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The purpose of this study was to examine the seasonal changes in body composition and aerobic performance in elite soccer players. Twelve elite professional soccer players (aged 25 6 5 years, weight 75.7 6 5.3 kg, height 1.79 6 0.06 m) were measured for body fat (%), maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), running velocity at VO2max (VO2max), running velocity at a fixed blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol · L21 (v-4 mM) at the start of the preseason period, at the beginning of the competitive period, and at midseason. VO2max, v-4 mM, and vVO2max increased significantly (p , 0.05) by 4.5, 10.5, and 7.8,respectively, after the preseason period. Thereafter, the aerobic performance parameters remained relatively constant, with no significant changes throughout the competitive period. The results of this study suggest that moderate improvements were observed in VO2max, and the %VO2max at 4 v-4 mM, whereas higher improvements were observed in VO2max and v-4 mmol · L21 after the preseason training period. On the other hand, during the competitive period, aerobic performance remained unchanged.In addition, this study suggests that heart rate, lactate, vVO2, and VO2max are useful and practical predictors that help monitor aerobic performance changes during a soccer season.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe certain morphological characteristics of women soccer players and to examine aspects of training and performance. Twenty-two anthropometric sites were used in measurements of somatotype and body composition; flexibility, agility, anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and dynamic pulmonary functions were used as performance variables. Measurements were made on 17 professional athletes and 17 age-matched sedentary women who acted as controls. The women soccer players showed less fat content and less lean body mass than did the sedentary women. The mean somatotype for the soccer players was 3.07-3.55-2.43 and for the nonathletes was 3.57-3.35-2.90. Anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and agility in the athletes were higher than in the nonathletes, whereas no differences were found in flexibility and pulmonary functions (p > 0.05). The women soccer players showed more significantly mesomorphic, less endomorphic, least ectomorphic components and higher performance level than did the sedentary women.  相似文献   

A major use of small-sided games (SSGs) in soccer training is the concomitant development of game-specific aerobic fitness. We hypothesize that the SSG formats of 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, and 4 vs. 4 players reveal game-like intensities and therefore are most adequate to increase game-specific aerobic fitness. Heart rate (HR), percentage of maximum heart rate (HRmax), blood lactate concentration (La), and time-motion characteristics of 17 elite male youth soccer players (aged 14.9 ± 0.7 years, V[Combining Dot Above]O2max 61.4 ± 4.5 ml·kg·min, HRmax 199.6 ± 7.3 b·min) were collected by global positioning systems while performing the SSG formats. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and effect sizes were calculated to demonstrate the differences between SSG formats. Highest physiological responses were obtained in 2 vs. 2 (HR: 186 ± 7 b·min, HRmax: 93.3 ± 4.2%, La: 5.5 ± 2.4 mmol·L) followed by 3 vs. 3 (HR: 184 ± 8 b·min, HRmax: 91.5 ± 3.3%, La: 4.3 ± 1.7 mmol·L) and 4 vs. 4 (HR: 179 ± 7 b·min, HRmax 89.7 ± 3.4%, La: 4.4 ± 1.9 mmol·L). Pronounced differences were found for most physiological parameters and for time spent in the speed zones "walking" (<5.3 km·h), "moderate-speed running" (10.3-13.9 km·h), and "maximum sprinting" (≥26.8 km·h). The findings suggest that all the formats reveal game-like intensities and are suitable for aerobic fitness improvements. However, we found pronounced demands on the anaerobic energy supply in 2 vs. 2, whereas 3 vs. 3 and 4 vs. 4 remain predominantly on an aerobic level and differ mainly in the HR response. We suggest using 3 vs. 3 for soccer-specific aerobic fitness training.  相似文献   

We investigated the movement patterns of small-sided training games and compared these movement patterns with domestic, national, and international standard competition in elite women soccer players. In addition, we investigated the repeated-sprint demands of women's soccer with respect to the duration of sprints, number of sprint repetitions, recovery duration, and recovery intensity. Thirteen elite women soccer players [age (mean +/- SD) 21 +/- 2 years] participated in this study. Time-motion analysis was completed during training (n = 39) consisting of small-sided (i.e., three versus three and five versus five) training games, domestic matches against male youth teams (n = 10), Australian national-league matches (n = 9), and international