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马尾松种源在异质养分环境中的觅养行为差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择广东信宜、福建武平、广西岑溪3个不同磷效率特性的马尾松种源,构建同质和异质两种养分环境开展盆栽实验,研究马尾松搜寻利用异质分布养分的获取机制及不同种源觅养行为差异。结果表明,与同质营养环境相比,异质营养环境中马尾松种源具有较高的苗高、地径生长量、较强光合速率和干物质生产能力。研究证实了根系形态可塑性和生理可塑性在马尾松获取异质分布养分中的重要性。马尾松可通过在富养斑块中须侧根的大量增生、对N、P、K等元素的有效吸收提高其觅养能力。马尾松在拓殖富养斑块的初期主要依靠新生侧根的增加和侧根的延长,在拓殖一段时期之后则主要靠新生侧根的生成和须根数量、须根密度的增加来搜寻异质分布养分。异质养分环境中的根系具有较高的养分吸收效率主要缘由在富养斑块中对N、P、K大量的吸收。综合比较分析认为,在3个参试种源中广西岑溪和福建武平种源在异质营养环境中拓殖富养斑块和觅养能力较强,广东信宜种源拓殖和觅养能力相对较弱。  相似文献   

异质养分环境下不同树种觅养行为与光照条件的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
设计光照和养分环境的析因组合盆栽试验,研究不同光照条件下马尾松、木荷和马褂木对异质养分环境的生长适应性反应及觅养行为差异.结果表明:全光照下马尾松和木荷在异质养分环境中较同质养分环境具有较大的生长优势,其根系干物质量分别增加达99.5%和66.7%,而马褂木在同质养分环境中生长表现较好.遮阳处理显著改变了木荷根系的广布性、觅养精确性及养分吸收效率,降低了其在异质养分环境中的生长优势;遮阳对马尾松觅养行为的影响不如木荷显著,其在异质养分环境中的生长仍保持一定的优势,推测与马尾松在富养斑块中有明显的根系增生和较高的养分吸收效率有关;遮阳对马褂木的觅养精确性和反应敏感度的影响相对较小,未改变其对养分环境的生长反应式样.马尾松、木荷和马褂木不仅在根系觅养机制及觅养行为上具有显著遗传差异,而且受光照条件影响变化的模式也各不相同,因此人工造林时应实施不同的栽培技术措施来提高林分生产力.  相似文献   

竞争对马尾松和木荷觅取异质分布养分行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究邻株竞争对马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和木荷(Schima superba)觅取异质分布养分机理和行为的影响, 我们设计单植、双株纯栽和两株混植3种栽植方式, 构建了同质和异质养分环境开展盆栽实验。结果表明: 单植时, 马尾松和木荷苗木生长对斑块养分反应敏感, 与同质养分环境相比, 两树种在异质养分环境中具有苗高生长量大、干物质积累量高、根系在富养斑块中大量增生, 根系N、P含量和吸收效率高等特点。在异质养分环境中, 木荷与马尾松邻株竞争时的生长表现优于双株纯栽模式而与单植处理相近, 根系形态可塑性和生理可塑性在其觅取斑块养分中的作用显著增强; 与木荷邻株竞争时, 马尾松苗高生长也表现出较单植和双株纯栽模式一定的优势, 这与其根系的广布性、觅养精确性和反应敏感度变化较小及富养斑块中根系P素含量和吸收效率较高等有关。相反, 同种邻株竞争则使得异质养分环境中马尾松和木荷的根系广布性减小, 反应敏感度减弱, 富养斑块中根系N、P含量降低, 苗高生长量和干物质积累量减小。与马尾松相比, 同种邻株竞争对异质养分环境中木荷生长的负向影响更为强烈。建议在生产中采用混交造林的方式促进马尾松和木荷生长。若要营造人工纯林, 可通过适当降低初植密度或及时调控林分密度促进林木生长。  相似文献   

