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基于高通量测序的宏基因组学研究是近年来的研究热点之一。宏基因组的生物信息分析正在逐渐完善成熟.各种分析软件和流程的开发与应用,极大地促进了宏基因组研究的发展,特别是在遗传与进化、基因发现、宏基因组和人类疾病的相关研究等方面取得了显著成果。本文旨在结合宏基因组学的研究内容和研究方向,对宏基因组的生物信息分析方法进行综述,探讨宏基因组的生物信息分析面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

宏基因组--生物催化剂的新来源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物催化剂是工业生物催化的重要组成部分,宏基因组是生物催化剂的新来源。该文介绍了从宏基因组中寻找生物催化剂的主要步骤,着重描述了DNA的分离和目标克隆的筛选这两个关键技术,并列举了利用宏基因组技术所获得的生物催化剂.  相似文献   

宏基因组学诞生于上世纪90年代,是指不经过微生物培养阶段,采用直接提取环境中总DNA的方法,对微生物基因总和进行研究的一门新学科.宏基因组技术的出现,使得人们对占微生物总体99%以上不可培养微生物的研究成为现实,微生物基因的可探测空间显著增大.总的来说,目前宏基因组技术的应用主要分为两个方面:一方面是筛选功能基因,开发具有所需功能的蛋白;另一方面是通过对宏基因组文库进行分析,探讨在各种环境下微生物间相互作用和微生物与周围环境间相互影响的规律,以便我们能更加客观、全面地认识微生物世界.在宏基因组技术的应用范围被不断扩展的同时,围绕着宏基因组文库的构建和筛选、测序和分析等方面的研究已成为宏基因组学发展的主要推动力,宏基因组技术的进步将不断提升其应用价值.  相似文献   

随着测序技术的迅速发展,人们对宏基因组的研究逐渐深入。通过宏基因组学对微生物群落的测序和分析,以理解微生物组成与环境之间的相互作用。微生物宏基因组的分析摆脱了传统研究中微生物分离培养的技术限制,并获得了微生物群落的相对丰度和群落的功能等信息。用于微生物数据分析的工具和软件较多,对于研究者选择合适的分析方法具有一定困难。概述了微生物宏基因组分析方法的流程,总结了分析中常用的工具及软件,为研究者快速筛选分析方法,揭示数据背后的生物学意义提供参考。  相似文献   

宏基因组学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不可培养微生物占据微生物总数的99%以上, 这己成为微生物资源开发利用的一个限制性因素。宏基因组学是通过提取某一环境中的所有微生物基因组DNA、构建基因组文库及对文库进行筛选寻找和发现新的功能基因及活性代谢产物的一种方法。它避开了微生物分离培养的过程, 极大地扩展了微生物资源的利用空间, 是现代基因工程一个新的发展方向和研究热点。本文主要对宏基因组的DNA提取方法、文库的构建、筛选策略的选择及近年来宏基因组学在各领域中的应用研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

介绍了微生态系统的基本概念和人体基本的微生态系统,阐述了其对人类的意义;介绍了人类宏基因组计划基本知识和研究方法.  相似文献   

环境中约99.8%的微生物不能用常规的微生物学方法培养,这样就使得绝大部分微生物资源的开发利用受到制约,而宏基因组克隆技术的产生则克服了对不可培养微生物研究的困难。到目前为止,通过宏基因组克隆技术已经获得了许多新的抗生素和酶的基因,而且随着该技术的不断完善将会加大有用分子发现的几率和对复杂微生物群落功能的了解。  相似文献   

随着石化燃料的日益减少,以植物生物质为原料的可再生生物燃料成为石化燃料的理想替代品。然而微生物降解生物质效率低下,是生物燃料生产过程中一大难题,因此开发效率高、稳定性强的微生物酶制剂显得尤为重要。近年来,宏基因组技术的发展为生物燃料的生产提供了多种新型酶制剂。宏基因组技术是直接提取环境样品中的总DNA,通过构建文库,筛选目的基因或功能基因的方法,在用于燃料生产的新型酶制剂的开发中发挥着重要作用。本文概述了宏基因组技术的实施策略,总结了包括纤维素酶、蛋白酶、酯酶、脂肪酶等多种酶资源开发的最新研究进展,并综合和讨论了通过酶法将木质纤维素等生物材料有效转化为生物燃料的途径,为新酶的开发提供了新思路。  相似文献   

