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Atlantic salmon in Maine were once abundant but have become depleted, and are listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. Historically, salmon numbers in Maine may have been as high as 100 000 adults, but habitat loss, pollution and overfishing have contributed to the decline of the species. In 2000, only 110 adults returned to spawn in Maine rivers. Maine produces c. 15 000 metric tons/year of aquacultured Atlantic salmon from a total of nearly 600 coastal net pens. Escapees from these pens may interact with the wild salmon. The dynamics of salmon populations under such conditions are poorly understood. In order to illuminate the role aquaculture may play in such a system, we have developed a model for simulating population trajectories for both wild salmon and competing populations derived from aquaculture escapes. The model simulates a small population of wild salmon based in a stream/estuary system, into which an aquaculture facility is losing fish to escapes. Biological parameters in the model were estimated as much as possible from data in the USFWS report on Maine salmon. We used the model to investigate the consequences of a variety of ecological interactions between the wild and cultured fish including competitive, genetic and disease effects. Initial results indicate that many of these effects allow the aquaculture‐derived population to supplant the wild fish, but that wild populations may still persist under some conditions.  相似文献   

Samper JC 《Theriogenology》2008,70(3):445-447
The two most common procedures for breeding management of mares involve induction of luteolysis and induction of ovulation. Although both of these events are usually achieved, physiologic conditions affect the timing of the response. In a diestrus mare treated with prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF), or a PGF analogue, it is well documented that, on average, the interval from treatment to the onset of estrus is 3-4 days, whereas ovulation occurs 8-10 days after treatment. However, the diameter of the ovulatory follicle, as well as its status at the time of PGF treatment, determines the intervals from treatment to onset of estrus and to ovulation; these intervals can range from 48h to 12 days. Ovulation is routinely induced with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), recombinant LH (rLH), or the GnRH analogue Deslorelin. On average, ovulation occurs approximately 36h after treatment, but the effectiveness of any of these treatments can be affected by the stage of the estrus cycle, follicle size and maturity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether an unlearned preference by bumblebees for flowers that are occupied by other bees is frequency dependent and whether it depends on the size of the flower. In three experiments, bees leaving their colony for the first time were given 20 unrewarded choices of occupied versus unoccupied floral patterns in a radial arm maze. In Experiment 1, the relative frequency of occupiers was manipulated. In Experiment 2, a variety of large (≥6 cm diameter) artificial flowers was used. In Experiment 3, floral patterns were eliminated in an effort to reduce the similarity between “occupied” and “unoccupied”. A significant unlearned preference was found only under the combination of conditions in which occupied flowers were comparatively rare and the occupier to flower size ratio was relatively high. Otherwise, the preferences were non-significant, though the stimuli were discriminable because control groups given prior discrimination training acquired a preference. Our results narrow down the conditions under which foragers respond to the presence of others when making their first floral choices.  相似文献   

The integument of a caterpillar consists of a cuticle that is structurally isotropic in the plane of the surface, overlaying an epidermis and basal lamina. Between ecdyses the cuticle stretches so that the proportions of caterpillars are about the same at the end of a stadium as at the beginning. This introduces a paradox, since under uniform internal hydrostatic pressure, the hoop stress is twice the axial stress. Stress in the integument of a caterpillar inflated by compressed hemolymph would be twice as great in the circumference as in the axis, causing it to become progressively fatter in proportion to its length as it grows. This does not happen because axial pleats allow caterpillar cuticle to extend more easily in the axis, allowing uniform growth in spite of the greater hoop stress from internal hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

We present two models of food storage by small birds such astits (Parus spp): a simple, energy-maximizing model and a morecomplex dynamic programming model. The results show that hoardingis advantageous when (1) the metabolic costs of carrying reservesare high, (2) food supply is variable, (3) the mean rate ofintake is low, and (4) overnight expenditure of energy is high.The dynamic programming model predicts daily routines of storingand retrieval as well as changes in body mass. The predictedroutine (storage in the early part of the day, retrieval neardusk) has been observed in some species that store food. Wepredict differences in the pattern of change of body mass throughthe day between storers and nonstorers, but data to test thisprediction are not yet available.  相似文献   

Why do women and some other primates menstruate?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Humans routinely complete partly occluded objects to recognize the whole objects. However, a number of studies using geometrical figures and even conspecific images have shown that pigeons fail to do so. In the present study, we tested whether pigeons complete partially occluded objects in a situation simulating a natural feeding context. In Experiment 1, we trained pigeons to peck at any photograph of food and not to peck at any containing a non-food object. At test, we presented both photos of food partly occluded by pigeon's feather and photos simply truncated at the same part. We predicted that if the pigeons perceptually completed the occluded portion, then they would discriminate the photos of occluded food better than the truncated photos. The result was that the pigeons pecked at the truncated photos earlier than the occluded photos. Placing the occluder next to all of the stimuli in Experiment 2 or substituting indented lozenge for the feather in Experiment 3 did not affect the results. Thus, even in a simulated ecologically significant situation, pigeons continued to not show evidence of perceptual completion.  相似文献   

