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Mitofusins are conserved GTPases essential for the fusion of mitochondria. These mitochondrial outer membrane proteins contain a GTPase domain and two or three regions with hydrophobic heptad repeats, but little is known about how these domains interact to mediate mitochondrial fusion. To address this issue, we have analyzed the yeast mitofusin Fzo1p and find that mutation of any of the three heptad repeat regions (HRN, HR1, and HR2) leads to a null allele. Specific pairs of null alleles show robust complementation, indicating that functional domains need not exist on the same molecule. Biochemical analysis indicates that this complementation is due to Fzo1p oligomerization mediated by multiple domain interactions. Moreover, we find that two non-overlapping protein fragments, one consisting of HRN/GTPase and the other consisting of HR1/HR2, can form a complex that reconstitutes Fzo1p fusion activity. Each of the null alleles disrupts the interaction of these two fragments, suggesting that we have identified a key interaction involving the GTPase domain and heptad repeats essential for fusion.  相似文献   

In yeast, mitochondrial division and fusion are highly regulated during growth, mating and sporulation, yet the mechanisms controlling these activities are unknown. Using a novel screen, we isolated mutants in which mitochondria lose their normal structure, and instead form a large network of interconnected tubules. These mutants, which appear defective in mitochondrial division, all carried mutations in DNM1, a dynamin-related protein that localizes to mitochondria. We also isolated mutants containing numerous mitochondrial fragments. These mutants were defective in FZO1, a gene previously shown to be required for mitochondrial fusion. Surprisingly, we found that in dnm1 fzo1 double mutants, normal mitochondrial shape is restored. Induction of Dnm1p expression in dnm1 fzo1 cells caused rapid fragmentation of mitochondria. We propose that dnm1 mutants are defective in the mitochondrial division, an activity antagonistic to fusion. Our results thus suggest that mitochondrial shape is normally controlled by a balance between division and fusion which requires Dnm1p and Fzo1p, respectively.  相似文献   

In yeast, mitochondrial fusion requires Ugo1p and two GTPases, Fzo1p and Mgm1p. Ugo1p is anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane with its N terminus facing the cytosol and C terminus in the intermembrane space. Fzo1p is also an outer membrane protein, whereas Mgm1p is located in the intermembrane space. Recent studies suggest that these three proteins form protein complexes that mediate mitochondrial fusion. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of Ugo1p directly interacts with Fzo1p, whereas its intermembrane space domain binds to Mgm1p. We identified the Ugo1p-binding site in Fzo1p and demonstrated that Ugo1p-Fzo1p interaction is essential for the formation of mitochondrial shape, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and fusion of mitochondria. Although the GTPase domains of Fzo1p and Mgm1p regulate mitochondrial fusion, they were not required for association with Ugo1p. Furthermore, we found that Ugo1p bridges the interaction between Fzo1p and Mgm1p in mitochondria. Our data indicate that distinct regions of Ugo1p bind directly to Fzo1p and Mgm1p and thereby link these two GTPases during mitochondrial fusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane fusion is a process essential for the maintenance of the structural integrity of the organelle. Since mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane, they face the challenge of fusing four membranes in a coordinated manner. We provide evidence that this is achieved by coupling of the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes by the mitochondrial fusion machinery. Fzo1, the first known mediator of mitochondrial fusion, spans the outer membrane twice, exposing a short loop to the intermembrane space. The presence of the intermembrane space segment is required for the localization of Fzo1 in sites of tight contact between the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. Mutations in the intermembrane space domain of yeast Fzo1 relieve the association with the inner membrane. This results in a loss of function of the protein in vivo. We propose that the mitochondrial fusion machinery forms membrane contact sites that mediate mitochondrial fusion. A fusion machinery that is in contact with both mitochondrial membranes appears to be functionally important for coordinated fusion of four mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the identification and structure-function analysis of a novel death-associated protein (DAP) kinase-related protein, DRP-1. DRP-1 is a 42-kDa Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM)-regulated serine threonine kinase which shows high degree of homology to DAP kinase. The region of homology spans the catalytic domain and the CaM-regulatory region, whereas the remaining C-terminal part of the protein differs completely from DAP kinase and displays no homology to any known protein. The catalytic domain is also homologous to the recently identified ZIP kinase and to a lesser extent to the catalytic domains of DRAK1 and -2. Thus, DAP kinase DRP-1, ZIP kinase, and DRAK1/2 together form a novel subfamily of serine/threonine kinases. DRP-1 is localized to the cytoplasm, as shown by immunostaining and cellular fractionation assays. It binds to CaM, undergoes autophosphorylation, and phosphorylates an exogenous substrate, the myosin light chain, in a Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent manner. The truncated protein, deleted of the CaM-regulatory domain, was converted into a constitutively active kinase. Ectopically expressed DRP-1 induced apoptosis in various types of cells. Cell killing by DRP-1 was dependent on two features: the status of the catalytic activity, and the presence of the C-terminal 40 amino acids shown to be required for self-dimerization of the kinase. Interestingly, further deletion of the CaM-regulatory region could override the indispensable role of the C-terminal tail in apoptosis and generated a "superkiller" mutant. A dominant negative fragment of DAP kinase encompassing the death domain was found to block apoptosis induced by DRP-1. Conversely, a catalytically inactive mutant of DRP-1, which functioned in a dominant negative manner, was significantly less effective in blocking cell death induced by DAP kinase. Possible functional connections between DAP kinase and DRP-1 are discussed.  相似文献   

