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We present herein a bovine chromosome 24 (BTA24) radiation hybrid (RH) map using 40 markers scored on a panel of 90 RHs. Of these markers, 29 loci were ordered with odds of at least 1000:1 in a framework map. An average retention frequency of 17.4% was observed, with relatively higher frequencies near the centromere. The length of the comprehensive map was 640 centiray5000 (cR5000) with an average marker interval of approximately 17.3 cR5000. The observed locus order is generally consistent with currently published bovine linkage and physical maps. Nineteen markers were either Type I loci or closely associated with expressed sequences and thus could be used to compare the BTA24 RH map with human mapping information. All genes located on BTA24 were located on human chromosome 18, and previously reported regions of conserved synteny were extended. The comparative data revealed the presence of at least six conserved regions between these chromosomes.  相似文献   

To improve the physical and comparative map of chicken chromosome 24 (GGA24; former linkage group E49C20W21) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs were constructed around loci previously mapped on this chromosome by linkage analysis. The BAC clones were used for both sample sequencing and BAC end sequencing. Sequence tagged site (STS) markers derived from the BAC end sequences were used for chromosome walking. In total 191 BAC clones were isolated, covering almost 30% of GGA24, and 76 STS were developed (65 STS derived from BAC end sequences and 11 STS derived within genes). The partial sequences of the chicken BAC clones were compared with sequences present in the EMBL/GenBank databases, and revealed matches to 19 genes, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and genomic clones located on human chromosome 11q22-q24 and mouse chromosome 9. Furthermore, 11 chicken orthologues of human genes located on HSA11q22-q24 were directly mapped within BAC contigs of GGA24. These results provide a better alignment of GGA24 with the corresponding regions in human and mouse and identify several intrachromosomal rearrangements between chicken and mammals.  相似文献   

An updated linkage and comparative map of porcine chromosome 18   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Swine chromosome 18 (SSC18) has the poorest marker density in the USDA-MARC porcine linkage map. In order to increase the marker density, seven genes from human chromosome 7 (HSA7) expected to map to SSC18 were selected for marker development. The genes selected were: growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR), GLI-Kruppel family member (GLI3), leptin (LEP), capping protein muscle Z-line alpha 2 subunit (CAPZA2), beta A inhibin (INHBA), T-cell receptor beta (TCRB) and T-cell receptor gamma (TCRG). Large-insert clones (YACs, BACs and cosmids) that contained these genes, as well as two previously mapped microsatellite markers (SW1808 and SW1984), were identified and screened for microsatellites. New microsatellite markers were developed from these clones and mapped. Selected clones were also physically assigned by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Fifteen new microsatellite markers were added to the SSC18 linkage map resulting in a map of 28 markers. Six genes have been included into the genetic map improving the resolution of the SSC18 and HSA7 comparative map. Assignment of TCRG to SSC9 has identified a break in conserved synteny between SSC18 and HSA7.  相似文献   

An interspecific backcross between C57BL/6J and Mus spretus was used to generate a molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 18 that includes 23 molecular markers and spans approximately 86% of the estimated length of the chromosome. The Apc, Camk2a, D18Fcr1, D18Fcr2, D18Leh1, D18Leh2, Dcc, Emb-rs3, Fgfa, Fim-2/Csfmr, Gnal, Grl-1, Grp, Hk-1rs1, Ii, Kns, Lmnb, Mbp, Mcc, Mtv-38, Palb, Pdgfrb, and Tpl-2 genes were mapped relative to each other in one interspecific backcross. A second interspecific backcross and a centromere-specific DNA satellite probe were used to determine the distance of the most proximal chromosome 18 marker to the centromere. The interspecific map extends the known regions of linkage homology between mouse chromosome 18 and human chromosomes 5 and 18 and identifies a new homology segment with human chromosome 10p. It also provides molecular access to many regions of mouse chromosome 18 for the first time.  相似文献   

A comparative genome map is necessary for the implementation of comparative positional candidate gene cloning in cattle. We have developed a medium density comparative gene map of bovine chromosome 25 (BTA25). A radiation hybrid (RH) panel was used to map nine microsatellites and nine genes. Eight of the nine comparative loci were also mapped by FISH. These results were combined with data from published articles to create a comprehensive comparative map of BTA25 with human chromosomes 7 (HSA7) and 16 (HSA16). This map should facilitate the cloning of genes of interest on bovine chromosome 25.  相似文献   

We have constructed a high-density comparative radiation hybrid map of the interstitial region of bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) using a recently constructed 12,000-rad, whole-genome, cattle-hamster radiation hybrid (WGRH) panel. Sixty-two bovine EST markers were selected which have orthologous sequences on human chromosomes 12 and 22 (HSA12 and HSA22). Sixty markers were included in the multi-point framework map at LOD 3.0. Our comprehensive RH map contains more than twice as many markers (88) than previous generation maps. Because of a higher marker density and increased resolution of the RH(12,000) panel, all markers were placed into a single linkage group based on two-point analysis at a LOD score 6.0. As a result, this new comparative map reveals new blocks of synteny and extensive gene order alterations between species. Breakpoints of synteny are located with high accuracy. Overall, this work reveals widespread chromosomal rearrangements between bovine, human and mouse genomes.  相似文献   

