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Past studies have shown that contact between tumor cells and fibroblasts results in stimulation of collagenase production by the fibroblasts. Membrane fractions prepared by differential centrifugation of sonicated B-16 melanoma cells were shown here to contain a collagenase stimulatory factor(s) (CSF). Trypsin treatment of intact B-16 cells prior to membrane fractionation led to loss of 90% of the total activity, indicating that CSF is localized on the outer surface of the cells. Stimulation of fibroblast collagenase production was also observed with dialyzed octylglucoside extracts of the B-16 membranes. Additional of exogenous lipid, ie, a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine, to the detergent extract of the membranes followed by dialysis and centrifugation at 100,000g resulted in 80% recovery of the factor activity in the pellet containing reconstituted lipid vesicles. Fractionation of tritium-labeled, reconstituted lipid vesicles on a Sephacryl S-300 column revealed that the collagenase stimulatory factor coeluted with the radioactive lipid vesicles. The fractionated lipid vesicles lost stimulatory activity completely after trypsin treatment or heating at 65 degrees C, indicating that the factor is a protein.  相似文献   

Summary Several dermal fibroblast lines have been established from explants taken from adult rats. The cells have been cultured for 2 yr and possess stable and well-defined growth characteristics through subculture 18. The cells are readily stored in liquid nitrogen with good viability after thawing. Collagenase activity secreted into the culture medium of the cells at different periods of growth has been examined. There is an 88% drop in total enzyme activity present in the medium between 4 and 14 d of culture, when the cells were plated to reach confluence at Day 8 to 10. A more pronounced fall is noted at earlier times when the cells are plated at a higher density. The correlation between DNA content of the cell monolayer and enzyme activity was −0.895, indicating a possible relationship between the growth of cells and collagenase release. This study was supported in part by grant AM 30856 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Cell sheet engineering has enabled the production of confluent cell sheets stacked together for use as a cardiac patch to increase cell survival rate and engraftment after transplantation, thereby providing a promising strategy for high density stem cell delivery for cardiac repair. One key challenge in using cell sheet technology is the difficulty of cell sheet handling due to its weak mechanical properties. A single-layer cell sheet is generally very fragile and tends to break or clump during harvest. Effective transfer and stacking methods are needed to move cell sheet technology into widespread clinical applications. In this study, we developed a simple and effective micropipette based method to aid cell sheet transfer and stacking. The cell viability after transfer was tested and multi-layer stem cell sheets were fabricated using the developed method. Furthermore, we examined the interactions between stacked stem cell sheets and fibrin matrix. Our results have shown that the preserved ECM associated with the detached cell sheet greatly facilitates its adherence to fibrin matrix and enhances the cell sheet-matrix interactions. Accelerated fibrin degradation caused by attached cell sheets was also observed.  相似文献   

Cell sheet engineering has enabled the production of confluent cell sheets stacked together for use as a cardiac patch to increase cell survival rate and engraftment after transplantation, thereby providing a promising strategy for high density stem cell delivery for cardiac repair. One key challenge in using cell sheet technology is the difficulty of cell sheet handling due to its weak mechanical properties. A single-layer cell sheet is generally very fragile and tends to break or clump during harvest. Effective transfer and stacking methods are needed to move cell sheet technology into widespread clinical applications. In this study, we developed a simple and effective micropipette based method to aid cell sheet transfer and stacking. The cell viability after transfer was tested and multi-layer stem cell sheets were fabricated using the developed method. Furthermore, we examined the interactions between stacked stem cell sheets and fibrin matrix. Our results have shown that the preserved ECM associated with the detached cell sheet greatly facilitates its adherence to fibrin matrix and enhances the cell sheet-matrix interactions. Accelerated fibrin degradation caused by attached cell sheets was also observed.  相似文献   

