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The structures of high molecular weight sulfated oligosaccharide chains in mucins purified from the sputum of a patient with cystic fibrosis and blood group H determinant were established. Reduced oligosaccharides released by treatment with alkaline borohydride were separated by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Agarose and a fraction containing multisulfated chains was further purified by lectin affinity chromatography to completely remove small amounts of sialylated chains. A major sulfated oligosaccharide fraction containing chains with an average of 160 to 200 sugar residues was isolated by gel filtration on BioGel P-10 columns and individual subfractions were characterized by methylation analysis, periodate oxidation and sequential glycosidase digestion before and after desulfation. Carbohydrate analysis yielded Fuc, Gal and GldNAc in a ratio of 1:2:2.1 and only one galactosaminitol residue for every 160-to 200 sugar residues. The average molecular weight of oligosaccharide chains in these fractions was between 27,000 and 40,000 daltons. Structural analysis showed that these high molecular weight chains contained varying amounts of the repeating unit shown in the following oligosaccharide. Only one in about every 10 repeating units contained sulfate esters.Several shorter chains which contain 2 to 3 sulfate esters were also isolated from this multisulfated oligosaccharide fraction. The structures proposed for these oligosaccharides indicate that they are lower molecular weight chains with the same general structure as those found in the high molecular weight sulfated oligosaccharides. Taken collectively, the results of these studies show that a major sulfated oligosaccharide fraction in resporatory mucin purified from the mucus of patients with cystic fibrosis contains high molecular weight branched chains that consist of a repeating oligosaccharide sequence with sulfate linked to the 6 positions of galactose and possibly GlcNAc residues in the side chains.  相似文献   

Huang Q  Zhang L 《Biopolymers》2005,79(1):28-38
From Poria cocos mycelia yielded via a pilot scale facility-fermentation tank, a water-insoluble (1-->3)-alpha-D-glucan coded as Pi-PCM3-I was isolated by extraction with 0.5 M NaOH/0.01 M NaBH(4) aqueous solution. Nine fractions from F1 to F9 with a weight-average molecular mass (M(w)) range from 7.75 x 10(4) to 57.3 x 10(4) were prepared from the Pi-PCM3-I sample by a nonsolvent addition method. The fractions were reacted with chlorosulfonic acid-pyridine complex to product water-soluble sulfated derivatives coded as S1 to S8 with M(w) from 2.36 x 10(4) to 14.5 x 10(4) and degree of substitution (DS) of 0.86-1.38. M(w), z-average radius of gyration (s(2) (z) (1/2)), the second virial coefficient (A(2)), and the intrinsic viscosity ([eta]) of the native and sulfated Pi-PCM3-I were measured by laser light scattering (LLS), size-exclusion chromatography combined with LLS (SEC-LLS), and viscometry at 25 degrees C. The Mark-Houwink equations for Pi-PCM3-I in 0.25 M LiCl/dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (Me(2)SO) and for its sulfated derivative in 0.15 M NaCl aqueous solution at 25 degrees C were established to be [eta] = 1.33 x 10(-2) M(w) (0.75+/-0.01) (mL g(-1)) and [eta] = 1.46 x 10(-4) M(w) (1.13+/-0.01) (mL g(-1)), respectively. On the basis of theories for a wormlike cylinder model, the conformational parameters of the native and sulfated Pi-PCM3-I were calculated to be 760 +/- 50 and 1060 +/- 30 nm(-1) for the molar mass per unit contour length (M(L)), 6.3 +/- 0.5 and 13.1 +/- 1 nm for the persistence length (q), and 14.9 +/- 0.2 and 31.8 +/- 1 for the characteristic ratio (C( proportional, variant)), respectively. The results revealed that Pi-PCM3-I existed as an extended flexible chain in 0.25 M LiCl/Me(2)SO, and its sulfated derivative existed as a semistiff chain in 0.15 M NaCl aqueous solution. Furthermore, Pi-PCM3-I possessed similar structure and molecular parameters to wc-PCM3-I from a rotary shaker; this suggests promising industrialization of Poria cocos polysaccharides.  相似文献   

