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In Drosophila larvae, motoneurons show distinctive differences in the size of their synaptic boutons; that is, axon 1 has type Ib ("big" boutons) terminals and axon 2 has type Is ("small" boutons) terminals on muscle fibers 6 and 7. To determine whether axon 1 develops large boutons due to its high impulse activity, we reduced impulse activity and examined the motor terminals formed by axon 1. The number of functional Na(+) channels was reduced either with the nap(ts) mutation or by adding tetrodotoxin (TTX) to the media (0.1 microg/g). In both cases, the rate of locomotion was decreased by approximately 40%, presumably reflecting a decrease in impulse activity. Locomotor activity was restored to above wild-type (Canton-S) levels when nap(ts) was combined with a duplication of para, the Na(+)-channel gene. Lucifer yellow was injected into the axon 1 motor terminals, and we measured motor terminal area, length, the number of branches, and the number and width of synaptic boutons. Although all parameters were smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae compared to wild-type, most of these differences were not significant when the differences in muscle fiber size were factored out. Only bouton width was significantly smaller in both different nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae: boutons were about 20% smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae, and 20% larger in nap(ts); Dp para(+) compared to wild-type. In addition, terminal area was significantly smaller in nap(ts) compared to wild-type. Bouton size at Ib terminals with reduced impulse activity was similar to that normally seen at Is terminals. Thus, differences in impulse activity play a major role in the differentiation of bouton size at Drosophila motor terminals.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, we have found that some of the motor terminals in wandering third-instar larvae are sexually differentiated. In three out of the four body-wall muscle fibers that we examined, we found female terminals that produced a larger synaptic response than their male counterparts. The single motor terminal that innervates muscle fiber 5 produces an EPSP that is 69% larger in females than in males. This is due to greater release of transmitter from female than male synaptic terminals because the amplitude of spontaneous miniature EPSPs was similar in male and female muscle fibers. This sexual difference exists throughout the third-instar: it is seen in both early (foraging) and late (wandering) third-instar larvae. The sexual differentiation appears to be neuron specific and not muscle specific because the same axon produces Is terminals on muscle fibers 2 and 4, and both terminals produce larger EPSCs in females than males. Whereas, the Ib terminals innervating muscle fibers 2 and 4 are not sexually differentiated. The differences in transmitter release are not due to differences in the size of the motor terminals. For the terminal on muscle fiber 5 and the Is terminal on muscle fiber 4, there were no differences in terminal length, the number of branches, or the number of synaptic boutons in males compared to females. These sexual differences in neuromuscular synaptic physiology may be related to male-female differences in locomotion.  相似文献   