Tumor cell stimulation of collagenase production by fibroblasts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cocultures of rabbit fibroblasts with mouse tumor cells of epithelial origin showed increased collagenase production when compared to cultures of the individual cells. The stimulatory effect was observed when B-16 melanoma and A-10 adenocarcinoma cells, but not fibroblastic tumor cells or normal epithelial cells, were added to the fibroblasts. The effect was dependent on the cellular ratio between the normal fibroblasts and tumor cells and was mediated by a soluble factor produced by the tumor cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of cyclosporine (Cs)-induced fibrous gingival enlargement, the indirect effects of Cs on fibroblast collagenolysis via the drug's effect on the synthesis of the fibroblast regulatory monokines interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) have been studied. Peripheral blood monocytes stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 48 h produced conditioned media (MCM-LPS) that contained 665 pg/ml IL-1 beta and 16 pg/ml TNF alpha and significantly (P less than 0.001) enhanced the collagenase activity of a fibroblast strain (GN 23) derived from a healthy individual with clinically normal gingiva. The concurrent addition of Cs (50, 100, or 150 ng/ml) with LPS to the monocytes (MCM-LPS-Cs) significantly diminished their ability to enhance GN 23 collagenase activity in a dose-dependent manner, with MCM-LPS-Cs (150 ng/ml) causing the greatest effect. Cs also significantly inhibited IL-1 beta and TNF alpha production. Although the greatest inhibition of both cytokines was at 50 ng/ml Cs, the corresponding MCM-LPS-Cs caused the least diminution (16%) of the collagenase stimulation caused by MCM-LPS (no Cs). This suggested that factor(s) other than or in addition to IL-1 beta and TNF alpha might be responsible for the stimulation of GN 23 collagenase activity. MCM-LPS depleted of IL-1 beta by affinity chromatography retained its stimulatory effect on GN 23 collagenolysis, and human recombinant IL-1 beta and TNF alpha, when tested alone or together at levels found in the stimulatory MCM-LPS and MCM-LPS-Cs, did not stimulate GN 23 collagenase activity as did the crude conditioned media. This evidence suggested that the conditioned media contained the complex mixture of cytokines necessary to stimulate collagenase activity of this fibroblast strain and that IL-1 beta and TNF alpha were not necessarily involved. Cs may alter the synthesis of other collagenase-stimulating cytokines, accounting for the diminished ability of Cs-treated monocytes to enhance collagenase activity of susceptible fibroblast strains. Decreased collagenase activity, therefore, resulting from Cs suppression of monokine production, may be an important factor in the development of fibrous gingival enlargement seen in some susceptible patients treated with Cs.  相似文献   

We report the detailed studies on the inhibitory effect of tannic acid (TA) on Clostridium histolyticum collagenase (ChC) activity against degradation of extracellular matrix component of collagen. The TA treated collagen exhibited 64% resistance against collagenolytic hydrolysis by ChC, whereas direct interaction of TA with ChC exhibited 99% inhibition against degradation of collagen and the inhibition was found to be concentration dependant. The kinetic inhibition of ChC has been deduced from the extent of hydrolysis of N-[3-(2-furyl) acryloyl]-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala (FALGPA). This data provides a selective competitive mode of inhibition on ChC activity seems to be influenced strongly by the nature and structure of TA. TA showed inhibitor activity against the ChC by molecular docking method. This result demonstrated that TA containing digalloyl radical possess the ability to inhibit the ChC. The inhibition of ChC in gaining new insight into the mechanism of stabilization of collagen by TA is discussed.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) are osteoblast mitogens, but their effects on bone formation are not clearly understood. Most in vitro studies examining the effects of FGFs on osteoblasts have been performed only during the initial proliferative stage of osteoblast culture. In these studies, we examined the consequential effect of acidic FGF in cultures of rat fetal diploid osteoblasts that undergo a developmental differentiation program producing a mineralized bone-like matrix. During the initial growth period (days 1–10), addition of acidic FGF (100 μg/ml) to actively proliferating cells increased (P < 0.05) 3H-thymidine uptake (2,515 ± 137, mean ± SEM vs. 5,884 ± 818 cpm/104 cells). During the second stage of maturation (days 10–15), osteoblasts form multilayered nodules of cells and accumulate matrix, followed by mineralization (stage 3, days 16–29). Addition of acidic FGF to the osteoblast cultures from days 7 to 15 completely blocked nodule formation. Furthermore, addition of acidic FGF after nodule formation (days 14–29) inhibited matrix mineralization, which was associated with a marked increase in collagenase gene expression, and resulted in a progressive change in the morphology of the nodules, with only a few remnants of nonmineralized nodules present by day 29. Histochemical and biochemical analyses revealed a decrease in alkaline phosphatase and mineral content, confirming the acidic FGF-induced inhibition of nodule and matrix formation. To identify mechanisms contributing to these changes, we examined expression of cell growth and bone phenotypic markers. Addition of acidic FGF during the proliferative phase (days 7–8) enhanced histone H4, osteopontin, type 1 collagen, and TGF-β mRNA levels, which are coupled to proliferating osteoblasts, and blocked the normal developmental increase in alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin gene expression and calcium accumulation. Addition of acidic FGF to the cultures during matrix maturation (days 14–15) reactivated H4, osteopontin, type I collagen, and TGF-β gene expression, and decreased alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin gene expression. In an in vivo experiment, rats were treated with up to 60 μg/kg/day acidic FGF intravenously for 30 days. Proliferation of osteoblasts and deposition of bone occurred in the marrow space of the diaphysis of the femur in a dose-related fashion. The metaphyseal areas were unaffected by treatment. In conclusion, our data suggest that acidic FGF is a potent mitogen for early stage osteoblasts which leads to modifications in the formation of the extracellular matrix; increases in TGF-β and collagenase are functionally implicated in abrogating competency for nodule formation. Persistence of proliferation prevented expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin, also contributing to the block in the progression of the osteoblast developmental sequence. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