为研究特种五谷虫(大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala蝇蛆的俗称)脂肪酸的体外抗肿瘤、抗HIV-1整合酶活性,并确定其组分构成,通过溶剂萃取和油脂酶解获得2种脂肪酸FA1和FA2,采用MTT法/SRB法测定其体外抗人白血病细胞HL-60/人肺癌细胞A-549活性,以及采用Biotin-ELISA法检测其对HIV-1整合酶的抑制作用;并由GC-MS分析确定其脂肪酸组成。结果表明:FA1和FA2对人白血病细胞/人肺癌细胞均有显著的抑制活性,其IC50值在35~65 μg/mL;对HIV-1整合酶同样具有强烈的抑制活性,IC50值分别为86.7 μg/mL和98.5 μg/mL。GC-MS分析表明,FA1和FA2化学组成相似,均含有15%~16%的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),其中有2个组分为ω-6 PUFA。提示特定培养的五谷虫,其脂肪酸成分具有显著的体外抗肿瘤、抗HIV-1整合酶活性,其中含有的PUFA,尤其ω-6 PUFA,可能是主要活性组分;FA2在来源上和FA1存有相关性。  相似文献   

Targeting Chk1 protein kinase can enhance the antitumor effects of radio- and chemotherapy. Recent evidence disclosed a role of Chk1 in unperturbed cell proliferation and survival, implying that Chk1 inhibitors could also be effective as single agents in tumors with a specific genetic background. To identify genes in synthetic lethality with Chk1, we did a high-throughput screening using a siRNA library directed against 719 human protein kinases in the human ovarian cancer cell line OVCAR-5, resistant to Chk1 inhibitors. Wee1 tyrosine kinase was the most significant gene in synthetic lethality with Chk1. Treatment with non-toxic concentrations of a Chk1 inhibitor (PF-00477736) and a Wee1 inhibitor (MK-1775) confirmed the marked synergistic effect in various human cancer cell lines (breast, ovarian, colon, prostate), independently of the p53 status. Detailed molecular analysis showed that the combination caused cancer cells to undergo premature mitosis before the end of DNA replication, with damaged DNA leading to cell death partly by apoptosis. In vivo treatment of mice bearing OVCAR-5 xenografts with the combination of Chk1 and Wee1 inhibitors led to greater tumor growth inhibition than with the inhibitors used as single agents with no toxicity. These data provide a strong rationale for the clinical investigation of the combination of a Chk1 and a Wee1 inhibitor.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including heparan sulfate (HS), on HIV-1 infection in human T cells, HIV-1 binding and infection were determined after treatment of T-cell lines and CD4 + T cells from normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with GAG-degrading enzyme or a GAG metabolic sulfation inhibitor. Heparitinase I (hep I) and sodium chlorate prevented binding of HIV-1/IIIB to MT-4 cells as revealed by indirect immunofluorescence procedures, thereby inhibiting infection. Hep I was less effective in the binding inhibition of the macrophage-tropic strain HIV-1/SF162 than that of the T-cell line-tropic strain HIV-1/IIIB. The binding of HIV-1/SF162 was about 100-fold less dependent on cell surface HS than HIV-1/IIIB. Human HTLV-I positive T-cell lines expressed more HS than HTLV-I negative T-cell lines or normal CD4 + T cells when stained with anti-HS mAbs against either native or heparitinase-treated HS. With the exception of endo-β-galactosidase (endo-β-gal), GAG-degrading enzymes, including hep I, chondroitinase ABC (chon ABC), chondroitinase AC II (chon AC II) and keratanase, did not prevent the binding of HIV-1/IIIB to CD4+ T cells from normal PBMC. These results indicate that the cell surface HS of human T cells participates in HIV-1 infection by facilitating HIV-1/IIIB binding to MT-4 cells. In particular, the sulfation of HS chains is critical. Since the expression of cell surface HS varies among T cells, which are not consistently sensitive to hep I treatment in HIV-1 binding inhibition, other GAG-like molecules may also be involved.  相似文献   