研究同质和异质养分环境中邻株竞争对3个木荷种源生长和根系发育的影响,揭示了不同种源木荷生长竞争能力差异原因.结果表明: 与同质养分环境相比,3个木荷种源在异质养分环境中具有苗高生长量大、干物质积累量高和根系增生明显等特点.在异质养分环境下,福建建瓯种源木荷苗木生长量显著高于浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源,与杉木混植时尤为突出,这与其根系形态可塑性高和拓殖能力强有关,混植时,福建建瓯种源木荷的根长、根表面积和根体积等根系生长量较单植显著增长20.4 %~69.0%,其根系在富养表层大量增生的同时快速向深层贫养层拓殖,占有了更多的空间和资源,提高了觅养能力,使其生长优势更为明显,而浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源根系生长和深层土壤根系分布受邻株竞争影响不同程度的降低.纯植时,可能由于根系自我识别作用,3个木荷种源的根系生长发育均受到抑制,导致福建建瓯种源苗木生长量显著减小,而浙江龙泉种源苗高和干物质积累增长明显,这与其根系生理可塑性有关.建议生产上选用觅养效率高和竞争能力强的福建建瓯种源木荷,采用混交造林的方式提高木荷人工林生产力.  相似文献   

以木荷和杉木为试验材料,模拟异质和同质两种森林土壤养分环境,设计单植、两株纯植和两株混植3种栽植方式,开展盆栽试验研究木荷与杉木混交造林增产及木荷生长竞争优势形成的原因.结果表明: 与同质养分环境相比,异质养分环境中木荷与杉木混植时两树种均具有较高的苗高和干物质积累量,且木荷竞争优势明显,这与其根系可塑性强有关.混植的木荷各径级细根大量增生,其根系总长度、表面积和体积比杉木高80%~180%.木荷细根在垂直方向上采用了补偿性的生长策略,即除占据富养表层外,还在低养分斑块中大量增殖以获得更大的竞争优势.木荷与杉木的细根在土壤中的拓殖深度不同,生态位分化,缓解了两树种根系对养分的强烈竞争,提高了混植产量.纯植的木荷由于根系自我识别作用,抑制了根系的生长,使得纯植产量较低.细根在空间上错开和均匀分布可能是木荷纯林结构稳定的原因之一.建议在生产中采用块状整地和表层施肥等措施,改善土壤养分分布状况,营建混交林促进木荷和杉木生长,而对已营造的木荷人工纯林,可以及时调控林分密度促进林木生长.  相似文献   

土壤养分空间异质性与植物根系的觅食反应   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
植物在长期进化过程中,为了最大限度地获取土壤资源,对养分的空间异质性产生各种可塑性反应.包括形态可塑性、生理可塑性、菌根可塑性等.许多植物种的根系在养分丰富的斑块中大量增生,增生程度种间差异较大,并受斑块属性(斑块大小、养分浓度)、营养元素种类和养分总体供应状况的影响.植物还通过调整富养斑块中细根的直径、分枝角、节问距以及空间构型来实现斑块养分的高效利用.根系的生理可塑性及菌根可塑性可能在一定程度上影响其形态可塑性.生理可塑性表现为处于不同养分斑块上的根系迅速调整其养分吸收速率,从而增加单位根系的养分吸收,对在时间上和空间上变化频繁的空间异质性土壤养分的利用具有重要意义,可在一定程度上弥补根系增生反应的不足.菌根可塑性目前研究较少,一些植物种的菌根代替细根实现在富养斑块中的增生.菌根增生的碳投入养分吸收效率较高、根系增生对增加养分吸收的作用较复杂,取决于养分离子在土壤中的移动性能以及是否存在竞争植物;对植物生长(竞争能力)的作用因种而异,一些敏感种由此获得生长效益,而其它一些植物种受影响较小.植物个体对土壤养分空间异质性反应能力和生长差异,影响其在群落中的地位和命运,最终影响群落组成及其结构.  相似文献   

