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Sodium caseinates prepared from bovine, sheep, goat, pig, buffalo or human milk were hydrolyzed by a partially purified proteinase of Lactobacillus helveticus PR4. Peptides in each hydrolysate were fractionated by reversed-phase fast-protein liquid chromatography. The fractions which showed the highest angiotensin I-converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory or antibacterial activity were sequenced by mass spectrum and Edman degradation analyses. Various ACE-inhibitory peptides were found in the hydrolysates: the bovine alpha(S1)-casein (alpha(S1)-CN) 24-47 fragment (f24-47), f169-193, and beta-CN f58-76; ovine alpha(S1)-CN f1-6 and alpha(S2)-CN f182-185 and f186-188; caprine beta-CN f58-65 and alpha(S2)-CN f182-187; buffalo beta-CN f58-66; and a mixture of three tripeptides originating from human beta-CN. A mixture of peptides with a C-terminal sequence, Pro-Gly-Pro, was found in the most active fraction of the pig sodium caseinate hydrolysate. The highest ACE-inhibitory activity of some peptides corresponded to the concentration of the ACE inhibitor (S)-N-(1-[ethoxycarbonyl]-3-phenylpropyl)-ala-pro maleate (enalapril) of 49.253 micro g/ml (100 micro mol/liter). Several of the above sequences had features in common with other ACE-inhibitory peptides reported in the literature. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) of some of the crude peptide fractions was very low (16 to 100 micro g/ml). Some identified peptides were chemically synthesized, and the ACE-inhibitory activity and IC(50)s were confirmed. An antibacterial peptide corresponding to beta-CN f184-210 was identified in human sodium caseinate hydrolysate. It showed a very large spectrum of inhibition against gram-positive and -negative bacteria, including species of potential clinical interest, such as Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus megaterium, Escherichia coli, Listeria innocua, Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, and Staphylococcus aureus. The MIC for E. coli F19 was ca. 50 micro g/ml. Once generated, the bioactive peptides were resistant to further degradation by proteinase of L. helveticus PR4 or by trypsin and chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

For development of novel starter strains with improved proteolytic properties, the ability of Lactococcus lactis to produce Lactobacillus helveticus aminopeptidase N (PepN), aminopeptidase C (PepC), X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX), proline iminopeptidase (PepI), prolinase (PepR), and dipeptidase (PepD) was studied by introducing the genes encoding these enzymes into L. lactis MG1363 and its derivatives. According to Northern analyses and enzyme activity measurements, the L. helveticus aminopeptidase genes pepN, pepC, and pepX are expressed under the control of their own promoters in L. lactis. The highest expression level, using a low-copy-number vector, was obtained with the L. helveticus pepN gene, which resulted in a 25-fold increase in PepN activity compared to that of wild-type L. lactis. The L. helveticus pepI gene, residing as a third gene in an operon in its host, was expressed in L. lactis under the control of the L. helveticus pepX promoter. The genetic background of the L. lactis derivatives tested did not affect the expression level of any of the L. helveticus peptidases studied. However, the growth medium used affected both the recombinant peptidase profiles in transformant strains and the resident peptidase activities. The levels of expression of the L. helveticus pepD and pepR clones under the control of their own promoters were below the detection limit in L. lactis. However, substantial amounts of recombinant pepD and PepR activities were obtained in L. lactis when pepD and pepR were expressed under the control of the inducible lactococcal nisA promoter at an optimized nisin concentration.  相似文献   

