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该文报道了陕西省发现的3个新记录属和5个新记录种。新记录属分别是堇叶芥属(Neomartinella Pilger)、皱果荠属(Rapistrum Crantz)和二行芥属(Diplotaxis de Candolle);新记录种分别是永顺堇叶芥[Neomartinella yungshunensis (W. T. Wang) Al Shehbaz]、安徽碎米荠(Cardamine anhuiensis D. C. Zhang et J. Z. Shao)、欧亚蔊菜[Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Bess.]、皱果荠[Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All.]和二行芥[Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC.]。  相似文献   

2017~2018在湖南省涔天河湿地公园进行植物资源调查,发现了若干湖南新记录植物,该文对湖南单子叶植物1新记录科——闭鞘姜科(Costaceae Nakai)进行报道,含1新记录属——大唇闭鞘姜属(Hellenia Retzius),1新记录种——闭鞘姜[Hellenia speciosa (J. Koenig) Govaerts]。通过查阅相关文献资料,对闭鞘姜科的属级分类单元变化及闭鞘姜新的接受名进行概述。闭鞘姜科主要分布在热带地区,在湖南的发现为湖南的生物多样性和植物区系研究提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

报道了叶下珠科算盘子属4种植物在中国6个省区的分布新记录,其中贵州分布新记录有圆果算盘子[Glochidion sphaerogynum (Müll. Arg.) Kurz],广东分布新记录有宽果算盘子(G. oblatum Hook. f.)和台闽算盘子(G. rubrum Blume),海南和广西分布新记录有宽果算盘子,湖南分布新记录有湖北算盘子(G. wilsonii Hutch.),浙江分布新记录有台闽算盘子。  相似文献   

该文报道了西藏兰科1个新记录属——坛花兰属(Acanthephippium) 及其新记录种——锥囊坛花兰(Acanthephippium striatum Lindl),另1西藏新记录种为夏天麻(Gastrodia flavilabella S. S. Ying)。锥囊坛花兰与同属的中华坛花兰[A. gougahense (Guillaumin) Seidenfaden]和坛花兰(A. sylhetense Lindl. Gen)相近,主要区别在于后两者唇盘肉质增厚且萼囊宽而短钝。夏天麻植株形态类似于南天麻[G. javanica (Bl.) Lindl],后者花苞片宿存,为三角形;根状茎上不具珊瑚状根;唇盘基部爪上的胼胝体非球形。文中对新记录1属和2种兰科植物进行了描述,并附有新记录的特征照片,丰富了该区野生兰科植物本底资源。同时根据IUCN的评价标准,对其濒危等级进行了评估认定,提出了保护等级的建议。凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

刘志荣  覃营  刘晟源  刘演 《西北植物学报》2021,41(11):1971-1974
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)鹿角兰属(Pomatocalpa)一新记录种——纹瓣鹿角兰[P. tonkinense (Gagnep.) Seidenf.],凭证标本保存于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。纹瓣鹿角兰的花序疏生多数花,萼片、花瓣均具2条紫色条纹,中萼片及花瓣远长于侧萼片,与中国原记录的2种鹿角属植物容易区分。该研究提供了新记录种的形态描述、中国鹿角兰属植物图版及分种检索表。  相似文献   

分别于2016年7月和2017年8月在阿尔泰山两河源国家级自然保护区采集鼓藻类植物标本,经显微镜观察,发现鼓藻类(绿藻门)中国新记录植物5个分类单位,隶属于4个属,包括4种1变种:膨大新月藻(新拟)(Closterium tumidulum Gay)、钝齿宽带鼓藻(新拟)[Pleurotaenium crenulatum (Ralfs) Rabenhorst]、克塞凹顶鼓藻(新拟)(Euastrum coeselii Kouwets)、圆齿状鼓藻(新拟)(Cosmarium crenulatum Ngeli)和肾形鼓藻收缩变种(新拟)(Cosmarium reniforme var. compressum Nordstedt)。对这些新记录植物的形态学特征进行了详细的描述,并提供了光镜照片及手绘图。  相似文献   

西藏南部地形较为复杂,植物资源丰富,物种多样性高。笔者在对西藏山南地区高山植物多样性调查过程中,经野外调查、采集标本、查阅植物志等相关资料及分类鉴定,结果发现,山南地区隆子县的无心菜属(Arenaria)球花福禄草[A. globiflora (Fenzl) Edgew. & Hook. f.]和错那县蝇子草属(Silene)的错那蝇子草(S. birgittae Bocquet)为中国新记录种。该报道一方面丰富了中国植物区系的内容,更新了国产石竹科植物资料,对中国西藏山南地区植物多样性的保护及研究具有一定意义。另一方面说明中国西藏山南地区的植物多样性调查仍存在许多调查薄弱地区,还需加强相关地区植物多样性调查工作。  相似文献   

