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Water relations of nutrient-poor calcareous grassland under long-term CO2 enrichment were investigated. Understanding CO2 effects on soil moisture is critical because productivity in these grasslands is water limited. In general, leaf conductance was reduced at elevated CO2, but responses strongly depended on date and species. Evapotranspiration (measured as H2O gas exchange) revealed only small, non-significant reductions at elevated CO2, indicating that leaf conductance effects were strongly buffered by leaf boundary layer and canopy conductance (leaf area index was not or only marginally increased under elevated CO2). However, these minute and non-significant responses of water vapour loss accumulated over time and resulted in significantly higher soil moisture in CO2-enriched plots (gravimetric spot measurements and continuous readings using a network of time-domain reflectometry probes). Differences strongly depended on date, with the smallest effects when soil moisture was very high (after heavy precipitation) and effects were largest at intermediate soil moisture. Elevated CO2 also affected diurnal soil moisture courses and rewetting of soils after precipitation. We conclude that ecosystem-level controls of the water balance (including soil feedbacks) overshadow by far the physiological effects observed at the leaf level. Indirect effects of CO2 enrichment mediated by trends in soil moisture will have far-ranging consequences on plant species composition, soil bacterial and faunal activity as well as on soil physical structure and may indirectly also affect hydrology and trace gas emissions and atmospheric chemistry. Received: 21 December 1997 / Accepted: 3 August 1998  相似文献   

Earthworms make up the dominant fraction of the biomass of soil animals in most temperate grasslands and have important effects on the structure and function of these ecosystems. We hypothesized that the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil moisture and plant biomass production would increase earthworm activity, expressed as surface cast production. Using a screen-aided CO2 control facility (open top and open bottom rings), eight 1.2-m2 grassland plots in Switzerland have been maintained since March 1994 at ambient CO2 concentrations (350 μl CO2 l−1) and eight at elevated CO2 (610 μl CO2 l−1). Cumulative earthworm surface cast production measured 40 times over 1 year (April 1995–April 1996) in plots treated with elevated CO2 (2206 g dry mass m−2 year−1) was 35% greater (P<0.05) than that measured in plant communities maintained at ambient CO2 (1633 g dry mass m−2 year−1). At these rates of surface cast production, worms would require about 100 years to egest the equivalent of the amount of soil now found in the Ah horizon (top 15 cm) under current ambient CO2 concentrations, and 75 years under elevated CO2. Elevated atmospheric CO2 had no influence on the seasonality of earthworm activity. Cumulative surface cast production measured over the 7-week period immediately following the 6-week summer dry period in 1995 (no surface casting) was positively correlated (P<0.05) with the mean soil water content calculated over this dry and subsequent wetter period, when viewed across all treatments. However, no correlations were observed with soil temperature or with annual aboveground plant biomass productivity. No CO2-related differences were observed in total nitrogen (Ntot) and organic carbon (Corg) concentration of surface casts, although concentrations of both elements varied seasonally. The CO2-induced increase in earthworm surface casting activity corresponded to a 30% increase of the amount of Ntot (8.9 mg N m−2 vs. 6.9 mg N m−2) and Corg (126 mg C m−2 vs. 94 mg C m−2) egested by the worms in one year. Thus, our results demonstrate an important indirect stimulatory effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on earthworm activity which may have profound effects on ecosystem function and plant community structure in the long term. Received: 3 November 1996 / Accepted: 11 January 1997  相似文献   

Renato Gerdol 《Flora》2005,200(2):168-174
Net primary production (NPP) of two Vaccinium species (V. myrtillus and V. uliginosum) was determined in three subalpine heath communities on the Northern Apennines (N. Italy). The main objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that two species sharing the same plant functional type (deciduous dwarf shrub) have similar growth performances along environmental gradients. The second objective was to assess whether, and to what extent, NPP of the two species was associated with functional and morphological traits, which can affect plant growth in relation to nutrient status. Total community NPP in the three communities was closely related to soil nutrient availability. NPP of V. uliginosum did not vary among communities, while that of V. myrtillus peaked in the most fertile habitat. The N:P ratio in the whole plant as well as in the leaves of the two shrubs exactly mirrored the among-community pattern in soil phosphate concentration. In particular, the foliar N:P ratio in both V. uliginosum and V. myrtillus was >16 in the poorer sites, which indicates P limitation. I concluded that the growth response of the two shrubs in relation to soil nutrient availability is individualistic. Growth of V. myrtillus is P-limited while that of V. uliginosum is not.  相似文献   

