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Scatter factor (SF) was first identified as a fibroblast-derived protein which disperses (i.e., "scatters") cohesive colonies of epithelium. SF-like proteins were found in human smooth muscle cell conditioned medium, amniotic fluid, and placental tissue. SFs markedly stimulate migration of epithelial, carcinoma, and vascular endothelial cell types at picomolar concentrations. Hepatocyte growth factors (HGFs) were originally described as platelet- and serum-derived proteins which stimulate hepatocyte DNA synthesis. Partial amino acid sequence data for mouse and human SFs indicate significant homology with HGFs. We used biological, biochemical, and immunological assays to evaluate and compare the activities, properties, and mechanisms of action of mouse SF, human SF (fibroblast or placenta derived), and recombinant human HGF (hrHGF). We report the following findings: (a) mouse SF exhibits species-related differences in biological activities relative to the human factors; (b) human SF and hrHGF show significant overlap in biological activities (i.e., hrHGF stimulates motility of multiple normal and carcinoma cell types, whereas human SF stimulates DNA synthesis in several normal cell types); (c) the three factors contain common antigenic determinants; and (d) all three proteins stimulate rapid phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on the c-met protooncogene protein product (the putative receptor for HGF) and on another protein with Mr 110,000. A few biological and immunological differences between human SFs and hrHGF were observed. These may reflect minor variations in amino acid sequence or posttranslational modification related to the sources of the factors. Taken as a whole, our findings suggest that by structural, functional, immunological, and mechanistic criteria, human SF and human HGF are essentially identical.  相似文献   

The growth and motility factor hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and its receptor MET, the tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-MET proto-oncogene, exert major roles in cancer invasion and metastasis and are key targets for therapy. NK1 is an alternative spliced variant of HGF/SF that consists of the N-terminal (N) and first kringle (K1) domains and has partial agonistic activity. NK1 crystallises as a head-to-tail dimer with an extensive inter-protomeric interface resulting from contacts between the two short interdomain linkers and reciprocal contacts between the N and K1 domains. Here we show that a subset of mutants at the NK1 dimer interface, such as the linker mutants Y124A or N127A or the kringle mutant V140A:I142A, bind the MET receptor with affinities comparable to wild-type NK1 but fail to assemble a dimeric, signalling competent NK1-MET complex. These NK1 variants have no detectable agonistic activity on, behave as bona fide receptor antagonists by blocking cell migration and DNA synthesis in target cells and have strong prospects as therapeutics for human cancer.  相似文献   

The MET proto-oncogene encodes a 190-kDa disulfide-linked heterodimeric receptor (p190 alpha beta) whose tyrosine kinase activity is triggered by the hepatocyte growth factor. The mature receptor is made of two subunits: an alpha chain of 50 kDa and a beta chain of 145 kDa, arising from proteolytic cleavage of a single-chain precursor of 170 kDa (pr170). In a colon carcinoma cell line (LoVo), the precursor is not cleaved and the Met protein is exposed at the cell surface as a single-chain polypeptide of 190 kDa (p190NC). The expression of the uncleaved Met protein is due to defective posttranslational processing, since in this cell line (i) the proteolytic cleavage site Lys-303-Arg-Lys-Lys-Arg-Ser-308 is present in the precursor, (ii) p190NC is sensitive to mild trypsin digestion of the cell surface, generating alpha and beta chains of the correct size, and (iii) the 205-kDa insulin receptor precursor is not cleaved as well. p190NC is a functional tyrosine kinase in vitro and is activated in vivo, as shown by constitutive autophosphorylation on tyrosine. The MET gene is neither amplified nor rearranged in LoVo cells. Overlapping cDNA clones selected from a library derived from LoVo mRNA were sequenced. No mutations were present in the MET-coding region. These data indicate that the tyrosine kinase encoded by the MET proto-oncogene can be activated as a consequence of a posttranslational defect.  相似文献   

Human embryonic lung fibroblasts (MRC5) produced scatter factor which enhanced motility of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells and a factor which stimulates DNA synthesis of adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture. These activities were both completely neutralized by antibody against human hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Human recombinant HGF induced a marked scattering of MDCK cells. Moreover, MRC5 cells highly expressed 6kb mRNA which hybridized with HGF cDNA probe and scatter factor cDNA cloned from the MRC5 cDNA library had the same sequence as that of HGF cDNA from human leukocytes. These results indicate that HGF possesses scatter factor activity and the scatter factor derived from the MRC5 cells is probably identical to HGF.  相似文献   