【背景】温度在塑造大尺度的土壤微生物群落方面发挥了重要作用,但目前针对全球不同温度带大尺度土壤微生物多样性方面的研究十分缺乏。【目的】明确不同温度带大尺度土壤微生物组成和功能的差异变化。【方法】从宏观的角度运用宏基因组技术对不同温度带土壤微生物群落的组成和功能进行分析。【结果】细菌的物种多样性随着温度带纬度的升高而增多,真菌的物种多样性在温带最多,在寒带最小且假丝酵母属(Candida)占绝对优势。3个温度带间除物种多样性存在差异外,微生物群落中物种丰度差异也较大,优势属和特殊属各有不同。其中值得注意的是,假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)的丰度在不同温度带间存在显著差异,且随着温度带纬度的升高而增多,而链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、地嗜皮菌属(Geodermatophilus)、红色杆菌属(Rubrobacter)和小单孢菌属(Micromonospora)的丰度随温度带纬度的升高而降低。在功能方面,发现与翻译后修饰、蛋白质周转、伴侣(posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chap...  相似文献   

人类对自然环境中约99%的微生物不能用传统的方法进行纯培养,对于极端环境中的微生物更是知之甚少.随着宏基因组技术的出现,人们可对选一庞大的未知世界进行多方面研究.目前研究者利用这一技术已经对地球上的多种极端生境进行了研究,并取得了很多新的成就.简要概述这一技术在极端环境未培养微生物研究中的应用.  相似文献   

环境微生物的宏基因组学研究新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙欣  高莹  杨云锋 《生物多样性》2013,21(4):393-400
宏基因组学以环境中微生物的基因组的总和为研究对象,从而规避了传统方法中绝大部分微生物不能培养的缺陷,因此近年来在环境微生物学研究中得到了广泛应用.本文重点介绍了宏基因组学技术中关键的两类技术:即以罗氏454及Illumina为代表的高通量测序技术和以基因芯片(GeoChip)为代表的基因芯片技术在微生物研究中的应用.测序技术可以发现新物种和新基因,但由于测序深度有限,定量性差,不易发现低丰度物种,且易受污染物干扰.芯片技术很好地克服了这些局限,但不易于发现新基因.本文介绍了这些技术近年来在气候变化、水处理工程系统、极端环境、人体肠道、石油污染修复、生物冶金等方面取得的部分代表性成果.在此基础上,对宏基因组技术在环境微生物研究方面的未来发展方向提出了预判和展望.我们认为由于两种技术各自的优缺点,今后将两类技术结合起来的综合研究会越来越多.另外,由于大量数据的处理方法已成为制约宏基因组学发展的瓶颈,相应的生物信息学技术开发将是未来科研的热点和难点.  相似文献   

Culture‐independent high‐throughput sequencing has provided unprecedented insights into microbial ecology, particularly for Earth's most ubiquitous and diverse inhabitants – the viruses. A plethora of methods now exist for amplifying the vanishingly small amounts of nucleic acids in natural viral communities in order to sequence them, and sequencing depth is now so great that viral genomes can be detected and assembled even amid large concentrations of non‐viral DNA. Complementing these advances in amplification and sequencing is the ability to physically link fluorescently labeled viruses to their host cells via high‐throughput flow sorting. Sequencing of such isolated virus–host pairs facilitates cultivation‐independent exploration of the natural host range of viruses. Within the next decade, as these technologies become widespread, we can expect to see a systematic expansion of our knowledge of viruses and their hosts.  相似文献   

East Lake (Lake Donghu), located in Wuhan, China, is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years. Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a large number of viruses. However, little is known about their genetic diversity because of the limited techniques for culturing viruses. In this study, we conducted a viral metagenomic analysis using a high-throughput sequencing technique with samples collected from East Lake in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The libraries from four samples each generated 234,669, 71,837, 12,820, and 34,236 contigs (> 90 bp each), respectively. The genetic structure of the viral community revealed a high genetic diversity covering 23 viral families, with the majority of contigs homologous to DNA viruses, including members of Myoviridae, Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, Phycodnaviridae, and Microviridae, which infect bacteria or algae, and members of Circoviridae, which infect invertebrates and vertebrates. The highest viral genetic diversity occurred in samples collected in August, then December and June, and the least diversity in March. Most contigs have low-sequence identities with known viruses. PCR detection targeting the conserved sequences of genes (g20, psbA, psbD, and DNApol) of cyanophages further confirmed that there are novel cyanophages in the East Lake. Our viral metagenomic data provide the first preliminary understanding of the virome in one freshwater lake in China and would be helpful for novel virus discovery and the control of algal blooming in the future.  相似文献   

With the development of high throughput sequencing and single-cell genomics technologies, many uncultured bacterial communities have been dissected by combining these two techniques. Especially, by simultaneously leveraging of single-cell genomics and metagenomics, researchers can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of obtaining whole genome information from complex microbial communities, which not only allow us to identify microbes but also link function to species, identify subspecies variations, study host-virus interactions and etc. Here, we review recent developments and the challenges need to be addressed in single-cell metagenomics, including potential contamination, uneven sequence coverage, sequence chimera, genome assembly and annotation. With the development of sequencing and computational methods, single-cell metagenomics will undoubtedly broaden its application in various microbiome studies.  相似文献   

