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Risk perceptions are important in HIV research and interventions; mixed results were found between HIV-related perceptions and behaviors. We interviewed 377 sexually active injecting drug users in China, finding mixed associations between HIV-related risk perception assessed by two general measures and two previous risk behaviors (syringe sharing: p<.05; unprotected sex: p>.05) – partially supporting the ‘reflective hypothesis’ that reflection on previous behaviors increases risk perceptions. When we use specific measures for risk perceptions (HIV transmission via unprotected sex with specific types of sex partner and via syringe sharing) and use behavioral intention to adopt protective risk behaviors (condom use and avoid syringe sharing totally) as dependent variables, positive significant associations were observed – supporting the motivational hypothesis that risk perceptions motivate one to adopt protective behaviors. The direction and significance of the associations of concern depends on types of measures used. It has important implications on research design, data interpretation and services.  相似文献   

Limited dispersal is commonly used to explain differences in diversification rates. An obvious but unexplored factor affecting dispersal is the mode of locomotion used by animals. Whether individuals walk, swim or fly can dictate the type and severity of geographical barriers to dispersal, and determine the general range over which genetic differentiation might occur. We collated information on locomotion mode and genetic differentiation (FST) among vertebrate populations from over 400 published articles. Our results showed that vertebrate species that walk tend to have higher genetic differentiation among populations than species that swim or fly. Within species that swim, vertebrates in freshwater systems have higher genetic differentiation than those in marine systems, which is consistent with the higher number of species in freshwater environments. These results show that locomotion mode can impact gene flow among populations, supporting at a broad‐scale what has previously been proposed at smaller taxonomical scales.  相似文献   

That commensal bacteria play an important role in human health is beyond doubt, and it is now widely accepted that humans function as super organisms, whose collective metabolic potential exceeds the sum of our individual eukaryotic and prokaryotic components. However, while it is has been established that the prokaryotic component of the human superorganism is amenable to manipulation by chemotherapeutic, dietary or microbial interventions, the significance of such alterations in terms of human health or well being is less well established. Prebiotics (non- digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system) and probiotics (live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host) are often bracketed among 'alternative' approaches to influencing human health, such as homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Others believe that prebiotics and probiotics have proven their effectiveness in properly conducted, clinically controlled human trials and therefore can be considered as evidence-based alternatives or adjuncts to conventional medicines. My journey from a position of total skepticism to 'reluctant convert' is the basis of this article, which should not be considered in any sense as a review of the literature but simply a personal account of this transition. While I am not bent on converting other doubters, I will recount some of the thought processes and evidence that has helped to form my current opinion.  相似文献   

Extreme weather events such as heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense. Populations can cope with elevated heat stress by evolving higher basal heat tolerance (evolutionary response) and/or stronger induced heat tolerance (plastic response). However, there is ongoing debate about whether basal and induced heat tolerance are negatively correlated and whether adaptive potential in heat tolerance is sufficient under ongoing climate warming. To evaluate the evolutionary potential of basal and induced heat tolerance, we performed experimental evolution on a temperate source population of the dung fly Sepsis punctum. Offspring of flies adapted to three thermal selection regimes (Hot, Cold and Reference) were subjected to acute heat stress after having been exposed to either a hot‐acclimation or non‐acclimation pretreatment. As different traits may respond differently to temperature stress, several physiological and life history traits were assessed. Condition dependence of the response was evaluated by exposing juveniles to different levels of developmental (food restriction/rearing density) stress. Heat knockdown times were highest, whereas acclimation effects were lowest in the Hot selection regime, indicating a negative association between basal and induced heat tolerance. However, survival, adult longevity, fecundity and fertility did not show such a pattern. Acclimation had positive effects in heat‐shocked flies, but in the absence of heat stress hot‐acclimated flies had reduced life spans relative to non‐acclimated ones, thereby revealing a potential cost of acclimation. Moreover, body size positively affected heat tolerance and unstressed individuals were less prone to heat stress than stressed flies, offering support for energetic costs associated with heat tolerance. Overall, our results indicate that heat tolerance of temperate insects can evolve under rising temperatures, but this response could be limited by a negative relationship between basal and induced thermotolerance, and may involve some but not other fitness‐related traits.  相似文献   

Angelman Syndrome (AS, MIM 105830), classified among neurogenetic disorders, occurs with estimated frequency of 1:10 000 to 1:40 000. The characteristics features apart from neurodevelopmental impairment and seizures include peculiar face traits, absent speech, outburst of laughter, ataxia, stereotyped jerky (puppet-like) movements. The authors report three children with Angelman syndrome who were also diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

