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Sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation has been applied to determine the affinity and stoichiometry of the interaction between Fab fragments, derived from monoclonal antibodies NC10 and NC41, with influenza virus neuraminidase N9 isolated from either tern or whale. Although the two neuraminidase epitopes recognized by NC10 and NC41 Fab overlap, crystal-lographic studies have shown that the modes of binding of each Fab are different. The sedimentation equilibrium experiments described here reveal that the binding affinities are also different, with NC10 Fab binding more strongly to each neuraminidase. Furthermore, comparison of the affinity of binding of each antibody fragment reveals a stronger interaction with tern neuraminidase than with whale neuraminidase. Although the respective epitopes recognized by each antibody on the two antigens are similar, this technique shows that they do nevertheless possess sufficient differences to affect significantly the binding of antibody.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the N9 subtype neuraminidase of influenza virus was refined by simulated annealing and conventional techniques to an R-factor of 0.172 for data in the resolution range 6.0 to 2.2 A. The r.m.s. deviation from ideal values of bond lengths is 0.014 A. The structure is similar to that of N2 subtype neuraminidase both in secondary structure elements and in their connections. The three-dimensional structures of several escape mutants of neuraminidase, selected with antineuraminidase monoclonal antibodies, are also reported. In every case, structural changes associated with the point mutation are confined to the mutation site or to residues that are spatially immediately adjacent to it. The failure of antisera to cross-react between N2 and N9 subtypes may be correlated with the absence of conserved, contiguous surface structures of area 700 A2 or more.  相似文献   

Refined 1.8 A crystal structure of the lambda repressor-operator complex.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The crystal structure of the lambda repressor-operator complex has been refined to an R-factor of 18.9% at 1.8 A resolution. This refinement, using data collected at low temperature, has revealed the structure of the N-terminal arm and shows that the interactions of repressor with the two halves of the pseudo-symmetric operator site are significantly different. The two halves of the complex are most similar near the outer edge of the operator site (in a region where the lambda and 434 repressors make similar contacts), but they become increasingly different toward the center of the operator. There are striking differences near the center of the site where it appears that the arm makes significant contacts to only one half of the DNA site. This suggested a new way of aligning the operator sites in phage lambda. The high resolution structure confirms many of the previously noted features of the complex, but also reveals a number of new protein-DNA contacts. It also gives a better view of the extensive H-bonding networks that couple contacts made by different residues and different regions of the protein, and reveals important new details about the helix-turn-helix (HTH) region, and the positions of many water molecules in the complex.  相似文献   

