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The Nycteribiidae are obligate blood-sucking Diptera (Hippoboscoidea) flies that parasitize bats. Depending on species, these wingless flies exhibit either high specialism or generalism toward their hosts, which may in turn have important consequences in terms of their associated microbial community structure. Bats have been hypothesized to be reservoirs of numerous infectious agents, some of which have recently emerged in human populations. Thus, bat flies may be important in the epidemiology and transmission of some of these bat-borne infectious diseases, acting either directly as arthropod vectors or indirectly by shaping pathogen communities among bat populations. In addition, bat flies commonly have associations with heritable bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit insect cells and depend on maternal transmission through egg cytoplasm to ensure their transmission. Some of these heritable bacteria are likely obligate mutualists required to support bat fly development, but others are facultative symbionts with unknown effects. Here, we present bacterial community profiles that were obtained from seven bat fly species, representing five genera, parasitizing bats from the Malagasy region. The observed bacterial diversity includes Rickettsia, Wolbachia, and several Arsenophonus-like organisms, as well as other members of the Enterobacteriales and a widespread association of Bartonella bacteria from bat flies of all five genera. Using the well-described host specificity of these flies and data on community structure from selected bacterial taxa with either vertical or horizontal transmission, we show that host/vector specificity and transmission mode are important drivers of bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

Bats were surveyed and insects were trapped in several different habitats to test the hypothesis that insect abundance and types are the most important factors affecting the regional distribution of bats. A bat community of ten species dominated by Eptesicus nilssoni and Pipistrellus pipistrellus was analysed. The results show that the general pattern of bat distribution in different habitats, and the seasonal changes in habitat utilization, could be explained in terms of the abundance of swarming insects, mainly chironomids. Deciduous woodland near water provided essential habitat in early summer for each bat species. Later on, in July, all species spread out to many different habitats. In autumn street-lamps were an important factor affecting bat distribution.  相似文献   

Wetlands support unique biota and provide important ecosystem services. These services are highly threatened due to the rate of loss and relative rarity of wetlands in most landscapes, an issue that is exacerbated in highly modified urban environments. Despite this, critical ecological knowledge is currently lacking for many wetland‐dependent taxa, such as insectivorous bats, which can persist in urban areas if their habitats are managed appropriately. Here, we use a novel paired landscape approach to investigate the role of wetlands in urban bat conservation and examine local and landscape factors driving bat species richness and activity. We acoustically monitored bat activity at 58 urban wetlands and 35 nonwetland sites (ecologically similar sites without free‐standing water) in the greater Melbourne area, southeastern Australia. We analyzed bat species richness and activity patterns using generalized linear mixed‐effects models. We found that the presence of water in urban Melbourne was an important driver of bat species richness and activity at a landscape scale. Increasing distance to bushland and increasing levels of heavy metal pollution within the waterbody also negatively influenced bat richness and individual species activity. Areas with high levels of artificial night light had reduced bat species richness, and reduced activity for all species except those adapted to urban areas, such as the White‐striped free‐tailed bat (Austronomus australis). Increased surrounding tree cover and wetland size had a positive effect on bat species richness. Our findings indicate that wetlands form critical habitats for insectivorous bats in urban environments. Large, unlit, and unpolluted wetlands flanked by high tree cover in close proximity to bushland contribute most to the richness of the bat community. Our findings clarify the role of wetlands for insectivorous bats in urban areas and will also allow for the preservation, construction, and management of wetlands that maximize conservation outcomes for urban bats and possibly other wetland‐dependent and nocturnal fauna.  相似文献   

Hibernation is a vital factor in the ability of bats to survive in temperate countries where insect availability is drastically reduced in winter. The value of hibernation in survival lies in the reduction of the bat's metabolic rate to very low levels, thus reducing their food requirements.
The selection of a site which fulfils the physiological requirements of hibernation must be important in the survival of the Greater horse-shoe bat. The present study shows that temperature is particularly important in the selection of a precise position for hibernation. The temperature required, however, varies throughout the winter.
In England this bat finds suitable conditions in caves, mines, tunnels, cellars, and house attics. All are dark where the bats are found and offer protection from predators. These considerations are not sufficient to explain the distribution of this bat in hibernation.
The present study shows that a large proportion of the population feeds outside the hibernaculum at times during the hibernation period. The evidence suggests that starvation is a cause of death. Hence it is not only the conditions inside the hibernacula which are important in the winter survival of a bat population. The environmental conditions outside may be just as vital.
The Greater horse-shoe bat is vulnerable since the bulk of its population depends upon relatively few sites. Its reproductive rate is very low and active conservation is needed in England, since populations are small. If conservation is to be successful however, both the physical conditions within hibernacula, and the environmental conditions outside will have to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