matches (n = 12). A repeated-sprint bout was defined as a minimum of three sprints, with recovery of less than 21 seconds between sprints. The overall exercise to rest ratios for small-sided training games (1:13) were similar to or greater than domestic competition against male youth teams (1:15) and national-league (1:16) and international (1:12) competitions. During the international matches analyzed, 4.8 +/- 2.8 repeated-sprint bouts occurred per player, per match. The number of sprints within the repeated-sprint bouts was 3.4 +/- 0.8. The sprint duration was 2.1 +/- 0.7 seconds, and the recovery time between sprints was 5.8 +/- 4.0 seconds. Most recovery between sprints was active in nature (92.6%). In contrast to international competition, repeated-sprint bouts were uncommon in small-sided training games, domestic competition against male youth teams, and national-league competition. These findings demonstrate that small-sided training games simulate the overall movement patterns of women's soccer competition but offer an insufficient training stimulus to simulate the high-intensity, repeated-sprint demands of international competition.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the activity profile of elite adolescent players during regular team handball games and to compare the physical and motor performance of players between the first and second halves of a match. Activity patterns (video analysis) and heart-rate (HR) responses (telemetry) were monitored in top national-division adolescent players (18 men, aged 15.1 ± 0.6 years) throughout 6 regulation games (25-minute halves with a 10-minute interval). The total distance covered averaged 1,777 ± 264 m per game (7.4% less in the second than in the first half, p > 0.05). Players ran 170 ± 24 m at high intensity and 86 ± 12 m at maximal speed, with 32 ± 6 bouts of running (duration 2.3 ± 0.3 seconds) at speeds > 18 km·h(-1); they stood still for 16% of the playing time. The mean HR during play was 172 ± 2 b·min(-1) (82 ± 3% of maximal HR). Blood lactate concentrations at the end of the first and second halves were 9.7 ± 1.1 and 8.3 ± 0.9 mmol·L(-1), respectively (difference p < 0.05). We conclude that adolescent handball players cover less distance and engage in fewer technical actions in the second half of a match. This indicates that team handball is physiologically very demanding. The practical implication is that coaches should seek to sustain performance in the second period of a game by modifying playing tactics and maximizing both aerobic and anaerobic fitness during training sessions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine which phase of a 30-m sprint (acceleration and/or maximal velocity) was affected by preperformance static stretching. Data were collected from 20 elite female soccer players. On two nonconsecutive days, participants were randomly assigned to either the stretch or no-stretch condition. On the first day, the athletes in the no-stretch condition completed a standard warm-up protocol and then performed three 30-m sprints, with a 2-minute rest between each sprint. The athletes in the stretch condition performed the standard warm-up protocol, completed a stretching routine of the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles, and then immediately performed three 30-m sprints, also with a 2-minute rest between each sprint. On the second day, the groups were reversed, and identical procedures were followed. One-way repeated-measures analyses of variance revealed a statistically significant difference in acceleration (p < 0.0167), maximal-velocity sprint time (p < 0.0167), and overall sprint time (p < 0.0167) between the stretch and no-stretch conditions. Static stretching before sprinting resulted in slower times in all three performance variables. These findings provide evidence that static stretching exerts a negative effect on sprint performance and should not be included as part of the preparation routine for physical activity that requires sprinting.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional survey mainly investigated the sleep characteristics and its association with the training volumes of top blind soccer players in China. Additionally, the sleep quality of athletes with and without a visual impairment was compared. Blind soccer players (n = 60) completed the survey form measuring their sleep characteristics and demographic data. A secondary data-set about the sleep quality of athletes without disabilities was used to compare with the current sample. The results showed that 26.7% blind soccer players were classified as poor sleepers. There was a significant difference of sleep quality (poor vs. good sleep quality) by training volume and sleep characteristics (subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and daytime dysfunction). Somewhat unexpectedly, blind soccer players generally showed a better sleep quality than athletes without disabilities. It was concluded that more than one fourth of blind soccer players have poor sleep quality and that training volumes may affect it. There is a need to understand possible reasons and mechanisms of poor sleep quality among this special population in future research.