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The Graffi murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is a nondefective retrovirus that induces granulocytic leukemia in BALB/c and NFS mice. To identify genes involved in Graffi MuLV-induced granulocytic leukemia, tumor cell DNAs were examined for genetic alterations at loci described as common proviral integration sites in MuLV-induced myeloid, lymphoid, and erythroid leukemias. Southern blot analysis revealed rearrangements in c-myc, Fli-1, Pim-1, and Spi-1/PU.1 genes in 20, 10, 3.3, and 3.3% of the tumors tested, respectively. These results demonstrate for the first time the involvement of those genes in granulocytic leukemia.  相似文献   

fim-3 is a new proviral integration region involved in 23% (16 of 68) of Friend murine leukemia virus-induced myeloblastic leukemias. This region is distinct from 20 oncogenes and from putative oncogenes tested so far. Proviruses are integrated in a 16-kilobase region, always in the same orientation. No RNA expression of fim-3 was detected.  相似文献   

The Friend helper murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) induces in mice a high percentage of myeloblastic leukemias. Myeloblastic transformation is also observed after in vitro infection of long-term bone marrow cultures. To investigate the molecular events leading to the generation of myeloblastic leukemias, we first screened a panel of leukemic cells for rearrangement or amplification of known oncogenes or previously described specific integration sites. No modification of these genes was observed. Therefore, we searched for common integration sites by constructing a genomic library from a myeloblastic cell line harboring only five integrated proviruses. This library was screened with a virus-specific probe, and virus-host cellular junction fragments were subcloned. Two flanking cellular sequences corresponding to two different integrated proviruses were used to analyze additional myeloblastic leukemias. The first probe detected rearrangements in 2 of 42 myeloblastic leukemias, and the second probe detected rearrangements in 6 of 42. We demonstrated that, in each case, the rearrangement was the result of F-MuLV integration, with all proviruses in the same orientation and clustering in a region less than 3 kilobases long. The two regions, named fim-1 and fim-2, were different from 15 oncogenes tested. Rearrangements of these two regions were found in F-MuLV-induced myeloblastic leukemias but not in 20 lymphoid or erythroid leukemias induced by the same virus.  相似文献   

Lymphomas induced by pure HIX murine leukemia virus in two mouse strains contained large amounts of virus with amphotropic properties. Analysis of tumor derived virus purified by limiting dilution techniques indicated that its interference and neutralization spectra were essentially identical to parental HIX virus and different from eco- and xenotropic viruses. Examination of virus progeny from many individual foci induced by virus derived directly from lymphomas indicated that each infectious unit contained only HIX virus. No evidence of ecotropic virus presence was observed.  相似文献   

In a series of blot hybridization experiments, using a xenotropic envelope probe and restriction enzymes known to cut xenotropic proviral DNA a single time (EcoRI) or not at all (HindIII), we have studied the organization and relationship of endogenous xenotropic env-related sequences in various mouse strains. Multiple copies (18 to 28) of xenotropic env-reactive fragments were found in all mouse DNAs after digestion with either HindIII or EcoRI, and the majority of fragments were of sizes compatible with their origin from full-length proviral DNA. Five HindIII and five EcoRI restriction fragments were common to all inbred mouse DNAs tested. In addition, each strain exhibited unique characteristic xenotropic env-reactive bands; these bands were remarkably stable during many years of inbreeding. The cleavage patterns characteristic of each strain were also useful for showing genealogical relatedness among the various inbred mice.  相似文献   

Recombinant viruses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of murine leukemias induced by a variety of long-latency retroviruses. Neonatal mice of several strains were inoculated with Friend ecotropic virus (F-Eco) and analyzed for the presence of mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) virus or DNA restriction enzyme fragments which were specific for Friend MCF virus (F-MCF). MCF virus was detected within 2 weeks of inoculation in NFS /N mice and at about 2 months after inoculation in BALB/c mice. Both of these strains developed erythroblastosis after inoculation with F-Eco. In contrast, MCF virus was not detected in F-Eco-inoculated C57BL mice. These mice were resistant to erythroblastosis but developed lymphoma or myelogenous leukemia or both at about 5 months after inoculation. Thus, although MCF viruses were associated with F-Eco erythroblastosis in NFS /N and BALB/c mice, they were not necessary for F-Eco-induced lymphoid or myeloid leukemias in C57BL mice. To investigate the association between resistance to erythroblastosis and absence of MCF virus, C57BL mice were inoculated with pseudotypic mixtures of F-Eco plus F-MCF; MCF virus replicated well in these mice, but the mice remained resistant to erythroblastosis. Furthermore, in genetic crosses between C57BL and NFS /N or BALB/c, some mice inherited resistance to F-Eco erythroblastosis without inheriting the C57BL resistance to the generation of MCF viruses. These results indicate that C57BL mice carry a gene for resistance to F-Eco erythroblastosis which is distinct from the C57BL genes which interfere with the generation of MCF viruses.  相似文献   