为了探究不同木荷种源混交林和纯林生产力差异原因,采用盆栽试验,模拟异质和同质性森林土壤环境,并设计木荷单植、双株纯植和与杉木混植3种栽植模式,重点研究了异质养分环境下邻株竞争对3个木荷种源(福建建瓯、江西信丰和浙江龙泉种源)干物质积累及氮磷效率的影响。结果表明:与同质养分环境相比,木荷种源在异质养分环境中具有干物质量大,氮、磷吸收效率高的特点,尤以福建建瓯种源优势最大。邻株竞争对木荷种源的干物质量和氮、磷吸收效率影响显著。在异质养分环境中,与杉木邻株竞争时,木荷福建建瓯种源干物质积累量优于单植和双株纯植模式。这与其根冠比和生理可塑性较强有关,混植时,其根冠比明显降低,将更多的干物质分配至叶片,增强了光合能力;同时氮、磷吸收效率也显著提高,进而积累了较高的干物质量,提高了竞争力。相反,混植时江西信丰和浙江龙泉种源氮和磷吸收效率却不同程度地低于其单植或与之相近,根冠比较高,结果影响了干物质积累。同种邻株竞争虽促进了浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源的氮、磷吸收,但抑制了两元素的利用效率,而福建建瓯种源氮、磷效率受影响较小,且明显高于其他种源,从而形成较高的干物质量。以上研究结果表明,福建建瓯种源较高的生物量分配和生理可塑性是其生产力高和生长竞争优势明显主要原因。  相似文献   

以7个马尾松(Pinus massoniana)一代种子园自由授粉家系为材料, 设置同质低磷(P)胁迫和异质低P胁迫模拟的盆栽试验, 系统研究马尾松家系对不同类型低P胁迫的适应机制和P效率变异规律。结果表明, 参试马尾松家系的苗高、地径和生物量等P效率指标均表现出显著的家系变异, 主要P效率指标的家系遗传力均较高, 干物质积累量的广义遗传力大于0.80, 揭示了马尾松P营养效率的较大遗传改良潜力。马尾松对不同类型低P胁迫的适应机制有所差异。在同质低P胁迫下, ‘3201’、‘1217’等高P效率家系的根系主要参数均高于低P效率家系, 表明整体根系参数的适应性变化是P效率和生物量形成的决定因素。在异质低P胁迫下, 高P效率马尾松家系在表层富P介质的根系分布量、分布比例均显著增加, 表层根系参数与马尾松家系P效率呈显著正相关, 揭示根系空间构型的适应性变化是决定马尾松高P效率的重要生物学基础。表层根系生物量、表层根相对比例的家系遗传力达0.88和0.72, 证实了以马尾松根构型的适应变化为突破口, 选育具有理想根构型和较高P效率的马尾松家系。  相似文献   

异质养分环境中一年生分蘖草本黍根系的生长特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)根系对异质养分环境的生长反应,作研究了黍根系从起始斑块向目标斑块水平生长时,时始斑块和目标斑块养分水平根生长的影响,就低养分起始珏块而言,粗根生物量,粗根长度,粗根表面积和细极长度在高养分目标斑块中的分配比例均小于其在低养分目标斑块中的分配比例,而细根长度及其密度,细根表面积指及其密度的变化恰好相反,就高养分起始斑块而言,高养分目标斑块的细根长度,细根长度密度,细根表面积指数和细根表面积密均不于低养分目标斑块,而粗根对目标斑块中养分状的反应不明显。当黍根系从桢的起始斑块进入不同的目标斑块后,目标斑块的养分状况对细根生物量及其分配无影响,而显影响细根长度和表现积,这指示细根是通过长度和表面积可塑性而不是生物量变化响应目标斑块中的养分差异。  相似文献   