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study is to determine how the level of state and trait anxiety differs between youth athletes of different performance levels and furthermore whether there are correlations between performance levels and psychomotor variables in the selected tasks. A sample of 97 boys, aged 11–12 years, practising soccer represented two groups: A – high performance level and B – lower performance level. Participants completed a state and trait anxiety inventory and performed selected psychomotor tests. The analyses demonstrated that the higher the levels of anxiety were, the shorter was the response time and more accurate were the responses in selected psychomotor tests. For the whole group, r = -0.224, p < 0.05, and for group B, r = -0.333, p < 0.05. Moreover, the findings showed a moderator effect of level (group A vs B) on reaction time, which was almost significant in state anxiety and significant in trait anxiety. For group B, trait anxiety was negatively related to reaction time (b = -0.002, SE = 0.001, t = -2.93, p = .004, 95% CI [-0.004, -0.001]). This means that the higher the trait anxiety was, the shorter was the reaction time in group B, but there was no significant effect in group A. The results of the study confirmed the negative correlation between the trait and state anxiety and reaction time. The higher the anxiety was, the shorter was the response time of child soccer players. Future research should determine whether athletes’ performance levels do affect performance under stress and replicate the study with different samples such as girls and different sport disciplines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the blood lactate (La-), heart rate (HR) and percentage of maximum HR (%HRmax) responses among the small-sided games (SSGs) in elite young soccer players. Sixteen players (average age 15.7 6 0.4 years; height 176.8 6 4.6 cm; body mass 65.5 6 5.6 kg; VO2max 53.1 6 5.9 ml · kg(-1) · min(-1); HRmax 195.9 6 7.4 b · min(-1)) volunteered to perform the YoYo intermittent recovery test and 6 bouts of soccer drills including 1-a-side, 2-a-side, 3-a-side, and 4-a-side games without a goalkeeper in random order at 2-day intervals. The differences in La-, HR and%HRmax either among the SSGs or among the bouts were identified using 4 x 6 (games x exercise bouts) 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. Significant differences were found on La-, HR, and %HRmax among the bouts (p ≤ 0.05). The 3-a-side and 4-a-side games were significantly higher than 1-a-side and 2-a-side games on HR and %HRmax (p ≤ 0.05), whereas the 1-a-side game significantly resulted in higher La- responses compared to other SSGs. This study demonstrated that physiological responses during the 1-a-side and 2-a-side games were different compared to 3-a-side and 4-a-side games. Therefore, it can be concluded that a decreased number of players results in increased intensity during SSGs including 6 bouts. These results suggest that coaches should pay attention on choosing the SSG type and the number of bouts to improve desired physical conditioning of elite young soccer players in soccer training.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to compare the outcomes and provide reference data for a set of barbell mechanical parameters collected via a linear velocity transducer in 126 male sprinters (n = 62), rugby players (n = 32), and soccer players (n = 32). Bar-velocity, bar-force, and bar-power outputs were assessed in the jump-squat exercise with jump-squat height determined from bar-peak velocity. The test started at a load of 40% of the athletes’ body mass (BM), and a load of 10% of BM was gradually added until a clear decrement in the bar power was observed. Comparisons of bar variables among the three sports were performed using a one-way analysis of variance. Relative measures of bar velocity, force, and power, and jump-squat height were significantly higher in sprinters than in rugby (difference ranging between 5 and 35%) and soccer (difference ranging between 5 and 60%) players across all loads (40–110% of BM). Rugby players exhibited higher absolute bar-power (mean difference = 22%) and bar-force (mean difference = 16%) values than soccer players, but these differences no longer existed when the data were adjusted for BM (mean difference = 2.5%). Sprinters optimized their bar-power production at significantly greater relative loads (%BM) than rugby (mean difference = 22%) and soccer players (mean difference = 25%); nonetheless, all groups generated their maximum bar-power outputs