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Billings SA  Richter DD 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):325-333
Understanding what governs patterns of soil δ15N and δ13C is limited by the absence of these data assembled throughout the development of individual ecosystems. These patterns are important because stable isotopes of soil organic N and C are integrative indicators of biogeochemical processing of soil organic matter. We examined δ15N of soil organic matter (δ15NSOM) and δ13CSOM of archived soil samples across four decades from four depths of an aggrading forest in southeastern USA. The site supports an old-field pine forest in which the N cycle is affected by former agricultural fertilization, massive accumulation of soil N by aggrading trees over four decades, and small to insignificant fluxes of N via NH3 volatilization, nitrification, and denitrification. We examine isotopic data and the N and C dynamics of this ecosystem to evaluate mechanisms driving isotopic shifts over time. With forest development, δ13CSOM became depth-dependent. This trend resulted from a decline of ~2‰ in the surficial 15 cm of mineral soil to −26.0‰, due to organic matter inputs from forest vegetation. Deeper layers exhibited relatively little trend in δ13CSOM with time. In contrast, δ15NSOM was most dynamic in deeper layers. During the four decades of forest development, the deepest layer (35–60 cm) reached a maximum δ15N value of 9.1‰, increasing by 7.6‰. The transfer of >800 kg ha−1 of soil organic N into aggrading vegetation and the forest floor and the apparent large proportion of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in these soils suggest that fractionation via microbial transformations must be the major process changing δ15N in these soils. Accretion of isotopically enriched compounds derived from microbial cells (i.e., ECM fungi) likely promote isotopic enrichment of soils over time. The work indicates the rapid rate at which ecosystem development can impart δ15NSOM and δ13CSOM signatures associated with undisturbed soil profiles.  相似文献   

The upper leaf sheath of rice (Oryza sativa L.) serves as a temporary starch sink before heading, subsequently becoming a carbon source tissue to the growing panicle at the post-heading stage. The time of sink–source transition in upper leaf sheaths is highly correlated to the panicle exsertion. Here, we found that the expression profiles of starch synthesis genes such as ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit 2, granule-bound starch synthase II, soluble starch synthase I, starch branching enzyme (SBE) I, SBEIII, and SBEIV were highly correlated with starch content changes during the heading period in the second leaf sheath below the flag leaf. In addition, the α-amylase2A and β-amylase were considered as major genes that were in charge of starch degradation at the post-heading period. Of the five sucrose transporter (OsSUT) genes, OsSUT1 and OsSUT4 appeared to play an important role in sucrose loading into the phloem of source leaf sheaths. Moreover, the microarray-based data implied that the dominant processes associated with functional leaf sheath transition from sink to source were carbohydrate metabolism and the translocation of the carbon and nitrogen sources and inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