The heat stress response was studied in Lactobacillus helveticus PR4 during propagation in cheese whey with a gradient of naturally decreasing temperature (55 to 20°C). Growth under a gradient of decreasing temperature was compared to growth at a constant temperature of 42°C. Proteinase, peptidase, and acidification activities of L. helveticus PR4 were found to be higher in cells harvested when 40°C was reached by a gradient of decreasing temperature than in cells grown at constant temperature of 42°C. When cells grown under a temperature gradient were harvested after an initial exposure of 35 min to 55°C followed by decreases in temperature to 40 (3 h), 30 (5 h 30 min), or 20°C (13 h 30 min) and were then compared with cells grown for the same time at a constant temperature of 42°C, a frequently transient induction of the levels of expression of 48 proteins was found by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis. Expression of most of these proteins increased following cooling from 55 to 40°C (3 h). Sixteen of these proteins were subjected to N-terminal and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry analyses. They were identified as stress proteins (e.g., DnaK and GroEL), glycolysis-related machinery (e.g., enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), and other regulatory proteins or factors (e.g., DNA-binding protein II and ATP-dependent protease). Most of these proteins have been found to play a role in the mechanisms of heat stress adaptation in other bacteria.  相似文献   

The heat stress response was studied in Lactobacillus helveticus PR4 during propagation in cheese whey with a gradient of naturally decreasing temperature (55 to 20 degrees C). Growth under a gradient of decreasing temperature was compared to growth at a constant temperature of 42 degrees C. Proteinase, peptidase, and acidification activities of L. helveticus PR4 were found to be higher in cells harvested when 40 degrees C was reached by a gradient of decreasing temperature than in cells grown at constant temperature of 42 degrees C. When cells grown under a temperature gradient were harvested after an initial exposure of 35 min to 55 degrees C followed by decreases in temperature to 40 (3 h), 30 (5 h 30 min), or 20 degrees C (13 h 30 min) and were then compared with cells grown for the same time at a constant temperature of 42 degrees C, a frequently transient induction of the levels of expression of 48 proteins was found by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis. Expression of most of these proteins increased following cooling from 55 to 40 degrees C (3 h). Sixteen of these proteins were subjected to N-terminal and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry analyses. They were identified as stress proteins (e.g., DnaK and GroEL), glycolysis-related machinery (e.g., enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), and other regulatory proteins or factors (e.g., DNA-binding protein II and ATP-dependent protease). Most of these proteins have been found to play a role in the mechanisms of heat stress adaptation in other bacteria.  相似文献   

The cell-envelope proteinase from Lactobacillus helveticus CRL 1062 was detected in the cell membrane fraction. The enzyme remained associated with the cells even after treatment with lysozyme and was not released from washed cells in absence of calcium. The proteinase was maximally active at pH 6.5–7.0 and 42°C and hydrolysed - and -caseins at different rates. Activity was inhibited (98%) by 1 mM PMSF, suggesting it was a serine-type protease.  相似文献   

Hen ovalbumin contains one cystine disulfide (Cys73-Cys120) and four cysteine sulfhydryl groups (Cys11,Cys30,Cys367, and Cys382) in a single polypeptide chain of 385 amino acid residues. To investigate whether or not such a structure is shared by related avian species, the contents of disulfide-involved half-cystine residues and their positions in the primary structure of ovalbumins from five species were compared with those of hen ovalbumin. Ovalbumins were alkylated with a fluorescent dye, IAEDANS, under disulfide-reduced and disulfide-intact conditions and digested with a number of proteolytic enzymes. The sequences were deduced from peptides containing half-cystine residues labeled with the fluorescent dye. The results showed that the number of free cysteine sulfhydryl groups of ovalbumins was different among the species, three for guinea fowl and turkey (Cys11, Cys367, and Cys382); and two for Pekin duck, mallard duck, and Emden goose (Cys11 and Cys331). On the other hand, a single intrachain disulfide bond could be identified from ovalbumins of five species using a combination of peptide mapping and N-terminal amino acid sequencing analysis under reduced and non-reduced conditions, in which the intrachain disulfide bond was like that of hen ovalbumin (Cys73-Cys120). The results also indicated that the variations in amino acid sequences on these peptides containing half-cystine residues bear a close relationship with the phylogeny of the six species.  相似文献   

