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Bone functional adaptation by remodeling is achieved by harmonized activities of bone cells in which osteocytes in the bone matrix are believed to play critical roles in sensing mechanical stimuli and transmitting signals to osteoclasts/osteoblasts on the bone surface in order to regulate their bone remodeling activities through the lacuno-canalicular network with many slender osteocytic processes. In this study, we investigated the intercellular communication between bone cells, particularly focusing on its directionality, through in vitro observations of the calcium signaling response to mechanical stimulus and its propagation to neighboring cells (NCs). Direct mechanical stimulus was applied to isolated bone cells from chick calvariae, osteocytes (Ocys) and bone surface cells (BSCs) mainly containing osteoblasts, and the percentage of calcium signaling propagation from the stimulated cell to NCs was analyzed. The results revealed that, regardless of the type of stimulated cell, the signaling propagated to BSCs with a significantly higher percentage, implying that calcium signaling propagation between bone cells strongly depends on the type of receiver cell and not the transmitter cell. In addition, in terms of mutual communication between Ocys and BSCs, the percentage of propagation from Ocys to BSCs is significantly higher than that in the opposite direction, suggesting that the calcium signaling mainly propagates asymmetrically with a bias from Ocys in bone matrix to BSCs on bone surfaces. This asymmetric communication between Ocys and BSCs suggests that osteocytic mechanosensing and cellular communications, which significantly affect bone surface remodeling activities to achieve functional adaptation, seem to be well coordinated and active at the location of biologically suitable and mechanically sensitive regions close to the bone surfaces.  相似文献   

Microbial consortia can be used to catalyze complex biotransformations. Tools to control the behavior of these consortia in a technical environment are currently lacking. In the present study, a synthetic biology approach was used to build a model consortium of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains where growth and expression of the fluorescent marker protein EGFP by the receiver strain is controlled by the concentration of α‐factor pheromone, which is produced by the emitter strain. We have developed a quantitative experimental and theoretical framework to describe population dynamics in the model consortium. We measured biomass growth and metabolite production in controlled bioreactor experiments, and used flow cytometry to monitor changes of the subpopulations and protein expression under different cultivation conditions. This dataset was used to parameterize a segregated mathematical model, which took into account fundamental growth processes, pheromone‐induced growth arrest and EGFP production, as well as pheromone desensitization after extended exposure. The model was able to predict the growth dynamics of single‐strain cultures and the consortium quantitatively and provides a basis for using this approach in actual biotransformations.  相似文献   

An assay for measuring the number of adherent cells on microcarriers that is independent from dilution errors in sample preparation was used to investigate attachment dynamics and cell growth. It could be shown that the recovery of seeded cells is a function of the specific rates of cell attachment and cell death, and finally a function of the initial cell‐to‐bead ratio. An unstructured, segregated population balance model was developed that considers individual classes of microcarriers covered by 1–220 cells/bead. The model describes the distribution of initially attached cells and their growth in a microcarrier system. The model distinguishes between subpopulations of dividing and nondividing cells and describes in a detailed way cell attachment, cell growth, density‐dependent growth inhibition, and basic metabolism of Madin‐Darby canine kidney cells used in influenza vaccine manufacturing. To obtain a model approach that is suitable for process control applications, a reduced growth model without cell subpopulations, but with a formulation of the specific cell growth rate as a function of the initial cell distribution on microcarriers after seeding was developed. With both model approaches, the fraction of growth‐inhibited cells could be predicted. Simulation results of two cultivations with a different number of initially seeded cells showed that the growth kinetics of adherent cells at the given cultivation conditions is mainly determined by the range of disparity in the initial distribution of cells on microcarriers after attachment. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

The cytokine TGFβ provides important information during embryonic development, adult tissue homeostasis, and regeneration. Alterations in the cellular response to TGFβ are involved in severe human diseases. To understand how cells encode the extracellular input and transmit its information to elicit appropriate responses, we acquired quantitative time‐resolved measurements of pathway activation at the single‐cell level. We established dynamic time warping to quantitatively compare signaling dynamics of thousands of individual cells and described heterogeneous single‐cell responses by mathematical modeling. Our combined experimental and theoretical study revealed that the response to a given dose of TGFβ is determined cell specifically by the levels of defined signaling proteins. This heterogeneity in signaling protein expression leads to decomposition of cells into classes with qualitatively distinct signaling dynamics and phenotypic outcome. Negative feedback regulators promote heterogeneous signaling, as a SMAD7 knock‐out specifically affected the signal duration in a subpopulation of cells. Taken together, we propose a quantitative framework that allows predicting and testing sources of cellular signaling heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Vanadium compounds were found to promote the induction of morphological transformation of hamster embryo cells. Exposure of the cells to Na−O-vanadate, vanadin (V) oxide or vanadin (IV) oxide sulfate following pre-exposure to a low concentration of benzo[a]pyrene, potentiated the induction of transformed colonies similar to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. Unlike this phorbol ester, vanadium compounds did not inhibit intercellular communication, or activate protein kinase C. Nor did vanadate influence the reoccurrence of communication after removal of a communication blocking phorbol ester. On the other hand, vanadate showed strong synergism with the phorbol ester on induction of transformed morphology in the phorbol ester sensitive cell line BPNi. This suggests that vanadium and tumor promoting phorbol esters mediate their effect on the induction of morphological transformation of hamster embryo cells through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

