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In many animals, the germ line is specified by a distinct cytoplasmic structure called germ plasm (GP). GP is necessary for primordial germ cell (PGC) formation in anuran amphibians including Xenopus. However, it is unclear whether GP is a direct germ cell determinant in vertebrates. Here we demonstrate that GP acts autonomously for germ cell formation in Xenopus.EGFP-labeled GP from the vegetal pole was transplanted into animal hemisphere of recipient embryos. Cells carrying transplanted GP (T-GP) at the ectopic position showed characteristics similar to the endogenous normal PGCs in subcellular distribution of GP and presence of germ plasm specific molecules. However, T-GP-carrying-cells in the ectopic tissue did not migrate towards the genital ridge. T-GP-carrying cells from gastrula or tailbud embryos were transferred into the endoderm of wild-type hosts. From there, they migrated into the developing gonad. To clarify whether ectopic T-GP-carrying cells can produce functional germ cells, they were identified by changing the recipients, from the wild-type Xenopus to transgenic Xenopus expressing DsRed2. After transferring T-GP carrying cells labeled genetically with DsRed2 into wild-type hosts, we could find chimeric gonads in mature hosts. Furthermore, the spermatozoa and eggs derived from T-GP-carrying cells were fertile. Thus, we have demonstrated that Xenopus germ plasm is sufficient for germ cell determination.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are germ cell precursors that are committed to sperm or oocytes. Dramatic proliferation during PGC development determines the number of founder spermatogonia and oocytes. Although specified to a germ lineage, PGCs produce pluripotent embryonic germ (EG) cells in vitro and testicular teratomas in vivo. Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates pluripotency and differentiation in various stem cell systems, and dysregulation of this signaling causes various human cancers. Here, we examined the role of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in PGC development. In normal PGC development, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is suppressed by the GSK3beta-mediated active degradation of beta-catenin and the low expression of canonical Wnt molecules. The effects of aberrant activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in PGCs were analyzed using mice carrying a deletion of the exon that encodes the GSK3beta phosphorylation sites in the beta-catenin locus. Despite the potential activity of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in stem cell maintenance and carcinogenesis in various cell lineages, teratomas were not induced in the mice expressing the nuclear-localized beta-catenin in PGCs. Instead, the mutant mice showed germ cell deficiency caused by the delayed cell cycle progression of the proliferative phase PGCs. Our results show that the suppression of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is a prerequisite for the normal development of PGCs.  相似文献   

Early in embryonic development, primordial germ cells (PGCs) are specified and migrate from the site of their origin to where the gonad develops, following a specific route. Heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans (HS-GAGs) are ubiquitous in extracellular matrix and the cell surface and have long been speculated to play a role during the migration of PGCs. In line with this speculation, whole-mount immunohistochemistry revealed the existence of HS-GAGs in the vicinity of migrating PGCs in early zebrafish embryos. To examine the roles of HS-GAGs during PGC migration, zebrafish heparanase 1 (hpse1), which degrades HS-GAGs, was cloned and overexpressed specifically in PGCs. The guidance signal for the migration of PGCs was disrupted with the overexpression of hpse1, as cluster formation and marginal localization at the blastoderm were significantly perturbed at 6 hours postfertilization. Furthermore, the number of PGCs was significantly decreased with the lack of vicinal HS-GAGs, as observed in the whole-mount in situ hybridization and quantitative PCR of the PGC marker gene vasa. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling indicated significantly increased apoptosis in PGCs overexpressing hpse1, suggesting that HS-GAGs contribute to the maintenance of PGC survival. In conclusion, HS-GAGs play multifaceted roles in PGCs during migration and are required both for guidance signals and multiplication of PGCs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate whether the sex of donor primordial germ cells (PGCs) influences production of chimeric semen from recipient hatchlings produced by interspecies transfer between pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and chicken (Gallus gallus). Pheasant PGCs were retrieved from 7-d-old embryos and subsequently transferred into circulatory blood of 2.5-d-old (Stage 17) embryos. The sex of embryos was discerned 3 to 6 days after laying, and in preliminary study, overall rate of embryo survival after sexing was 74.6% with male-to-female ratio of 0.49 to 0.51. In Experiment 1, magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) using QCR1 antibody was effective for enriching the population of male and female PGCs in gonadal cells (9.2- to 12.5-fold and 10.8- to 19.5-fold increase, respectively). In Experiment 2, an increase in the number of hatchlings producing chimeric semen was detected after the homosexual transfer of male-to-male compared with that after the heterosexual transfer of female-to-male (68% to 88%). Significant increase was found in the frequency of chimeric semen production (0.96 to 1.68 times); production of pheasant progenies by artificial insemination using chimeric semen was also increased in the homosexual transfer (0 to 3 cases). In conclusion, the homosexual PGC transfer of male-to-male yielded better rate of generating pheasant progenies after test cross-reproduction than that of the heterosexual transfer of female-to-male, which could improve the efficiency of interspecies germ cell transfer system.  相似文献   

