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Adhesion to collagens by most cell types is mediated by the integrins α1β1 and α2β1. Both integrin α subunits belong to a group which is characterized by the presence of an I domain in the N-terminal half of the molecule, and this domain has been implicated in the ligand recognition. Since purified α1β1 and α2β1 differ in their binding to collagens I and IV and recognize different sites within the major cell binding domain of collagen IV, we investigated the potential role of the α1 and α2 I domains in specific collagen adhesion. We find that introducing the α2 I domain into α1 results in surface expression of a functional collagen receptor. The adhesion mediated by this chimeric receptor (α1-2-1β1) is similar to the adhesion profile conferred by α2β1, not α1β1. The presence of α2 or α1-2-1 results in preferential binding to collagen I, whereas α1 expressing cells bind better to collagen IV. In addition, α1 containing cells bind to low amounts of a tryptic fragment of collagen IV, whereas α2 or α1-2-1 bearing cells adhere only to high concentrations of this substrate. We also find that collagen adhesion of NIH-3T3 mediated by α2β1 or α1-2-1β1, but not by α1, requires the presence of Mn2+ ions. This ion requirement was not found in CHO cells, implicating the I domain in cell type-specific activation of integrins. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:634–641, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Central (hypothalamic) control of bone mass is proposed to be mediated through β2‐adrenergic receptors (β2‐ARs). While investigations in mouse bone cells suggest that epinephrine enhances both RANKL and OPG mRNA via both β‐ARs and α‐ARs, whether α‐ARs are expressed in human bone cells is controversial. The current study investigated the expression of α1‐AR and β2‐AR mRNA and protein and the functional role of adrenergic stimulation in human osteoblasts (HOBs). Expression of α1B‐ and β2‐ARs was examined by RT‐PCR, immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blot (for α1B‐ARs). Proliferation in HOBs was assessed by 3H‐thymidine incorporation and expression of RANKL and OPG was determined by quantitative RT‐PCR. RNA message for α1B‐ and β2‐ARs was expressed in HOBs and MG63 human osteosarcoma cells. α1B‐ and β2‐AR immunofluorescent localization in HOBs was shown for the first time by deconvolution microscopy. α1B‐AR protein was identified in HOBs by Western blot. Both α1‐agonists and propranolol (β‐blocker) increased HOB replication but fenoterol, a β2‐agonist, inhibited it. Fenoterol nearly doubled RANKL mRNA and this was inhibited by propranolol. The α1‐agonist cirazoline increased OPG mRNA and this increase was abolished by siRNA knockdown of α1B‐ARs in HOBs. These data indicate that both α1‐ARs and β2‐ARs are present and functional in HOBs. In addition to β2‐ARs, α1‐ARs in human bone cells may play a role in modulation of bone turnover by the sympathetic nervous system. J. Cell. Physiol. 220: 267–275, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is still affecting millions of people worldwide, and new resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are being found. It is therefore necessary to find new compounds for treatment. In this paper, we report the synthesis and in vitro testing of peptidyl β‐aminoboronic acids and β‐aminoboronates with anti‐tubercular activity. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

5α‐Androst‐16‐en‐3α‐ol (α‐androstenol) is an important contributor to human axilla sweat odor. It is assumed that α‐andostenol is excreted from the apocrine glands via a H2O‐soluble conjugate, and this precursor was formally characterized in this study for the first time in human sweat. The possible H2O‐soluble precursors, sulfate and glucuronide derivatives, were synthesized as analytical standards, i.e., α‐androstenol, β‐androstenol sulfates, 5α‐androsta‐5,16‐dien‐3β‐ol (β‐androstadienol) sulfate, α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide, α‐androstenol α‐glucuronide, β‐androstadienol β‐glucuronide, and α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide furanose. The occurrence of α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide was established by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS (heated electrospray ionization (HESI)) in negative‐ion mode in pooled human sweat, containing eccrine and apocrine secretions and collected from 25 female and 24 male underarms. Its concentration was of 79 ng/ml in female secretions and 241 ng/ml in male secretions. The release of α‐androstenol was observed after incubation of the sterile human sweat or α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide with a commercial glucuronidase enzyme, the urine‐isolated bacteria Streptococcus agalactiae, and the skin bacteria Staphylococcus warneri DSM 20316, Staphylococcus haemolyticus DSM 20263, and Propionibacterium acnes ATCC 6919, reported to have β‐glucuronidase activities. We demonstrated that if α‐ and β‐androstenols and androstadienol sulfates were present in human sweat, their concentrations would be too low to be considered as potential precursors of malodors; therefore, the H2O‐soluble precursor of α‐androstenol in apocrine secretion should be a β‐glucuronide.  相似文献   

