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于力 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):435-437
世界上现已知小蟀科有22属190余种,我国目前仅正式报道过该科的6属15种[1]。小蜉科稚虫多生活在石质河床的清冷流水体中,常可用来监测和指示河流的水质状况。作者1984年至1995年在吉林省长白山区共采集到小蜉科的稚虫标本上千头,经鉴定发现中国新记录13种及1亚种,隶属带助蜉属Cincticostella(2种)、弯握蜉属Drunella(5种及1亚种)、小蜉属Ephemerella(4种)、锯形蜉属Serratella(1种)、天角蜉属Uracanthella(1种)[2~4]。兹列出这些稚虫的属和种检索表。小蜉科新记录种及亚种稚虫形态特征检索表la前足腿节的前缘有齿状突起,…  相似文献   

首次描述了采自中国香港的短须滑爪蜉Cloeodes longisetosus(Braasch and Soldán)的成虫形态及重新描述了该种的稚虫形态.所有成虫标本由稚虫在实验室内饲养而成.对于短须滑爪蜉稚虫的研究进一步明确了该种在滑爪蜉属Cloeodes中的地位.短须滑爪蜉的稚虫与同属其它种类的主要区别是下颚须极短.短须滑爪蜉雄性成虫外生殖器的尾铗基部具有一块近长方形的突起,这一特征在同属其它已知成虫中是很独特的.这也表明类似这种特征在滑爪蜉属中也许存在或不存在.  相似文献   

曾征  陈雪伊  于昕 《水生生物学报》2023,(10):1659-1668
基于线粒体基因COI、核基因ITS序列数据,结合成虫、稚虫相互匹配的方法,文章对蜻蜓目广布种长尾黄蟌Ceriagrion fallax Ris和翠胸黄蟌Ceriagrion auranticum Fraser稚虫的尾鳃和上颚这两个传统的形态鉴定特征的稳定性进行了分析,结果显示:(1)长尾黄蟌稚虫尾鳃黑斑的有无、数量、颜色等特征均不稳定,且与种群、性别无关;(2)两种稚虫的上颚齿式特征在同种群内也呈现明显的不稳定性。因此,两种稚虫的尾鳃和上颚特征不稳定,鉴定时应慎用。这暗示蜻蜓目其他物种的形态特征或存在类似的不稳定性。  相似文献   

在标本鉴定和文献汇总的基础上,对东北亚地区(包括朝鲜半岛、日本、俄罗斯远东地区、中国东北)的蜉蝣区系做了统计分析.结果显示,截至目前该地区已报道蜉蝣18科48属237种.其中俄罗斯远东地区的蜉蝣属种多样性最高,而从地区对比来看,朝鲜半岛和中国东北地区的蜉蝣区系最为相似(属种相似度分别为83%和64%).日本群岛蜉蝣区系相对独特,这可能是由于它长期与大陆分离而造成的.  相似文献   

胜利河连续系统中蜉蝣优势种的生产量动态和营养基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型底栖动物在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用, 2009 年3月至2010 年3月间对长江中游支流巴河流域的胜利河大型底栖动物群落优势种类的生产力进行为期1 周年的调查研究, 结果表明, 主要蜉蝣优势种扁蜉、等蜉和红斑蜉的生活史为3代/年、3代/年和 2代/年。现存量呈现出1-3级河流增加,而4级又较3级有所下降的趋势。采用龄期频率法( instar-frequency method) 测算的平均周年生产量分别为扁蜉, 200.13 g/(m2.a) , P/B 为23.69; 等蜉, 82.06 g/(m2.a), P/B 为18.12;红斑蜉, 12.30 g/(m2.a), P/B 为8.78。三种蜉蝣的生产量动态在时间上与现存量动态较一致,但彼此各不相同。扁蜉的日均产量于2009年3月在二级河流中达到最大(363.56 mg/m2.d),等蜉于2010年3月在三级河流中到达最大(282.76 mg/m2.d),而红斑蜉于2009年3月在一级河流中到达最大(33.36 mg/m2.d)。生产量的营养基础分析结果表明,扁蜉前肠内含物中无形态碎屑、动物组织、植物纤维、丝状藻类、硅藻所占平均比例为74.37%,4.19%,17.11%,4.29%,0.04%,对生产量的贡献率分别为77.15%,11.27%,6.57%,4.95% ,0.04%;等蜉前肠内含物中无形态碎屑、动物组织、植物纤维、真菌、丝状藻类和硅藻所占平均比例为65.64%,6.17%,23.04%,0.54%,4.53%,对生产量的贡献率分别为: 68.16%,16.61%,8.86%,1.03%,5.23%,0.09%,0.10%;红斑蜉前肠内含物中,无形态碎屑、动物组织、植物纤维、真菌、丝状藻类和硅藻所占平均比例为41.14%,5.96%,38.04%,1.34%,11.21%,2.31%,对生产量的贡献率分别为46.67%,17.52%,15.98%,2.81%,14.13%,2.91%。这与我们在黑竹冲和叹气沟的研究结果存在一定差异,可能与这些溪流自身环境和地区分布有关。  相似文献   

