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One hundred bred Fischer-344 female rats were exposed daily for 6 hours to atmospheres containing 0, 100, 500, or 1,500 ppm methyl chloride, 25 females per exposure concentration, from gestation day (gd) 7 through gd 19. On gd 20, the females were sacrificed for evaluation of maternal reproductive and fetal parameters. Maternal and fetal toxicity was apparent at the highest exposure concentration. There were no methyl chloride-induced external, skeletal, or visceral abnormalities seen in the fetuses. One hundred thirty-two C57BL/6 female mice bred to C3H males to produce B6C3F1 offspring were exposed daily for 6 hours to atmospheres containing 0, 100, 500, or 1,500 ppm methyl chloride, 33 females per exposure concentration, from gd 6 through gd 17. Exposure to the entire 1,500-ppm group was terminated on gd 10-14, with the animals killed in extremis. Selective necrosis of neurons in the internal granular layer of the cerebellum, ranging from individual cell involvement to focal areas comprising large numbers of neurons, was found in all females. On gd 18, the females from the other treatment groups, all of which survived, were killed for evaluation of maternal reproductive and fetal parameters. No evidence was seen of maternal or fetal toxicity in these exposure groups. There were no significant alterations in external appearance in fetuses from any of the exposure groups. Visceral examination of mouse fetuses revealed a small, but statistically significant, incidence of heart defects in litters of the 500-ppm group. The anomaly, a reduction or absence of the atrioventricular valve, chordae tendineae, and papillary muscle, was observed on the left side (bicuspid valve) in three fetuses and the right side (tricuspid valve) in six fetuses: three males and six females. It is concluded that methyl chloride inhalation exposure in pregnant rats, during critical periods of embryo and fetal development, is not teratogenic at concentrations which elicit maternal and fetal toxicity. In pregnant mice, methyl chloride was severely toxic to dams following 4 days or more of exposure to 1,500 ppm in air. Methyl chloride, at 500, but not 100 ppm, was teratogenic in mice, leading to a malformation in the heart. No embryo-fetal toxicity or teratogenicity was associated with exposure of mice, during critical periods of embryo and fetal development, to 100 ppm of ethyl chloride.  相似文献   

1. Four groups of dogfish were subjected to 50 ppm of cadmium for 1, 2, 3 and 4 days and haematological and metabolic parameters analyzed from blood and tissue samples.2. A significant increase of blood glucose and lactate was observed.3. No differences were found in the majority of haematological parameters except for the red blood cell counts that showed a significant increase during the second and third day of treatment.4. Comparing liver and muscle metabolism a decrease of protein levels are observed in both tissues and reductions of glycogen in liver and lactate in muscle were detected.5. The results of the different parameters indicate a pattern of dual response depending on the time of exposure; a first phase of toxic impact during the first two days, followed by a second phase of recovery at the end of 4 days treatment.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic effects of methyl isocyanate exposure in Bhopal   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Among human survivors following the methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas tragedy the major complaints have been related to deep-seated suffocation, terrible pain in breathing, and severe ocular irritations. In order to assess the possible genetic effects we have used lymphocyte cultures and screened chromosomes by two techniques; one by looking for chromosomal aberrations and the other by estimating sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies. Both these paramaters are good indicators of genetic damage in chromosomal DNA. SCE frequencies in lymphocytes have been increased more than three times in MIC-exposed persons. The results were compared to two groups of controls (one group comprising persons present in the same house; the second group of persons were chosen from distant places, 20–50 km away from the incident). Chromosomal breaks have been observed in 10 out of 14 MIC-affected people (71.4%) studied while only 6 out of 28 (21.4%) controls had chromosomal breaks. Some MIC-exposed persons had chromatin bodies in addition to the normal 46 chromosomes. These observations suggest that chromosomal DNA has been damaged.  相似文献   

