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分子生物学技术特别是分子标记方法越来越多应用于研究植物间相似关系及其进化规律。为试图寻找一种适合缺乏分子生物学数据的,以及能够在属以上高阶元间快速比较研究的小片段RNA分子标记方法,作者通过含HAc-NaAc缓冲体系的SDS总核酸提取方法,提取了53种高等植物的总核酸。将总核酸在7%的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中电泳,结果发现:(1)在100-200 bases的位置有高丰度的RNA条带,条带稳定清晰,结果可重复再现,用DNaseI和RNaseA处理后认为这些片段属于小片段RNA。(2)比较了绿豆幼苗经0-8h不同光照处理,以及猕猴桃不同品种和器官之间的小片段RNA,表明不同光照时间、不同性别的花蕾、叶片和染色体倍性间的带型一致,说明这些片段部分具有一定的空间结构,其表达极其稳定,无明显差异。(3)同一科内的植物的带型存在多态性,主要是由地理隔绝造成的差异,并且分类阶元高的多态性百分比和多态性信息量高于分类阶元低的。(4)经过比较蕨类植物、裸子植物和被子植物53种植物的小片段RNA,发现在100-200bases中含3-6条清晰的条带,带型跟植物亲缘关系相关。因此,作者认为100-200bases位置的小片段RNA可作为鉴定植物科间和科内亲缘关系的一种分子辅助标记。  相似文献   

放射性同位素标记测定RNA N-糖苷酶活性的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核糖体失活蛋白(ribosome-inactivating protein,RIP)是一类抑制真核细胞蛋白质生物合成的毒蛋白。近几年发现,有相当一部分RIP的作用机制属于RNAN-糖苷酶(RNA NGlycosidase),如蓖麻毒蛋白A链(ricinA-chain)及一些单链RIP。它们能专一水解大鼠核糖体28 SRNA的第4324位腺苷酸的C-N糖苷键,释放一个腺嘌呤碱基,在相应的核糖Cl位上留下一个醛基。  相似文献   

AFLP─一种DNA分子标记新技术   总被引:78,自引:2,他引:78  
翁跃进WENG  Yue-Jin 《遗传》1996,18(6):29-31
AFLP──ANovelTechniqueforDNAMolecularMarkerWengYuejin(InstituteofCropGermplasmResourees,ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Beijing100081)公司科学家ZabeauMarc和VosPieter发明创建的一种DNA分子标记新技术,它不仅具备了其它DNA分子标记技术所具有的特点,多态性丰富,共显性表达,不受环境影响,无复等位效应,而且还具有带组丰富,用样量少,灵敏度高,快速高效等特殊优点.一个0.5mgDNA样品,可做4000个反应,获得8万个标记,650万条带纹。美国加利福尼亚大学MackillDavid[7]利用14份水稻为材料,比较AF…  相似文献   

很多RNA分子可以进行转录后修饰.最近的研究发现,末端无需模板的尿苷酸添加(尿苷化)可能就是一种广泛存在且保守,但以前了解甚少的RNA转录后修饰方式.这种修饰可以发生在从藻类到人类的很多RNA上,如多聚腺苷化的mRNA、siRNAs或miRNAs内切mRNA得到的上游片段、组蛋白mRNA、目前发现的大多数小调节RNAs、U6小核RNA(snRNA)、转录起点相关的小RNA和剪切的内含子等.这种修饰不仅具有重要的功能,如增强RNA的降解、促进或抑制RNA的加工形成、改变RNA的活性或作为mRNA的一种质量控制机制,而且还与人类的一些致病机制有关,如癌症.本文主要综述了小RNA、mRNA及其内切片段、组蛋白mRNA和U6 snRNA等RNA尿苷化的研究进展,并对相关研究的应用前景做了展望.  相似文献   

在锥虫线粒体中存在着一种特殊RNA的编辑系统,尿苷的插入和删除。RNA的编辑需要线粒体DNA和核基因组的共同参与,这一过程是一个新颖的酶促组联反应过程,通过核糖核蛋白(RNP)的组装和去组装完成多个编辑位点的编辑或多个RNA分子的编辑。  相似文献   

使用一种有效的柱色谱方法分离微生物转化产物5-氟尿苷。该方法采用干燥柱真空层析和三种不同的溶剂系统,使获得的5-氟尿苷的纯度达98%,收率为92%。该方法适用于从酶反应混合物中分离核苷类似物。  相似文献   

近十余年,由于重组DNA技术的问世和应用,迅速兴起和发展的生物工程已涉足十遗传工程、细胞工程、发酵工程、酶工程、工业、农业、医学、食品、化工及能源等各个方面,取得了长足的进展,并已开始向第二代生物工程迈进,去开发应用人们曾经期望而又尚未实现的愿望。  相似文献   

