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The control of parasitic disease requires a complex interplay of activities in the fields of public health, education, political will and medical science. For every parasitic disease, the nature of the interplay is different because the essential factors vary greatly, including: (i) the presence or absence of a vector or animal reservoir; (ii) whether the available drugs are effective, acceptable or affordable to the patient; and (iii) whether the politico-economic climate supports or retards public health measures. But, throughout the whole spectrum of parasitic infections of humans, there is a need for treatment, and the search for better drugs is a perpetual process. Advances in science, especially in the field of parasite genomics and its attendant technology, have opened up possibilities for new drugs which were unimagined just a few years ago. By contrast, the escalating costs of drug discovery programmes make research and development particularly difficult to promote and sustain in today's global economy. Of the 1223 new drugs brought to the market between 1975 and 1996, 1% (11 new compounds and two reformulations) were treatments for tropical diseases [1]. This special issue of Trends in Parasitology and the accompanying poster examine some of the developments in this fascinating field.  相似文献   

Between 1950 and 1980, Japan eliminated several major parasitic diseases. In 1998, the Japanese Hashimoto Initiative was the first global programme to target parasitic diseases. Thereafter, Japan expanded its international cooperation to cover infectious diseases through integrated development programmes to improve health, to alleviate poverty and to help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Parasite control remains a major component of all subsequent operations. Opportunities to build upon past successes in order to improve the situation in the developing world - in addition to tackling emerging national threats - are promising. Substantial challenges remain and Japan has introduced major national reforms to try to overcome them.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by tropical parasites affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide but have been largely neglected for drug development because they affect poor people in poor regions of the world. Most of the current drugs used to treat these diseases are decades old and have many limitations, including the emergence of drug resistance. This review will summarize efforts to reinvigorate the drug development pipeline for these diseases, which is driven in large part by support from major philanthropies. The organisms responsible for these diseases have a fascinating biology, and many potential biochemical targets are now apparent. These neglected diseases present unique challenges to drug development that are being addressed by new consortia of scientists from academia and industry.  相似文献   

Lilley CJ  Davies LJ  Urwin PE 《Parasitology》2012,139(5):630-640
SUMMARYRNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as an invaluable gene-silencing tool for functional analysis in a wide variety of organisms, particularly the free-living model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. An increasing number of studies have now described its application to plant parasitic nematodes. Genes expressed in a range of cell types are silenced when nematodes take up double stranded RNA (dsRNA) or short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that elicit a systemic RNAi response. Despite many successful reports, there is still poor understanding of the range of factors that influence optimal gene silencing. Recent in vitro studies have highlighted significant variations in the RNAi phenotype that can occur with different dsRNA concentrations, construct size and duration of soaking. Discrepancies in methodology thwart efforts to reliably compare the efficacy of RNAi between different nematodes or target tissues. Nevertheless, RNAi has become an established experimental tool for plant parasitic nematodes and also offers the prospect of being developed into a novel control strategy when delivered from transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Significant improvements in our knowledge of tumor immunology have resulted in more sophisticated vaccine approaches for the treatment of cancer. However, research into biomarkers that correlate with the clinical outcome of immunotherapy has lagged behind vaccine development. To this extent, very few immunological or other markers exist that can be used in clinical trials for immunotherapy. In this review, we discuss the current status of biomarker development specifically for the monitoring and development of cancer vaccines. This includes immunological biomarkers (measurement of T-cell and cytokine responses), autoimmunity as a correlate for treatment outcome, and the possible development of multiple biomarkers using high-throughput proteomics technologies. The generation of such biomarkers will allow us to make clinical decisions about patient treatment at an earlier stage and should aid in shortening the development time for vaccines.  相似文献   