土壤养分分布具有高度空间异质性, 植物的根系觅养行为是其对土壤养分异质性的一种适应。不同植物为了适应养分异质性会产生不同的根系觅养行为, 通过调整自身的根系觅养范围、觅养精度和觅养速度来更好地吸收利用土壤中的养分。外来植物与本地植物的竞争是决定其成功入侵的重要因素, 土壤养分等环境因素会影响它们之间的竞争关系。近年来, 外来入侵植物的觅养行为逐渐受到人们的关注, 关于入侵植物根系觅养行为的研究成果陆续出现: (1)总体来看, 外来入侵植物具有较强的根系觅养能力, 但根系觅养范围与觅养精度之间的权衡关系还不确定; (2)营养异质性会影响入侵植物与本地植物之间的竞争, 反过来, 二者之间的竞争也会影响根系觅养行为对营养异质性的响应; (3)丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)能够提高入侵植物的根系觅养能力, 外来植物入侵能够改变入侵植物对AMF的偏好性, 形成AMF对入侵的正反馈作用, 而本地植物与AMF的相互作用也会影响入侵植物的竞争力。未来还应加强营养异质环境下种间竞争和AMF共生对入侵植物根系觅养行为的影响机制研究, 以及全球变化背景下入侵植物根系觅养行为的变化与机制方面的研究, 可以更深入地认识外来植物的觅养行为在其成功入侵中的作用, 并为利用营养调控来防控入侵植物提供理论依据。  相似文献   

We investigated soil exploration by roots and plant growth in a heterogeneous environment to determine whether roots can selectively explore a nutrient-rich patch, and how nutrient heterogeneity affects biomass allocation and total biomass before a patch is reached. Lolium perenne L. plants were grown in a factorial experiment with combinations of fertilization (heterogeneous and homogeneous) and day of harvest (14, 28, 42, or 56 days after transplanting). The plant in the heterogeneous treatment was smaller in its mean total biomass, and allocated more biomass to roots. The distributions of root length and root biomass in the heterogeneous treatment did not favor the nutrient-rich patch, and did not correspond to the patchy distribution of inorganic nitrogen. Specific root length (length/biomass) was higher and root elongation was more extensive both laterally and vertically in the heterogeneous treatment. These characteristics may enable plants to acquire nutrients efficiently and increase the probability of encountering nutrient-rich patches in a heterogeneous soil. However, heterogeneity of soil nutrients would hold back plant growth before a patch was reached. Therefore, although no significant selective root placement in the nutrient-rich patch was observed, plant growth before reaching nutrient-rich patches differed between heterogeneous and homogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Context-dependent foraging behaviour is acknowledged and well documented for a diversity of animals and conditions. The contextual determinants of plant foraging behaviour, however, are poorly understood. Plant roots encounter patchy distributions of nutrients and soil fungi. Both of these features affect root form and function, but how they interact to affect foraging behaviour is unknown. We extend the use of the marginal value theorem to make predictions about the foraging behaviour of roots, and test our predictions by manipulating soil resource distribution and inoculation by soil fungi. We measured plant movement as both distance roots travelled and time taken to grow through nutrient patches of varied quality. To do this, we grew Achillea millefolium in the centers of modified pots with a high-nutrient patch and a low-nutrient patch on either side of the plant (heterogeneous) or patch-free conditions (homogeneous). Fungal inoculation, but not resource distribution, altered the time it took roots to reach nutrient patches. When in nutrient patches, root growth decreased relative to homogeneous soils. However, this change in foraging behaviour was not contingent upon patch quality or fungal inoculation. Root system breadth was larger in homogeneous than in heterogeneous soils, until measures were influenced by pot edges. Overall, we find that root foraging behaviour is modified by resource heterogeneity but not fungal inoculation. We find support for predictions of the marginal value theorem that organisms travel faster through low-quality than through high-quality environments, with the caveat that roots respond to nutrient patches per se rather than the quality of those patches.  相似文献   