Invasionandmetastasisarethemostimportantcharacteristicsofmalignanttumor.TheoverexpressionandincreasingactivityofcollagenaseIVintumortissueshavebeenconsideredasoneofthemainfactorsinvolvedintumormetastasis[1].IthasbeenthoughtthattheincreasingcollagenaseI…  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases in tumor-host cell communication   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The microenvironment or stroma immediately surrounding tumor cells consists of a three-dimensional extracellular matrix (ECM) and stromal cells such as fibroblasts and inflammatory cells. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) constitute a family of over 24 members, which collectively are capable of degrading virtually the entire ECM. Strict regulation of MMP expression is critical in order to maintain proper ECM homeostasis, but in disease states such as cancer there is often a high level of MMP activity at the tumor-stroma interface. Several studies have documented the importance of MMP-mediated ECM destruction in the successful dissemination of several tumor types, but it has become increasingly clear that they are also involved in earlier stages of tumorigenesis. MMPs are implicated in a wide variety of roles that can assist tumor initiation, growth, migration, angiogenesis, the selection of apoptosis-resistant subpopulations, and in invasion and metastasis. Interestingly, the factors responsible for many of these effects are derived from the cell surfaces of the tumor or stromal cells or are embedded in the ECM. Therefore, the MMPs can no longer be thought of solely as ECM destructionists, but as part of an elegant communication system through which the tumor interacts with the stroma.  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) and basic FGF (bFGF) in extracts of various cultured mammalian cells were determined from their elution profiles on heparin-affinity chromatography, and assay of activity as ability to stimulate DNA synthesis in BALB/c3T3 cells. Only aFGF was found in extracts of mouse melanoma B 16 cell and rat Morris hepatoma cell (MH1C1) lines. Other tumor cell lines established from solid tumors and some normal cells contained bFGF as a main component, but blood tumor cell lines contained no aFGF or bFGF. The FGFs in extracts of solid tumor tissues derived by transplantations of these cultured tumor cells and various normal tissues of mice were also examined. Tumors formed by all cell lines, regardless of whether they produced aFGF, bFGF, or neither, contained bFGF that was probably derived from host cells including capillary endothelial cells, in addition to the tumor-derived aFGF or bFGF, if produced. The content of bFGF, possibly derived from the host, in these tumor tissues was comparable to those of various mouse organs other than thymus, lung, spleen, and testis, which have higher bFGF contents. Tumor tissues derived from cultured cells producing bFGF had relatively higher bFGF contents. Like bFGF, aFGF was distributed almost ubiquitously in normal mouse tissues.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cell production of cytokines that stimulate fibroblast prostaglandin (PG) elaboration is an important mechanism by which mononuclear cells regulate fibroblast function. However, the soluble factors mediating these PG-stimulatory effects are incompletely understood. We characterized the effects on PG production by confluent normal lung fibroblasts of recombinant interleukin 1 alpha (IL 1 alpha), interleukin 1 beta (IL 1 beta) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), alone and in combination. All three cytokines stimulated fibroblast PG production with both IL 1 peptides being significantly more potent than TNF. In addition, TNF interacted in a synergistic fashion with both IL 1 peptides to augment fibroblast PGE elaboration further. The stimulatory effects of the cytokines were almost entirely caused by an increase in PGE2 production and were reversed when the cytokine(s) were removed. These changes in PG production could not be explained by alterations in cell number and were completely negated by specific anticytokine antibodies. Recombinant gamma interferon, although synergizing with TNF in regulating other cellular functions, did not interact with TNF to augment fibroblast PGE elaboration. In addition, the synergistic interaction of IL 1 and TNF did not extend to all biologic effects of IL 1 since TNF did not augment the ability of IL 1 to stimulate thymocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