We investigated the murine antibody response to recombinant p17 (rp17) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the human antibody response directed to p17 in HIV-1 infection. Three large peptides covering residues 12-29, 53-87 and 87-115 of p17 were synthesized. The cysteine residues 57 and 87 of peptide 53-87 were reoxidized to form a disulfide bridge. Eighteen out of 19 murine monoclonal anti-rp17 antibodies had relatively high affinities (KA = 1.9 × 105?1.4 × 108 M?1) with one of the 3 p17 peptides in the liquid phase. Each monoclonal antibody reacted only with one particular peptide and had no reactivity with the other 2 p17 peptides. All the monoclonal antibodies reacted with rp17 in the liquid phase with a reasonable degree of affinity (KA = 2.0 × 105?1.8 × 107 M?1). Four HIV-1 carrier sera, which were positive in ELISA using rp17 as the antigen, reacted positively in an ELISA using 3 p17 peptides which were used to titrate murine monoclonal antibodies. Murine monoclonal antibodies having specificity for the 3 p17 peptides stained live HIV-1-infected cells by means of indirect membrane immunofluorescence, irrespective of their specificity. This suggests that the various portions of p17 (at least 3 regions of p17) were exposed on the surface of live infected cells, probably as short polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Although accumulating evidence indicates high expression of CYP17A1(P45017A1) allows castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) to maintain high intratumoral androgen levels, the potential P45017A1 activity has not been characterized yet. The aim of this study was to examine the potential CYP17A1 activity including 17α-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase activities in human CRPC and the effect of a CYP17A inhibitor. We used three human CRPC cell lines: C4-2 and C4-2AT6 which was established from C4-2 under androgen ablation conditions for 6 months, and PC3. To ascertain the potential CYP17A1 activity, we cultured with the steroid precursors: 13C-[2,3,4]-progesterone (13C-Prog), and analyzed the sequential biosynthesis 13C-[2,3,4]-17-hydroxyprogesterone (13C-17OHP) and 13C-[2,3,4]-androstenedione(13C-Adione) by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).The C4-2AT6 cells showed significantly higher CYP17A1 expression than C4-2 cells (p < 0.001). LC/MS/MS analysis enabled us to detect the 13C-17-OHP and 13C-A-dione in these cell lines. The concentration ratio of 13C-Adione/13C-17OHP (Adione–17OHP ratio), which is thought to reflect the differences between 17-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase activities, was then determined. The Adione–17OHP ratio in C4-2AT6 cells was significantly higher than that of C4-2 cells (p < 0.001). Abiraterone were able to inhibit the CYP17A activities, although abiraterone did not have anti-proliferative effects on C4-2 and C4-2AT6 cells at clinically achievable concentrations of <1000 nM in vitro. The present study clearly demonstrates CRPC have the dual activities of CYP17A1 mediated by 17-hydroxylase activity and 17,20-lyase activity. Abiraterone doesn’t have an in vitro anti-proliferative efficacy in CRPC cells, suggesting limited efficacy in vitro.  相似文献   

Saksena R  Ma X  Kovác P 《Carbohydrate research》2003,338(23):2591-2603
Di-through the pentasaccharide that mimic the upstream terminus of the O-specific polysaccharide of Vibrio cholerae O:1, serotype Ogawa were synthesized in the form of 5-methoxycarbonylpentyl glycosides and linked to BSA using squaric acid diester chemistry. The conjugation reactions were monitored by surface-enhanced laser-desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS), which allowed conducting the conjugation of the synthetic oligosaccharides in a controlled way and termination of the reaction when the desired molar hapten-BSA ratio had been reached. This made it possible to prepare, from one hapten in a one-pot reaction, a series of neoglycoconjugates having different, predetermined carbohydrate-carrier ratios. The accuracy of molecular mass determination in SELDI-TOF MS analysis could be increased by using the carrier protein as the internal standard.  相似文献   

Because recent studies have particularly implicated the insulin growth factor family in early development, the effects of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) on the development of mouse embryos in vitro were investigated in detail. When added to the medium for culture of two-cell embryos, IGF-1 stimulated the number of cells in the resultant blastocysts after 54 hr, entirely by increasing the number of cells in the inner cell mass (ICM) (16.0 +/- 0.5 vs. 12.6 +/- 0.5 cells/ICM). This stimulation was also achieved when ICMs were isolated from blastocysts prior to culture for 24 hr with IGF-1 (22.3 +/- 1.0 vs. 17.5 +/- 0.8 cells/ICM). There was no effect on IGF-1 on trophectoderm (TE) cell proliferation. In morphology studies, IGF-1 also increased the proportion of blastocysts (62% +/- 3% vs. 49% +/- 4%) while decreasing the number of embryos remaining as morulae (32% +/- 3% vs. 38% +/- 2%) or in the early cleavage stages (7% +/- 3% vs. 13% +/- 3%) after 54 hr culture from the two-cell stage. All these effects were achieved with EC50s of approximately 60 pM IGF-1, which is in the range for IGF-1 receptor mediation; however, cross reaction with insulin, IGF-2, or other unknown receptors is not excluded. Nonetheless, the results show that physiological concentrations of IGF-1 (17-170 pM, 0.1-1 ng/ml), which have been observed in the reproductive tract, affect the early embryo, suggesting a normal role for this factor in the regulation of growth of the developing conceptus before implantation.  相似文献   