Many attempts have been made at supporting either one of the allegedly complementary divergence models Phyletic Gradualism (PG) and Punctuated Equilibria (PE) by patterns found in specific fossil sequences. However, assessing each model's connection with reality via such “individual case histories” appears not to constitute a relevant approach. Instead, in order to correctly establish the possible merits of both concepts, the claims of each have to be verified against general evolutionary theory. This is being pointed out herein by analyzing cladogenesis at the specific level as an example. [Phyletic Gradualism; Punctuated Equilibria; evolutionary theory; divergence models; case histories; additive speciation.]  相似文献   

Despite being an established and accepted scientific theory for 150 years, repeated public polls show that evolution is not believed by large numbers of people. This essay examines why people do not accept evolution and argues that its poor representation in some science textbooks allows misconceptions, established and reinforced in early childhood, to take hold. There is also a lack of up‐to‐date examples of evidence for evolution in school textbooks. Poor understanding by science graduates and teachers of the nature of science and incorrect definitions by them of key terminology, serve only to undermine efforts to improve public understanding of evolution. This paper has several recommendations, including the introduction of evolution to primary age children and a call to bring evolution back as the central tenet of biology.  相似文献   

Golden spiny mice, which inhabit rocky deserts and do not store food, must therefore employ physiological means to cope with periods of food shortage. Here we studied the physiological means used by golden spiny mice for conserving energy during food restriction and refeeding and the mechanism by which food consumption may influence thermoregulatory mechanisms and metabolic rate. As comparison, we studied the response to food restriction of another rocky desert rodent, Wagner's gerbil, which accumulates large seed caches. Ten out of 12 food-restricted spiny mice (resistant) were able to defend their body mass after an initial decrease, as opposed to Wagner's gerbils (n = 6). Two of the spiny mice (nonresistant) kept losing weight, and their food restriction was halted. In four resistant and two nonresistant spiny mice, we measured heart rate, body temperature, and oxygen consumption during food restriction. The resistant spiny mice significantly (P < 0.05) reduced energy expenditure and entered daily torpor. The nonresistant spiny mice did not reduce their energy expenditure. The gerbils' response to food restriction was similar to that of the nonresistant spiny mice. Resistant spiny mice leptin levels dropped significantly (n = 6, P < 0.05) after 24 h of food restriction, and continued to decrease throughout food restriction, as did body fat. During refeeding, although the golden spiny mice gained fat, leptin levels were not correlated with body mass (r(2) = 0.014). It is possible that this low correlation allows them to continue eating and accumulate fat when food is plentiful.  相似文献   

It was shown earlier that a variety of vertebrate cells could grow indefinitely in sugar-free medium supplemented with either uridine or cytidine at greater than or equal to 1 mM. In contrast, most purine nucleosides do not support sugar-free growth for one of the following reasons. The generation of ribose-1-P from nucleoside phosphorylase activity is necessary to provide all essential functions of sugar metabolism. Some nucleosides, e.g. xanthosine, did not support growth because they are poor substrates for this enzyme. De novo pyrimidine synthesis was inhibited greater than 80% by adenosine or high concentrations of inosine, e.g. 10 mM, which prevented growth on these nucleosides; in contrast, pyrimidine synthesis was inhibited only marginally on 1 mM inosine or guanosine, but normal growth was only seen on 1 mM inosine, not on guanosine. The inhibition of de novo adenine nucleotide synthesis prevented growth on guanosine, since guanine nucleotides could not be converted to adenine nucleotides. Guanine nucleotides were necessary for this inhibition of purine synthesis, since a mutant blocked in their synthesis grew normally on guanosine. De novo purine synthesis was severely inhibited by adenosine, inosine, or guanosine, but in contrast to guanosine, adenosine and inosine could provide all purine requirements by direct nucleotide conversions.  相似文献   

The effect of pretreatment with interferon (IFN) ('priming') on the production of individual IFN subtypes was studied in subpopulations of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in the myeloid cell line KG-1. It was found that priming had a selective enhancing effect on the production of certain IFN-alpha subtypes (IFN-alpha 20K and IFN-alpha 21K) and not on others. KG-1 cells produce both IFN-alpha and -beta; however, only the production of IFN-alpha was enhanced by priming with either IFN-alpha, beta or gamma.  相似文献   

Species extinction and invasion concurrently affect the composition and properties of ecological communities, yet their effects have largely been studied separately, and with more focus on species and ecological functional groups than the whole-community level. We adopted a dynamic ecological network approach to compare the effects of simultaneous single-species primary extinction and invasion on a set of ecosystem metrics to the effects of extinction and invasion in isolation. We also investigated the relationship between the impact and reversibility of extinction or invasion through reintroduction or eradication, respectively. We used Monte Carlo simulations of bioenergetic ecological network models that combined trophic and mutualistic interactions, contained either prey-dependent or ratio-dependent trophic functional responses, and incorporated either white or pink environmental stochasticity. As the separate extinction or invasion impact increased, the simultaneous extinction–invasion impact increased but was decreasingly additive of the two separate impacts, across all ecosystem metrics. Greater extinction or invasion impact was associated with lower reversibility for most model types and ecosystem metrics. There were also systematic differences between models with prey- and ratio-dependent functional responses. These results highlight the importance of considering the combined effects of extinction and invasion in ecological studies, management and restoration.  相似文献   

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