水曲柳幼苗根系对土壤养分和水分空间异质性的反应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王政权  张彦东 《植物研究》1999,19(3):329-334
通过沙培试验方法,研究了温室条件下水曲柳幼苗在施肥和浇水区,非施肥和非浇水区中根系生长,生物量分布,地下部分与地上部分关系,细根直径等特征。结果表明,土壤养分和水分的空间异质性对水曲柳幼苗根系生长和分布有明显影响。在施肥区和浇水区根系生长快,密度大,生物量高,而在非施肥和非浇水区根系生长受到抑制,根系密度小,生物量低,与非施肥区相比,施肥区细根直径下降,有利于根系对养分和水分的运输,但是在非浇水区  相似文献   

We studied the root foraging ability and its consequences for the nutrient acquisition of five grass species that differ in relative growth rate and that occur in habitats that differ widely in nutrient availability. Foraging responses were quantified, based on the performance of the plants in homogeneous and heterogeneous soil environments of the same overall nutrient availability. Although all species tended to produce a significantly higher root length density in a nutrient-rich patch, this response was significant only for the faster-growing species. The increased root length density resulted from small, though not significant, changes in root biomass and specific root length. The effectiveness of root proliferation was determined by quantifying the total amount of nutrients (N and P) accumulated by the plants over the course of the experiment. Plants acquired more N in a heterogeneous environment than in a homogeneous environment, although the total nutrient availability was the same. The ability to acquire nutrients (N or P) in the heterogeneous environment was not related to the ability of species to increase root length density in response to local nutrient enrichment. In contrast to other studies, our results suggest that the role of morphological plasticity of roots in acquiring patchily distributed resources is limited. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Received: 11 September 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

Recent meta-analyses and simulation studies have suggested that the relationship between soil resource heterogeneity and plant diversity (heterogeneity–diversity relationship; HDR) may be negative when heterogeneity occurs at small spatial scales. To explore different mechanisms that can explain a negative HDR, we conducted a mesocosm experiment combining a gradient of soil nutrient availability (low, medium, high) and scale of heterogeneity (homogeneous, large-scale heterogeneous, small-scale heterogeneous). The two heterogeneous treatments were created using chessboard combinations of low and high fertility patches, and had the same overall fertility as the homogeneous medium treatment. Soil patches were designed to be relatively larger (156 cm2) and smaller (39 cm2) than plant root extent. We found plant diversity was significantly lower in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment compared to the homogeneous treatment of the same fertility. Additionally, low fertility patches in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment had lower diversity than patches of the same size in the low fertility treatment. Shoot and root biomass were larger in the small-scale heterogeneous treatment than in the homogeneous treatment of the same fertility. Further, we found that soil resource heterogeneity may reduce diversity indirectly by increasing shoot biomass, thereby enhancing asymmetric competition for light resources. When soil resource heterogeneity occurs at small spatial scales it can lower plant diversity by increasing asymmetric competition belowground, since plants with large root systems can forage among patches and exploit soil resources. Additionally, small-scale soil heterogeneity may lower diversity indirectly, through increasing light competition, when nutrient uptake by competitive species increases shoot biomass production.  相似文献   



Plants with precise root foraging patterns can proliferate roots preferentially in nutrient-rich soil patches. When nutrients are distributed heterogeneously, this trait is often competitively advantageous in pot experiments but not field experiments. We hypothesized that this difference is due to belowground herbivory under field conditions.


We performed pot experiments using seedlings of Lolium perenne (a more precise root foraging species) and Plantago lanceolata (a less precise root foraging species). The experiment had a two-way factorial randomized block design, with nutrient distribution pattern (homogeneous or heterogeneous) and belowground herbivore (present or absent) as the two factors. Each pot contained one seedling of each species.


With no herbivore present, plant biomass was smaller in the heterogeneous nutrient treatment than in the homogeneous treatment in P. lanceolata, but not in L. perenne. Under homogeneous nutrient distribution, plant biomass was lower in both species with a herbivore present than with no herbivore. Under heterogeneous nutrient distribution, biomass reduction due to herbivory occurred only in L. perenne.