The effects of anti-asialo GM-1 antibody (AAGM) treatment on the engraftment of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I)-infected human T cells in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice were studied. The frequency of tumor formation in an HTLV-I-transformed human T-cell line, MT-2 cells, at the site of inoculation was significantly higher in AAGM-treated than untreated mice (P<0.05): 16/18 (89%) and 16/26 (62%), respectively. The promotive effect of AAGM treatment on tumor development was marked in the early stage (less than 3 weeks), suggesting that the immediate reaction of natural killers to the inoculated cells may be important for the prevention of tumor development. The surface phenotypes and clonality of the tumor cells were the same as the MT-2 cells inoculated. Inoculation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from one of the 4 adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) patients resulted in the development of tumors in AAGM-treated SCID mice. However, the surface phenotypes of the cells from these tumors were a mixture of B cells and T cells, suggesting that these tumors consisted of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells and HTLV-I-transformed T cells. In addition, HTLV-I was detected by polymerase chain reaction in various organs of the mice inoculated with PBMC from the ATL patient and the asymptomatic carrier examined. These results suggest that elimination of natural killer function by AAGM treatment is important, although such treatment is not always necessary for the engraftment of HTLV-I-infected cells in SCID mice.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Vif, an accessory protein in the viral genome, performs an important role in viral pathogenesis by facilitating the degradation of APOBEC3G, an endogenous cellular inhibitor of HIV-1 replication. In this study, intrinsically disordered regions are predicted in HIV-1 Vif using sequence-based algorithms. Intrinsic disorder may explain why traditional structure determination of HIV-1 Vif has been elusive, making structure-based drug design impossible. To characterize HIV-1 Vif's structural topology and to map the domains involved in oligomerization we used chemical cross-linking, proteolysis, and mass spectrometry. Cross-linking showed evidence of monomer, dimer, and trimer species via denaturing gel analysis and an additional tetramer via western blot analysis. We identified 47 unique linear peptides and 24 (13 intramolecular; 11 intermolecular) noncontiguous, cross-linked peptides, among the noncross-linked monomer, cross-linked monomer, cross-linked dimer, and cross-linked trimer samples. Almost complete peptide coverage of the N-terminus is observed in all samples analyzed, however reduced peptide coverage in the C-terminal region is observed in the dimer and trimer samples. These differences in peptide coverage or "protections" between dimer and trimer indicate specific differences in packing between the two oligomeric forms. Intramolecular cross-links within the monomer suggest that the N-terminus is likely folded into a compact domain, while the C-terminus remains intrinsically disordered. Upon oligomerization, as evidenced by the intermolecular cross-links, the C-terminus of one Vif protein becomes ordered by wrapping back on the N-terminal domain of another. In addition, the majority of the intramolecular cross-links map to regions that have been previously reported to be necessary for viral infectivity. Thus, this data suggests HIV-1 Vif is in a dynamic equilibrium between the various oligomers potentially allowing it to interact with other binding partners.  相似文献   

