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Summary The present ultrastructural study deals with the lateral cephalic nerve plexus of Sphaeroma serratum, a neurohemal organ joined to the Y organ (ecdysial gland). This plexus acts as a storage centre for neurosecretory products from two sources: the two autochtonous cells (plexus cells) within the plexus itself, and the neurosecretory cells in various parts of the central nervous system, particulary the mandibular ganglion (A-cells).In prepuberal animals, plexus cells and subesophageal A-cells produce neurosecretory granules of two types measuring 1550±50Å and 1570±40Å respectively. Five categories of axon terminals were distinguished in the plexus. The granules found in two of these terminal types are believed to come from the plexus cells and from the mandibular ganglion A-cells.Cessation of production of neurosecretory granules in these A cells and plexus cells was observed in puberal animals, in the plexus with concomitant depletion and disappearance of different granule categories. The first axon terminals affected by this process are the two categories containing granules originating in the plexus and mandibular ganglion A-cells. Degeneration of the ecdysial gland in male Sphaeroma serratum might be connected with the cessation of granule formation in these two types of cell.
Résumé Chez Sphaeroma serratum, la mue de puberté est suivie d'une dégénérescence de l'organe Y (glands de mue). Le plexus nerveux céphalique latéral, organe neurohémal accolé à cette glande a été l'objet de la présente étude ultrastructurale. Cet organe représente un centre de stockage de neurosécrétions qui proviennent d'une part, de deux cellules autochtones (cellules plexales) situées au sein même de ce plexus, d'autre part, de cellules neurosécrétrices situées dans le ganglion mandibulaire (cellules de type A).Chez les individus pubères, les cellules plexales et les cellules A du ganglion sous-oesophagien synthétisent des granules de neurosécrétion dont la taille est respectivement 1550±50Å et 1570±40Å. Il a été reconnu au sein du plexus 5 catégories de terminaisons dont les granules proviendraient pour deux d'entre elles des cellules plexales et des cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. Chez les animaux pubères on observe un arrêt de la synthèse des granules de neurosécrétion au sein des cellules plexales et des cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. Simultanément on enregistre dans le plexus la raréfaction puis la disparition des divers types de granules. Ce processus atteint en premier les terminaisons correspondant aux cellules plexales et aux cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. La dégénérescence de la glande de mue chez les mâles pourrait être en relation avec l'arrêt de synthèse de ces cellules.

Summary The three-dimensional structure of the DNA-binding domain of the human retinoic acid receptor- (hRAR-) has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with distance geometry, restrained molecular dynamics and iterative relaxation matrix calculations. A total of 1244 distance restraints were obtained from NOE intensities, of which 448 were intra-residue and 796 inter-residue restraints. In addition 23 and 30 dihedral angle restraints were obtained from J-coupling data. The two zinc-finger regions of the 80-amino acid residue protein are followed by two -helices that cross each other perpendicularly. There is a short stretch of b-sheet near the N-terminus. The -helical core of the protein is well determined with a backbone root-mean-square deviation (r.m.s.d.) with respect to the average of 0.18 Å and 0.37 Å when the side chains of residues 31, 32, 36, 61, 62, 65 and 69 are included. The r.m.s.d. for the backbone of residues 5–80 is 0.76 Å. For the first finger (residues 8–28), the r.m.s.d. of the backbone is 0.79 Å. For the second finger (residues 44–62) the r.m.s.d. is 0.64 Å. The overall structure is similar to that of the corresponding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor, although the C-terminal part of the protein is different. The second -helix is two residues shorter and is followed by a well-defined region of extended backbone structure.  相似文献   

