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C. H. Ko  A. M. Buckley    R. F. Gaber 《Genetics》1990,125(2):305-312
TRK1, the gene encoding the high affinity K+ transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is nonessential due to the existence of a functionally independent low affinity transporter. To identify the gene(s) encoding the low affinity K+ transporter, we screened trk1 delta cells for mutants (Kla-) that require higher concentrations of K+ in the medium to support growth. trk1 delta trk2 mutants require up to tenfold higher concentrations of K+ to exhibit normal growth compared to trk1 delta TRK2 cells. K+ and 86Rb+ transport assays demonstrate that the mutant phenotype is due to defective K+ transport (uptake). Each of 38 independent mutants contains a mutation in the same gene, TRK2. Cells deficient for both high and low affinity K+ transport (trk1 delta trk2) exhibit hypersensitivity to low extracellular pH that can be suppressed by high concentrations of K+ but not Na+. TRK1 completely suppresses both the K+ transport defect and low pH hypersensitivity of trk2 cells, suggesting that TRK1 and TRK2 are functionally independent.  相似文献   

F. Spencer  S. L. Gerring  C. Connelly    P. Hieter 《Genetics》1990,124(2):237-249
We have isolated 136 independent mutations in haploid yeast strains that exhibit decreased chromosome transmission fidelity in mitosis. Eighty-five percent of the mutations are recessive and 15% are partially dominant. Complementation analysis between MATa and MAT alpha isolates identifies 11 chromosome transmission fidelity (CTF) complementation groups, the largest of which is identical to CHL1. For 49 independent mutations, no corresponding allele has been recovered in the opposite mating type. The initial screen monitored the stability of a centromere-linked color marker on a nonessential yeast chromosome fragment; the mitotic inheritance of natural yeast chromosome III is also affected by the ctf mutations. Of the 136 isolates identified, seven were inviable at 37 degrees and five were inviable at 11 degrees. In all cases tested, these temperature conditional lethalities cosegregated with the chromosome instability phenotype. Five additional complementation groups (ctf12 through ctf16) have been defined by complementation analysis of the mutations causing inviability at 37 degrees. Twenty-three of the 136 isolates exhibited growth defects at concentrations of benomyl permissive for the parent strain, and nine appeared to be tolerant of inhibitory levels of benomyl. All of the mutant strains showed normal sensitivity to ultraviolet and gamma-irradiation. Further characterization of these mutant strains will describe the functions of gene products crucial to the successful execution of processes required for aspects of the chromosome cycle that are important for chromosome transmission fidelity in mitosis.  相似文献   

Forty-eight mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with defects in glycogen metabolism were isolated. The mutations defined eight GLC genes, the functions of which were determined. Mutations in three of these genes activate the RAS/cAMP pathway either by impairment of a RAS GTPase-activating protein (GLC1/IRA1 and GLC4/IRA2) or by activating Ras2p (GLC5/RAS2). SNF1 protein kinase (GLC2) was found to be required for normal glycogen levels. Glycogen branching enzyme (GLC3) was found to be required for significant glycogen synthesis. GLC6 was shown to be allelic to CIF1 (and probably FDP1, BYP1 and GGS1), mutations in which were previously found to prevent growth on glucose; this gene is also the same as TPS1, which encodes a subunit of the trehalose-phosphate synthase. Mutations in GLC6 were capable of increasing or decreasing glycogen levels, at least in part via effects on the regulation of glycogen synthase. GLC7 encodes a type 1 protein phosphatase that contributes to the dephosphorylation (and hence activation) of glycogen synthase. GLC8 encodes a homologue of type 1 protein phosphatase inhibitor-2. The genetic map positions of GLC1/IRA1, GLC3, GLC4/IRA2, GLC6/CIF1/TPS1 (and the adjacent VAT2/VMA2), and GLC7 were clarified. From the data on GLC3, there may be a suppression of recombination near the chromosome V centromere, at least in some strains.  相似文献   

