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Based on previous experimental results of independence on starting length of the tension gradient in constant-velocity stretches of active skeletal muscle at muscle lengths including the ascending limb and the plateau of the tension-length relation, a possible physiological mechanism determining the tension increase in lengthening active muscle is discussed. Considering the sliding filament theory, it is suggested that the tension-length relation of a half-sarcomere in lengthening contractions is different from that in isometric contractions. The assumed mechanism predicts, among others, that the thick filament retains its shortened length in lengthening contractions starting from a half-sarcomere length where this filament is compressed. An example model is implemented and checked with simulations.  相似文献   

Myosin motors drive muscle contraction, cytokinesis and cell locomotion, and members of the myosin superfamily have been implicated in an increasingly diverse range of cell functions. Myosin can displace a bound actin filament several nanometers in a single interaction. Crystallographic studies suggest that this 'working stroke' involves bending of the myosin head between its light chain and catalytic domains. Here we used X-ray fiber diffraction to test the crystallographic model and measure the interdomain bending during force generation in an intact single muscle fiber. The observed bending has two components: an elastic distortion and an active rotation that generates force. The average bend of the force-generating myosin heads in a muscle fiber is intermediate between those in crystal structures with different bound nucleotides, and the C-terminus of the head is displaced by 7 nm along the actin filament axis compared with the in vitro conformation seen in the absence of nucleotide.  相似文献   

1. 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-L-threitol was synthesized and the synthesis of 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-L-arabinitol was improved. 2. Both compounds are competitive inhibitors of Monilinia fructigena alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase III, the additional hydroxymethyl group in the arabinitol contributing about 17.8 kj/mol (4.25 kcal/mol) to the Gibbs free energy of binding. 3. The affinities (1/Ki) of both compounds vary with pH in a classical bell-shaped way, the pKa value being that of the acid-catalytic group on the enzyme [5.9; Selwood & Sinnott (1988) Biochem. J. 254, 899-901] and the pKb values being those of the free inhibitors, 7.6 and 7.8 respectively. 4. On the basis of these and literature data we suggest that efficient inhibition of a glycosidase at its pH optimum by an appropriate iminoalditol will be found when the pKa of the iminoalditol is below that of the acid-catalytic group of the target enzyme.  相似文献   

The sliding filament and cross-bridge theories of muscle contraction provide discrete predictions of the tetanic force-length relationship of skeletal muscle that have been tested experimentally. The active force generated by a maximally activated single fiber (with sarcomere length control) is maximal when the filament overlap is optimized and is proportionally decreased when overlap is diminished. The force-length relationship is a static property of skeletal muscle and, therefore, it does not predict the consequences of dynamic contractions. Changes in sarcomere length during muscle contraction result in modulation of the active force that is not necessarily predicted by the cross-bridge theory. The results of in vivo studies of the force-length relationship suggest that muscles that operate on the ascending limb of the force-length relationship typically function in stretch-shortening cycle contractions, and muscles that operate on the descending limb typically function in shorten-stretch cycle contractions. The joint moments produced by a muscle depend on the moment arm and the sarcomere length of the muscle. Moment arm magnitude also affects the excursion (length change) of a muscle for a given change in joint angle, and the number of sarcomeres arranged in series within a muscle fiber determines the sarcomere length change associated with a given excursion.  相似文献   