The MET proto-oncogene encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase of 190 kDa (p190MET), which has recently been identified as the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor. p190MET is a heterodimer composed of two disulfide-linked chains of 50 kDa (p50 alpha) and 145 kDa (p145 beta). We have produced four different monoclonal antibodies that are specific for the extracellular domain of the Met receptor. These antibodies immunoprecipitate with p190MET two additional Met proteins of 140 and 130 kDa. The first protein (p140MET) is membrane bound and is composed of an alpha chain (p50 alpha) and an 85-kDa C-terminal truncated beta chain (p85 beta). The second protein (p130MET) is released in the culture supernatant and consists of an alpha chain (p50 alpha) and a 75-kDa C-terminal truncated beta chain (p75 beta). Both truncated forms lack the tyrosine kinase domain. p140MET and p130MET are consistently detected in vivo, together with p190MET, in different cell lines or their culture supernatants. p140MET is preferentially localized at the cell surface, where it is present in roughly half the amount of p190MET. The two C-terminal truncated forms of the Met receptor are also found in stable transfectants expressing the full-length MET cDNA, thus showing that they originate from posttranslational proteolysis. This process is regulated by protein kinase C activation. Together, these data suggest that the production of the C-terminal truncated Met forms may have a physiological role in modulating the Met receptor function.  相似文献   

The keratinocyte growth factor receptor (KGFR)/fibroblast growth factor receptor 2b is activated by high-affinity-specific interaction with two different ligands, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF)/fibroblast growth factor (FGF)7 and FGF10/KGF2, which are characterized by an opposite requirement of heparan sulfate proteoglycans and heparin for binding to the receptor. We investigated here the possible different endocytic trafficking of KGFR, induced by the two ligands. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy analysis showed that KGFR internalization triggered by either KGF or FGF10 occurs through clathrin-coated pits. Immunofluorescence confocal microscopy using endocytic markers as well as tumor susceptibility gene 101 (TSG101) silencing demonstrated that KGF drives KGFR to the degradative pathway, while FGF10 targets the receptor to the recycling endosomes. Biochemical analysis showed that KGFR is ubiquitinated and degraded after KGF treatment but not after FGF10 treatment, and that the alternative fate of KGFR might depend on the different ability of the receptor to phosphorylate the fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 (FRS2) substrate and to recruit the ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl. The recycling endocytic pathway followed by KGFR upon FGF10 stimulation correlates with the higher mitogenic activity exerted by this ligand on epithelial cells compared with KGF, suggesting that the two ligands may play different functional roles through the regulation of the receptor endocytic transport.  相似文献   

The receptor for hepatocyte growth factor, also known as scatter factor (HGF/SF), has recently been identified as the 190-kDa heterodimeric tyrosine kinase encoded by the MET proto-oncogene (p190MET). The signaling pathway(s) triggered by HGF/SF are unknown. In A549 cells, a lung epithelial cell line, nanomolar concentrations of HGF/SF induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the p190MET receptor. The autophosphorylated receptor coprecipitated with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity. In GTL16 cells, a cell line derived from a gastric carcinoma, the p190MET receptor, overexpressed and constitutively phosphorylated on tyrosine, coprecipitated with PI 3-kinase activity and with the 85-kDa PI 3-kinase subunit. In these cells activation of protein kinase C or the increase of intracellular [Ca2+] inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of the p190MET receptor as well as the association with both PI 3-kinase activity and the 85-kDa subunit of the enzyme. In an in vitro assay, tyrosine phosphorylation of the immobilized p190MET receptor was required for binding of PI 3-kinase from cell lysates. These data strongly suggest that the signaling pathway activated by the HGF/SF receptor includes generation of D-3-phosphorylated inositol phospholipids.  相似文献   

