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Many pteridophytes are capable of two levels of selling, intra and intergametophytic. Since intragametophytio selling (the origin of both gametes from one gametophyte) results in zygotic homozygosity, this introduces a factor in pteridophyte evolution seldom contemplated. Morphological and genetic techniques are presented which may give an estimate of the frequency of intragametophytic selfing in nature.
Morphological criteria such as the sequence of the development and the spatial arrangement of the gametangia may be indicative of the importance of intragametophytic selfing in the mating system. Estimates of the genetic load (sporophytio lethals) in a population are related to the frequency of the occurrence of intragametophytio selfing.
Onoclea sensibilis L. morphologically has a mating system which gives a low probability of intragametophytio selfing. A genetic load was found in this species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Human-mediated environmental change is increasing selection pressure for the capacity in plants to colonize new areas. Habitat fragmentation combined with climate change, in general, forces species to colonize areas over longer distances. Mating systems and genetic load are important determinants of the establishment and long-term survival of new populations. Here, the mating system of Asplenium scolopendrium, a diploid homosporous fern species, is examined in relation to colonization processes.


A common environment experiment was conducted with 13 pairs of sporophytes, each from a different site. Together they constitute at least nine distinct genotypes, representing an estimated approx. 95 % of the non-private intraspecific genetic variation in Europe. Sporophyte production was recorded for gametophytes derived from each parent sporophyte. Gametophytes were grown in vitro in three different ways: (I) in isolation, (II) with a gametophyte from a different sporophyte within the same site or (III) with a partner from a different site.

Key Results

Sporophyte production was highest in among-site crosses (III), intermediate in within-site crosses (II) and was lowest in isolated gametophytes (I), strongly indicating inbreeding depression. However, intragametophytic selfing was observed in most of the genotypes tested (eight out of nine).


The results imply a mixed mating system in A. scolopendrium, with outcrossing when possible and occasional selfing when needed. Occasional intragametophytic selfing facilitates the successful colonization of new sites from a single spore. The resulting sporophyte, which will be completely homozygous, will shed large amounts of spores over time. Each year this creates a bed of gametophytes in the vicinity of the parent. Any unrelated spore which arrives is then selectively favoured to reproduce and contribute its genes to the new population. Thus, while selfing facilitates initial colonization success, inbreeding depression promotes genetically diverse populations through outcrossing. The results provide further evidence against the overly simple dichotomous distinction of fern species as either selfing or outcrossing.  相似文献   

Intragametophytic selfing is a mode of reproduction occurring in homosporous ferns where two gametes from the same haploid gametophyte form a completely homozygous sporophyte. The inbreeding equilibrium is derived for a population with partial intragametophytic selfing, selfing, and outcrossing. Procedures for directly estimating the extent of intragametophytic selfing and selfing using parent-offspring data are given. The conditions for a stable polymorphism from a heterozygous-advantage fitness model are more restrictive for partial intragametophytic selfing than for selfing. The rate of decay of gametic disequilibrium is slower for partial intragametophytic selfing than for selfing. Based on these findings, one would predict that plants with intragametophytic selfing would have less polymorphism for loci with a heterozygous advantage and more gametic disequilibrium between neutral loci than is expected for populations with an equivalent amount of selfing. Data from several studies are consistent with these predictions.  相似文献   

The effect of culture system and population source on sexual expression and sporophyte production was examined for two invasive fern species in Florida, USA, Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum (Schizaeaceae). Both species are currently spreading through Florida. Long-distance dispersal of ferns is thought to rely on successful intragametophytic selfing. Given the rate of spread observed in both Lygodium species, we hypothesized that both species are capable of intragametophytic selfing. To test this hypothesis, gametophytes of both species were grown in vitro as isolates, pairs, and groups. Both species were capable of intragametophytic selfing; 78% of L. microphyllum isolates produced sporophytes and over 90% of the L. japonicum isolates produced sporophytes. Lygodium microphyllum also displayed the ability to reproduce via intergametophytic crossing, facilitated by an antheridiogen pheromone. Sporophyte production was rapid across mating systems for both species, an advantage in Florida's wet and dry seasonal cycles. The high intragametophytic selfing rate achieved by both species has likely facilitated their ability to colonize and spread through Florida. The mixed mating system observed in L. microphyllum appears to give this species the ability to invade distant habitats and then adapt to local conditions.  相似文献   