Although several mitogens and survival factors have been previously shown to act on primordial germ cells (PGCs) in culture, it is not clear whether they are responsible for controlling proliferation of PGCs in the embryo. We show here that during their migratory phase, PGCs do not express FGF-4, FGF-8, or FGF-17, but these FGFs are expressed by neighboring cells. Thus, any FGF action on migrating PGCs would appear to be through a paracrine mechanism. We found that after entering into the gonads, PGCs start to express FGF-4 and FGF-8. On this basis, we hypothesize that FGF signaling is involved in both a paracrine manner in initiating PGC proliferation during their migration and an autocrine manner in sustaining PGC proliferation after their arrival in the gonads. We then studied the role of soluble stem cell factor (SCF), which acts as a survival factor or a mitogen in culture, to determine whether it interacts with FGFs. We found that SCF has a complex effect on PGC proliferation. On one hand, soluble SCF promoted PGC proliferation synergistically with FGF in the absence of membrane-bound SCF. Conversely, soluble SCF inhibited FGF-stimulated proliferation of PGCs in the presence of membrane-bound SCF. We account for these findings in a model involving regulation of PGC proliferation, in which SCF modulates the response to FGFs.  相似文献   

原始生殖细胞特化在精子和卵子生成过程中发挥着重要的作用,而PR结构域蛋白质(PR-domain protein,PRDM)家族部分成员参与了该过程。PRDM1可抑制体细胞程序化过程中基因的表达,而PRDM1和PRDM14共同参与了潜在的全能性细胞的重新获取和基因组范围内表观遗传学重编程。这三个过程都是原始生殖细胞特化所必需的。此外,原始生殖细胞特化还需要一些其他因素如骨形态发生蛋白4(bone morphogenetic protein4,Bmp4)和RNA结合蛋白Lin28,这些因素通过影响PRDM发挥生理作用。对原始生殖细胞特化的理解有利于生殖细胞发育和相关问题的研究。  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine (DA), injected beneath the blastodisc of the chick embryo before the beginning of incubation, induced an approximately 2.5 times increase in the total number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) at the definitive primitive streak stage. It also produced changes in the shape and behaviour of PGCs since more than half of them adhered to one another, forming groups or chains of three or more cells and, in contrast to their characteristic spherical form, most single PGCs displayed a fibroblastic appearance. On the 2nd day of incubation most PGCs remained adherent to each other, which did not hinder them from entering the extra-embryonic blood vessels of the crescent. Ultrastructural analysis showed that PGCs adhered to each other by large areas of cell membrane apposition and specialized adhesive structures, such as tight junctions and desmosomes. PGCs also displayed many lamellipodial and filopodial processes. The effects of DA on PGCs were prevented by either glucose or EDTA. Although it is difficult to account for the effect of glucose, the effect of EDTA suggests that the action of DA may be calcium-dependent.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cell (PGC) allocation, characterization, lineage restriction, and differentiation have been extensively studied in the mouse. Murine PGC can be easily identified using markers as alkaline phosphatase content or the expression of pluripotent markers such as Pou5f1, Nanog, Sox2, Kit, SSEA1, and SSEA4. These tools allowed us to clarify certain aspects of the complex interactions of somatic and germinal cells in the establishment of the germ cell lineage, its segregation from the neighbouring somatic tissue, and the guidance mechanisms during migration that direct most of the germ cells into the genital ridges. Few data are available from other domestic animals and here we reported our preliminary studies on the isolation, characterization, and in vitro culture of sheep PGCs. Sheep PGCs can be identified with the markers previously used in mouse, but, in some cases, these markers are not coherently expressed in the same cell depending on the grade of differentiation and on technical problems related to commercial antibodies used. Pluripotency of PGCs in culture (EGCs) from domestic animals also needs further evaluation even though the derivation of embryonic pluripotent cell lines from large mammals may be an advantage as they are more physiologically similar to the human and perhaps more relevant for clinical translation studies. Comprehensive epigenetic reprogramming of the genome in early germ cells, and derived EGCs including extensive erasure of epigenetic modifications, may be relevant for gaining insight into events that lead to reprogramming and establishment of totipotency. EGCs can differentiate in vitro in a various range of tissues, form embryonic bodies, but in many cases failed to generate tumours when transplanted into immunodeficient mice and are not able to generate germline chimeric animals after their transfer. Such incomplete information clearly indicates the urge to improve the studies on derivation of stem cells in farm animals and shows the need for a multidisciplinary investigation in order to create farm animal models to set up suitable ethical and technical systems for cell regenerative therapies in humans.