重组人心肌营养素对体外培养受损心肌细胞的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心肌营养素是一种具有心肌保护功能的细胞因子.为鉴定人心肌营养素在体外具有促进受损大鼠心肌细胞存活的生物学活性,构建pQE-huCT-1表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达重组人心肌营养素(rhCT-1);利用含有还原型及氧化型谷胱甘肽的复性体系,恢复变性蛋白的天然构象;通过MTT 法鉴定rhCT-1的促进受损大鼠心肌细胞存活的生物学活性.pQE-huCT-1在M15菌中得到高效表达,但95%的目的蛋白以包涵体形式存在;通过变性、复性及Ni-NTA纯化,得到纯度为90%的可溶性重组蛋白.利用无血清培养基培养新生大鼠心肌细胞,造成缺血损伤;利用低浓度阿霉素损伤大鼠心肌细胞,构建阿霉素损伤模型;通过加入rhCT-1治疗,发现rhCT-1具有明显的促进受损心肌细胞存活的作用;心肌细胞琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活性随rhCT-1浓度的升高而增强,且呈显著的剂量依赖性关系;通过测定预防组和治疗组心肌细胞SDH和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性,发现预防组较治疗组在促进细胞线粒体产生SDH和降低培养液上清LDH活性方面效果更加显著,说明rhCT 1可能是在心肌细胞损伤早期通过抑制细胞凋亡而达到心肌保护作用的.本研究通过复性获得了可溶性rhCT-1,它在体外具有显著的促进受损心肌细胞存活的生物学活性.  相似文献   

IL-2 has been used in culture of primary T cells to maintain cell proliferation. We have previously reported that IL-27 inhibits HIV-1 replication in primary T cells in the presence of IL-2. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in this inhibitory effect, we attempted to investigate in detail the effects of IL-27 and IL-2 using several cell lines. Unexpectedly, IL-27 did not inhibit HIV-1 in T cell lines, whereas IL-2 inhibited HIV-1 replication in the human T cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV)-1-transformed T cell lines, MT-2, MT-4, SLB-1, and ATL-2. No effects were seen in HTLV-1-negative cell lines. Utilizing MT-2 cells, we demonstrated that IL-2 treatment inhibited HIV-1 syncytia-inducing ability and dose-dependently decreased supernatant p24 antigen levels by >90%. Using real time PCR and Western blot analysis, we observed that IL-2 treatment induced the host restriction factor, APOBEC3G with accumulation into the lower molecular mass active form as characterized by FPLC. Further analysis revealed that the virus recovered from IL-2-treated MT-2 cells had impaired replication competency. This was found to be due to incorporation of APOBEC3G into the virion despite the presence of Vif. These findings demonstrate a novel role for IL-2 in regulating production of infectious HIV-1 virions in HTLV-1-infected cells through the induction of APOBEC3G.  相似文献   

In humans, oxoreducing 11beta-HSD-1 activity appears to be related to body fat distribution in male-type central obesity, but not in female-type peripheral obesity. We postulated that inhibition of 11beta-HSD-1 might have clinical therapeutic significance in oxoreducing mostly visceral fat and its metabolic activity. Our current study investigated the consequence at the cellular level of such inhibition. As an inhibitor of 11beta-HSD-1 activity, we used the licorice derivative carbenoxolone. Carbenoxolone has an inhibitory effect on the activity of both oxidizing 11beta-HSD-2, which converts cortisol to cortisone, and oxoreducing 11beta-HSD-1; yet, preadipocytes and adipocytes only express the latter. Preadipocytes were retrieved from omental and subcutaneous fat from healthy non-obese individuals and differentiated in vitro to mature adipocytes. Activity of 11beta-HSD-1 was assayed by measuring conversion of added 500 nM cortisone to cortisol. Expression of 11beta-HSD-1 mRNA was determined by real-time PCR, while lipolytic effects were determined by measuring glycerol and triglyceride concentration in the culture medium. Carbenoxolone decreased 11beta-HSD-1 activity in a dose-dependent manner with an IC-50 of 5X10 -6 M, but did not affect the expression of 11beta-HSD-1 mRNA. Cortisone stimulated subcutaneous, but not omental preadipocytes proliferation, an effect that was not abolished by carbenoxolone. Dexamethasone had a stimulatory effect on the maturation of both omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes. Carbenoxolone per se, either with or without cortisone, had a negative effect on preadipocyte maturation. Inhibiting 11beta-HSD-1 activity by carbenoxolone had no impact on leptin secretion. Thus, carbenoxolone has no effect on preadipocyte proliferation, but a dramatic inhibitory effect on preadipocyte differentiation into mature adipocytes. The mechanism is only partly related to its inhibitory effect on 11beta-HSD-1 activity. The present observations lend support to the presence of an intracrine loop of a hormone that is both produced from a precursor and active within the preadipocyte and adipocyte.  相似文献   

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