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Describing the sex ratio, age structure of the population and ontogenetic variability of Red fox, Vulpes vulpes (Canidae, Carnivora) skull parameters, this study is based on 416 male and 289 female skulls collected in the Czech Republic. The skulls analysed came from feral individuals, that were shot by hunters. The male to female ratio was 1:0.69 regarding the whole population. Individuals younger than one year prevailed in the population (54% males, 48% females were in their first year of life). Four growth patterns of skull dimensions were described. The first group included mainly skull length dimensions (e.g. condylobasal length). They grew rapidly until the sixth month of life, becoming stabilised afterwards. The second group comprised parameters that were stable throughout the life (e.g. cheek tooth rows). Measurements representing the third growth pattern showed continual growth (mainly width dimensions, e.g. zygomatic breadth). Conversely, smaller dimensions of postorbital breadth were observed after the sixth month of life. Postorbital breadth represented the fourth growth pattern. It was concluded, that male and female Red foxes had similar ontogenetic skull development, even though there were some differences, e.g. in jugular breadth, which increased after the age of six months in males unlike in females.  相似文献   

周全  张燕均  杨平  杨奇森  吴毅 《四川动物》2012,31(2):287-289
1984年9月24日在广东连州采集到2只蝙蝠(1♀,1♂),体型大,头体长分别为92.0mm,85.0mm,前臂长73.2mm,73.0mm,颅全长24.68mm,23.97mm;尾端有少量长毛;脑颅比较狭窄。经与国内已采集的黑髯墓蝠Taphozous melanopogon标本及已报道的同类蝙蝠特征相比较,鉴定该蝙蝠标本为鞘尾蝠科的大墓蝠Taphozous theobaldi Dobson,1872,为广东省蝙蝠新纪录种。  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (TLT) is a promising and novel method to promote neuroprotection and clinical improvement in both acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases such as acute ischemic stroke (AIS), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients based upon efficacy in translational animal models. However, there is limited information in the peer-reviewed literature pertaining to transcranial near-infrared laser transmission (NILT) profiles in various species. Thus, in the present study we systematically evaluated NILT characteristics through the skull of 4 different species: mouse, rat, rabbit and human.


Using dehydrated skulls from 3 animal species, using a wavelength of 800nm and a surface power density of 700 mW/cm2, NILT decreased from 40.10% (mouse) to 21.24% (rat) to 11.36% (rabbit) as skull thickness measured at bregma increased from 0.44 mm in mouse to 0.83 mm in rat and then 2.11 mm in rabbit. NILT also significantly increased (p<0.05) when animal skulls were hydrated (i.e. compared to dehydrated); but there was no measurable change in thickness due to hydration.In human calvaria, where mean thickness ranged from 7.19 mm at bregma to 5.91 mm in the parietal skull, only 4.18% and 4.24% of applied near-infrared light was transmitted through the skull. There was a slight (9.2-13.4%), but insignificant effect of hydration state on NILT transmission of human skulls, but there was a significant positive correlation between NILT and thickness at bregma and parietal skull, in both hydrated and dehydrated states.


This is the first systematic study to demonstrate differential NILT through the skulls of 4 different species; with an inverse relationship between NILT and skull thickness. With animal skulls, transmission profiles are dependent upon the hydration state of the skull, with significantly greater penetration through hydrated skulls compared to dehydrated skulls. Using human skulls, we demonstrate a significant correlation between thickness and penetration, but there was no correlation with skull density. The results suggest that TLT should be optimized in animals using novel approaches incorporating human skull characteristics, because of significant variance of NILT profiles directly related to skull thickness.  相似文献   

An almost complete skeleton of the giant deer Megaloceros giganteus giganteus (Blumenbach, 1803) from the Dzhambul locality on the Irtysh River (Pavlodar Region, Kazakhstan) is described. About 80% of bones are intact, including the skull with well-preserved antlers. At present, the skeleton is mounted in the Pavlodar Local History Regional Museum. Comparative analysis of giant deer skulls varying in age from the southeastern West Siberian Plain has revealed stable characters distinguishing Middle and Late Neopleistocene specimens. These characteristics are considered to be of subspecies rank, allowing the identification of Megaloceros giganteus ruffi Nehring and Megaloceros giganteus giganteus (Blumenbach.) Changes in absolute and relative dimensions of the dentition and facial skull length are most indicative with reference to evolution.  相似文献   