Retroviral interference is manifested in chronically infected cells as a decrease in susceptibility to superinfection by virions using the same cellular receptor. The pattern of interference reflects the cellular receptor specificity of the chronically infecting retrovirus and is mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein, which is postulated to bind competitively all cellular receptors available for viral attachment. We established retroviral interference in mice by infecting them with Friend murine leukemia virus and them measured susceptibility to superinfection by challenging the mice with the erythroproliferative spleen focus-forming virus. Infection of approximately 10% of nucleated splenocytes rendered mice 1% as susceptible to superinfection as untreated controls. The magnitude of this effect was the same in mice incapable of producing neutralizing antibodies or genetically deficient for T cells. The results indicated that retroviral interference in vivo was established rapidly with infection of a fraction of the host cell population and that the decrease in susceptibility to superinfection occurred without a detectable contribution by immunologic factors.  相似文献   

Gene mapping experiments show that Fis-1, a preferred integration region for Friend murine leukemia virus in hematopoietic neoplasms, is extremely closely linked to Int-2, a preferred integration region for mouse mammary tumor virus in mammary carcinomas. Studies at the RNA and DNA level prove that these loci are distinct.  相似文献   

Nondefective Friend murine leukemia virus (MuLV) causes erythroleukemia when injected into newborn NFS mice, while Moloney MuLV causes T-cell lymphoma. Exchange of the Friend virus enhancer region, a sequence of about 180 nucleotides including the direct repeat and a short 3'-adjacent segment, for the corresponding region in Moloney MuLV confers the ability to cause erythroid disease on Moloney MuLV. We have used the electrophoretic mobility shift assay and methylation interference analysis to identify cellular factors which bind to the Friend virus enhancer region and compared these with factors, previously identified, that bind to the Moloney virus direct repeat (N. A. Speck and D. Baltimore, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:1101-1110, 1987). We identified five binding sites for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins in the Friend virus enhancer region. While some binding sites are present in both the Moloney and Friend virus enhancers, both viruses contain unique sites not present in the other. Although none of the factors identified in this report which bind to these unique sites are present exclusively in T cells or erythroid cells, they bind to three regions of the enhancer shown by genetic analysis to encode disease specificity and thus are candidates to mediate the tissue-specific expression and distinct disease specificities encoded by these virus enhancer elements.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV), an erythroleukemogenic replication-competent retrovirus, induces leukemia in its host after a long latency. However, the early effects of infection may determine the pathway that eventually leads to malignant transformation. To determine how F-MuLV affects host cell proliferation soon after infection, BALB/c mice were inoculated with virus and then were assayed for susceptibility to appropriately pseudotyped spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) as an indicator of erythropoietic activity. Twelve-week-old mice exposed to F-MuLV for 9 days were more susceptible (by a factor of 30) to superinfection by SFFV than were nonviremic mice. To test whether increased susceptibility was the result of increased hematopoietic activity, hematopoietic progenitors from the spleens of F-MuLV-infected mice were enumerated with a clonal culture assay. Nine days after inoculation with F-MuLV, the numbers of colony-forming progenitors increased by a factor of 4. Morphological analysis of the cultured colonies showed that erythroid, granulocytic, monocytic, and mixed granulocytic-monocytic progenitors all had increased. Thus, F-MuLV more rapidly induced a generalized increase in hematopoiesis than has previously been reported. The splenic hyperplasia induced by F-MuLV soon after infection may explain its ability to accelerate leukemogenesis in mice also infected by the polytropic Friend mink cell focus-forming virus.  相似文献   