Summary Secretory activities of bicellular microhairs from grasses belonging to the subfamilies Chloridoideae, Arundinoideae, Panicoideae, and Bambusoideae, and including the chloridoid, panicoid and Enneapogon microhair morphological types, have been investigated. Light microscopic histochemistry indicated that all microhairs studied secrete polysaccharide and protein (or glycoprotein), including those which also secrete salt. Localization of polysaccharide at ultrastructural level using periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazidesilver proteinate staining revealed that in panicoid type microhairs dictyosomes are involved in polysaccharide secretion, whereas in the chloridoid and Enneapogon types partitioning membranes seem to be involved instead.Abbreviations Ag silver precipitates representing localization of polysaccharide - BC basal cell - C cuticle - CC cap cell - CH cuticular chamber - CN system of membrane bound channels and vesicles - CP chloroplast - CW cell wall - D dictyosomes - M mitochondria - N nucleus - PTM partitioning membranes - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - S secretory material - St starch grain - US unstained dictyosome cisternae - V vesicle  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An Hand von 229 Brutbeginn-Daten von freilebenden Gänsen, die während der Jahre 1956–1966 in Seewiesen (Obb.) (48°N, 11°11E) brüteten, wurden die mittleren Brutbeginn-Daten von 5 Gänsearten und von Artbastarden bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, daß die untersuchten Arten unter diesen Bedingungen in derselben Reihenfolge brüteten, wie ihre Artgenossen in freier Wildbahn. Die mittleren Brutbeginn-Termine wurden allerdings um so mehr vorverlegt, je später die Art normalerweise brütet (Abb. 1). , die mit artfremden verpaart waren, brüteten zur selben Zeit wie ihre Artgenossen, die mit artgleichen verpaart waren (Abb. 1). GraugansxSchneegans-Bastard-, die mit Schneegantern verpaart waren, begannen meist nach den Graugänsen, aber stets vor den Schneegänsen zu brüten (Abb. 1, 2). Das intermediäre Brüten dieser wird als starkes Argument für die Richtigkeit der Hypothese gewertet, nach welcher die artspezifisch verschiedenen Brutzeiten wenigstens zum Teil genetisch bedingt sind. In der Diskussion wird die Frage kritisch erörtert, wie weit schon allein die Tatsache, daß die verschiedenen Arten über Generationen hinweg in derselben Reihenfolge wie ihre wildlebenden Artgenossen zu brüten beginnen, als Beweis für derartige genetische Unterschiede angesehen werden kann.
Summary In 229 cases onset of breeding was recorded from free-living geese of 5 species and of some hybrids of these species, kept in Seewiesen/Obb. (48° N, 11° 11E) from 1956 to 1966. It was found that the species under these conditions bred in the same seasonal sequence as did wild birds. The mean breeding times, however, were found to be advanced in relation to the onset of breeding in the wild (Fig. 1). This was especially evident in the case of late-breeding species. paired with of another species came into breeding condition at the same time as paired with of the same species (Fig. 1). GraylegxSnowgoose hybrid paired with Snowgoose in most cases started to breed later than Greyleg geese but always earlier than the mean breeding time for Snowgeese (Fig. 1, 2). This intermediate breeding time is taken as a strong argument for the hypothesis that the species specific differences in breeding times are, at least in part, genetic in origin. The question as to the extent to which the differences in breeding times alone, persisting for generations in the same sequence as those of wild birds, can be attributed to genetic differences between the species, is critically discussed.