We have characterized a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant strain that is hypersensitive to cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK506, immunosuppressants that inhibit calcineurin, a serine-threonine-specific phosphatase (PP2B). A single nuclear mutation, designated cev1 for calcineurin essential for viability, is responsible for the CsA-FK506-sensitive phenotype. The peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases cyclophilin A and FKBP12, respectively, mediate CsA and FK506 toxicity in the cev1 mutant strain. We demonstrate that cev1 is an allele of the VPH6 gene and that vph6 mutant strains fail to assemble the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase). The VPH6 gene was mapped on chromosome VIII and is predicted to encode a 181-amino acid (21 kD) protein with no identity to other known proteins. We find that calcineurin is essential for viability in many mutant strains with defects in V-ATPase function or vacuolar acidification. In addition, we find that calcineurin modulates extracellular acidification in response to glucose, which we propose occurs via calcineurin regulation of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase PMA1. Taken together, our findings suggest calcineurin plays a general role in the regulation of cation transport and homeostasis.  相似文献   

L. G. Vallier  D. Coons  L. F. Bisson    M. Carlson 《Genetics》1994,136(4):1279-1285
The GRR1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae affects glucose repression, cell morphology, divalent cation transport and other processes. We present a kinetic analysis showing that the grr1 mutant is also defective in high affinity glucose transport. In combination with a mutation in SNF3, a member of the glucose transporter gene family, grr1 strikingly impairs growth on glucose. These findings suggest that GRR1 and SNF3 affect glucose transport by distinct pathways. The mutation rgt1-1, a suppressor of snf3, restores both glucose transport and glucose repression to a grr1 mutant, but does not remedy the morphological defect. We suggest that GRR1 affects the glucose sensing process and that the association between transport and regulation may reflect the involvement of a transporter in glucose sensing.  相似文献   

To study peroxisome biogenesis, we developed a procedure to select for Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in peroxisomal protein import or peroxisome assembly. For this purpose, a chimeric gene was constructed encoding the bleomycin resistance protein linked to the peroxisomal protein luciferase. In wild-type cells this chimeric protein is imported into the peroxisome, which prevents the neutralizing interaction of the chimeric protein with its toxic phleomycin ligand. Peroxisomal import and peroxisome assembly mutants are unable to import this chimeric protein into their peroxisomes. This enables the bleomycin moiety of the chimeric protein to bind phleomycin, thereby preventing its toxicity. The selection is very efficient: upon mutagenesis, 84 (10%) of 800 phleomycin resistant colonies tested were unable to grow on oleic acid. This rate could be increased to 25% using more stringent selection conditions. The selection procedure is very specific; all oleic acid non utilizing (onu) mutants tested were disturbed in peroxisomal import and/or peroxisome assembly. The pas (peroxisome assembly) mutants that have been used for complementation analysis represent 12 complementation groups including three novel ones, designated pas20, pas21 and pas22.  相似文献   

L. C. Kadyk  L. H. Hartwell 《Genetics》1993,133(3):469-487
Homolog recombination and unequal sister chromatid recombination were monitored in rad1-1/rad1-1 diploid yeast cells deficient for excision repair, and in control cells, RAD1/rad1-1, after exposure to UV irradiation. In a rad1-1/rad1-1 diploid, UV irradiation stimulated much more sister chromatid recombination relative to homolog recombination when cells were irradiated in the G(1) or the G(2) phases of the cell cycle than was observed in RAD1/rad1-1 cells. Since sister chromatids are not present during G(1), this result suggested that unexcised lesions can stimulate sister chromatid recombination events during or subsequent to DNA replication. The results of mating rescue experiments suggest that unexcised UV dimers do not stimulate sister chromatid recombination during the G(2) phase, but only when they are present during DNA replication. We propose that there are two types of sister chromatid recombination in yeast. In the first type, unexcised UV dimers and other bulky lesions induce sister chromatid recombination during DNA replication as a mechanism to bypass lesions obstructing the passage of DNA polymerase, and this type is analogous to the type of sister chromatid exchange commonly observed cytologically in mammalian cells. In the second type, strand scissions created by X-irradiation or the excision of damaged bases create recombinogenic sites that result in sister chromatid recombination directly in G(2). Further support for the existence of two types of sister chromatid recombination is the fact that events induced in rad1-1/rad1-1 were due almost entirely to gene conversion, whereas those in RAD1/rad1-1 cells were due to a mixture of gene conversion and reciprocal recombination.  相似文献   

