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The ribosomal protein S17E from the archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a component of the 30S ribosomal subunit. S17E is a 62-residue protein conserved in archaea and eukaryotes and has no counterparts in bacteria. Mammalian S17E is a phosphoprotein component of eukaryotic ribosomes. Archaeal S17E proteins range from 59 to 79 amino acids, and are about half the length of the eukaryotic homologs which have an additional C-terminal region. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of S17E. S17E folds into a small three-helix bundle strikingly similar to the FF domain of human HYPA/FBP11, a novel phosphopeptide-binding fold. S17E bears a conserved positively charged surface acting as a robust scaffold for molecular recognition. The structure of M. thermoautotrophicum S17E provides a template for homology modeling of eukaryotic S17E proteins in the family.  相似文献   

We report NMR assignments and solution structure of the 71-residue 30S ribosomal protein S28E from the archaean Pyrococcus horikoshii, target JR19 of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium. The structure, determined rapidly with the aid of automated backbone resonance assignment (AutoAssign) and automated structure determination (AutoStructure) software, is characterized by a four-stranded beta-sheet with a classic Greek-key topology and an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide beta-barrel (OB) fold. The electrostatic surface of S28E exhibits positive and negative patches on opposite sides, the former constituting a putative binding site for RNA. The 13 C-terminal residues of the protein contain a consensus sequence motif constituting the signature of the S28E protein family. Surprisingly, this C-terminal segment is unstructured in solution.  相似文献   

MTH1880 is a hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, a target organism of structural genomics. The solution structure determined by NMR spectroscopy demonstrates a typical alpha + beta-fold found in many proteins with different functions. The molecular surface of the protein reveals a small, highly acidic pocket comprising loop B (Asp36, Asp37, Asp38), the end of beta2 (Glu39), and loop D (Ser57, Ser58, Ser61), indicating that the protein would have a possible cation binding site. The NMR resonances of several amino acids within the acidic binding pocket in MTH1880, shifted upon addition of calcium ion. This calcium binding motif and overall topology of MTH1880 differ from those of other calcium binding proteins. MTH1880 did not show a calcium-induced conformational change typical of calcium sensor proteins. Therefore, we propose that the MTH1880 protein contains a novel motif for calcium-specific binding, and may function as a calcium buffering protein.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein L40E from archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is a component of the 50S ribosomal subunit. L40E is a 56-residue, highly basic protein that contains a C4 zinc finger motif, CRKC_X(10)_CRRC. Homologs are found in both archaea and eukaryotes but are not present in bacteria. Eukaryotic genomes encode L40E as a ubiquitin-fusion protein. L40E was absent from the crystal structure of euryarchaeota 50S ribosomal subunit. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of L40E by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of L40E is a three-stranded beta-sheet with a simple beta2beta1beta3 topology. There are two unique characteristics revealed by the structure. First, a large and ordered beta2-beta3 loop twists to pack across the one side of the protein. L40E contains a buried polar cluster comprising Lys19, Lys20, Cys22, Asn29, and Cys36. Second, the surface of L40E is almost entirely positively charged. Ten conserved basic residues are positioned on the two sides of the surface. It is likely that binding of zinc is essential in stabilizing the tertiary structure of L40E to act as a scaffold to create a broad positively charged surface for RNA and/or protein recognition.  相似文献   

The structure of Mth677, a hypothetical protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Mth), has been determined by using heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods on a double-labeled (15)N-(13)C sample. Mth677 adopts a novel alpha+beta fold, consisting of two alpha-helices (one N terminal and one C terminal) packed on the same side of a central beta-hairpin. This structure is likely shared by its three orthologs, detected in three other Archaebacteria. There are no clear features in the sequences of these proteins or in the genome organization of Mth to make a reliable functional assignment to this protein. However, the structural similarity to Escherichia coli MinE, the protein which controls that division occurs at the midcell site, lends support to the proposal that Mth677 might be, in Mth, the counterpart of the topological specificity domain of MinE in E. coli.  相似文献   