Elena Marčenko 《Protoplasma》1973,76(3-4):417-433
Summary A yellow strain, called y-1, was isolated during heat-induced bleaching ofEuglena gracilis strain Z.The ultrastructure, growth, and carotenoid content of this strain were studied and compared with those of the wild-typeEuglena and the heat-bleached colourless strain.The yellow, xanthophyll-containing strain y-1 resembles in many respects the etiolated wild-typeEuglena which has lost the ability to form chloroplasts in the light. It represents a transitional stage in the process of progressive degradation of plastids induced by bleaching treatments between the wild-typeEuglena and the colourless strain.Both bleached strains differ mainly in their carotenoid content formed in the light and especially in the dark, and the size and distribution of undeveloped plastids. In the yellow bodies of both strains PLB structure appears in accordance with their plastid nature.Thus, as shown in the present paper, the structural changes, appearing in the plastids of bleachedEuglena, seem to be at least morphologically very similar to the structural changes occuring in transforming plastids of higher plants.  相似文献   

The cell-surface expression of major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens and the adhesion molecule intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is essential for target cell recognition by T lymphocytes. The expression of both classes of molecule is induced by various cytokines, notably interferon (IFN). Since transforming growth factor (TGF) has been recently reported to antagonise HLA-DR induction by IFN we have examined, using a number of murine and human cell lines, the effect of TGF on IFN-induced MHC class I and class II and ICAM-1 expression. All of the cell lines tested expressed elevated class I MHC following IFN treatment. Class II MHC induction was seen on most but not all of the cells, the exceptions being among a panel of human colorectal carcinoma cell lines. A striking difference between cells of different origin was noted in the response to TGF. TGF was found to antagonise IFN-induced class I and class II MHC expression on C3H 10T1/2 murine fibroblasts, early-passage BALB/c mouse embryo fibroblasts, a murine oligodendroglioma cell line, and on MRC5 human fibroblasts and two human glioblastoma cell lines. Class II MHC was much more strongly inhibited (sometimes completely) than class I MHC. TGF also inhibited induction of class I MHC expression by IFN. However, TGF did not inhibit class I or class II MHC induction by IFN in any of the nine colorectal carcinoma cell lines, although two of five of the lines tested were growth-inhibited by TGF. On the other hand, human ICAM-1 induction by IFN was not affected by simultaneous treatment with TGF in any of the cell lines. The down-regulation of IFN-induced MHC antigens by TGF is not, therefore, the result of a general antagonism of IFN. Retinoic acid has recently been reported to induce ICAM-1 expression on human tumour cells. We have confirmed this observation on MRC5, and the two human glioblastoma cell lines, however six colorectal carcinoma cell lines tested did not respond. In contrast to IFN-induced ICAM-1 expression, retinoic-acid-induced ICAM-1 expression was inhibited by TGF on two of the three responsive lines.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Ultrastruktur des Nucleus infundibularis tuberis, der Zona interna, der Zona externa und des Hypophysenhinterlappens von Meerschweinchen wird beschrieben. Vergleichende Beobachtungen an den Nervenfasern der genannten Gebiete zeitigen folgende Ergebnisse:Die Axone der Zona interna und des Hypophysenhinterlappens enthalten gleichgeartete, große neurosekretorische Elementargranula (1,400 Å). Die Axonquerschnitte im Bereich des Nucleus infundibularis tuberis und der Zona externa weisen Granula gleichen Kalibers (800 Å) auf und lassen damit auf einen funktionell-morphologischen Zusammenhang des Nucleus infundiburis und der Zona externa schließen. Ob die kleinen Elementargranula das morphologische Substrat der sogenannten releasing factors darstellen oder ob es sich um adrenerge Axone und Endigungen mit typischen Katecholamingranula handelt, ist nicht zu klären.Es wird unterschieden zwischen echten Synapsen und synapsenähnlichen Kontakten. Nur erstere zeigen alle klassischen Synapsenmerkmale. Ihnen sind im Bereich der Neurohypophyse axosomatische und interaxonale Synapsen zuzuordnen. Zona externa und Hypophysenhinterlappen stellen neurohämale