In bushcricket communication systems males have to signal acoustically to attract females. The calling activity, however, not only may increase mating success, but also may result in costs in terms of energy and predation risks. In this study the calling activity of males and its timing during the day were analyzed for several species of the genus Poecilimon,representing two different communication systems. In species with mute females that approach the males phonotactically, calling was restricted to darkness and syllable rates were high. In species where females respond acoustically to male song and thus can induce the male to approach them phonotactically, males called during both day and night or during the day only, and syllable rates were low. After mating, male acoustic activity dropped to a very low level but was restored during the following 2 to 3 days, a time period longer than the minimal male mating interval. The results are discussed with regard to possible energetic limitations, the risk of attracting predators and parasitoids, and the spermatophore production of males.  相似文献   

CadherinsaremembranousCa2+dependent,homophilic,adhesionmoleculesthatareassumedtoplayessentialrolesincellrecognition,cellsorting,embryonicmorphogenesisandsignaltransduction[1,2].ThesetransmembranemoleculesformaplaquethroughitscytoplasmicdomainatCtailwiththe…  相似文献   

We present three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) models of single, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), generated from images obtained by optical phase-contrast microscopy and used to quantify the structural responses of the studied cells to externally applied mechanical loads. Mechanical loading has been shown to affect cell morphology and structure, phenotype, motility and other biological functions. Cells experience mechanical loads naturally, yet under prolonged or sizable loading, damage and cell death may occur, which motivates research regarding the structural behavior of loaded cells. For example, near the weight-bearing boney prominences of the buttocks of immobile persons, tissues may become highly loaded, eventually leading to massive cell death that manifests as pressure ulcers. Cell-specific computational models have previously been developed by our group, allowing simulations of cell deformations under compressive or stretching loads. These models were obtained by reconstructing specific cell structures from series of 2D fluorescence, confocal image-slices, requiring cell-specific fluorescent-staining protocols and costly (confocal) microscopy equipment. Alternative modeling approaches represent cells simply as half-spheres or half-ellipsoids (i.e. idealized geometries), which neglects the curvature details of the cell surfaces associated with changes in concentrations of strains and stresses. Thus, we introduce here for the first time an optical image-based FE modeling, where loads are simulated on reconstructed 3D geometrical cell models from a single 2D, phase-contrast image. Our novel modeling method eliminates the need for confocal imaging and fluorescent staining preparations (both expensive), and makes cell-specific FE modeling affordable and accessible to the biomechanics community. We demonstrate the utility of this cost-effective modeling method by performing simulations of compression of MSCs embedded in a gel.  相似文献   

Comparison of current data on direct cell-cell communications in mammals, protists, and bacteria suggests that the emergence of the signaling systems of self-organization underlay the emergence of multicellular organisms. Biogenic amines, regulators of coordinated behavior and aggregation in bacteria, have been found in protists and multicellular organisms. In metazoans, biogenic amines have become specific neurotransmitters. At the same time, the studies on synchronization of protein synthesis rhythm in mammalian cell cultures demonstrated that noradrenaline and serotonin have conserved their ancient function of cell-cell cooperation in mammals, which is manifested as coordinated social behavior of cells in population in the case of bacteria and multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Somatic stem cells are regulated by their niches to maintain tissue homeostasis and repair throughout the lifetime of an organism. An excellent example to study stem cell/niche interactions is provided by the regeneration of melanocytes during the hair cycle and in response to various types of injury. These processes are regulated by neighboring stem cells and multiple signaling pathways, including WNT/β‐catenin, KITL/KIT, EDNs/EDNRB, TGF‐β/TGF‐βR, α‐MSH/MC1R, and Notch signaling. In this review, we highlight recent studies that have advanced our understanding of the molecular crosstalk between melanocyte stem cells and their neighboring cells, which collectively form the niche microenvironment, and we focus on the question of how McSCs/niche interactions shape the responses to genotoxic damages and mechanical injury.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), which are the major component cells of blood vessels, produce various bioactive substances and communicate with each other through them. Although several studies of the interaction between ECs and SMCs have been reported, the effect of coculture with SMCs on ECs is still obscure. To clarify the interaction of ECs and SMCs, we examined the effect of coculture with SMCs on the proliferation, the IL‐1β secretion, the PDGF production and tube formation of ECs, using the coculture model: transferable wells and collagen gel. IL‐1 and PDGF are considered to be related to progression of atherosclerosis. Proliferation and tube formation of ECs are associated with repair of vessels. In the transferable well system coculture with SMCs stimulated the proliferation of ECs, and enhanced the IL‐1β secretion of ECs and in the collagen gel system coculture with SMCs induced the tube formation of ECs, and appeared to enhance the PDGF production of ECs. In conclusion, the effect of coculture with SMCs on ECs has two conflicting aspects: progression of atherosclerosis and angiogenesis. These results suggest that an imbalance of their effects may lead to pathological events. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wnt proteins act mainly as paracrine signals regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. The canonical Wnt pathway has recently been associated with pancreas development and the onset of type 2 diabetes in rodent and human but the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. The aim of this work was threefold: (a) to screen for Wnt expressed by murine pancreas/islet cells, (b) to investigate whether the Wnt gene expression profile can be changed in hyperplastic islets from type 2 prediabetic mice (fed a high-fat diet), and (c) to verify whether soluble factors (namely Wnts) released by pancreatic islets affect insulin secretion and proliferation of a beta-cell line in vitro condition. The majority of the Wnt subtypes are expressed by islet cells, such as Wnts 2, 2b, 3, 3a, 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, and 11, while in the whole pancreas homogenates were found the same subtypes, except Wnts 3, 6, 7a, and 7b. Among all the Wnts, the Wnts 3a and 5b showed a significantly increased gene expression in hyperplastic islets from prediabetic mice compared with those from control mice. Furthermore, we observed that coculture with hyperplastic or nonhyperplastic islets did not change the secretory function of the mouse insulinoma clone 6 (MIN6) beta cells but induced a significant increase in cell proliferation in this lineage, which was partially blocked by the IWR-1 and IWP-2 Wnt inhibitors. In conclusion, we demonstrated that murine pancreas/islet cells can secrete Wnts, and that islet-released Wnts may participate in the regulation of beta-cell mass under normal and prediabetic conditions.  相似文献   

