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利用GC-MS联用仪和计算机信息检索法,通过对云南松Pinus yunnanensis树干韧皮部和枝梢的挥发性物质成分的分析发现,二部位所含挥发性物质在组成成分和含量上存在明显差异.云南松树干挥发物以α-蒎烯为主,含量达81.01%,枝梢为挥发物以α-蒎烯和β-水芹烯为主,含量分别达29.20%和30.52%.与云南松...  相似文献   

云南切梢小蠹对云南松树的蛀干危害及致死机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕军  叶辉  段焰青  廖周瑜  母其爱 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2100-2104
蛀干危害是云南切梢小蠹致死云南松树的关键环节。通过控制云南切梢小蠹蛀干密度,对云南切梢小蠹在自然条件下蛀干行为与危害进行了首次探讨。结果表明,云南切梢小蠹蛀干密度与云南松存活率呈负相关,蛀干密度直接决定云南松死亡或存活。研究发现,蛀干密度115坑/m2是云南松树的最低致死密度阈值,云南松树在蛀干密度低于26.4坑/m2情况下存活,在26.4-115坑/m2有部分存活,超过115坑/m2以后将被害致死。云南切梢小蠹对树干攻击形成有卵和无卵两类坑道。形成无卵坑道的蛀干攻击可导致树势衰弱,形成有卵坑道的蛀干危害严重破坏了韧皮组织,是导致云南松死亡的直接原因。  相似文献   

云南横坑切梢小蠹生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶辉  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):223-228
横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor (Hartig)是云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franchet的主要次期性害虫之一。1980年以来,该虫与纵坑切梢小蠹T. piniperda(L.)一起在中国西南部大量发生,导致数十万公顷云南松林受害。本文报道了横坑切梢小蠹在云南地区的生活史、生长、发育、繁殖等生物学特征。横坑切梢小蠹年生活史为一代,前后两代在冬春季有部分重叠。成虫羽化于4月下旬开始陆续,5 月下旬结束。成虫羽化后即飞到树冠上蛀食枝梢,直到11月发育成熟,开始繁殖。在此期间,每头成虫可以蛀食4~6个枝梢。横坑切梢小蠹在云南没有越冬习性。繁殖期从11月至次年3月。成虫主要在已经受到纵坑切梢小蠹危害的树木的中、下部产卵。繁殖期较纵坑切梢小蠹约迟1周。由于横坑切梢小蠹从枝梢到树干对云南松持续危害,对树木的危害性较在其它地区更为严重。横坑切梢小蠹利用受到纵坑切梢小蠹蛀害的树木繁殖产卵,加强了蠹虫对云南松树的危害,加速了受害树木的死亡进程。横坑切梢小蠹的上述生物生态学特征是该虫对云南松造成严重危害的重要原因。从横坑切梢小蠹虫体和虫坑中检测到伴生真菌云南半帚孢Leptographium yunnanensis。横坑切梢小蠹对该菌的带菌率在蛀梢期为11.5%;在蛀干中期约为10%~26%。  相似文献   

叶辉  母其爱  吕军  张东华 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):555-558
云南半帚孢 (Leptogramphyunnanensis)是纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicuspiniperda重要的共生真菌 ,在纵坑切梢小蠹危害寄主树木过程中发挥着重要作用。研究揭示 ,纵坑切梢小蠹主要通过与受到感染云南半帚孢的韧皮组织的接触携带上云南半帚孢的。纵坑切梢小蠹卵、幼虫和蛹对云南半帚孢的带菌率较高 ,均大于 90 % ,而成虫的带菌率较低。纵坑切梢小蠹的体表和体内均携带有云南半帚孢 ,但体表带菌是纵坑切梢小蠹带菌的主要途径。通过对纵坑切梢小蠹成虫头、足、翅和腹部带菌率的研究发现 ,云南半帚孢在纵坑切梢小蠹各部位的分布大体相同 ,揭示纵坑切梢小蠹没有携带云南半帚孢的特化构造或器官。  相似文献   