It remains controversial why mitochondria and chloroplasts retain the genes encoding a small subset of their constituent proteins, despite the transfer of so many other genes to the nucleus. Two candidate obstacles to gene transfer, suggested long ago, are that the genetic code of some mitochondrial genomes differs from the standard nuclear code, such that a transferred gene would encode an incorrect amino acid sequence, and that the proteins most frequently encoded in mitochondria are generally very hydrophobic, which may impede their import after synthesis in the cytosol. More recently it has been suggested that both these interpretations suffer from serious "false positives" and "false negatives": genes that they predict should be readily transferred but which have never (or seldom) been, and genes whose transfer has occurred often or early, even though this is predicted to be very difficult. Here I consider the full known range of ostensibly problematic such genes, with particular reference to the sequences of events that could have led to their present location. I show that this detailed analysis of these cases reveals that they are in fact wholly consistent with the hypothesis that code disparity and hydrophobicity are much more powerful barriers to functional gene transfer than any other. The popularity of the contrary view has led to the search for other barriers that might retain genes in organelles even more powerfully than code disparity or hydrophobicity; one proposal, concerning the role of proteins in redox processes, has received widespread support. I conclude that this abandonment of the original explanations for the retention of organellar genomes has been premature. Several other, relatively minor, obstacles to gene transfer certainly exist, contributing to the retention of relatively many organellar genes in most lineages compared to animal mtDNA, but there is no evidence for obstacles as severe as code disparity or hydrophobicity. One corollary of this conclusion is that there is currently no reason to suppose that engineering nuclear versions of the remaining mammalian mitochondrial genes, a feat that may have widespread biomedical relevance, should require anything other than sequence alterations obviating code disparity and causing modest reductions in hydrophobicity without loss of enzymatic function.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between traits may cause correlated responses to selection. Previous models described the conditions under which genetic correlations are expected to be maintained. Selection, mutation, and migration are all proposed to affect genetic correlations, regardless of whether the underlying genetic architecture consists of pleiotropic or tightly linked loci affecting the traits. Here, we investigate the conditions under which pleiotropy and linkage have different effects on the genetic correlations between traits by explicitly modeling multiple genetic architectures to look at the effects of selection strength, degree of correlational selection, mutation rate, mutational variance, recombination rate, and migration rate. We show that at mutation-selection(-migration) balance, mutation rates differentially affect the equilibrium levels of genetic correlation when architectures are composed of pairs of physically linked loci compared to architectures of pleiotropic loci. Even when there is perfect linkage (no recombination within pairs of linked loci), a lower genetic correlation is maintained than with pleiotropy, with a lower mutation rate leading to a larger decrease. These results imply that the detection of causal loci in multitrait association studies will be affected by the type of underlying architectures, whereby pleiotropic variants are more likely to be underlying multiple detected associations. We also confirm that tighter linkage between nonpleiotropic causal loci maintains higher genetic correlations at the traits and leads to a greater proportion of false positives in association analyses.  相似文献   

The motility status of Xenopus laevis spermatozoa does not affect their respiration rate. Oxygen consumption for 109 spermatozoa is approximately 0.4 μmol/minute. Oxygen consumption is not increased by gramicidin D, an uncoupler, and it is not blocked by KCN or NaN3. The adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content of spermatozoa that have been activated is definitely less than that in the spermatozoa that remained immotile. Incubation in KCN, NaN3, and gramicidin decreases the ATP content and impairs motility. The conclusions of the present study are that in Xenopus spermatozoa motility and oxygen consumption are not correlated, and the composition of the respiratory chain of these spermatozoa presents noteworthy peculiarities.  相似文献   

Pereira MS  Melo FR  Mourão PA 《Glycobiology》2002,12(10):573-580
We attempted to identify the specific structural features in sulfated galactans and sulfated fucans that confer anticoagulant activity. For this study we employed a variety of invertebrate polysaccharides with simple structures composed of well-defined units of oligosaccharides. Our results indicate that a 2-O-sulfated, 3-linked alpha-L-galactan, but not a alpha-L-fucan with a similar molecular size, is a potent thrombin inhibitor mediated by antithrombin or heparin cofactor II. The difference between the activities of these two polysaccharides is not very pronounced when factor Xa replaced thrombin. The occurrence of 2,4-di-O-sulfated units is an amplifying motif for 3-linked alpha-fucan-enhanced thrombin inhibition by antithrombin. If we replace antithrombin by heparin cofactor II, then the major structural requirement for the activity becomes single 4-O-sulfated fucose units. The presence of 2-O-sulfated fucose residues always had a deleterious effect on anticoagulant activity. Overall, our results indicate that the structural requirements for interaction of sulfated galactans and sulfated fucans with coagulation cofactors and their target proteases are stereospecific and not merely a consequence of their charge density and sulfate content.  相似文献   

Hormones underlie the decision of assuming a territorial or a nonterritorial role, with territorial individuals usually having higher hormonal levels than nonterritorial individuals. As a territorial status is linked to higher mating opportunities, it is unclear why animals do not keep high hormonal levels and one explanation is that this would imply survival costs. We have tested this using males of the territorial damselfly Argia emma in the field. We increased juvenile hormone (JH) levels using methoprene in both territorial and nonterritorial males and predicted that: (i) males will keep (the case of territorial males) or become (the case of nonterritorial males) territorial after hormonal increase, and (ii) there will be an increase in mating success for nonterritorial males only and an impaired survival for both male tactics. Hormonally treated males remained or became territorial but had their survival impaired compared with control groups. Also, hormonally treated, ex‐nonterritorial males increased their mating success compared with the other control, nonterritorial males. The reduced survival can be explained proximally by the energy devoted either to the enhanced aggression showed during territory defence or immune function (as detected previously in damselflies). Although nonterritorial males may increase their mating success by switching to a territorial tactic, they are possibly unable to do it naturally as JH is dietary dependent and usually nonterritorial animals are in poorer condition than territorial animals.  相似文献   