The innervation of ventral longitudinal abdominal muscles (muscles 6, 7, 12, and 13) of third-instar Drosophila larvae was investigated with Nomarski, confocal, and electron microscopy to define the ultrastructural features of synapse-bearing terminals. As shown by previous workers, muscles 6 and 7 receive in most abdominal segments “Type I” endings, which are restricted in distribution and possess relatively prominent periodic terminal enlargements (“boutons”); whereas muscles 12 and 13 have in addition “Type II” terminals, which are more widely distributed and have smaller “boutons.” Serial sectioning of the Type I innervation of muscles 6 and 7 showed that two axons with distinctive endings contribute to it. One axon (termed Axon 1) has somewhat larger boutons, containing numerous synapses and presynaptic dense bodies (putative active zones for transmitter release). This axon also has more numerous intraterminal mitochondria, and a profuse subsynaptic reticulum around or under the synaptic boutons. The second axon (Axon 2) provides somewhat smaller boutons, with fewer synapses and dense bodies per bouton, fewer intraterminal mitochondria, and less-developed subsynaptic reticulum. Both axons contain clear synaptic vesicles, with occasional large dense vesicles. Approximately 800 synapses are provided by Axon 1 to muscles 6 and 7, and approximately 250 synapses are provided by Axon 2. In muscles 12 and 13, endings with predominantly clear synaptic vesicles, generally similar to the Type I endings of muscles 6 and 7, were found, along with another type of ending containing predominantly dense-cored vesicles, with small clusters of clear synaptic vesicles. This second type of ending was found most frequently in muscle 12, and probably corresponds to a subset of the “Type II” endings seen in the light microscope. Type I endings are thought to generate the ?fast’? and ?slow’? junctional potentials seen in electrophysiological recordings, whereas the physiological actions of Type II endings are presently not known. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Synaptic differentiation among crustacean phasic motoneurons was investigated by characterizing the synaptic output and nerve terminal morphology of the two axons to the adductor exopodite muscle in the crayfish uropod. The muscle is of the fast type with short sarcomeres (2–3 μm) and a low thin to thick filament number (6:1). On single muscle fibers, excitatory postsynaptic potentials generated by the large-diameter axon are significantly larger than those by the small-diameter axon suggesting a presynaptic origin for these differences. Nerve terminals arising from these two axons have typical phasic features, filiform shape and a low (6–8%) mitochondrial density. Synaptic contacts are similar in size between the two axons as is the length and number of active zone dense bars at these synapses. The large-diameter axon, however, exhibits a twofold larger area of nerve terminal than the small-diameter axon resulting in a higher density of synapses per muscle fiber. Hence, differences in synaptic density may in part account for differences in synaptic output between these paired phasic axons. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The development of multiterminal innervation from a single identifiable excitatory motoneuron to the lobster distal accessory flexor muscle (DAFM) was studied by serial section electron microscopy. The number, size, and location of neuromuscular synapses and presynaptic dense bars within the peripheral branching pattern of the axon was determined in cross sections of the DAFM in 1st (24-hr-old)-, 4th (2-week-old)-, and 12th (1-year-old)-stage lobsters. The mean size of synapses remains fairly constant in these three stages but synaptic density, i.e., the number of synapses per unit length of fiber, increased more than 20-fold between the 1st and 4th stages and more than 5-fold between the 4th and 12th stages. Synaptic surface area per fiber length showed a parallel increase. Consequently there is a proliferation of synapses along the length of individual muscle fibers during primary development. Furthermore from the 1st stage where only a few fibers are innervated, synapses proliferate to many more fibers in the 4th and to all fibers in the 12th stage. The neuromuscular synapses are distributed in different proportions within the axonal branching pattern in the three stages. Based on the number and size of synapses and presynaptic dense bars, the main axon and primary branches provide almost equal amounts of innervation in the 1st stage. With further branching in the 4th stage, the main axon accounts for only 20–25% of the innervation; the primary branches for 45% and other finer branches the remainder. By the 12th-stage synapses are found only on branches other than the main axon and its primary offshoots. There is therefore a shift in innervation from the main axon to the primary branches and then to the finer branches during primary development. This shift in innervation involves the formation of new synaptic terminals and the restructuring of existing ones into axonal areas. In this way the multiterminal innervation arising from an identifiable motoneuron is remodeled.