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Following ovariectomy, adult female rats did not increase their food-reinforced bar pressing during 30-min tests, but they responded significantly more frequently for food than did control animals during 2- and 24-hr bar-press tests. Meal pattern data obtained during the 24-hr test demonstrate that ovariectomy increases meal size and decreases meal frequency, although the reduction in the number of meals did not fully compensate for the alteration in meal size. These findings suggest that ovariectomy does not increase the motivation to initiate a meal, but does result in the taking of a larger meal. The implication of these findings to body-weight set-point interpretations of ovarian obesity are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and intracellular transport of glycoproteins in duodenal absorptive cells of intact rats at 6 and 24 days and hypophysectomized rats at 24 days of age were studied after 20 min intralumenal pulse-labeling of d-[3H]galactose, l-[3H]fucose, or d-[3H]mannose. Autoradiographic studies showed that the incorporation of sugars increased significantly in intact rats between 6 and 24 days. When rats were hypophysectomized at 6 days of age, the intestinal epithelium at 24 days incorporated d-[3H]galactose at a level significantly lower than that of intact rats at 24 days. Hypophysectomy also interfered with the developmental increase in d-[3H]mannose, but not in l-[3H]fucose, incorporation. Biochemical study indicated that the radioactivity in the lipid-free acid-precipitable glycoproteins in the intestine of 24-day-old intact rats at 20 min after d-[3H]galactose injection was 129% and 97% higher than that in 6-day-old rats and in 24-day-old hypophysectomized rats, respectively. The patterns of intracellular transport of newly synthesized galactosylated or fucosylated glycoproteins in all animal groups were similar; the labeled glycoproteins were initially present in the Golgi and were transported through the smooth endoplasmic reticulum to either the lateral membrane or the brush-border membrane within 60 min after the injection of labeled sugars. The proportion of labeled glycoproteins that migrated to the brush-border membrane, however, increased about twofold in the intact rats between 6 and 24 days of age at 60–240 min after d-[3H]galactose injection. Hypophysectomy interfered with developmental increase in the transport of glycoproteins from the apical cytoplasm to the brush-border membrane. It was concluded that the incorporation of monosaccharide precursors into glycoproteins and the porportion of newly synthesized galactosylated or fucosylated glycoproteins transported to the brush-border membrane increase during postnatal development. The developmental changes are regulated, at least partially, by the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of human Ia antigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Indirect immunofluorescence (IIP) staining of tissues from human fetuses (ages ranging from 8 to 32 weeks of intrauterine life) with monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to monomorphic determinants of Ia antigens and HLA-A,B,C antigens has shown that both types of antigens are already detectable in tissues of 8-week-old fetuses. Ia antigens and HLA-A,B,C antigens reach their almost-complete tissue distribution after 32 and 24 weeks of intrauterine life, respectively. The structure of Ia antigens synthesized by fetal thymus cells is similar to that of B-lymphoid cell-derived Ia antigens. Ia antigen-bearing thymic fetal cells can stimulate allogeneic lymphocytes in mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs). These reactions are blocked by monoclonal antibodies to monomorphic determinants of human Ia antigens and of HLA-A,B, antigens.  相似文献   

The salt soluble proteins from the fat globule membrane of cow's milk were resolved into three fractions by Sephadex column chromatography in sodium dodecyl sulfate. One of the fractions, termed glycoprotein B, was purified by rechromatography to essentially one band on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. It was found to contain 14% carbohydrate including sialic acid, mannose, galactose, glucose, glucosamine and galactosamine. The amino acid composition of glycoprotein B was determined; it has amino terminal serine and carboxyl terminal leucine. The molecular weight of this glycoprotein as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis is 49 500.  相似文献   

