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Cerebral energy metabolism in guinea pig fetuses during development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During development fetal arterial oxygen tension falls, whereas cerebral oxygen consumption rises due to an increase in cerebral metabolism. To compensate for this increase in oxygen consumption, blood flow and therefore oxygen delivery to the cerebrum rises. To determine whether during development oxygen delivery to the cerebrum meets cerebral oxygen consumption, we measured the concentrations of high-energy phosphates and glycolytic intermediates in the cerebral cortex of fetal guinea pigs at different gestational ages. During development there was no change in the concentrations of adenosine triphosphate, creatine phosphate, adenosine monophosphate, and lactate. However, cerebral concentrations of adenosine diphosphate increased and those of glucose decreased. Our results suggest that the increase in fetal cerebral oxygen delivery during development meets cerebral oxygen consumption with increasing gestational age. We speculate that the measured rise in the concentrations of adenosine diphosphate may accelerate glycolysis during development and therefore may cause a rise in both cerebral blood flow to maintain oxygen delivery.  相似文献   

In a previous study we suggested that--unlike other forms of asphyxia--acute asphyxia caused by arrest of uterine blood flow is accompanied by a fall in oxygen delivery to the fetal brain (Jensen et al., 1987). This may change cerebral energy metabolism by causing an increase in the glycolytic rate. To test this hypothesis we studied the time course of the changes in the levels of high-energy phosphates and glycolytic intermediates in the cerebral cortex of unanaesthetized fetal guinea pigs near term before and after 2 and 4 min of acute asphyxia. During asphyxia there was a progressive fall of adenosine triphosphate, creatine-phosphate, glucose and fructose-1,6-diphosphate concentrations, whereas adenosine diphosphate, adenosine monophosphate and lactate concentrations increased. Pyruvate concentrations did not change. We conclude that fetal cerebral energy metabolism becomes increasingly anaerobic during acute asphyxia caused by arrest of uterine blood flow, because oxygen delivery to the fetal brain falls.  相似文献   

Intact nuclei were isolated in high yield from enriched fractions of immature and mature guinea pig granulocytic leukocytes. These nuclei were used to determine whether any changes in synthesis and content of nuclear proteins accompany the striking increase in chromatin condensation and the nuclear lobation which occur during granulocyte maturation. The results indicate that the synthesis of nuclear proteins and the nuclear RNA content decrease markedly during granulocyte maturation. The incorporation of l-[U-14C]leucine into the acid-soluble histone-rich fraction of chromatin from immature cells is about 25 times that of mature cells, and the incorporation into the acid-insoluble, nonhistone proteins of chromatin from immature cells is about 6 times that of mature cells. It appears that there is very little quantitative change with respect to the protein components of nuclei from immature and mature granulocytic leukocytes. No significant differences in the amounts of histone, nonhistone protein, or phosphoprotein between nuclei of immature and mature granulocytes could be detected. No major differences in gel electrophoretic patterns of histones or nonhistone proteins could be detected. The fact that the amount of the chromatin proteins remains relatively constant during cell maturation in spite of the pronounced decrease in the rate of synthesis suggests that the rate of turnover of these proteins decreases significantly as the maturation of granulocytic leukocytes proceeds.  相似文献   

—The concentration of ATP, ADP, AMP, phosphocreatine and of 5 intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism were determined in rodent brain after single and repeated seizures induced by either electroshock (ES), flurothyl or pentylenetetrazol (PTZ). In paralysed-ventilated rats, one ES produced a 4–5 fold increase in cortical glycolytic flux (estimated from changes in glucose and lactate), and associated increases in pyruvate and in the lactate/pyruvate ratio. Total high energy phosphates declined during the seizure; a decrease was also calculated in cortical tissue pH and in the cytoplasmic [NAD+]/[NADH] ratio. Similar changes in brain were observed in ventilated mice after ES, but in paralysed animals, no decrease in high energy phosphates occurred during the first seizure. More vigorous and prolonged chemically-induced seizures in both rats and mice elicited a decrease in the cerebral energy reserves with a rise in lactate and in the lactate/pyruvate ratio. At all times during the seizures the cerebral venous blood had a higher oxygen tension than that of control animals (rats) or was visibly reddened (mice), implying that oxygen availability to brain exceeded metabolic demands. It is proposed that the development of‘non-hypoxic’cerebral lactacidosis during seizures is part of the overall metabolic response of the brain to an abrupt increase in energy consumption. The response constitutes a homeostatic influence which promotes cerebral vasodilatation, thereby increasing blood flow and the delivery of substrates. With repeated seizures, delivered 2 min apart, glycogen declined progressively, but concentrations of the adenine nucleotides appeared to plateau, suggesting that a new energy balance had been established. However, after 20–25 seizures, the attacks became self-generating and there was a further reduction in the tissue high energy phosphate stores, a fall in brain glucose and in the brain/blood glucose ratio. It is concluded that the brain possesses a limited capacity to adjust its metabolism to meet the increased energy requirements of single or repeated seizures, but that this mechanism ultimately fails during status epilepticus unless the abnormal electrical discharges, themselves, are brought under control.  相似文献   