An allozyme examination was conducted to study the mating systems and genetic differentiation of populations of Equisetum arvense and E. hyemale. The study revealed that the rate of intragametophytic selfing in these homosporous pteridophytes is very low, i.e., on average 0.020 and 0.019, respectively, despite the potential hermaproditism and selfing of the gametophytes. Most populations consisted of numerous genotypes, and the average heterozygosities of E. arvense and E. hyemale equalled 0.092 and 0.134, respectively. The commonly observed excess of the heterozygote genotypes indicates that there are interclonal differences in the frequency of vegetative reproduction. The level of genetic divergence among populations was considerable even within a limited geographic area. It is suggested that the life history of Equisetum, characterized by the inefficiency of spore germination and gametophyte reproduction in noncolonizing situations, limits the level of gene flow and leads to a great genetic divergence between populations.  相似文献   

Four diploid plants and four tetraploid plants ofPhegopteris decursive-pinnata were investigated for determination of the reproductive characteristics of their gametophytes and two major features were recognized. First, gametophytes of the diploids showed an ontogenetic sequence of gametangium formation which is unfavorable for intragametophytic selfing, whereas those of the tetraploids showed that favorable for intragametophytic selfing. Second, 41 to 72% of the isolated gametophytes of the diploids produced sporophytes in the intragmetophytic selfing tests, whereas all of the isolated gametrophytes of the tetraploids produced sporophytes in the tests. Based on these developmental and genetic features of gametophytes, the dissimilar mating systems of the diploids and the tetraploids of this species are discussed.  相似文献   

The models of Lande and Schemske predict that among species in which the selfing rate is largely under genetic control and not subject to tremendous environmental variation, the distribution of selfing rates should be bimodal. When this prediction was tested empirically using data from the literature for species of angiosperms and gymnosperms, the distribution of outcrossing rates for all species was clearly bimodal. To provide another empirical test of the prediction, we analyzed mating-system data for 20 species of Pteridophyta (ferns). Homosporous ferns and their allies are unique among vascular plants because three types of mating are possible: intragametophytic selfing (selfing of an individual gametophyte); intergametophytic selfing (analogous to selfing in seed plants); and intergametophytic crossing (analogous to outcrossing in seed plants). The distribution of intragametophytic selfing rates among species of homosporous ferns is clearly uneven. Most species of homosporous ferns would be classified as extreme outcrossers. In contrast, a few species are nearly exclusively inbreeding. In only a few populations of Dryopteris expansa and Hemionitis palmata and a single population of Blechnum spicant do we see convincing evidence of a mixed mating system. The uneven distribution of selfing rates we observed for homosporous ferns, coupled with a corresponding bimodality of the magnitude of genetic load, strongly supports the model.  相似文献   

Epiphytes are ecologically important components of tropical forests worldwide and yet they have been underrepresented in studies of reproductive biology. Given the presumed ephemeral nature of their substrates, and the importance of dispersal and colonization, epiphytes might be expected to undergo substantial inbreeding to ensure reproductive success, as in weedy terrestrial plants. While there is some evidence for inbreeding in epiphytic angiosperms, the only previous studies of fern epiphytes indicate that they are predominantly outcrossing. The present study reports on the genetic diversity and breeding system of six members of the Neotropical epiphytic fern genus Pleopeltis (Polypodiaceae). A survey of isozyme variability using starch gel electrophoresis revealed high population levels of polymorphism (P = 0.62), allelic diversity (A = 2.3), and individual heterozygosity (Ho = 0.181), but little differentiation among conspecific populations (I 3 0.98; Gst = 0.048), and high interpopulational gene flow rates (Nm > 1). In addition, there was no indication of homozygote excess within populations that might indicate a history of selfing in these ferns: populations generally conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expected genotype frequencies, and both Wright's inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and Holsinger's intragametophytic selfing rates approached zero. Possible mechanisms limiting inbreeding in these ferns include antheridiogen activity and high levels of genetic load that would lead to inbreeding depression upon selfing.  相似文献   

