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Summary The growth of Frankia isolates was monitored by dry weight, total protein and total ATP measurements under different temperature and pH regimes. Significant correlations (P<0.01) were found among all growth measures which meant that similar general conclusions were reached irrespective of the study method involved. The assessment of protein was the method of choice for regular assessments of Frankia growth due to its facility and relatively high sensitivity. The optimum temperature for growth of isolate LDAgp1 and AvcI1 was about 30°C while for CpI1 it lay between 30° and 35°C. No growth was observed at 40°C but some growth was observed at 10°C with isolate CpI1 and LDAgp1 over an extended growth period of 39 days. The range of pH favouring growth lay between 6 and 8. The optimum for LDAgp1 lay between 6.5 and 7, that for AvcI1 and CpI1 is close to 6.5. The pH response was medium dependent. Increases in biomass were observed for some isolates at 4.6 and above 8.0 on some media.  相似文献   

Wheeler  C. T.  McLaughlin  M. E.  Steele  P. 《Plant and Soil》1981,61(1-2):169-188
Summary Alnus glutinosa andAlnus rubra growing in the field in Scotland show specific nitrogenase activities of the same order of magnitude. The period of maximum potential nitrogenase activity coincides with that of maximum growth in late Spring and Summer. It is suggested that the retention of nitrogenase activity into the Autumn when growth has virtually ceased may be important as a contribution to the nitrogenous reserves of the tree.Bioassay of different Scottish soils, all collected from the locality of natural stands ofAlnus glutinosa, showed wide variation in the nodulation of seedlings, although generally a soil poor for nodulation ofAlnus glutinosa generally gave poor nodulation ofAlnus rubra. Soils of pH 4.5 to 6.5, best suited for growth and nitrogen fixation of the two species, often gave nodules showing highest specific nitrogen fixing activity. Young (2 to 3 year old) plants in glasshouse or controlled environment cabinet, inoculated withAlnus glutinosa endophyte, differed from mature field grown plants, however, sinceAlnus rubra required a much larger (up to 2.5 times) mass of root nodules to fix a unit quantity of N. Microscopic comparison of the nodules of glasshouse plants showed that the proportion of cells containing the vesicular (nitrogen fixing) form of the endophyte was only slightly lower inAlnus rubra than inAlnus glutinosa and it is suggested that the differences in specific nitrogen fixing activity between the two species may reflect some incompatibility of function of theAlnus glutinosa endophyte when in symbiosis withAlnus rubra.  相似文献   

Summary Alnus species are used widely in Britain for land reclamation, forestry and other purposes. Rapid juvenile growth of the AmericanAlnus rubra makes it an attractive species for planting on N-deficient soils, particularly those of low organic content. In small plot trials, this species is nodulated by indigenous soil frankiae as effectively asAlnus glutinosa. Over a three year period both species return similar amounts of N to the ecosystem, estimated at up to 10–12 kg N ha–1. Several strains ofFrankia have been isolated from local (Lennox Forest)A. rubra nodules. These differ morphologically and in their growth on different culture media, both from each other and fromA. glutinosa nodule isolates. AllAlnus isolates, however, have a total cellular fatty acid composition qualitatively similar to some other Group B frankiae. Glasshouse tests in N free culture suggest thatA. rubra nodules formed after inoculation of seedlings with American spore (–) isolates are three times more effective in N fixation than those inoculated with LennoxA. rubra spore (+) nodule homogenates. By contrast, the early growth of seedlings inoculated with spore (–)Frankia strains suggests at best a 35% improvement in N fixing activity over seedlings inoculated with LennoxA. rubra nodule isolates. Nevertheless, this improvement in activity, together with the better performance of seedlings inoculated with isolates compared with those treated with crushed nodule preparations, suggest that it would be worthwhile commercially to inoculate nursery stock with a spore (–)Frankia strain.  相似文献   

A critical review is given about the isolation and cultivation methods of Frankia species fromAlnus glutinosa root-nodules. The best results so far are obtained with a combination of sucrose (60% w/v)-sedimentation of root-nodule homogenate and subsequent suspension in the top-layer of a doubleagar layer system. The top-layer needs to contain a suitable C-source, in this study often a lipid factor from an alcoholic root-extract and an organic N-source.The isolation and cultivation of Sp(–) and Sp(+) strains fromAlnus glutinosa root nodules and a Frankia from the root-nodules ofMyrica gale is reported. The regular observation of growing colonies appears to be very important for the interpretation of results. The latter was illustrated by the remarkable diauxic growth of the strains isolated fromAlnus glutinosa Sp(+) root nodules.  相似文献   