Clein  J S  McGuire  A D  Zhang  X  Kicklighter  D W  Melillo  J M  Wofsy  S C  Jarvis  P G  Massheder  J M 《Plant and Soil》2002,242(1):15-32
The role of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) interactions on sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in black spruce ecosystems across North America was evaluated with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) by applying parameterizations of the model in which C–N dynamics were either coupled or uncoupled. First, the performance of the parameterizations, which were developed for the dynamics of black spruce ecosystems at the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research site in Alaska, were evaluated by simulating C dynamics at eddy correlation tower sites in the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) for black spruce ecosystems in the northern study area (northern site) and the southern study area (southern site) with local climate data. We compared simulated monthly growing season (May to September) estimates of gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (RESP), and net ecosystem production (NEP) from 1994 to 1997 to available field-based estimates at both sites. At the northern site, monthly growing season estimates of GPP and RESP for the coupled and uncoupled simulations were highly correlated with the field-based estimates (coupled: R 2= 0.77, 0.88 for GPP and RESP; uncoupled: R 2 = 0.67, 0.92 for GPP and RESP). Although the simulated seasonal pattern of NEP generally matched the field-based data, the correlations between field-based and simulated monthly growing season NEP were lower (R 2 = 0.40, 0.00 for coupled and uncoupled simulations, respectively) in comparison to the correlations between field-based and simulated GPP and RESP. The annual NEP simulated by the coupled parameterization fell within the uncertainty of field-based estimates in two of three years. On the other hand, annual NEP simulated by the uncoupled parameterization only fell within the field-based uncertainty in one of three years. At the southern site, simulated NEP generally matched field-based NEP estimates, and the correlation between monthly growing season field-based and simulated NEP (R 2 = 0.36, 0.20 for coupled and uncoupled simulations, respectively) was similar to the correlations at the northern site. To evaluate the role of N dynamics in C balance of black spruce ecosystems across North America, we simulated historical and projected C dynamics from 1900 to 2100 with a global-based climatology at 0.5° resolution (latitude × longitude) with both the coupled and uncoupled parameterizations of TEM. From analyses at the northern site, several consistent patterns emerge. There was greater inter-annual variability in net primary production (NPP) simulated by the uncoupled parameterization as compared to the coupled parameterization, which led to substantial differences in inter-annual variability in NEP between the parameterizations. The divergence between NPP and heterotrophic respiration was greater in the uncoupled simulation, resulting in more C sequestration during the projected period. These responses were the result of fundamentally different responses of the coupled and uncoupled parameterizations to changes in CO2 and climate.  相似文献   

Lv  Yuping  Xu  Junzeng  Liu  Xiaoyin 《Photosynthesis research》2021,147(2):145-160
Photosynthesis Research - Process-based coupled model of stomatal conductance–photosynthesis–transpiration was developed to estimate simultaneously stomatal conductance gsw,...  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):837-842
Overusing nitrogen fertilizer not only pollute farmlands, but also make Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) less susceptible to pesticides. The current study investigated the relationship between nitrogen fertilizer application and buprofenzin resistance in N. lugens in rice by conducting a series of field efficacy tests and laboratory bioassays. The results showed that the efficacy of buprofezin decreased significantly with high level of nitrogen fertilizer application, compared to those with low or no nitrogen application in rice fields. In the laboratory, the resistance ratios of N. lugens to buprofezin, assayed at three concentrations of nitrogen (0, 1.0, 3.0 mmol/L), have developed to 14.05-, 18.40- and 25.81-fold after 20 generations of resistance selection, respectively. Meanwhile, the resistance ratios of N. lugens without buprofezin treated were 1.00-, 3.30- and 4.67-fold after 20 generations as the nitrogen concentrations increased. The enzymatic assays revealed that the activities of P450 and esterase increased significantly after resistance selection with buprofezin and nitrogen, especially on the esterase activity in N. lugens under the condition of nitrogen treatment. These results suggested that nitrogen fertilizer application contributed to the resistance development in N. lugens to buprofezin by enhancing the activity of esterase.  相似文献   

