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The appendages of the adult fruit fly and other insects and Arthropods develop from secondary embryonic fields that form after the primary anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral axes of the embryo have been determined. In Drosophila, the position and fate of the different fields formed within each segment are determined by genes acting along both embryonic axes, within individual segments, and within specific fields. Since the major architectural differences between most Arthropod classes and orders involve variations in the number, type and morphology of body appendages, the elucidation of the embryology and molecular genetics of the origin and patterning of insect limb fields may help to facilitate an understanding of both the mechanism of appendage formation and some of the major steps in the morphological evolution of the Arthropods. In this review, we will discuss recent studies that have advanced our understanding of both the origin and patterning of Drosophila leg and wing secondary fields. These results provide fresh insights into potentially general mechanisms of how body parts develop and evolve.  相似文献   

The evolution of segmentation of centipede trunk and appendages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The segmentation of centipedes is interpreted in the light of a biphasic model of segmentation (holomeric plus meromeric). The mid-body anomaly (e.g. in the alternating short and long terga, or in the sequence of segments with and without spiracles) is regarded as due to an early patterning of the embryo, occurring before the onset of meromeric segmentation and affecting a level within the fourth eosegment of the trunk. Comparisons with the Diplopoda suggest that genital structures such as millipede gonopods did probably develop originally at this spot, whose position remained marked even after the transition from a putatively progoneate to the current opisthogoneate condition of centipedes, perhaps following gene duplication and divergence of expression patterns of the paralogues. A new lower limit for the number of leg-bearing segments [27, in a male specimen of Schendylops oligopus (Pereira, Minelli & Barbieri,1995)] is established for Geophilomorpha. Coevolutionary trends involving the segmentation of the trunk, the segmentation of the appendages (especially the antennae), the postembryonic developmental schedule and the presence or absence of regeneration ability supports a recent view of the appendages as evolutionarily divergent duplicates of the main body axis.  相似文献   

近年发现的一些有腿鲸的化石表明,鲸的大致演化路线是:由主要陆生的巴基鲸;经过水陆两栖的陆行鲸,到基本水生但仍有发达肢体的罗德侯鲸,再到完全水生。后肢大为退化的矛齿鲸和古蜥鲸,最后大概由矛齿鲸演化出现代的齿鲸和须鲸,其间共经历了约5000万年的历史,基于牙齿的相似,原以为鲸的祖先是原始的有蹄动物中兽类。但DNA的序列分析显示,鲸与偶蹄类河马的亲缘关系最为相近,最近发现,古鲸普遍具有偶蹄类那样的双滑车关节面的距骨,因而认为鲸的祖先可能是古偶蹄类。  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arthropods, annelids and chordates all possess segments. It remains unclear, however, whether the segments of these animals evolved independently or instead were derived from a common ancestor. Considering this question involves examining not only the similarities and differences in the process of segmentation between these phyla, but also how this process varies within phyla, where the homology of segments is generally accepted. This article reviews what is known about the segmentation process and considers various proposals to explain its evolution.  相似文献   

Arthropods, annelids and chordates all possess segments. It remains unclear, however, whether the segments of these animals evolved independently or instead were derived from a common ancestor. Considering this question involves examining not only the similarities and differences in the process of segmentation between these phyla, but also how this process varies within phyla, where the homology of segments is generally accepted. This article reviews what is known about the segmentation process and considers various proposals to explain its evolution.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of segmentation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Arthropods, annelids and chordates all possess segments. It remains unclear, however, whether the segments of these animals evolved independently or instead were derived from a common ancestor. Considering this question involves examining not only the similarities and differences in the process of segmentation between these phyla, but also how this process varies within phyla, where the homology of segments is generally accepted. This article reviews what is known about the segmentation process and considers various proposals to explain its evolution.  相似文献   

海龙是三叠纪起源不明的一类海生爬行动物,与鳍龙和鱼龙共同构成了当时海洋生态系统的三大主要捕食者类群。海龙的研究对从高级捕食者的角度理解二叠–三叠生物大绝灭之后生态系统的复苏重建具有重要意义。海龙的研究已有100余年的历史,近些年来由于分支系统学等新方法的应用而得到了新的认识。本文从海龙的起源,物种多样性,谱系发育重建,生物地理分布四个方面概述了学界的研究进展。在目前的研究基础上指出,在时代更早的地层中进行更深入的野外工作,对华南海龙属种的系统厘定,以及海龙骨组织学研究的开展,是未来海龙研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