Our limited understanding of terrestrial ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 is a major constraint on predicting the impacts of climate change. A change in botanical composition has been identified as a key factor in the CO2 response with profound implications for ecosystem services such as plant production and soil carbon storage. In temperate grasslands, there is a strong consensus that elevated CO2 will result in a greater physiological stimulus to growth in legumes and to a lesser extent forbs, compared with C3 grasses, and the presumption this will lead in turn to a greater proportion of these functional groups in the plant community. However, this view is based on data mainly collected in experiments of three or less years in duration and not in experiments where defoliation has been by grazing animals. Grazing is, however, the most common management of grasslands and known in itself to influence botanical composition. In a long‐term Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment in a temperate grassland managed with grazing animals (sheep), we found the response to elevated CO2 in plant community composition in the first 5 years was consistent with the expectation of increased proportions of legumes and forbs. However, in the longer term, these differences diminished so that the proportions of grasses, legumes and forbs were the same under both ambient and elevated CO2. Analysis of vegetation before and after each grazing event showed there was a sustained disproportionately greater removal (‘apparent selection’) of legumes and forbs by the grazing animals. This bias in removal was greater under elevated CO2 than ambient CO2. This is consistent with sustained faster growth rates of legumes and forbs under elevated CO2 being countered by selective defoliation, and so leading to little difference in community composition.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 enrichment may stimulate plant growth directly through (1) enhanced photosynthesis or indirectly, through (2) reduced plant water consumption and hence slower soil moisture depletion, or the combination of both. Herein we describe gas exchange, plant biomass and species responses of five native or semi-native temperate and Mediterranean grasslands and three semi-arid systems to CO2 enrichment, with an emphasis on water relations. Increasing CO2 led to decreased leaf conductance for water vapor, improved plant water status, altered seasonal evapotranspiration dynamics, and in most cases, periodic increases in soil water content. The extent, timing and duration of these responses varied among ecosystems, species and years. Across the grasslands of the Kansas tallgrass prairie, Colorado shortgrass steppe and Swiss calcareous grassland, increases in aboveground biomass from CO2 enrichment were relatively greater in dry years. In contrast, CO2-induced aboveground biomass increases in the Texas C3/C4 grassland and the New Zealand pasture seemed little or only marginally influenced by yearly variation in soil water, while plant growth in the Mojave Desert was stimulated by CO2 in a relatively wet year. Mediterranean grasslands sometimes failed to respond to CO2-related increased late-season water, whereas semiarid Negev grassland assemblages profited. Vegetative and reproductive responses to CO2 were highly varied among species and ecosystems, and did not generally follow any predictable pattern in regard to functional groups. Results suggest that the indirect effects of CO2 on plant and soil water relations may contribute substantially to experimentally induced CO2-effects, and also reflect local humidity conditions. For landscape scale predictions, this analysis calls for a clear distinction between biomass responses due to direct CO2 effects on photosynthesis and those indirect CO2 effects via soil moisture as documented here.  相似文献   

Abstract: Long-term (14 days) carbon costs of N2 fixation were studied in pot trials. For this purpose the CO2 release from the root space of nodulated and non-nodulated (urea nourished) Vicia faba L. and Pisum sativum L. plants was compared and related to the amount of fixed or assimilated N. Additional measurements of shoot CO2 exchange and dry matter increment were carried out in order to calculate the overall carbon balance. The carbon costs for N2 fixation in Vicia faba 1. (2.87 mg C/mg NfiX) were higher than in Pisum sativum L. (2.03 mg C/mg Nfix). However, the better carbon efficiency in Pisum sativum 1. did not lead to a better growth performance compared to Vicia faba L. Vicia faba L. compensated for the carbon and energy expenditure by more intensive photosynthesis in the N2-fixing treatment. This was not the case with Pisum sativum L., where the carbon balance indicates that the carbon costs of N2 fixation restricted root growth. It is proposed that low carbon costs for N2 fixation indicate an adaptation to a critical carbon supply of roots and nodules, e.g., during the pod-filling of grain legumes.  相似文献   