Ligand-regulated binding of FAP68 to the hepatocyte growth factor receptor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with the intracellular portion of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor (Met). We isolated a human cDNA encoding a novel protein of 68 kDa, which we termed FAP68. This protein is homologous to a previously described FK506-binding protein-associated protein, FAP48, which derives from an alternative spliced form of the same cDNA, lacking an 85-nucleotide exon and leading to an early stop codon. Here we show that epithelial cells, in which the HGF receptor is naturally expressed, contain FAP68 and not FAP48 proteins. FAP68 binding to Met requires the last 30 amino acids of the C-terminal tail, which are unique to the HGF receptor. Indeed, FAP68 does not interact with related tyrosine kinases of the Met and insulin receptor families. FAP68 interacts specifically with the inactive form of HGF receptor, such as a kinase-defective receptor or a dephosphorylated wild type receptor. In vivo, endogenous FAP68 can be coimmunoprecipitated with the HGF receptor in the absence of stimuli and not upon HGF stimulation. Thus, FAP68 represents a novel type of effector that interacts with the inactive HGF receptor and is released upon receptor phosphorylation. Free FAP68 exerts a specific stimulatory activity toward the downstream target p70 S6 protein kinase (p70S6K). Significantly, nonphosphorylated HGF receptor prevents FAP68 from stimulating p70S6K. These data suggest a role for FAP68 in coupling HGF receptor signaling to the p70S6K pathway.  相似文献   

Ligands that bind to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor are initially synthesized as integral membrane proteins that are released from the cell surface by regulated proteolysis. To study the role of the membrane-anchoring domain in ligand release, we made two artificial ligands. The first possessed the membrane-anchoring domain from EGF whereas the second had the corresponding domain from heparin binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF). Both ligands lacked amino-terminal extensions, and were epitope-tagged at the carboxyl terminus. Following stable expression in human mammary epithelial cells, their cellular localization and rate of proteolytic release were examined. We found that constructs with the membrane-anchoring domain from EGF were found primarily at the cell surface and displayed a relatively high rate of constitutive release. Constructs with the HB-EGF membrane-anchoring domain displayed a higher internalized fraction and a very low rate of constitutive release. The two ligand constructs also displayed different patterns of stimulated release. Proteolysis of the chimera with the HB-EGF membrane-anchoring domain was stimulated by activation of protein kinase C, but release of EGF from constructs with the EGF membrane-anchoring domain was insensitive to this. Calcium ionophores, calmodulin antagonists, and tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors stimulated the release of both ligands. Furthermore, the release of the two constructs showed different sensitivity to metalloprotease inhibitors. Despite a large fold-increase in ligand proteolysis following cell stimulation, only a small fraction of total cell-associated ligand was released per hour. Our results show that the membrane-anchoring domain of EGF-like ligands can specify both their localization and proteolytic processing. The structures of the membrane-anchoring region of this class of ligands can thus regulate their activity.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases have become important therapeutic targets for anti-neoplastic molecularly targeted therapies. c-Met is a receptor tyrosine kinase shown to be over-expressed and mutated in a variety of malignancies. Stimulation of c-Met via its ligand hepatocyte growth factor also known as scatter factor (HGF/SF), leads to a plethora of biological and biochemical effects in the cell. There has been considerable knowledge gained on the role of c-Met-HGF/SF axis in normal and malignant cells. This review summarizes the structure of c-Met and HGF/SF and their family members. Since there are known mutations of c-Met in solid tumors, particularly in papillary renal cell carcinoma, we have summarized the various mutations and over-expression of c-Met known thus far. Stimulation of c-Met can lead to scattering, angiogenesis, proliferation, enhanced cell motility, invasion, and eventual metastasis. The biological functions altered by c-Met are quite unique and described in detail. Along with biological functions, various signal transduction pathways, including the cytoskeleton are altered with the activation of c-Met-HGF/SF loop. We have recently shown the phosphorylation of focal adhesion proteins, such as paxillin and p125FAK in response to c-Met stimulation in lung cancer cells, and this is detailed here. Finally, c-Met when mutated or over-expressed in malignant cells serves as an important therapeutic target and the most recent data in terms of inhibition of c-Met and downstream signal transduction pathways is summarized.  相似文献   