Bats are natural reservoirs of several important emerging viruses. Cross‐species transmission appears to be quite common among bats, which may contribute to their unique reservoir potential. Therefore, understanding the importance of bats as reservoirs requires examining them in a community context rather than concentrating on individual species. Here, we use a network approach to identify ecological and biological correlates of cross‐species virus transmission in bats and rodents, another important host group. We show that given our current knowledge the bat viral sharing network is more connected than the rodent network, suggesting viruses may pass more easily between bat species. We identify host traits associated with important reservoir species: gregarious bats are more likely to share more viruses and bats which migrate regionally are important for spreading viruses through the network. We identify multiple communities of viral sharing within bats and rodents and highlight potential species traits that can help guide studies of novel pathogen emergence.  相似文献   

Bat boxes are often installed as substitute habitats to offset the loss of large, hollow-bearing trees. However, emerging evidence suggests that they are failing to achieve intended conservation outcomes as they only support generalist species. Despite these concerns, the effect of bat boxes on the dynamics of bat communities remains understudied. We assessed the bat community in reserves where bat boxes had been installed in comparison with reserves where they had not using ultrasonic surveys in 16 small bushland reserves throughout Sydney, Australia. Reserves containing bat boxes and those without had comparable species diversity and composition; however, the activity of the dominant species, Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii), was significantly higher at sites with bat boxes. Species that commonly forage in open vegetation, including C. gouldii, were significantly positively associated with sites that had bat boxes. Occupation of boxes by bats was not recorded in the study due to limited information on their locations, so further research is required to understand the direct effects of boxes and the bats that occupy them on the bat community. If bat boxes continue to be recommended as a biodiversity offset, a greater understanding of the potential impact they have on altered competitive relationships and community dynamics is essential.  相似文献   

自2019年末,新冠肺炎的全球大流行使蝙蝠(翼手目动物)倍受关注,甚至人们“谈蝠色变”。蝙蝠在生态和分类上多样性极高,占哺乳动物种类的20%左右。蝙蝠不仅在害虫控制、种子传播、植物授粉等方面具有重要的生态作用和经济价值,也在健康长寿、生物仿生和语言进化等方面具有重要的科研价值。中国是全世界蝙蝠物种多样性最丰富的国家之一,已知的物种超过了140种。近几十年来,中国学者在蝙蝠分类学、生态学、行为学、进化生物学、神经生物学和病毒病源学等研究领域取得了丰硕的成果,然而涉及蝙蝠的生态系统服务和资源保护的相关研究比较少。由于生境退化、过度捕杀、栖息地破坏、城市化、杀虫剂使用、气候变化等原因,中国蝙蝠受到极大的威胁,约51%的物种位于近危等级之上。为了有效地保护中国蝙蝠物种的多样性,建议加强基础研究,建立中国蝙蝠多样性监测网络,加强蝙蝠栖息地保护,完善相关法律法规,加强蝙蝠公众教育,以促进中国蝙蝠生物学研究和保护。  相似文献   

Given the recurrent bat‐associated disease outbreaks in humans and recent advances in metagenomics sequencing, the microbiota of bats is increasingly being studied. However, obtaining biological samples directly from wild individuals may represent a challenge, and thus, indirect passive sampling (without capturing bats) is sometimes used as an alternative. Currently, it is not known whether the bacterial community assessed using this approach provides an accurate representation of the bat microbiota. This study was designed to compare the use of direct sampling (based on bat capture and handling) and indirect sampling (collection of bat's excretions under bat colonies) in assessing bacterial communities in bats. Using high‐throughput 16S rRNA sequencing of urine and feces samples from Rousettus aegyptiacus, a cave‐dwelling fruit bat species, we found evidence of niche specialization among different excreta samples, independent of the sampling approach. However, sampling approach influenced both the alpha‐ and beta‐diversity of urinary and fecal microbiotas. In particular, increased alpha‐diversity and more overlapping composition between urine and feces samples was seen when direct sampling was used, suggesting that cross‐contamination may occur when collecting samples directly from bats in hand. In contrast, results from indirect sampling in the cave may be biased by environmental contamination. Our methodological comparison suggested some influence of the sampling approach on the bat‐associated microbiota, but both approaches were able to capture differences among excreta samples. Assessment of these techniques opens an avenue to use more indirect sampling, in order to explore microbial community dynamics in bats.  相似文献   