We previously determined, by X-ray crystallography, the three-dimensional structure of a complex between influenza virus N9 neuraminidase (NA) and the Fab fragments of monoclonal antibody NC-41 [P. M. Colman, W. G. Laver, J. N. Varghese, A. T. Baker, P. A. Tulloch, G. M. Air, and R. G. Webster, Nature (London) 326:358-363, 1987]. This antibody binds to an epitope on the upper surface of the NA which is made up of four polypeptide loops over an area of approximately 600 A2 (60 nm2). We now describe properties of NC-41 and other monoclonal antibodies to N9 NA and the properties of variants selected with these antibodies (escape mutants). All except one of the escape mutants had single amino acid sequence changes which affected the binding of NC-41 and which therefore are located within the NC-41 epitope. The other one had a change outside the epitope which did not affect the binding of any of the other antibodies. All the antibodies which selected variants inhibited enzyme activity with fetuin (molecular weight, 50,000) as the substrate, but only five, including NC-41, also inhibited enzyme activity with the small substrate N-acetylneuramin-lactose (molecular weight, 600). These five probably inhibited enzyme activity by distorting the catalytic site of the NA. Isolated, intact N9 NA molecules form rosettes in the absence of detergent, and these possess high levels of hemagglutinin activity (W.G. Laver, P.M. Colman, R.G. Webster, V.S. Hinshaw, and G.M. Air, Virology 137:314-323, 1984). The enzyme activity of N9 NA was inhibited efficiently by 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid, whereas hemagglutinin activity was unaffected. The NAs of several variants with sequence changes in the NC-41 epitope lost hemagglutinin activity without any loss of enzyme activity, suggesting that the two activities are associated with separate sites on the N9 NA head.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of phosphorylase b-heptulose 2-phosphate complex with oligosaccharide and AMP bound has been refined by molecular dynamics and crystallographic least-squares with the program XPLOR. Shifts in atomic positions of up to 4 A from the native enzyme structure were correctly determined by the program without manual intervention. The final crystallographic R value for data between 8 and 2.86 A resolution is 0.201, and the overall root-mean-square difference between the native and complexed structure is 0.58 A for all protein atoms. The results confirm the previous observation that there is a direct hydrogen bond between the phosphate of heptulose 2-phosphate and the pyridoxal phosphate 5'-phosphate group. The close proximity of the two phosphates is stabilized by an arginine residue, Arg569, which shifts from a site buried in the protein to a position where it can make contact with the product phosphate. There is a mutual interchange in position between the arginine and an acidic group, Asp283. These movements represent the first stage of the allosteric response which converts the catalytic site from a low to a high-affinity binding site. Communication of these changes to other sites is prevented in the crystal by the lattice forces, which also form the subunit interface. The constellation of groups in the phosphorylase transition state analogue complex provides a structural basis for understanding the catalytic mechanism in which the cofactor pyridoxal phosphate 5'-phosphate group functions as a general acid to promote attack by the substrate phosphate on the glycosidic bond when the reaction proceeds in the direction of glycogen degradation. In the direction of glycogen synthesis, stereoelectronic effects contribute to the cleavage of the C-1-O-1 bond. In both reactions the substrate phosphate plays a key role in transition state stabilization. The details of the oligosaccharide, maltoheptaose, interactions with the enzyme at the glycogen storage site are also described.  相似文献   

Neuraminidases from different subtypes of influenza virus are characterized by the absence of serological cross-reactivity and an amino acid sequence homology of approximately 50%. The three-dimensional structure of the neuraminidase antigen of subtype N9 from an avian influenza virus (A/tern/Australia/G70c/75) has been determined by X-ray crystallography and shown to be folded similarly to neuraminidase of subtype N2 isolated from a human influenza virus. This result demonstrates that absence of immunological cross-reactivity is no measure of dissimilarity of polypeptide chain folding. Small differences in the way in which the subunits are organized around the molecular fourfold axis are observed. Insertions and deletions with respect to subtype N2 neuraminidase occur in four regions, only one of which is located within the major antigenic determinants around the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

We have examined amino acids on influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) subtype N9 (A/tern/Australia/G70c/75) which are in contact with monoclonal antibody NC41 to analyze individual interactions important for antibody recognition. The crystal structure of NA complexed with NC41 Fab1 shows antibody contacts at 19 amino acid residues on the NA surface which are localized on five polypeptide loops surrounding the enzyme active site. Fifteen mutant NA genes were constructed to encode a protein which contained a single amino acid substitution and these were tested for effects of the replacement on NC41 binding. Our data revealed that NAs with changes at 368, 400, and 434 completely lost NC41 recognition. NAs with side chains replaced at residues 346 and 373 exhibited binding reduced to less than 50% of wild-type binding. Changes in seven other contacting residues, including substituted side chains which differed considerably from wild-type NA in size and charge, had no significant effect on NC41 binding. These results indicate that only a few of the many residues which make up an epitope are crucial for interaction and provide the critical contacts required for antibody recognition. This implies that antibody escape mutants are selected only if they contain changes at these crucial sites, or changes which introduce bulky side chains that sterically prevent antibody attachment. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The refined crystal structure of deoxyhemoglobin S (Padlan, E. A., and Love, W. E. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 8272-8279) was used to analyze in detail the molecular interactions between hemoglobin tetramers in the crystal. The analysis confirms the close similarity and also the nonequivalence of the molecular interactions involving the two independent tetramers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. The residue at the site of the hemoglobin S mutation, beta 6, is intimately involved in the lateral contacts between adjacent molecules. The molecular contacts in the crystals of deoxyhemoglobin S, deoxyhemoglobin A, and deoxyhemoglobin F were compared; some contacts involve the same regions of the molecule although the details of the interactions are very different. The effect of introducing an R state tetramer into the deoxyhemoglobin S strands was investigated using the known structure of carbon monoxyhemoglobin A. It was found that substituting a molecule of carbon monoxyhemoglobin A for one of the deoxyhemoglobin S tetramers results in extensive molecular interpenetration.  相似文献   