The response of fluid bilayer regions to osmium tetroxide and glutaraldehyde fixation was examined in phospholipid multilayers and in nerve bundles from the walking legs of the lobster Homarus americanus. The samples were spinlabeled either with 5-doxylstearic acid (the 4′4′-dimethyloxazolidine-N-ozyl derivative of 5-ketostearic acid) or the maleimide spin label, 4-maleimido-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl. Osmium tetroxide fixation abolishes the characteristic orientation of the spin-labeled lipid bilayer regions and virtually eliminates motion on the electron spin resonance time scale. Glutaraldehyde treatment reduces the motion of maleimide spin labels covalently attached to proteins. However, in contrast to osmium tetroxide fixation, glutaraldehyde has essentially no effect on the orientation and mobility in the fluid bilayer regions, and hence probably does not restrict directly the potential for translational motion in membrane phospholipid bilayer regions.  相似文献   

The sulfur-alkylation of the nickel (1) and zinc (2) complexes of the dithiolate N2S2 ligand N,N′-bis-2-methyl-mercaptopropyl-N,N′-dimethylethylenediamine, H2(bmmp-dmed), have been investigated. Reactions with iodomethane yield [(Me-bmmp-dmed)Ni]PF6 (3), [(Me2-bmmp-dmed)NiI2] (4), and [(Me2-bmmp-dmed)ZnI]2[ZnI4] (5). Addition of iodoacetamide yields [(AA2-bmmp-dmed)Ni]I2 (6) and [(AA2-bmmp-dmed)Zn]I2 (7). Each of the metal-thioether products (3-7) have been characterized spectroscopically and by X-ray crystallography. Structural data is compared with that of the previously reported thiolato precursors 1 and 2. Sulfur-alkylation of 1 results in small relative changes in the nickel-sulfur bond distance, whereas for 2, the zinc-sulfur bond distance increases significantly, but is not cleaved. The difference between nickel and zinc is attributed to the release of a π*-bonding interaction between the metal and sulfur upon alkylation that compensates for the decreased σ-donor ability of the thioether in the case of nickel, but not for zinc.  相似文献   

Summary An electron spin probe study was made of the effect of a number of mitogenic agents on the ordering and state of aggregation of the plasma membrane lipids of lymphocytes. These agents, which included phytohemagglutinin, Concanavalin A, the calcium ionophore A23187 and periodate, caused a 20% decrease in lipid ordering in the region of the bilayer probed by 5-nitroxide stearic acid. The corresponding methyl ester probe showed marked probe-probe interaction under the same conditions indicating an aggregation of lipids in the area probed by this label. Studies with mixed lipid vesicles and gangliosidefree cells indicate that these areas are rich in glycolipids capable of hydrogen bonding to the ester probe. The decrease in ordering and the increase in aggregation of the membrane lipids were correlated with the patching and capping of the ligand-receptor complexes. Furthermore, the disappearance of fluorescent ligand from the surface of treated cells corresponded with the return of the spectral parameters of the probes to control cell values.It was concluded that glycolipids might play an important role in ligand-induced cell surface changes either as bearers of receptor groups, as in the case of some gangliosides, or in association by hydrogen-bonding with receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Zinc is an essential element for nutrition as well as for the proper development and function of brain cells, and its traces are present in a wide range of foods. It is a constituent of many enzyme systems and is an integral part of insulin and of the active site of intracellular enzymes. However, excessive accumulation of zinc or its release from the binding sites may become detrimental for neurons. With the aim to better understand the molecular mechanisms of the interaction of zinc ions with cell membranes, it was incubated with intact human erythrocytes, isolated unsealed human erythrocyte membranes (IUM), cholinergic murine neuroblastoma cells, and molecular models of cell membranes. These consisted in bilayers built-up of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), phospholipid classes present in the outer and inner monolayers of most plasmatic cell membranes, particularly that of human erythrocytes, respectively. The capacity of zinc ions to perturb the bilayer structures of DMPC and DMPE was assessed by X-ray diffraction, DMPC large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and IUM were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, intact human erythrocytes were observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and neuroblastoma cell morphology was observed under inverted microscope. This study presents evidence that 0.1 mM Zn and higher concentrations affect cell membrane and molecular models.  相似文献   

