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Nieduszynski CA  Murray J  Carrington M 《Genome biology》2002,3(12):research0070.1-research00708


Multiple A- and B-type cyclins have been identified in animals, but their study is complicated by varying degrees of functional redundancy. A non-essential phenotype may reflect redundancy with a known or as yet unknown gene. Complete sequencing of several animal genomes has allowed us to determine the size of the mitotic cyclin gene family and therefore to start to address this issue.  相似文献   

Both cyclins A and B associate with and thereby activate cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks). We have investigated which component in the cyclin-cdk complex determines its substrate specificity. The A- and B-type cyclin-cdk complexes phosphorylated histone H1 and their cyclin subunits in an indistinguishable manner, irrespective of the catalytic subunit, p33cdk2 or p34cdc2. In contrast, only the cyclin A-cdk complexes phosphorylated the Rb-related p107 protein in vitro. Likewise, binding studies revealed that cyclin A-cdk complexes bound stably to p107 in vitro, whereas cyclin B-cdk complexes did not detectably associate with p107, under identical assay conditions. Binding to p107 required both cyclin A and a cdk as neither subunit alone bound to p107. These results demonstrate that although the kinase subunit provides a necessary component for binding, it is the cyclin subunit that plays the critical role in targeting the complex to p107. Finally, we show that the cyclin A-p33cdk2 complex phosphorylated p107 in vitro at most of its sites that are also phosphorylated in human cells, suggesting that the cyclin A-p33cdk2 complex is a major kinase for p107 in vivo.  相似文献   

The B-type cyclins of S. cerevisiae are diversified with respect to time of expression during the cell cycle as well as biological function. We replaced the early-expressed CLB5 coding sequence with the late-expressed CLB2 coding sequence, at the CLB5 locus. CLB5::CLB2 exhibited almost no rescue of clb5-specific replication defects, although it could rescue clb1 clb2 lethality, and in synchronized cells Clb2p-associated kinase activity from CLB5::CLB2 rose early in the cell cycle, similar to that of Clb5p. Mutagenesis of a potential substrate-targeting domain of CLB5 reduced biological activity without reducing Clb5p-associated kinase activity. Thus, Clb5p may have targeting domains required for CLB5-specific biological activity.  相似文献   

The destruction of mitotic cyclins by programmed proteolysis at the end of mitosis is an important element in cell cycle control. This proteolysis depends on a conserved motif of nine residues known as the 'destruction box', which is located 40-50 residues from the N-terminus. The sequences of the A- and B-type destruction boxes are slightly different, which might account for the differences in timing of their destruction. When the cyclin A-type destruction box was substituted for the normal one in cyclin B1 or B2, however, the resulting constructs were unexpectedly stable, although the converse substitution of B-type destruction boxes in cyclin A permitted normal degradation. We compared the ubiquitination of various cyclin constructs, and found that whereas mutation of the highly conserved residues in the destruction box strongly reduced the level of ubiquitinated intermediates, the stable destruction box 'swap' constructs did form such adducts. Thus, while ubiquitination is probably necessary for cyclin destruction, it is not sufficient. We also found that poly-ubiquitinated cyclin derivatives are still bound to p34cdc2, which is not detectably ubiquitinated itself, raising the questions of how cyclin and cdc2 dissociate from one another, and at what stage, in the process of degradation.  相似文献   

We have measured the levels of cyclin mRNAs and polypeptides during oogenesis, progesterone-induced oocyte maturation, and immediately after egg activation in the frog, Xenopus laevis. The mRNA for each cyclin is present at a constant level of approximately 5 x 10(7) molecules per oocyte from the earliest stages of oogenesis until after fertilization. The levels of polypeptides show more complex patterns of accumulation. The B-type cyclins are first detectable in stage IV and V oocytes. Cyclin B2 polypeptide is present at approximately 2 x 10(9) molecules (150 pg) per oocyte by stage VI. The amount increases after progesterone treatment, but returns to its previous level after GVBD and undergoes no further change until it is destroyed at fertilization. Cyclin B1 is present at 4 x 10(8) molecules per oocyte in stage VI oocytes, and rises steadily during maturation, ultimately reaching similar levels to cyclin B2 in unfertilized eggs. Unlike the B-type cyclins, cyclin A is barely detectable in stage VI oocytes, and only starts to be made in significant amounts after oocytes are exposed to progesterone. A portion of all the cyclins are destroyed after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and cyclins B1 and B2 also experience posttranslational modifications during oocyte maturation. Progesterone strongly stimulates both cyclin and p34cdc2 synthesis in these oocytes, but whereas cyclin synthesis continues in eggs and after fertilization, synthesis of p34cdc2 declines strongly after GVBD. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the activation and inactivation of maturation-promoting factor.  相似文献   