Refined structure of the hirudin-thrombin complex   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The structure of a recombinant hirudin (variant 2, Lys47) human alpha-thrombin complex has been refined using restrained least-squares methods to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.173. The hirudin structure consists of an N-terminal domain folded into a globular unit and a long 17-peptide C-terminal in an extended chain conformation. The N-terminal domain binds at the active-site of thrombin where Ile1' to Tyr3' penetrates to the catalytic triad. The alpha-amino group of Ile1' of hirudin makes a hydrogen bond with OG of Ser195 of thrombin, the side-chains of Ile1' and Tyr3' occupy the apolar site, Thr2' is at the entrance to, but does not enter, the S1 specificity site and Ile1' to Tyr3' form a parallel beta-strand with Ser214 to Gly219. The latter interaction is antiparallel in all other serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. The extended C-terminal segment of hirudin, which is abundant in acidic residues, makes many electrostatic interactions with the fibrinogen binding exosite while the last five residues are in a 3(10) helical turn residing in a hydrophobic patch on the thrombin surface. The precision of the complementarity displayed by these two molecules produces numerous interactions, which although independently generally weak, together are responsible for the high degree of affinity and specificity. Although hirudin-thrombin and D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethyl ketone-thrombin differ in conformation in the autolysis loop (Lys145 to Gly150), this is most likely due to different crystal packing interactions and changes in circular dichroism between the two are probably due to the inherent flexibility of the loop. An RGD sequence, which is generally known to be involved in cell surface receptor interactions, occurs in thrombin and is associated with a long solvent channel filled with water molecules leading to the surface from the end of the S1 site. However, the RGD triplet does not appear to be able to interact in concert in a surface binding mode.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the fully oxidized form of ascorbate oxidase (EC from Zucchini has been refined at 1.90 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution, using an energy-restrained least-squares refinement procedure. The refined model, which includes 8764 protein atoms, 9 copper atoms and 970 solvent molecules, has a crystallographic R-factor of 20.3% for 85,252 reflections between 8 and 1.90 A resolution. The root-mean-square deviation in bond lengths and bond angles from ideal values is 0.011 A and 2.99 degrees, respectively. The subunits of 552 residues (70,000 Mr) are arranged as tetramers with D2 symmetry. One of the dyads is realized by the crystallographic axis parallel to the c-axis giving one dimer in the asymmetric unit. The dimer related about this crystallographic axis is suggested as the dimer present in solution. Asn92 is the attachment site for one of the two N-linked sugar moieties, which has defined electron density for the N-linked N-acetyl-glucosamine ring. Each subunit is built up by three domains arranged sequentially on the polypeptide chain and tightly associated in space. The folding of all three domains is of a similar beta-barrel type and related to plastocyanin and azurin. An analysis of intra- and intertetramer hydrogen bond and van der Waals interactions is presented. Each subunit has four copper atoms bound as mononuclear and trinuclear species. The mononuclear copper has two histidine, a cysteine and a methionine ligand and represents the type-1 copper. It is located in domain 3. The bond lengths of the type-1 copper centre are comparable to the values for oxidized plastocyanin. The trinuclear cluster has eight histidine ligands symmetrically supplied from domain 1 and 3. It may be subdivided into a pair of copper atoms with histidine ligands whose ligating N-atoms (5 NE2 atoms and one ND1 atom) are arranged trigonal prismatic. The pair is the putative type-3 copper. The remaining copper has two histidine ligands and is the putative spectroscopic type-2 copper. Two oxygen atoms are bound to the trinuclear species as OH- or O2- and bridging the putative type-3 copper pair and as OH- or H2O bound to the putative type-2 copper trans to the copper pair. The bond lengths within the trinuclear copper site are similar to comparable binuclear model compounds. The putative binding site for the reducing substrate is close to the type-1 copper.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