As the prevalence of osteoporosis is expected to increase over the next few decades, the development of novel therapeutic strategies to combat this disorder becomes clinically imperative. These efforts draw extensively from an expanding body of knowledge pertaining to the physiologic mechanisms of skeletal homeostasis. To this body of knowledge, we contribute that cells of hematopoietic lineage may play a crucial role in balancing osteoblastic bone formation against osteoclastic resorption. Specifically, our laboratory has previously demonstrated that megakaryocytes (MKs) can induce osteoblast (OB) proliferation in vitro, but do so only when direct cell‐to‐cell contact is permitted. To further investigate the nature of this interaction, we have effectively neutralized several adhesion molecules known to function in the analogous interaction of MKs with another cell type of mesenchymal origin—the fibroblast (FB). Our findings implicate the involvement of fibronectin/RGD‐binding integrins including α3β1 (VLA‐3) and α5β1 (VLA‐5) as well as glycoprotein (gp) IIb (CD41), all of which are known to be expressed on MK membranes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interleukin (IL)‐3 can enhance MK‐induced OB activation in vitro, as demonstrated in the MK–FB model system. Taken together, these results suggest that although their physiologic and clinical implications are very different, these two models of hematopoietic–mesenchymal cell activation are mechanistically analogous in several ways. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 927–932, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a fully automatic structural classification of supersecondary structure units, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded β strands, preceded or followed by an α helix. The classification is performed on the spatial arrangement of the secondary structure elements, irrespective of the length and conformation of the intervening loops. The similarity of the arrangements is estimated by a structure alignment procedure that uses as similarity measure the root mean square deviation of superimposed backbone atoms. Applied to a set of 141 well-resolved nonhomologous protein structures, the classification yields 11 families of recurrent arrangements. In addition, fragments that are structurally intermediate between the families are found; they reveal the continuity of the classification. The analysis of the families shows that the α helix and β hairpin axes can adopt virtually all relative orientations, with, however, some preferable orientations; moreover, according to the orientation, preferences in the left/right handedness of the α–β connection are observed. These preferences can be explained by favorable side by side packing of the α helix and the β hairpin, local interactions in the region of the α–β connection or stabilizing environments in the parent protein. Furthermore, fold recognition procedures and structure prediction algorithms coupled to database-derived potentials suggest that the preferable nature of these arrangements does not imply their intrinsic stability. They usually accommodate a large number of sequences, of which only a subset is predicted to stabilize the motif. The motifs predicted as stable could correspond to nuclei formed at the very beginning of the folding process. Proteins 30:193–212, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a lysosomal degradation pathway, is essential for homeostasis, development, neurological diseases, and cancer. Regulation of autophagy in human disease is not well understood. Atg9 is a transmembrane protein required for autophagy, and it has been proposed that trafficking of Atg9 may regulate autophagy. Mammalian Atg9 traffics between the TGN and endosomes in basal conditions, and newly formed autophagosomes in response to signals inducing autophagy. We identified p38IP as a new mAtg9 interactor and showed that this interaction is regulated by p38α MAPK. p38IP is required for starvation‐induced mAtg9 trafficking and autophagosome formation. Manipulation of p38IP and p38α alters mAtg9 localization, suggesting p38α regulates, through p38IP, the starvation‐induced mAtg9 trafficking to forming autophagosomes. Furthermore, we show that p38α is a negative regulator of both basal autophagy and starvation‐induced autophagy, and suggest that this regulation may be through a direct competition with mAtg9 for binding to p38IP. Our results provide evidence for a link between the MAPK pathway and the control of autophagy through mAtg9 and p38IP.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether AMPK is activated by 2‐arachidonoylglycerol (2‐AG) and participates to the cytoskeleton control in human platelets. We found that 2‐AG stimulates the AMPKα activation through a Ca2+/Calmodulin‐dependent pathway as the specific inhibition of the CaMKKβ by STO‐609 inhibits the AMPKα phosphorylation/activation. Moreover, the CaMKKβ/AMPKα pathway activated by 2‐AG is involved in the phosphorylation of cofilin, vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), and myosin light chain (MLCs). These proteins participate to actin cytoskeletal remodelling during aggregation. We found that the phosphorylation/activation inhibition of these proteins is associated with a significant reduction in actin polymerization, aggregation, ATP, and α‐granule secretion. Finally, AMPKα activation, Cofilin, VASP, and MLCs phosphorylation are significantly reduced by SR141716, the specific inhibitor of type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptor, suggesting that the CB1 receptor is involved in the 2‐AG effect. In conclusion, we have shown that the CaMKKβ/AMPKα pathway is activated by 2‐AG in human platelets and controls the phosphorylation of key proteins involved in actin polymerization and aggregation.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome is marked by perturbed glucocorticoid (GC) signaling, systemic inflammation, and altered immune status. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a major circulating adrenal steroid and dietary supplement, demonstrates antiobesity, anti‐inflammatory, GC‐opposing and immune‐modulating activity when administered to rodents. However, plasma DHEA levels failed to correlate with metabolic syndrome and oral replacement therapy provided only mild benefits to patients. Androstene‐3β,7β,17β‐triol (β‐AET) an anti‐inflammatory metabolite of DHEA, also exhibits GC‐opposing and immune‐modulating activity when administered to rodents. We hypothesized a role for β‐AET in obesity. We now report that plasma levels of β‐AET positively correlate with BMI in healthy men and women. Together with previous studies, the observations reported here may suggest a compensatory role for β‐AET in preventing the development of metabolic syndrome. The β‐AET structural core may provide the basis for novel pharmaceuticals to treat this disease.  相似文献   