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of partial removal of yolk and cryoprotectant mixtures on the viability of cryopreserved primordial germ cells (PGCs) and elucidated the differentiation ability of cryopreserved PGCs in zebrafish. First, dechorionated yolk-intact and yolk-depleted (partially yolk removed) embryos, PGCs of which were labeled with green fluorescence protein (GFP), were vitrified after serial exposures to pretreatment solution (PS) and vitrification solution (VS) that contained ethylene glycol (EG), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or propylene glycol at 3 and 5 M, respectively. Although partial removal of yolk improved the viability of cryopreserved PGCs, numbers of PGCs with pseudopodial movement were limited (0–2.6 cells/embryo). Next, yolk-depleted embryos were cryopreserved using mixtures of two types of cryoprotectants. The maximum survival rate of PGCs (81%; 9.6 cells/embryo) was obtained from the yolk-depleted embryos vitrified using PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO and 56% (5.3 cells/embryo) of PGCs showed pseudopodial movement. Finally, PGCs recovered from yolk-depleted embryos (wild-type) that were vitrified under the optimum condition were transplanted individually into 236 sterilized recipient blastulae (recessive light-colored). Seven recipients matured and generated progeny with characteristics inherited from the PGC donor. In conclusion, the authors confirmed the beneficial effects of partial removal of yolk on the viability of cryopreserved PGCs and that the viability of the PGCs was improved by using PS and VS that contained two types of cryoprotectants, especially PS containing 2 M EG + 1 M Me2SO and VS containing 3 M EG + 2 M Me2SO, and that recovered PGCs retained ability to differentiate into functional gametes.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G protein signaling is involved in many pathways essential to development including those controlling cell migration, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. One key developmental event known to rely on proper heterotrimeric G protein signaling is primordial germ cell (PGC) migration. We previously developed an in vivo PGC migration assay that identified differences in the signaling capacity of G protein gamma subunits. In this study we developed Gγ subunit chimeras to determine the regions of Gγ isoforms that are responsible for these differences. The central section of the Gγ subunit was found to be necessary for the ability of a Gγ subunit to mediate signaling involved in PGC migration. Residues found in the carboxy-terminal segment of Gγ transducin (gngt1) were found to be responsible for the ability of this subunit to disrupt PGC migration. The type of prenylation did not affect the ability of a Gγ subunit to reverse prenylation-deficient-Gγ-induced PGC migration defects. However, a version of gng2, engineered to be farnesylated instead of geranylgeranylated, still lacks the ability to reverse PGC migration defects known to result from treatment of zebrafish with geranylgeranyl transferase inhibitors (GGTI), supporting the notion that Gγ subunits are one of several protein targets that need to be geranylgeranylated to orchestrate the proper long-range migration of PGCs.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells, whose proliferation is influenced by many internal and external factors. In the present study, a PGC-somatic cell co-culture model was established to evaluate effects of the flavonoids daidzein (DAI) and quercetin (QUE) on proliferation of PGCs from embryonic chickens. PGCs were isolated from the germinal ridge of 3.5-4day embryos and cultured in 5% fetal calf serum (FCS)-supplemented Medium 199. PGC subculture was carried out on chicken embryonic fibroblast feeder (CEF) or follicular granulosa cell feeder (GCF) layers. The subcultured PGCs were challenged with flavonoids alone or in combination with a reactive oxygen substance (ROS)-producing system on CEF for 48h. The results showed a better supporting effect of CEF than GCF. Flavonoids (1microg/ml) significantly promoted PGC proliferation, which could be markedly inhibited by ROS. The oxidative damage by ROS was further manifest by decreased superoxide dismutase activity and glutathione levels. In addition, activation of protein kinase A (PKA) by forskolin significantly stimulated PGC proliferation, but PKA inhibitor H89 inhibited the proliferating effects induced by DAI and QUE. These results indicated that cultured PGCs respond to exogenous agents on proliferation and that antioxidant flavonoids could restore the intracellular antioxidant system and promote PGC proliferation via their antioxidant action involving the PKA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The primordial germ cells (PGCs) of Oryzias latipes in migration to the gonadal anlage have been investigated by light and electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of the PGCs, which occur in the subendodermal space on the syncytial periblast, differ conspicuously from that of the surrounding endodermal cells. After the PGCs move to the cavity between