G M Air  W G Laver    R G Webster 《Journal of virology》1990,64(12):5797-5803
Monoclonal antibodies which inhibit influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) and which therefore indirectly neutralize virus infectivity bind to epitopes located on the rim of the active-site crater. The three-dimensional structure of one of these epitopes, recognized by monoclonal antibody NC41, has previously been determined (W. R. Tulip, J. N. Varghese, R. G. Webster, G. M. Air, W. G. Laver, and P. M. Colman, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 54:257-263, 1989). Nineteen escape mutants of influenza virus A/tern/Australia/G70c/75 (N9) NA selected with NC41 were sequenced. A surprising restriction was seen in the sequence changes involved. Ten mutants had a Ser-to-Phe change at amino acid 372, and six others had mutations at position 367. No escape mutants with changes at 369 or 370 were found, although these mutations were selected with other antibodies and rendered the epitope unrecognizable by antibody NC41. Another N9 NA, from A/ruddy turnstone/NJ/85, which differs by 14 amino acids from the tern virus NA, still bound antibody NC41. Epitope mapping by selecting multiple escape mutants with antibody NC41 thus identified only three of the five polypeptide loops on NA that contact the antibody. Escape mutants selected sequentially with three different monoclonal antibodies showed three sequence changes in two loops of the NC41 epitope. The multiple mutants were indistinguishable from wild-type virus by using polyclonal rabbit antiserum in double immunodiffusion tests, but NA inhibition titers were fourfold lower. The results suggest that although the NC41 epitope contains 22 amino acids, only a few of these are so critical to the interaction with antibody that a single sequence change allows selection of an escape mutant. In that case, the variety of amino acid sequence changes which can lead to polyclonal selection of new epidemic viruses during antigenic drift might be very limited.  相似文献   

目的比较分析H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒感染小鼠病理学损伤特点,初步探讨两种病毒感染致小鼠急性肺损伤的致病机制。方法 H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒分别感染小鼠,观察不同病毒感染后小鼠生存率,并于不同时间点取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、肠等组织,伊红-苏木素染色并进行组织病理学分析,免疫组化检测病毒抗原分布及中性粒细胞浸润。综合分析肺组织病理损伤与病毒复制、宿主免疫反应之间的关系。结果 H7N9病毒感染小鼠肺及脾脏损伤较轻,存活率较高。H1N1病毒感染的小鼠肺及脾脏损伤较重,感染后9 d全部死亡;两种病毒抗原主要分布于支气管上皮细胞、少量间质细胞和肺泡上皮细胞,病毒复制水平无明显差异。但H1N1病毒感染后肺及脾脏中均有大量中性粒细胞浸润,小鼠机体炎症反应明显强于H7N9病毒感染后小鼠炎症反应。结论 H7N9病毒与H1N1病毒感染后小鼠病理学损伤特点及程度均不同,病毒复制是小鼠肺损伤的诱发因素但并非决定因素,宿主针对病毒感染产生的免疫反应程度与急性肺损伤密切相关。  相似文献   

The crystal structure of subtilisin BPN' complexed with a proteinaceous inhibitor SSI (Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor) was refined at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.177 with a root-mean-square deviation from ideal bond lengths of 0.014 A. The work finally established that the SSI-subtilisin complex is a Michaelis complex with a distance between the O gamma of active Ser221 and the carbonyl carbon of the scissile peptide bond being an intermediate value between a covalent bond and a van der Waals' contact, 2.7 A. This feature, as well as the geometry of the catalytic triad and the oxyanion hole, is coincident with that found in other highly refined crystal structures of the complex of subtilisin Novo, subtilisin Carlsberg, bovine trypsin or Streptomyces griseus protease B with their proteinaceous inhibitors. The enzyme-inhibitor beta-sheet interaction is composed of two separate parts: that between the P1-P3 residues of SSI and the 125-127 chain segment (the "S1-3 site") of subtilisin and that between the P4-P6 residues of SSI and th 102-104 chain segment (the "S4-6 site") of subtilisin. The latter beta-interaction is unique to subtilisin. In contrast, the beta-sheet interaction previously found in the complex of subtilisin Novo and chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 or in the complex of subtilisin Carlsberg and Eglin C is distinct from the present complex in that the two types of beta-interactions are not separate. As for the flexibility of the molecules comprising the present complex, the following observations were made by comparing the B-factors for free and complexed SSI and comparing those for free and complexed subtilisin BPN'. The rigidification of the component molecules upon complex formation occurs in a very localized region: in SSI, the "primary" and "secondary" contact regions and the flanking region; in subtilisin BPN', the S1-3 and S4-6 sites and the flanking region.  相似文献   