With the completion of genome sequencing projects, there are a large number of proteins for which we have little or no functional information. Since protein function is closely related to three-dimensional conformation, structural proteomics is one avenue where the role of proteins with unknown function can be investigated. In the present structural project, the structure of MTH187 has been determined by solution-state NMR spectroscopy. This protein of 12.4 kDa is one of the 424 non-membrane proteins that were cloned and purified for the structural proteomic project of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [Christendat, D., Yee, A., Dharamsi, A., Kluger, Y., Gerstein, M., Arrowsmith, C.H. and Edwards, A.M. (2000) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol., 73, 339–345]. Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a thermophilic archaeon that grows optimally at 65 °C. A particular characteristic of this microorganism is its ability to generate methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen [Smith, D.R., Doucette-Stamm, L.A., Deloughery, C., Lee, H., Dubois, J., Aldredge, T., Bashirzadeh, R., Blakely, D., Cook, R., Gilbert, K., Harrison, D., Hoang, L., Keagle, P., Lumm, W., Pothier, B., Qiu, D., Spadafora, R., Vicaire, R., Wang, Y., Wierzbowski, J., Gibson, R., Jiwani, N., Caruso, A., Bush, D., Reeve, J. N. et al. (1997) J. Bacteriol., 179, 7135–7155].Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. Structure data have been deposited at PDB (1TE4) and NMR data at BMRB (5629).Olivier Julien and Isabelle Gignac - Both authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

From cell extracts of the pseudomurein possessing methanogen Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum two putative pseudomurein precursors were isolated and characterized: (1) an undecaprenyl pyrophosphate activated disaccharide pentapeptide composed of N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid, alanine, glutamic acid and lysine in a molar ratio of 1:1:2:2:1 and (2) the corresponding undecaprenyl pyrophosphate activated tetrapeptide lacking one alanine residue. The isolation of these precursors show that the biosynthesis of the eubacterial murein and the methano-bacterial pseudomurein differs not only in the cytoplasmic step, as recently described, but also in the lipid stage.Abbreviations GlcNitol glucosaminitol - NAcTalNUA N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid - Udp undecaprenol - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

The Archaeoglobus fulgidis gene RS27_ARCFU encodes the 30S ribosomal protein S27e. Here, we present the high-quality NMR solution structure of this archaeal protein, which comprises a C4 zinc finger motif of the CX(2)CX(14-16)CX(2)C class. S27e was selected as a target of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (target ID: GR2), and its three-dimensional structure is the first representative of a family of more than 116 homologous proteins occurring in eukaryotic and archaeal cells. As a salient feature of its molecular architecture, S27e exhibits a beta-sandwich consisting of two three-stranded sheets with topology B(decreasing), A(increasing), F(decreasing), and C(increasing), D(decreasing), E(increasing). Due to the uniqueness of the arrangement of the strands, the resulting fold was found to be novel. Residues that are highly conserved among the S27 proteins allowed identification of a structural motif of putative functional importance; a conserved hydrophobic patch may well play a pivotal role for functioning of S27 proteins, be it in archaeal or eukaryotic cells. The structure of human S27, which possesses a 26-residue amino-terminal extension when compared with the archaeal S27e, was modeled on the basis of two structural templates, S27e for the carboxy-terminal core and the amino-terminal segment of the archaeal ribosomal protein L37Ae for the extension. Remarkably, the electrostatic surface properties of archaeal and human proteins are predicted to be entirely different, pointing at either functional variations among archaeal and eukaryotic S27 proteins, or, assuming that the function remained invariant, to a concerted evolutionary change of the surface potential of proteins interacting with S27.  相似文献   

Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, growing on medium supplemented with 2 mol 63NiCl2/l, was found to take up 1.2 mol 63Ni per g cells (dry weight). More than 70% of the radioisotope was incorporated into a compound, which dissociated from the protein fraction after heat treatment, was soluble in 70% acetone, and could be purified by chromatography on QAE-Sephadex A-25, Sephadex G-25, and DEAE cellulose. The purified 63Ni labelled compound had an absorption spectrum and properties identical to those of factor F 430 and is therefore considered to be identical with factor F 430.Factor F 430, a compound of molecular weight higher than 1000 with an absorbance maximum at 430 nm, has recently been purified from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Gunsalus and Wolfe, 1978). The structure and function of this compound are not yet known.  相似文献   

Cells of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum were fixed with glutaraldehyde, sectioned and labeled with antibodies against the subunit of component C (=methyl-CoM reductase) of methyl-CoM reductase system and with colloidal gold-labeled protein A. It was found that the gold particles were located predominantly in the vicinity of the cytoplasmic membrane, when the cells were grown under conditions where methyl-CoM reductase was not overproduced. This finding confirms the recent data obtained with Methanococcus voltae showing via the same immunocytochemical localization technique that in this organism methyl-CoM reductase is membrane associated.  相似文献   