Malaria vaccine development: current status   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The development of an effective malaria vaccine represents one of the most important approaches that would provide a cost-effective intervention for addition to currently available malaria control strategies. Here, Howard Engers and Tore Godal review recent advances. Over the past decade there has been considerable progress in the understanding of immune mechanisms involved in conferring protection to malaria and in the identification of vaccine candidate antigens and their genes. Several new vaccines have entered Phase I/II trials recently, new adjuvants have been developed for human use and new approaches, such as DNA vaccines and structural modification of antigens to circumvent some of the strategies the parasite uses to avoid the immune response, are being applied. Thus, from the TDR perspective, global malaria vaccine development is entering a crucial period with unprecedented opportunities.  相似文献   

Drugs from the seas - current status and microbiological implications   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The oceans are the source of a large group of structurally unique natural products that are mainly accumulated in invertebrates such as sponges, tunicates, bryozoans, and molluscs. Several of these compounds (especially the tunicate metabolite ET-743) show pronounced pharmacological activities and are interesting candidates for new drugs primarily in the area of cancer treatment. Other compounds are currently being developed as an analgesic (ziconotide from the mollusc Conus magus) or to treat inflammation. Numerous natural products from marine invertebrates show striking structural similarities to known metabolites of microbial origin, suggesting that microorganisms (bacteria, microalgae) are at least involved in their biosynthesis or are in fact the true sources of these respective metabolites. This assumption is corroborated by several studies on natural products from sponges that proved these compounds to be localized in symbiotic bacteria or cyanobacteria. Recently, molecular methods have successfully been applied to study the microbial diversity in marine sponges and to gain evidence for an involvement of bacteria in the biosynthesis of the bryostatins in the bryozoan Bugula neritina.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis, a spectrum of diseases caused by various forms of Leishmania has become a major health problem all over the world. Vaccination against leishmaniasis has passed through many developmental stages beginning with the ancient practice of 'leishmanization'. Due to various problems and difficulties associated with traditional vaccines, the interest has been shifted to novel approaches of vaccination like DNA vaccination, vaccination with live vectors encoding leishmanial antigens and finally to designer vaccines. In an effort towards developing an anti-leishmanial vaccine, our laboratory has been working on various genes present in an amplified locus of Leishmania known as the 'LD1 locus'. Two genes, ORFF and BT1 (previously ORFG), are part of the multigenic LD1 locus on chromosome 35. BT1 encodes a biopterin transporter, while the function of ORFF gene product is unknown. Immunization of mice with recombinant ORFF (rORFF) and BT1 proteins, individually, or in combination, conferred partial protection against challenge with Leishmania donovani. We also tested the protective efficacy of ORFF DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice model and found that the level of protection was significantly higher than that of ORFF protein. Protection conferred by ORFF DNA vaccine correlated with significant levels of in vitro splenocyte proliferation and low levels of antigen-specific antibodies. There was a preferential production of IFN-gamma compared to IL-4, which indicated the induction of a protective Th1 response, by the DNA vaccine. Thus, DNA immunization may offer an attractive alternative strategy against leishmaniasis. We present here the current status of vaccine development against leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

The prion, a conformational variant of a host protein, is the infectious particle responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), a fatal neurodegenerative disease of humans and animals. The principal target of prion pathology is the brain, yet most TSEs also display prion replication at extra-cerebral locations, including secondary lymphoid organs and sites of chronic inflammation. Despite significant progress in our understanding of this infectious agent, many fundamental questions relating to the nature of the prion, including the mechanism of replication and the molecular events underlying brain damage, remain unanswered. Here we focus on the unresolved issues pertaining to prion pathogenesis, particularly on the role played by the immune system.  相似文献   

益生菌,是一类被科学家证实为对人体和动物体有益的菌。目前,已被广泛运用于医药、食品、畜牧业等多个领域。益生菌的产品诞生于20世纪30年代,经历了将近一个世纪的发展后,在国外已形成一个完整的产业链和成熟的市场。但在我国,则处于一个刚起步的阶段。可能国内的人们对益生菌的产品有点陌生,但随着人们生活水平的提高和消费观念的转变,他们对食品的要求已不再单纯停留在解决温饱的问题上,而是更多地追求安全、健康和营养。相信只要加大对益生菌产品的宣传和消费引导,益生菌在国内亦将有一片广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