The malignant behavior of cancers depends on the microenvironmental context. We investigated compositional alterations of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in pancreatic cancer, with special emphasis on the proteoglycans decorin, lumican, and versican. Compared with normal controls (n=18), marked overexpression of these proteoglycans was observed in pancreatic cancer tissues (n=30) by quantitative RT-PCR (p<0.0001). Immunohistochemistry revealed abundance of proteoglycans in the ECM of pancreatic cancer specimens, whereas tumor cells themselves were devoid of either decorin, lumican or versican. RT-PCR confirmed pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) as the major source of these proteins. Interestingly, TGFbeta1 and conditioned medium derived from pancreatic cancer cell lines synergistically suppressed the expression of known anti-tumor factors decorin and lumican, but stimulated the expression of pro-metastatic factor versican in cultured PSCs. These findings indicate that malignant cells can actively influence the composition of the ECM through TGFbeta1 and other soluble factors, altering their microenvironment in a tumor-favorable way.  相似文献   

Traction forces developed by most cell types play a significant role in the spatial organisation of biological tissues. However, due to the complexity of cell-extracellular matrix interactions, these forces are quantitatively difficult to estimate without explicitly considering cell properties and extracellular mechanical matrix responses. Recent experimental devices elaborated for measuring cell traction on extracellular matrix use cell deposits on a piece of gel placed between one fixed and one moving holder. We formulate here a mathematical model describing the dynamic behaviour of the cell-gel medium in such devices. This model is based on a mechanical force balance quantification of the gel visco-elastic response to the traction forces exerted by the diffusing cells. Thus, we theoretically analyzed and simulated the displacement of the free moving boundary of the system under various conditions for cells and gel concentrations. This modelis then used as the theoretical basis of an experimental device where endothelial cells are seeded on a rectangular biogel of fibrin cast between two floating holders, one fixed and the other linked to a force sensor. From a comparison of displacement of the gel moving boundary simulated by the model and the experimental data recorded from the moving holder displacement, the magnitude of the traction forces exerted by the endothelial cell on the fibrin gel was estimated for different experimental situations. Different analytical expressions for the cell traction term are proposed and the corresponding force quantifications are compared to the traction force measurements reported for various kind of cells with the use of similar or different experimental devices. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Production of a 92-kDa gelatinase/type IV collagenase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) was investigated with human sarcoma cell lines. Among the cytokines and growth factors examined, only human recombinant tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) induced and stimulated the proteinase with concomitant increase in TIMP expression, but matrix metalloproteinase 2 (72-kDa gelatinase/type IV collagenase) expression was unchanged. These data suggest that gene expression of the two metalloproteinases is regulated in a different fashion and TNF alpha may be important to allow cancer cells to be more invasive and metastatic.  相似文献   