The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 27 Workshop are presented. Eight laboratories contributed 23 261 informative meioses from 44 loci. Eighteen loci were typed by at least two laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map. Twenty-one loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 66.9 cM. The sex-averaged comprehensive map was 75.5 cM, while the female and male maps were 73.1 and 63.7 cM, respectively. Five loci were excluded from the analysis because of ambiguous position in the linkage group and a low LOD score (less than 2.0). Average distance between loci in the comprehensive map was 1.98 cM.  相似文献   

Comprehensive linkage map of bovine chromosome 11   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 11 (BTA11) Workshop are presented. Six laboratories contributed a total of 26 199 informative meioses from 80 loci. Thirty-six loci were typed by at least two independent laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map of the chromosome. The remaining loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 128.9 cM. The female consensus map was 101.2 cM, while the male consensus map was 129.8 cM. The comprehensive sex-averaged map was 134.2 cM and the average genetic distance between loci was 1.72 cM.  相似文献   

We have mapped 13 loci on mouse Chromosome 18 by Southern blot analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms among progeny from an interspecific backcross: (C57BL/6J X Mus spretus) X M. spretus. Complete haplotype analysis of 136 of these progeny was used to establish gene order and estimate genetic distances between loci. The gene order (from centromere to telomere) and recombination distances (in centimorgans) were as follows: PGK-1rs5-4.3-Tpi-10-11.8-(Egr-1, Hmg17-rs9)-2.1-Fgfa-2.2-Grl-1-10.1-(Cdx-1, Csfmr, Pdgfrb, Pdea, Rps14)-2.1-Adrb-2-22.9-Mbp. Pgk-1rs5, Tpi-10, Hmg17-rs9, and Rps14 had not been previously mapped in the mouse; Egr-1 had only been syntenically assigned to mouse Chr 18. Nine of the loci, spanning 18 cM, have homologs on the distal long arm of human Chr5--a region rich in genes encoding growth factors and receptors. An additional previously unmapped gene, Drd-1, predicted to be on mouse Chr 18 based on its human chromosomal location, was mapped to the middle region of mouse Chr 13.  相似文献   

A genetic and physical map of bovine chromosome 3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a map of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers previously assigned to bovine chromosome 3 (BTA3) by somatic cell genetics. The linkage group covers 101 cM on the chromosome with an average intermarker distance of 13-9 cM. One marker (INRA200) was isolated from a peak of flow sorted chromosomes 2 and 3. Another marker (INRA197) was derived from a cosmid. The localization of the cosmid by in situ hybridization enabled the orientation of the linkage group on BTA3. Markers were relatively evenly spaced and consequently can be used to complement other mapping data about this chromosome. This establishes a framework of polymorphic markers that can be used to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL).  相似文献   

We constructed a metric linkage disequilibrium (LD) map of bovine chromosome 6 (BTA6) on the basis of data from 220 SNPs genotyped on 433 Australian dairy bulls. This metric LD map has distances in LD units (LDUs) that are analogous to centimorgans in linkage maps. The LD map of BTA6 has a total length of 8.9 LDUs. Within the LD map, regions of high LD (represented as blocks) and regions of low LD (steps) are observed, when plotted against the integrated map in kilobases. At the most stringent block definition, namely a set of loci with zero LDU increase over the span of these markers, BTA6 comprises 40 blocks, accounting for 41% of the chromosome. At a slightly lower stringency of block definition (a set of loci covering a maximum of 0.2 LDUs on the LD map), up to 81% of BTA6 is spanned by 46 blocks and with 13 steps that are likely to reflect recombination hot spots. The mean swept radius (the distance over which LD is likely to be useful for mapping) is 13.3 Mb, confirming extensive LD in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle, which makes such populations ideal for whole-genome association studies.  相似文献   

Twelve loci form a continuous linkage map for human chromosome 18   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have constructed a primary genetic map of human chromosome 18 consisting of 11 DNA markers and one serological marker (JK). Two of these loci define highly polymorphic VNTR systems. The markers define a continuous genetic linkage map of 97 cM in males and 205 cM in females; female genetic distances in a panel of 59 three-generation families were consistently about twice those observed in males. The high odds in support of the linear order of the markers on this recombination map, and the extent of coverage of chromosome 18, indicate that this map will permit efficient linkage studies of human genetic diseases that may be segregating on chromosome 18 and will provide anchor points for development of high-resolution maps for this chromosome.  相似文献   

This study describes development of a consensus genetic linkage map of bovine chromosome 24 (BTA24). Eight participating laboratories contributed data for 58 unique markers including a total of 25 409 meioses. Eighteen markers, which were typed in more than one reference population, were used as potential anchors to generate a consensus framework map. The framework map contained 16 loci ordered with odds greater than 1000:1 and spanned 79.3 cM. Remaining markers were included in a comprehensive map relative to these anchors. The resulting BTA24 comprehensive map was 98.3 cM in length. Average marker intervals were 6.1 and 2.5 cM for framework and comprehensive maps, respectively. Marker order was generally consistent with previously reported BTA24 linkage maps. Only one discrepancy was found when comparing the comprehensive map with the published USDA-MARC linkage map. Integration of genetic information from different maps provides a high-resolution BTA24 linkage map.  相似文献   