To initiate an infection human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particles must first bind to receptors on the surface of their host cells, a process that eventually leads to fusion of viral and cellular membranes and release of the viral genome into the cytoplasm. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of these processes may enable the development of new anti-HIV strategies. Disagreement currently prevails on the role in virus entry of microdomains within the cellular plasma membrane known as lipid rafts. Experiments have suggested that lipid rafts, in their interactions with cellular receptors and viral particles, either promote or have minimal effect on viral entry. Here we develop a dynamic model for HIV-1 entry that enables us to identify and quantitatively assess tradeoffs that can arise from the clustering of receptors in rafts. Specifically, receptor clustering can be detrimental to the initiation of viral infection by reducing the probability that a virus particle finds its primary receptor, CD4. However, receptor clustering can also enable a virus particle, once bound, to rapidly form multivalent interactions with receptors and co-receptors that are required for virus-cell membrane fusion. We show how the resolution of such tradeoffs hinges on the level and spatial distribution of receptors and co-receptors on the cell surface, and we discuss implications of these effects for the design of therapeutics that inhibit HIV-1 entry.  相似文献   

Objectives: To validate a semi‐structured interview (SSI) for communication between complete denture wearers and dentists. Design: A SSI using a questionnaire with eight questions on satisfaction with complete dentures (CD): covering function, aesthetics and comfort. The first seven questions used a five‐point Likert scale and the last was dichotomous. Two dentists, carefully trained in the use of the structured questionnaire, administered the SSI. Setting: A Greek Department of Prosthetic Dentistry. Subjects: A consecutive sample of 78 CD wearers took part in the study. All subjects presented with complaints from their dentures. Intervention: All participants and their dentures underwent clinical examination. Results: The method showed good reliability, verified by the Cronbach alpha (0.86). Both dentists used the questionnaire produced very similar results. (Wilcoxon test 61–99%). Further, the association of the answers with respect to the five‐point Likert scale was very high; all gamma coefficients were statistically significant except for pain and discomfort from the upper CD (CDU). Conclusions: This method of communication between patients and dentists is reliable and can be used to give good repeatability for qualitatively assessing satisfaction with CD. It can be valuable for clinical use and for extending the study of denture quality to establish outcome measures based on the subjective criteria of satisfaction.  相似文献   

A fundamental objective of modern zoos is promoting pro-environmental behaviors. This study experimentally assessed the contribution of zoo rangers (staff employed to engage visitors) in delivering a behavior change campaign promoting sustainable palm oil use. The campaign was delivered in a dedicated area in a walk-through animal exhibit, with rangers either “present” or “absent” in the campaign space. Questionnaires assessing awareness, knowledge, and purchasing intentions were completed by 1032 visitors. Two analyses were conducted: (1) comparing the impact of ranger presence versus absence (to assess the overall impact of having rangers present regardless of whether they talked to visitors) and (2) comparing the impact of talking to a ranger against demographically matched individuals visiting when rangers were absent (to assess the specific impact of talking to a ranger). Visitors who talked to rangers were more aware of palm oil, had more knowledge, and greater intentions of purchasing sustainable palm oil. However, as only one-quarter of visitors talked to a ranger, fewer differences were found comparing ranger presence versus absence. These findings suggest that rangers can be instrumental in communicating complex conservation issues and delivering zoo-based behavior change campaigns, but their impact is limited by low engagement rates.  相似文献   

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