Roots of the precise root foraging species were grazed more under the heterogeneous nutrient distribution, suggesting that the herbivore more efficiently foraged for roots in nutrient-rich soil patches.  相似文献   

Fransen  Bart  Blijjenberg  Jaap  de Kroon  Hans 《Plant and Soil》1999,210(2):179-189
Root morphological and physiological characteristics of four perennial grass species were investigated in response to spatial and temporal heterogeneous nutrient patches. Two species from nutrient-rich habitats (i.e. Holcus lanatus and Lolium perenne) and two species from nutrient-poor habitats (i.e. Festuca rubra and Anthoxanthum odoratum) were included in the study. Patches were created by injecting equal amounts of nutrient solution into the soil either on one location (i.e. spatial heterogeneity) or on several, alternating locations (i.e. temporal heterogeneity) within the pot. The consequences of changes in root morphology and the implications for the exploitation of the nutrient patches by individual plants were quantified by the amount of 15N captured from the enriched patches. The effects of nutrient heterogeneity on the acquisition of nutrients by species were determined by comparing the total nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition of the species in the two heterogeneous habitats with the total nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition in a homogeneous treatment. In this homogeneous treatment the same amount of nutrient solution was supplied homogeneously over the soil surface. The experiment lasted for 27 days and comprised one harvest. In response to the spatial enrichment treatment, all species produced significantly more root biomass within the enriched patch. The magnitude of the response was similar for species from nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor habitats. In contrast to this response of root biomass, root morphology, including specific root length, branching frequency and mean lateral root length was not affected by the treatments. In response to the temporal enrichment treatment, all species were able to increase the nitrogen uptake rate per unit of root biomass. The species from nutrient-poor habitats had, on average, higher uptake rates per unit root biomass than the species from nutrient-rich habitats, but the magnitude of the response did not differ between the species. These results question the general validity of the assumptions that root foraging characteristics differ among species from nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor habitats. As a result of these root responses, all species captured an equal amount of 15N from the spatial and temporal enriched nutrient patches and all species acquired significantly more nitrogen in the heterogeneous treatments than in homogeneous treatment. Hence, the ability to exploit local and temporal nutrient heterogeneity does not appear to differ between species from nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor habitats, but is achieved by these species in different ways. The ecological implications of these differences are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Clonal fragments of the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba were subjected to a complementary patchiness of light and soil nutrients including two spatially homogeneous treatments (SR–SR and IP–IP) and two spatially heterogeneous treatments (IP–SR and SR–IP). SR and IP indicate patches (shaded, rich) with low light intensity (shaded, S), high nutrient availability (rich, R) and patches (illuminated, poor) with high light intensity (illuminated, I) and low nutrient availability (poor, P), respectively. Plasticity of the species in root–shoot ratio, fitness-related traits (biomass, number of ramets and dry weight per ramet) and clonal morphological traits (length and specific length of stolon internodes, area and specific area of laminae, length and specific length of petioles) were experimentally examined. The aim is to understand adaptation of G. longituba to the environment with reciprocal patches of light and soil nutrients by plasticities both in root–shoot ratio and in (clonal) morphology. Our experiment revealed performance of the clonal fragments growing from patches with high light intensity and low soil nutrient availability into the adjacent opposite patches was increased in terms of the fitness-related characters. R/S ratio and clonal morphology were plastic. Meanwhile, the capture of light resource from the light-rich patches was enhanced while the capture of soil nutrients from either the nutrient-rich or the nutrient-poor patches was not. Analysis of cost and benefit disclosed positive effects of clonal integration on biomass production of ramets in the patches with low light intensity and high soil nutrient availability. These results suggest an existence of reciprocal translocation of assimilates and nutrients between the interconnected ramets. The reinforced performance of the clonal fragments seems to be related with specialization of clonal morphology in the species.  相似文献   

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