Gametophytes ofDryopteries filix-mas (L.) Schott were grown as isolates and as pairs of related and unrelated individuals. Reproductive efforts were generally highest among isolates, which reproduce by intragametophytic selfing only. Reproductive success ofD. filixmas may depend on the abundance of resources rather than the actual mating system employed. The estimates of the amount of genetic load for the two populations examined were low, 10% and 16%, respectively. The great numbers and the high viability of sporophytes produced by intragametophytic selfing indicate thatD. filix-mas does not experience serious inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Reproductive Biology of the Pteridophyta   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Because of the homothallic nature of many pteridophytes, two categories of mating are possible: intragametophytic selling (the origin of both gametes from a single gametophyte) and inter-gametophytic mating (the origin of each gamete from a different gametophyte).Various morphological and genetical criteria (placement of the gametangia on the thallus, their sequence of ontogeny, the capacity for simple polyembryony and genetic self-incompatibility) can be used to indicate the relative probability of intragametophytic selfing or intergametophytic mating. Only the former has genetic significance (i.e.complete homozygosity); if the latter is evidenced, then detailed studies of population variability are required to ascertain the breeding system.
Three types of reproductive systems involve the gametophyte generation: intragametophytic selfing, intergametophytic mating and apogamy. Apogamy generally offers the shortest gametophyte generation and the least evolutionary potential, intergametophytic mating systems generally have the longest gametophyte generation and the greatest evolutionary potential, and intragametophytic mating systems are intermediate in both respectS. It is envisioned that the interaction between gametophyte ecology and evolutionary potential is important in the evolution of a taxon's reproductive system.  相似文献   

Because of the homothallic nature of many pteridophytes, two categories of mating are possible: intragametophytic selling (the origin of both gametes from a single gametophyte) and inter-gametophytic mating (the origin of each gamete from a different gametophyte).Various morphological and genetical criteria (placement of the gametangia on the thallus, their sequence of ontogeny, the capacity for simple polyembryony and genetic self-incompatibility) can be used to indicate the relative probability of intragametophytic selfing or intergametophytic mating. Only the former has genetic significance (i.e.complete homozygosity); if the latter is evidenced, then detailed studies of population variability are required to ascertain the breeding system. Three types of reproductive systems involve the gametophyte generation: intragametophytic selfing, intergametophytic mating and apogamy. Apogamy generally offers the shortest gametophyte generation and the least evolutionary potential, intergametophytic mating systems generally have the longest gametophyte generation and the greatest evolutionary potential, and intragametophytic mating systems are intermediate in both respectS. It is envisioned that the interaction between gametophyte ecology and evolutionary potential is important in the evolution of a taxon's reproductive system.  相似文献   

Ceratopteris pteridoides is an inbreeding species. Intralocus homozygosity is deduced from the almost total absence of genetic load (recessive deleterious and lethal genes) in sporophytes from natural populations, and from gametangial sequences which indicate intragametophytic selfing. This mating system and the profound capacity of the species for vegetative reproduction, coupled with the small size and geographical isolation of many populations, strongly support the hypothesis of individual homozygosity. However, polymorphism is exhibited both within and between populations in specific, genetically mediated, gametophytic characteristics. The population genetic structure of C. pteridoides is similar to other inbreeding species.  相似文献   

It has been revealed that gametophytes of diploid plants ofPhegopteris decursive-pinnata have a low capability for intragametophytic selfing (Masuyama, 1979). In the present study, intergametophytic mating tests were conducted for the self-sterile gametophytes of four diploids to demonstrate the genetic factors responsible for such a low capability for selfing. The results of the tests indicated that the gametophytes carried two or more kinds of recessive embryonic lethal factors which were non-allelic with each other and that the occurrence frequency of the gametophytes with an identical recessive lethal factor was 13% to 27% in the gametophyte families of these four diploids The karyological study of a diploid sporophyte suggested not the tetraploid but the diploid constitution of somatic chromosomes. Based on these data, the diploid inheritance of two or three special deleterious genes with a synergistic interaction responsible for the embryonic lethality was hypothesized to elucidate the self-sterility in the diploids of this species.  相似文献   