Abstract Three different cryptic plasmids from Lactobacillus helveticus have been identified and their DNA sequences determined. Analyses and comparisons of their primary structures revealed stretches of DNA with considerable homology. Thus, large portions of the plasmid non-coding sequences were conserved at 80–90% identity between the different plasmids identified so far in L. helveticus . Nevertheless, different plasmids found in a same host strain utilise different genes of replication, probably acquired during evolution from different replicons from Gram-positive bacterial origins. A remnant structure of such a possible genetic integration of a foreign replication gene into one of the plasmids of L. helveticus was identified.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria express a complex proteolytic enzyme system that is capable of hydrolyzing casein to amino acids. We have begun to examine the number and specificity of exopeptidases from Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ 32. A genomic library of L. helveticus CNRZ 32 DNA fragments from a Sau3A partial digestion was constructed in Escherichia coli DH5 utilizing pJDC9. This library was screened for the presence of aminopeptidase, X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (X-PDAP), and dipeptidase activities by two methods. The first screening identified an aminopeptidase II (APII) and X-PDAP. The X-PDAP was determined to be present on four independent DNA inserts ranging in size from 3.5 to 7.7 kilobase pairs (kbp). EcoRI/EcoRV digests of these plasmids suggested that all inserts had 1.0 and 1.8 kbp fragments in common. The gene for APII was determined to be present on three independent DNA inserts ranging in size from 8.2 to 11.3 kbp. EcoRI digestion of these plasmids indicated that 1.2 and 1.8 kbp fragments were in common. The second screening identified an additional aminopeptidase (API), a di/tripeptidase (DTP) with prolinase activity, a broad-specificity dipeptidase (DPI), and a narrow-specificity dipeptidase (DPII). The insert size of clones expressing API, DTP, DPI, DPII were 4.8, 9.5, 5.8, and 6.3 kbp, respectively. Histochemical staining of native polyacrylamide gels from recombinant E. coli cultures demonstrated that the cloned peptidase co-migrated with native L. helveticus CNRZ 32 enzymes. Correspondence to: J. L. Steele  相似文献   

An esterase gene (estA) was isolated from a previously constructed genomic library of Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ32. The estA gene consisted of a 558 bp open reading frame encoding a putative peptide of 21.3 kDa. Protein sequence homology searches using BLAST revealed that EstA had low amino acid sequence identity with the serine-dependent arylesterases TesI (24%) and EtpA (26%) from Escherichia coli and Vibrio mimicus, respectively. A recombinant EstA fusion protein containing a C-terminal six-histidine tag was constructed and purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. Characterization of EstA revealed that it was a serine-dependent enzyme having a monomeric Mr of 22.6-25.1 kDa. Optimum temperature, NaCl concentration and pH for EstA activity were determined to be 35-40 degrees C, 3.5% NaCl and 7.5-8.0, respectively. EstA had significant activity under conditions simulating those of ripening cheese (10 degrees C, 4% NaCl, pH 5.1). EstA hydrolysed a variety of ester compounds and preferred those with substituted phenyl alcohol and short-chain fatty acid groups. Site-directed mutagenesis suggested that the S10 and H164 residues were essential for EstA activity.  相似文献   

A 1.4 kb DNA fragment from the chromosomal DNA of Penicillium nalgiovense was isolated which confers proteolytic activity to E. coli DH5α cells when cloned under the control of the E. coli lacZ promoter. The protein was excreted by the cells as was shown by the formation of a clearing zone in skim milk medium. A retransformation of the plasmid carrying the protease gene into P. nalgiovense leads to transformants with both increased and with nearly no proteolytic activity under neutral conditions. Southern blotting experiments revealed that the transforming plasmid had apparently integrated into the homologous locus and thereby inactivated the residual gene.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to check the antibacterial activity of three synthetic peptides: CAMEL, Iseganan and Pexiganan as well as their possible application against plant pathogenic bacteria from the species Pectobacterium carotovorum (Pc) and Pectobacterium chrysanthemi (Pch). The antibacterial activity of the three chosen synthetic peptides was evaluated with the use of two tests: minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration. The CAMEL proved to be the most effective peptide, inhibiting the growth of different species of Pectobacterium in concentrations ranging from 2 to 8 μg/ml. Iseganan and Pexiganan also demonstrated activity against Pectobacterium sp., but it was lower than CAMEL. The CAMEL was able to inhibit Pc and Pch bacterial growth and tissue maceration in pathogenicity tests performed on potato tuber slices.  相似文献   