J Pines  T Hunter 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(16):3772-3781
We have shown previously that human cyclins A and B1 are localized differentially in the cell during interphase; cyclin A is nuclear and cyclin B1 is a cytoplasmic protein. To understand the basis of this difference we created deletion mutants and various chimeras between the two types of cyclin and expressed them in tissue culture cells by transient transfection. We find that the N-terminus of cyclin B1 contains a 42 amino acid region that is sufficient to retain the normally nuclear cyclin A in the cytoplasm. Conversely, deleting the cytoplasmic retention signal region from cyclin B1 causes the protein to become nuclear. Although the cytoplasmic retention signal region is outside the cyclin box, its sequence is well conserved in human cyclin B2, and is both necessary and sufficient to keep cyclin B2 in the cytoplasm. Thus we propose that the subcellular distribution of the B-type cyclins is determined primarily by a small region of the N-terminus which targets the cyclin--CDK complexes to particular structures in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are involved in the control of cell cycle progression. Plant A-type CDKs are functional homologs of yeast Cdc2/Cdc28 and are expressed throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, B-type CDK (CDKB) is a family of mitotic CDKs expressed during the S/M phase, and its precise function remains unknown. Here, we identified two B2-type cyclins, CycB2;1 and CycB2;2, as a specific partner of rice CDKB2;1. The CDKB2;1-CycB2 complexes produced in insect cells showed a significant level of kinase activity in vitro, suggesting that CycB2 binds to and activates CDKB2. We then expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused CDKB2;1 and CycB2;2 in tobacco BY2 cells to investigate their subcellular localization during mitosis. Surprisingly, the fluorescence signal of CDKB2;1-GFP was tightly associated with chromosome alignment as well as with spindle structure during the metaphase. During the telophase, the signal was localized to the spindle midzone and the separating sister chromosomes, and then to the phragmoplast. On the other hand, the CycB2;2-GFP fluorescence signal was detected in nuclei during the interphase and prophase, moved to the metaphase chromosomes, and then disappeared completely after the cells passed through the metaphase. Co-localization of CDKB2;1-GFP and CycB2;2-GFP on chromosomes aligned at the center of the metaphase cells suggests that the CDKB2-CycB2 complex may function in retaining chromosomes at the metaphase plate. Overexpression of CycB2;2 in rice plants resulted in acceleration of root growth without any increase in cell size, indicating that CycB2;2 promoted cell division probably through association with CDKB2 in the root meristem.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of a large number of plant cyclins of the A/B family has recently revealed that plants possess two distinct B-type groups and three distinct A-type groups of cyclins [1]. Despite earlier uncertainties, this large-scale comparative analysis has allowed an unequivocal definition of plant cyclins into either A or B classes. We present here the most important results obtained in this study, and extend them to the case of plant D-type cyclins, in which three groups are identified. For each of the plant cyclin groups, consensus sequences have been established and a new, rational, plant-wide naming system is proposed in accordance with the guidelines of the Commission on Plant Gene Nomenclature. This nomenclature is based on the animal system indicating cyclin classes by an upper-case roman letter, and distinct groups within these classes by an arabic numeral suffix. The naming of plant cyclin classes is chosen to indicate homology to their closest animal class. The revised nomenclature of all described plant cyclins is presented, with their classification into groups CycA1, CycA2, CycA3, CycB1, CycB2, CycD1, CycD2 and CycD3.  相似文献   

K Galaktionov  D Beach 《Cell》1991,67(6):1181-1194
Two previously unidentified human cdc25 genes have been isolated, cdc25A and cdc25B. Both genes rescue a cdc25ts mutant of fission yeast. Microinjection of anti-cdc25A antibodies into HeLa cells causes their arrest in mitosis. cdc25A and cdc25B display endogenous tyrosine phosphatase activity that is stimulated several-fold, in the absence of cdc2, by stoichiometric addition of either cyclin B1 or B2 but not A or D1. Association between cdc25A and cyclin B1/cdc2 was detected in the HeLa cells. These findings indicate that B-type cyclins are multifunctional proteins that not only act as M phase regulatory subunits of the cdc2 protein kinase, but also activate the cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, of which cdc2 is the physiological substrate. A region of amino acid similarity between cyclins and tyrosine PTPases has been detected. This region is absent in cdc25 phosphatases. The motif may represent an activating domain that has to be provided to cdc25 by intermolecular interaction with cyclin B.  相似文献   