The oldest unequivocal records of Dinosauria were unearthed from Late Triassic rocks (approximately 230 Ma) accumulated over extensional rift basins in southwestern Pangea. The better known of these are Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, Pisanosaurus mertii, Eoraptor lunensis, and Panphagia protos from the Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina, and Staurikosaurus pricei and Saturnalia tupiniquim from the Santa Maria Formation, Brazil. No uncontroversial dinosaur body fossils are known from older strata, but the Middle Triassic origin of the lineage may be inferred from both the footprint record and its sister‐group relation to Ladinian basal dinosauromorphs. These include the typical Marasuchus lilloensis, more basal forms such as Lagerpeton and Dromomeron, as well as silesaurids: a possibly monophyletic group composed of Mid‐Late Triassic forms that may represent immediate sister taxa to dinosaurs. The first phylogenetic definition to fit the current understanding of Dinosauria as a node‐based taxon solely composed of mutually exclusive Saurischia and Ornithischia was given as “all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of birds and Triceratops”. Recent cladistic analyses of early dinosaurs agree that Pisanosaurus mertii is a basal ornithischian; that Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis and Staurikosaurus pricei belong in a monophyletic Herrerasauridae; that herrerasaurids, Eoraptor lunensis, and Guaibasaurus candelariensis are saurischians; that Saurischia includes two main groups, Sauropodomorpha and Theropoda; and that Saturnalia tupiniquim is a basal member of the sauropodomorph lineage. On the contrary, several aspects of basal dinosaur phylogeny remain controversial, including the position of herrerasaurids, E. lunensis, and G. candelariensis as basal theropods or basal saurischians, and the affinity and/or validity of more fragmentary taxa such as Agnosphitys cromhallensis, Alwalkeria maleriensis, Chindesaurus bryansmalli, Saltopus elginensis, and Spondylosoma absconditum. The identification of dinosaur apomorphies is jeopardized by the incompleteness of skeletal remains attributed to most basal dinosauromorphs, the skulls and forelimbs of which are particularly poorly known. Nonetheless, Dinosauria can be diagnosed by a suite of derived traits, most of which are related to the anatomy of the pelvic girdle and limb. Some of these are connected to the acquisition of a fully erect bipedal gait, which has been traditionally suggested to represent a key adaptation that allowed, or even promoted, dinosaur radiation during Late Triassic times. Yet, contrary to the classical “competitive” models, dinosaurs did not gradually replace other terrestrial tetrapods over the Late Triassic. In fact, the radiation of the group comprises at least three landmark moments, separated by controversial (Carnian‐Norian, Triassic‐Jurassic) extinction events. These are mainly characterized by early diversification in Carnian times, a Norian increase in diversity and (especially) abundance, and the occupation of new niches from the Early Jurassic onwards. Dinosaurs arose from fully bipedal ancestors, the diet of which may have been carnivorous or omnivorous. Whereas the oldest dinosaurs were geographically restricted to south Pangea, including rare ornithischians and more abundant basal members of the saurischian lineage, the group achieved a nearly global distribution by the latest Triassic, especially with the radiation of saurischian groups such as “prosauropods” and coelophysoids.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of the Neogastropoda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W F Ponder 《Malacologia》1973,12(2):295-338

介绍了寄生虫的提前适应机制在寄生虫起源与进化中的重要作用,同时还推测了寄生虫可能的进化过程,并且阐述了寄生虫对寄生生活的适应对策以及对宿主行为的改变。  相似文献   