Microbial responses to three years of CO2 enrichment (600 μL L–1) in the field were investigated in calcareous grassland. Microbial biomass carbon (C) and soil organic C and nitrogen (N) were not significantly influenced by elevated CO2. Microbial C:N ratios significantly decreased under elevated CO2 (– 15%, P = 0.01) and microbial N increased by + 18% (P = 0.04). Soil basal respiration was significantly increased on one out of 7 sampling dates (+ 14%, P = 0.03; December of the third year of treatment), whereas the metabolic quotient for CO2 (qCO2 = basal respiration/microbial C) did not exhibit any significant differences between CO2 treatments. Also no responses of microbial activity and biomass were found in a complementary greenhouse study where intact grassland turfs taken from the field site were factorially treated with elevated CO2 and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (1 g P m–2 y–1). Previously reported C balance calculations showed that in the ecosystem investigated growing season soil C inputs were strongly enhanced under elevated CO2. It is hypothesized that the absence of microbial responses to these enhanced soil C fluxes originated from mineral nutrient limitations of microbial processes. Laboratory incubations showed that short-term microbial growth (one week) was strongly limited by N availability, whereas P was not limiting in this soil. The absence of large effects of elevated CO2 on microbial activity or biomass in such nutrient-poor natural ecosystems is in marked contrast to previously published large and short-term microbial responses to CO2 enrichment which were found in fertilized or disturbed systems. It is speculated that the absence of such responses in undisturbed natural ecosystems in which mineral nutrient cycles have equilibrated over longer periods of time is caused by mineral nutrient limitations which are ineffective in disturbed or fertilized systems and that therefore microbial responses to elevated CO2 must be studied in natural, undisturbed systems.  相似文献   

An analysis of data compiled from the literature confirms a strong inverse relationship between annual rates of nitrogen fixation and the soil nitrogen content in agricultural and pastoral ecosystems. However, this inverse relationship is strongly modified by the rate of application of phosphorus fertilizer, which strongly influences the activities of both symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing organisms. In the case of symbiotic legumes, the response of N-fixation to N and P is in part a result of changes in legume dominance within the plant community. These results, as well as supporting data presented from a review of experiments on nitrogen fixation in a variety of other terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, provide important support for the hypothesis that phosphorus availability is a key regulator of nitrogen biogeochemistry. Published as Paper No. 9950, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA.  相似文献   