Deletion of the fission yeast mitotic B-type cyclin gene cdc13 causes cells to undergo successive rounds of DNA replication. We have used a strain which expresses cdc13 conditionally to investigate re-replication. Activity of Start genes cdc2 and cdc10 is necessary and p34cdc2 kinase is active in re-replicating cells. We tested to see whether other cyclins were required for re-replication using cdc13delta. Further deletion of cig1 and puc1 had no effect, but deletion of cig2/cyc17 caused a severe delay in re-replication. Deletion of cig1 and cig2/cyc17 together abolished re-replication completely and cells arrested in G1. This, and analysis of the temperature sensitive cdc13-117 mutant, suggests that cdc13 can effectively substitute for the G1 cyclin activity of cig2/cyc17. We have characterized p56cdc13 activity and find evidence that in the absence of G1 cyclins, S-phase is delayed until the mitotic p34cdc2-p56cdc13 kinase is sufficiently active. These data suggest that a single oscillation of p34cdc2 kinase activity provided by a single B-type cyclin can promote ordered progression into both DNA replication and mitosis, and that the level of cyclin-dependent kinase activity may act as a master regulator dictating whether cells undergo S-phase or mitosis.  相似文献   

Nuclear lamins are intermediate-filament-type proteins forming a fibrillar meshwork underlying the inner nuclear membrane. The existence of multiple isoforms of lamin proteins in vertebrates is believed to reflect functional specializations during cell division and differentiation. Although biochemical criteria may be used to classify many lamin isoforms into A- and B-type subfamilies, the structural features distinguishing the members of these subfamilies remain to be characterized fully. Here, we report the complete primary structures of chicken lamins A and B1, as they are deduced from cloned cDNAs; in the accompanying paper we present the complete sequence of lamin B2, a second avian B-type lamin. Comparisons of the chicken lamin sequences with each other and with those of other lamins allow us to establish structural features that are common to members of both subfamilies. Conversely, multiple sequence alignments make it possible to identify a number of structural motifs that clearly differentiate B-type lamins from A-type lamins. With this information at hand, we attempt to correlate different biochemical properties of A- and B-type lamins with the presence or absence of specific sequence motifs.  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of the fission yeast mitotic cyclin B, p63cdc13, was investigated by a combination of indirect immunofluorescence light microscopy, immunogold electron microscopy, and nuclear isolation and fractionation. Immunofluorescence microscopy of wild-type cells and the cold-sensitive mutant dis2.11 with a monospecific anti-p63cdc13 antiserum was consistent with the association of a major subpopulation of fission yeast M-phase protein kinase with the nucleolus. Immunogold electron microscopy of freeze-substituted wild-type cells identified two nuclear populations of p63cdc13, one associated with the nucleolus, the other with the chromatin domain. To investigate the cell cycle regulation of nuclear labeling, the mutant cdc25.22 was synchronized through mitosis by temperature arrest and release. Immunogold labeling of cells arrested at G2M revealed gold particles present abundantly over the nucleolus and less densely over the chromatin region of the nucleus. Small vesicles around the nucleus were also labeled by anti-p63cdc13, but few gold particles were detected over the cytoplasm. Labeling of all cell compartments declined to zero through mitosis. Cell fractionation confirmed that p63cdc13 was substantially enriched in both isolated nuclei and in a fraction containing small vesicles and organelles. p63cdc13 was not extracted from nuclei by treatment with RNase A, Nonidet P40 (NP-40), Triton X-100, and 0.1 M NaCl, although partial solubilization was observed with DNase I and 1 M NaCl. A known nucleolar protein NOP1, partitioned in a similar manner to p63cdc13, as did p34cdc2, the other subunit of the M-phase protein kinase. We conclude that a major subpopulation of the fission yeast mitotic cyclin B is targeted to structural elements of the nucleus and nucleolus.  相似文献   

With the aim to identify cyclin B1-derived peptides with high affinity for HLA-A2, we used three in silico prediction algorithms to screen the protein sequence for possible HLA-A2 binders. One peptide scored highest in all three algorithms, and the high HLA-A2-binding affinity of this peptide was verified in an HLA stabilization assay. By stimulation with peptide-loaded dendritic cells a CTL clone was established, which was able to kill two breast cancer cell lines in an HLA-A2-dependent and peptide-specific manner, demonstrating presentation of the peptide on the surface of cancer cells. Furthermore, blood from cancer patients and healthy donors was screened for spontaneous T-cell reactivity against the peptide in IFN-γ ELISPOT assays. Patients with breast cancer, malignant melanoma, or renal cell carcinoma hosted powerful and high-frequency T-cell responses against the peptide. In addition, when blood from healthy donors was tested, similar responses were observed. Ultimately, serum from cancer patients and healthy donors was analyzed for anti-cyclin B1 antibodies. Humoral responses against cyclin B1 were frequently detected in both cancer patients and healthy donors. In conclusion, a high-affinity cyclin B1-derived HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitope was identified, which was presented on the cell surface of cancer cells, and elicited spontaneous T-cell responses in cancer patients and healthy donors.  相似文献   

