to 48?days of drought stress. Malondialdehyde did not increase in xeric Caragana species. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations increased by 13.1?C43.9?% except in C. acanthophylla. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in xeric Caragana species were significantly elevated with progressing drought stress. However, catalase in all species decreased markedly before drought stress treatment reached 40?days. The xeric Caragana species showed higher SOD, POD, APX, and GR activities, as well as ascorbate content, and more manganese SOD isoenzymes. C. arborescens and C. microphylla accumulated more free proline. Our data indicate that SOD and POD with the ascorbate?Cglutathione cycle have important protective effects in xeric Caragana species under drought stress. Free proline may be crucial in the resistance of C. arborescens and C. microphylla to drought stress.  相似文献   

Numerous animals are known to harbour intracytoplasmic symbionts that gain transmission to a new host generation via female eggs and not male sperm. Bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are a typical example. They infect a large range of arthropod species and manipulate host reproduction in several ways. In terrestrial isopods (woodlice), Wolbachia are responsible for converting males into females (feminization (F)) in some species, or for infertility in certain host crosses in other species (cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI)). Wolbachia with the F phenotype impose a strong excess of females on their host populations, while Wolbachia expressing CI do not. Here, we test the possibility that male mating capacity (MC) is correlated with Wolbachia-induced phenotype. We show that males of isopod hosts harbouring F Wolbachia possess a strong MC (i.e. are able to mate with several females in a short time), while those of species harbouring CI Wolbachia possess a weaker MC. This pattern may be explained either by the selection of high MC following the increase in female-biased sex ratios, or because the F phenotype would lead to population extinction in species where MC is not sufficiently high. This last hypotheses is nevertheless more constrained by population structure.  相似文献   

Morphological details of the testis, seminal vesicles and vas deferens of Orchestia platensis are described. The follicular lumen of the mature testis contains spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. The histochemical nature of the testis and the vas deferens is elucidated. The spermatozoa and vas deferens contain acid sulphated mucopolysaccharides and neutral mucopolysaccharides. In addition, they contain basic proteins, disulphide groups, lipids, phospholipids, RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

Human males may adopt the “quality” strategy, a long-term pair bond with considerable paternal investment, or the “quantity” reproductive strategy, short-term pair bonds with little paternal investment. We hypothesized that (1) the two strategies require different courtship tactics, which can be derived from their different goals, and (2) the behavior used by quality courters is perceived as honest while the quantity strategist is often exploitative. Act nominations of 79 subjects and the investigators generated a set of 71 dating behaviors. Sixty-four other subjects classified each behavior by the theoretically derived tactics. Fifty-four males rated the likelihood of usage of each behavior by a man interested in marriage (quality courter) and by men interested in sexual relationships (quantity courters) who typically deceive, manipulate, or coerce women. Fifty-three other males rated each behavior on ethical scales of honesty, deception, manipulation, and coercion. Both kinds of ratings indicated that (1) tactics of quality courtship involve honest advertisement through mutual assessment, resource expenditure, and a delay in sexual relations, and (2) tactics of quantity courtship involve indirect or direct threats, psychological pressure, and talking about sex. Ethical ratings and the range of behaviors likely to be used by quality and quantity courters confirmed the hypothesis about ethical perceptions of the two strategies and suggested that quantity courters are opportunistic as well as exploitative.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase—as an oxidase—converts propanaldehyde to acetaldehyde and formic acid. To some extent the enzyme also acts upon linear acids, thus mimicking even better the α-peroxidase activity of higher plants. In these reactions an electronically excited species—presumably the aldehyde—is generated, as revealed by sensitized emission. The species is long-lived; in accord with its triplet nature heavy substituents are required in the acceptor for efficient sensitization. Energy transfer occurs noncollisionally and does not appear to proceed by a long-range Förster-type T-S mechanism. A long-range triplet-triplet exciton transfer to an upper triplet state of the acceptor is proposed; then ISC occurs to the fluorescent state of the acceptor. Biological compounds which might originate from excited aldehydes are pointed out.  相似文献   

The SRY gene, which is located on the Y chromosome and directs male development, may promote aggression and other traditionally male behavioural traits, resulting in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress.  相似文献   

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