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水稻花粉扩散的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡凝  陈万隆  刘寿东  罗卫红  赵莉莉  高蓓 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3665-3671
水稻花粉扩散可导致基因飘流问题,尤其是转基因水稻,其外源基因的扩散可能会引发一系列的环境安全问题。为了模拟花粉扩散过程,2007年和2009年分别在南京(32°01′N,118°52′E)和溧水(31°35′N,119°11′E),以两优培九为材料,各组织了一次田间试验。通过空气中的花粉扩散浓度的观测和微气象塔梯度环境要素的采集,采用高斯烟羽模型为基础,利用最小二乘法,模拟了水稻花粉的扩散浓度,并利用独立试验数据验证了模型效果。结果表明:花粉释放集中在始花期后第1天到第5天的09:00-11:00,且花粉释放量与开花量显著相关(r=0.880**)。花粉浓度的模拟值和实测值变化趋势一致,其均方根误差和相对误差分别为0.509粒/(m2.d)和3.47%。该花粉扩散模型可以正确反映花粉扩散浓度的分布特征。但在花粉浓度的预测精度上,尤其是预测花粉远距离传播时,仍需要改进。  相似文献   

【目的】对转基因作物进行生态风险评估是大面积种植前的一个必要步骤,水稻Oryza sativa访花昆虫有上百种,包括家蝇Musca domestica。本研究旨在明确访花昆虫家蝇介导转基因水稻外源基因逃逸的风险。【方法】2010年,我们使用转基因水稻B1, B6和G8-7作为父本(花粉供体),用同源非转基因水稻Jiazao 935和Wuyunjing 7作为母本(花粉受体),并用家蝇作为授粉昆虫,在浙江大学华家池和长兴试验基地开展了田间种植试验,对收割的后代水稻种子进行室内种植培养,对种苗用潮霉素B和草甘膦处理进行转基因杂交种检测,对存活植株进行潮霉素和草甘膦抗性基因PCR检测,测试家蝇介导的转基因水稻外源基因逃逸频率。【结果】对浙江两个测试基地3个转基因水稻品种共计超过216 500粒后代水稻种子进行的检测及结果表明,在毗邻区域杂交种少,家蝇授粉区和无家蝇授粉区转基因水稻外源基因向非转基因水稻逃逸频率均较低(0~0.64%)。【结论】家蝇介导的转基因水稻外源基因逃逸频率较低,家蝇没有增加转基因水稻外源基因逃逸的风险。  相似文献   

【背景】草铵膦是继草甘膦之后又一种高效、广谱、低毒的非选择性除草剂,有望成为我国转基因抗除草剂棉花的主要靶标之一。目前,在抗草铵膦棉花的不同生育期使用草铵膦是否影响棉花生长发育尚不清楚。【方法】分别在抗草铵膦棉花子叶期、3~4片真叶期、现蕾期、盛花期喷施草铵膦,单次施药量分别为900和1800 g·hm-2,每个处理小区面积25.6 m2。分析草铵膦对花粉育性、棉花生长、产量及纤维品质的影响。【结果】喷施草铵膦对棉花盛花期的花粉活力、株高、茎直径、产量因子、纤维品质等各项参数均无显著性影响,在子叶期使用1800 g·hm-2的高剂量浓度处理时,籽指水平显著低于空白对照处理。【结论与意义】转基因抗草铵膦棉花对900、1800g·hm-2的草铵膦具有较好的耐受性。本研究为转基因抗草铵膦棉花的环境安全性评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