Kontaktzonen dar und zeichnen sich durch gleichartig konstruierte Synapsen aus. Neben interaxonalen Synapsen treten vor allem neurokapilläre Kontakte in den Vordergrund. In der Zona externa sind die Tanyzyten synaptisch mit Axonen verknüpft, so wie im Hypophysenhinterlappen die Pituizyten synaptische Verbindungen mit Nervenfasern eingehen. Die synapsenähnlichen Bildungen im Verlauf und an den Enden der Axone können somit neurokapillärer, neurotanyzytärer und neuropituizytärer Natur sein. Sie enthalten neben den synaptischen Vesikeln auch meist kleine oder große Elementargranula. Die ähnliche Morphologie der synaptischen Bildungen in der Zona externa und im Hinterlappen läßt einen gleichgearteten Inkretionsmechanismus beider neurohypophysärer Abschnitte vermuten. Tanyzyten und Pituizyten könnten dabei eine Überträgerfunktion ausüben. Eine rezeptorische Funktion der Tanyzyten wird gleichfalls diskutiert.Die Drüsenzellen der Pars intermedia der Hypophyse sind durch direkte neuroglanduläre Kontakte mit den Neuronen des Hypothalamus verknüpft. Die Axone stülpen sich hierbei tief in das Zytoplasma der Drüsenzellen ein. Es entstehen dadurch beim Meerschweinchen drei nervöse Endigungsformen, die Synapsen ausbilden: 1. Endigungen, die nur synaptische Vesikel enthalten; 2. Endigungen mit synaptischen Vesikeln und kleinen Granula; 3. Endigungen mit synaptischen Vesikeln und großen Granula.Zwischen den Drüsenzellen der Pars infundibularis der Adenohypophyse sind ebenfalls Axonquerschnitte zu beobachten. Es handelt sich dabei entweder um vegetative Faserbündel oder Nervenfasern mit kleinen Granula wie in der Zona externa (800 Å).
Summary The ultrastructure of the nucleus infundibularis tuberis, the inner and outer layer of the median eminence and the posterior lobe of the guinea pig are described. Comparative studies on the nerve fibres of these regions lead to the following conclusions:The axons of the inner layer of the median eminence and of the posterior lobe contain similar types of large, neurosecretory elementary granules (Diameter 1400 Å).The cross-sections of the axons in the area of the nucleus infundibularis tuberis and of the outer layer of the median eminence exhibit the same sized granules (Diameter 800 Å), which points to a functional-morphological relationship between the two. Whether the small elementary granules represent the morphological substrate of the so-called releasing factors, or whether it is a question of adrenergic axons and terminations with typical catecholamine granules, is undecided.A distinction is made between true synapses and synapse-like contacts. Only the former display all the classical characteristics of synapses. To this sort must be classed the axosomatic and interaxonal synapses in the neurohypophysis. The external layer of the median eminence and the posterior lobe are distinguished by neurohaemal contact areas and show similarly constructed synapses. Of particular prominence, besides interaxonal synapses, are neurocapillary contiguities. Just as in the posterior lobe the pituicytes show synaptic connections with nerve fibres, so are the tanycytes in the outer layer of the median eminence in synaptical contact with axons. Thus the synapse-like formations along and at the endings of the axons can be of a neurocapillary, neurotanycytial and neuropituicytial nature. They contain, apart from the synaptic vesicles, mainly small but also large elementary granules. The similar morphology of the synaptic formations in the outer layer of the median eminence and the posterior lobe suggests the existence of a similar mechanism of internal secretion in both these neurohypophysial areas. Tanycytes and pituicytes could exercise a carrier function. A possible receptor-function of the tanycytes is considered.The glandular cells of the pars intermedia of the hypophysis are linked by means of direct neuroglandular contacts with the neurons of the hypothalamus, whereby the axons make deep incursions into the cytoplasm of the glandular cells. In the guinea pig three types of termination can be observed that form synapses: 1. terminations that contain only synaptic vesicles; 2. terminations with small granules; 3. terminations with large granules.Cross-sections of axons can also be observed between the glandular cells of the pars infundibularis of the adenohypophysis. Here they can be identified either as vegetative fibre-bundles or as nerve fibres with small granules, such as occur in the outer layer of the median eminence (Diameter 800 Å).