A hallmark of apoptosis is the fragmentation of nuclear DNA. Although this activity involves the caspase-3-dependent DNAse CAD (caspase-activated DNAse), evidence exists that DNA fragmentation can occur independently of caspase activity. Here we report on the ability of truncated Bid (tBid) to induce the release of a DNAse activity from mitochondria. This DNAse activity was identified by mass spectrometry as endonuclease G, an abundant 30 kDa protein released from mitochondria under apoptotic conditions. No tBid-induced endonuclease G release could be observed in mitochondria from Bcl-2-transgenic mice. The in vivo occurrence of endonuclease G release from mitochondria during apoptosis was confirmed in the liver from mice injected with agonistic anti-Fas antibody and is completely prevented in Bcl-2 transgenic mice. These data indicate that endonuclease G may be involved in CAD-independent DNA fragmentation during cell death pathways in which truncated Bid is generated.  相似文献   

In healthy cells, fusion and fission events participate in regulating mitochondrial morphology. Disintegration of the mitochondrial reticulum into multiple punctiform organelles during apoptosis led us to examine the role of Drp1, a dynamin-related protein that mediates outer mitochondrial membrane fission. Upon induction of apoptosis, Drp1 translocates from the cytosol to mitochondria, where it preferentially localizes to potential sites of organelle division. Inhibition of Drp1 by overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant counteracts the conversion to a punctiform mitochondrial phenotype, prevents the loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c, and reveals a reproducible swelling of the organelles. Remarkably, inhibition of Drp1 blocks cell death, implicating mitochondrial fission as an important step in apoptosis.  相似文献   

A novel protein family (p14.5, or YERO57c/YJGFc) highly conserved throughout evolution has recently been identified. The biological role of these proteins is not yet well characterized. Two members of the p14.5 family are present in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we have characterized some of the biological functions of the two yeast proteins. Mmf1p is a mitochondrial matrix factor, and homologous Mmf1p factor (Hmf1p) copurifies with the soluble cytoplasmic fraction. Deltammf1 cells lose mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and have a decreased growth rate, while Deltahmf1 cells do not display any visible phenotype. Furthermore, we demonstrate by genetic analysis that Mmf1p does not play a direct role in replication and segregation of the mtDNA. rho(+) Deltammf1 haploid cells can be obtained when tetrads are directly dissected on medium containing a nonfermentable carbon source. Our data also indicate that Mmf1p and Hmf1p have similar biological functions in different subcellular compartments. Hmf1p, when fused with the Mmf1p leader peptide, is transported into mitochondria and is able to functionally replace Mmf1p. Moreover, we show that homologous mammalian proteins are functionally related to Mmf1p. Human p14.5 localizes in yeast mitochondria and rescues the Deltammf1-associated phenotypes. In addition, fractionation of rat liver mitochondria showed that rat p14.5, like Mmf1p, is a soluble protein of the matrix. Our study identifies a biological function for Mmf1p and furthermore indicates that this function is conserved between members of the p14.5 family.  相似文献   