光照、温度对纵坑切梢小蠹起飞行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叶辉 《昆虫知识》2000,37(6):342-344
纵坑切梢小蠹有明显的趋光性。在光照为 1~ 4 0 0 lx范围内 ,趋光性随光照强度提高而增强。完全黑暗条件下 ,蠹虫起飞量极少。在光照 10 0 0 lx,温度 2 5℃下 ,蠹虫起飞率达 77.7%。研究认为 ,温度和光照是纵坑切梢小蠹起飞的重要环境因素  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松枝梢提取物趋性测试   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
纵坑切梢小蠹TomicuspiniperdaL .是松科树木的蛀食性害虫。在过去近 2 0多年中 ,该虫已毁灭云南松林 2 0余万hm2 ,成为目前云南森林的第一大虫害[1] 。在云南 ,纵坑切梢小蠹常年在云南松 (Pi nusyunnanensis)枝梢内或树皮下蛀食生活 ,活动  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期生物学研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
叶辉 《昆虫学报》1996,39(1):58-62
本文研究了纵坑切梢小蠹Tomiaus piniperda对云南松枝梢的危害,并对该虫在蛀梢期的有关生物学特性,如性比、交配、食物选择、卵巢发育、越冬等进行了探讨。在昆明地区,蛀梢期从当年5月持续到次年3月。在此期间,该虫平均可蛀害3-6个枝梢。受害梢以当年生枝梢为主,平均直径为7-8.5mm。同一枝梢可受到多次蛀害。侵入孔距枝梢末端约3~4cm。该虫在蛀梢期已开始交配活动。交配率随卵巢发育进度而增大。各虫态受冬季气温低的影响发育减缓,但均能顺利越冬。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期空间分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda)成虫蛀梢多集中在蛀干木附近。种群密度以蛀干木为中心向周围是指数递减,散布半径约30m。在蛀虹梢过程中,该种群逐渐向新区扩张。在树冠内,纵坑切梢小蠹主要分布在4—10轮枝上。第7轮技虫口百分率最高。6—7轮枝受害率最大。树冠上层受害较其下属于重。从树冠水平层次考察,树冠外层虫量相对集中,约为树冠中、内层虫量之和。树冠内层虫量最少。纵坑切梢小蠹在树冠内的种群分布系由梢径、种群密度、蛀梢行为、降落方式、光照等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期空间分布   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
叶辉  李隆术 《昆虫学报》1994,37(3):311-316
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda)成虫蛀梢多集中在蛀干木附近。 种群密度以蛀干木为中心向周围呈指数递减,散布半径约30m。在蛀梢过程中,该种群逐渐向新区扩张。在树冠内,纵坑切梢小蠹主要分布在4-10轮枝上。第7轮枝虫口百分率最高。6-7轮枝受害率最大。 树冠上层受害较其下层严重。从树冠水平层次考察,树冠外层虫量相对集中,约为树冠中、内层虫量之和。 树冠内层虫量最少。纵坑切梢小蠹在树冠内的种群分布系由梢径、种群密度、蛀梢行为、降落方式、光照等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松蛀害研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶辉 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):394-400
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda L.表现出枝梢聚集、树干蛀害等重要的行为学特征,形成三种基本蛀害模式。横坑切梢小蠹、蓝色伴生真菌参与了纵坑切梢小蠹危害过程,并在其中发挥积极作用。上述因素的综合影响,加强了纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松Pinus yunnanensis寄主树木的危害能力。  相似文献   

Tomicus piniperda is a bark beetle that causes damage to various pine species across a wide geographical range. We developed five microsatellite polymorphic markers using an enrichment protocol. All loci could be successfully amplified with no evidence of null alleles and will be useful for population genetic studies. Cross‐species amplifications show that at least some of the markers could be useful in four other Tomicus species.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that green leaf volatiles (GLVs) disrupt the response of overwintered pine shoot beetles, Tomicus piniperda (L.) to multiple-funnel traps baited with the attractive host volatile α-pinene. A combination of four GLV alcohols, 1-hexanol ( E )-2-hexen-1-ol ( Z )-2-hexen-1-ol, and ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol, caused 54 and 36% reduction in the number of pine shoot beetles captured in two separate trapping experiments. Similarly, a combination of the four alcohols plus two GLV aldehydes, hexanal and ( E )-2-hexenal, caused 38% reduction in the number of pine shoot beetles captured compared with α-pinene alone. A blend of the two GLV aldehydes was not disruptive. None of the four GLV alcohols nor the two GLV aldehydes were disruptive when tested individually. The finding that the blend of four GLV alcohols reduced attraction of T. piniperda supports the general hypothesis that GLVs common to nonhost angiosperms are disruptive to conifer-attacking bark beetles (Scolytidae).  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), is an exotic pest of pine, Pinus spp., and was first discovered in North America in 1992. 2 Although primary attraction to host volatiles has been clearly demonstrated for T. piniperda, the existence and role of secondary attraction to insect‐produced pheromones have been widely debated. 3 Currently, commercial lures for T. piniperda include only the host volatiles α‐pinene in North America and α‐pinene, terpinolene and (+)‐3‐carene in Europe. Several potential pheromone candidates have been identified for T. piniperda. 4 We tested various combinations of host volatiles and pheromone candidates in Michigan, U.S.A., and Ontario, Canada, to determine an optimal blend. 5 Attraction of T. piniperda was significantly increased when trans‐verbenol (95% pure, 3.2%cis‐verbenol content) was added with or without myrtenol to α‐pinene or to blends of α‐pinene and other kairomones and pheromone candidates. 6 Our results, together with other research demonstrating that trans‐verbenol is produced by T. piniperda, support the designation of trans‐verbenol as a pheromone for T. piniperda. A simple operational lure consisting of α‐pinene and trans‐verbenol is recommended for optimal attraction of T. piniperda.  相似文献   