In order to maintain axenic seedstock cultures axenically of thecommercially important red seaweed, Porphyra yezoensis, aprocedure was developed for axenic isolation and culture of conchocelis andmonospores. For axenic isolation of the conchocelis, contaminated microalgaewere most effectively removed by filtering contaminated samples through a100-m mesh after sonication. Removal of bacteria and otheralgaewas accomplished using a mixture of 5 agents (0.02% chitosan, 100 gml–1 GeO2, 10 gml–1 ampicillin, 40 gml–1 kanamycin and 200 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single colonies wereisolatedfrom a semi-solid medium prepared from 1% transfer gel. After collectingmonospores from the 40–50% density layer on a percoll-gradient, removalofbacteria and fungi from the monospores was accomplished using a mixture of 5antibiotics (3.5 g ml–1 nystatin, 2 mgml–1 ampicillin, 400 gml–1 kanamycin, 50 gml–1 neomycin and 800 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single juvenile blades wereisolated from a semi-solid medium prepared from 0.5% transfer gel.  相似文献   

Summary The potential of-lactams as intermediates for the access to- and-amino acid-derived peptides is shortly reviewed, with major focus on the technologies developed in our group. The two general strategies lie, on one side, in the oxidative ring expansion of 3-hydroxy-lactams toN-carboxy-amino acid anhydrides or Leuch's anhydrides and subsequent coupling with-amino acid esters and, on the other side, in the nucleophilic ring opening ofN-Boc--lactams. Both approaches have been successfully applied to the synthesis of,-diamino acid,-amino--hydroxy acid, polyhydroxylated-amino acid,,-disubstituted-amino acid,-amino acid,-amino--hydroxy acid and,-disubstituted-amino acid derived peptides. Because of the mild reaction conditions needed for the above transformations and the highly stereoselective procedures employed for the construction of the starting-lactam ring, the whole process allows the production of optically pure final products.  相似文献   

Summary The adenohypophysis of the newt Triturus cristatus carnifex Laur. shows three types of cells: 1) cells with granules of about 350–550 m in diameter, 2) cells with small granules of 200–250 m in diameter and globules with a cristal-like arrangement containing cylinders with a diameter of about 960 Å and 3) cells containing small granules only.The AA. discuss the ultrastructural changes of the gland and the modifications of sexual secondary characters (S.S.C.) in animals given Cyproterone acetate (1/2 mg every three days). The animals have been treated for a period of time varying between 3 and 5 months, starting in October-November, when S.S.C. begin to develop again.At the end of the treatment the newths showed a loss of S.S.C., and the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis resembled that of castrated animals, i.e.: great swelling of R.E.R. and partial degranulation of glycoprotein secreting cells which contain the 200 m granules and the globules. The S.E.R. showed also swelling and hyperactivity.A preliminary communication of this paper has been presented at the Sixth conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (Montpellier, August 8, 1971).This work has been supported by the Italian National Research Council (grant n° 115–1121). The E. M. observations have been performed in the Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Naples, directed by Prof. G. Ghiara.We thank Schering AG, Berlin, and in particular Drs. Brunnemann and Merz, for the generous donation of Cyproterone-acetate.  相似文献   

A structural component of mitotic chromosomes that partially explains the compaction of DNA within mitotic chromosomes is suggested on the basis of the occurrence of long, regular cylindrical structures in preparations of isolated human chromosomes. These structures, unit fibers, of a rather constant diameter of about 4,000 Å have been postulated to be formed by coiling of the 250T2–300 Å solenoid chromatin fiber that itself is formed by coiling of the 100 Å string of nucleosome fiber. The human chromatid would thus be composed by a hierarchy of helices with contraction ratios for DNA at each level of coiling of 7 (string of nucleosomes), 5 (solenoid) and 40 (4,000 Å unit fiber or super-solenoid) which results in an overall contraction ratio for DNA in the unit fiber structures of about 1,400, which is approximately 5-fold less than the final contraction of DNA in intact chromatids of condensed metaphase chromosomes. The present report concerns more detailed studies with respect to the dimensions and cytochemical properties of the unit fiber structures observed in preparations of isolated human mitotic chromosomes that provide direct and indirect evidence in support of their super-solenoid structure and relate to known properties of human mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Holophosphorylase kinase was digested with Glu-C specific protease; from the peptide mixture calmodulin binding peptides were isolated by affinity chromatography and identified by N-terminal sequence analysis. Two peptides originating from the subunit, having a high tendency to form a positively charged amphiphilic helix and containing tryptophane, were synthesized. Additionally, a homologous region of the subunit and a peptide from the subunit present in a region deleted in the isoform were also selected for synthesis. Binding stoichiometry and affinity were determined by following the enhancement in tryptophane fluorescence occurring upon 1:1 complex formation between these peptides and calmodulin. Finally, Ca2+ binding to calmodulin in presence of peptides was measured. By this way, the peptides 542–566, 547–571, 660–677 and 597–614 have been found to bind specifically to calmodulin.Together with previously predicted and synthesized calmodulin binding peptides four calmodulin binding regions have been characterized on each the and subunits. It can be concluded that endogenous calmodulin can bind to two calmodulin binding regions in as well as to two regions in and . Exogenous calmodulin can bind to two regions in and in . A binding stoichiometry of 0.8mol of calmodulin/ protomer of phosphorylase kinase has been determined by inhibiting the ubiquitination of calmodulin with phosphorylase kinase. Phosphorylase kinase is half maximally activated by 23nM calmodulin which is in the affinity range of calmodulin binding peptides from to calmodulin. Therefore, binding of exogenous calmodulin to activates the enzyme. A model for switching endogenous calmodulin between , and and modulation of ATP binding to as well as Mg2+/ADP binding to by calmodulin is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Eimeria cyclopei n.sp. is described from the silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, from Pará State, north Brazil. Undifferentiated oocysts, passed in the faeces, complete sporulation in seven days at 26 to 28°C. Oocysts are ellipsoidal to sub-spherical, with a mean size of 28.1 × 23.6 m: the wall is 1.5 to 2.0 m thick, apparently with an outer thin, colourless membrane and two inner, thicker, striated and yellowish layers. There is no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar body. The mean measurements of sporocysts are 19.0 × 9.0 m, and they are slightly asymmetrical, elongate pear-shape, with a plug-shaped Steida body projecting beyond the end of the sporocyst. Sporozoites are as long as or longer than the sporocysts: The sporocyst residuum is scattered between sporozoites in younger specimens and becomes condensed into rounded mass in older ones. The endogenous stages occur in the epithelial cells of the ileum, on the lumenal side of the host-cell nucleus. Uninucleate meront, microgamont and macrogamont precursors are recognizable morphologically. Mature meronts are 20.0 × 15.7 m some produce 12 to 20 merozoites which are 8.7 × 2.0 m, and others 10 to 26 merozoites which are 11.4 × 2.0 to 15.0 × 3.0 m. Mature microgamonts which are 27.5 × 24.1 m, produce from 150 to 170 microgametes of 7.1 × 1.0 m: microgametes have two flagella of unequal length. Mature macrogamonts are 28.4 × 24.5 m Eimeria choloepi n.sp. is recorded from the two-toed sloth, Choloepus didactylus, from the same area of Brazil. Undifferentiated oocysts, passed in the faeces, complete sporulation in 23 days at 26 to 28°C. Oocysts with a mean size of 23.0 × 20.3 m, have a wall 2.0 to 2.5 m thick which is composed of two thick, yellowish