Within last 15 years, analyzing patterns of etiology and resistance in organisms causing neuroinfections, emergence of resistance has been observed in Slovakia in S. haemolyticus to teicoplanin (11%), Ps. aeruginosa and A. baumannii to meropenem (20%) and Candida spp. (non-albicans Candida spp.) to fluconazol (20%). There are no new antibiotics against carbapenem resistant Ps. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii.  相似文献   

Heightened interest in the evolutionary problems of developmental biology in the 1980s was due to the success of molecular genetics and disappointment in the synthetic theory of evolution, where the chapters of embryology and developmental biology seem to have been left out. Modern evo-devo, which turned out to be antipodean to the methodology of the synthetic theory of evolution, propagandized in the development of evolutionary problems only the mechanical and molecular genetic approach to the evolution of ontogenesis, based on cellular and intercellular interactions. The phonotypical approach to the evaluation of evolutionary occurrences in ontogenesis, which aids in the joining of the genetic and epigenetic levels of research, the theory of natural selection, the nomogenetic conception, and the problem of the wholeness of the organism in onto- and phylogenesis may be against this. The phenotypic approach to ontogenesis is methodologically the most perspective for evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   

Schmorl's nodes are depressions on vertebrae due to herniation of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc into the vertebral body. This study provides an extension of our previous study which analyzed the shape of the lower thoracic spine and found that vertebral morphology was associated with the presence of Schmorl's nodes. Ninety adult individuals from the late Medieval site of Fishergate House, York, and the Post‐Medieval site of Coach Lane, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, England, were analysed using 2D geometric morphometrics to identify possible relationships between vertebral morphology and Schmorl's nodes at the thoraco‐lumbar junction and in the lumbar spine. A significant correlation was found between vertebral shape and the presence of Schmorl's nodes in the twelfth thoracic vertebrae and the first to third lumbar vertebrae. The findings corroborate previous studies and suggest that vertebral shape may be an important factor in spinal health. It is hypothesized that the pedicle shape of affected vertebrae may not provide adequate structural support for the vertebral bodies, resulting in vertical disc herniation. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:526–534, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Blue tits Parus caeruleus breeding in deciduous or in evergreen woodlands on the mainland of Europe start to lay 3–4 weeks earlier than Blue Tits on the island of Corsica breeding in evergreen woodlands. A similar difference in average laying date between the two Blue Tit populations has been found in a relatively small sample of captive birds held in outdoor aviaries on the mainland. To provide data on the habitat contrast in Corsica for comparison with that on the mainland, a new study area was started in one of the few deciduous woodlands on Corsica. In addition, new data on laying dates of captive Blue Tits were gathered to increase the sample size of independent pairs in aviaries. This study shows that the habitat effect (deciduous ν evergreen woodland) on the average laying date of Blue Tits is relatively small in comparison with the geography effect (European mainland ν Corsica). The laying date differences between mainland and insular Blue Tits persisted whatever the type of habitat (deciduous, evergreen or outdoor aviaries on the mainland). The data support the hypothesis that the observed differences in the onset of laying between the mainland and insular Blue Tits were mainly influenced by genetic effects and relatively little by non-genetic maternal effects of by genotype—environment interactions.  相似文献   

The influence of work intensity and duration on the white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (L) and platelet (P) count response to exercise was studied in 16 trained subjects (22 +/- 5.4 years, means +/- SD). They performed three cyclo-ergospirometric protocols: A) 10 min at 150 W followed by a progressive test (30 W/3 min) till exhaustion; B) constant maximal work (VO2max); C) a 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET), (n = 5). Arterial blood samples were taken: at rest, submaximal and maximal exercise in A; maximal exercise in B; 15th, 30th and 45th min in the SWEET. Lactate, [H+], PaCO2, PaO2, [Hct], Hb, cortisol, ACTH, total platelet volume (TPV), total blood red cell (RBC), WBC, L and P were measured. At 150 W, WBC, L, P, and TPV increased. VO2max did not differ between A and B, but a difference was found in total exercise time (A = 25 +/- 3 min; B = 7 +/- 2 min, p less than 0.001). In A, at VO2max, the increase was very small for Hct, [Hb], and RBC (10%), in contrast with large changes for WBC (+93%), L (+137%), P (+32%), TPV (+35%), [H+] (+39%), lactate (+715%), and ACTH (+95%). At VO2max there were no differences in these variables between A and B. During the SWEET: WBC, L, P, TPV and ACTH increased at the 15th min as much as in VO2max, but no difference was observed between the 15th, 30th and 45th min, except for ACTH which continued to rise; the lactate increase during the SWEET was about half (+341%) the value observed at VO2max, and [H+] did not vary with respect to values at rest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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