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A simple technique of sequential estimation was proposed for capture-recapture census by thePetersen method. In theory this technique makes it possible to secure automatically a required precision level for the population estimate to be obtained, irrespective of the population size. Some problems about its practical application were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Multi-stage sampling is a convenient technique suited to the desnity estimation of biological populations living in habitats with complicated structures. This paper describes a general method of its application to population estimation in which the preliminary information on the spatial distribution pattern of the population under study can be incorporated as the parameters of the mean crowding-mean relationship. The formulae that are necessary to perform sequential or double sampling plans for its efficient application are derived. The procedure of application of the method is explained with a numerical example. This study was supported by science research fund from the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

The binomial sampling to estimate population density of an organism based simply upon the frequency of its occurrence among sampled quadrats is a labour-saving technique which is potentially useful for small animals like insects and has actually been applied occasionally to studies of their populations. The present study provides a theoretical basis for this convenient technique, which makes it statistically reliable and tolerable for consistent use in intensive as well as preliminary population censuses. Firs, the magnitude of sampling error in relation to sample size is formulated mathematically for the estimate to be obtained by this indirect method of census, using either of the two popular models relating frequency of occurrence (p) to mean density (m), i.e. the negative binomial model, p=1−(1+m/k)−k, and the empirical model, p=1−exp(−amb). Then, the equations to calculate sample size and census cost that are necessary to attain a given desired level of precision in the estimation are derived for both models. A notable feature of the relationship of necessary sample size (or census cost) to mean density in the frequency method, in constrast to that in the ordinary census, is that it shows a concave curve which tends to rise sharply not only towards lower but also towards higher levels of density. These theoretical results make it also possible to design sequential estimation procedures based on this convenient census technique, which may enable us with the least necessary cost to get a series of population estimates with the desired precision level. Examples are presented to explain how to apply these programs to acutal censuses in the field.  相似文献   

A simple method of sequential sampling is developed which would make it automatically possible to secure, without excess sampling, a predetermined level of precision for a series of population estimates being required. It appears to have wide application to sampling field populations under various situations since it is simply based upon the relationship of variance to mean for which a comprehensive formula deduced for biological populations from the linearity in the regression of mean crowding on mean density could be adopted. Some problems that may arise in practical application of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

A method of sequential sampling for grading population level in relation to a critical density is proposed. The method is based on the relationship and can be used without restrictions on the distribution patterns. The formulae for simple random sampling as well as for two-stage sampling are given.  相似文献   

Summary Principal and reduced major axes, and Bulmer's (1975) tests have been suggested as methods for detecting the presence of density dependence in a series of population censuses that are unsuitable for analysis by alternative means e.g. by k-factor analysis. These alternative methods are tested using census data, some of which are previously unpublished, from natural populations known from independent evidence to be subject to density dependent processes. All the methods fail to detect density dependence reliably, irrespective of sample size and the dynamics of the population. We conclude that none of the methods tested is sufficiently reliable to be useful as a test of density dependence in sequential censues of animal populations.  相似文献   

Woodrow KA  Swartz JR 《Proteomics》2007,7(21):3870-3879
A method employing sequential rounds of cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) was developed to identify gene products influencing the complex metabolic systems that result in protein accumulation and folding in vitro. The first round of CFPS creates an array of cell extracts individually enriched with a single gene product expressed in-parallel from linear DNA expression templates (ETs). The cell extract is engineered to enhance template stability and to provide reaction conditions conducive for general protein activation. Following first-round expression, linear templates are selectively degraded and a plasmid template for a reporter enzyme is added to initiate a subsequent round of protein expression. Reporter concentration and activity identify first-round gene products that affect amino acid and nucleic acid stability, energy supply, protein expression, stability, and activation. This sequential CFPS system provides a unique format for the functional genomic identification of broadly diverse metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Summary A new computer-based approach is described for efficient sequence-specific assignment of uniformly 15N-labeled proteins. For this purpose three-dimensional 15N-correlated [1H, 1H]-NOESY spectra are divided up into two-dimensional 1H-1H strips which extend over the entire spectral width along one dimension and have a width of ca. 100 Hz, centered about the amide proton chemical shifts along the other dimension. A spectral correlation function enables sorting of these strips according to proximity of the corresponding residues in the amino acid sequence. Thereby, starting from a given strip in the spectrum, the probability of its corresponding to the C-terminal neighboring residue is calculated for all other strips from the similarity of their peak patterns with a pattern predicted for the sequentially adjoining residue, as manifested in the scalar product of the vectors representing the predicted and measured peak patterns. Tests with five different proteins containing both -helices and -sheets, and ranging in size from 58 to 165 amino acid residues show that the discrimination achieved between the sequentially neighboring residue and all other residues compares well with that obtained with an unguided interactive search of pairs of sequentially neighboring strips, with important savings in the time needed for complete analysis of 3D 15N-correlated [1H, 1H]-NOESY spectra. The integration of this routine into the program package XEASY ensures that remaining ambiguities can be resolved by visual inspection of the strips, combined with reference to the amino acid sequence and information on spin-system types obtained from additional NMR spectra.Abbreviations 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D one-, two-, three-, four-dimensional - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - COSY correlation spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy  相似文献   

This paper introduces and analyzes a model of sequential hermaphroditism in the framework of continuously structured population models with sexual reproduction. The model is general in the sense that the birth, transition (from one sex to the other) and death processes of the population are given by arbitrary functions according to a biological meaningful hypotheses. The system is reduced to a single equation introducing the intrinsic sex-ratio subspace. The steady states are analyzed and illustrated for several cases. In particular, neglecting the competition for resources we have explicitly found a unique non-trivial equilibrium which is unstable.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Log-series survey method allows rapid estimates of density and cover and is applicable for studies of perennial vegetation in arid environments. An optical rangefinder is used to determine boundaries of large circular plots. Numbers of individuals of each species within a plot are assessed; this information is used to assign species to logarithmic density classes equivalent to the logarithm base 2 of actual abundances. Each species is then assigned to a logarithmic canopy cover class, equivalent to the logarithmbase 2 of average cover per individual. Log total cover per species per plot is obtained by the addition of logarithmic density and cover classes. Percent cover per species is rapidly computed by taking the antilog of the difference between log total cover per species and log total plot area.  相似文献   

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