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional organization of the motor end plates in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the rat intercostal muscle was observed under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of connective tissue components by HCl hydrolysis.The motor endplate of the white fiber had terminal branches (or axon terminals), which were large, long and thin, and small but numerous nerve swellings (or terminal boutons). The motor endplate of the red fiber had terminal branches, which were small, short and thick, and had large but fewer nerve swellings. The motor endplate of the intermediate fiber was intermediate in size and structure between these two. In detached nerve-ending preparations, primary synaptic grooves with slit-like openings of the junctional folds appeared on the surface of the muscle fibers. The primary synaptic grooves were more developed in the white fiber than in the red fiber, and they were intermediate in the intermediate fiber. The numerical ratio of slit-like openings was 11.83.5 in the red, intermediate and white fiber, respectively.The Schwann cells and their processes were observed on the surface of the motor endplate, with the processes covering the upper orifices of the primary synaptic grooves and sealing the terminal branches. The number of Schwann cells was usually three in the white fiber, two in the intermediate fiber and one in the red fiber.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of the corticothalamic projection from the lateral suprasylvian cortex (LS) to the lateral medialis-suprageniculate nucleus (LM-Sg) of the cat thalamus was assessed by means of the anterograde tracer biocytin. In the adult, two types of corticothalamic fibers were found: type I established a network of fine fibers present throughout the LM-Sg, it was characterized by a linear sequence of small (less than 0.5 microm in diameter), single terminal boutons making contact mainly with thin dendrites and/or dendritic spines. Type II, found less frequently, gave off short, side branches near axon terminals and formed clusters of 5-10 large terminal boutons (0.5-1.5 microm in diameter), making contact predominately with medium-sized dendrites and/or vesicle-containing profiles, forming a synaptic glomerulus. At birth (P0), anterogradely-labeled fibers were found in the LM-Sg as in adults. In the early postnatal period (until P6) as well as around the time of eye-opening (P7-P10) to P21, neonatal fibers were largely unbranched many of them having axons tipped with growth cones. Axon terminals containing synaptic vesicles were rarely observed but when present these exhibited considerable variation in their morphological appearance of synapses. Thus, it was not possible to categorize them into the two types of axons which characterize the adult. After P25, terminal swellings bearing a close resemblance to those of type II fibers begin to appear. In this way, the main two corticothalamic fiber types could be identified. These findings demonstrate that significant postnatal changes occur in the synaptology of corticothalamic fibers in the LM-Sg, particularly with the maturation of type II fibers.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular system of Drosophila has been widely used in studies on synaptic development. In the embryo, the cellular components of this model system are well established, with uniquely identified motoneurons displaying specific connectivity with distinct muscles. Such knowledge is essential to analyzing axon guidance and synaptic matching mechanisms with single-cell resolution. In contrast, to date the cellular identities of the larval neuromuscular synapses are hardly established. It is not known whether synaptic connections seen in the embryo persist, nor is it known how individual motor endings may differentiate through the larval stages. In this study, we combine single-cell dye labeling of individual synaptic boutons and counterstaining of the entire nervous system to characterize the synaptic partners and bouton differentiation of the 30 motoneuron axons from four nerve branches (ISN, SNa, SNb, and SNd). We also show the cell body locations of 4 larval motoneurons (RP3, RP5, V, and MN13-Ib) and the types of innervation they develop. Our observations support the following: (1) Only 1 motoneuron axon of a given bouton type innervates a single muscle, while up to 4 motoneuron axons of different bouton types can innervate the same muscle. (2) The type of boutons which each motoneuron axon forms is likely influenced by cell-autonomous factors. The data offer a basis for studying the properties of synaptic differentiation, maintenance, and plasticity with a high cellular resolution.  相似文献   