During apoptosis, the mitochondrial network fragments. Using short hairpin RNAs for RNA interference, we manipulated the expression levels of the proteins hFis1, Drp1, and Opa1 that are involved in mitochondrial fission and fusion in mammalian cells, and we characterized their functions in mitochondrial morphology and apoptosis. Down-regulation of hFis1 powerfully inhibits cell death to an extent significantly greater than down-regulation of Drp1 and at a stage of apoptosis distinct from that induced by Drp1 inhibition. Cells depleted of Opa1 are extremely sensitive to exogenous apoptosis induction, and some die spontaneously by a process that requires hFis1 expression. Wild-type Opa1 may function normally as an antiapoptotic protein, keeping spontaneous apoptosis in check. However, if hFis1 is down-regulated, cells do not require Opa1 to prevent apoptosis, suggesting that Opa1 may be normally counteracting the proapoptotic action of hFis1. We also demonstrate in this study that mitochondrial fragmentation per se does not result in apoptosis. However, we provide further evidence that multiple components of the mitochondrial morphogenesis machinery can positively and negatively regulate apoptosis.  相似文献   

Different isoforms of a protein complex termed the apoptosis- and splicing-associated protein (ASAP) were isolated from HeLa cell extract. ASAP complexes are composed of the polypeptides SAP18 and RNPS1 and different isoforms of the Acinus protein. While Acinus had previously been implicated in apoptosis and was recently identified as a component of the spliceosome, RNPS1 has been described as a general activator of RNA processing. Addition of ASAP isoforms to in vitro splicing reactions inhibits RNA processing mediated by ASF/SF2, by SC35, or by RNPS1. Additionally, microinjection of ASAP complexes into mammalian cells resulted in acceleration of cell death. Importantly, after induction of apoptosis the ASAP complex disassembles. Taken together, our results suggest an important role for the ASAP complexes in linking RNA processing and apoptosis.  相似文献   

A C Maarse  J Blom  L A Grivell    M Meijer 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(10):3619-3628
To identify components of the mitochondrial protein import pathway in yeast, we have adopted a positive selection procedure for isolating mutants disturbed in protein import. We have cloned and sequenced a gene, termed MPI1, that can rescue the genetic defect of one group of these mutants. MPI1 encodes a hydrophilic 48.8 kDa protein that is essential for cell viability. Mpi1p is a low abundance and constitutively expressed mitochondrial protein. Mpi1p is synthesized with a characteristic mitochondrial targeting sequence at its amino-terminus, which is most probably proteolytically removed during import. It is a membrane protein, oriented with its carboxy-terminus facing the intermembrane space. In cells depleted of Mpi1p activity, import of the precursor proteins that we tested thus far, is arrested. We speculate that the Mpi1 protein is a component of a proteinaceous import channel for translocation of precursor proteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Atm1p, a mitochondrial half-type ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transports a precursor of the iron-sulfur (Fe/S) cluster from mitochondria to the cytosol. We have identified a novel half-type human ABC protein, designating it MTABC3 (mammalian mitochondrial ABC protein 3). MTABC3 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in all of the rat and human tissues examined. MTABC3 protein is shown to be present in the mitochondria, as assessed by immunoblot analysis and confocal microscopic analysis of subcellular fractions of Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing MTABC3. Accumulation of iron in the mitochondria, mitochondrial DNA damage, and respiratory dysfunction in the yeast ATM1 mutant strain (atm1-1 mutant cells) were almost fully reversed by expressing MTABC3 in these mutant cells. These results indicate that MTABC3 is a novel ortholog of the yeast and suggest an important role in mitochondrial function. Interestingly, the human MTABC3 gene has been mapped to chromosome 2q36, a region within the candidate locus for lethal neonatal metabolic syndrome, a disorder of the mitochondrial function associated with iron metabolism, indicating that MTABC3 is a candidate gene for this disorder.  相似文献   