潜在花粉源强是玉米花粉扩散模型的重要参数。为了确定玉米潜在花粉源强,本研究测定了逐日散粉量和逐时开花率,以此来确定逐时散粉量,作为模型中潜在花粉源强的输入值。以2009年溧水试验资料为基础,应用正态分布函数模拟逐时散粉量的日变化,通过气温和相对湿度参数订正逐时散粉量;利用2010年公主岭和溧水试验资料对玉米潜在花粉源强的正态分布模型进行检验。结果表明:公主岭试验中的"紫糯18"、"吉单35"和溧水试验中的"紫糯18"、"苏608"的逐时散粉量的模拟值与实测值之间的均方根误差分别为2.24×105、1.52×105、1.24×105和8.92×104粒·株-1,决定系数分别为0.330、0.545、0.365和0.606。利用相同的数据检验气温和相对湿度订正后的模型,各品种逐时散粉量的模拟值与实测值之间的均方根误差分别减少至1.25×105、9.03×104、5.14×104和4.22×104粒·株-1,决定系数则分别提高至0.656、0.718、0.779和0.843;模型效果明显改善,从而为进一步精确模拟玉米花粉扩散奠定基础。  相似文献   

花粉是空气气溶胶中的重要组成部分,其含量、组成与浓度的变化情况受不同地理位置和气候状况的影响而有所差异,同时影响着人们的身体健康。本文基于国内外大气花粉研究现状,总结了采集方式、变化状况和与气象要素的关系等几个方面的研究,展望了未来研究方向。在大气花粉的采集方面,目前主要通过特定仪器利用空气的流动性来进行收集。大气花粉浓度的变化状况方面,我们发现大多数研究中,花粉在一年中有两个峰值,而少数研究中呈单峰型或三峰型;一般情况下,春夏季的花粉浓度较高且多为木本植物花粉,秋季多为草本植物花粉,冬季花粉浓度较低;在我国,从南到北,花粉浓度高峰期的时间逐渐推迟。花粉的浓度变化与温度、湿度、降水、风速等气象要素有关,但根据研究区域不同,得出的结论也有所差异。在大气花粉的实际应用方面,目前可以根据已有的花粉数据结合数学模型进行预测预报,而结合气候模型还可以模拟出未来百年的植物状况。未来可以进行大气花粉高分辨率、长尺度的研究,并将大气花粉的变化与季风结合,将大气花粉的运动轨迹和花粉来源应用到古气候定量化重建模型中,提高重建的精准度。  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

【背景】随着转基因作物的大面积种植,其潜在的环境安全性问题备受关注。转基因作物收获后,大部分残留物会重返土壤,可能对土壤微生物造成影响。【方法】通过室内模拟田间秸秆降解试验,采用平板计数法、表面荧光显微镜直接计数法(FDC)以及变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术,分析了抗真菌转基因水稻秸秆降解对土壤细菌数量及多样性的影响。【结果】平板计数表明,在整个降解过程中,转基因与非转基因处理土壤可培养细菌数量的变化趋势有所差别,但差异不显著。FDC结果表明,转基因与非转基因处理土壤细菌总数差异不显著。DGGE指纹图谱显示,转基因与非转基因处理土壤样品之间的多样性指数、均匀度和丰富度均无显著差异。【结论与意义】抗真菌转基因水稻秸秆降解并未对土壤细菌数量和多样性产生显著影响。本研究为抗真菌转基因水稻的环境安全性评估提供了依据。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在确定四川达州白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)迁入虫源地及其降落机制,以期为川东地区白背飞虱预警和有效防控提供依据。【方法】运用大气质点轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT4.8对1991-2013年达州灯下白背飞虱主要迁入高峰日进行轨迹模拟,并运用气象图形处理软件Grads对主要迁入高峰日进行气象背景分析。【结果】达州白背飞虱主要在6-7月迁入,7月份是迁入高峰期。6月虫源主要来自广西西北、中部地区;7月虫源主要来自贵州中西部、北部,广西西北部和云南东北部也可提供部分虫源。【结论】四川达州白背飞虱迁入虫源主要来自贵州大部,部分来自云南东北部和广西西北部。由于气候条件和地形胁迫引起的降水、垂直气流和风向切变是白背飞虱大规模集中降落的主要原因。  相似文献   