Stiffness and force in activated frog skeletal muscle fibers.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Single fibers, isolated intact from frog skeletal muscles, were held firmly very near to each end by stiff metal clasps fastened to the tendons. The fibers were then placed horizontally between two steel hooks inserted in eyelets of the tendon clasps. One hook was attached to a capacitance gauge force transducer (resonance frequency up to approximately 50 kHz) and the other was attached to a moving-coil length changer. This allowed us to impose small, rapid releases (complete in less than 0.15 ms) and high frequency oscillations (up to 13 kHz) to one end of a resting or contracting fiber and measure the consequences at the other end with fast time resolution at 4 to 6 degrees C. The stiffness of short fibers (1.8-2.6 mm) was determined directly from the ratio of force to length variations produced by the length changer. The resonance frequency of short fibers was so high (approximately 40 kHz) that intrinsic oscillations were not detectably excited. The stiffness of long fibers, on the other hand, was calculated from measurement of the mechanical resonance frequency of a fiber. Using both short and long fibers, we measured the sinusoids of force at one end of a contracting fiber that were produced by relatively small sinusoidal length changes at the other end. The amplitudes of the sinusoidal length changes were small compared with the size of step changes that produce nonlinear force-extension relations. The sinusoids of force from long fibers changed amplitude and shifted phase with changes in oscillation frequency in a manner expected of a transmission line composed of mass, compliance, and viscosity, similar to that modelled by (Ford, L. E., A. F. Huxley, and R. M. Simmons, 1981, J. Physiol. (Lond.), 311:219-249). A rapid release during the plateau of tetanic tension in short fibers caused a fall in force and stiffness, a relative change in stiffness that putatively was much smaller than that of force. Our results are, for the most part, consistent with the cross-bridge model of force generation proposed by Huxley, A. F., and R. M. Simmons (1971, Nature (Lond.), 213:533-538). However, stiffness in short fibers developed markedly faster than force during the tetanus rise. Thus our findings show the presence of one or more noteworthy cross-bridge states at the onset and during the rise of active tension towards a plateau in that attachment apparently is followed by a relatively long delay before force generation occurs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The kinetics relating calcium and force in skeletal muscle.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetics relating Ca2+ transients and muscle force were examined using data obtained with the photoprotein aequorin in skeletal muscles of the rat, barnacle, and frog. These data were fitted by various models using nonlinear methods for minimizing the least mean square errors. Models in which Ca2+ binding to troponin was rate limiting for force production did not produce good agreement with the observed data, except for a small twitch of the barnacle muscle. Models in which cross-bridge kinetics were rate limiting also did not produce good agreement with the observed data, unless the detachment rate constant was allowed to increase sharply on the falling phase of tension production. Increasing the number of cross-bridge states did not dramatically improve the agreement between predicted and observed force. We conclude that the dynamic relationship between Ca2+ transients and force production in intact muscle fibers under physiological conditions can be approximated by a model in which (a) two Ca2+ ions bind rapidly to each troponin molecule, (b) force production is limited by the rate of formation of tightly bound cross-bridges, and (c) the rate of cross-bridge detachment increases rapidly once tension begins to decline and free Ca2+ levels have fallen to low values after the last stimulus. Such a model can account not only for the pattern of force production during a twitch and tetanus, but also the complex, nonlinear pattern of summation which is observed during an unfused tetanus at intermediate rates of stimulation.  相似文献   

Slow stretch ramps (velocity: 0.17 fiber lengths s-1) were imposed during fused tetanic contractions of intact muscle fibers of the frog (1.4-3.0 degrees C; sarcomere length: 2.12-2.21 microns). Instantaneous force-extension relations were derived both under isometric conditions and during slow stretch by applying fast (0.2 ms) length steps to the fiber. An increase in tonicity (98 mM sucrose added to control Ringer solution) led to significant reduction of the maximum isometric tension but at the same time to marked increase in the force enhancement during slow stretch. The maximum force level reached during the stretch was affected very little. Experiments on relaxed fibers showed that recruitment of passive parallel elastic components were of no relevance for these effects. Hypertonicity slightly increased the instantaneous stiffness of the active fiber both in the presence and in the absence of stretch. The total extension of the undamped fiber elasticity was considerably reduced by increased tonicity under isometric conditions but was only slightly affected during slow stretch. The change in length of the undamped cross-bride elasticity upon stretch was thus greater in the hypertonic than in the normotonic solution suggesting a greater increase in force per cross-bridge in the hypertonic medium. The contractile effects are consistent with the assumptions that hypertonicity reduces the capability of the individual cross-bridge to produce active force and, furthermore, that hypertonicity has only minor effects on the number of attached cross-bridges and the maximum load-bearing capacity of the individual bridge.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles can be injured by their own contractions, especially when the muscle is stretched during a lengthening contraction. Exposing a muscle to a conditioning protocol of stretches without activation (passive stretches) before lengthening contractions reduces contraction-induced injury. Although passive stretching does not damage muscle fibers, neutrophils are elevated in the muscle after passive stretches. Our purpose was to investigate the relationship between neutrophil accumulation following passive stretches and the protection from subsequent contraction-induced injury provided by the passive stretches. Our hypothesis was that passive stretch conditioning would not provide protection from subsequent lengthening contraction-induced injury under circumstances when the increase in muscle neutrophils in response to the conditioning was prevented. Extensor digitorum longus muscles of mice were conditioned with passive stretches 14 days before exposure to a protocol of damaging lengthening contractions. Mice were either untreated or treated with an antibody (RB6-8C5) that reduced the level of circulating neutrophils by over 95% before administration of passive stretches. Neutrophil levels recovered in treated mice by the time lengthening contractions were performed. Lengthening contractions were also administered to muscles with no prior exposure to passive stretches. Maximum isometric force, number of damaged fibers, and muscle neutrophil concentration were measured 3 days after lengthening contractions. Compared with nonconditioned control muscles, the severity of contraction-induced injury was not reduced by prior passive stretch conditioning when mice were treated with RB6-8C5 before conditioning. We conclude that neutrophils contribute to adaptations that protect muscles from injury.  相似文献   