Three anti-keratin MAbs were used to identify keratins expressed in early embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans .MAb AF5 recognized three polypeptides of keratin in oocytes,fertilized egge up to neurula stage three other keratins(62,58and 54Kd) began to express and could be detected by AF5,MAbs D10 and K12 gave different results both of them could identify four keratinlike molecules with unusual molecular weights(Mr 98,95,30and 27K),Moreover,D10 could also detect a 54 Kd keratin in neurula and taibud stage embryos while K12 could reveal,beside 54Kd keratin,Other four more keratins(68,65,62 and 60Kd).The possible interpretion of these results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The unique capability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings to grow under anoxic conditions may result in part from their ability to express -amylase and maintain the supply of sugar needed for energy metabolism. Previous studies have demonstrated that under aerobic conditions the Amy1 and Amy2 subfamily genes are regulated primarily by phytohormones while the Amy3 subfamily genes are induced during sugar starvation. The expression patterns for these -amylase genes were considerably different in anoxic vs. aerobic rice seedlings. The level of total -amylase mRNA under anoxic conditions was decreased in aleurone layers while it increased in the embryo. Anoxic conditions greatly diminished the expression of the Amy1A gene in aleurone. Conversely, expression of many Amy3 subfamily genes was up-regulated and prolonged in embryo tissues under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The content and composition of pigments and acyl lipids (monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, digalactosyl diacylglycerol and phosphatidyl glycerol) have been investigated in developing chloroplasts isolated from successive 2-cm sections along the leaves of wheat seedlings grown either under 100, 30 or 3 W·m-2. In all examined stages of plastid development chlorophyll a/b and chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios were higher with increasing irradiance, whereas chlorophyll content expressed on fresh weight basis gradually decreased.Concentrations of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, digalactosyl diacylglycerol and phosphatidyl glycerol decreased per chlorophyll unit with increasing plastid maturity. The higher was the light intensity applied during plant growth, the higher were galactolipid and phosphatidyl glycerol contents in developing chloroplasts. During plastid development the percentage of -linolenic acid markedly increased in total and individual acyl lipids. Under high light conditions, the accumulation of this fatty acid proceeded more rapidly. Significantly higher proportion of -linolenic acid was found in acyl lipid fraction of chloroplasts differentiating in high light grown plants, than in those from plants exposed to lower light intensities. The differences in the double bond index may indicate higher fluidity of thylakoid membranes in sun-type chloroplasts.Trans-3-hexadecenoic acid, virtually absent in the youngest plastids, was found in much higher concentration (per chlorophyll unit and as mol % of phosphatidyl glycerol fatty acids) in chloroplasts developing at high light conditions.Abbreviations MGDG monogalactosyl diacylglycerol - DGDG digalactosyl diacylglycerol - PG phosphatidyl glycerol - PC phosphatidyl choline - DBI double bond index - PS I photosystem I - PS II photosystem II - PSU photosynthetic unit - LHCP light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex  相似文献   

An idea underlying a great deal of research and discussion in plant cell and developmental biology is that the spatial regulation of cell division plays a key role in plant development. In this article, the role of cell division in two aspects of leaf development is analysed: morphogenesis (leaf initiation, growth, and the generation of leaf shape) and histogenesis (the differentiation of leaf cells to form the various cell types that make up a functional leaf). The point of view that emerges from this analysis is that the rate and pattern of cell division is important for leaf development, but does not dictate leaf size, shape, or cell fate.  相似文献   

Rice is the most important crop species on earth, providing staple food for 70% of the world's human population. Over the past four decades, successes in classical breeding, fertilization, pest control, irrigation and expansion of arable land have massively increased global rice production, enabling crop scientists and farmers to stave off anticipated famines. If current projections for human population growth are correct, however, present rice yields will be insufficient within a few years. Rice yields will have to increase by an estimated 60% in the next 30 years, or global food security will be in danger. The classical methods of previous green revolutions alone will probably not be able to meet this challenge, without being coupled to recombinant DNA technology. Here, we focus on the promise of these modern technologies in the area of nitrogen acquisition in rice, recognizing that nitrogen deficiency compromises the realization of rice yield potential in the field more than any other single factor. We summarize rice-specific advances in four key areas of research: (1). nitrogen fixation, (2). primary nitrogen acquisition, (3). manipulations of internal nitrogen metabolism, and (4). interactions between nitrogen and photosynthesis. We develop a model for future plant breeding possibilities, pointing out the importance of coming to terms with the complex interactions among the physiological components under manipulation, in the context of ensuring proper targeting of intellectual and financial resources in this crucial area of research.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The leaf organs of higher plants can be classified as simple or compound leaves. Compound leaves are found in distantly related groups, and differ from simple leaves in that each petiole bears multiple leaflets lacking auxiliary buds [1, 2]. …  相似文献   

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