One fundamental goal of current research is to understand how complex biomolecular networks took the form that we observe today. Cellular metabolism is probably one of the most ancient biological networks and constitutes a good model system for the study of network evolution. While many evolutionary models have been proposed, a substantial body of work suggests metabolic pathways evolve fundamentally by recruitment, in which enzymes are drawn from close or distant regions of the network to perform novel chemistries or use different substrates. Here we review how structural and functional genomics has impacted our knowledge of evolution of modern metabolism and describe some approaches that merge evolutionary and structural genomics with advances in bioinformatics. These include mining the data on structure and function of enzymes for salient patterns of enzyme recruitment. Initial studies suggest modern metabolism originated in enzymes of nucleotide metabolism harboring the P-loop hydrolase fold, probably in pathways linked to the purine metabolic subnetwork. This gateway of recruitment gave rise to pathways related to the synthesis of nucleotides and cofactors for an ancient RNA world. Once the TIM beta/alpha-barrel fold architecture was discovered, it appears metabolic activities were recruited explosively giving rise to subnetworks related to carbohydrate and then amino acid metabolism. Remarkably, recruitment occurred in a layered system reminiscent of Morowitz's prebiotic shells, supporting the notion that modern metabolism represents a palimpsest of ancient metabolic chemistries.  相似文献   

The origin and early evolution of birds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Birds evolved from and are phylogenetically recognized as members of the theropod dinosaurs; their first known member is the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx, now represented by seven skeletons and a feather, and their closest known non-avian relatives are the dromaeosaurid theropods such as Deinonychus. Bird flight is widely thought to have evolved from the trees down, but Archaeopteryx and its outgroups show no obvious arboreal or tree-climbing characters, and its wing planform and wing loading do not resemble those of gliders. The ancestors of birds were bipedal, terrestrial, agile, cursorial and carnivorous or omnivorous. Apart from a perching foot and some skeletal fusions, a great many characters that are usually considered ‘avian’ (e.g. the furcula, the elongated forearm, the laterally flexing wrist and apparently feathers) evolved in non-avian theropods for reasons unrelated to birds or to flight. Soon after Archaeopteryx, avian features such as the pygostyle, fusion of the carpometacarpus, and elongated curved pedal claws with a reversed, fully descended and opposable hallux, indicate improved flying ability and arboreal habits. In the further evolution of birds, characters related to the flight apparatus phylogenetically preceded those related to the rest of the skeleton and skull. Mesozoic birds are more diverse and numerous than thought previously and the most diverse known group of Cretaceous birds, the Enantiornithes, was not even recognized until 1981. The vast majority of Mesozoic bird groups have no Tertiary records: Enantiornithes, Hesperornithiformes, Ichthyornithiformes and several other lineages disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous. By that time, a few Linnean ‘Orders’ of extant birds had appeared, but none of these taxa belongs to extant ‘families’, and it is not until the Paleocene or (in most cases) the Eocene that the majority of extant bird ‘Orders’ are known in the fossil record. There is no evidence for a major or mass extinction of birds at the end of the Cretaceous, nor for a sudden ‘bottleneck’ in diversity that fostered the early Tertiary origination of living bird ‘Orders’.  相似文献   



The origin and early evolution of the active site of the ribosome can be elucidated through an analysis of the ribosomal proteins' taxonomic block structures and their RNA interactions. Comparison between the two subunits, exploiting the detailed three-dimensional structures of the bacterial and archaeal ribosomes, is especially informative.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and timescale of life are becoming better understood as the analysis of genomic data from model organisms continues to grow. As a result, discoveries are being made about the early history of life and the origin and development of complex multicellular life. This emerging comparative framework and the emphasis on historical patterns is helping to bridge barriers among organism-based research communities.  相似文献   

What are the genetic origins of human pathogens? An international group of scientists discussed this topic at a workshop that took place in late October 2004 in Baeza (Spain). Focusing primarily on bacterial pathogens, they examined the role that pathogenicity islands and bacteriophages play on determining the virulence properties that distinguish closely related members of a given species, such as host range and tissue specificity. They also discussed an instance in which closely related bacterial species differ in the production of a cell surface modification mediating resistance to an antibiotic as a result of the disparate regulation of homologous genes. In certain pathogens, genes normally carrying out housekeeping functions may adopt new functions, whereas in other organisms, genes that respond to stresses associated with non-host environments are silenced during infection to prevent the expression of products that interfere with the normal colonization process. The adaptive behaviour of certain pathogens relies on gene variation at certain loci that by virtue of containing polymeric repeats in regulatory or coding regions, can generate variants that may or may not express products that modify the cell surface of the organism. The meeting also addressed the properties of ORFan genes, which have no homologues in the sequence databases, as well as the creation of genes de novo by duplication and divergence.  相似文献   

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