1 Seventeen non‐host angiosperm bark volatiles, seven of which are antennally active to Ips pini (Say), the pine engraver (PE), were tested for their ability to disrupt the response of the PE to pheromone‐baited traps. 2 Four green leaf volatiles (GLVs) were tested [1‐hexanol (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, hexanal, and (E)‐2‐hexenal]. None had any disruptive effect singly, as a group or in all possible blends based on functional groups, despite the fact that the two aldehydes were antennally active. These compounds may have, in some instances, actually masked the disruptive effect of other compounds. The PE thus differs in its response from other Scolytidae, including other Ips spp. 3 Eight non‐host volatiles that were antennally active to other bark beetles, but not to PEs, had no disruptive effect, validating the use of coupled gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection analyses to detect compounds with potential behavioural activity. 4 The bicyclic spiroacetal conophthorin, (E)‐7‐methyl‐1,6‐dioxaspiro[4.5]decane, was disruptive when tested alone. When blends of two aldehydes [salicylaldehyde and nonanal] plus an alcohol and a phenol [benzyl alcohol and guaiacol] were combined with conophthorin, an enhanced disruptive effect was revealed. No single compound, other than conophthorin, disrupted the pheromone‐positive response and no blend that did not contain conophthorin was consistently disruptive to both sexes. Conophthorin seems to be a critical component in the non‐host angiosperm message for I. pini during its host selection phase. 5 Combination of the repellent synomones, verbenone and ipsenol, with the five disruptive non‐host volatiles may provide a potent treatment to protect trees, logs or stands from attack by the PE.  相似文献   

Abstract The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Göthe, is one of the most serious insect pests of tea plantations in mainland China. Over the past decades, this pest has been controlled mainly by spraying pesticides. Insecticide applications not only have become less effective in controlling damage, but even more seriously, have caused high levels of toxic residues in teas, which ultimately threatens human health. Therefore, we should seek a safer biological control approach. In the present study, key components of tea shoot volatiles were identified and behaviorally tested as potential leafhopper attractants. The following 13 volatile compounds were identified from aeration samples of tea shoots using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS): (E)‐2‐hexenal, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol, (E)‐ocimene, linalool, nonanol, (Z)‐butanoic acid, 3‐hexenyl ester, decanal, tetradecane, β‐caryophyllene, geraniol and hexadecane. In Y‐tube olfactometer tests, the following individual compounds were identified: (E)‐2‐hexenal, (E)‐ocimene, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate and linalool, as well as two synthetic mixtures (called blend 1 and blend 2) elicited significant taxis, with blend 2 being the most attractive. Blend 1 included linalool, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol and (E)‐2‐hexenal at a 1 : 1 : 1 ratio, whereas blend 2 was a mixture of eight compounds at the same loading ratio: (E)‐2‐hexenal, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, 2‐penten‐1‐ol, (E)‐2‐pentenal, pentanol, hexanol and 1‐penten‐3‐ol. In tea fields, the bud‐green sticky board traps baited with blend 2, (E)‐2‐hexenal or hexane captured adults and nymphs of the leafhoppers, with blend 2 being the most attractive, followed by (E)‐2‐hexenal and hexane. Placing sticky traps baited with blend 2 or (E)‐2‐hexenal in the tea fields significantly reduced leafhopper populations. Our results indicate that the bud‐green sticky traps baited with tea shoot volatiles can provide a new tool for monitoring and managing the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