放牧对蝗虫栖境结构的改变及其对蝗虫栖境选择的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
颜忠诚  陈永林 《生态学报》1998,18(3):278-282
放牧是草原植被利用的主要形式,牲畜的牧食极易改变蝗虫生存的栖境结构,本研究表明:在重牧区蝗虫发生的密度最高,而轻牧区蝗虫发生的密度最低,这说明,不同的牧压强度所形成的栖境对蝗虫栖境选择的适合度不一致。  相似文献   

柔裳蜉属Habrophlebiodes蜉蝣的亚洲种类因两阳茎在端部明显分叉而与北美种类有显著区别。本属在亚洲地区现已知4种,其中出众柔裳蜉H.prominens Ulmer的下唇须末节较长、后翅脉相独特以及翅面着色明显而易识别;吉氏柔裳蜉H.gilliesi Peters阳茎较细,两阳茎叶的基部2/3愈合;紫金柔裳蜉H.zijinensis You&Gui阳茎短粗,两阳茎叶在基部1/2愈合,端部突起也较大。与吉氏柔裳蜉相比,紫金柔裳蜉稚虫的鳃具有多而明显的气管分支;与娇弱柔裳蜉H.tenella Kang&Yang相比,紫金柔裳蜉的鳃分叉较深、气管分支更近基部,体色也较浅。柔裳蜉属稚虫的主要特征与拟细裳蜉属Paraleptophlebia和新细裳蜉属Neoleptophlebia相似,但其中舌叶具细毛簇。本属所在的细裳蜉亚科Leptophlebiinae各属之间的系统发育关系重建需要对更多材料进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

闫云君  李晓宇 《生态科学》2006,25(2):97-101
大型底栖动物在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用。2003年6月至2004年6月间对汉江流域2级河流--黑竹冲河大型底栖动物群落优势种类的生产力进行了为期一周年的调查研究。结果表明,主要优势种小裳蜉(Leptophlebia sp.)和蜉蝣(Ephemera sp.)的生活史均为一年两代,蜉蝣的两个代之间界限比较明显;小裳蜉成虫羽化主要发生在秋季和冬季,而蜉蝣成虫羽化主要发生在夏季和冬季。小裳蜉和蜉蝣种群的生物量和多度均出现两次峰值。采用体长频率法(size-frequencymethod)测算的周年生产量分别为:小裳蜉,38.0362g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.4;蜉蝣,76.0318g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.8。  相似文献   

张鑫  郑大燃 《古生物学报》2022,61(4):654-661
热河生物群是保存最好的白垩纪陆地生物群, 是世界上最重要的特异埋藏化石宝库之一。热河生物群的三阶段演化学说认为该生物群在第二演化阶段往南至秦岭、大别山一带, 包括河南西部和南部地区。早期研究记录表明河南西部地区产出热河生物群的代表分子三尾拟蜉蝣化石。本文首次报道了河南西部南召县马市坪盆地南召组衍蜓科稚虫化石, 并对其形态特征进行了简要描述, 同时报道了与之伴生的三尾拟蜉蝣稚虫化石。衍蜓科稚虫是热河生物群的代表化石之一, 先前均记录于辽宁西部义县组及相当地层, 属于热河生物群第二演化阶段的特征分子。河南西部新发现的昆虫化石证实了热河生物群在其第二演化阶段已经到达该地区。同时, 本研究确定马市坪盆地南召组可与辽宁西部义县组相对比, 南召组的地质时代属于早白垩世而非晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