We report herein the NMR structure of Tm0979, a structural proteomics target from Thermotoga maritima. The Tm0979 fold consists of four beta/alpha units, which form a central parallel beta-sheet with strand order 1234. The first three helices pack toward one face of the sheet and the fourth helix packs against the other face. The protein forms a dimer by adjacent parallel packing of the fourth helices sandwiched between the two beta-sheets. This fold is very interesting from several points of view. First, it represents the first structure determination for the DsrH family of conserved hypothetical proteins, which are involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur but have no defined molecular function. Based on structure and sequence analysis, possible functions are discussed. Second, the fold of Tm0979 most closely resembles YchN-like folds; however the proteins that adopt these folds differ in secondary structural elements and quaternary structure. Comparison of these proteins provides insight into possible mechanisms of evolution of quaternary structure through a simple mechanism of hydrophobicity-changing mutations of one or two residues. Third, the Tm0979 fold is found to be similar to flavodoxin-like folds and beta/alpha barrel proteins, and may provide a link between these very abundant folds and putative ancestral half-barrel proteins.  相似文献   

of whole cells of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was estimated under varying conditions using an electrode sensitive to the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium chloride (TPP+). Since was found to be extremely sensitive to air, a special reaction vessel was developed to maintain strict anaerobiosis. The cells took up TPP+ under energization by H2 and CO2 thus allowing to calculate the from the distribution of TPP+ inside and outside the cells. The unspecific uptake of deenergized cells was around 10% of the total uptake of energized cells. TPP+ itself slightly diminished the , but had no effect on the formation of methane. Typical values of were in the range of-150 to-200 mV. showed a quantitative dependence on both the electron donor H2 and the electron acceptor CO2. NaCl stimulated the extent of the , whereas KCl slightly diminished it. Valinomycin resulted in a linear decline of , whereas the methane production rate was only slightly affected. In contrast, monensin reduced both methanogenesis and .Abbreviations pmf proton motive force - membrane potential - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium (chloride salt) - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium (chloride salt, if not otherwise indicated) - d.w. dry weight - t d doubling time - PVC polyvinylchloride  相似文献   

As part of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium pilot project focused on small eukaryotic proteins and protein domains, we have determined the NMR structure of the protein encoded by ORF YML108W from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. YML108W belongs to one of the numerous structural proteomics targets whose biological function is unknown. Moreover, this protein does not have sequence similarity to any other protein. The NMR structure of YML108W consists of a four-stranded beta-sheet with strand order 2143 and two alpha-helices, with an overall topology of betabetaalphabetabetaalpha. Strand beta1 runs parallel to beta4, and beta2:beta1 and beta4:beta3 pairs are arranged in an antiparallel fashion. Although this fold belongs to the split betaalphabeta family, it appears to be unique among this family; it is a novel arrangement of secondary structure, thereby expanding the universe of protein folds.  相似文献   

A medium resolution solution structure has been obtained for L18 from Bacillus stearothermophilus (BstL18), a ribosomal protein that stabilizes the tertiary structure of 5S rRNA and mediates its interaction with the rest of the large subunit. The N-terminal 22 amino acid residues of BstL18 are unstructured in solution. Its remaining 98 residues form a globular domain that has the same topology as the globular domains of other L18s, but the orientation of helices is different. This conformational peculiarity should not prevent BstL18 from functioning in the ribosome the same way as other L18s.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L16 is an essential component of the bacterial ribosome. It organizes the architecture of aminoacyl tRNA binding site in the ribosome 50S subunit. The three-dimensional structure of L16 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 was determined by NMR. In solution, L16 forms an alpha+beta sandwich structure combined with two additional beta sheets located at the loop regions connecting the two layers. The terminal regions and a central loop region did not show any specific secondary structure. The structured part of L16 could be superimposed well on the C(alpha) model of L16 determined in the crystal structure of the ribosome 50S subunit. By overlaying the L16 solution structure onto the coordinates of the ribosome crystal structure, we constructed the combined model that represents the ribosome-bound state of L16 in the detailed structure. The model showed that L16 possesses residues in contact with helices 38, 39, 42, 43 and 89 of 23S rRNA and helix 4 of 5S rRNA. This suggests its broad effect on the ribosome architecture. Comparison of L16 with the L10e protein, which is the archaeal counterpart, showed that they share a common fold, but differ in some regions of functional importance, especially in the N-terminal region. All known mutation sites in L16 that confer resistance to avilamycin and evernimicin were positioned so that their side-chains were exposed to solvent in the internal cavity of the ribosome. This suggests the direct participation of L16 as a part of the binding site for antibiotics.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the peptide subunits of the peptide moiety of the sacculus polymer (pseudomurein) of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was elucidated by analysing overlapping peptides obtained from partial acid hydrolysates of isolated sacculi. It is suggested that the peptide subunits are attached to glycan strands via one of their glutamyl residues. Another glutamyl residue may crosslink two adjacent peptide subunits to form a dimer. The calculated molar ratios of the amino acids and the percentages of the N-or C-terminal amino acid residues of the supposed dimers are compatible with those actually found in the sacculus polymer.  相似文献   

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