The combining site of the Erythrina cristagalli lectin was studied by quantitative precipitin and precipitin inhibition assays. The lectin precipitated best with two fractions of a precursor human ovarian cyst blood group substance with I and i activities. A1, A2, B, H, Lea, and Leb blood group substances precipitated poorly to moderately and substances of the same blood group activity precipitated to varying extents. These differences are attributable to heterogeneity resulting from incomplete biosynthesis of carbohydrate chains. Specific precipitates with the poorly reactive blood group substances were found to be more soluble than those reacting strongly. Precipitation was minimally affected by EDTA or divalent cations. Among the monosaccharides and glycosides tested for inhibition of precipitation, p-nitrophenyl βdGal was most active and was 10 times more active than methyl βdGal, indicating involvement of hydrophobic contacts in site specificity. Methyl αdGalNAc, p-nitrophenyl αdGalNAc, methyl αdGal, N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, p-nitrophenyl αdGal, methyl βdGal, and p-nitrophenyl βdGalNAc were progressively less active than p-nitrophenyl βdGal. The best disaccharide inhibitor dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc was 7.5 times more potent than p-nitrophenyl βdGal. A tetraantennary and triantennary oligosaccharide containing four and three dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → branches, respectively, were, because of cooperative binding effects, 1.6 and 2.5 times more active than the bi- and monoantennary oligosaccharides, respectively. dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGal and dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 2dMan had the same activity, being 1.5 times more active than dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc, which was 2.6 and 8.5 times more active than dGalβ1 → 3dGlcNAc and dGalβ1 → 3dGlc, respectively. Substitutions by N-acetyl-d-galactos-amine or l-fucose on the d-galactose of inhibitory compounds blocked activity. These results suggest that a hydrophobic interaction with the subterminal sugar is important in the binding and that the specificity of the lectin combining site involves a terminal dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc and the β linkage of a third sugar.  相似文献   

D A Thorley-Lawson 《Cell》1979,16(1):33-42
A rabbit antiserum has been prepared against the B95-8 transforming strain of EBV. The antiserum has a high virus neutralizing titer (approximately 1:1000) against both the marmoset B95-8 EBV and the human P3HR-1 EBV. The neutralizing antibodies may be absorbed completely with EBV producer cell lines, but not with nonproducer cell lines or producer cell lines treated with phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) so as to be nonproducer. After repeated absorption with PAA-treated B95-8, the serum remains reactive with the membranes of producer cell lines as judged by immunofluorescence or the 125I--Staphylococcal protein A radioimmunoassay. Thus the neutralizing antigens are expressed on the membranes of producer cell lines and may be purified from this source using the serum and 125I--Staph A binding as an assay. The ability of the serum to differentiate between producer and nonproducer cells by means of cell surface determinants has been exploited to achieve a separation of these two populations from the same culture. Immunoprecipitation by the protein A technique shows that the serum recognizes two polypeptides from producer cells of approximate molecular weights 150,000 and 75,000.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate structures in the interior of a blood group A active substance (MSS) were exposed by one and by two Smith degradations. Reactivities of the original glycoprotein and its Smith degraded products with 13 different lectins and with anti-I Ma were studied by quantitative precipitin assay. MSS and its first Smith degraded product completely precipitated Ricinus communis hemagglutinin with five times less of the first Smith degraded glycoprotein being required for 50% precipitation. The second Smith degraded material precipitated only 90% of the lectin. MSS did not precipitate peanut lectin, whereas its first and second Smith degraded products completely precipitated the lectin. The first Smith degraded glycoprotein also reacted well with Wistaria floribunda, Maclura pomifera, Bauhinia purpurea alba, and Geodia lectins indicating that its carbohydrate moiety could contain dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGlcNAcβ1 → 3dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc determinants at nonreducing ends. The second Smith degraded material precipitated well with Ricinus communis hemagglutinin, Arachis hypogaea, Geodia cydonium, Maclura pomifera, and Helix pomatia lectins showing that dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc residues at terminal nonreducing ends could be involved. Monoclonal anti-I Ma (group 1) serum reacted strongly with the first Smith degraded product indicating large numbers of anti-I Ma determinants, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → d 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc at nonreducing ends. The comparable activities of the native and Smith degraded products with wheat germ lectin indicate capacity to react with DGlcNAc residues at nonreducing ends and/or at positions in the interior of the chain. The totality of lectin reactivities indicates heterogeneity of the carbohydrate side chains. Oligosaccharides with 3H at their reducing ends released from the protein core of the first and second Smith degraded products were obtained by treatment with 0.05 m NaOH and 1 M NaB3H4 at 50 °C for 16 h (Carlson degradation). The liberated reduced oligosaccharides were fractionated by dialysis, followed by retardion, Bio-Gel P-2, P-4, and P-6 columns. They were further purified on charcoal-celite columns, and by preparative paper chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Their distribution by size was estimated by the yields on dialysis, Bio-Gel P-2, and Bio-Gel P-6 chromatography, and from the radioactivity of the reduced sugars. Of the oligosaccharide fractions from the first Smith degraded product, about 77% of the carbohydrate side chain residues contained from 1 to 6 sugars, 13% from 7 to perhaps 12 sugars, and 10% was nondialyzable (polysaccharides and glycopeptide fragments). Of the second Smith degraded product, approximately 82% of carbohydrate residues had from 1 to 6 sugars, 14% from 7 to perhaps 20 sugars and 4% was nondialyzable. The biological activity profile of the two Smith degraded products together with the size distributions of the oligosaccharides indicated that their carbohydrate side chains, comprised a heterogeneous population ranging in size from 1 to about 12 sugars. When most of these chains that are shorter than hexasaccharides are fully characterized it may be possible to reconstruct the overall structure of the carbohydrate moiety of the blood group substances and account for their biological activities.  相似文献   

Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a purine degradative enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorolysis of (deoxy) inosine or (deoxy) guanosine to their respective bases and (deoxy) ribose 1-phosphate. A severe T-cell immune deficiency syndrome with hypouricemia is associated with impaired PNP function. To study the biochemical basis for this syndrome we created an in vitro model of PNP deficiency in mitogen (phytohemagglutinin)-stimulated normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes using guanosine to competitively inhibit deoxyguanosine phosphorolysis. Guanosine-induced guanine toxicity was reversed by adenine. Under these conditions, deoxyguanosine (5-45 microM) diminished mitogen stimulation to 30% of control while increasing the deoxyguanosine triphosphate pool (dGTP) by over 20-fold. Deoxycytidine reversed deoxyguanosine toxicity with a diminution of dGTP accumulation, but no significant change in the deoxycytidine triphosphate pool. Thymidine reversed the deoxyguanosine toxicity, repleted the thymidine triphosphate (dTTP) pool, and caused an even further increase in the accumulation of dGTP. These data support a model of lymphotoxicity in PNP deficiency based on dGTP accumulation with inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase and depletion of the thymidine triphosphate pool. Thymidine triphosphate depletion is reversed by either deoxycytidine or thymidine; however, the former diminishes dGTP accumulation (probably by competition for phosphorylation) and the latter potentiates dGTP accumulation (probably through feedback augmentation of guanosine diphosphate (GDP) reduction by ribonucleotide reductase secondary to an increased dTTP pool).  相似文献   

Trypsin-activated protease activity was observed in the supernatants of conA-treated unfractionated or monocyte-depleted cultures at 1 h of incubation and trypsin-inhibitory activity was detected at 24 h. In contrast, supernatants from wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-treated cultures or untreated cultures exhibited trypsin-inhibitory activity at 1 h and trypsinactivated protease activity after 24 h. The expression of proteases and protease inhibitors may be early events that occur during the activation of quiescent lymphocytes to a proliferative state.  相似文献   

Previous reports of the response of B lymphocytes to soluble anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibodies have yielded conflicting data. While most studies show activation of B cells, others have shown inhibitory effects. In the assay reported in this report, we were able to obtain widely diverse responses of human B-cell populations to anti-Ig antibody. An explanation of this variability was established by resort to an animal (murine) model. Mice maintained in a pathogen-free environment failed to respond or responded only weakly to anti-Ig antibody. Mice which had previously received heavy antigenic stimulation, but at the time of the experiment were not undergoing any known challenge, showed a marked positive response. Mice deliberately challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 24 hr prior to anti-Ig antibody exposure showed a high background mitogenesis in control cultures, which was inhibited by anti-Ig antibody. This preliminary study suggests that response to anti-Ig antibody differs in each phase of B-cell differentiation. In future studies it is hoped that this variability in response can be used to characterize different subsets of B-cell differentiation separated by physical or phenotypic parameters.  相似文献   