响应面分析法优化耐高温假黄色单胞菌硫氧化性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】采用响应面分析法对耐高温假黄色单胞菌的硫氧化性能进行优化。【方法】利用Plackett-Burman试验筛选影响菌株硫氧化性能的关键因子。通过最陡爬坡试验逼近最佳值区域,确定响应面试验中心轴,利用Box-Behnken设计和响应面分析法获得关键因素的最佳浓度。采用经典的改良硫酸钡比浊法测定硫酸根含量。【结果】牛肉膏、麦芽糖、镁离子(Mg~(2+))3个因素是影响菌株硫氧化性能的关键因素。响应面分析表明牛肉膏和镁离子的交互作用对硫酸根转化率的影响最大,优化后的结果为:麦芽糖(%)=0.07,牛肉膏(%)=0.11,Mg~(2+)(%)=0.04时,模型有最大值。模型的F值为52.60(P0.000 1),相关系数R2=0.980 2,说明该二次方程是显著的,该模型在整个回归区域内的拟合较好。经模拟堆肥试验验证该菌株可以有效增加堆肥中硫酸根含量。【结论】该模型可用于分析和预测耐高温假黄色单胞菌优化培养基配方,经优化后该菌株硫氧化性能大幅提升,硫酸根转化率由36.89%提高到80%以上,加入堆肥后与基础发酵条件下菌液相比更加有效增加了堆肥中SO_4~(2-)的含量,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

王昱  李峰  张虹 《微生物学通报》2023,50(3):894-908
【背景】海洋微生物代谢产物被认为是发掘新型天然活性物质的潜在来源,其中不可避免地包含新型群体感应抑制剂(quorum sensing inhibitors, QSIs)。响应面法是运用多元二次回归模型拟合各因素和响应值之间的函数关系,对各因素及其交互作用进行评价,可有效地从影响代谢产物发酵条件的各因素中预测出最佳条件。【目的】以紫色杆菌(Chromobacterium violaceum)ATCC 12472T为指示菌株,研究海洋弧菌(Vibrio sp.)LA-05发酵液粗提物的群体感应抑制活性。在单因素试验基础上,应用响应面法对菌株发酵条件进行优化,以提高其发酵代谢产物中活性物质的产量。【方法】使用琼脂平板扩散法进行初筛后,通过分析发酵液粗提物对紫色杆菌生长曲线及紫色素产量的影响研究其群体感应抑制活性。在单因素试验基础上,采用Box-Behnken设计原则,以紫色素抑制率为响应值,通过响应面试验优化菌株发酵条件,从而提高其发酵液中活性物质的产量。【结果】在基本不影响紫色杆菌正常生长的浓度范围内,粗提物可不同程度地抑制紫色素的产生。模型预测结果表明,最优发酵条件...  相似文献   

The dispersal of pollen from a Lolium perenne source has previously been described using various Gaussian plume models which take distance and wind direction into account. One of these models is used here to calculate, using integration, possible pollen deposition onto small conspecific populations a kilometer from the source. The percentage of immigrant pollen is compared for six different sets of parameter values previously estimated from pollen-dispersal experiments. The source size is then scaled up to simulate what might happen if transgenic ryegrass was grown on a large scale. In this case it is seen that small conspecific populations might, in some conditions, be swamped by immigrant pollen, even if they are not directly downwind of the source. The implications of this are discussed in terms of assessing and managing the risks of releasing wind-pollinated transgenic crops. Received: 10 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

We compared simple mathematical pollen dispersal–deposition models with Gaussian plume models. The simple mathematical models proved equal or better approximations of real world pollen dispersal–deposition. We concluded that for most standard applications, such as estimating pollen productivity or quantitative vegetation reconstructions, simple mathematical models would perform satisfactory. Such easy-to-use models may lower the threshold to employ quantitative tools to palaeoecological questions.  相似文献   

Modelling of pollen dispersal and cross-pollination is of great importance for the ongoing discussion on thresholds for the adventitious presence of genetically modified material in food and feed. Two different modelling approaches for pollen dispersal are used to simulate the cross-pollination rate of pollen emerged from an adjacent transgenic crop field. The models are applied to cross-pollination data from field experiments with transgenic maize (Zea mays). The data were generated by an experimental setup specifically designed to suit the demands of mathematical modelling. First a Gaussian plume model is used for the simulation of pollen transport in and from plant canopies. This is a semiempirical approach combining the atmospheric diffusion equation and Lagrangian methodology. The second model is derived from the localised near field (LNF) theory and based on the physical processes in the canopy. Both modelling approaches prove to be appropriate for the simulation of the cross-pollination rates at distances of about 7.5m and more from the transgene source. The simulation of the cross-pollination rate is less precise at the edge of the source plot especially with the LNF theory. However, the simulation results lie within the range of variability of the observations. Concluding can be pointed out that both models might be adapted to other pollen dispersal experiments of different crops and plot sizes.  相似文献   