Budding yeast cell cycle oscillates between states of low and high cyclin-dependent kinase activity, driven by association of Cdk1 with B-type (Clb) cyclins. Various Cdk1-Clb complexes are activated and inactivated in a fixed, temporally regulated sequence, inducing the behaviour known as "waves of cyclins". The transition from low to high Clb activity is triggered by degradation of Sic1, the inhibitor of Cdk1-Clb complexes, at the entry to S phase. The G(1) phase is characterized by low Clb activity and high Sic1 levels. High Clb activity and Sic1 proteolysis are found from the beginning of the S phase until the end of mitosis. The mechanism regulating the appearance on schedule of Cdk1-Clb complexes is currently unknown. Here, we analyse oscillations of Clbs, focusing on the role of their inhibitor Sic1. We compare mathematical networks differing in interactions that Sic1 may establish with Cdk1-Clb complexes. Our analysis suggests that the wave-like cyclins pattern derives from the binding of Sic1 to all Clb pairs rather than from Clb degradation. These predictions are experimentally validated, showing that Sic1 indeed interacts and coexists in time with Clbs. Intriguingly, a sic1Δ strain looses cell cycle-regulated periodicity of Clbs, which is observed in the wild type, whether a SIC1-0P strain delays the formation of Clb waves. Our results highlight an additional role for Sic1 in regulating Cdk1-Clb complexes, coordinating their appearance.  相似文献   

We show that the sequence of Drosophila cyclin B has greater identity with B-type cyclins from other animal phyla than with Drosophila cyclin A, suggesting that the two cyclins have distinct roles that have been maintained in evolution. Cyclin A is not detectable in unfertilized eggs and is present at low levels prior to cellularization of the syncytial embryo. In contrast, the levels of cyclin B remain uniformly high throughout these developmental stages. In cells within cellularized embryos and the larval brain, cyclin A accumulates to peak levels in prophase and is degraded throughout the period in which chromosomes are becoming aligned on the metaphase plate. The degradation of cyclin B, on the other hand, does not occur until the metaphase-anaphase transition. In cells arrested at c-metaphase by treating with microtubule destabilizing drugs to prevent spindle formation, cyclin A has been degraded in the arrested cells, whereas cyclin B is maintained at high levels. These observations suggest that cyclin A has a role in the G2-M transition that is independent of spindle formation, and that entry into anaphase is a key requirement for the degradation of cyclin B.  相似文献   

Progression through the cell cycle is governed by the periodic activation and inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinase complexes (CDK-cyclins). Although the enzymatic activity of these complexes is regulated tightly, it has recently been demonstrated that an additional facet of cell-cycle control involves the modulation of CDK-cyclin subcellular localization. Recent discoveries include the identification of nuclear transport factors responsible for ferrying some of the CDK-cyclins in and out of the nucleus, the demonstration that phosphorylation can regulate these transport processes and the establishment of potential links between cell-cycle checkpoints and the control of CDK-cyclin subcellular localization.  相似文献   

We have studied the patterns of expression of four B-type cyclins (Clbs), Clb1, Clb2, Clb3, and Clb4, and their ability to activate p34cdc28 during the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During the mitotic cell cycle, Clb3 and Clb4 were expressed and induced a kinase activity in association with p34cdc28 from early S phase up to mitosis. On the other hand, Clb1 and Clb2 were expressed and activated p34cdc28 later in the mitotic cell cycle, starting in late S phase and continuing up to mitosis. The pattern of expression of Clb3 and Clb4 suggests a possible role in the regulation of DNA replication as well as mitosis. Clb1 and Clb2, whose pattern of expression is similar to that of other known Clbs, are likely to have a role predominantly in the regulation of M phase. During the meiotic cell cycle, Clb1, Clb3, and Clb4 were expressed and induced a p34cdc28-associated kinase activity just before the first meiotic division. The fact that Clb3 and Clb4 were not synthesized earlier, in S phase, suggests that these cyclins, which probably have a role in S phase during the mitotic cell cycle, are not implicated in premeiotic S phase. Clb2, the primary mitotic cyclin in S. cerevisiae, was not detectable during meiosis. Sporulation experiments on strains deleted for one, two, or three Clbs indicate, in agreement with the biochemical data, that Clb1 is the primary cyclin for the regulation of meiosis, while Clb2 is not involved at all.  相似文献   

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