Structural plasticity at crustacean neuromuscular synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crustacean motor axons innervate muscle fibers via a multiplicity of synaptic terminals which release small but variable amounts of transmitter. Differences in release performance appear to be correlated with the size of synaptic contacts and presynaptic dense bars (active zones). These structural parameters proliferate via sprouting from existing synaptic terminals and relocate to ever more distal sites during development and growth of an identified axon. Moreover, alterations in number of synaptic contacts and active zones occur in adults following stimulation or decentralization, demonstrating structural plasticity of crustacean neuromuscular synapses.  相似文献   

1. The average volumes of dendritic domaines of relay neurons (P-neurons) were calculated and the quantitative relations to the neuronal elements situated in this area were investigated. Likewise we carried out measurements and calculations at the terminal parts of afferent axons, to find a conception concerning possible contacts between axons and P-neurons considering quantitative aspects. 2. The dendrites of one P-neuron are distributed in an area of about 0,008 mum3. In this area there are located somata of at least 120 other P-neurons and dendrites of altogether about 900 P-neurons. 3. The type-1-axons (cortical afferents) run almost linearly in the longitudinal system of the CGLd. Traversing a distance adequate to the diameter of a P-neuron (250 mum) the dendrites of 150 to 170 P-neurons may cross the course of one axon. At this distance the axon, however, has just set up about 50 boutons, thus synaptic contacts may be established with one third at most of the existing cells. A type-1-axon that is bifurcating in the entrance area into the CGLd is altogether of about 2000 mum in length and is able to develop about 420 presynaptic profiles. 4. The type-2-axons (retinal afferents) show a distinct terminal branching zone. The Golgi-Kopsch impregnated terminals of type-2a-axons are distributed in a space of 147000 mum3 capacity, the corresponding terminals of type-2b-axons in a space of 443000 mum3. The type-2a-axons having an average number of 23 boutons, may contact the dendritic branching zones of 25 P-neurons. There is a good reason to assume that type-2b-axons are in contact also with terminal dendritic parts of P-neurons. Thus the number of P-cells, which spread their dendrites into the terminal branching zone of one type-2b-axon may amount to 540. The average number of boutons of one type-2b-terminal, however, is only about 160. This means that synaptic contacts may be developed to the P-neurons-dendrites not exceeding 30% of them. 5. Various aspects of divergence of axon terminals in the albino rat's CGLd are discussed.  相似文献   

The chronology of development of spindle neural elements was examined by electron microscopy in fetal and neonatal rats. The three types of intrafusal muscle fiber of spindles from the soleus muscle acquired sensory and motor innervation in the same sequence as they formed--bag2, bag1, and chain. Both the primary and secondary afferents contacted developing spindles before day 20 of gestation. Sensory endings were present on myoblasts, myotubes, and myofibers in all intrafusal bundles regardless of age. The basic features of the sensory innervation--first-order branching of the parent axon, separation of the primary and secondary sensory regions, and location of both primary and secondary endings beneath the basal lamina of the intrafusal fibers--were all established by the fourth postnatal day. Cross-terminals, sensory terminals shared by more than one intrafusal fiber, were more numerous at all developmental stages than in mature spindles. No afferents to immature spindles were supernumerary, and no sensory axons appeared to retract from terminations on intrafusal fibers. The earliest motor axons contacted spindles on the 20th day of gestation or shortly afterward. More motor axons supplied the immature spindles, and a greater number of axon terminals were visible at immature intrafusal motor endings than in adult spindles; hence, retraction of supernumerary motor axons accompanies maturation of the fusimotor system analogous to that observed during the maturation of the skeletomotor system. Motor endings were observed only on the relatively mature myofibers; intrafusal myoblasts and myotubes lacked motor innervation in all age groups. This independence of the early stages of intrafusal fiber assembly from motor innervation may reflect a special inherent myogenic potential of intrafusal myotubes or may stem from the innervation of spindles by sensory axons.  相似文献   

In patients and test animals similar changes in innervation have been revealed. Degeneration of some preterminal axons has been shown. The most manifested feature's increased ramification of distal axons. No signs of real reinnervation have been found. New collateral branches of preterminal, terminal and ++ultra-terminal axons usually have their ends at the same muscle fiber in the form of additional nervous terminals. Decreased average diameter of motor end-plates, revealed in the test animals, depends not on their degeneration, but on formation of new small motor end plates as a result of immature axonal ramification of distal axons. Acetylcholinesterase activity in the end-plates is decreased. A suggestion is made that excess of thyroid hormones in the skeletal muscle disturbs both the system of cyclic nucleotides and mechanisms of muscular contraction, connected with it and axoplasmic transport, respectively. The changes of the terminal intramuscular innervation revealed, structures of the motor end-plates with a decrease of acetylcholinesterase activity are supposed to result from disturbances of neurotrophic regulation of the muscle fibers because of the disturbances of the axoplasmic current as the excess of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

The ventral longitudinal muscles of the Drosphila larval body wall are innervated by at least four types of synaptic terminals that can be distinguished on morphological grounds at the light microscopical level. The innervation of these muscles has been previously shown to be regulated by neuronal activity. In this report we investigate the ultrastructural basis for synaptic bouton differences by using serial sections, and examine the structure of synaptic terminals in mutants with increased excitability. We report that individual identifiable muscle fibers are innervated by terminals containing two to three types of synaptic boutons that can be distinguished in terms of synaptic vesicle population, presynaptic and postsynaptic specialization, and general shape. We propose a model to account for the bouton types observed at the light microscopical level. We find that in the hyperexcitable mutant eag Sh, there are dramatic ultrastructural alterations at synaptic boutons. These alterations include a partial depletion of two types of synaptic vesicles and a change in appearance of a third type, changes in number and appearance of synaptic densities, and the presence of multivesicular bodies. Our results show that an increase in neuronal excitability produces profound effects in synaptic terminal structure. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle.  相似文献   

Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle.  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by &#110 motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by gamma motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

The synapse-bearing nerve terminals of the opener muscle of the crayfish Procambarus were reconstructed using electron micrographs of regions which had been serially sectioned. The branching patterns of the terminals of excitatory and inhibitory axons and the locations and sizes of neuromuscular and axo-axonal synapses were studied. Excitatory and inhibitory synapses could be distinguished not only on the basis of differences in synaptic vesicles, but also by a difference in density of pre- and postsynaptic membranes. Synapses of both axons usually had one or more sharply localized presynaptic "dense bodies" around which synaptic vesicles appeared to cluster. Some synapses did not have the dense bodies. These structures may be involved in the physiological activity of the synapse. Excitatory axon terminals had more synapses, and a larger percentage of terminal surface area devoted to synaptic contacts, than inhibitory axon terminals. However, the largest synapses of the inhibitory axon exceeded in surface area those of the excitatory axon. Both axons had many side branches coming from the main terminal; often, the side branches were joined to the main terminal by narrow necks. A greater percentage of surface area was devoted to synapses in side branches than in the main terminal. Only a small fraction of total surface area was devoted to axo-axonal synapses, but these were often located at narrow necks or constrictions of the excitatory axon. This arrangement would result in effective blockage of spike invasion of regions of the terminal distal to the synapse, and would allow relatively few synapses to exert a powerful effect on transmitter release from the excitatory axon. A hypothesis to account for the development of the neuromuscular apparatus is presented, in which it is suggested that production of new synapses is more important than enlargement of old ones as a mechanism for allowing the axon to adjust transmitter output to the functional needs of the muscle.  相似文献   

An Attempt to Account for the Diversity of Crustacean Muscles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Crustacean muscles are known to contain muscle fibers of variableproperties and to be innervated by phasic and/or tonic motoneuronswhich may possess synapses of diverse physiological properties.Frequently, phasic motor axons innervate short-sarcomere phasicmuscle fibers and tonic motor axons innervate long-sarcomeretonic muscle fibers, but some muscles receiving a single (tonic)motor axon contain both phasic and tonic muscle fibers. Althoughit is not known whether neural trophic influences are involvedin muscle differentiation, some neural trophic effects havebeen found in crustaceans, and it is reasonable to assume thatsuch influences may be involved in establishing the definitiveproperties of the muscle. Several other postulates must be made:(1) Phasic and tonic motor axons differ in their trophic effectiveness:(2) muscle fibers innervated relatively early in developmentby a tonic motor axon acquire the properties of tonic musclefibers, while those innervated later become intermediate orphasic muscle fibers; (3) the developmental stage of a growingor regenerating axon terminal plays a role in determinationof synaptic properties. Studies on regenerating limb buds supportthe hypothesis, which can account for the genesis of all observedtypes of crustacean neuromuscular system. Further experimentalwork is necessary to test the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The gross motor innervation of the abdominal longitudinal ventro-lateral muscles of the larva of Calliphora erythrocephala is described. Two of these muscles, 6A and 7A, are innervated by the same two multiterminally-ending axons, and thus comprise a single motor unit. No difference is found between the axon diameters in the main nerve trunks, but there is a difference where the axons run over the muscle surface. Only the dorsal, inner, surface of the muscle is innervated. Electro-physiological results show two sizes of EPSP: the large fast EPSP presumably corresponds to the thicker axon and the small slow one to the thinner axon. Preliminary work indicates that it is not possible to distinguish between the two axons with electron microscopy; the presynaptic regions possess both ‘classical’ synaptic and ‘neurosecretory’ type vesicles, and have no glial cell covering.  相似文献   

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