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1. A floodplain segment of the Danube River downstream of Vienna was studied during the hydrologically most dynamic phase (spring–summer) to evaluate the significance of connection between the main channel and the floodplain segment for particle abundance and quality as well as for bacterial and viral parameters, both free‐living and attached to particles. 2. Hydrological connectivity between the main channel and its floodplain segment (expressed as water age) influenced particle abundance and quality. Polysaccharide‐containing particles [Alcian positive‐stained particles (ASP)] and protein‐containing particles [Coomassie positive‐stained particles (CSP)] each contributed a substantial fraction to total suspended solids and were both positively related to water age. ASP were about twice as abundant as CSP. 3. Water age influenced bacterial and viral abundance and the bacterioplankton productivity in the surrounding water. Free‐living bacterial abundance and their bacterial secondary production (BSP) increased continuously with water age, best described by a linear regression. Water age also significantly impacted BSP and per cell BSP of bacteria attached to particles. The abundance of attached bacteria and viruses was not influenced by water age. 4. Bacteria and viruses on particles were influenced by particle quality. Their abundance on particles was closely related to particle size. Particle‐attached bacteria accounted on average for 30.34% (± 3.09) of the total bacterial abundance. A variable and occasionally significant proportion of viruses, between 0.43% and 35.06%, were associated with particulate material. 5. Bacteria attached to particles were significantly more productive than their free‐living counterparts. Their per‐cell activity was on average 8.6 times higher than that of the free‐living fraction. 6. Hydrological connectivity between the Danube River and its floodplain is crucial not only for the exchange of water, sediment and nutrients, but also for microbiota, thus influencing microbial life, distribution and activity.  相似文献   

A five-year macroinvertebrate study was conducted on a 55 km river (le Rupt-de-Mad, Lorraine region, north-eastern France), a standard for the region. A list of 300 species was drawn up, and remarkable species were listed for some better known orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata. Some faunistic results are emphasised: about 42% of the identified species were more or less ubiquitous, 26% were meso- to polysaprobic species of potamon, present only in the main course of the river, while 31% were rather stenoecious species restricted to certain tributaries. Fifty-one remarkable species were listed, taking into account their regional status, according to IUCN categories: more than three quarters were hosted in the small tributaries, and 55% found exclusively in these latter (versus 23.5% only present in the main course of the river). Calcareous lotic tributaries were hosting particularly original communities with many remarkable species. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were pertinent groups to assess the global faunistic interest of lotic habitats, but lentic habitats are probably better evaluated using other groups, e.g. Odonata and Coleoptera; the latter unfortunately poorly known from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

AIM: Optimization of process parameters for mercury removal by an Hg (II)-reducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain. METHODS AND RESULTS: A strain of Ps. aeruginosa was found to reduce 10 mg l(-1) Hg (II) to Hg0 with 70% efficiency in 24 h. To optimize process performance, a statistical tool--Taguchi design of experiments (DOE)--was used to carry out 18 well-defined experiments (L18 Orthogonal array) with eight variable parameters (viz. agitation, temperature, pH, carbon source, medium volume: flask volume ratio and concentrations of Hg (II), ammonium sulfate and yeast extract). When data obtained were analyzed using specialized software for Taguchi design, Qualitek-4 (Nutek Inc., MI, USA), Hg (II) reduction efficiency was predicted to be 95% in 24 h under the optimized process parameters (also suggested by the software). In the validation experiment, Hg (II) removal of 99.29% in 24 h was indeed obtained. CONCLUSIONS: Using Taguchi DOE, Hg (II) reduction (and hence its removal) using Ps. aeruginosa could be improved by 29.3%. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Taguchi approach could be employed as an efficient and time-saving strategy for parameter optimization in bioremediation processes.  相似文献   

Water resource development has altered the hydrological regime on the Lower Balonne River in Queensland, Australia. Concerns have been raised about possible impacts to floodplain plant communities, which support a pastoral industry and a range of native fauna. Water and nutrients commonly limit plant growth in south central Queensland, where the climate is semi-arid and the soils are infertile. Floodplain plant productivity is boosted by inundation with water, but the role of flooding in nutrient provision is not known. Growth experiments and a pilot soil survey were conducted to help determine if soil nutrient deficiencies exist and if regular flooding is required to maintain floodplain soil fertility. Soils were sampled from areas representing three flood frequency classes: high, moderate, and low. Chemical extractions were performed as a surrogate for `bioavailable' nutrients. Soil nitrogen (N) but not phosphorus (P) limited the growth of seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Gardia) based on responses to nutrient additions: plants supplied with N had greater shoot length and total biomass than plants without N. Clear evidence of an effect of flood frequency on fertility was not revealed. Neither soil P, soil N, nor plant growth varied significantly with flood frequency. However, this analysis had low statistical power. There were trends for greater biomass of seedlings grown on moderately flooded soils and thinner roots for seedlings grown on frequently flooded soils, but neither of these growth responses was clearly linked to nutrient limitation. Nevertheless, the possibility that flooding provides a nutrient subsidy to plants cannot be ruled out because of a number of factors, including the statistical power of this analysis and the possibility that short-term nutrient subsidies occur with floods.  相似文献   