Øystein  Wlig 《Journal of Zoology》1985,206(4):497-508
Intra- and intersexual variation in 16 skull dimensions and total body length of 233 aged Hooded seals caught in the north-west Atlantic were investigated. Absolute growth was described by asymptotic growth curves applied to single dimensions, as well as to scores on the first principal component of logarithmically transformed cranial data, which are believed to reflect the multivariate nature of growth. All dimensions were found to be fully developed later in males than in females. The growth of the male skulls was found to continue for more than 20 years, while the females approach final size about–7 years earlier than males, according to the scores on the first principal component. Female seals were found to reach 86 % of final total body length at the time of maturation, which is a generalized pinniped pattern. In both sexes, a yearling skull was characterized by a large brain-case, which decreased relatively with growth. The male skulls were further characterized by an increase in zygomatic width and orbital width in relation to basal length, a pattern which was not found in females.
All the asymptotic values were significantly larger in males than in females. The dimorphism develops mainly as a result of prolonged growth of males after the attainment of sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Static adult craniometric allometry was evaluated in a sample of 66Otolemur crassicaudatus skulls (34 males, 32 females). Although cranial measures were equally well correlated to skull length in males and females, there were noteworthy differences in the exponential values between the sexes. These results underlined the need for caution when allometric analyses are based on pooled data. From the cranial allometric analyses it is concluded that the longer the skull, the shorter and the narrower the maxilla, and the broader the bizygomatic distance. Although cranial length increased proportionately to the increase in skull length, the cranial width in females was positively allometric whilst in males it was negatively allometric. Allometric analyses of mandibular dimensions suggest that larger animals will have proportionately longer mandibulae, which will, in turn, be relatively wider across the gonia, yet shallower behind the first molars. It is postulated that the disproportionate widening of the zygomata might be related to the widening across the gonia.  相似文献   

The skulls of ninety-six specimens of the temnospondyl Archegosaurus decheni from the Permian/Carboniferous of Germany, ranging in length from almost 20 to almost 280 mm, are used in a morphometric analysis of cranial ontogeny. A Cartesian transformation, a bivariate regression analysis, and a principal component analysis (PCA) reveal changes of general skull proportions and of particular skull roofing bones during growth. The preorbital part of the skull exhibits a much faster growth rate than the postorbital region, whereas the orbits exhibit a considerable decrease in relative size. The skull bones possess low allometry coefficients of growth in width, what leads to a proportionally much more slender skull than in most other temnospondyls, comparable only to other archegosaurids, the cochleosaurid Chenoprosopus, and longirostrine stereospondyls like Australerpeton and trematosaurids. Distinctly negative allometry of the width of the cheek region, where part of the adductor musculature originated, suggests a weaker bite in A. decheni than in temnospondyls with broad-parabolic skulls like Onchiodon and Sclerocephalus. Results from the analysis of skull growth in A. decheni offer a biological interpretation of the life habits of this animal as becoming increasingly more adaptated to piscivory during ontogeny. The continuous growth of the skull with a gradual shift in proportions supports, in conjunction with morphological data, the hypothesis that A. decheni did not undergo a metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Hyobranchium, postcranial skeleton, and developmental events during ontogeny of the temnospondylOnchiodon labyrinthicus from the Dohlen Basin (Autunian, Saxony) are described. At a skull length of approximately 20 mm, the scapulocoracoid appeared, but ossified very slowly. The ischium ossified distinctly later than the stout ilium and later than the scapulocoracoid. The stapes can be determined in specimens beyond 26 mm skull length, and the exoccipitals started to ossify probably at 40 mm, followed by the quadrate. Vertebral centra ossified in early juveniles at approximately 50 mm skull length. The larval hyobranchium with ossified basibranchial and ceratobranchials indicates strong suction feeding. The bony ceratobranchials were resorbed after the larval period. The poorly ossified postcranium suggests that juveniles lived semiterrestrially.  相似文献   

Craniometric variation in Norwegian wolverines was analysed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The wolverine skull seems to be full-grown after about 9 months in both sexes although some dimensions continued to grow at a slow rate after the first year. Size allometry was studied in skulls older than 11 months. Allometric coefficients were calculated from different methods. The multivariate allometric coefficients were found to reflect the same allometric patterns as were found from the reduced major axis and from the direction cosines of PCI, whereas the coefficients seem to be underestimated by the least-square regression method. Sexual dimorphism was found to be highly significant, males being the larger sex. The female skulls were found to be relatively broader and to have a relatively higher coronoid process than the male skulls. It seems that the females have a relatively stronger feeding apparatus than the males, which leads to less absolute differences in strength, as reflected in a very high degree of dietary overlap. Two discriminant functions were calculated which both classified the material into their correct sex with nearly 100% accuracy. Geographical variation between samples from Nordland and Finnmark counties were studied. No significant multivariate variation was found between the female skulls. The male variation was highly significant; the Nordland skulls seem to have longer carnassials than those from Finnmark.  相似文献   