In nitrogen (N)-limited systems, the response of symbiotic N fixation to elevated atmospheric [CO2] may be an important determinant of ecosystem responses to this global change. Experimental tests of the effects of elevated [CO2] have not been consistent. Although rarely tested, differences among legume species and N supply may be important. In a field free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment, we determined, for four legume species, whether the effects of elevated atmospheric [CO2] on symbiotic N fixation depended on soil N availability or species identity. Natural abundance and pool-dilution 15N methods were used to estimate N fixation. Although N addition did, in general, decrease N fixation, contrary to theoretical predictions, elevated [CO2] did not universally increase N fixation. Rather, the effect of elevated [CO2] on N fixation was positive, neutral or negative, depending on the species and N addition. Our results suggest that legume species identity and N supply are critical factors in determining symbiotic N-fixation responses to increased atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Matthias W. Diemer 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):429-435
Ecosystem net CO2 uptake, evapotranspiration (ET) and night-time CO2 efflux were measured in an alpine grassland dominated by Carex curvula, treated with doubled ambient partial pressure of CO2 via open-top chambers. One quarter of the plots were treated with mineral nutrients to simulate the effect of lowland nitrogen deposition rates. Depending upon fertilizer supply, ecosystem net CO2 uptake per ground area in full sunlight (NCEmax) was 41–81% higher in open-top chambers supplied with doubled ambient partial pressure (p a) of CO2 than in plots receiving ambient CO2. Short-term reversals of the CO2 level suggest that the extent of downward adjustment of canopy photosynthesis under elevated CO2 was 30–40%. ET tended to decline, while water use efficiency (WUE), expressed as the NCEmax:ET ratio, increased more than twofold under elevated CO2. Night-time ecosystem CO2 efflux did not respond to changes in CO2 p a. NCEmax and night-time CO2 efflux were more responsive to mineral fertilizer than the doubling of CO2. This suggests that in these alpine plant communities, atmospheric nutrient input may induce equal or greater effects on gas exchange than increased CO2.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands harbor specialized species and are cultural relics. Therefore, they are prime habitates for conservation and restoration, but negative effects of inappropriate management, eutrophication and fragmentation continue to exist. These effects also influence grasslands which serve as target for restoration. Unfortunately, monitoring of long-term vegetation dynamics in calcareous grassland is rare. Here, we studied such changes over 35 years in the nature reserve ‘Garchinger Heide’, which is well known for its high abundance of rare species. Furthermore, it has been managed for conservation for more than 100 years. Therefore, species composition, total species richness, numbers of habitat specialists, red-list species and the proportion of graminoids were examined in 42 plots with frequency recording (1984–2018), and in 40 plots based on vegetation relevés (2003–2018). Ellenberg indicator values, specific leaf area, seed mass, and canopy height were analysed to detect patterns in trait response to environmental change. Within 35 years there were considerable vegetation dynamics. Specialist plants of calcareous grassland and red list species decreased, and insect-pollinated species declined in contrast to wind-pollinated species. Ellenberg N as well as graminoid abundance, canopy height, seed mass, and multi-trait functional dispersion increased, while specific leaf area showed no such change. Our results suggest that environmental change like deposition of atmospheric nitrogen, management regime, pollinator decline or isolation could be correlated with vegetation dynamics, while these correlations would need experimental confirmation. The grassland management certainly helped achieving several conservation goals, although it was not able to stop a decrease of rare species. The results show that also in nature reserves with long-term conservation management monitoring is essential to detect vegetation dynamics and to adjust the management to these changes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of field manipulations of local climate to determine the potential impact of climate change on plant community dynamics in a calcareous grassland. The experimental site is located in a grassland at the Wytham estate, Oxfordshire, UK. The one hectare study area is within a 10 ha abandoned arable field on Jurassic corallian limestone. Two climate change scenarios were used: warmer winters with increased summer rainfall and warmer winters with summer drought. Plant cover and species richness were significantly increased in plots receiving supplemented summer rainfall, while the amount of litter was significantly reduced. Litter formation was significantly increased by winter warming and drought. The responses of the plant community to the climate manipulations were related to the life-history attributes of the dominant species. Seedling recruitment was limited by microsite availability, which also varied in the different climate manipulations. The results are discussed in terms of successional dynamics. They suggest that warmer winters may delay succession, as gap formation in the sward will provide sites for colonisation of annuals, thereby enabling their persistence in the sward. Under wetter conditions during summer, perennial grasses tend to close the sward, thereby inhibiting the establishment of later successional species.  相似文献   