Wheeler  C. T.  Hughes  L. T.  Oldroyd  J.  Pulford  I. D. 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):81-90
The tolerance of nickel by Frankia in culture and in symbiosis with Alnus was determined. Yield of three Frankia strains was not affected significantly by 2.25 mM nickel when cultured in propionate medium containing hydolysed casein as nitrogen source. Yield of two strains in medium without combined nitrogen, and thus reliant on fixed nitrogen, was stimulated markedly by the same nickel concentration. Utilisation of nickel for synthesis of uptake hydrogenases is presumed to be the cause of enhanced nitrogenase activity.Although growth was reduced, treatment of 2-month-old seedlings with 0.025 mM nickel for 4 weeks did not affect nodulation significantly while nitrogenase activity was doubled. Nodulation and nitrogenase activity of seedlings receiving 0.075 mM nickel were inhibited markedly, while 0.5 mM nickel was lethal to all seedlings after 4 weeks of treatment. A few small, ineffective nodules were initiated early on some of the latter seedlings, suggesting that effects of nickel on host plant processes rather than Frankia are the primary cause of inhibition of nodulation. This interpretation is supported by the retention of substantial nitrogenase activity in 10-month-old plants 1 day after the treatment with 0.59 mM nickel, when the nickel content of roots and nodules was already maximal. No nitrogenase activity was detected after 3 days, by which time the leaves were almost completely necrotic. Over a 4 day period, most nickel was retained in the roots and nodules. Supplying histidine simultaneously at concentrations equal to, or in excess of, nickel prevented wilting and leaf necrosis, but did not increase translocation of nickel to the shoot.  相似文献   

Expression of Frankia genes involved in nitrogen fixation was studied in Alnus glutinosa nodules using the in situ hybridization technique. The results show that high level expression of nif genes does not occur immediately upon infection of cortical cells by Frankia. Also, only in the infected cells near the tips of the nodule lobes, nif genes are expressed at high levels. In the majority of infected cells, nif gene expression is rather low.  相似文献   

Nodules collected from Alnus nepalensis growing in mixed forest stands at three different sites around Shillong, were crushed in various culture media to obtain isolates of Frankia. The isolates were found to have typical Frankia morphology as revealed by the scanning electron microscope. Seedlings inoculated with isolates or crushed nodules formed nitrogen fixing nodules. Frankia specific DNA probes amplified the DNA of the tested isolate AnpUS4. Partial nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that AnpUS4 was phylogenetically distinct from all other Frankia strains characterized so far.  相似文献   

Summary Four Frankia isolates ofAlnus glutinosa were studied in relation to the location of infectible cells along 10 day oldAlnus glutinosa roots. For all isolates tested a clear zonation in infectible cells was found just above the position of the root tip at the time of infection.Differences in the length of the root nodule induction zone were observed, depending on the isolate and possibly also depending on the age of the Frankia culture tested. A second infection zone was found which was the only infectible zone by an isolate with a retarded infective potential (LDAgp1). Root hair deformation is clearly correlated with the presence of Frankia near axenic alder plants, although actual contact of root hairs and the symbiont is not prerequisite. Some evidence is presented indicating that the type of deformation might be correlated with the Frankia strain.  相似文献   

Nodulation (mean number of nodules per seedling) was 5 times greater for Elaeagnus angustifolia than for Alnus glutinosa overall when seedlings were grown in pots containing either an upland or an alluvial soil from central Illinois, USA. However, the upland Alfisol had 1.3 times greater nodulation capacity for A. glutinosa than for E. angustifolia. The presence of A. glutinosa trees on either soil was associated with a two-fold increase in nodulation capacity for E. angustifolia. Nodulation increases for soils under A. glutinosa were obtained for A. glutinosa seedlings in the Alfisol, but decreased nodulation for A. glutinosa seedlings occurred in the Mollisol. Greatest nodulation of E. angustifolia seedlings occurred near pH 6.6 for soil pH values ranging from 4.9 to 7.1, while greatest nodulation of A. glutinosa occurred at pH 4.9 over the same pH range. Nodulation was not affected by total soil nitrogen concentrations ranging from 0.09 to 0.20%. Mollisol pH was significantly lower under A. glutinosa trees than under E. angustifolia trees. For 4- to 8-year-old field-grown trees, A. glutinosa nodule weights were negatively correlated with soil pH, while for similar aged E. angustifolia trees nodulation in the acidic Alfisol was not detected.  相似文献   