Gaucher disease and Fabry disease are lysosomal storage disorders characterized by the accumulation of sphingolipids. In both cases, the goal of gene therapy is to permanently provide tissues with enzyme levels allowing to avoid storage of the undigested substrates. Different gene therapy strategies must however be designed as Gaucher disease is due to a deficiency in the membrane-associated enzyme glucocerebrosidase, whereas Fabry disease is caused by a deficiency in the soluble enzyme alpha-galactosidase. Indeed, a soluble enzyme can be provided to tissues is trans by gene-modified cells whereas gene transfer has to target the most affected cells in the case of membrane-bound enzymes. Thus, in non-neurological Gaucher disease (type 1), the hematopoietic tissue has to be targeted as the deficiency affects the monocyte/macrophage lineage. Following promising preclinical studies, clinical protocols have been initiated to explore the feasibility and safety of retroviral transfer of the glucocerebrosidase gene into CD34+ cells from patients with type 1 Gaucher disease. Although gene-marked cells were detected in vivo, the level of corrected cells was very low, a finding indicating that improved vectors along with partial myeloablation may be necessary. Here, lentiviral vectors should enable more gene transduction into the hematopoietic target cells. As concerns the diffuse neurological lesions in types 2 and 3 of Gaucher disease, they will probably be especially difficult to target by gene therapy because of the non soluble nature of glucocerebrosidase. Finally, over the last few years, Fabry disease has become a compelling target for gene therapy as an etiology-based treatment strategy. Indeed, several recent studies aiming at creating a large in vivo source of alpha-galactosidase have yielded positive long-term results in the Fabry knock-out mouse model.  相似文献   

微塑料污染(microplastics pollution)在全球范围内受到广泛关注。相比于海洋环境以及其他主要河流、湖泊的微塑料污染情况,黄河流域的相关数据较为贫乏。通过综述文献分析了黄河流域河道沉积物和表层水的微塑料污染丰度、类型以及空间分布特征,探讨了黄河流域重要城市和重点保护区的微塑料污染现状,并提出了相应的防控措施。结果表明:黄河流域沉积物和表层水中微塑料污染在空间分布上整体呈现自上游向下游增多的趋势,尤其在黄河三角洲湿地该趋势更加明显;黄河流域沉积物和表层水中微塑料类型存在明显差异,主要与微塑料的材质有关;与全国同类区域相比,黄河流域国家重点城市市域和国家湿地公园的微塑料污染水平处于中高程度,应引起重视;塑料通过多种暴露途径会对黄河滩区养殖业和人类健康造成严重影响。控制黄河流域水体微塑料污染,需要完善相关生产标准和法律法规,提高可降解微塑料产能和塑料废弃物的工程化降解能力。  相似文献   

侵袭性真菌病的诊断:现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖万清  陈敏 《菌物学报》2011,30(1):5-11
近二十年来,医学科学很多领域都取得重大进步。但全球范围内,侵袭性真菌病的发病率及死亡率却仍明显上升,严重威胁人类健康。侵袭性真菌病发病隐匿、临床表现不典型、治疗手段有限、病死率与致残率高,早期、特异的诊断对于改善预后意义重大。目前,以培养、病理为代表的形态学诊断方法虽有局限,但仍是侵袭性真菌病诊断的金标准;以G试验、GM试验、高分辨率CT为代表的新兴血清学及影像学诊断方法值得在临床大力推广;而以PCR技术为基础的核酸诊断技术方法前景光明,但其临床应用之路却仍任重而道远。联合使用并不断改良现有培养、病理等形态学诊断方法、血清学方法及先进影像学技术是提高侵袭性真菌病诊断水平的现实最佳途径。  相似文献   

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