The Human cervical cancer oncogene (HCCR-1) has been isolated as a human oncoprotein, and has shown strong tumorigenic features. Its potential role in tumorigenesis may result from a negative regulation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

A ubiquitin-like protein involved in membrane fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subramani S  Farré JC 《Cell》2007,130(1):18-20
Atg8 is a ubiquitin-like protein involved in autophagy in yeast that is targeted to membranes through conjugation to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In this issue of Cell, Nakatogawa et al. (2007) show that Atg8 conjugated to PE mediates tethering between adjacent membranes and stimulates membrane hemifusion, an event that may mimic expansion of the autophagosomal membrane during autophagy.  相似文献   

TRAIL causes apoptosis in numerous types of tumor cells. However, the mechanisms regulating TRAIL-induced apoptosis remain to be elucidated. We have investigated the role of PKC in regulating TRAIL-induced mitochondrial events and apoptosis in the Jurkat T cell line. We found a caspase-dependent decline in mitochondrial membrane potential and translocation of cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytosol in response to TRAIL. Both these events were prevented by PKC activation. Moreover, PKC activation considerably reduced the activation of caspases, PARP cleavage and apoptosis when induced upon TRAIL treatment. MAPK activation was involved in the mechanism of PKC-mediated inhibition of TRAIL-induced cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Furthermore, inhibition of the MAPK pathway partially reversed the PKC-mediated inhibition of TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Besides, PKC activation may also inhibit the TRAIL-induced apoptosis through a MAPK-independent mechanism. Altogether, these results indicate a negative role of PKC in the regulation of apoptotic signals generated upon TRAIL receptor activation.  相似文献   

Recent work has implicated the importance of adapter proteins in signal transduction. To identify homologues of the previously identified adapter protein Shb, database searches were performed. A Shb-like protein was found which we have named Shf. Shf contains an SH2 domain and four putative tyrosine phosphorylation sites and is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, brain, liver, prostate, testis, ovary, small intestine, and colon. The SH2 domain of Shf bound to the PDGF-alpha-receptor at tyrosine-720, but not to the PDGF-beta-receptor in PAE cells. Pervanadate induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shf in NIH3T3 fibroblasts overexpressing this protein, whereas PDGF-AA alone had no detectable effect. NIH3T3 cells overexpressing Shf displayed significantly lower rates of apoptosis than control cells in the presence of PDGF-AA. Our findings suggest a role for the novel adapter Shf in PDGF-receptor signaling and regulation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Liu CY  Kielian M 《Journal of virology》2012,86(7):3588-3594
The enveloped alphaviruses infect cells via a low-pH-triggered membrane fusion reaction mediated by the viral transmembrane protein E1. During fusion, E1 inserts into the target membrane and refolds to a hairpin-like postfusion conformation in which domain III (DIII) and the juxtamembrane stem pack against a central core trimer. Although zinc has previously been shown to cause a striking block in alphavirus fusion with liposome target membranes, the mechanism of zinc's effect on the E1 fusion protein is not understood. Here we developed a cell culture system to study zinc inhibition of fusion and infection of the alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV). Inclusion of 2 mM ZnCl(2) in the pH 5.75 fusion buffer caused a decrease of ~5 logs in SFV fusion at the plasma membrane. Fusion was also inhibited by nickel, a chemically related transition metal. Selection for SFV zinc resistance identified a key histidine residue, H333 on E1 DIII, while other conserved E1 histidine residues were not involved. An H333N mutation conferred resistance to both zinc and nickel, with properties in keeping with the known pH-dependent chelation of these metals by histidine. Biochemical studies demonstrated that zinc strongly inhibits formation of the postfusion E1 trimer in wild-type SFV but not in an H333 mutant. Together our results suggest that zinc acts by blocking the fold-back of DIII via its interaction with H333.  相似文献   