In metapopulations, individual patch contribution (source or sink) is typically calculated as a patch growth rate (the intrinsic lambda, I) dependent only upon local demographics. We demonstrate that when dispersal is explicitly included in the model, the growth rates for all patches calculated in an analogous manner (the observed lambda, O) equilibrate to the overall metapopulation growth rate and thus no longer serve as a useful reflection of the demographic and dispersive characteristics of a given patch. In these situations we suggest an alternative method of estimating patch contribution (the contribution lambda, C) in which a patch is decremented for losses that occur within it and credited for gains that occur anywhere in the metapopulation because of it. We compare values of I, O, and C for individual patches in discrete-time density-independent metapopulation models of two organisms with very different life histories, mayflies with adult dispersal, and reef fish with larval dispersal. Results confirm that when dispersal is included only C clearly indicates the contribution of a particular patch. IC comparisons indicate that inclusion of dispersal in the mayfly model was only important if connectivity patterns were random or directional. In the reef fish model, however, results were very different when dispersal was included and there were many cases of patches being misidentified (e.g., as a source when it was really a sink) depending upon the metric used (I or C). Our results demonstrate the importance of including dispersal in metapopulation models when considering the contribution of individual patches.  相似文献   

四种利用不同生境蜥蜴运动能力的形态特征相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物体态特征、功能表现和生境利用之间是否存在相关性是当前生态形态学领域的一个研究焦点。在实验室条件下测定分别利用开阔地面、草丛、岩石、树丛生境的 4种蜥蜴 (中国石龙子、北草蜥、山地麻蜥和变色树蜥 )的形态特征和运动能力 ,着重探讨蜥蜴运动能力与形态特征之间的相关性。 4种蜥蜴的头体长大小依次为 :中国石龙子 >变色树蜥 >北草蜥 >山地麻蜥。就相对体长而言 ,中国石龙子 >山地麻蜥和北草蜥 >变色树蜥 ,而头大小、附肢长度和尾长的种间差异趋势则相反 ;体高的种间差异为北草蜥 >中国石龙子和变色树蜥 >山地麻蜥。在平面上 ,山地麻蜥和北草蜥的速度显著大于中国石龙子和变色树蜥 ;在斜面上 ,变色树蜥和山地麻蜥的速度显著高于中国石龙子。变色树蜥斜面附着能力最强 ,中国石龙子最弱。生境利用不同的蜥蜴形态迥异 ,运动能力亦因此有显著的差异。本研究结果支持动物形态特征与其功能表现相关的观点。  相似文献   

The Use of Morphological and AFLP Markers in Diversity Analysis of Linseed   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Different methods of genetic diversity measures could give better judgment of differentiating important accessions for growers, germplasm curators and plant breeders. Data of 60 accessions of linseed, mainly from Ethiopia, were used to assess their genetic diversity, employing morphological and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) methods. Analyses of genetic distance, principal components and clusters showed the presence of a wide range of diversity among the studied accessions. The mean for genetic distance estimates of the entire 1770 pairwise accessions was 0.6684 for morphology, while that of AFLP was 0.5734. These genetic distances varied from zero to one for morphology in contrast to 0.29 to 0.71 of the AFLP. Morphological and AFLP based clusters and their accompanying analyses showed different hierarchical patterns of genetic diversity among the accessions. Despite their disparity, the two diversity measures were found independently useful for assessing the degree of relatedness and the overall patterns of genetic variation among the analysed linseed accessions.  相似文献   