Four new diorganotin(IV), (R = Me, Bu), and triorganotin(IV), (R = Me, Ph), derivatives of the phosphomycin disodium salt antibiotic[(1R,2S)-1,2-epoxypropylphosphonate]Na2 have been synthesized and their solid state configuration studied by X-ray crystallography, FT-IR, Mössbauer, UV-Vis spectroscopies. The X-ray diffraction investigation, performed on the bis[trimethyltin(IV)]phosphomycin, showed that the coordination geometry at all the Sn atoms is trigonal bipyramidal. The structure of the complex forms an unusual polymeric zig-zag planar network. The FT-IR and the 119Sn Mössbauer studies supported the formation of trigonal bipyramidal (Tbp) molecular structures, both in the diorganotin(IV) and triorganotin(IV) derivatives, even if, in the case of diorganotin(IV) derivatives, the tetrahedral structure cannot be a priori excluded. The group of phosphomycin coordinates the organotin(IV) centers originating a monodimensional polymeric network, as inferred by variable temperature 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy, used to investigate lattice dynamics of the bis-[trimethyltin(IV)]phosphomycin complex.  相似文献   

Methyl santalbate (methyl trans-11-octadecen-9-ynoate) from Sandal wood seed oil, Santalbum alum) was epoxidized to methyl trans-11,12-epoxy-octadec-9-ynoate (1). Treatment of compound 1 with tetrabutylammonium dihydrogentrifluoride, and boron trifluoride etherate gave the corresponding anti- (2a) (57%) and syn- (2b) (35%) fluorohydrin derivatives, respectively. These reactions were regio- and stereoselective in nature. The structures of the anti- and syn- isomers were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy. Ring opening of the epoxy system of compound 1 with lithium chloride gave the anti-chlorohydrin derivative (3) (89%). Oxidation of either compound 2a or 2b gave the same fluoro-keto acetylenic fatty ester (4) (75%), and compound 3 on chromic acid oxidation yielded the corresponding chloro-keto acetylene (5) (73%). Isomerization of compounds 4 and 5 with potassium carbonate in dichloromethane furnished the requisite fluoro-allenic (6) (63%, methyl 11-fluoro-12-oxo-9,10-octadecadienoate) and chloro-allenic (7) (80%, methyl 11-chloro-12-oxo-9,10-octadecadienoate) C(18) fatty esters. All products were confirmed by a combination of spectrometric and spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Synthesis of grafted copolymers of sodium lignosulfonate with methyl acrylate was performed by means of radical (co)polymerization. Mechanism of grafted radical (co)polymerization was proposed on the basis of IR spectroscopy data and functional analysis. Polyelectrolyte, hydrodynamic, polymolecular, and surfactant properties of water-soluble grafted copolymers were studied.  相似文献   

Phospholipid hydroperoxides and phospholipid alcohols are two of the major forms of oxidatively modified phospholipids produced during oxidant stress and lipid peroxidation. The process of lipid peroxidation is known to affect the physiological function of membranes. We, therefore, investigated the effects of lipid peroxidation products on the molecular interactions in membranes. Our study was specifically focused on the effects of lipid peroxidation products on static membrane structure (molecular orientational order) and on the reorientational dynamics of the probe molecules in lipid bilayers. The study was done by performing angle-resolved fluorescence depolarization measurements (AFD) on the fluorescent probe diphenylhexatriene (DPH) and by performing angle-resolved electron spin resonance (A-ESR) measurements on cholestane (CSL) nitroxide spin probes embedded in macroscopically oriented planar bilayers consisting of 2-10% 1-palmitoyl-2-(9/13-hydroperoxylinoleoyl)phosphatidylcholine (PLPC-OOH) or 1-palmitoyl-2-(9/13-hydroxylinoleoyl)phosphatidylcholine (PLPC-OH) in 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoylphosphatidylcholine (PLPC) or dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). Both probe molecules have rigid cylindrical geometries and report on the overall molecular order and dynamics. However, being more polar, the nitroxide spin probe CSL is preferentially located near the surface of the membrane, while the less polar fluorescent probe DPH reports preferentially near the central hydrophobic region of the lipid bilayers. The results show that the presence of relatively small amounts of oxidatively modified phospholipids within the PLPC or DLPC membranes causes pronounced structural effects as the molecular orientational order of the probe molecules is strongly decreased. In contrast, the effect on membrane reorientational dynamics is minimal.  相似文献   