Bat populations continue to decline worldwide because of myriad human activities. To enhance bat conservation, human behavior needs to change. Such change can occur, in part, through an understanding of what motivates human actions toward bats. We used a Bat Attitude Questionnaire (BAQ) to investigate attitudes toward bats in people (n = 394) living around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF), Kenya. Belief in myths seemed to prevail among those surveyed and that these myths were significantly associated with low tolerance of bats (ordinal regression, p < 0.05). Older and more educated people reported more positive attitudes toward bats than others. Multiple linear regression revealed that females showed more negative attitudes toward, and more belief in, myths about bats than males (both p < 0.01). Ordinal regression showed that hostile behavior toward bats was more common among males (p < 0.001). Nearly one-third of the respondents reported actively killing bats or destroying bat roosts. A similar proportion did not see any benefits of bats to humans, while the majority of respondents associated bats with the destruction of farmers’ fruits. To address prevailing negative attitudes about bats, we recommend conducting evening school-based bat study tours, specifically targeting youths in schools around the forest, to examine whether physical contacts with bats would help positively influence human attitudes toward bats. Additionally, since mango (Mangifera indica) farming is an important source of income to people around ASF, an assessment of the quantity of mangoes destroyed by bats would be important to determine whether there is a need for controlling bat access to crops through appropriate schemes.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat modification often has a profound negative impact on the flora and fauna of an ecosystem. In parts of the Middle East, ephemeral rivers (wadis) are characterised by stands of acacia trees. Green, flourishing assemblages of these trees are in decline in several countries, most likely due to human-induced water stress and habitat changes. We examined the importance of healthy acacia stands for bats and their arthropod prey in comparison to other natural and artificial habitats available in the Arava desert of Israel. We assessed bat activity and species richness through acoustic monitoring for entire nights and concurrently collected arthropods using light and pit traps. Dense green stands of acacia trees were the most important natural desert habitat for insectivorous bats. Irrigated gardens and parks in villages and fields of date palms had high arthropod levels but only village sites rivalled acacia trees in bat activity level. We confirmed up to 13 bat species around a single patch of acacia trees; one of the richest sites in any natural desert habitat in Israel. Some bat species utilised artificial sites; others were found almost exclusively in natural habitats. Two rare species (Barbastella leucomelas and Nycteris thebaica) were identified solely around acacia trees. We provide strong evidence that acacia trees are of unique importance to the community of insectivorous desert-dwelling bats, and that the health of the trees is crucial to their value as a foraging resource. Consequently, conservation efforts for acacia habitats, and in particular for the green more densely packed stands of trees, need to increase to protect this vital habitat for an entire community of protected bats.  相似文献   

Most studies on frugivorous bat assemblages in secondary forests have concentrated on differences among successional stages, and have disregarded the effect of forest management. Secondary forest management practices alter the vegetation structure and fruit availability, important factors associated with differences in frugivorous bat assemblage structure, and fruit consumption and can therefore modify forest succession. Our objective was to elucidate factors (forest structural variables and fruit availability) determining bat diversity, abundance, composition and species-specific abundance of bats in (i) secondary forests managed by Lacandon farmers dominated by Ochroma pyramidale, in (ii) secondary forests without management, and in (iii) mature rain forests in Chiapas, Southern Mexico. Frugivorous bat species diversity (Shannon H’) was similar between forest types. However, bat abundance was highest in rain forest and O. pyramidale forests. Bat species composition was different among forest types with more Carollia sowelli and Sturnira lilium captures in O. pyramidale forests. Overall, bat fruit consumption was dominated by early-successional shrubs, highest late-successional fruit consumption was found in rain forests and more bats consumed early-successional shrub fruits in O. pyramidale forests. Ochroma pyramidale forests presented a higher canopy openness, tree height, lower tree density and diversity of fruit than secondary forests. Tree density and canopy openness were negatively correlated with bat species diversity and bat abundance, but bat abundance increased with fruit abundance and tree height. Hence, secondary forest management alters forests’ structural characteristics and resource availability, and shapes the frugivorous bat community structure, and thereby the fruit consumption by bats.  相似文献   