Stromelysin-3 suppresses tumor cell apoptosis in a murine model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Stromelysin-3 (STR-3) is a matrix metalloproteinase with a unique pattern of expression and substrate specificity. During embryogenesis and remodeling of normal adult tissues, STR-3 is produced by stromal cells in direct contact with epithelial cells undergoing regional apoptosis and selective cell survival. STR-3 is also overexpressed by interdigitating stromal cells in primary epithelial malignancies. Although STR-3 does not degrade classic extracellular matrix components, the enzyme promotes the establishment of local tumors in nude mice by as yet undefined mechanisms. STR-3 is induced when malignant epithelial cells come into contact with surrounding stromal elements; the active stromal cell-derived 45 kDa enzyme is subsequently processed to a 35 kDa protein without enzymatic activity. We have generated MCF-7 transfectants expressing wild type or catalytically inactive 45 kDa STR-3 (STR-3wt and STR-3cat-) or secreted 35 kDa STR-3 (35 kDa STR-3sec) and evaluated their implantation and survival in nude mice. Tumors developed significantly more rapidly in animals receiving STR-3wt, rather than vector-only, STR-3cat- or 35 kDa STR-3sec transfectants. Most importantly, STR-3wt tumors had a significantly lower percentage of apoptotic cells than tumors derived from vector-only, STR-3cat- or 35 kDa STR-3sec transfectants. Taken together, these studies suggest that the active STR-3 enzyme may increase tumor take by suppressing tumor cell apoptosis and that 45 kDa to 35 kDa STR-3 processing limits STR-3 activity at the tumor/stromal interface. Because STR-3 is secreted as an active enzyme rather than a proform, subsequent 45 kDa to 35 kDa STR-3 processing may represent a novel mechanism for regulating enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Summary In previous experiments it was shown that injection into syngeneic CBA/J mice of cell mixtures containing an excess of non-metastatic SP1 mouse mammary carcinoma cells with aras transfected metastatic variant of SP1 called C1, always resulted in the eventual dominance of the C1 subpopulation at the site of inoculation. This occurred despite the growth rates of the two cell populations being identical in vivo when grown separately. The means by which the C1 subpopulation achieved “clonal dominance” is thought to involve its responsiveness to stimulatory paracrine growth factors liberated by the non-metastatic SP1 population. The clonal dominance process, however, could not be recapitulated in conventional monolayer tissue culture conditions in which SP1 and C1 cells were grown together in high concentrations of serum, i.e. under non-limiting culture conditions. We now show that clonal dominance of C1 cells can be observed when the cell mixture is maintained in tissue culture for extended periods, or when the cells are grown under selective, limiting conditions, some of which may mimic growth conditions in vivo more accurately. These conditions were a) growth in low (limiting) serum concentrations; and b) growth as three-dimensional multicellular aggregates, i.e. as “tumor spheroids”. Under all of these conditions dominance of the C1 subpopulation always took place, but with an efficiency 6- to 40-fold less than generally observed in vivo. C1 cells were also able to form more stable (compact) spheroids compared to SP1 cells. Entrapment of the latter in mixed C1/SP1 spheroids increased the recovery of the SP1 cells suggesting some kind of “rescue” mechanism in which cells are protected from physical forces by three-dimensional structure. The relevance of these in vitro interactions for clonal dominance in primary tumors and metastasis in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells spontaneously release cell surface material (glycocalyx) into isotonic saline medium. Exposure of these cells to tritium-labeled 4,4′-diisothiocyano-1,2′-dihenylethane-2,2′-disulfonic acid (3H2DIDS) at 4°C leads to preferential labeling of the cell surface coat. We have combined studies of the kinetics of 3H2DIDS-label release, the effects of enzymatic treatment, and cell electrophoretic mobility to characterize the 3H2DIDS-labeled components of the cell surface. Approximately 73% of the cell-associated radioactivity is spontaneously released from the cells after 5 h at 23°C. The kinetics of release is consistent with the first-order loss of two fractions; a slow (τ½ = 360 min) component representing 33% of the radioactivity, and a fast (τ½ = 20 min) component representing 26%. The remaining 14% of the labile binding may reflect mechanically induced surface release. Trypsin (1 μ/ml) also removes approximately 73% of the labeled material within 30 min and converts the kinectics of release to that of a single component (τ½ = 5.5 min). The specific activity (SA) of material released by trypsin immediately after labeling is 83% of the SA of the material spontaneously los in 1 h. However, trypsinization following a 2-h period of spontaneous release yields material of reduced (43%) SA. Neither 3H2DIDS labeling nor the initial spontaneous loss of labeled material alters cell electrophoretic mobility. However, extended spontaneous release is accompanied by a significant decrease in surface charge density. Trypsinization immediately following labeling or after spontaneous release (2 h) reduces mobility by 32%. We have tentatively identified the slowly released compartment as contributing to cell surface negativity.  相似文献   

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