and striated outer layers and a delicate, colourless inner one. There is no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar granule. Mature sporocysts with a mean size of 11.3 × 7.1 m, are ellipsoidal to egg-shaped and have a poorly developed Steida body. The sporocyst residuum is composed of a small number of large globules: The sporozoites are longer than the sporocyst and strongly recurved. The endogenous stages occur in epithelial cells of the ileum, on the lumenal side of the host-cell nucleus. Dimorphic meronts produce 8 to 18 merozoites which are either 13.0 × 2.0 m or 13.0 × 3.0 m. Microgamonts produce 50 to 80 microgametes of 8.0 × 1.0 m. Mature macrogamonts are 18.3 × 17.9 m. ac]19820212  相似文献   

A model of associative memory for time varying spatial patterns is proposed and simulated on a digital computer. This is a network composed of many neuron-like elements, and shows an ability for associative memory similar to that of the brain.Suppose a number of sequences of spatial patterns are presented to this network, for example, 12345, ABC, and so on. Then, these patterns are memorized in the network. After that, if any part of one of these sequences, say 23, is presented to the circuit, the rest of the sequence, 45, is recalled following to it. It resembles to such a situation — if we hear a part of a melody which we have memorized in the past, the rest of the melody is recalled even after it is stopped half-way. Although the recalled patterns are not always 100% correct, they are not completely destroyed even if the presented patterns are imperfect.  相似文献   

Biofilm development on AISI-1020 carbon steel coupons installed at the outlet of a heat exchanger was evaluated at the thirtieth and the sixtieth days of exposure. Water temperature varied between 41 and 60°C. The most probable number technique (MPN) was applied to quantify mesophilic and thermophilic species of aerobic, anaerobic, and sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in planktonic and sessile phases. The results showed predominance of thermophilic aerobic bacteria in both phases, corresponding to 9.5±0.8×106cells/ml in the planktonic phase. In biofilms, maximal aerobic cell concentration, 7.8±0.6×108cells/cm2, was registered at the sixtieth day. An increase in the number of thermophilic anaerobic and SRB with elapsed time was also observed. The results obtained after 60 days were 5.8±0.4×107 and 8.9±0.9×104cells/cm2 for anaerobic and sulphate-reducing bacteria, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed a varied composition of species in the biofilms and corrosion on the carbon steel surfaces after biofilm removal.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die intravitale Karyorrhexig wird am exokrinen Pankreas der Maus nach Osmium- und Formalinfixierung licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Im Verlaufe der Karyorrhexis kommt es zu einer Trennung des Karyoplasmas in 'Chromatin und 'Karyolymphe (Interchromatin-Substanz). In fortgeschrittenen Stadien ist das Bild solcher Zellkerne — im Gegensatz zu normalen Intermitosekernen — nach beiden Fixierungsmethoden fast identisch. Das Chromatin ist in dichten, membranständigen Kappen konzentriert. Der übrige Kernraum wird — abgesehen vom Nukleolus — von der hellen Karyolymphe ausgefüllt. In ihrem Bereich treten die sog. Interchromatingranula (200–250 Å), einzeln oder in dichten Haufen, meist deutlich hervor. Der Nukleolus, dessen Feinstruktur nicht auffallend verändert ist, liegt entweder frei oder den Chromatinkappen unmittelbar an. Die Kernhülle ist bei fortgeschrittener Karyoplasmaentmischung unversehrt oder über kürzere oder längere Strecken geschwunden. Im Endstadium der Karyorrhexis sind mehrere, von Kernmembranfragmenten unvollständig begrenzte Chromatinbrocken wahllos im Zelleib verstreut. Die cytoplasmatischen Strukturen können auch bei ausgeprägten Kernveränderungen noch weitgehend normal aussehen.Die karyorrhektischen Kernveränderungen werden als Folge einer 'Entmischung des Karyoplasmas gedeutet, für die eine Dehydratation der DNS-tragenden Chromosomenstrukturen verantwortlich gemacht wird. Auch das Sichtbarwerden und das Verklumpen der 'Interchromatingranula wird auf eine Dehydratation zurückgeführt.