Neurotrophic factors are essential for neuronal survival and function. Recent data have demonstrated that the product of the tyrosine kinase trk proto-oncogene binds NGF and is a component of the high affinity NGF receptor. Analysis of the trkB gene product, gp145trkB, in NIH 3T3 cells indicates that this tyrosine kinase receptor is rapidly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon exposure to the NGF-related neurotrophic factors BDNF and NT-3. Furthermore, gp145trkB specifically binds BDNF and NT-3 in NIH 3T3 cells and in hippocampal cells, but does not bind NGF. Thus, the trk family of receptors are likely to be important signal transducers of NGF-related trophic signals in the formation and maintenance of neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) regulates key processes of cell biology, including proliferation, survival, and differentiation during development, tissue homeostasis, and tumorigenesis. Canonical EGFR activation involves the binding of seven peptide growth factors. These ligands are synthesized as transmembrane proteins comprising an N‐terminal extension, the EGF module, a short juxtamembrane stalk, a hydrophobic transmembrane domain, and a carboxy‐terminal fragment. The central structural and functional feature is the EGF module, a sequence containing six cysteines in a conserved spacement which is responsible for binding to the EGFR. While the membrane‐anchored peptide can be biologically active by juxtacrine signaling, in most cases the EGF module is proteolytically cleaved (a process termed ectodomain shedding) to release the soluble growth factor, which may act in an endocrine, paracrine, or autocrine fashion. This review summarizes the structural and functional properties of these fascinating molecules and presents selected examples to illustrate their roles in development, physiology, and pathology. J. Cell. Physiol. 218: 460–466, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The renal expressions of the receptor gene (c-met) for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) were examined in unilateral nephrectomy (UNX), renal ischemia or folic acid administration. The levels of c-met mRNA were increased rapidly in all rat models at 6h after the operations. On the other hand, the expression of c-met mRNA in a kidney cell line (MDCK cells) was down-regulated for 8 h after HGF addition, indicating that c-met mRNA induction in rat models may be independent of the stimulated production of HGF. The stimulated expression of c-met in these models suggest that HGF may play an important role in renal hypertrophy after UNX and regeneration after ischemic or nephrotoxic injury.  相似文献   

The met proto-oncogene is the tyrosine kinase growth factor receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF). It was previously shown that, like the oncogenic tpr-met, the mouse met proto-oncogene transforms NIH 3T3 cells. We have established NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing both human (Methu) and mouse (Metmu) met proto-oncogene products. The protein products are properly processed and appear on the cell surface. NIH 3T3 cells express endogenous mouse HGF/SF mRNA, suggesting an autocrine activation mechanism for transformation by Metmu. However, the tumor-forming activity of Methu in NIH 3T3 cells is very low compared with that of Metmu, but efficient tumorigenesis occurs when Methu and HGF/SFhu are coexpressed. These results are consistent with an autocrine transformation mechanism and suggest further that the endogenous murine factor inefficiently activates the tumorigenic potential of Methu. The tumorigenicity observed with reciprocal chimeric human and mouse receptors that exchange external ligand-binding domains supports this conclusion. We also show that HGF/SFhu expressed in NIH 3T3 cells produces tumors in nude mice.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a humoral mediator for regeneration of liver and kidney, possesses multiple biological activities. To investigate target cell specificity and to examine whether multiple actions of HGF are related to properties of the HGF receptor on target cells, we examined the effects of HGF on cell growth and motility and analyzed the HGF receptor in various species of cells. HGF stimulated growth and DNA synthesis of PAM212 (naturally immortalized mouse keratinocytes), Mv1Lu (mink lung epithelia), and A431 (human epidermoid carcinoma) cells, as well as mature hepatocytes, but inhibited those of IM-9 (human B-lymphoblasts). Conversely, HGF had a marked stimulatory effect on cell motility of MDCK (Mardin-Darby canine kidney epithelia) cells, but not on their growth. Also, HGF enhanced the motility of various species of cells, including A431, PAM212, HepG2 (human hepatoma), KB (human epidermoid carcinoma), and J-111 (human monocytes) cells. Scatchard analysis of 125I-HGF binding to hepatocytes indicated that the cells expressed both high- and low-affinity binding sites for HGF with Kd values of 23 and 260 pM, respectively. High-affinity HGF receptor with Kd values of 20-25 pM was detected at 40-720 sites/cell in MDCK, A431, PAM212, Lu99, and IM-9 cells, but not in fibroblasts and hematopoietic cells. In contrast, low-affinity binding sites were detected in all cell lines examined, even in those not responsive to HGF. Northern blots revealed that cells possessing a high-affinity HGF receptor expressed c-MET/HGF receptor mRNA. Therefore, HGF probably regulates both cell growth and motility of various types of epithelial cells and some types of mesenchymal cells. The multiple biological activities of HGF may be exerted through a high-affinity HGF receptor linked to multiple distinct intracellular signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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