at similar bar velocities. For the first time, we provided reference values for the jump-squat exercise for three different bar-velocity measures (i.e., mean, mean propulsive, and peak velocity) for sprinters, rugby players, and soccer players, over a wide range of relative loads. Practitioners can use these reference values to monitor their athletes and compare them with top-level sprinters and team-sport players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to estimate the physiologic strain on players during various soccer training activities. Ten soccer players from the first division soccer league of Turkey were used as subjects. The heart rate responses were measured during 4 types of soccer training. First, the heart rates that corresponded to a blood lactate concentration of both 2 and 4 mM were measured, and then, during the 4 types of training, they were correlated with the proportion of time that the heart rate was below the 2-mM lactate line, between the 2- and 4-mM lactate lines, and above the 4-mM lactate line. Mean heart rates during friendly match, modified game, tactical training, and technical training activities were 157 +/- 19, 135 +/- 28, 126 +/- 21, and 118 +/- 21 b.min(-1), respectively. The differences between all of these soccer training activities were statistically significant (p < or = 0.01). The results demonstrate that (a) technical and tactical training consisted of very low exercise intensities (most of the heart rates were below the 4-mM lactate level) and (b) the percentages of time that the heart rate correlated to a point above the 4-mM lactate reference level during the friendly match and modified game were 49.6 +/- 27.1% and 23.9 +/- 24.5%, respectively. The practical implications of these findings are that, by using 2- to 4-mM reference lines, coaches can structure heart rate zones that can help determine the individualized exercise intensity for their players as well as estimate overall exercise intensity during soccer training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain an insight into the physical and physiological profile of elite Belgian soccer players with specific regard to the player's position on the field. The sample consisted of 289 adult players from 6 different first division teams. The players were divided into 5 subgroups (goalkeepers, center backs, full backs, midfielders, and strikers) according to their self-reported best position on the field. The subjects performed anaerobic (10-m sprint, 5 × 10-m shuttle run [SR], squat jump [SJ], and countermovement jump [CMJ]) and aerobic (incremental running protocol) laboratory tests. The strikers had significantly shorter sprinting times (5-, 5- to 10-m time, and SR) compared with the midfielders, center backs, and goalkeepers, whereas the full backs were also significantly faster compared with the goalkeepers and the center backs. The goalkeepers and the center backs displayed higher jumping heights (total mean SJ = 40.7 ± 4.6 cm and CMJ = 43.1 ± 4.9 cm) compared with the other 3 positions, whereas the strikers also jumped higher than the full backs and the midfielders did. Regarding the aerobic performance, both full backs and the midfielders (61.2 ± 2.7 and 60.4 ± 2.8 ml · min(-1) · kg(-1), respectively) had a higher VO2max compared with the strikers, center backs, and goalkeepers (56.8 ± 3.1, 55.6 ± 3.5, and 52.1 ± 5.0 ml · min(-1) · kg(-1), respectively). From this study, it could be concluded that players in different positions have different physiological characteristics. The results of this study might provide useful insights for individualized conditional training programs for soccer players. Aside from the predominant technical and tactical skills, a physical profile that is well adjusted to the position on the field might enhance game performance.  相似文献   

Ingebrigtsen, J, Dillern, T, and Shalfawi, SAI. Aerobic capacities and anthropometric characteristics of elite female soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3352-3357, 2011-This study investigated aerobic capacities and anthropometric characteristics within a group of 29 elite female soccer players. The purpose was to identify and establish aerobic capacities and anthropometric characteristics for these players and to look for possible positional differences between keepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers. We did this by measuring standard anthropometrical variables and maximal oxygen (VO(2)max) and anaerobic threshold (AT). One-way analysis of variance revealed no significant differences among anthropometric or physiological variables. However, a trend (p = 0.062) toward positional differences was found within running speed at AT. A subsequent Tukey post hoc test showed differences (p = 0.04) between keepers and defenders, with the latter running faster (~1.7 km·h) at AT. The present results suggest that few anthropometric and physiological differences exist between playing positions in elite female soccer players. Furthermore, the current results indicate that present elite players' physiological characteristics are similar to those previously shown, despite the rapid changes of the female soccer game. Based on well-established knowledge that different playing positions within a soccer team ought to have distinct capacities, we recommend regular testing programs to be able to construct and implement tailored training programs for players' physical capacities with respect to the demands of their playing positions.