Zehui Jiang 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):127-131

A pollen diagram from a small lake, Kutulahdenlampi, in northern Finland is interpreted in terms of the development of forest vegetation during the Holocene. The abundance of each of the forest taxa is considered independently by means of pollen accumulation rates (PARs), using as the reference material, long term average pollen deposition values monitored by a network of pollen traps. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of spruce and to the species in the original forests that this newcomer replaces. A model of pollen dispersal and deposition developed by Sugita is used to estimate the area around the lake that the pollen assemblage is most clearly reflecting. This relevant source area of pollen (RSAP), for the present day situations is c. 1,500 m. Pollen loadings calculated for a simulated landscape that mimics (i) that of the present day and (ii) for the situation at 8,000 BP (as deduced from the PARs) are compared with the pollen assemblages from the diagram at those points in time, and are seen to be compatible. The advantages of combining PAR and modelling to look at the spatial scale of vegetation reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   

Fast development and commercialization of genetically modified plants have aroused concerns of transgene escape and its environmental consequences. A model that can effectively predict pollen‐mediated gene flow (PMGF) is essential for assessing and managing risks from transgene escape. A pollen‐trap method was used to measure the wind‐borne pollen dispersal in cultivated rice and common wild rice, and effects of relative humidity, temperature and wind speed on pollen dispersal were estimated. A PMGF model was constructed based on the pollen dispersal pattern in rice, taking outcrossing rates of recipients and cross‐compatibility between rice and its wild relatives into consideration. Published rice gene flow data were used to validate the model. Pollen density decreased in a simple exponential pattern with distances to the rice field. High relative humidity reduced pollen dispersal distances. Model simulation showed an increased PMGF frequency with the increase of pollen source size (the area of a rice field), but this effect levelled off with a large pollen‐source size. Cross‐compatibility is essential when modelling PMGF from rice to its wild relatives. The model fits the data well, including PMGF from rice to its wild relatives. Therefore, it can be used to predict PMGF in rice under diverse conditions (e.g. different outcrossing rates and cross‐compatibilities), facilitating the determination of isolation distances to minimize transgene escape. The PMGF model may be extended to other wind‐pollinated plant species such as wheat and barley.  相似文献   

Plants are sessile organisms, often characterized by limited dispersal. Seeds and pollen are the critical stages for gene flow. Here we investigate spatial genetic structure, gene dispersal and the relative contribution of pollen vs seed in the movement of genes in a stable metapopulation of the white campion Silene latifolia within its native range. This short-lived perennial plant is dioecious, has gravity-dispersed seeds and moth-mediated pollination. Direct measures of pollen dispersal suggested that large populations receive more pollen than small isolated populations and that most gene flow occurs within tens of meters. However, these studies were performed in the newly colonized range (North America) where the specialist pollinator is absent. In the native range (Europe), gene dispersal could fall on a different spatial scale. We genotyped 258 individuals from large and small (15) subpopulations along a 60 km, elongated metapopulation in Europe using six highly variable microsatellite markers, two X-linked and four autosomal. We found substantial genetic differentiation among subpopulations (global FST=0.11) and a general pattern of isolation by distance over the whole sampled area. Spatial autocorrelation revealed high relatedness among neighboring individuals over hundreds of meters. Estimates of gene dispersal revealed gene flow at the scale of tens of meters (5–30 m), similar to the newly colonized range. Contrary to expectations, estimates of dispersal based on X and autosomal markers showed very similar ranges, suggesting similar levels of pollen and seed dispersal. This may be explained by stochastic events of extensive seed dispersal in this area and limited pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops has raised numerous concerns in the European Union and other parts of the world about their environmental and economic impact. Especially outcrossing of genetically modified organisms (GMO) was from the beginning a critical issue as airborne pollen has been considered an important way of GMO dispersal. Here, we investigate the use of airborne pollen sampling combined with microscopic analysis and molecular PCR analysis as an approach to monitor GM maize cultivations in a specific area. Field trial experiments in the European Union and South America demonstrated the applicability of the approach under different climate conditions, in rural and semi-urban environment, even at very low levels of airborne pollen. The study documents in detail the sampling of GM pollen, sample DNA extraction and real-time PCR analysis. Our results suggest that this 'GM pollen monitoring by bioaerosol sampling and PCR screening' approach might represent an useful aid in the surveillance of GM-free areas, centres of origin and natural reserves.  相似文献   