By in situ hybridization of probes for three cloned genes and eight genetically-linked polymorphic DNA markers, we have prepared a physical map of the distal long arm of chromosome 5. These results, together with the localizations of 11 genes and the genetic linkage map reported previously by us and by other investigators, represent a map that spans 55 cM.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage map of human chromosome 21   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Two of the most common disorders affecting the human nervous system, Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, involve genes residing on human chromosome 21. A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 21 has been constructed using 13 anonymous DNA markers and cDNAs encoding the genes for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and the precursor of Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide (APP). Segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for these genes and DNA markers was traced in a large Venezuelan kindred established as a "reference" pedigree for human linkage analysis. The 15 loci form a single linkage group spanning 81 cM on the long arm of chromosome 21, with a markedly increased frequency of recombination occurring toward the telomere. Consequently, 40% of the genetic length of the long arm corresponds to less than 10% of its cytogenetic length, represented by the terminal half of 21q22.3. Females displayed greater recombination than males throughout the linkage group, with the difference being most striking for markers just below the centromere. Definition of the linkage relationships for these chromosome 21 markers will help refine the map position of the familial Alzheimer's disease gene and facilitate investigation of the role of recombination in nondisjunction associated with Down syndrome.  相似文献   

A primary genetic linkage map for human chromosome 12   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A primary genetic map for human chromosome 12 has been constructed from data on 23 restriction fragment length polymorphic systems collected in 38 normal families with large sibships. Linkage analysis of the genotypic data has ordered 16 loci into a continuous genetic map of 111 cM in males and 258 cM in females. Although most of the genetic map reflects a higher rate of recombination in females relative to males, significantly more frequent recombination was observed in males than in females in intervals between loci on the distal portion of the short arm of the chromosome. The mapping data shown here will serve as a first step toward a high-resolution genetic map for human chromosome 12.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q, spanning a sex-equal distance of 125 cM, has been developed by genotyping 26 loci in the Venezuelan Reference Pedigree. The loci include 12 anonymous microsatellite markers reported by Kwiatkowski et al. (1992), several classical systems previously assigned to chromosome 9q, and polymorphisms for the genes tenacin (HXB), gelsolin (GSN), adenylate kinase 1 (AK1), arginosuccinate synthetase (ASS), ABL oncogene (ABL1), ABO blood group (ABO), and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH). Only a marginally significant sex difference is found along the entire length of the map and results from one interval, between D9S58 and D9S59, that displays an excess of female recombination. A comparison of the genetic map to the existing physical data suggests that there is increased recombination in the 9q34 region with a recombination event occurring every 125-400 kb. This map should be useful in further characterizing the relationship between physical distance and genetic distance, as well as for genetic linkage studies of diseases that map to chromosome 9q, including multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma (MSSE), Gorlin syndrome (NBCCS), xeroderma pigmentosum (XPA), nail-patella syndrome (NPS1), torsion dystonia (DYT1), and tuberous sclerosis (TSC1).  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of markers for human chromosome 20   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A continuous genetic linkage map with five polymorphic DNA markers, including one that defines a locus containing a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), has been constructed from genotypic analysis of 59 large reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 105 cM in males and 115 cM in females and provides initial anchor points for a high-resolution map of human chromosome 20.  相似文献   

We report here the localisation of BAIAP1 (13q24), HTR1F (13q45), PTPRG (13q23) and UBE1C (13q24) by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), and BAIAP1 (Swr2114; 21 cR; LOD = 11.03), GATA2 (Sw2448; 37 cR; LOD = 8.26), IL5RA (Swr2114; 64 cR; LOD = 3.85), LMCD1 (Sw2450; 61 cR; LOD = 4.73), MME (CP; 50 cR; LOD = 7.75), RYK (Swc22; 12 cR; LOD = 18.62) and SGU003 (Sw1876; 6 cR; LOD = 16.99) by radiation hybrid (RH) mapping to porcine chromosome 13 (SSC13). The mapping of these 10 different loci (all mapped to human chromosome 3; HSA3) not only confirms the extended conservation of synteny between HSA3 and SSC13, but also defines more precisely the regions with conserved linkage. The syntenic region of the centromeric part of SSC13 was determined by isolating porcine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones (842D4 and 1031H1) using primers amplifying porcine microsatellite markers S0219 and S0076 (mapped to this region). Sequence comparison of the BAC end sequences with the human genome sequence showed that the centromeric part of SSC13 is homologous with HSA3p24.  相似文献   

A map of rat Chromosome (Chr) 10 was generated from 21 markers, mostly of conserved structural genes, by linkage analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The study emphasizes the proximal third of the chromosome which, until now, has been relatively devoid of markers. Based on comparative analysis, our data suggest that genes on rat Chr 10 are conserved on mouse Chr 11, 16, 17 and human Chr 16, 5, and 17. Received: 22 November 1995 / Accepted: 29 January 1996  相似文献   

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