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of birth date, salivary testosterone [sT] concentration, sexual maturity status, and general strength on the selection process of an elite Brazilian soccer club during a 12-month period, which was a 2nd phase of a 24-month selection process. The stature, body mass, sT, sexual maturity status [Tanner scale], and hand grip strength were assessed for 143 players during 2 weeks. From these 143 players, 100 players were dismissed [DIS] and 43 players were selected to integrate the club’s under-14 squad. Following 1-year training period, the under-14 team was assembled with 9 players designated as starters [STA], and then, comparisons were conducted taking into account a group of non-starters (selected; SEL = 34 players) and STA (n = 09). The DIS, SEL, STA players, and reference population, were compared for birth distribution. A greater proportion of players was born in the first trimester in the STA [75.0%], SEL [57.1%] and DIS [50.0%] groups compared to the reference population [25.8%]. One-way ANOVA showed a higher sT for STA group [516.0 ± 129.9 pmol·L-1], compared to SEL [415.5 ± 117.9 pmol·L-1] and DIS groups [390.9 ± 84.9 pmol·L-1; p = 0.003), and Kruskall-Wallis test showed a higher gonadal development for STA compared to DIS [p = 0.001]. The current findings suggest a strong influence of birth date and biological maturation on young soccer players selection process. Soccer coaches should consider these influences when making decisions about player selection of elite youth players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the speed, agility, quickness (SAQ) training method on power performance in soccer players. Soccer players were assigned randomly to 2 groups: experimental group (EG; n = 50) and control group (n = 50). Power performance was assessed by a test of quickness--the 5-m sprint, a test of acceleration--the 10-m sprint, tests of maximal speed--the 20- and the 30-m sprint along with Bosco jump tests--squat jump, countermovement jump (CMJ), maximal CMJ, and continuous jumps performed with legs extended. The initial testing procedure took place at the beginning of the in-season period. The 8-week specific SAQ training program was implemented after which final testing took place. The results of the 2-way analysis of variance indicated that the EG improved significantly (p < 0.05) in 5-m (1.43 vs. 1.39 seconds) and in 10-m (2.15 vs. 2.07 seconds) sprints, and they also improved their jumping performance in countermovement (44.04 vs. 4.48 cm) and continuous jumps (41.08 vs. 41.39 cm) performed with legs extended (p < 0.05). The SAQ training program appears to be an effective way of improving some segments of power performance in young soccer players during the in-season period. Soccer coaches could use this information in the process of planning in-season training. Without proper planning of the SAQ training, soccer players will most likely be confronted with decrease in power performance during in-season period.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the distance covered by professional soccer players during matches with the use of the computerized match analysis system Amisco Pro? (version 1.0.2, Nice, France). Kinematic examination included the specification of the distance covered by 31 players participating in 4 matches in the Union of European Football Association Cup competitions during the 2008-2009 season. Data were analyzed based on players' positions on the pitch, changes in the players' motor activity intensity level, and match period (first or second half). The results of statistical analysis revealed that the average total distance covered by all players (n = 31) was 11,288 ± 734 m. With respect to the player's position on the pitch, the midfielders traveled the longest average distance (11,770 ± 554 m) during the game. This was 3% longer than the distance achieved by the attackers at 11,377 ± 584 m, and 7% longer than that achieved by the defenders 10,932 ± 728 m. The analysis of physical loads on soccer players during a match is highly useful for training individualization. It provides a tool for effective planning and for recording the loads on players, which is an indispensable element of modern coaching.