Milk protein of farm animals is difficult to isolate because of the presence of casein micelles, which are hard to separate from whey by using centrifugation or filtration. Insoluble casein micelles also create an obstacle for purification instruments to operate efficiently. The conventional method, to precipitate caseins by lowering pH to 4.6 and then recover the whey fraction for further purification using chromatography techniques, is not applicable to proteins having an isoelectric point similar to caseins. In addition, the acid condition used for casein removal usually leads to significantly poor yields and reduced biological activities. In this study, a novel method of precipitating caseins under neutral or weak acidic conditions is presented. The method employs a phosphate salt and a freeze–thaw procedure to obtain a casein-free whey protein fraction. This fraction contains more than 90% yield with little loss of bioactivity of the target protein, and is readily available for further chromatographic purification. This method was successfully applied to purify recombinant human factor IX and recombinant hirudin from the milk of transgenic pigs in the presented study. It is an efficient pretreatment approach prior to chromatographic purification of milk protein from farm animals and particularly of great value to collect those recombinants secreted from transgenic livestock.  相似文献   

A metal-dependent dipeptidase was purified to homogeneity from a cell extract of Lactobacillus helveticus SBT 2171 by fast protein liquid chromatography. The enzyme was purified 237-fold from the extract, with a yield of 1.8%. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme showed a single protein band with a molecular weight of 50,000. The dipeptidase hydrolyzes a range of only dipeptides. Dipeptides containing proline, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid are not hydrolyzed. The enzyme was shown to be a metalloenzyme with a pH optimum of 8.0 and a temperature optimum of 55(deg)C. Dithiol-reducing reagents exert strong inhibition on enzyme activity. Kinetic studies indicated that the enzyme has a relative average affinity for leucyl-leucine (K(infm), 0.5 mM). The negative immunoresponse of the purified enzyme with monoclonal antibodies raised against a dipeptidase from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 shows that both enzymes can be immunologically distinguished.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the distribution and the level of diversity of extrachromosomal molecules in Lactobacillus helveticus strains in relation to their different ecological niches. METHODS AND RESULTS: The plasmid profile of 22 Lact. helveticus strains, isolated from five different Italian cheeses, was determined. Among the tested strains, there was a variable presence of plasmids: eight plasmid-free strains and the remaining with several plasmids that could be differentiated on the basis of number and molecular weight. The profiles showed between one and five plasmid bands, which size ranged between 2.3 and 31 kb. Four of these plasmids were further analyzed by restriction digestion and compared with the plasmids from Lact. helveticus ATCC 15009(T). Analyses and comparison of their primary structures and hybridization experiments revealed the presence of different DNA homology groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that within Lact. helveticus species, there is a high degree of variability in relation to the presence of plasmid molecules. Moreover, the structural diversity found among some of these plasmids allows to hypothesize the presence of different evolutionary lineages. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Studies on plasmid distribution and diversity should be considered as an essential component in a continuing effort to explore microbial diversity as well as to understand the real role of plasmids in the flow of genetic information in natural bacterial communities.  相似文献   

根据所测定的中国产家蚕CBM1和CBM2 cDNA序列,设计成熟肽的特异性引物,将此基因与凝血因子Xa(FXa)的切割序列以PCR方法连接起来,克隆至pGEX—KG表达质粒中。该载体为改进的GST融合表达质粒,所携带的6个Gly有助于提高FXa的切割效率。克隆得到的融合载体在大肠杆菌JM109中扩增和筛选。经DNA测序,证实为含有正确序列的乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—NCBM1(pKG—FXa—NCBM1)、非乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—CBM1(pKG—FXa—CBM1)和乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—NCBM2(pKG—FXa—NCBM2)、非乙酰化的pGEX—KG—FXa—CBM2(pKG—FXa—CBM2)。将该载体在BL21中诱导表达,得到GST-FXa切割位点NCBM1、CBM1、NCBM2、CBM2等4种融合蛋白。经SDS—PAGE,考马斯亮兰染色后,Lab—Work扫描,其表达产物达到15%~20%,每升培养液平均可得20mg融合蛋白。菌体总蛋白经GST-亲和层析柱得到纯的GST—FXa—NCBM1、GST—FXa—CBM1、GST—FXa—NCBM2、GST—FXa—CBM2融合蛋白,再经FXa酶切后,透析过柱得到重组的NCBM1和CBM1。平板抑菌试验证明,4种融合蛋白均有明显的生物学活性,且没有显著的差异。  相似文献   