  • 1 Morphological characters were elaborated and part of the mitochondrial COI gene was sequenced in order to facilitate the determination of the three European pine bark beetles Tomicus piniperda, T. destruens and T. minor. The sequence information also provided the first information on the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of these species.
  • 2 Three hair rows were found on the antennal club of T. destruens between the second and third suture. Tomicus piniperda had only one row. Three different hair types were detected on the elytra – two hair types were found on T. piniperda, whereas the third hair type was only detected on the elytra of T. destruens.
  • 3 The COI region (445 bp) revealed high sequence divergence among T. destruens, T. piniperda and T. minor. The three species proved to be monophyletic species with 16.98–19.23% sequence divergence. A phylogenetic approach placed T. minor and T. destruens as sister taxa, which contradicts the morphological findings.
  • 4 European populations of T. piniperda shared two haplotypes, indicating a homogenous distribution of the genotypes. In the American populations only one of these European haplotypes was found. The Greek, Italian and Spanish T. destruens populations revealed three population‐specific haplotypes, indicating restricted gene flow.
  • 5 Species‐specific primers were designed to allow a rapid and definitive determination of the two sibling Tomicus species by PCR.

Abstract 1 The antennally active nonhost bark volatiles (NHVs): trans‐conophthorin (tC), C6‐alcohols (green leaf volatiles; GLVs) and C8‐alcohols, were tested for their ability to reduce attraction of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L) (Col. Scolytidae) to its pheromone sources in both laboratory walking bioassy and field trapping experiments. 2 In the walking bioassay with I. typographus females, individual NHVs such as tC, 3‐octanol and 1‐octen‐3‐ol, and the unsuitable host signal, verbenone (Vn), were inactive at the doses tested. However, the blend of C6‐alcohols (3GLVs) and all the binary, ternary, or quarternary blends significantly reduced the female attraction to the pheromone sources. 3 In the field trapping experiments, individual NHV signals (tC, C6‐alcohols and C8‐alcohols) all reduced catch of I. typographus in pheromone‐baited traps, with their inhibitory effects similar to that of the known inhibitor, Vn. The binary, ternary or quarternary combinations of these NHV signals or Vn, all caused significantly stronger reductions in trap catches than the individual signals. The blends showed similar levels of interruption, except the binary blend of C8‐alcohols (2C8OH) and Vn. 4 Difference in trapping mechanism between pipe traps (attraction and landing) and Lindgren funnel traps (attraction) did not affect the pattern of inhibition of these active NHV signals and Vn. 5 These behaviourally active nonhost volatiles and Vn might be used effectively to protect spruce trees or stands against attacks by I. typographus.  相似文献   

The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.), is an exotic pest that has become established in North America. Discovered in Ohio in 1992, it has since been found in at least 13 states and parts of Canada. The beetle can cause significant growth loss in pines, and it represents a potential threat to trees in areas where it has not yet become established. To evaluate this threat to native pines, field and laboratory tests were conducted on several common and important southern and western species to determine whether they are acceptable hosts for T. piniperda. Comparisons with Pinus sylvestris L., Scots pine, a preferred natural host for the beetle, were made where possible. Measurements of beetle attack success on southern pine billets showed that Pinus taeda L., Pinus echinata Miller, Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelmann, Pinus palustris Miller, and Pinus virginiana Miller (loblolly, shortleaf, slash, longleaf, and Virginia pine, respectively) and two western pines, Pinus ponderosa Lawson and Pinus contorta Douglas (ponderosa and lodgepole pine, respectively), were acceptable for breeding material, but brood production was highly variable. Among the southern pines, P. taeda and P. echinata were susceptible to shoot feeding by T. piniperda, whereas P. elliottii was highly resistant and P. palustris seemed to be virtually immune. Shoot feeding tests on the western pines were conducted only in the laboratory, but there was moderate-to-good survival of adults feeding on both species. It seems that if T. piniperda is introduced into the south and west it will likely establish and may cause some damage to native pines. P. taeda may be affected more than other southern pines because it is the most abundant species, it is readily attacked for brood production, which can result in moderately large broods, and the beetle survives well during maturation feeding on P. taeda shoots.  相似文献   

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