When relaxed striated muscle cells are stretched, a resting tension is produced which is thought to arise from stretching long, elastic filaments composed of titin (also called connectin). Here, I show that single skinned rabbit soleus muscle fibers produce resting tension that is several-fold lower than that found in rabbit psoas fibers. At sarcomere lengths where the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relation is low, electron microscopy of skinned fibers indicates that thick filaments move from the center to the side of the sarcomere during prolonged activation. As sarcomeres are stretched and the resting tension sarcomere length relation becomes steeper, this movement is decreased. The sarcomere length range over which thick filament movement decreases is higher in soleus than in psoas fibers, paralleling the different lengths at which the slope of the resting tension-sarcomere length relations increase. These results indicate that the large differences in resting tension between single psoas and soleus fibers are due to different tensions exerted by the elastic elements linking the end of each thick filament to the nearest Z-disc, i.e., the titin filaments. Quantitative gel electrophoresis of proteins from single muscle fibers excludes the possibility that resting tension is less in soleus than in psoas fibers simply because they have fewer titin filaments. A small difference in the electrophoretic mobility of titin between psoas and soleus fibers suggests the alternate possibility that mammalian muscle cells use at least two titin isoforms with differing elastic properties to produce variations in resting tension.  相似文献   

Tension responses to ramp shortening of varying speed in whole muscle or single fibres from the plateau of an isometric tetanus, revealed at least two distinct phases. There was a fast initial drop in tension followed by a change of slope and a definite inflexion on the tension record. As the velocity of the imposed length change was increased, the inflexion point appeared at a lower tension. Similar inflexions were not observed during ramp releases to an elastic band or a segment of semitendinosus tendon. The tension records obtained with moderately fast ramp length changes to contracting muscle reflect the T1 and T2 phases of the tension transients.  相似文献   

When activated skeletal muscle is stretched, force increases in two phases. This study tested the hypothesis that the increase in stretch force during the first phase is produced by pre-power stroke cross bridges. Myofibrils were activated in sarcomere lengths (SLs) between 2.2 and 2.5 microm, and stretched by approximately 5-15 per cent SL. When stretch was performed at 1 microms-1SL-1, the transition between the two phases occurred at a critical stretch (SLc) of 8.4+/-0.85 nm half-sarcomere (hs)-1 and the force (critical force; Fc) was 1.62+/-0.24 times the isometric force (n=23). At stretches performed at a similar velocity (1 microms-1SL-1), 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM; 1 mM) that biases cross bridges into pre-power stroke states decreased the isometric force to 21.45+/-9.22 per cent, but increased the relative Fc to 2.35+/-0.34 times the isometric force and increased the SLc to 14.6+/-0.6 nm hs-1 (n=23), suggesting that pre-power stroke cross bridges are largely responsible for stretch forces.  相似文献   