Sensitive biological measures of river ecosystem quality are needed to assess, maintain or restore ecological conditions of water bodies. Since our understanding of these complex systems is imperfect, decision-making requires recognizing uncertainty. In this study, a new predictive multi-metric index based on fish functional traits was developed to assess French rivers. Information on fish assemblage structure, local environment and human-induced disturbances of 1654 French river sites was compiled. A Bayesian framework was used to predict theoretical metric values in absence of human pressure and to estimate the uncertainty associated with these predictions. The uncertainty associated with the index score gives the confidence associated with the evaluation of site ecological conditions.Among the 228 potential metrics tested, only 11 were retained for the index computation. The final index is independent from natural variability and sensitive to human-induced disturbances. In particular, it is affected by the accumulation of different degradations and specific degradations including hydrological perturbations. Predictive uncertainty is globally lower for IPR+ than for underlying metrics.This new methodology seems appropriate to develop bio-indication tools accounting for uncertainty related to reference condition definition and could be extended to other biological groups and areas. Our results support the use of multi-metric indexes to assess rivers and strengthen the idea that examination of uncertainty could contribute greatly to the improvement of the assessment power of bio-indicators.  相似文献   

Comparisons of litter standing-stocks in low-lying and higher areas of the floodplain and the effects of controlled flooding events on leaf litter decomposition and leaf litter nutrients were examined during autumn and winter in a southeastern Australian river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) floodplain forest. The mean mass of total litter and some litter components was significantly greater in autumn than in winter but there were few differences in litter mass between low-lying flood runners and higher sites (1.5 m) on the floodplain, regardless of season. Leaf decomposition was more rapid in flooded areas than in non-flooded areas and was significantly faster in autumn than in winter. In flooded leaves, concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen dropped rapidly during the first 3 days of each experiment, increased to near original after 7–10 weeks and then decreased again. After 112 days of decomposition the C:N:P ratios of leaf litter increased, but this effect was most marked for flooded leaves. Simple models of leaf litter dynamics indicated that leaf litter standing-stocks in low-lying flood runners would be reduced by flooding, particularly during autumn. In contrast, models predicted a net gain in standing-stocks of leaf litter to be higher on the floodplain, particularly in autumn. Alteration to the seasonal timing of floods by river regulation has probably decreased litter standing-stocks and nutrients available in low-lying areas of the floodplain to support the production of macrophytes and biofilms during winter and spring floods.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change and of other anthropogenic pressures on the structure and composition of phytoplankton communities of large European rivers remains poorly documented. Here we report the findings of a study of the changes in the phytoplankton community of the middle segment of the river Loire over the past 24 years. An attempt is made to distinguish between the impact of changes acting at the local scale and that of those acting more globally. A dramatic reduction in phytoplankton abundance was observed, particularly in the mid ‐1990s; this was concomitant with an increase in the relative proportion of cyanobacteria. At the same time, the phytoplankton community displayed increasing richness and diversity, and little change in its size structure. All these changes seem to be related to local changes, in particular to the reduction in phosphorus concentrations, as well as to changes in climate, throughout modifications in the river discharge and water temperature. Interestingly, herbicide contamination also appeared to be of particular importance in explaining the unexpected increase in the proportion of cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton community after the 1990s. These findings suggest that combinations of numerous anthropogenic pressures acting at different spatial and temporal scales have led to a mix of predictable and unpredictable changes occurring in the phytoplankton community of the river Loire, with probable consequences for the trophic networks in this river.  相似文献   

Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss ex Wager (Hydrocharitaceae), an aquatic macrophyte native to Southern Africa that has become invasive in several countries worldwide, is a potential target for biological control. Biology studies were conducted on Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) n. sp. near reei Oyewo & Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae), a midge whose larvae were discovered mining the plant's shoot tips in its native range. Field surveys indicated that the midge occurred only at a small number of sites but attained high densities (up to 370 shoots damaged/m2) that prevented further growth from the shoot tips. A population of the midge was imported into quarantine in Ireland to evaluate its potential as a candidate biological control agent. The adult stage is terrestrial and short-lived (4–5 d), with females depositing one–two egg packets into the water bodies. First-instar larvae fed externally on the stems and leaflets. Later instars fed on the apical meristems and burrowed into the shoot tips, with resultant damage stunting the apical growth. Larvae moved readily between shoots to complete their development and pupated within the tunnels excavated by the late instar larvae. Developmental time to adulthood ranged from 31 to 49 days at 20.7°C and a 15 L:9-D cycle. This is the first time that a chironomid has been imported and successfully cultured for consideration as a classical biological control agent. Several aspects of the midge's biology suggest that host specificity testing is warranted to determine its potential as a biocontrol agent of L. major.  相似文献   

This study presents qualitative and quantitative research on communities of ground beetles (Carabidae) occurring in 2001 and 2003 in three types of habitats located near Bydgoszcz city, Poland (UTM CD19), on the Vistula river floodplain: elm and ash riparian forest (RF), poplar monoculture (P), and unintensively-farmed meadows (M). During both studied years 57 species of ground beetles were found in riparian forests (RF), 56 species in plot P and 47 in plot M. In 2001 from all sample plots 3845 beetles were collected; in 2003- 9589. In both years most specimens came from plot RF (3123 in 2001 and 6224 in 2003). From plot P 2656 specimens of ground beetles were collected and from plot M 1430 specimens. Statistically significant differences were found in the abundance of Carabidae, among sampling areas and the years of study.  相似文献   

Cynodon dactylon meadows occupying seasonally inundated areas of the Pongolo river floodplain, South Africa, decompose during periods of submergence. The loss of dry matter and nutrients from both fresh and dried material enclosed in litter bags was studied. The pattern of loss of dry matter was diphasic. Loss was more rapid from dried than from fresh material, half the mass being lost in 18 and 28 days respectively. Nutrient loss followed an exponential pattern. Nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium were lost more rapidly from dried than from fresh material whilst rates of loss of sodium, potassium and calcium were similar. The significance of Cynodon decomposition in the functioning of the floodplain is assessed from estimates of the above- and below-ground standing crop around one small lake before and after submergence. It is concluded that decomposition of plants growing in seasonally inundated areas of the floodplain may contribute significantly to the productivity of the system, but that the extent of the contribution can be greatly influenced by the flooding regime. The completion of the Pongolapoort dam upstream of the floodplain will alter the natural flooding pattern, effecting a reduction in floodplain productivity, unless a programme for flood release can be initiated.  相似文献   

B. K. Sharma 《Hydrobiologia》2005,533(1-3):209-221
The rotifer communities of 15 acidic – alkaline and soft – marginally hard water floodplain lakes of the lower Assam valley of the Brahmaputra river basin, characterized by low ionic concentrations, reveal 164 species (178 taxa) belonging to 39 genera and 20 families and represent the richest biodiversity known to date in these ecotones of the Indian subcontinent. Nine species are new to the Indian Rotifera. Cosmopolitan (59.7%) > pantropical (15.2%) > cosmotropical (12.2%) species dominate the taxocoenosis. Biogeographically interesting elements constitute a notable component (13.4%); important members of this category include six Oriental, two Australasian and seven Palaeotropical species. The examined fauna depicts a tropical character with predominance of Lecanespp. (28.0%). Littoral or periphytic rotifers (76.2%) dominate the planktonic species. Rotifers comprise a dominant qualitative (67–103, 79.1±11.0 species) and an important quantitative (mean: 41.1–65.9%) component of zooplankton in all floodplain lakes, register a moderate diversity (mean: 2.036–2.642), low dominance (mean: 0.019–0.216) and high evenness (mean: 0.840–0.893). The examined material indicates several interesting acidophilous elements. Richness depicts significant inverse correlation with pH. Water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity record significant direct relationships with the rotifer abundance. Diversity is influenced by abundance and is also directly correlated with water temperature and conductivity. Canonical analysis shows a notable cumulative impact of six abiotic factors on richness, density and diversity.  相似文献   