周志勇  张红  梁铖  邹宇  董捷  袁晓龙  黄家兴  安建东 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1315-1321
【目的】为了比较西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera 和兰州熊蜂 Bombus lantschouensis 在设施桃园内对不同时期桃花的访花偏好性、以及这种偏好性与花粉活力和采集花粉花蜜之间的关系。【方法】记录2种蜂在温室桃园内访问早期花、中期花和晚期花的比例,测定桃花不同时期的花粉活力以及2种蜂携带的花粉活力,观察2种蜂采集花蜜和采集花粉的成功率,统计2种蜂访花过程中桃花所处的枝条数及植株数。【结果】桃花不同时期的花粉活力差异显著,早期花花药未开裂,花粉未释放,中期花花粉活力(58.3%)显著高于晚期花花粉活力(34.2%)(P<0.01);西方蜜蜂更加偏好访问中期花,对中期花的访问率高达75.3%,显著高于兰州熊蜂对中期花的访问率(49.2%)(P<0.01);西方蜜蜂携带的花粉活力(92.1%)显著高于兰州熊蜂携带的花粉活力(72.9%),但是西方蜜蜂采集花粉和采集花蜜的成功率均低于兰州熊蜂(P<0.01);在访问一定数量的桃花过程中,兰州熊蜂在设施桃园内访问的枝条数和植株数较多,分布范围较广(P<0.01)。【结论】和兰州熊蜂相比,西方蜜蜂对活力花粉的辨别能力更强,更加偏好访问花粉活力较高的花朵,这种偏好性导致其采集花粉花蜜的成功率降低。  相似文献   

In plants, genes may disperse through both pollen and seeds. Here we provide a first theoretical study of the mechanisms and consequences of the joint evolution of pollen and seed dispersal. We focus on hermaphroditic self-compatible species distributed in structured populations, assuming island dispersal of pollen and seeds among small patches of plants within large populations. Three traits are studied: the rate of among-patch seed dispersal, the rate of among-patch pollen dispersal, and the rate of within-patch pollen movement. We first analytically derive the evolutionary equilibrium state of each trait, dissect the pairwise selective interactions, and describe the joint three-trait evolutionary equilibrium under the cost of dispersal and kin competition. These results are then analytically and numerically extended to the case when selfed seeds suffer from depressed competitiveness (inbreeding depression, no heterosis). Finally individual-based simulations are used to account for a more realistic model of inbreeding load. Pollen movement is shown to generate opposite selection pressures on seed dispersal depending on spatial scale: within-patch pollen movement favors seed dispersal, whereas among-patch pollen dispersal inhibits seed dispersal. Seed dispersal selects for short-distance movements of pollen and it selects against long-distance dispersal. These interactions shape the joint evolution of these traits. Kin competition favors among-patch seed dispersal over among-patch pollen dispersal for low costs of within-patch pollen movement (and vice versa for significant costs of within-patch pollen movement). Inbreeding depression favors allogamy through high rates of within- and among-patch pollen movement. Surprisingly, it may select either for or against seed dispersal depending on the cost of among-patch pollen dispersal. Heterosis favors increased among-patch dispersal through pollen and seeds. But because these two stages inhibit each other, their joint evolution might lead to decreased seed dispersal in the presence of heterosis. Of crucial importance are the costs of dispersal.  相似文献   

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