报道了1个陕西省植物分布新记录属桑科(Moraceae)——水蛇麻属(Fatoua Gaudichaud-Beaupré)和3个新记录种——水蛇麻[Fatoua villosa (Thunberg) Nakai]、假鬃尾草(Leonurus chaituroides C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li)、羊乳[Codonopsis lanceolata (Siebold & Zuccarini) Trautvetter]。这3种植物的发现,对于补充完善陕西省植物资源,丰富陕西植物区系具有重要意义,同时也体现了金丝大峡谷植物类型在秦岭中的特殊性。  相似文献   

报道了河南省五加科(Araliaceae)1个分布新记录属及其属下1新记录种,梁王茶属(Metapanax J. Wen & Frodin),异叶梁王茶[Metapanax davidii (Franchet) J. Wen & Frodin]。该种为常绿灌木,叶为单叶或掌状分裂,花聚生为伞形花序,再组成顶生的圆锥花序,苞片早落,花梗具关节,子房2室,核果,扁球形,花期7~8月,果期9~11月。讨论了该种叶、花、果的形态学变异特征和其区系地理学意义。该新记录的发现对梁王茶属的系统分类、迁移演化以及药用植物资源开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

李孟凯  普布顿珠  邢震  李惠玲  章漳  王伟 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1780-1785
东喜马拉雅地区是全球生物多样性的热点区域,西藏为其重要组成单元,明确该地区本底植物资源及地理分布对区域植物区系研究有着重要意义。该文报道了笔者在西藏考察中发现的西藏兰科(Orchidaceae)植物5个新记录属,即美柱兰属(Callostylis Blume)、异型兰属(Chiloschista Lindl.)、蛇舌兰属(Diploprora Hook. f.)、带叶兰属(Taeniophyllum Blume)和宽距兰属(Yoania Maxim.)。对应的5个新记录种,即美柱兰(Callostylis rigida Bl.)、异型兰(Chiloschista yunnanensis Schlechter)、蛇舌兰 [Diploprora championii(Lindl.)Hook. f.]、毛莛带叶兰(Taeniophyllum retrospiculatum King & Pantl.)和印度宽距兰(Yoania prainii King & Pantl.)。该文还附有新记录属、种的形态描述和特征图片。该研究结果进一步丰富了中国植物区系资料,拓宽了西藏兰科植物的记录,并对西藏及毗邻地区兰科植物多样性保护具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Three species of the genus ScathophagaS. mellipes (Coquillet), S. scybalaria (Linnaeus) and S. stercoraria (Linnaeus) – are treated in this study. Of these, S. scybalaria (Linnaeus) is reported for the first time from Korea. A key to the Korean species, their domestic localities and some illustrations are given.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with the genus Mindam Koch from China. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed. M. keteleerifoliae is regarded as the most advanced species, M. obliquus and M. piceasuc-tus are more advanced than M. abietinus, M. japonicus and M. victoria. The origin centre of the genus may be in Europe and the differentiation centre of the genus may be in Hengduan Mountains Region of China. Geological distribution of the genus shows island-shaped pattern. Five species from China was described in this paper, including one new species, M. piceasuctus Zhang and Qiao, one new subspecies, M. abietinus triprimesensori Zhang and Qiao and one newly recorded species, M. abietinus abietinus Koch 1856. A key to the Chinese species of Mindarus is given. The specimens of five species from China are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

该文报道了产鄂西和湘西北的双子叶植物省级分布新记录1个属和8个种。湖北分布新记录有龙珠(Tubocapsicum anomalum)、直梗高山唐松草(Thalictrum alpinum var. elatum)、虫莲(Sanguisorba filiformis)、腺地榆(S. officinalis var. glandulosa)、平叶酸藤子(Embelia undulata)、广西地海椒(Physaliastrum chamaesarachoides)、东北薄荷(Mentha sachalinensis)、黄鼠狼花(Salvia tricuspis),其中龙珠对应的龙珠属(Tubocapsicum)是湖北新记录属;湖南分布新记录有宝兴藨寄生(Gleadovia mupinense)。根据IUCN标准,宝兴藨寄生属濒危(EN)物种。这些新记录的发现丰富了华中植物区系资料,在植物保护方面也有一定意义。  相似文献   