E R Richie  J M Angel    M W Cloyd 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):5751-5756
The AKR mouse strain is characterized by a high incidence of spontaneous thymic lymphoma that appears in older animals (greater than 6 months of age) and is associated with novel provirus integrations of ecotropic and recombinant murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs). Treatment of 4- to 6-week-old AKR/J mice with the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) results in thymic lymphomas that arise as early as 3 to 4 months of age and contain novel somatically acquired MuLV provirus integrations. The AKR/J strain develops MNU-induced lymphoma with a higher incidence and shorter latency than has been observed for other inbred mouse strains. To determine whether provirus integrations of endogenous MuLV account for the enhanced susceptibility of the AKR strain, the incidence and latency of MNU-induced lymphoma development was compared in AKR/J and AKR.Fv-1b mice. The restrictive b allele of the Fv-1 locus restricts integration and replication of endogenous N-tropic MuLV; therefore, AKR-Fv-1b mice have a very low incidence of spontaneous lymphoma. In contrast, AKR.Fv-1b mice develop MNU-induced lymphomas with an incidence and latency similar to those of the AKR/J strain. Furthermore, thymic lymphomas from both strains express an immature CD4-8+ phenotype, indicating neoplastic transformation of the same thymocyte subset. Southern blot analysis confirmed that lymphoma DNA from AKR.Fv-1b mice did not contain somatically acquired provirus integrations. These results demonstrate that provirus integration does not contribute to the predisposition of AKR mice to develop a high incidence of early MNU-induced lymphomas. Nevertheless, MNU treatment stimulated high-level expression of infectious ecotropic MuLV in AKR.Fv-1b as well as in AKR/J mice, suggesting that viral gene products might enhance lymphoma progression.  相似文献   

The Cas-Br-E murine leukemia virus is a nondefective retrovirus that induces non-T-, non-B-cell lymphomas in susceptible NIH/Swiss mice. By using a DNA probe derived from Cas-Br-E provirus-flanking sequences, we identified a DNA region, originally called Sic-1, rearranged in 16 of 24 tumors analyzed (67%). All proviruses were integrated in a DNA segment smaller than 100 bp and were in the same 5'-to-3' orientation. Ecotropic as well as mink cell focus-forming virus types were found integrated in that specific DNA region. On the basis of Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrids and progeny of an interspecies backcross, the Sic-1 region was localized on mouse chromosome 9 near the previously described proto-oncogenes or common viral integration sites: Ets-1, Cbl-2, Tpl-1, and Fli-1. Restriction map analysis shows that this region is identical to the Fli-1 locus identified in Friend murine leukemia virus-induced erythroleukemia cell lines and thus may contain sequences also responsible for the development of mouse non-T-, non-B-cell lymphomas.  相似文献   

RF/J mice are susceptible to the induction of thymic lymphomas by the carcinogens 3-methylcholanthrene and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Given the association of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) with certain thymomas, we examined genomic DNA from chemically induced lymphomas of RF/J mice for new MMTV proviruses. Of 13 tissue culture lines derived from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced tumors, 5 had acquired new proviruses. MMTV amplification coincided with the appearance of viral mRNAs and proteins. However, no primary tumors or animal-passaged tumors contained new proviruses. These observations indicate that MMTV does not have a role in the tumor induction process, although it may become activated and amplified in tissue culture lines derived from tumors.  相似文献   

C Spiro  B Gliniak    D Kabat 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4129-4135
A colinear molecular clone of the Lilly-Steeves polycythemia strain of Friend spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) was modified by inserting a 215-base-pair tag of simian virus 40 DNA into its nonfunctional pol gene region. The DNA was then transfected into psi-2 packaging cells, and helper-free tagged SFFV was recovered in the culture medium. Injection of this helper-free virus into NIH/Swiss mice caused transient mild splenomegaly and formation of spleen foci at 9 to 10 days. Although the vast majority of infected erythroblast clones then differentiated and died out, rare cell clones that were present in only 20 to 30% of the mice grew extensively by 26 to 33 days to form transplantable leukemias. The clonality of these leukemias was established by Southern blot analysis of their DNAs by using several restriction endonucleases and the simian virus 40 tag as a hybridization probe. All transplantable leukemias lacked helper virus contamination and contained a single tagged SFFV provirus that expressed the mitogenic env gene product gp55. The SFFV proviruses in these leukemias also appeared to be integrated into a few tightly clustered sites in the cellular genome. Although the tagged SFFV caused polycythemia during the polyclonal early stage of erythroblastosis, growth of the helper-free clonal erythroleukemias caused severe anemia. These results suggest that a single SFFV can cause mitosis of erythroblasts, and that cell immortalization also occurs when the provirus integrates into a critical site in the host genome. We propose that mice with clonal-stage leukemia become anemic because the immortalizing proviral integrations interfere with the cellular commitment to differentiate.  相似文献   