Mature female and male zebrafish were separated and exposed to nonylphenol (NP) at 0.1, 1, 10, 50, 100 and 500 microg/L, respectively, for 3 weeks. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in both sexes and vitellogenin (VTG) induction in males was measured as the bioindicators for the impairment to the parents. The results indicated that 50 microg/L of NP was the non-observed effect concentration (NOEC) for GSI and VTG induction. Afterwards, the 50 microg/L NP exposed females and males, and the control females and males were cross-wise pair-bred in the control water for one week to examine the reproductive effects. The embryonic cathepsin D (CAT D) activity, eggshell thickness, fecundity, hatching rate and malformation (vertebral column flexure) rate of offspring were determined in the four pair-bred groups. While endpoints remained unchanged in the groups with exposed males, prenatal exposure of females to 50 microg/L of NP resulted in the impairment of reproduction in groups with exposed females including inhibition of CAT D activity (P < 0.05), decrease of eggshell thickness (by 23.6%) and elevation of malformation rate (P < 0.001). These results suggested NP could induce reproductive damage to zebrafish at NOEC for parents. The results also imply that alterations of CAT D activity and eggshell thickness may be more sensitive biomarkers to indicate the reproductive effects caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals.  相似文献   

A variety of organochlorine pesticides have been shown to adversely affect embryonic development. A number of abnormalities have been documented in alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from highly-contaminated Lake Apopka, FL, USA that are similar to the results of experimental studies exposing embryos to pesticides. In the current study, we exposed developing alligator embryos to varying concentrations of toxaphene, a broad-spectrum pesticide found in relatively high concentration in Lake Apopka alligator egg yolk. The toxaphene, dissolved in 50 microl of ethanol, was applied topically to the eggshell just prior to the sex-determining period of development. Shortly after hatching, we examined a number of morphological and physiological endpoints to determine the consequences of sub-lethal embryonic exposure to toxaphene. Our results indicate that toxaphene had little or no effect on the morphological endpoints examined including body mass (BM) and size, liver, thyroid, and gonad development. In addition, toxaphene failed to affect sexual differentiation, or in vitro thyroxin, testosterone (T), and estradiol production. However, male plasma T concentration was higher in animals treated with 10 and 0.01 microg toxaphene/kg (based on mean egg mass) than control males. Because in vitro T production was not different among control groups, we suggest the difference in plasma T could be due to differences in hypothalamic-pituitary stimulation of the gonad or hepatic steroid degradation. This study indicates that technical grade toxaphene, at the applied doses, does not induce the same developmental abnormalities associated with alligators living in Lake Apopka. Future studies should consider the effects of embryonic exposure to a mixture of chemicals, including toxaphene metabolites, on development in alligators to better evaluate the consequences of environmental contamination.  相似文献   

Organisms that tolerate essentially complete dehydration are said to be in anhydrobiosis, and can be referred to as anhydrobiotes. Those organisms are of great ecological and medical importance, but also provide models for the study of a variety of biological phenomena. We examined the tolerance of selected eukaryotic anhydrobiotes to high temperatures using slow (∼4 °C min−1) and rapid (∼100 °C min−1) heating to 110, 120, 130, and 140 °C. Test organisms were then either returned to storage temperatures close to 22 °C (preheating), or held at those high temperatures for an additional 10 min. Some anhydrobiotes survived slow heating to 130 °C, whereas rapid heating led to a dramatic reduction in survival. None of these organisms encounter anywhere near these high temperatures in nature, so tolerance is not an obvious result of adaptation to current or recent conditions. We speculate that tolerance could have been achieved during the much earlier evolution of these organisms, and has been retained up to the present.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 15–22.  相似文献   

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