Field performance of tissue cultured clones and seedlings of Alnus viridis ssp. crispa, A. glutinosa, A. incana, and A. japonica was assessed five years after outplanting in central Ontario. Half the individuals were inoculated with a mixture of four Frankia isolates prior to planting. Inoculation produced significant increases (25% to 33%) in biomass production of two clones of A. glutinosa and one of A. incana. Woody biomass increments for the first five years, averaged across all clones and seedlings, were highest in A. japonica and A. incana (4.3 and 3.7 Mg ha–1 yr–1, respectively). Individual tree growth improved markedly in lower slope positions, but total plot biomass did not show similar gains in downslope positions owing to higher mortality and aphid (Paraprociphilus tessellatus) infestation. Aphids occurred in 22% of Frankia-inoculated individuals, and 15% of non-inoculated individuals. The fastest growing species, A. incana and A. japonica, were most susceptible to aphid attack. Growth of the best clones of A. glutinosa and A. incana exceeded seedling growth by 51% and 76%, respectively. The high growth variation in clones of the same species with similar geographic origins and the excellent performance of tissue cultured stock suggest that rapid genetic gains in an Alnus breeding program might be obtained by clonal propagation.  相似文献   

The effects of aeration of the N-free rooting medium with elevated CO2 on (a) acetylene reduction by perlite-grown plants and (b) N2-fixation and long-term growth of nutrient solution-grown plants were determined for nodulatedAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. In the former experiments, roots of intact plants were incubated in acetylene in air in darkened glass jars for 3 hr, followed by a further 3 hr incubation period in air enriched with CO2 (0–5%). During incubation, the CO2 content of the jars increased by 0.17% per hour due to respiration of the root system, so that the CO2 content at 3 hr was 0.5%. Additional enrichment of the rooting medium gas-phase with CO2 equivalent to 1.1% and 1.75% CO2 of the gas volume significantly increased nitrogenase activity (ethylene production) by 55% and 50% respectively, while enrichment with greater than 2.5% CO2 decreased activity. In contrast, ethylene production by control plants, where CO2 was not added to the assay jars, decreased by 8% over the assay period. In long-term growth experiments, nodulated roots of intactAlnus glutinosa plants were sealed into jars containing N-free nutrient solution (pH 6.3) and aerated with air, or air containing elevated levels of CO2 (1.5% and 5%). Comparison of the appearance of CO2-treated with air treated plants suggested that 1.5% CO2 stimulated plant growth. However, at harvest after 5 or 6 weeks variability between plants masked the significance of differences in plant dry weight. A significant increase of 33% in total nitrogen of plants aerated with 1.5% CO2, compared with air-treated plants, was demonstrated, broadly in line with the short-term increase in acetylene reducing activity observed following incubations with similar CO2 concentrations. Shoot dry weight was not affected significantly by long-term exposure to 5% CO2, the main effect on growth being a 20% reduction in dry weight of the root system, possibly through inhibition of root system respiration. However, in contrast to the inhibitory effects of high CO2 on acetylene reduction there was no significant effect on the amounts of N2 fixed.  相似文献   