从野店人骨论山东三组新石器时代居民的种族类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 我国人类学家颜訚先生,在研究山东大汶口和西夏侯两组新石器时代人骨特征时,认为这两组居民的体质特征属同一类型,即蒙古大人种中的玻里尼西亚类型。为了弄清楚新石器时代山东地区居民体质的种族类型,作者研究了由山东省博物馆提供野店遗址的新石器时代人骨,并参考颜訚的有关资料,对这个问题作进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

Craniometric variation in Norwegian wolverines was analysed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The wolverine skull seems to be full-grown after about 9 months in both sexes although some dimensions continued to grow at a slow rate after the first year. Size allometry was studied in skulls older than 11 months. Allometric coefficients were calculated from different methods. The multivariate allometric coefficients were found to reflect the same allometric patterns as were found from the reduced major axis and from the direction cosines of PCI, whereas the coefficients seem to be underestimated by the least-square regression method. Sexual dimorphism was found to be highly significant, males being the larger sex. The female skulls were found to be relatively broader and to have a relatively higher coronoid process than the male skulls. It seems that the females have a relatively stronger feeding apparatus than the males, which leads to less absolute differences in strength, as reflected in a very high degree of dietary overlap. Two discriminant functions were calculated which both classified the material into their correct sex with nearly 100% accuracy. Geographical variation between samples from Nordland and Finnmark counties were studied. No significant multivariate variation was found between the female skulls. The male variation was highly significant; the Nordland skulls seem to have longer carnassials than those from Finnmark.  相似文献   

饶阳地区三种农田啮齿类头骨形态比较及性二型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
熊文华  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(3):280-283
关于动物头骨形态方面的研究报道曾受到了较多的关注(Cesani et al., 2003).头骨形态是动物形态特征的一个重要方面,受遗传和环境因素的共同影响,存在着种间、性别和地理差异(张焱等,1999).头骨的形态特征不仅是动物生理上的一个基本解剖指标,同时也是动物分类(李晓晨和王廷正,1992)和年龄鉴定(张洁,1989)的重要依据,是动物生态研究的重要指标.对头骨形态的研究,不仅对动物的种间、种内关系(Yom et al.,1999)和生态特征(Barlow et al.,1997)等方面的研究具有重要的参考价值,在动物的地理演化、发育生物学以及进化生态学的研究中也具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

沟牙田鼠是分布于中国四川西部和甘肃南部的一种罕见小型啮齿动物,迄今标本收藏甚少,种、属地位存在异议,有人认为应并入田鼠属。我们根据四川九寨沟自然保护区采到的16号不同年龄、性别的沟牙田鼠,就其牙齿形态和成年雄性的阴茎结构与其它田鼠类作了比较,发现其成体和幼体在M3和M3形态上有很大不同。其他重要区别包括:上门齿宽大;下门齿外露部分很短,下门齿总长仅及下颌长的77%左右,远比其他田鼠小;M齿环呈圆弧形或豆形亦很特殊;成年雄性的阴茎骨近支烧瓶状,远支基部膨大与田鼠类差别很大。结果表明:沟牙田鼠属是有别于田鼠属的有效属。  相似文献   

Abstract: Two hundred and eighty-nine skulls of Dall's porpoises from the North Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and Bering Sea were investigated morphometrically. A clear pattern of geographic variation was found in overall size of the skull. In the North Pacific, overall skull size became gradually smaller eastward from the coast of Japan to the offshore eastern Pacific, and it became larger again off the coast of California. Specimens from the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk and Bering Sea had larger skulls than those from the central North Pacific. The distribution of primary productivity corresponds well with this pattern of geographic variation, suggesting that quantity of food might affect the overall size of Dall's porpoise skulls. By canonical discriminant analyses, about 70% (male) and 90% (female) of specimens of the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk population were distinguished from those of other populations. This agrees with the results of genetic studies.  相似文献   

We investigated growth‐related and sex‐related morphological changes in the skulls of 144 North Pacific common minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata. Measurement was conducted at 39 points on the skull and mandible to extract individual allometric equations relating the length and zygomatic width of the skull. The results revealed no significant differences in skull morphology by sex except for width of occipital bone. The size relative to the skull of the anatomical parts involved in feeding, such as the rostrum and mandible, increased after birth. In contrast, the sensory organs and the anatomical regions involved in neurological function, such as the orbit, tympanic bullae, and foramen magnum, were fully developed at birth, and their relative size reduced over the course of development. This is the first study to investigate developmental changes in the skull morphology using more than 100 baleen whale specimens, and we believe the results of this study will contribute greatly to multiple areas of baleen whale research, including taxonomy and paleontology. J. Morphol. 275:1113–1121, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