The effects of two formulations (oil and water) and two bait substrates (lettuce and bran) on infection of grasshopper nymphs (Melanoplus sanguinipes) by Beauveria bassiana were investigated. More nymphs died of mycosis after they had ingested substrates inoculated with conidia in oil than in water, but there was no difference between the lettuce and bran substrates. Of the conidia recovered in frass, most (95%) were recovered within 24 h of ingestion of the lettuce and bran substrates by nymphs. Significantly more conidia averaged over time were recovered in frass from the water than from the oil formulation. A higher incidence (33-82%) and more rapid onset of mycosis was observed in nymphs that were surface-sterilized before ingestion, compared with those surface-sterilized after ingestion of lettuce and bran substrates inoculated with B. bassiana in both formulations. A similar trend was observed in nymphs receiving the sterilization treatment before, rather than after, ingestion of wheat leaves sprayed with conidia in oil or water. Numerous conidia were observed on the heads, thoraxes and abdomens of nymphs that ingested treated lettuce or bran. Modest numbers of conidia were also recovered from the surfaces of nymphs, but no differences were observed between formulations or substrates. However, when nymphs ingested lettuce disks treated with fluorescent dye in either oil or water, more dye was observed on nymphs with the oil formulation. This laboratory study demonstrates that grasshopper nymphs are highly susceptible to infection by conidia formulated on bait substrates, and that the efficacy of the bait relies on the extent to which nymphs become surface-contaminated during ingestion.  相似文献   

Summary The possible effect of predation on the habitat selection of nymphs of the two mayfly species Parameletus chelifer Bengtsson and P. minor (Bengtsson) was investigated for different habitats of a North Swedish boreal river. In spring, these two species migrate to river margins and subsequently, in different proportions, to adjacent seasonal ponds. Feeding rates on mayfly nymphs and mosquito larvae by some dytiscid beetles and larvae, a corixid waterbug and a caddisfly larva were studied in the laboratory. In the seasonal pond, the consumption rate of invertebrate predators on Parameletus nymphs was below that expected from their relative abundance, and mosquito larvae were preferred. At the river margin, where mosquito larvae were absent, Parameletus nymphs were consumed in agreement with their relative abundance. The absolute abundance of macroinvertebrate predators was similar at the river margin and in the pond. Fish predators visited the seasonal pond only during a short time of flood, while at the river margin their presence was continuous. In the seasonal pond, minnow and roach consumed nymphs of both P. chelifer and P. minor in a lower proportion than expected. At the river margin, nymphs of P. chelifer were consumed by minnow and ten-spined stickleback in a higher proportion than expected. Nymphs of P. minor were consumed according to expectance. Imagines of P. minor emerged early, and nymphs were equally abundant in the river and in the seasonal pond. In contrast, almost all nymphs of P. chelifer migrated to the seasonal pond. The later emergence of P. chelifer would probably result in a very high mortality from predation if it remained at the river margin.  相似文献   

Artificial reef systems play an important role in the increase of natural production of biological marine resources and they have been deployed worldwide. In Portugal, seven artificial systems have been deployed along the southern coast of the Algarve. Research to date has focussed mainly on fish populations, particularly those of economical importance. The present work aims to study the macrobenthic communities of the artificial reef structures, as these will enhance the food resources and shelter, making the reefs more attractive to fish. In particular, we experimentally analysed the sequence of colonisation of macrobenthic communities of the Ancão artificial reef system, which was deployed in the summer of 2002. The study of the colonisation of benthic communities was done using samples of concrete cubic units (15 × 15 cm) that were suspended at the reef modules at a depth of 20 m, at the time of the reef immersion. Four replicate samples were collected by SCUBA diving from two groups of the Ancão reef every three months from the starting date. Sampling was done using essentially non-destructive methods to assess the percentage cover of macrobenthic organisms in both vertical and horizontal surfaces. The percentage cover of the taxonomic groups was compared within the different surfaces of the samples and between the two reef groups. The bottom surface of cubic samples had a significantly higher colonisation related to the dominance of barnacle cover, probably due to lower sedimentation levels. Samples from both reef groups showed a similar pattern of colonisation. Barnacles, bryozoans and serpulids dominated the samples three months immediately after the beginning of the experiment. Other invertebrates groups, such as Porifera, Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, other sessile Polychaeta, Decapoda, Gastropoda and Bivalvia, were more abundant after six months of colonisation.  相似文献   