Frankia, the actinomycete partner in the nitrogenfixing symbiosis of certain woody non-legumes, has been shown to fix nitrogen in pure culture under aerobic conditions. The sensitivity of in vivo nitrogen-fixation (acetylene reduction) to oxygen tension in the gas phase was measured in short-term assays with two Frankia isolates designated ARI3 and CcI3. The carbon source utilized had an effect on the optimum O2 concentration for acetylene reduction. Cells utilizing an organic acid, e.g., propionate or pyruvate had maximum nitrogenase activity at an oxygen concentration of 15 to 20%. In contrast, cells respiring a sugar, e.g., trehalose or glucose, or endogenous reserves (glycogen or trehalose) had maximum acetylene reduction activity at 5 to 10% in the gas phase. Oxygen uptake kinetics showed that respiration in vesicle-containing cells utilizing trehalose had a biphasic response to oxygen concentration with a diffusion limited component at oxygen concentrations of 20 M to more than 300 M. These results suggested that trehalose was oxidized in the vesicles as well as in the vegetative hyphae. Oxygen concentration also had an effect on the trehalose-supported growth of cells (non nitrogenfixing, [+NH4Cl]). Cells grown with 5–10% O2 in the gas phase had a doubling time approximately half those grown with 20% O2 (atmospheric). Propionate-grown cells showed similar growth rates at the two oxygen tensions, and grew faster (almost 2x) than the trehalose cells at 5–10% O2. Trehalose also supported approximately 40% lower rates of oxygen uptake than propionate in vesicle-containing cells.  相似文献   

The effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources on cellulose membrane production by Acetobacter xylinum was evaluated. Among the carbon sources, sucrose, glucose and mannitol were found to be suitable for optimum levels of cellulose production. The strain was able to utilize a wide range of protein and nitrogen sources such as peptone, soybean meal, glycine, casein hydrolysate, and glutamic acid for cellulose synthesis. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of pellicle proteins (PP) revealed electrophoretic bands of molecular masses in the range of 116–20 kDa. Furthermore, the strain can be useful for the removal of various nitrogenous and carbon substrates present in waste waters.  相似文献   

Growth and differentiation of mycelial strands in Rigidoporus lignosus have been shown to depend on suitable combinations of the pH of the media and the nature of the nitrogen and carbon sources. Amino acids as sole nitrogen sources gave rise to vegetative mycelium. At pH 4.5, growth and mycelial strand differentiation required asparagine, as the fungus failed to grow in the absence of this amino acid. However, at pH 6, differentiation of strands occurred appreciably in asparagine-deficient media, suggesting a close balance between pH and amino acid requirements. Ammonium was required for strand differentiation, while nitrate, as a sole nitrogen source, maintained the fungus undifferentiated. Of the carbohydrates tested, only glucose, fructose and mannose supported strand differentiation. Starch was found to be particularly effective in promoting growth of vegetative mycelium. Strand differentiation required more specific conditions than growth of the vegetative mycelium.  相似文献   

Assi Weber 《Plant and Soil》1986,96(2):205-213
Summary The distribution of spore positive (Sp+) and spore negative (Sp) nodules on the two native alder species (A. incana andA. glutinosa) in Finland was investigated. Nodules were collected throughout the country from different ecosystems (forests, swamps, lake- sea- and riversides, old pastures and fields as well as from alder plantations). OnA. incana Sp+ nodules predominated, whereas onA. glutinosa the vast majority of the nodules were of the Sp type. Sp+ nodules onA. glutinosa were found only at sites where the two alder species grew close together. This distribution pattern indicates an association of nodule type with alder species, the reasons for which are discussed. Indications of saprophytic growth in the Sp strain were also found.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type (an acid peat and 2 acid brown earths) andFrankia source (3 spore-positive crushed nodule inocula and spore-negative crushed nodules containing the singleFrankia ArI5) on nodulation, N content and growth ofAlnus glutinosa andA. rubra were determined in a glasshouse pot experiment of two years duration. Plants on all soils required additional P for growth. Growth of both species was very poor on peat withA. glutinosa superior toA. rubra. The former species was also superior toA. rubra on an acid brown earth with low pH and low P content. Some plant-inoculum combinations were of notable effectivity on particular soils but soil type was the major source of variation in plant weight. Inoculation with crushed nodules containingFrankia ArI5 only gave poor infection of the host plant, suggesting that inoculation with locally-collected crushed nodules can be a preferred alternative to inoculation withFrankia isolates of untested effectivity. Evidence of adaptation ofFrankia to particular soils was obtained. Thus, while the growth of all strains was stimulated by mineral soil extracts, inhibitory effects of peat extracts were more apparent with isolates from nodules from mineral soils than from peat, suggesting that survival ofFrankia on peat may be improved by strain selection.  相似文献   