2015年7~9月在贵州省兴仁县、平坝县和兴义市的五屯镇及敬南镇捕获鼠耳蝠33只,鉴定为高颅鼠耳蝠(Myotis siligorensis),为贵州省新纪录物种。标本保存于贵州师范大学生命科学学院生态实验室。主要特征:体型较小,前臂长(36.03±1.50)mm(32.66~38.98 mm,n=33);耳狭长;耳屏直而细长;第Ⅲ掌骨最长,第Ⅴ掌骨最短;阴茎长(4.52±0.84)mm(2.85~5.75 mm,n=21);头骨狭长,颅骨凸显;颅全长(13.87±0.74)mm(13.00~14.88 mm,n=8),颅高(6.36±0.24)mm(6.03~6.74 mm,n=8);听泡较小;矢状脊细弱;上颌第1、2门齿向中央倾斜,上颌第1门齿有1个主尖和1个附尖;上颌第2门齿较第1门齿小,且与犬齿分离;上颌第2前臼齿(P3)位于齿列中。基于Cyt b基因(1 141 bp)序列进行的分子系统学分析显示,此次捕获鼠耳蝠物种与高颅鼠耳蝠聚在一起,二者遗传距离最近(仅为0.03),进一步确认所采集物种为高颅鼠耳蝠。  相似文献   

This study of 500 male and female skulls proves: significant differences of correlation coefficients (p less than or equal to 0.01) occur between the two sexes. The combined variables are: 1. bizygomatic breadth (45)/skull base length (5) 2. bizygomatic breadth (45)/foramen magnum length (7) 3. bizygomatic breadth (45)/foramen magnum breadth (16) 4. bizygomatic breadth (45)/basion-bregma height (17) 5. foramen magnum breadth (16)/skull base length (5) Female skulls have generally higher correlation coefficients values than males which is interpreted as an indication of homogeneous growth.  相似文献   

10 craniometric measurements of the skull bones' fornix have been performed on 89 dried infant skulls. The authors have shown that the craniometric variability of the skull bone's fornix is connected with the skull length rather than with its height. The skull length is determined mostly by the squama of the temporal bone and occipital squama. The shape of the skull vault is determined mainly by parietal bone and squama of the frontal bone. Parietal bones shut unpaired fontanelle, but the remaining bones, under investigation, contribute to the closure of anterolateral and postero-lateral fontanelle.  相似文献   

The skulls of animals have to perform many functions. Optimization for one function may mean another function is less optimized, resulting in evolutionary trade‐offs. Here, we investigate whether a trade‐off exists between the masticatory and sensory functions of animal skulls using echolocating bats as model species. Several species of rhinolophid bats deviate from the allometric relationship between body size and echolocation frequency. Such deviation may be the result of selection for increased bite force, resulting in a decrease in snout length which could in turn lead to higher echolocation frequencies. If so, there should be a positive relationship between bite force and echolocation frequency. We investigated this relationship in several species of southern African rhinolophids using phylogenetically informed analyses of the allometry of their bite force and echolocation frequency and of the three‐dimensional shape of their skulls. As predicted, echolocation frequency was positively correlated with bite force, suggesting that its evolution is influenced by a trade‐off between the masticatory and sensory functions of the skull. In support of this, variation in skull shape was explained by both echolocation frequency (80%) and bite force (20%). Furthermore, it appears that selection has acted on the nasal capsules, which have a frequency‐specific impedance matching function during vocalization. There was a negative correlation between echolocation frequency and capsule volume across species. Optimization of the masticatory function of the skull may have been achieved through changes in the shape of the mandible and associated musculature, elements not considered in this study.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of cranial sutures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many bones in mammalian skulls are linked together by cranial sutures, connective tissue joints that are morphologically variable and show different levels of interdigitation among and within species. The goal of this investigation was to determine whether sections of skull with cranial sutures have different mechanical properties than adjacent sections without sutures, and if these properties are enhanced with increased interdigitation. To test these hypotheses, bending strength and impact energy absorption were measured for samples of goat (Capra hircus) cranial bone without sutures and with sutures of different degrees of interdigitation. Bending strength was measured under both dynamic (9.7 mm displacement s-1) and relatively static (0.8 mm s-1) conditions, and at either speed, increased sutural interdigitation provided increased strength during three-point bending. However, except for very highly interdigitated sutures loaded slowly, sutures were not as strong in bending as bone. In contrast, sutures absorbed from 16% to 100% more energy per unit volume during impact loading than did bone. This five-fold increase in energy absorption by the sutures was significantly correlated with increased sutural interdigitation.  相似文献   

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