Adenosine kinase activity in in vitro human peripheral blood monocyte and human pulmonary alveolar macrophage cultures undergoes significant increases, 3- to 10-fold, in both total and specific activity during 14 days culture. Increased activity in monocyte cultures was not detected during the first 3 days of culture. Adenosine kinase activity in both mononuclear phagocyte cell cultures had a pH optimum at 6.0 and activity was dependent on the concentration of ATP and magnesium; 5 mM ATP and 2.5 mM MgCl were optimal. Increased concentrations of ATP or magnesium were inhibitory. Both dATP and GTP served as phosphate donors in the absence of ATP; in contrast, pyrimidine triphosphates were poor donors. Enzyme activity was inhibited by 1 μM p-chloromercuribenzoate and substrate inhibition by excess adenosine was observed in 2-week pulmonary alveolar macrophage cultures but not in freshly isolated cells. The role of increased adenosine kinase activity in in vitro monocyte-macrophage differentiation is considered.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions, enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum or in cell membrane, were separated from one another. Starting material was a microsomal pellet (15–40 × 1000g) obtained by differential centrifugation from the uteri of close-to-term pregnant cows. A microsomal fraction enriched in ATP-dependent calcium accumulation was shown to contain sarcoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane. Only 8% or less of the protein in this fraction could be recovered, using affinity chromatography on Sepharose 6MB wheat germ agglutinin. The small yields did not allow extensive characterization. A method was developed to separate sarcoplasmic reticulum from cell membrane using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Protein was collected at the 24–28, the 28–33, and the 33–45% sucrose interfaces. Characterization was by enzyme assays and by specific receptor assay. ATP-dependent calcium accumulation was fourfold greater in the 24–28% sucrose layer than in the 33–45% layer. In contrast, 5′-nucleotidase was more than threefold as high in the 33–45% sucrose layer as in the 24–28% layer. Ouabain-inhibited p-nitrophenylphosphatase doubled and ouabain-inhibited Na,K-ATPase tripled in the 28–33% layer, compared with the 24–28% layer, specific ouabain binding was also doubled in the 28–33% sucrose layer. 125I-Labeled wheat germ agglutinin binding was greatest in the 33–45% sucrose layer. It is concluded that the 24–28% layer consists primarily of sarcoplasmic reticulum, whereas the 28–33 and the 33–45% layers are concentrated in the cell membrane. Specific prostaglandin (PGE2) binding was found to be a property of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The biochemical mechanism of lymphocyte dysfunction with adenosine deaminase deficiency has been investigated using cultured phytohemagglutinin stimulated normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and the adenosine deaminase (ADA) inhibitor 2'-deoxycoformycin. The addition of deoxyadenosine to ADA-inhibited (but not to uninhibited) cells generated increased dATP pools (up to 50-fold greater than controls) and depressed the mitogen response. dATP Accumulation was accompanied by depletion of the other three deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools (dTTP, dCTP, and dGTP). Suppression of the mitogen response could be prevented ("reversed") to 90% of control levels by the addition of deoxynucleoside precursors for the depleted dNTPs at the initiation of mitogen stimulation. "Reversal" restored the dTTP and possibly the dGTP pools. Thus the mechanism of toxicity in this model appears to be inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase by massive accumulation of dATP, resulting in starvation for the other three deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. "Reversibility" of this toxicity by providing sources for the missing three deoxynucleoside triphosphates argues for ribonucleotide reductase inhibition rather than other mechanisms of deoxyadenosine toxicity in this model.  相似文献   

A fraction of enriched plasma membranes from bovine parathyroid cells has been prepared by differential centrifugation. Biochemical characterization shows that this fraction has a specific activity enrichment of 7.2-fold in ouabain-sensitive Na+-K+ ATPase, and 3.5-fold in 5'-nucleotidase. Less than 4% of the total mitochondria and lysosomes are present within the plasma membranes, while microsomal contamination accounts for 14% of total specific activity. Parathyroid hormone radioimmunoassay also reveals the presence of some secretory granules within the plasma membrane fraction. The characteristic morphological aspect of the unusual surface membrane is shown by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the enriched pellets, vesicles identified as having a plasma membrane origin have variable sizes, and 50% show an inside-out conformation. Even though the plasma membrane fraction described herein is not absolutely free from contamination by other subcellular components, this protocol represents the first attempt to purify surface membrane from parathyroid tissue and provide the starting material for understanding, at a molecular level, the properties of extracellular Ca2+ regulation and its coupling with secretion of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   

A lectin that agglutinates human blood group B erythrocytes but not blood group A and O erythrocytes was isolated from eggs of Ayu sweet fish (Plecoglossus altivelis). The lectin also agglutinates Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells but not rat ascites hepatoma AH109 or rat sarcoma 150 cells tested. The lectin agglutination was most effectively inhibited by monosaccharides with the first type of configuration, i.e., L-rhamnose, L-mannose and L-lyxose at a concentration of 0.03 mM. The lectin agglutination was moderately inhibited by monosaccharides with the second type of configuration, i.e., D-galactose, D-fucose and D-galacturonic acid at a concentration of 0.4 mM. However, the agglutination was not inhibited by various other monosaccharides and oligosaccharides that have other types of configuration. The basis for an apparent B-specific hemagglutination may be due to the steric similarity of the C2 and C4 of the galactosyl series, the B-specific determinant, and the L-rhamnosyl series, which are the best inhibitors of the lectin activity. The lectin was affinity purified on an L-rhamnosyl-Sepharose column and was characterized as a homogeneous low molecular weight protein (Mr 14 000) with an abundance of hydrophobic amino acids and dicarboxylic amino acid.  相似文献   

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