CP1 (encoded by the CEP1 gene) is a centromere binding protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that binds to the conserved DNA element I (CDEI) of yeast centromeres. To investigate the function of CP1 in yeast meiosis, we analyzed the meiotic segregation of CEN plasmids, nonessential chromosome fragments (CFs) and chromosomes in cep1 null mutants. Plasmids and CFs missegregated in 10-20% of meioses with the most frequent type of aberrant event being precocious sister segregation at the first meiotic division; paired and unpaired CFs behaved similarly. An unpaired chromosome I homolog (2N + 1) also missegregated at high frequency in the cep1 mutant (7.6%); however, missegregation of other chromosomes was not detected by tetrad analysis. Spore viability of cep1 tetrads was significantly reduced, and the pattern of spore death was nonrandom. The inviability could not be explained solely by chromosome missegregation and is probably a pleiotropic effect of cep1. Mitotic chromosome loss in cep1 strains was also analyzed. Both simple loss (1:0 segregation) and nondisjunction (2:0 segregation) were increased, but the majority of loss events resulted from nondisjunction. We interpret the results to suggest that CP1 generally promotes chromatid-kinetochore adhesion.  相似文献   

We have isolated new temperature-sensitive mutations in five complementation groups, sec31-sec35, that are defective in the transport of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. The sec31-sec35 mutants and additional alleles of previously identified sec and vacuolar protein sorting (vps) genes were isolated in a screen based on the detection of α-factor precursor in yeast colonies replicated to and lysed on nitrocellulose filters. Secretory protein precursors accumulated in sec31-sec35 mutants at the nonpermissive temperature were core-glycosylated but lacked outer chain carbohydrate, indicating that transport was blocked after translocation into the ER but before arrival in the Golgi complex. Electron microscopy revealed that the newly identified sec mutants accumulated vesicles and membrane structures reminiscent of secretory pathway organelles. Complementation analysis revealed that sec32-1 is an allele of BOS1, a gene implicated in vesicle targeting to the Golgi complex, and sec33-1 is an allele of RET1, a gene that encodes the α subunit of coatomer.  相似文献   

R. B. Walsh  D. Clifton  J. Horak    D. G. Fraenkel 《Genetics》1991,128(3):521-527
A congenic series of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains has been constructed which carry, in all combinations, null mutations in the three genes for glucose phosphorylation: HXK1, HXK2 and GLK1, coding hexokinase 1 (also called PI or A), hexokinase 2 (PII or B), and glucokinase, respectively: i.e., eight strains, all of which grow on glucose except for the triple mutant. All or several of the strains were characterized in their steady state batch growth with 0.2% or 2% glucose, in aerobic as well as respiration-inhibited conditions, with respect to growth rate, yield, and ethanol formation. Glucose flux values were generally similar for different strains and conditions, provided they contained either hexokinase 1 or hexokinase 2. And their aerobic growth, as known for wild type, was largely fermentative with ca. 1.5 mol ethanol made per mol glucose used. The strain lacking both hexokinases and containing glucokinase was an exception in having reduced flux, a result fitting with its maximal rate of glucose phosphorylation in vitro. Aerobic growth of even the latter strain was largely fermentative (ca. 1 mol ethanol per mol glucose). Invertase expression was determined for a variety of media. All strains with HXK2 showed repression in growth on glucose and the others did not. Derepression in the wild-type strain occurred at ca. 1 mM glucose. The metabolic data do not support- or disprove-a model with HXK2 having only a secondary role in catabolite repression related to more rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