利用选择性培养基筛选大肠杆菌自然突变菌株,经噬菌体P1转导和蛋白质互补试验,发现一株突变体(LCH001)的突变基因发生在编码RNA聚合酶β′亚基的rpoC基因上,经DNA序列分析,发现突变位点发生在第3406个碱基上,由G变成了T,导致编码的氨基酸由甘氨酸(GGT)变成半胱氨酸(TGT)。体内转录试验表明该突变RNA聚合酶转录严谨型启动子控制基因的活性显著降低,其β-半乳糖苷酶的活性是野生型菌株的18%,而转录非严谨型启动子控制基因的活性显著提高,其β-半乳糖苷酶的活性约是野生型菌株的5倍。研究结果对探讨RNA聚合酶结构与功能的关系以及RNA聚合酶在细菌严谨反应过程中的作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Studying nucleic acids often requires labeling. Many labeling approaches require covalent bonds between the nucleic acid and the label, which complicates experimental procedures. Noncovalent labeling avoids the need for highly specific reagents and reaction conditions, and the effort of purifying bioconjugates. Among the least invasive techniques for studying biomacromolecules are NMR and EPR. Here, we report noncovalent labeling of DNA and RNA triplexes with spin labels that are nucleobase derivatives. Spectroscopic signals indicating strong binding were detected in EPR experiments in the cold, and filtration assays showed micromolar dissociation constants for complexes between a guanine‐derived label and triplex motifs containing a single‐nucleotide gap in the oligopurine strand. The advantages and challenges of noncovalent labeling via this approach that complements techniques relying on covalent links are discussed.  相似文献   

GABAergic cortical interneurons, derived from the embryonic medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE and CGE), are functionally and morphologically diverse. Inroads have been made in understanding the roles of distinct cortical interneuron subgroups, however, there are still many mechanisms to be worked out that may contribute to the development and maturation of different types of GABAergic cells. Moreover, altered GABAergic signaling may contribute to phenotypes of autism, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Specific Cre-driver lines have begun to parcel out the functions of unique interneuron subgroups. Despite the advances in mouse models, it is often difficult to efficiently study GABAergic cortical interneuron progenitors with molecular approaches in vivo. One important technique used to study the cell autonomous programming of these cells is transplantation of MGE cells into host cortices. These transplanted cells migrate extensively, differentiate, and functionally integrate. In addition, MGE cells can be efficiently transduced with lentivirus immediately prior to transplantation, allowing for a multitude of molecular approaches. Here we detail a protocol to efficiently transduce MGE cells before transplantation for in vivo analysis, using available Cre-driver lines and Cre-dependent expression vectors. This approach is advantageous because it combines precise genetic manipulation with the ability of these cells to disperse after transplantation, permitting greater cell-type specific resolution in vivo.  相似文献   

Most (if not all) SPP1 RNA can be synthesized in infected cells in the presence of chloramphenicol, or in vitro by Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

女贞(Ligustrum Cornpactum)叶片的核酸提取物,经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE),出现两条低分子量的核酸带,DNase 1及RNase A处理证实两条核酸带均为RNA,初步测得迁移率较小的RNA的分子量约为0.7×10~5道尔顿,5'末端标记,双相及双方向PAGE分析证实,该RNA是存在于女贞叶片细胞内的一种小分子闭环RNA(简称psc RNA),不同离子强度下的RNase A处理揭示,psc RNA分子内有大量碱基互补结构,从点杂交结果推断psc RNA的一级结构中,不含绝大多数闭环类病毒RNA所共同具有的中心保守区段,在本实验的条件下pscRNA不能感染爪哇三七,女贞叶片汁液和按照提取,纯化病毒粒子的程序制备的溶液。在电镜下均没有观察到病毒颗粒,结果表明,女贞叶片细胞中存在一种无蛋白质外壳包被的、具有次量分子内碱基互辅结构的共价闭合环状RNA分子,在其它两种植物中,亦初步检测到此类闭环RNA分子,讨论了此种闭环RNA分子的意义。  相似文献   


The introduction of 6-(p-bromobenzoylamino)caproyl radical in the methyl group of 2′-O-deoxythymidine is described. In vivo incorporation of this nucleoside to DNA was determined using a monoclonal antibody that recognized the radical.  相似文献   

Comparison of the most stable potential hairpins in the sequences of natural ribozymes with those in the randomized sequences has revealed that the hairpin loop energies are lower than expected by chance. Although these hairpins are not necessarily parts of functional structures, there is a selective pressure to diminish the destabilizing free energies of the hairpin loops. In contrast, no significant bias is observed in the stacking values of the most stable stems. In the ribozymes isolated in vitro the loops of potential hairpins are closer to random values, which can result in less efficient folding rates. Furthermore, the effects of kinetic traps seem to be more significant in the folding pathways of the in vitro isolates due to a potential to form stable stacks incompatible with the functional folds. Similarly to natural ribozyme sequences, the untranslated regions of viral RNAs also form hairpins with relatively low loop free energies. These evolutionary trends suggest ways for efficient engineering of improved RNA constructs on the basis of analysis of in vitro isolates and approaches for the search of regions coding for functional RNA structures in large genome sequences. Received: 12 January 2001 / Accepted: 21 May 2001  相似文献   

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