Bats are unique among mammals in their use of powered flight and their widespread capacity for laryngeal echolocation. Understanding how and when these and other abilities evolved could be improved by examining the bat fossil record. However, the fossil record of bats is commonly believed to be very poor. Quantitative analyses of this record have rarely been attempted, so it has been difficult to gauge just how depauperate the bat fossil record really is. A crucial step in analyzing the quality of the fossil record is to be able to accurately estimate completeness. Measures of completeness of the fossil record have important consequences for our understanding of evolutionary rates and patterns among bats. In this study, we applied previously developed statistical methods of analyzing completeness to the bat fossil record. The main utility of these methods over others used to study completeness is their independence from phylogeny. This phylogenetic-independence is desirable, given the recent state of flux in the higher-level phylogenetic relationships of bats. All known fossil bat genera were tabulated at the geologic stage or sub-epoch level. This binning strategy allowed an estimate of the extinction rate for each bat genus per bin. Extinction rate—together with per-genus estimates of preservation probability and original temporal distributions—was used to calculate completeness. At the genus level, the bat fossil record is estimated to be 12% complete. Within the order, Pteropodidae is missing most of its fossil history, while Rhinolophoidea and Vespertilionoidea are missing the least. These results suggest that 88% of bats that existed never left a fossil record, and that the fossil record of bats is indeed poor. Much of the taxonomic and evolutionary history of bats has yet to be uncovered.  相似文献   

In spite of their recognized importance as seed dispersers in other parts of the tropics, seed dispersal by fruit bats has received scant research attention in Africa. To evaluate the role of African fruit bats in seed dispersal, we studied fruits and seeds below 480 bat feeding roosts in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. We compared these findings to those reported in other African localities to place our results in a broader context. We found 49 plant species dispersed by bats: 28 species, 18 genera, and one family are novel reports of bat dispersal in Africa. Approximately 20 percent of the submontane tree flora of the East Usambaras is bat‐dispersed, including both widespread and endemic trees. African fruit bats are important seed dispersers at our study site because they move seeds of dozens of species tens or hundreds of meters, even seeds that are too large to ingest (greater than 5 mm in length). Fruit bats are likely important seed dispersers in other Afrotropical forests, as bats elsewhere in Africa are known to consume 20 genera and 16 species of plants reported here. Insights from studying remains under bat feeding roosts offer a simple method to further document and substantially increase our understanding of the role of African fruit bats in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Bats are commonly found all over the world and provide significant ecosystem services. These animals are facing serious threats due to various anthropogenic activities, including hunting. Additionally, bats are often not particularly well liked due to their non-aesthetic characteristics. A positive attitude to these animals is essential to protect them through appropriate conservation measures involving public intervention. Current high school students are the conservationists of the future, and the extent of support for bat conservation received from this and future generations is dependent upon their attitude toward these animals. It is therefore important to assess their perceptions of bats so that appropriate awareness programs can be devised, and negative attitudes (if any) rectified. The present study aimed to understand this aspect in order to provide inputs for shaping positive attitudes toward bat conservation. The study was undertaken in Barak Valley, Assam, India, where 65 bat colonies had already been recorded. A total of 3,059 high school students from 36 schools situated in their vicinity were questioned using a close-ended questionnaire to determine their perceptions. The responses received were divided among three categories: familiarity with bats, opinion on bats, and attitudes toward conservation, and were ranked on a scale of 10, based on selected aspects. Most students were awarded a score of four, indicating an average knowledge and opinion of bats. These findings suggest that awareness programs are urgently needed in schools to improve the general knowledge of and attitudes toward bats, and to inspire the next generation of bat conservationists.  相似文献   