The effects of β adrenergic receptors (β‐ARs) and p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPK) pathways on cardiosphere‐derived cells (CDCs) are largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the roles of β‐ARs and p38MAPK pathways on the proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation capacity of CDCs. The CDCs were treated with β1‐AR blocker (Met group), β2‐AR antagonist (ICI group), and p38MAPK inhibitor (SB group), non‐selective β‐AR blocker (PRO group), and β‐AR agonist (ISO group). The viability, apoptotic rate and differentiation status of CDCs were determined by MST‐1 assay, flow cytometery, and Western blot, respectively. The CDCs viability significantly reduced in ICI group (all P < 0.05), and SB group had a significant high viability after 48 h treatment (P < 0.05). Compared with control group, all treated groups had a low apoptotic rate. After treatment for 72 h, ISO treatment elevated the expression of Nkx2.5, and could partially or fully attenuate the inhibitory effects of β‐AR antagonists and/or p38MAPK inhibitor. A similar overall trend of protein expression levels among all groups could be observed between protein pairs of cTnT and β1‐AR as well as c‐Kit and β2‐AR, respectively. These results suggested that β‐ARs and p38MAPK signaling pathways play crucial roles in the proliferation and differentiation of CDCs. Our findings should be helpful for better understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the physiological processes of CDCs.  相似文献   

β‐dystroglycan (β‐DG) is a widely expressed transmembrane protein that plays important roles in connecting the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton, and thereby contributing to plasma membrane integrity and signal transduction. We previously observed nuclear localization of β‐DG in cultured cell lines, implying the existence of a nuclear targeting mechanism that directs it to the nucleus instead of the plasma membrane. In this study, we delineate the nuclear import pathway of β‐DG, characterizing a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the β‐DG cytoplasmic domain, within amino acids 776–782. The NLS either alone or in the context of the whole β‐DG protein was able to target the heterologous GFP protein to the nucleus, with site‐directed mutagenesis indicating that amino acids R779 and K780 are critical for NLS functionality. The nuclear transport molecules Importin (Imp)α and Impβ bound with high affinity to the NLS of β‐DG and were found to be essential for NLS‐dependent nuclear import in an in vitro reconstituted nuclear transport assay; cotransfection experiments confirmed the dependence on Ran for nuclear accumulation. Intriguingly, experiments suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of β‐DG may result in cytoplasmic retention, with Y892 playing a key role. β‐DG thus follows a conventional Impα/β‐dependent nuclear import pathway, with important implications for its potential function in the nucleus. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 706–717, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) plays a pivotal role in mediating agonist‐induced arachidonic acid (AA) release for prostaglandin (PG) synthesis during inflammation triggered by IL‐1β. However, the mechanisms underlying IL‐1β‐induced cPLA2 expression and PGE2 synthesis in human tracheal smooth muscle cells (HTSMCs) remain unknown. IL‐1β‐induced cPLA2 protein and mRNA expression, PGE2 production, or phosphorylation of p42/p44 MAPK, p38 MAPK, and JNK1/2, which was attenuated by pretreatment with the inhibitors of MEK1/2 (U0126), p38 MAPK (SB202190), and JNK1/2 (SP600125) or transfection with siRNAs of MEK1, p42, p38, and JNK2. IL‐1β‐induced cPLA2 expression was also inhibited by pretreatment with a NF‐κB inhibitor, helenalin or transfection with siRNA of NIK, IKKα, or IKKβ. IL‐β‐induced NF‐κB translocation was blocked by pretreatment with helenalin, but not U0126, SB202190, and SP600125. In addition, transfection with p300 siRNA blocked cPLA2 expression induced by IL‐1β. Moreover, p300 was associated with the cPLA2 promoter, which was dynamically linked to histone H4 acetylation stimulated by IL‐1β. These results suggest that in HTSMCs, activation of MAPKs, NF‐κB, and p300 are essential for IL‐1β‐induced cPLA2 expression and PGE2 secretion. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 1045–1056, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The β‐amyloid peptides (Aβ), Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42, have been implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Although Aβ1–42 is generally considered to be the pathological peptide in AD, both Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 have been used in a variety of experimental models without discrimination. Here we show that monomeric or oligomeric forms of the two Aβ peptides, when interact with the neuronal cation channel, α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7nAChR), would result in distinct physiologic responses as measured by acetylcholine release and calcium influx experiments. While Aβ1–42 effectively attenuated these α7nAChR‐dependent physiology to an extent that was apparently irreversible, Aβ1–40 showed a lower inhibitory activity that could be restored upon washings with physiologic buffers or treatment with α7nAChR antagonists. Our data suggest a clear pharmacological distinction between Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 55: 25–30, 2003  相似文献   

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