lateral plate and ectoderm, they are taken into the somatomesodermal layer and transferred to the dorsal mesentery where they form gonadal anlage with mesodermal cells. During their translocation to the dorsal mesentery through the somatic mesoderm, apparently without formation of pseudopods, the PGCs are completely surrounded by mesodermal cells. Since these conditions seem unfavorable to the active translocation of the PGCs to the dorsal mesentery, it is more likely that the PGCs are transferred passively by the morphogenic activity of the lateral-plate mesoderm.Counts of the number of the PGCs revealed that they are mitotically dormant during the migratory period. After the completion of the migration, they regain their proliferative activity. The PGCs in the female proliferate more actively than those in the male, which provides the first morphological indication of sex differentiation in this species of fish.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA overexpression and short hairpin RNA interference approaches were evaluated for decreasing expression of primordial germ cell (PGC) marker genes and thereby sterilizing channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by delivering knockdown constructs driven by a constitutive promoter from yeast and a copper transport protein gene into fish embryos by electroporation. Two PGC marker genes, nanos and dead end, were the target knockdown genes, and their expressions, along with that of an off-target gene, vasa, were evaluated temporally using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Copper sulfate was evaluated as a repressor compound. Some of the constructs knocked down PGC marker gene expression, and some of the constructs were partially repressed by application of 0.1-ppm copper sulfate. When the rate of sexual maturity was compared for three-year-old broodfish that had been exposed to the sterilizing constructs during embryologic development and controls that had not been exposed, several treatments had reduced sexual maturity for the exposed fish. Of two promoter systems evaluated, the one which had been designed to be less sensitive to copper generally was more effective at achieving sterilization and more responsive to repression. Knockdown constructs based on 3′ nanos short hairpin RNA interference appeared to result in the best repression and restoration of normal sexual maturity. We conclude that these copper-based systems exhibited good potential for repressible transgenic sterilization. Optimization of this system could allow environmentally safe application of transgenic technology and might be applicable to other applications for aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Kang SJ  Sohn SH  Kang KS  Lee HC  Lee SK  Choi JW  Han JY 《Theriogenology》2011,75(4):696-706
Interspecific hybrids provide insights into fundamental genetic principles, and may prove useful for biotechnological applications and as tools for the conservation of endangered species. In the present study, interspecies hybrids were generated between the Korean ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and the White Leghorn chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). We determined whether these hybrids were good recipients for the production of germline chimeric birds. PCR-based species-specific amplification and karyotype analyses showed that the hybrids inherited genetic material from both parents. Evaluation of biological function indicated that the growth rates of hybrids during the exponential phase (body weight/week) were similar to those of the pheasant but not the chicken, and that the incubation period for hatching was significantly different from that of both parents. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) of hybrids reacted with a pheasant PGC-specific antibody and circulated normally in blood vessels. The peak time of hybrid PGC migration was equivalent to that of the pheasant. In late embryonic stages, germ cells were detected by the QCR1 antibody on 15 d male gonads and were normally localized in the seminiferous cords. We examined the migration ability and developmental localization of exogenous PGCs transferred into the blood vessels of 63 h hybrid embryos. Donor-derived PGCs reacted with a donor-specific antibody were detected on 7 d gonads and the seminiferous tubules of hatchlings. Therefore, germ cell transfer into developing embryos of an interspecies hybrid can be efficiently used for the conservation of threatened animals and endangered species, and many biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

No information exists on the identification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the super‐order Protacanthopterygii, which includes the Salmonidae family and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), one of the most commercially important aquatic animals worldwide. In order to identify salmon PGCs, we cloned the full‐length cDNA of vasa, dead end (dnd), and lymphocyte antigen 75 (ly75/CD205) genes as germ cell marker candidates, and analyzed their expression patterns in both adult and embryonic stages of Atlantic salmon. Semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR results showed that salmon vasa and dnd were specifically expressed in testis and ovary, and vasa, dnd, and ly75 mRNA were maternally deposited in the egg. vasa mRNA was consistently detected throughout embryogenesis while dnd and ly75 mRNA