The long-fingered bats (Miniopterus sp.) are among the most widely distributed mammals in the world. However, despite recent focus on the systematics of these bats, their taxonomic position has not been resolved. Traditionally, they are considered to be sole members of Miniopterinae, 1 of 5 subfamilies within the largest family of bats, the Vespertilionidae. However, this classification has increasingly been called into question. Miniopterines differ extensively from other vespertilionids in numerous aspects of morphology, embryology, immunology, and, most recently, genetics. Recent molecular studies have proposed that the miniopterines are sufficiently distinct from vespertilionids that Miniopterinae should be elevated to full familial status. However, controversy remains regarding the relationship of the putative family, Miniopteridae to existing Vespertilionidae and to the closely related free-tailed bats, the Molossidae. We report here the first conclusive analysis of the taxonomic position of Miniopterus relative to all other bat families. We generated one of the largest chiropteran data sets to date, incorporating approximately 11 kb of sequence data from 16 nuclear genes, from representatives of all bat families and 2 Miniopterus species. Our data confirm the distinctiveness of Miniopterus, and we support previous recommendations to elevate these bats to full familial status. We estimate that they diverged from all other bat species approximately 49-38 MYA, which is comparable to most other bat families. Furthermore, we find very strong support from all phylogenetic methods for a sister group relationship between Miniopteridae and Vespertilionidae. The Molossidae diverged from these lineages approximately 54-43 MYA and form a sister group to the Miniopteridae-Vespertilionidae clade.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in the winter of 2005-2006, white-nose syndrome (WNS) has killed over one million little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in the American northeast. Although many studies have reported die-offs of bats at winter hibernacula, it is important to understand how bat mortality linked to WNS at winter hibernacula affects bat activity levels in their summer ranges. In the summer (May-August) of 2007, 2008 and 2009, we recorded echolocation calls to determine bat activity at sites along the Hudson River, NY (within approx. 100 km of where WNS was first reported). We documented a 78 per cent decline in the summer activity of M. lucifugus, coinciding with the arrival and spread of WNS. We suggest that mortality of M. lucifugus in winter hibernacula is reflected by reduced levels of activity in the summer and that WNS affects the entire bat population of an area, and not only individual hibernacula.  相似文献   

The distribution of bats on five Galapagos islands was assessed using ultrasonic detectors that can identify the feeding calls of different bat species. Red bats ( Lasiurus brachyotis ) were present on Santa Cruz and San Cristobal. Hoary bats ( L. cinereus ) were present on Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela, Floreana and Santiago. Species identifications were confirmed by recordings of bat calls, observations of flying bats, and the capture of 21 red bats and three hoary bats. There was no evidence of other species of bats on the Galapagos. Body size measurements were similar to those of South American red ( L. borealis ) and hoary ( L. c. villosissimus ) bats. Species status of L. brachyotis is not supported by morphological data. Both species were active in lowland and highland habitats, and foraging activity was high around street lights. Radio telemetry was used to locate day roosts and the nightly activity areas of four red bats in lowland areas of Santa Cruz. During the day, these bats roosted singly in the foliage of nine species of plant. Nightly activity areas were 10 to 20 ha in size. The activity areas of individuals overlapped, and included their known day roost sites. Both bat species were apparently more active in lowland habitats during the cool garua season, and less active in lowland habitats during the hot season. Female red bats were more abundant in lowland habitats during the cool season than were male red bats. Mesic, upland habitat may be critical to the survival of bats in the Galapagos.  相似文献   

Microbats perform important ecological services in agro‐ecosystems, but several species are globally threatened by loss of roosting and breeding habitats. The successful conservation of bats in agricultural land requires adequate knowledge of their ecology. Using ultrasonic recorders, we studied the activity of insectivorous bats in areas of macadamia production in eastern Australia at two spatial scales: across woodland‐orchard transects at the local scale and across three levels of fragmentation at the landscape scale. At the local scale, activity patterns of ‘clutter’ and ‘edge’ specialists were consistently higher in woodland patches, gradually decreasing towards isolated orchards, where only a few ‘open’ specialists were active. At the landscape scale, bat community activity was affected by the level of fragmentation, partly because three of the most recorded taxa (Austronomus australis, Saccolaimus flaviventris and Miniopterus australis) had their highest activity in less‐fragmented areas. A distance‐based model explained 24% of the bat community activity based on a combination of six environmental variables. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that a number of bat taxa were associated with open areas of macadamia, whereas other taxa were associated with increasing values of landscape composition, and arthropod and water availability. In addition, total bat activity was highly correlated with foraging rate. These results suggest that most bat taxa were influenced by proximity to woodland and the degree of fragmentation, and only few taxa were able to exploit isolated orchards. Environmental factors that promote bat activity could be exploited to strengthen conservation efforts. Preserving remnant woodland and promoting habitat heterogeneity will benefit several bat species. In particular, the foraging activity of ‘edge’ specialists could be fostered by increasing landscape connectivity and maintaining unobstructed water bodies near macadamia orchards. Considering that bats forage as they navigate these areas, conservation efforts could also bring benefits to farmers through pest‐reduction services.  相似文献   

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