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to explore distinctive anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of young soccer players between the age of 11 and 14 and to reveal the performance at the age of 11, which contributes to the later success. Male players of the best national male squads of the 'cadet league' (14 years of age; n = 26) were annually tested starting from the age of 11 for body size and composition, flexibility, power, coordination, and agility. Randomly selected untrained but physically active age-matched boys (n = 63) were also tested over 4 consecutive years. The results revealed no difference between 2 groups regarding the body size and composition (p > 0.05). The differences in flexibility emerged only at the later age, whereas the differences regarding the explosive power (as assessed by various jumps) were moderate and partly inconsistent. The most prominent advantage of the soccer players over the control subjects during the entire tested age period appeared to be movement agility and coordination (p < 0.01). Therefore, the explosive muscle power and, in particular, the agility and coordination characterize elite soccer players of 11-14 years of age but not the body size and body composition. In addition, the agility and coordination could be among the crucial factors of future success in 11-year-old players and, therefore, should be used for early selection.  相似文献   

Differences in motor and psychologic variables according to playing positions were analyzed in a sample of 53 elite female handball players, members of junior and senior national team. Motor status included 8 variables for assessment of explosive strength of landing and throwing, agility, speed strength, movement frequency, and flexibility. Psychologic status was analyzed through 4 dimensions according to Eysenck: extroversion, psychotic behavior, neurotic behavior, and lie. The anthropologic features analyzed showed statistically significant differences. Considering motor abilities, differences were recorded in the variables for assessment of speed strength, agility and leg movement frequency, where wings predominated, whereas goalkeepers showed predominance in flexibility. In psychologic status, differences were present in the variable for assessment of extroversion, which was most pronounced in wings, whereas psychotic behavior was more expressed in those at pivot position. The differences were primarily consequential to the selection of players of a specific anthropologic profile for particular playing positions. The hypothesis of the impact of kinesiologic specificities of a particular playing position on the formation of the players' anthropologic profile should be scientifically tested. Study results may found application in training and contest practice, especially in forming anthropologic models for particular positions during the process of player selection.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the relationship between aerobic fitness and metabolic power metrics in elite male soccer players, and the possible differences that playing positions might impose during match play over new metabolic power metrics. Sixty-two elite professional male soccer players (13 central backs, 13 side backs, 22 midfielders, and 14 forwards) took part in the study. Players were monitored during eleven months of full training (including pre-season and in-season) and over all official matches (Serie A matches, Italy Cup matches). Aerobic fitness tests were conducted one week after the start of the preseason, and 8, 24 and 36 weeks after the beginning of the Championship. Players’ aerobic fitness and metabolic power metrics were considered as the mean of all seasonal testing and of pooling data of 38 championship matches and 3 or 6 Italy Cup matches for all the calculations respectively. The velocity at 4 mmol·L-1 (VL4) was significantly related to metabolic power metrics match variables with correlation ranging from trivial to very large (r = 0.32 to r = 0.89). Receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that speed at VL4 was sensitive in detecting high metabolic power distance (HMPD) changes in all but central back players as revealed by area under the curve (central back .78, 95%CI .47 to .95; full back .93, 95%CI .64 to 0.99; midfielder .88, 95%CI .67 to 0.98; forward .90, 95%CI .62 to 0.99). This study’s findings provide further evidence for the ecological validity of aerobic fitness in elite male soccer players. Players having a HMPD cut-off equal to or higher than > 1450 m for central backs, > 1990 m for full backs, > 2170 m for midfielders and > 1670 m for forwards may be considered as possessing superior aerobic fitness status. In light of this study’s findings, the VL4 test may be considered a valid test to evaluate meaningful information for direct generic aerobic training in soccer players.  相似文献   

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