For development of novel starter strains with improved proteolytic properties, the ability of Lactococcus lactis to produce Lactobacillus helveticus aminopeptidase N (PepN), aminopeptidase C (PepC), X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX), proline iminopeptidase (PepI), prolinase (PepR), and dipeptidase (PepD) was studied by introducing the genes encoding these enzymes into L. lactis MG1363 and its derivatives. According to Northern analyses and enzyme activity measurements, the L. helveticus aminopeptidase genes pepN, pepC, and pepX are expressed under the control of their own promoters in L. lactis. The highest expression level, using a low-copy-number vector, was obtained with the L. helveticus pepN gene, which resulted in a 25-fold increase in PepN activity compared to that of wild-type L. lactis. The L. helveticus pepI gene, residing as a third gene in an operon in its host, was expressed in L. lactis under the control of the L. helveticus pepX promoter. The genetic background of the L. lactis derivatives tested did not affect the expression level of any of the L. helveticus peptidases studied. However, the growth medium used affected both the recombinant peptidase profiles in transformant strains and the resident peptidase activities. The levels of expression of the L. helveticus pepD and pepR clones under the control of their own promoters were below the detection limit in L. lactis. However, substantial amounts of recombinant pepD and PepR activities were obtained in L. lactis when pepD and pepR were expressed under the control of the inducible lactococcal nisA promoter at an optimized nisin concentration.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - In the study, five different Lactobacillus cultures i.e. L. rhamnosus (NK2) (KR080695), L. casei (NK9) (KR732325), L. fermentum (M5)...  相似文献   

The autolysins of Lactobacillus helveticus ISLC5 were detected and partially characterized by renaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with substrate-containing gels (zymogram). By using lyophilized Micrococcus luteus cells or heated whole cells of L. helveticus ISLC5 (0.2% [wt/vol]) as a substrate, several lytic activities were detected in the whole-cell SDS extract of strain ISLC5 (i) one activity at 42.4 kDa, which was named autolysin A, and (ii) six other activities having very similar molecular weights (29.1, 29.6, 30, 30.8, 31.7, and 32.8 kDa), which were named autolysins B (B1 through B6, respectively). As regards the temporal distribution of the enzymes, autolysins A and B were detected in the cells harvested from the beginning of the exponential growth phase. Autolysin A appeared to be associated only with viable cells, whereas the autolysins B remained associated with the cell envelope several days after the complete loss of culture viability. When SDS-treated walls of L. helveticus ISLC5 were used as a substrate, a supplementary lytic activity appeared at 37.5 kDa; it was considered a peptidoglycan hydrolase, since it was not able to induce lysis of whole-cell substrate. The autolysins of 30 other strains of L. helveticus from various geographical origins were also analyzed by zymogram; all the activity profiles obtained were similar to that of strain ISLC5 in terms of the number of lytic bands and their apparent molecular weights. Only the relative intensities of the lytic bands corresponding to autolysins A and B were variable depending on the strains. This observation suggested that autolysins are highly conserved enzymes. A concentrated crude lysate of the virulent bacteriophage 832-B1 infecting L. helveticus was also analyzed by zymogram; one lytic activity with an apparent molecular weight of 31.7 kDa, very close to the weights of the autolysins B, was observed. Finally, the autolysins of L. helveticus ISLC5 were successfully extracted from whole cells by using a 1 M lithium chloride solution; they were partially purified by precipitation, selective resolubilization, and gel filtration chromatography, which led to a 20-fold increase in specific activity.  相似文献   

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