Type I diabetes reduces dramatically the capacity of skeletal muscle to receive oxygen (QO(2)). In control (C; n = 6) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic (D: n = 6, plasma glucose = 25.3 +/- 3.9 mmol/l and C: 8.3 +/- 0.5 mmol/l) rats, phosphorescence quenching was used to test the hypothesis that, in D rats, the decline in microvascular PO(2) [Pm(O(2)), which reflects the dynamic balance between O(2) utilization (VO(2)) and QO(2)] of the spinotrapezius muscle after the onset of electrical stimulation (1 Hz) would be faster compared with that of C rats. Pm(O(2)) data were fit with a one or two exponential process (contingent on the presence of an undershoot) with independent time delays using least-squares regression analysis. In D rats, Pm(O(2)) at rest was lower (C: 31.2 +/- 3.2 mmHg; D: 24.3 +/- 1.3 mmHg, P < 0.05) and at the onset of contractions decreased after a shorter delay (C: 13.5 +/- 1.8 s; D: 7.6 +/- 2.1 s, P < 0.05) and with a reduced mean response time (C: 31.4 +/- 3.3 s; D: 23.9 +/- 3.1 s, P < 0.05). Pm(O(2)) exhibited a marked undershoot of the end-stimulation response in D muscles (D: 3.3 +/- 1.1 mmHg, P < 0.05), which was absent in C muscles. These results indicate an altered VO(2)-to-QO(2) matching across the rest-exercise transition in muscles of D rats.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether titin is a calcium-dependent spring and whether it is the source of the passive force enhancement observed in muscle and single fiber preparations. We measured passive force enhancement in troponin C (TnC)-depleted myofibrils in which active force production was completely eliminated. The TnC-depleted construct allowed for the investigation of the effect of calcium concentration on passive force, without the confounding effects of actin-myosin cross-bridge formation and active force production. Passive forces in TnC-depleted myofibrils (n = 6) were 35.0 +/- 2.9 nN/ microm(2) when stretched to an average sarcomere length of 3.4 microm in a solution with low calcium concentration (pCa 8.0). Passive forces in the same myofibrils increased by 25% to 30% when stretches were performed in a solution with high calcium concentration (pCa 3.5). Since it is well accepted that titin is the primary source for passive force in rabbit psoas myofibrils and since the increase in passive force in TnC-depleted myofibrils was abolished after trypsin treatment, our results suggest that increasing calcium concentration is associated with increased titin stiffness. However, this calcium-induced titin stiffness accounted for only approximately 25% of the passive force enhancement observed in intact myofibrils. Therefore, approximately 75% of the normally occurring passive force enhancement remains unexplained. The findings of the present study suggest that passive force enhancement is partly caused by a calcium-induced increase in titin stiffness but also requires cross-bridge formation and/or active force production for full manifestation.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effects of activation and stretch on the passive force-sarcomere length relationship in skeletal muscle. Single fibres from the lumbrical muscle of frogs were placed at varying sarcomere lengths on the descending limb of the force-sarcomere length relationship, and tetanic contractions, active stretches and passive stretches (amplitudes of ca 10% of fibre length at a speed of 40% fibre length/s) were performed. The passive forces following stretch of an activated fibre were higher than the forces measured after isometric contractions or after stretches of a passive fibre at the corresponding sarcomere length. This effect was more pronounced at increased sarcomere lengths, and the passive force-sarcomere length relationship following active stretch was shifted upwards on the force axis compared with the corresponding relationship obtained following isometric contractions or passive stretches. These results provide strong evidence for an increase in passive force that is mediated by a length-dependent combination of stretch and activation, while activation or stretch alone does not produce this effect. Based on these results and recently published findings of the effects of Ca2+ on titin stiffness, we propose that the observed increase in passive force is caused by the molecular spring titin.  相似文献   

Muscle force can be generated actively through changes in neural excitation, and passively through externally imposed changes in muscle length. Disease and injury can disrupt force generation, but it can be challenging to separate passive from active contributions to these changes. Ultrasound elastography is a promising tool for characterizing the mechanical properties of muscles and the forces that they generate. Most prior work using ultrasound elastography in muscle has focused on the group velocity of shear waves, which increases with increasing muscle force. Few studies have quantified the phase velocity, which depends on the viscoelastic properties of muscle. Since passive and active forces within muscle involve different structures for force transmission, we hypothesized that measures of phase velocity could detect changes in shear wave propagation during active and passive conditions that cannot be detected when considering only group velocity. We measured phase and group velocity in the human biceps brachii during active and passive force generation and quantified the differences in estimates of shear elasticity obtained from each of these measurements. We found that measures of group velocity consistently overestimate the shear elasticity of muscle. We used a Voigt model to characterize the phase velocity and found that the estimated time constant for the Voigt model provided a way to distinguish between passive and active force generation. Our results demonstrate that shear wave elastography can be used to distinguish between passive and active force generation when it is used to characterize the phase velocity of shear waves propagating in muscle.  相似文献   

The effects of shortening distance at Vu,the unloaded shortening speed, and filament overlap on the amount ofextra Ca2+ released during relaxation in muscle, asindicated by the bump area, were studied. Single, intactfrog skeletal muscle fibers at 3°C were used. The myoplasmic freeCa2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) wasestimated by using fura 2 salt injected into the myoplasm. Ramps wereapplied, either at full overlap with different sizes or at varyingoverlaps with a fixed size, in the linear phase of relaxation. At fulloverlap, a plot of bump area vs. ramp size was fit by using a sigmoidalcurve with one-half of the bump area equal to 25.9 nm. With a fixedramp size of 100 nm/half-sarcomere, the plot of bump area vs. meansarcomere length (SLm) was fit by a straight lineintersecting the SLm axis at ~3.5 µm, close to just nooverlap. The results suggest that the transition in the distribution ofattached cross bridges from the isometric case to one appropriate forunloaded shortening at Vu is completed within 50 nm/half-sarcomere and support the view that attached crossbridges in the overlap zone influence the affinity of Ca2+for troponin C in the thin filament.


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