Understanding if morphological differences between organisms that occupy different environments are associated to differences in functional performance can suggest a functional link between environmental and morphological variation. In this study we examined three components of the ecomorphological paradigm – morphology, locomotor performance and habitat use – using two syntopic wall lizards endemic to the Iberian Peninsula as a case study to establish whether morphological variation is associated with habitat use and determine the potential relevance of locomotor performance for such an association. Differences in habitat use between both lizards matched patterns of morphological variation. Indeed, individuals of Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus, which are more flattened, used more rocky environments, whereas Podarcis bocagei, which have higher heads, used more vegetation than rocks. These patterns translated into a significant association between morphology and habitat use. Nevertheless, the two species were only differentiated in some of the functional traits quantified, and locomotor performance did not exhibit an association with morphological traits. Our results suggest that the link between morphology and habitat use is mediated by refuge use, rather than locomotor performance, in this system, and advise caution when extrapolating morphology-performance-environment associations across organisms.  相似文献   

Larval series of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae (Federally Threatened), arroyo chub, Gila orcutti (California Species of Special Concern), and Santa Ana speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus (California Species of Special Concern) are described from wild-caught specimens from the Los Angeles and Santa Ana river drainages. Santa Ana sucker larvae are elongate, having 41–46 myomeres and a distinctive paired-triangle patch of melanophores over the midbrain. Melanophores present on the snout, dorsal body, lateral midline, dorsal gut, postanal ventral body, and caudal fin. Preanal length 74–79% in body length (BL), typical of catostomids. Arroyo chub larvae relatively deep-bodied, 36–39 myomeres, and a heart-shaped patch of melanophores over the midbrain with a line of melanophores trailing posteriorly. Heavy pigment present on the snout, lower jaw, dorsal body, lateral midline, gill arches, dorsal gut, postanal ventral body, and caudal fin; short preanal length of 65–72% BL, typical of native North American cyprinids. Santa Ana speckled dace are similar to arroyo chub except for having less pigment on the ventral gut, large distinct melanophores on the ventrolateral caudal peduncle, a wedge-shaped patch of midbrain melanophores with no distinct line trailing posteriorly, and lateral midline melanophores that do not extend anteriorly. These three species often occur together and with nonnative cyprinids. Characters distinguishing them from other local larvae, including southern fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas confertus and red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, are discussed with their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

沟牙田鼠是分布于中国四川西部和甘肃南部的一种罕见小型啮齿动物,迄今标本收藏甚少,种、属地位存在异议,有人认为应并入田鼠属。我们根据四川九寨沟自然保护区采到的16号不同年龄、性别的沟牙田鼠,就其牙齿形态和成年雄性的阴茎结构与其它田鼠类作了比较,发现其成体和幼体在M3和M3形态上有很大不同。其他重要区别包括:上门齿宽大;下门齿外露部分很短,下门齿总长仅及下颌长的77%左右,远比其他田鼠小;M齿环呈圆弧形或豆形亦很特殊;成年雄性的阴茎骨近支烧瓶状,远支基部膨大与田鼠类差别很大。结果表明:沟牙田鼠属是有别于田鼠属的有效属。  相似文献   

福建山樱花形态多样性分化的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以闽、赣、粤、台4省13个种群292份福建山樱花种质为分析材料,对16个形态性状进行聚类分析和主成分分析。结果表明:福建山樱花不同个体间各性状均有明显差异,变异系数较大,优株选择潜力很大。系统聚类分析可将292份参试材料划分为2个表征群4个亚表征群,除重瓣型福建山樱花外,单瓣型福建山樱花的形态特征在种群间总体上无明显的分化规律,不同种群的个体交叉聚在同一个表征群内,但在同一亚表征群内,同一种群的多数个体常能聚在一起,表明种群之间在形态上发生了一定程度的分化,只是这种分化还不能清楚地区分不同的种群。主成分分析结果表明叶形、叶尖、叶缘、分枝能力、60 d苗高、花色和花形是造成福建山樱花形态分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

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