Erratic boulders provide habitat for rock-dwelling species and contribute to the biodiversity of landscapes. In the calcareous Swiss lowlands, siliceous erratic boulders are exclusive habitat islands for the regionally critically endangered fern Asplenium septentrionale, about 20 bryophyte species and numerous lichens. Focusing on island biogeographical processes, we analysed the conservation genomics of A. septentrionale and the moss Hedwigia ciliata on insular erratic boulders in the Swiss lowlands and the adjacent “mainland” in siliceous mountains. We genotyped both species using double digest restriction associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD). For the tetraploid A. septentrionale, abundant identical multilocus genotypes within populations suggested prevalent intragametophytic selfing, and six out of eight boulder populations consisting of a single multilocus genotype each indicated single spore founder events. The genetic structure of A. septentrionale mainland populations coincided with Pleistocene glacial refugia. Four genetic lineages of H. ciliata were identified, and populations consisting of a single multilocus genotype were less common than in A. septentrionale. For both taxa, multilocus genotype diversity on boulders was lower than in mainland populations. The absence of common genetic groups among boulder populations, and the absence of isolation by distance patterns, suggested colonisation of boulders through independent long-distance dispersal events. Successful boulder colonisation of A. septentrionale seems to be rare, while colonisation by H. ciliata appears to be more frequent. We conclude that pivotal principles of conservation biology, such as connectivity and genetic diversity, are of less importance for the studied cryptogams on insular erratic boulders because of long-distance dispersal, intragametophytic selfing and polyploidy.


Homosporous pteridophytes are characterized by the production of free-living, potentially bisexual gametophytes. Because of the close proximity of archegonia and antheridia on the same thallus, it has been assumed that high rates of intragametophytic self-fertilization would predominate in natural populations of homosporous pteridophytes. Using enzyme electrophoresis we determined sporophytic genotype frequencies for natural populations of three lycopod species, Lycopodium clavatum, L. annotinum, and Huperzia miyoshiana. Based on these genotype frequencies and the estimation procedures of Holsinger (1987), the estimated rates of intragametophytic selfing in these species are extremely low. Estimated selfing rates were greater than 0.000 in only two of 13 populations of L. clavatum, one of six populations of L. annotinum, and one of four populations of H. miyoshiana. Despite the potential for intragametophytic self-fertilization, the gametophytes of these three lycopod species predominantly cross-fertilize, although the mechanism(s) promoting intergametophytic matings are unknown. These results are similar to those obtained for homosporous ferns and Equisetum arvense. It is therefore clear that most homosporous pteridophyte species investigated do not exhibit high rates of intragametophytic self-fertilization; in contrast, intergametophytic matings predominate.  相似文献   

Unisexual female and male and bisexual gametophytes were experimentally induced inLygodium japonicum. A single bisexual gametophyte was isolated in a dish and a female gametophyte was paired with a male one to allow intragametophytic selfing and intergametophytic mating, respectively. About 30% of the females formed sporophytes but no bisexual gametophytes formed them.  相似文献   