陈嘉焕  孙政  王晓君  苏晓泉  宁康 《遗传》2015,37(7):645-654
微生物群落遍布于人体的每个角落,与人共生并对人体健康产生重要和深刻的影响。与人类共生的全部微生物的基因组总和称为“元基因组”或“人类第二基因组”。研究人体微生物群落及相关元基因组数据,对转化医学领域的基础研究和临床应用具有重要的价值。通过对生物医学相关的高通量元基因组数据进行分析,不仅能为基础医学研究向医学临床应用转化提供新思路和新方法,而且具有广阔的应用前景。基于新一代测序技术产生的数据,元基因组分析技术和方法能够弥补以往人体微生物先培养后鉴定方法的缺陷,同时能有效鉴定和分析微生物群落的组成及功能,从而进一步探究和揭示微生物群落与机体生理状态之间的关系,为解决许多医学领域的难题提供了全新的切入角度和思维方法。文章系统介绍了元基因组研究的现状,包括元基因组的方法概念和研究进展,并以元基因组在医学研究中的应用为着眼点,综述了元基因组在转化医学方面的研究进展,进一步阐述了元基因组研究在转化医学应用领域中具有的重要地位。  相似文献   

Elucidating functions of commensal microbial genes in the mammalian gut is challenging because many commensals are recalcitrant to laboratory cultivation and genetic manipulation. We present Temporal FUnctional Metagenomics sequencing (TFUMseq), a platform to functionally mine bacterial genomes for genes that contribute to fitness of commensal bacteria in vivo. Our approach uses metagenomic DNA to construct large‐scale heterologous expression libraries that are tracked over time in vivo by deep sequencing and computational methods. To demonstrate our approach, we built a TFUMseq plasmid library using the gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt) and introduced Escherichia coli carrying this library into germfree mice. Population dynamics of library clones revealed Bt genes conferring significant fitness advantages in E. coli over time, including carbohydrate utilization genes, with a Bt galactokinase central to early colonization, and subsequent dominance by a Bt glycoside hydrolase enabling sucrose metabolism coupled with co‐evolution of the plasmid library and E. coli genome driving increased galactose utilization. Our findings highlight the utility of functional metagenomics for engineering commensal bacteria with improved properties, including expanded colonization capabilities in vivo.  相似文献   

病毒宏基因组学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病毒宏基因组学是一种新的病毒组学研究手段,随着高通量测序技术的飞速发展,人们能够从环境中快速发现、鉴定病毒基因组的组成并研究其特征。在过去的十年里,研究者们运用病毒宏基因组学发现了许多新型病毒,增强了人们对不同环境中病毒组成、分布和多样性的了解。因此,病毒宏基因组学已成为清晰描绘各种特殊环境中病毒图谱、了解自然界中病毒分布动态的有效工具。本文主要从病毒宏基因组的概念、样品前处理和病毒总基因组提取方法、测序技术以及病毒宏基因组的应用和发展前景方面进行概述。  相似文献   

Numerous microbes inhabit the human intestine, many of which are uncharacterized or uncultivable. They form a complex microbial community that deeply affects human physiology. To identify the genomic features common to all human gut microbiomes as well as those variable among them, we performed a large-scale comparative metagenomic analysis of fecal samples from 13 healthy individuals of various ages, including unweaned infants. We found that, while the gut microbiota from unweaned infants were simple and showed a high inter-individual variation in taxonomic and gene composition, those from adults and weaned children were more complex but showed a high functional uniformity regardless of age or sex. In searching for the genes over-represented in gut microbiomes, we identified 237 gene families commonly enriched in adult-type and 136 families in infant-type microbiomes, with a small overlap. An analysis of their predicted functions revealed various strategies employed by each type of microbiota to adapt to its intestinal environment, suggesting that these gene sets encode the core functions of adult and infant-type gut microbiota. By analysing the orphan genes, 647 new gene families were identified to be exclusively present in human intestinal microbiomes. In addition, we discovered a conjugative transposon family explosively amplified in human gut microbiomes, which strongly suggests that the intestine is a 'hot spot' for horizontal gene transfer between microbes.  相似文献   

The spillover of viruses from wildlife into agricultural animals or humans has profound socioeconomic and public health impact. Vampire bats, found throughout South America, feed directly on humans and other animals and are an important reservoir for zoonotic viruses, including rabies virus. This has resulted in considerable effort in understanding both the ecology of bat‐borne viruses and the composition and associated correlates of the structure of entire virus communities in wildlife, particularly in the context of disease control interventions. In a From the Cover article in this issue of Molecular Ecology, Bergner et al. (2019) set out to reveal virus community dynamics in vampire bats by interrogating factors that affect the structure, diversity and richness of these communities. Due to the linkage of metagenomic sequence data with community ecology, this study represents an important advance in the field of virus ecology.  相似文献   

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