Two different types of nitrogen-fixing root nodules are known — actinorhizal nodules induced byFrankia and legume nodules induced by rhizobia. While legume nodules show a stem-like structure with peripheral vascular bundles, actinorhizal nodule lobes resemble modified lateral roots with a central vascular bundle. To compare carbon metabolism in legume and actinorhizal nodules, sucrose synthase and enolase cDNA clones were isolated from a cDNA library, obtained from actinorhizal nodules ofAlnus glutinosa. The expression of the corresponding genes was markedly enhanced in nodules compared to roots. In situ hybridization showed that, in nodules, both sucrose synthase and enolase were expressed at high levels in the infected cortical cells as well as in the pericycle of the central vascular bundle of a nodule lobe. Legume sucrose synthase expression was studied in indeterminate nodules from pea and determinate nodules fromPhaseolus vulgaris by usingin situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources on laccase, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), and peroxidase production by two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus was investigated. The maximal laccase yield of P. ostreatus 98 and P. ostreatus 108 varied depending upon the carbon source from 5 to 62 U l−1 and from 55 to 390 U l−1, respectively. The highest MnP and peroxidase activities were revealed in medium supplemented by xylan. Laccase, MnP, and peroxidase activities of mushrooms decreased with supplementation of defined medium by inorganic nitrogen sources. Peptone followed by casein hydrolysate appeared to be the best nitrogen sources for laccase accumulation by both fungi. However, their positive effects on enzyme accumulation were due to a higher biomass production. The secretion of MnP and peroxidase by P. ostreatus 108 was stimulated with supplementation of casein hydrolysate to the control medium since the specific MnP and peroxidase activities increased 15-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Canadian No. 1), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. humilis) and wheat (triticum monococcum L.) cells were grown in a defined, liquid medium containing either ammonium sulfate, L-glutamine or potassium nitrate as the sole nitrogen source, and the effects of the tricarboxylic-acid (TCA) intermediates, citrate and -ketoglutarate (5, 10, 15 mM), on the growth (dry-weight increase) of these cells was observed. The three cell suspension cultures exhibited a different growth response to the TCA-cycle intermediate supplied, depending upon the concentration of the additive and the nitrogen source. Citrate (5 mM) greatly enhanced growth of alfalfa and wheat cells in an ammonium-based medium but was less effective at higher concentrations, and in the case of alfalfa cells markedly inhibited growth. Tobacco cell growth was inhibited by all citrate concentrations tested. In contrast, all concentrations of -ketoglutarate used stimulated the growth of all three cell cultures in an ammonium-based medium. Alfalfa and wheat cells grown in an L-glutamine-based medium were influenced by citrate in a manner similar to that in ammonium-based medium. The growth of tobacco cells was slightly enhanced by 5 mM citrate but inhibited by higher concentrations. -Ketoglutarate, at all concentrations tested, was stimulatory to the growth of the cells of all three species in a glutamine-based medium, except for alfalfa cells which were inhibited at 15 mM. Both TCA-cycle acids inhibited the growth of alfalfa and tobacco cells grown on a nitrate-based medium whereas the growth of wheat cells was almost unaffected.  相似文献   

We describe the ability of carboxydotrophic bacteria for nitrate respiration or denitrification. Four out of fourteen strains examined could denitrify heterotrophically forming N2 (Pseudomonas carboxydoflava) or N2O (Pseudomonas carboxydohydrogena, Pseudomonas compransoris, and Pseudomonas gazotropha). Three carried out a heterotrophic nitrate respiration (Arthrobacter 11/x, Azomonas B1, and Azomonas C2). P. carboxydohydrogena could use H2 as electron donor for nitrate respiration under chemolithoautotrophic growth conditions. CO did not support denitrification or nitrate respiration of carboxydotrophic bacteria, although the free energy changes of the reactions would be sufficiently negative to allow growth. CO at 50 kPa was a weak inhibitor of N2O-reduction in carboxydotrophic and non-carboxydotrophic bacteria and decelerated denitrifying growth. Carboxydotrophic bacteria could utilize a wide range of N-sources. Results obtained with a plasmid-cured mutant of Pseudomonas carboxydovorans OM5 showed, that genes involved in nitrogen assimilation entirely reside on the chromosome. In the presence of an suitable electron donor, most carboxydotrophic bacteria could carry out a reduction of nitrate to nitrite that did not support growth and did not lead to the formation of ammonia.This article is dedicated to Professor Hans G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 65th birthday and in admiration for his élan and eternal idealism  相似文献   

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