The Fab portion of a humanized antibody (Fab-12; IgG form known as rhuMAb VEGF) to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been affinity-matured through complementarity-determining region (CDR) mutation, followed by affinity selection using monovalent phage display. After stringent binding selections at 37 degrees C, with dissociation (off-rate) selection periods of several days, high affinity variants were isolated from CDR-H1, H2, and H3 libraries. Mutations were combined to obtain cumulatively tighter-binding variants. The final variant identified here, Y0317, contained six mutations from the parental antibody. In vitro cell-based assays show that four mutations yielded an improvement of about 100-fold in potency for inhibition of VEGF-dependent cell proliferation by this variant, consistent with the equilibrium binding constant determined from kinetics experiments at 37 degrees C. Using X-ray crystallography, we determined a high-resolution structure of the complex between VEGF and the affinity-matured Fab fragment. The overall features of the binding interface seen previously with wild-type are preserved, and many contact residues are maintained in precise alignment in the superimposed structures. However, locally, we see evidence for improved contacts between antibody and antigen, and two mutations result in increased van der Waals contact and improved hydrogen bonding. Site-directed mutants confirm that the most favorable improvements as judged by examination of the complex structure, in fact, have the greatest impact on free energy of binding. In general, the final antibody has improved affinity for several VEGF variants as compared with the parental antibody; however, some contact residues on VEGF differ in their contribution to the energetics of Fab binding. The results show that small changes even in a large protein-protein binding interface can have significant effects on the energetics of interaction.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies of neuraminidase-sialic acid complexes indicate that sialic acid is distorted on binding the enzyme. Three arginine residues on the enzyme interact with the carboxylate group of the sugar which is observed to be equatorial to the saccharide ring as a consequence of its distorted geometry. The glycosidic oxygen is positioned within hydrogen-bonding distance of Asp-151, implicating this residue in catalysis.  相似文献   

The recent human infection with avian influenza virus revealed that H9N2 influenza virus is the gene donor for H7N9 and H10N8 viruses infecting humans. The crucial role of H9N2 viruses at the animal-human interface might be due to the wide host range, adaptation in both poultry and mammalian, and extensive gene reassortment. As the most prevalent subtype of influenza viruses in chickens in China, H9N2 also causes a great economic loss for the poultry industry, even under the long-term vaccination programs. The history, epidemiology, biological characteristics, and molecular determinants of H9N2 influenza virus are reviewed in this paper. The contribution of H9N2 genes, especially RNP genes, to the infection of humans needs to be investigated in the future.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional X-ray structure of a complex of the potent neuraminidase inhibitor 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en and influenza virus neuraminidase (Subtype N9) has been obtained utilizing diffraction data to 1.8 A resolution. The interactions of the inhibitor, solvent water molecules, and the active site residues have been accurately determined. Six water molecules bound in the native structure have been displaced by the inhibitor, and the active site residues show no significant conformational changes on binding. Sialic acid, the natural substrate, binds in a half-chair conformation that is isosteric to the inhibitor. The conformation of the inhibitor in the active site of the X-ray structure concurs with that obtained by theoretical calculations and validates the structure-based design of the inhibitor. Comparison of known high-resolution structures of neuraminidase subtypes N2, N9, and B shows good structural conservation of the active site protein atoms, but the location of the water molecules in the respective active sites is less conserved. In particular, the environment of the 4-guanidino group of the inhibitor is strongly conserved and is the basis for the antiviral action of the inhibitor across all presently known influenza strains. Differences in the solvent structure in the active site may be related to variation in the affinities of inhibitors to different subtypes of neuraminidase.  相似文献   

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