Summary The intravital caryorrhexis in the exocrine pancreas of the mouse was studied by means of light- and electron microscopy after fixation with osmium and formaldehyde. During caryorrhexis the caryoplasm segregates into chromatin and caryolymphe (interchromatinic substance). In contrast to normal intermitotic nuclei both fixations result in a very similar picture of the typical caryorrhectic nuclei. The chromatin is concentrated in dense caps associated with the nuclear envelope. Except those dense caps and apart from the nucleolus the whole nucleus is occupied by the light caryolymphe. In this area the so-called interchromatinic granules (200–250 Å) become clearly visible, isolated or in dense clumps. The nucleolus, the fine structure of which has not remarkably changed, can be found either isolated or in touch with the chromatin caps. During advanced segregation of the caryoplasm the nuclear envelope was found to be either unimpaired or had disappeared for variable lenghths. In the final stage of caryorrhexis several chromatin clumps — partly confined by fragments of the nuclear envelope — are distributed irregularly within the cell. Even in the case of pronounced nuclear changes the cytoplasmic structures may appear almost unaffected.It is assumed that the nuclear changes during caryorrhexis are due to a segregation of the caryoplasm, caused by dehydration of the DNA-carrying chromosome fibrils. Also dehydration is made responsible for the appearance and clumping of the interchromatinic granules.

The main carotenoid of Flavobacterium strain R1560 has been identified as (3R,3R)-zeaxanthin. Also present were small amounts of 15-cis-phytoene, phytofluene, -carotene (7,8,7,8-tetrahydro-, -carotene plus 7,8,11,12-tetrahydro-, -carotene), neurosporene, lycopene, -zeacarotene, -carotene, -carotene, -cryptoxanthin, rubixanthin, 3-hydroxy--zeacarotene and several apo-carotenals. Zeaxanthin production was inhibited by nicotine (10 mM), and lycopene and rubixanthin accumulated. The biosynthesis of zeaxanthin is discussed in terms of pathways and also of half-molecule reaction sequences. The presence of zeaxanthin may be a characteristic of a group of Flavobacterium species, and may thus be useful in the taxonomic classification of these organisms.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):61-71
Summary A detailed account of the ultrastructure and behaviour of the spindle pole body (SPB) of the entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented for the first time.The SPB consists of extranuclear (ENC) and intranuclear (INC) components. The ENC is a saucepan-shaped structure which lies in a pocket of the nuclear envelope. It is composed of a forked, fibrillar handle and a shallow, cylindrical pan. The pan has a wall of two layers, both of which are thickened with a regular periodicity so that they appear to be beaded. It is postulated that the pan is formed from rough endoplasmic reticulum and that it synthesizes the amorphous, electron-dense material coating the ENC.The INC is a saucer-shaped, electron-dense plaque in which the ends of the spindle microtubules terminate. During metaphase, a clear zone separates the INC from the nuclear envelope and persists until telophase. The roles of the amorphous, electron-dense material and the clear zone as well as the method of SPB replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The dorsal tegument of the mature cercaria of Notocotylus attenuatus is a syncytial, cytoplasmic layer, containing two types of secretory granule which are identifiable ultrastructurally. The type 1 secretory bodies are electron lucid, whereas most type 2 granules have a banded appearance. The ventral tegument contains granules which are secreted from the type 3 cells; the type 3 granules are membrane bound, electron dense, and consist of both an amorphous and a finely striated zone. The type 4 cells mainly contain cigar-shaped granules consisting of an amorphous core surrounded by concentric striations. The granules exhibit structural variability in shape and content. The type 4 cells undergo a cellular migration to the tegument during encystment. The structure of the posterior-lateral glands and mode of secretion of the granules are described. Possible functions of microtubules are discussed for each cell type. Details of some secretory processes involved in the formation of the hemispherical cyst wall are described. The layers of the cyst wall may be related to the granular contents of the various parenchymal cells of the cercaria. The tegument of the metacercaria originates primarily from the cytoplasm of the type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4 cells.  相似文献   

A model in striate cortex is proposed for a distributed neural representation of binocular disparity with a simple cell. In the model, disparity is represented by far, near and tuned inhibitory simple cells. However, the representation will be vetoed by model cells where disparity is excessively large. The veto mechanism consists of a neural network of the model cell which received output from simple cells and which interacts with neighbors. The mechanism is necessary, the model cell responds like a simple cell, and the network is physiologically plausible in the brain. Computer simulation on the neural network model with random dot stereography indicates reasonable performance.  相似文献   

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