The oligochaete fauna of different side arms and other water bodies in the Slovak–Hungarian stretch of the River Danube below Bratislava (r.km 1840 – r.km 1807) was investigated. The structure of the oligochaete assemblages is correlated with the bottom substratum of the river. From data on the composition of the oligochaete fauna, the clustering and ordination analysis divided the inland delta water bodies into three groups supporting the river classification of Roux et al. (1982), i.e. eupotamon, parapotamon and plesiopotamon, but parapotamon and plesiopotamon divided furthermore into two subgroups, which better reflects hydrological conditions, type of substratum, depth of water bodies and presence of macrophytes. Oligochaete assemblages differ in individual type of group and subgroups, not only species composition, but mainly quantitative (average abundance). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Eggs of Konosirus punctatus in early developmental stages were collected from the eastern part of the mouth of Sagami Bay on the Pacific coast of central Japan. Advanced‐stage eggs and early larvae with notochord length ( L N) of <7·5 mm were collected from the inner bay near the mouth of the Sagami River. Feeding larvae of >8·4 mm L N were distributed in the mouth of the river, and juveniles of 24–90 mm standard length ( L S) were collected from the lower reaches of the river between the river mouth and c . 3 km upstream of the river mouth. Hatch dates of larvae and juveniles collected in 2001 ( n  = 158) and in 2002 ( n  = 109) extended from late March to late July. The relationship between the otolith radius ( R O) and L N or L S changed during the metamorphosis stage as characterized by 320 μm R O and 22 mm L S. Otolith growth rate, as an index of somatic growth rates in larval and early juvenile stages, was higher in cohorts that hatched later in the spawning season, i.e . from March to July. Konosirus punctatus that were spawned in the bay mouth area survived with different growth histories in the bay and lower reaches of the river, and recruited to the young‐of‐year population in the Pacific coastal waters of central Japan.  相似文献   

Ombredane  Dominique  Haury  J.  Chapon  P. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):259-268
Hydrobiologia - To study the salmonids potential production of a coastal river main stream from simple characterization of the fish habitat, it was necessary to rate the hydrosystem's spatial...  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the influence of a deep-storage reservoir and a downstream underground reservoir on the physicochemical limnology of a 98-km segment of a permanent river in central Texas. Seventeen parameters were studied. In general, impoundment in the deep-storage reservoir improved whereas inflow from the underground reservoir deteriorated water quality of the parent river. Overall combined effect of impoundment and inflow showed an improved water quality downstream from the study area from that found upstream of the study area.  相似文献   

Summary With limited evidence linking Australia's Murray‐Darling Basin fish species and flooding, this study assessed annual variation in abundance and recruitment levels of a small‐bodied, threatened floodplain species, the Southern Pygmy Perch (Nannoperca australis), in floodplain habitats (creeks, lakes and wetlands) in the Barmah‐Millewa Forest, Murray River, Australia. Spring and summer sampling over a 5‐year period encompassed large hydrological variation, including 1 year of extended floodplain inundation which was largely driven by an environmental water release, and 2 years of severe regional drought. Recruitment and dispersal of Southern Pygmy Perch significantly increased during the floodplain inundation event compared with the other examined years. This study provides valuable support for an environmental water allocation benefiting a native species, and explores the link between flooding and its advantages to native fish. This suggests that the reduced flooding frequency and magnitude as a result of river regulation may well be a major contributing factor in the species’ decline in the Murray‐Darling Basin.  相似文献   

The study of the dynamics of mollusc populations of the Saône and its two main tributaries, the Doubs and Ognon, over several years has provided us with the opportunity of highlighting the consequences of climatic warming and especially of the heatwave of 2003 on these organisms. From 1987 to 2003, the mean temperature of the waters of the Saône upstream of Lyon (Couzon) increased by 1.5°C. In addition, the summer of 2003 was the hottest since 1500 at least. We used correspondence analysis to identify structure change in mollusc data dating from September 1996 to December 2004. The results revealed: (1) during the period from September 1996 to July 2003, a significant progressive change in the mollusc community structure of the Saône upstream of Lyon, probably linked to the increase of temperature; (2) from July to August 2003 during the heatwave, a sudden change in the structure of mollusc communities and a significant decrease of species richness and density of gastropods and bivalves. During 2004, mollusc density and particularly that of Pisidium remained dramatically low. Similar observations were performed at four other sites along the Saône and in the lower reaches of its two main tributaries. This suggests that the resilience of the mollusc populations (i.e., the speed with which they return to a predisturbance state) to the heatwave is low. In this way, as different climatic models have predicted an increase in the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 during this century, more than half the mollusc species currently inhabiting the potamic area of the Saône, Doubs and Ognon, and probably other large rivers, are probably directly threatened with extinction.  相似文献   

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