谢丹  吴名鹤  张博  寻敏  张代贵 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1480-1904/1/24
该文报道了湖北蕨类植物1个新记录属:冷蕨属(Cystopteris Bernhardi)及对应的新记录种宝兴冷蕨(Cystopteris moupinensis Franchet); 4个新记录种:台湾剑蕨(Loxogramme formosana Nakai)、扇羽阴地蕨[Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz]、耳状紫柄蕨[Pseudophegopteris aurita (Hooker) Ching]、巢形鳞毛蕨[Dryopteris transmorrisonense (Hayata) Hayata]; 2个新记录变种:尾头凤尾蕨(Pteris oshimensis var.paraemeiensis Ching)和西藏粉背蕨[Aleuritopteris subvillosa var. tibetica (ChingS. K. Wu) H. S. Kung]。这些蕨类新记录在湖北的发现,大大丰富了湖北的植物区系及物种多样性,同时对这些蕨类的经济价值或药用价值进行了简要分析,为其资源的进一步合理开发和利用提供了一些理论依据。  相似文献   

喜雨草,湖南珍稀特有植物,属唇形科单型属喜雨草属,自1918年8月韩马迪在湖南西南部武冈云山采到模式标本,并于1936年作为一个新属、新种发表后,其踪迹消失全无。该次报道为喜雨草被发现近100年后,在湖南宁远、通道、道县、新宁被重新发现。根据采集的标本和拍摄的照片,更正修改和补充了原形态描述,重新确定了该种花萼为3/2式,花冠颜色为白色。  相似文献   

Gall midges of the genus Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that infest the flower buds of various plant species have been newly found in Japan in recent years. Those infesting the flower buds of Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A. Gray) Hubbard ex Baillon (Amaranthaceae) and Jasminum sambac (Linnaeus) Aiton (Oleaceae) in Okinawa Prefecture, and Dendrobium spp. (Orchidaceae) in Mie Prefecture were identified, on the basis of morphological features and molecular information, as an invasive gall midge, C. maculipennis Felt. C. maculipennis was recorded in Mie Prefecture for the first time, and P. laxiflorum is newly regarded as one of the host plants of C. maculipennis. Three other Contarinia gall midges that we found infesting the flower buds of Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, Capsicum annuum Linnaeus (Solanaceae), and Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus (Oxalidaceae) were not identical with C. maculipennis. Among these, the first two, which infested solanaceous plants, were identical. However, the species other than C. maculipennis could not be identified to the species level because morphological differences were obscure and DNA sequencing data of allied congeners have not yet been registered on GenBank.  相似文献   

This study examines the interspecific variability and phenetic relationships in six southern Adriatic mullet species: Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758), Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1826), Liza aurata (Risso, 1810), Liza ramada (Risso, 1826), Liza saliens (Risso, 1810), and Oedalechilus labeo (Cuvier, 1829). Twenty-three morphometric characteristics of the visceral skeleton and the dermatocranium of mullets were analyzed. The major distinguishing characters were those of the jaws. M. cephalus was clearly separated from the other species; O. labeo differed to a somewhat smaller extent; and C. labrosus was the least distinguished species. The species of the genus Liza were phenetically most similar, while the other species of mullet differed significantly from them. The greatest distances were between M. cephalus and C. labrosus, as well as between M. cephalus and O. labeo. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Ulva Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Ulvales) is a genus of green algae widespread in different aquatic environments. Members of this genus show a very simple morphology and a certain degree of phenotypic plasticity, heavily influenced by environmental conditions, making difficult the delineation of species by morphological features alone. Most studies dealing with Ulva biodiversity in Mediterranean waters have been based only on morphological characters and a modern taxonomic revision of this genus in the Mediterranean is not available. We report here the results of an investigation on the diversity of Ulva in the North Adriatic Sea based on molecular analyses. Collections from three areas, two of which subject to intense shipping traffic, were examined, as well as historical collections of Ulva stored in the Herbarium Patavinum of the University of Padova, Italy. Molecular analyses based on partial sequences of the rbcL and tufA genes revealed the presence of six different species, often with overlapping morphologies: U. californica Wille, U. flexuosa Wulfen, U. rigida C. Agardh, U. compressa Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, and one probable new taxon. U. californica is a new record for the Mediterranean and U. pertusa is a new record for the Adriatic. Partial sequences obtained from historical collections show that most of the old specimens are referable to U. rigida. No specimens referable to the two alien species were found among the old herbarium specimens. The results indicate that the number of introduced seaweed species and their impact on Mediterranean communities have been underestimated, due to the difficulties in species identification of morphologically simple taxa as Ulva.  相似文献   

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