We studied vegetation responses to disturbances originated by ants and voles in subalpine grasslands in the Eastern Pyrenees. We compared the effects of these small-scale disturbances with those of a large-scale disturbance caused by ploughing. We wanted to know if these soil disturbances promoted species richness through the existence of a specific guild of plants colonizing these areas, and if this guild was the same for all soil disturbances, independently of their extent. In general, grassland vegetation seemed to recover relatively quickly from soil-displacement disturbances, and the effects could be scaled up in time and space in terms of species richness and composition. Vole mound composition was similar to that in the surrounding grassland, suggesting that mounds were rapidly colonized by the neighbouring vegetation. Vegetation composition differed between the grassland and the ant mounds. Grasses and erect dicots coped well with repeated disturbance, while rosette-forming species and sedges were very sensitive to it. Landscape processes could be important to understanding recolonization. Species from xeric grasslands were found in mesic grasslands when disturbed by ploughing and on the tops of active ant mounds. Furrows in mesic grasslands recovered well, but decades after disturbance showed long persistence of some xeric species and increased species richness compared to terraces, while xeric grasslands showed decreased richness. This suggests that, because of those disturbances, within-habitat diversity was increased, although landscape diversity was not. However, specific disturbances showed idiosyncratic effects, which could enhance the species richness globally. In ant-affected areas, the grassland itself showed the highest plant species richness, partially associated to the presence of some species with elaiosomes not, or only rarely, found in adjacent grasslands without ant mounds. Therefore, soil disturbances occurring at different spatial scales contributed to complexity in vegetation patterns in addition to abiotic factors and grazing. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nomenclature of the species follows Tutin et al. (1964–1980) and Bolòs et al. (1993).  相似文献   

Bernd Schäppi 《Oecologia》1996,106(1):93-99
Leaf expansion, population dynamics and reproduction under elevated CO2 were studied for two dominant and four subdominant species in a high alpine grassland (2500 above sea level, Swiss Central Alps). Plots of alpine heath were exposed to 335 l l-1 and 680 l l-1 CO2 in open-top chambers over three growing seasons. Treatments also included natural and moderately improved mineral nutrient supply (40 kg N ha-1 year-1 in an NPK fertilizer mix). Seasonal dynamics of leaf expansion, which was studied for the dominant graminoid Carex curvula only, were not affected by elevated CO2 during two warm seasons or during a cool season. Improved nutrient supply increased both the expansion rate and the duration of leaf growth but elevated CO2 did not cause any further stimulation. Plant and tiller density (studied in all species) increased under elevated CO2 in the codominant Leontodon helveticus and the subdominant Trifolium alpinum, remained unchanged in two other minor species Poa alpina and Phyteuma globulariifolium, and decreased in Carex curvula. In Potentilla aurea elevated CO2 compensated for a natural decline in shoot number. By year 3 the number of fertile shoots in Leontodon and individual seed weight in Carex were slightly increased under elevated CO2, indicating CO2 effects on sexual reproduction in these two dominant species. The results suggest that the effects of elevated CO2 on the population dynamics of the species studied were not general, but species-specific and rather moderate effects. However, the reduction of tiller density in Carex curvula, in contrast to the increases observed in Leontodon helveticus and Trifolium alpinum, indicates that elevated CO2 may negatively affect the abundance of the species most characteristic of this alpine plant community.  相似文献   

Stulen  I.  den Hertog  J. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):99-115
This paper examines the extent to which atmospheric CO2 enrichment may influence growth of plant roots and function in terms of uptake of water and nutrients, and carbon allocation towards symbionts. It is concluded that changes in dry matter allocation greatly depend on the experimental conditions during the experiment, the growth phase of the plant, and its morphological characteristics. Under non-limiting conditions of water and nutrients for growth, dry matter partitioning to the root is not changed by CO2 enrichment. The increase in root/shoot ratio, frequently observed under limiting conditions of water and/or nutrients, enables the plant to explore a greater soil volume, and hence acquire more water and nutrients. However, more data on changes in dry matter allocation within the root due to atmospheric CO2 are needed. It is concluded that nitrogen fixation is favored by CO2 enrichment since nodule mass is increased, concomitant with an increase in root length. The papers available so far on the influence of CO2 enrichment on mycorrhizal functioning suggest that carbon allocation to the roots might be increased, but also here more experiments are needed.Abbreviations LAR leaf area ratio - LWR leaf weight ratio - SWR stem weight ratio - RGR relative growth rate - R/S root/shoot - RWR root weight ratio  相似文献   