M. T. McCammon 《Genetics》1996,144(1):57-69
The two carbon compounds, ethanol and acetate, can be oxidatively metabolized as well as assimilated into carbohydrate in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The distribution of acetate metabolic enzymes among several cellular compartments, mitochondria, peroxisomes, and cytoplasm makes it an intriguing system to study complex metabolic interactions. To investigate the complex process of carbon catabolism and assimilation, mutants unable to grow on acetate were isolated. One hundred five Acn(-) (``ACetate Nonutilizing') mutants were sorted into 21 complementation groups with an additional 20 single mutants. Five of the groups have defects in TCA cycle enzymes: MDH1, CIT1, ACO1, IDH1, and IDH2. A defect in RTG2, involved in the retrograde communication between the mitochondrion and the nucleus, was also identified. Four genes encode enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis: ICL1, MLS1, MDH2, and PCK1. Five other genes appear to be defective in regulating metabolic activity since elevated levels of enzymes in several metabolic pathways, including the glyoxylate cycle, gluconeogenesis, and acetyl-CoA metabolism, were detected in these mutants: ACN8, ACN9, ACN17, ACN18, and ACN42. In summary, this analysis has identified at least 22 and as many as 41 different genes involved in acetate metabolism.  相似文献   

A. Sakai  Y. Shimizu    F. Hishinuma 《Genetics》1988,119(3):499-506
We have isolated mutants responsible for an oversecretion phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using a promoter of SUC2 and the gene coding for alpha-amylase from mouse as a marker of secretion. These mutations defined two complementation groups, designated as ose1 (over secretion) and rgr1 (resistant to glucose repression). The ose1 mutant produced an oversecretion of amylase by 12- to 15-fold under derepressing conditions; however, the amylase mRNA was present at nearly the same amount as it was in the parent cells. No expression of the amylase gene was detected under repressing conditions. The rgr1 mutant oversecreted amylase by 11- to 13-fold under repressing conditions by 15- to 18-fold under derepressing conditions. The rgr1 mutant showed pleiotropic effects on the following cellular functions: (1) resistance to glucose repression, (2) temperature-sensitive lethality, (3) sporulation deficieny in homozygous diploid cells, and (4) abnormal cell morphology. The rgr1 mutation was not allelic with ssn6 and cyc9, and failed to suppress snf1.  相似文献   

Cdc24p is the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for the Cdc42p GTPase, which controls cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To identify new genes that may affect cell polarity, we characterized six UV-induced csl (CDC24 synthetic-lethal) mutants that exhibited synthetic-lethality with cdc24-4(ts) at 23°. Five mutants were not complemented by plasmid-borne CDC42, RSR1, BUD5, BEM1, BEM2, BEM3 or CLA4 genes, which are known to play a role in cell polarity. The csl3 mutant displayed phenotypes similar to those observed with calcium-sensitive, Pet(-) vma mutants defective in vacuole function. CSL5 was allelic to VMA5, the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase subunit C, and one third of csl5 cdc24-4(ts) cells were elongated or had misshapen buds. A cdc24-4(ts) Δvma5::LEU2 double mutant did not exhibit synthetic lethality, suggesting that the csl5/vma5 cdc24-4(ts) synthetic-lethality was not simply due to altered vacuole function. The cdc24-4(ts) mutant, like Δvma5::LEU2 and csl3 mutants, was sensitive to high levels of Ca(2+) as well as Na(+) in the growth media, which did not appear to be a result of a fragile cell wall because the phenotypes were not remedied by 1 M sorbitol. Our results indicated that Cdc24p was required in one V-ATPase mutant and another mutant affecting vacuole morphology, and also implicated Cdc24p in Na(+) tolerance.  相似文献   

The primary determinant for telomere replication is the enzyme telomerase, responsible for elongating the G-rich strand of the telomere. The only component of this enzyme that has been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the TLC1 gene, encoding the telomerase RNA subunit. However, a yeast strain defective for the EST1 gene exhibits the same phenotypes (progressively shorter telomeres and a senescence phenotype) as a strain deleted for TLC1, suggesting that EST1 encodes either a component of telomerase or some other factor essential for telomerase function. We designed a multitiered screen that led to the isolation of 22 mutants that display the same phenotypes as est1 and tlc1 mutant strains. These mutations mapped to four complementation groups: the previously identified EST1 gene and three additional genes, called EST2, EST3 and EST4. Cloning of the EST2 gene demonstrated that it encodes a large, extremely basic novel protein with no motifs that provide clues as to function. Epistasis analysis indicated that the four EST genes function in the same pathway for telomere replication as defined by the TLC1 gene, suggesting that the EST genes encode either components of telomerase or factors that positively regulate telomerase activity.  相似文献   