were gradually degraded during cleavages. In situ analysis revealed the localization of vasa and dnd mRNA and Ly75 protein in PGCs of hatched larvae. Whole‐mount in situ hybridization detected vasa mRNA during embryogenesis, showing a distribution pattern somewhat different to that of zebrafish; specifically, at mid‐blastula stage, vasa‐expressing cells were randomly distributed at the central part of blastodisc, and then they migrated to the presumptive region of embryonic shield. Therefore, the typical vasa localization pattern of four clusters during blastulation, as found in zebrafish, was not present in Atlantic salmon. In addition, salmon PGCs could be specifically labeled with a green fluorescence protein (GFP) using gfp‐rt‐vasa 3′‐UTR RNA microinjection for further applications. These findings may assist in understanding PGC development not only in Atlantic salmon but also in other salmonids. Mol. Reprod. Dev. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell death in the germ line is controlled by both positive and negative mechanisms that maintain the appropriate number of germ cells and that prevent the possible formation of germ cell tumors. In the mouse embryo, Steel/c-Kit signaling is required to prevent migrating primordial germ cells (PGCs) from undergoing Bax-dependent apoptosis. In our current study, we show that migrating PGCs also undergo apoptosis in Nanos3-null embryos. We assessed whether the Bax-dependent apoptotic pathway is responsible for this cell death by knocking out the Bax gene together with the Nanos3 gene. Differing from Steel-null embryos, however, the Bax elimination did not completely rescue PGC apoptosis in Nanos3-null embryos, and only a portion of the PGCs survived in the double knockout embryo. We further established a mouse line, Nanos3-Cre-pA, to undertake lineage analysis and our results indicate that most of the Nanos3-null PGCs die rather than differentiate into somatic cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of Bax. In addition, a small number of surviving PGCs in Nanos3/Bax-null mice are maintained and differentiate as male and female germ cells in the adult gonads. Our findings thus suggest that heterogeneity exists in the PGC populations and that Nanos3 maintains the germ cell lineage by suppressing both Bax-dependent and Bax-independent apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

It is known that mammalian primordial germ cells (PGCs), the precursors of oocytes and prospermatogonia, depend for survival and proliferation on specific growth factors and other undetermined compounds. Adhesion to neighboring somatic cells is also believed to be crucial for preventing PGC apoptosis occurring when they lose appropriate cell to cell contacts. This explains the current impossibility to maintain isolated mouse PGCs in culture for periods longer than a few hours in the absence of suitable cell feeder layers producing soluble factors and expressing surface molecules necessary for preventing PGTC apoptosis and stimulating their proliferation. In the present paper, we identified a cocktail of soluble growth factors, namely KL, LIF, BMP-4, SDF-1, bFGF and compounds (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, forskolin, retinoic acid) able to sustain the survival and self-renewal of mouse PGCs in the absence of somatic cell support. We show that under culture conditions allowing PGC adhesion to an acellular substrate, such growth factors and compounds were able to prevent the occurrence of significant levels of apoptosis in PGCs for two days, stimulate their proliferation and, when LIF was omitted from the cocktail, allow most of them to enter into and progress through meiotic prophase I. These results consent for the first time to establish culture conditions for purified mammalian PGCs in the absence of somatic cell support and should make easier the molecular dissection of the processes governing the development of such cells crucial for early gametogenesis.  相似文献   

The formation of the essential functional unit of the ovary, the primordial follicle, occurs during fetal life in humans. Factors regulating oogonial proliferation and interaction with somatic cells before primordial follicle formation are largely unknown. We have investigated the expression, localisation and functional effects of activin and its receptors in the human fetal ovary at 14-21 weeks gestation. Expression of mRNA for the activin betaA and betaB subunits and the activin receptors ActRIIA and ActRIIB was demonstrated by RT-PCR. Expression of betaA mRNA increased 2-fold across the gestational range examined. Activin subunits and receptors were localised by immunohistochemistry. The betaA subunit was expressed by oogonia, and the betaB subunit and activin receptors were expressed by both oogonia and somatic cells. BetaA expression was increased in larger oogonia at later gestations, but was low in oocytes within newly formed primordial follicles. Treatment of ovary fragments with activin A in vitro increased both the number of oogonia present and oogonial proliferation, as detected by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation. These data indicate that activin may be involved in the autocrine and paracrine regulation of germ cell proliferation in the human ovary during the crucial period of development leading up to primordial follicle formation.  相似文献   

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