Carbon and water fluxes in a calcareous grassland under elevated CO2   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
1. As part of a long-term study of the effects of elevated CO2 on biodiversity and ecosystem function in a calcareous grassland, we measured ecosystem carbon dioxide and water-vapour fluxes over 24-h periods during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Data were used to derive CO2 and H2O gas-exchange response functions to quantum flux density (QFD).
2. The relative increase in net ecosystem CO2 flux (NEC) owing to CO2 enrichment increased as QFD rose. Daytime NEC at high QFD under elevated CO2 increased by 25% to 60%, with the greatest increases in the spring and after mowing in June when above-ground biomass was lowest. There was much less stimulation of NEC in early June and again in October when the canopy was fully developed. Night-time NEC was not significantly altered under elevated CO2.
3. Short-term reversal of CO2 concentrations between treatments after two seasons of CO2 exposure provided evidence for a 50% downward adjustment of NEC expressed per unit above-ground plant dry weight. However, when expressed on a land area basis, this difference disappeared because of a c. 20% increase in above-ground biomass under elevated CO2.
4. Ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) was not significantly altered by elevated CO2 when averaged over all measurement dates and positions. However, ET was reduced 3–18% at high QFD in plots at the top of the slope at our study site. In summary, CO2 enrichment resulted in a large stimulation of ecosystem CO2 capture, especially during periods of a large demand of carbon in relationship to its supply, and resulted in a relatively small and variable effect on ecosystem water consumption.  相似文献   

A sensitivity factor that quantifies the responsiveness of stomata to xylem sap abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]xyl) is described, using the relation between [ABA]xyl and maximum leaf conductance (gmax). Plotting gmax against this factor results in a common linear relationship for woody and herbaceous species from boreal to (semi-) arid climates. The global distribution of the sensitivity factor reveals an unexpected pattern which is inverse to rainfall, i.e., plants in humid climates respond more sensitively to ABA than plants in arid areas. The implications for the response of natural vegetation and consequences for agriculture are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate whether elevated atmospheric [CO2] alters plant N availability in a native high-elevation grassland in the Swiss Alps using two integrative, relatively non-disruptive methods. Estimates based on seasonal net plant N uptake, and those based on the amounts of NH 4 + -N plus NO 3 -N captured by ion exchange resin (IER) bags, did not differ in plots treated with ambient (355 L L–1) and elevated (680 L L–1) [CO2] in either the second (1993) or third (1994) growing season under treatment with elevated [CO2]. The results of this study suggest that the effects of rising atmospheric [CO2] on plant N availability may be negligible in this grassland. The results also contrast the relatively large effects of elevated atmospheric [CO2] (increases and decreases) reported for highly disturbed artificial systems.  相似文献   

Goverde M  Erhardt A  Stöcklin J 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):383-391
Effects of elevated CO2 and P availability on plant growth of the legume Lotus corniculatus and consequences for the butterfly larvae of Polyommatus icarus feeding on L. corniculatus were investigated in screen-aided CO2 control chambers under natural conditions on a calcareous grassland in the Swiss Jura mountains. Elevated CO2 conditions and P fertilisation increased the biomass production of L. corniculatus plants and affected the plant chemical composition. CO2 enrichment increased the C/N ratio and sugar concentration and decreased the N and P concentrations. C- and N-based allelochemicals (cyanoglycosides, total polyphenols and condensed tannins) were only marginally affected by CO2 enrichment. P fertilisation increased the specific leaf area and concentrations of water, N, sugar and P, while the C/N ratio and the concentration of total polyphenols decreased. Furthermore, P availability marginally enhanced the effect of elevated CO2 on the total dry mass and sugar concentration while the opposite occurred for the total polyphenol concentration. The changes in food-plant chemistry as a result of P fertilisation positively affected larval mass gain and accelerated the development time of P. icarus. Only a marginal negative effect on larval mass gain was found for CO2 enrichment. However, we found genotype-specific responses in the development time of P. icarus to elevated CO2 conditions. Larvae originating from different mothers developed better either under elevated CO2 or under ambient CO2 but some did not react to CO2 elevation. As far as we know this is the first finding of a genotype-specific response of an insect herbivore to elevated CO2 which suggests genetic shifts in insect life history traits in response to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

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