J. H. McCusker  J. E. Haber 《Genetics》1988,119(2):317-327
Cyocloheximide resistant lethal (crl) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, defining 22 unlinked complementation groups, are unable to grow at 37 degrees. They are also highly pleiotropic at their permissive temperature of 25 degrees. The mutants are all unable to arrest at the G1 stage of the cell cycle when grown to stationary phase or when starved for a single amino acid, though they do arrest at G1 when deprived of all nitrogen. The crl mutants are also hypersensitive to various amino acid analogs and to 3-aminotriazole. These mutants also "tighten" leaky auxotrophic mutations that permit wild-type cells to grow in the absence of the appropriate amino acid. All of these phenotypes are also exhibited by gcn mutants affecting general control of amino acid biosynthesis. In addition, the crl mutants are all hypersensitive to hygromycin B, an aminoglycoside antibiotic that stimulates translational misreading. The crl mutations also suppress one nonsense mutation which is phenotypically suppressed by hygromycin B. Many crl mutants are also osmotically sensitive. These are phenotypes which the crl mutations have in common with previously isolated omnipotent suppressors. We suggest that the the crl mutations all affect the fidelity of protein translation.  相似文献   

The hyper-gene conversion srs2-101 mutation of the SRS2 DNA helicase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported to suppress the UV sensitivity of rad18 mutants. New alleles of SRS2 were recovered using this suppressor phenotype. The alleles have been characterized with respect to suppression of rad18 UV sensitivity, hyperrecombination, reduction of meiotic viability, and definition of the mutational change within the SRS2 gene. Variability in the degree of rad18 suppression and hyperrecombination were found. The alleles that showed the severest effects were found to be missense mutations within the consensus domains of the DNA helicase family of proteins. The effect of mutations in domains I (ATP-binding) and V (proposed DNA binding) are reported. Some alleles of SRS2 reduce spore viability to 50% of wild-type levels. This phenotype is not bypassed by spo13 mutation. Although the srs2 homozygous diploids strains undergo normal commitment to meiotic recombination, this event is delayed by several hours in the mutant strains and the strains appear to stall in the progression from meiosis I to meiosis II.  相似文献   

R. E. Palmer  E. Hogan    D. Koshland 《Genetics》1990,125(4):763-774
In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cell division cycle (CDC) genes have been identified whose products are required for the execution of different steps in the cell cycle. In this study, the fidelity of transmission of a 14-kb circular minichromosome and a 155-kb linear chromosome fragment was examined in cell divisions where specific CDC products were temporarily inactivated with either inhibitors, or temperature sensitive mutations in the appropriate CDC gene. All of the cdc mutants previously shown to induce loss of endogenous linear chromosomes also induced loss of a circular minichromosome and a large linear chromosome fragment in our study (either 1:0 or 2:0 loss events). Therefore, the efficient transmission of these artificial chromosomes depends upon the same trans factors that are required for the efficient transmission of endogenous chromosomes. In a subset of cdc mutants (cdc6, cdc7 and cdc16), the rate of minichromosome loss was significantly greater than the rate of loss of the linear chromosome fragment, suggesting that a structural feature of the minichromosome (nucleotide content, length or topology) makes the minichromosome hypersensitive to the level of function of these CDC gene products. In another subset of cdc mutants (cdc7 and cdc17), the relative rate of 1:0 events to 2:0 events differed for the minichromosome and chromosome fragment, suggesting that the type of chromosome loss event observed in these mutants was dependent upon chromosome structure. Finally, we show that 2:0 events for the minichromosome can occur by both a RAD52 dependent and RAD52 independent mechanism. These results are discussed in the context of the molecular functions of the CDC products.  相似文献   

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