Cerebral carbohydrate metabolism during acute hypoxia and recovery   总被引:29,自引:20,他引:9  
Abstract— The levels of ATP, ADP, AMP and phosphocreatine, of four amino acids, and of 11 intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism in mouse brain were determined after: (1) various degrees of hypoxia; (2) hypoxia combined with anaesthesia; and (3) recovery from severe hypoxia. Glycogen decreased and lactate rose markedly in hypoxia, but levels of ATP and phosphocreatine were normal or near normal even when convulsions and respiratory collapse appeared imminent. During 30 s of complete ischaemia (decapitation) the decline in cerebral ATP and phosphocreatine and the increase in AMP was less in mice previously rendered hypoxic than in control mice. From the changes we calculated that the metabolic rate had decreased by 15 per cent or more during 30 min of hypoxia. Hypoxia was also associated with decreases of cerebral 6-phosphogluconate and aspartate, and increases in alanine, γ-aminobutyrate, α-ketoglutarate, malate, pyruvate, and the lactate :pyruvate ratio. Following recovery in air (10 min), increases were observed in glucose (200 per cent), glucose-6-phosphate, phosphocreatine and citrate, and there was a fall in fructose-1, 6-diphosphale. Similar measurements were made in samples from cerebral cortex, cerebellum, midbrain and medulla. Severe hypoxia produced significant increases in lactate and decreases in glycogen in all areas; γ-aminobutyrate levels increased in cerebral cortex and brain stem, but not in cerebellum. No significant changes occurred in ATP and only in cerebral cortex was there a significant fall in phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine, ATP and glycogen were determined by quantitative histochemical methods in four areas of medulla oblongata, including the physiological respiratory centre of the ventromedial portion. After hypoxia, ATP was unchanged throughout and the changes (decreases) in phosphocreatine and glycogen were principally confined to dorsal medulla, notably the lateral zone. Thus there is no evidence that respiratory failure is caused by a ‘power’ failure in the respiratory centre. It is suggested that in extremis a protective mechanism may cause neurons to cease firing before high-energy phosphate stores have been exhausted.  相似文献   

To examine the responses of the sympatho-adrenal system to reduced oxygen supply we studied plasma and tissue concentrations of catecholamines during normoxemia, hypoxemia, and asphyxia in 22 fetal guinea pigs near term. Fetal blood was obtained by cardiopuncture in utero under ketamine/xylazine-anesthesia. Catecholamines were determined in plasma and tissue of 15 organs and 14 brain parts by HPLC-ECD. During normoxemia (SO2 54 +/- 4 (SE) %, pH 7.36 +/- 0.02, n = 5) plasma catecholamine levels were low (norepinephrine 447 +/- 53, epinephrine 42 +/- 12, dopamine 44 +/- 6 pg/ml). During hypoxemia (SO2 27 +/- 3%, pH 7.32 +/- 0.01, n = 6) and asphyxia (SO2 24 +/- 2%, pH 7.23 +/- 0.02, n = 11) tissue catecholamine concentrations changed with changing blood gases and with increasing plasma catecholamines. Norepinephrine concentrations increased in both skin and lung and decreased in liver, pancreas, and scalp; those of epinephrine increased in the heart, lung liver, and scalp and decreased in the adrenal. There were only minor changes in brain catecholamine concentrations except for a 50% reduction in dopamine in the caudate nucleus. Concentrations of dopamine catabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid decreased in many brain parts, suggesting that cerebral catecholamine metabolism was affected by hypoxemia and asphyxia. We conclude that the sympatho-adrenal system of fetal guinea pigs near term is mature and that its stimulation by reduced fetal oxygen supply leads to changes in both plasma and tissue catecholamine concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of total ischemia and subsequent reperfusion on the formation of anaerobic metabolism products and their release into myocardial effluent were studied in isolated guinea pig hearts. During 30-min ischemia myocardial ATP and phosphocreatine decreased to 34 and 15% of the initial levels, respectively; this was accompanied by alanine formation and approximately stoichiometric glutamate loss. The increase in malate in ischemic myocardium corresponded to the anaplerotic flux aspartate----oxaloacetate----malate; the succinate production being commensurable to alpha-ketoglutarate formation in the alanine aminotransferase reaction. The release of lactate, alanine, succinate, creatine and pyruvate trace amounts into the myocardial effluent was observed during an early phase of the reperfusion using 1H-NMR. The rates of metabolite release reduced as follows: lactate much greater than alanine greater than succinate greater than creatine. By the 30th min of the reperfusion the decrease in these metabolites tissue contents was accompanied by the recovery of ATP and phosphocreatine levels up to 65 and 90% of the initial ones, respectively. The data obtained demonstrate that the formation and the release of succinate, alanine and creatine from the heart as well as of lactate may indicate profound disturbances in energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Cerebral oxygen consumption during asphyxia in fetal sheep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cerebral blood flow and cerebral arteriovenous oxygen content difference were measured in 17 fetal sheep, and cerebral oxygen uptake was calculated. The measurements were made under control conditions and after profound fetal asphyxia induced of uterine blood flow for up to 90 min. In 14 of the fetal sheep, sequential measurements were made to examine hemodynamic changes and cerebral oxygen consumption at comparable intervals up to 36 min of asphyxia. These fetuses initially had elevated blood pressure and lowered heart rate became hypoxemic, hypercarbic, and acidotic. There was an initial decrease in cerebral oxygen consumption. Sequential measurements, however, showed a relative stability in this decreased oxygenation during 4 to 36 min of asphyxia despite a progressive metabolic acidosis. The cerebral fractional oxygen extraction remained unchanged despite a mean pH of 6.98 at 36 min. The calculated cerebral oxygen uptake during asphyxia in all 17 sheep was grouped according to whether the ascending aortic oxygen content was greater or less than 1.0 mmol/l. In the first group with mean ascending aortic oxygen content of 1.3 mmol/l, blood flow to the brain was increased and cerebral oxygen consumption was 85% of control. In the second group with mean arterial blood oxygen content of 0.8 mmol/l, there was a narrowing of the arteriovenous oxygen content difference, but no further increase in cerebral blood flow. Cerebral oxygen consumption was only 48% of control in this more asphyxiated group. We conclude that the degree of hypoxemia in the second group represents a point where physiologic mechanisms cannot compensate, and may be associated with neuronal damage.  相似文献   