Mating systems are among the most labile characteristics of flowering plants, with transitions frequently occurring among populations or in association with speciation. The frequency of mating system shifts has made it difficult to reconstruct historical evolutionary dynamics unless transitions have been very recent. Here, we examine molecular and phenotypic variation to determine the polarity, timescale, and causes of a transition between outcrossing and self-fertilization in sister subspecies of Clarkia xantiana. Phylogenetic analyses and coalescent-based estimates of the time to most recent common ancestor indicated that outcrossing is ancestral to selfing and that there has been a single origin of selfing. Estimates of divergence time between outcrossing and selfing subspecies were 10,000 (95% CI [credible interval]: 3169-66,889) and 65,000 years ago (95% CI: 33,035-151,448) based on two different methods, suggesting a recent and rapid evolutionary transition. Population genetic data indicated that the transition to selfing was associated with a 80% reduction in molecular diversity, which is much greater than the 50% reduction expected under a shift from obligate outcrossing to obligate self-fertilization alone. Our data also suggest that this severe loss of diversity was caused by colonization bottlenecks. Together with previous studies, evidence for reproductive assurance in C. xantiana now connects variation in plant-pollinator interactions in the field to phenotypic and molecular evolution.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate that, by investigating polyploid complexes in Asplenium, it is possible to locate the areas in Europe that are southern glacial rcfugia, and arc likely to have been so since the beginning of the Pleistocene during the consecutive cold and warm periods in Europe. Identification and conservation of these specific areas that serve as safe havens for plants, and perhaps animals, is of paramount importance for the maintenance of European biodiversity because Man's activities arc resulting in an ever-increasing loss of natural habitats and putting diversity at risk. The genus Asplenium in Europe comprises some 50 taxa: half of these are diploid while the other half arc polyploids derived from the diploids. All aspleniums in Europe are (small) rock ferns with high substrate specificity. Today, most of mainland Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isles has been colonized by polyploid Asplenium species, while the diploids that gave rise to these polyploids are distributed around (and more or less confined to) the Mediterranean Basin. In the tetraploids genetic variation is partitioned mostly between sites, whereas diploids show a high degree of genetic variation both within and between sites. The tctraploid taxa seem capable of single spore colonization via intragametophytic selfing, but the diploid taxa appear to be predominantly outbreeding. For most diploids at least two gametophytes, produced by different spores, have to be present to achieve fertilization and subsequent sporophyte formation for the successful colonization of a new site. This results in a slower rate of colonization. The formation of auto- and allopolyploid taxa from diploid communities appears to have been a recurrent and common feature in Europe. Minority cytotypc exclusion is likely to prevent the establishment of tetraploids within the diploid communities, but spores from tetraploids can establish populations outside the diploid communities. The differences between colonization abilities of tctraploid and ancestral diploid taxa, resulting from their different breeding systems, has prevented the merging and mingling of their ranges and led to the establishment of contact/ hybrid zones. This has resulted in the restriction of diploid populations to ancient glacial rcfugia and the colonization of the rest of Europe by polyploids. Mapping the current distribution of these diploid communities and comparing the genetic diversity within and between outbreeding diploid Asplenium taxa allows us to define the area, age and historical biogcography of these rcfugia and to assess their importance for present day genetic and species diversity in Europe.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure was examined in five populations of the xerically adapted homosporous fern Cheilanthes gracillima. F statistics using allozymic data indicated substantial genetic structure in all populations. To determine the factors responsible for genetic structure, we calculated levels of intragametophytic selfing and the fixation index for each subpopulation of each population and estimated levels of intrapopulational gene flow in each population. These analyses indicated that each subpopulation was a panmictic unit; thus, population genetic structure is not due to family structure, arising via matings between relatives. Intrapopulational gene flow was surprisingly low, given the typically high dispersibility of fern spores. However, it seems unlikely that spore dispersal in C. gracillima is significantly reduced relative to other homosporous ferns. Instead, we propose that the low rates of intrapopulational gene flow reflect limited availability of safesites for spore germination and gametophyte establishment. This ecological factor may play a primary role in generating and/or maintaining population genetic structure in C. gracillima.  相似文献   

The transition from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization is one of the most common evolutionary transitions in flowering plants. This shift is often accompanied by a suite of changes in floral and reproductive characters termed the selfing syndrome. Here, we characterize the genetic architecture and evolutionary forces underlying evolution of the selfing syndrome in Capsella rubella following its recent divergence from the outcrossing ancestor C. grandiflora. We conduct genotyping by multiplexed shotgun sequencing and map floral and reproductive traits in a large (N= 550) F2 population. Our results suggest that in contrast to previous studies of the selfing syndrome, changes at a few loci, some with major effects, have shaped the evolution of the selfing syndrome in Capsella. The directionality of QTL effects, as well as population genetic patterns of polymorphism and divergence at 318 loci, is consistent with a history of directional selection on the selfing syndrome. Our study is an important step toward characterizing the genetic basis and evolutionary forces underlying the evolution of the selfing syndrome in a genetically accessible model system.  相似文献   

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