L I Lobel  J E Murphy    S P Goff 《Journal of virology》1989,63(6):2629-2637
We generated viral constructs to test the hypothesis that the major substrate on retroviral DNA that is utilized for proviral DNA integration is the palindromic sequence, termed the LTR-LTR junction, normally present in circular molecules formed by joining the two termini of linear proviral DNA. Recombinant viral genomes were built which carried a selectable marker and an extra copy of the LTR-LTR junction from a cloned circular provirus. The junction sequence in each case was positioned such that its use during integration would lead to an easily detected, aberrantly integrated proviral DNA. Analysis of DNA from cells infected with the virus constructs showed that the introduced junction sequence is used at least 1,000-fold less efficiently than the natural sequences at the ends of the genome. This suggests that a linear or more exotic DNA intermediate is most likely the true precursor for the integration reaction.  相似文献   

The transport of the gp70 glycoprotein to the cell surface and concomitant release of infectious virus was inhibited by treatment of Friend murine leukemia virus-infected Eveline cells with the sodium ionophore monensin. Virus yields were reduced more than 50-fold by 10(-5) M monensin, whereas particle production was reduced by 50% in monensin-treated cells. The resulting particles failed to incorporate newly synthesized gp70 and p15(E), whereas the other structural proteins, p30, p15, p12, and p10, were incorporated into virions. However, monensin did not inhibit the incorporation into virions of preformed gp70. A reduction in the efficiency of cleavage of the PrENV glycoprotein precursor and a defect in the processing of simple endo-H-sensitive to complex endo-H-resistant oligosaccharides suggest that intracellular transport of gp70 may be blocked before its entry into the Golgi apparatus. Fewer particles were found to bud from the cell surface, but intracellular vacuoles with budding virions were detected. Ferritin labeling and pulse-chase studies suggested a cell surface origin for these vacuoles. These experiments indicate that monensin inhibits the transport of Friend murine leukemia virus glycoproteins at an early stage, with a resultant block in the assembly and release of infectious virus.  相似文献   

The wild mouse ecotropic retrovirus (WM-E) induces a spongiform neurodegenerative disease in mice after a variable incubation period of 2 months to as long as 1 year. We isolated a molecular clone of WM-E (15-1) which was weakly neurovirulent (incidence, 8%) but was highly leukemogenic (incidence, 45%). Both lymphoid and granulocytic leukemias were observed, and these leukemias were often neuroinvasive. A chimeric virus was constructed containing the env and 3' pol sequences of 15-1 and long terminal repeat (LTR), gag, and 5' pol sequences from a clone of Friend murine leukemia virus (FB29). FB29 has been shown previously to replicate to high levels in the central nervous system (CNS) but is not itself neurovirulent. This finding was confirmed at the DNA level in the current study. Surprisingly, intraperitoneal inoculation of neonatal IRW mice with the chimeric virus (FrCasE) caused an accelerated neurodegenerative disease with an incubation period of only 16 days and was uniformly fatal by 23 days postinoculation. Introduction of the LTR of 15-1 into the FrCasE genome yielded a virus (FrCasEL) with a degree of neurovirulence intermediate between those of 15-1 and FrCasE. No differences were found in the levels of viremia or the relative levels of viral DNA in the spleens of mice inoculated with 15-1, FrCasE, or FrCasEL. However, the levels of viral DNA in the CNS correlated with the relative degrees of neurovirulence of the respective viruses (FrCasE greater than FrCasEL greater than 15-1). Thus, the env and 3' pol sequences of WM-E (15-1) were required for neurovirulence, but elements within the LTR and gag-pol regions of FB29 had a profound influence on the level of CNS infection and the rate of development of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

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