Halothane (1%) was administered to twenty-two gram female Swiss-Albino mice which were sacrificed at times of 15 seconds, 45 seconds, 79 seconds and 5 minutes. Additional animals were exposed for 5 minutes and sacrificed 10 minutes after removal from halothane (recovery). Selected energy metabolites were measured in 100–500 nanogram samples from the inferior colliculus and the ascending reticular activating system.Results from this study showed an increase in glucose levels at 79 seconds, when the animals first lost their righting response. The glucose increase was similar in the inferior colliculus and reticular formation. ATP and phosphocreatine were increased at 45 seconds, and during the sleep period in the ascending reticular activiting system, and returned to normal during the recovery period. In the inferior colliculus, ATP was similarly increased from 45 seconds throughout the time course, whereas phosphocreatine was elevated at 79 seconds, and during recovery only. These data suggest a decrease in utilization of energy metabolities during halothane anesthesia, both in cells of the inferior colliculus and ascending reticular activating system.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography has not previously been used for studying fetal movements in precocial rodents. The objective of this study was to ultrasonographically determine the sequence of the appearance of basic movements in a guinea pig fetus. The research included eight guinea pig females carrying one fetus each. Fetal movements were observed for 10 minutes each day, from the 25th to 38th day of gestation. The time and sequence of the appearance of movements was observed as follows: whole body flexion (mean 27.6 SD ± 1.68), whole body extension (mean 28.1 SD ± 1.12), head flexion (mean 28.1 SD ± 1.80), head extension (mean 30.5 SD ± 2.67) forelimbs flexion (mean 30.5 SD ± 2.32), forelimbs extension (mean 30.7 SD ± 1.84), trunk rotation (mean 31.9 SD ± 2.23), forelimbs alternating flexion and extension (mean 32.1 SD ± 2.1), hind limbs extension (mean 32.2 SD ± 3.2), hind limbs flexion (mean 32.4 SD ± 3.16), and hind limbs alternating flexion and extension (mean 33.5 SD ± 2.39). The identical sequences of basic movement appearances in guinea pigs, sheep, and rats suggest that the rostrocaudal gradient of basic movement appearance could be a general developmental pattern in mammalian species.  相似文献   

Summary. Glucocorticoids are potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents. As endogenous inhibitors of cytokine synthesis, glucocorticoids suppress immune activation and uncontrolled overproduction of cytokines, preventing tissue injury. Also, polyamine spermine is endogenous inhibitor of cytokine production (inhibiting IL-1, IL-6 and TNF synthesis). The idea of our work was to examine dexamethasone effects on the metabolism of polyamines, spermine, spermidine and putrescine and polyamine oxidase activity in liver and spleen during sensitization of guinea pigs. Sensitization was done by application of bovine serum albumin with addition of complete Freund’s adjuvant. Our results indicate that polyamine amounts and polyamine oxidase activity increase during immunogenesis in liver and spleen. Dexamethasone application to sensitized and unsensitized guinea pigs causes depletion of polyamines in liver and spleen. Dexamethasone decreases polyamine oxidase activity in liver and spleen of sensitized guinea pigs, increasing at the same time PAO activity in tissues of unsensitized animals.  相似文献   

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