A balance between fission and fusion events determines the morphology of mitochondria. In yeast, mitochondrial fission is regulated by the outer membrane-associated dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p. Mitochondrial fusion requires two integral outer membrane components, Fzo1p and Ugo1p. Interestingly, mutations in a second mitochondrial-associated dynamin-related GTPase, Mgm1p, produce similar phenotypes to fzo1 and ugo cells. Specifically, mutations in MGM1 cause mitochondrial fragmentation and a loss of mitochondrial DNA that are suppressed by abolishing DNM1-dependent fission. In contrast to fzo1ts mutants, blocking DNM1-dependent fission restores mitochondrial fusion in mgm1ts cells during mating. Here we show that blocking DNM1-dependent fission in Deltamgm1 cells fails to restore mitochondrial fusion during mating. To examine the role of Mgm1p in mitochondrial fusion, we looked for molecular interactions with known fusion components. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Mgm1p is associated with both Ugo1p and Fzo1p in mitochondria, and that Ugo1p and Fzo1p also are associated with each other. In addition, genetic analysis of specific mgm1 alleles indicates that Mgm1p's GTPase and GTPase effector domains are required for its ability to promote mitochondrial fusion and that Mgm1p self-interacts, suggesting that it functions in fusion as a self-assembling GTPase. Mgm1p's localization within mitochondria has been controversial. Using protease protection and immuno-EM, we have shown previously that Mgm1p localizes to the intermembrane space, associated with the inner membrane. To further test our conclusions, we have used a novel method using the tobacco etch virus protease and confirm that Mgm1p is present in the intermembrane space compartment in vivo. Taken together, these data suggest a model where Mgm1p functions in fusion to remodel the inner membrane and to connect the inner membrane to the outer membrane via its interactions with Ugo1p and Fzo1p, thereby helping to coordinate the behavior of the four mitochondrial membranes during fusion.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis whether calcium preconditioning (CPC) reduces reoxygenation injury by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). Cultured myocytes were preconditioned by a brief exposure to 1.5 mM calcium (CPC) and subjected to 3 h of anoxia followed by 2 h of reoxygenation (A-R). Myocytes were also treated with 0.2 microM/l cyclosporin A (CsA), an inhibitor of MPT, before A-R. A significant increase of viable cells and reduced lactate dehydrogenase release was observed both in CPC- and CsA-treated myocytes compared with the A-R group. Cytochrome c release was predominantly observed in the cytoplasm of myocytes in the A-R group in contrast with CPC- or CsA-treated groups, where it was restricted only to mitochondria. Similarly, the cell death by apoptosis was also markedly attenuated in these groups. Electron-dense Ca(2+) deposits in mitochondria were also less frequent. Atractyloside (20 microM/l), an adenine nucleotide translocase inhibitor, caused changes similar to those in the A-R group, suggesting a role of MPT in A-R injury. Protection by inhibition of MPT by CsA and CPC suggests that MPT plays an important role in reoxygenation/reperfusion injury. The data further suggest that preconditioning inhibits MPT by inhibiting Ca(2+) accumulation by mitochondria.  相似文献   

The nuclear mas5 mutation causes temperature-sensitive growth and defects in mitochondrial protein import at the nonpermissive temperature in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The MAS5 gene was isolated by complementation of the mutant phenotypes, and integrative transformation demonstrated that the complementing fragment encoded the authentic MAS5 gene. The deduced protein sequence of the cloned gene revealed a polypeptide of 410 amino acids which is homologous to Escherichia coli DnaJ and the yeast DnaJ log SCJ1. Northern (RNA blot) analysis revealed that MAS5 is a heat shock gene whose expression increases moderately at elevated temperatures. Cells with a deletion mutation in MAS5 grew slowly at 23 degrees C and were inviable at 37 degrees C, demonstrating that MAS5 is essential for growth at increased temperatures. The deletion mutant also displayed a modest import defect at 23 degrees C and a substantial import defect at 37 degrees C. These results indicate a role for a DnaJ cognate protein in mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   

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